当前位置:文档之家› 9.口译听力班词汇与表达方法补充资料


常用语言:Useful words and expressions:

Part 1招呼用语:Polite greetings:

欢迎访问北京Welcome to Beijing 久闻先生大名l’ve heard so much about you.

久仰,久仰l’ve heard so much about you 久违l haven’t seen for a long time

幸会Very pleased to meet you


l’ m happy to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown.

我想把您介绍给I would like to introduce to 你旅途如何?How was your journey?

长途旅行之后您一定很累了You must be quite exhausted after such a long trip.

您的光临令寒舍棚壁生辉My humble house is honored by your presence.

多谢大驾光临Thank you very much for coming to

感到宾至如归Feel at home

设宴为您洗尘host a reception banquet in your honor

敬请光临We would like (you and your family) to come (to the dinner)

(On the occasion of the visit to China by His excellency… / in the honor of …… requests the pleasure of your company at a banquet at 7:00pm on Sunday, 17 October 1982 in the Banquet Hall of the Great Hall of the people.)

Part 2头衔称谓:Title and address:

Head of State 国家元首Secretary-General秘书长:总干部

Foreign Minister/Secretary 外交部长Director局长

State Councilor 国务委员chairman of the board directors董事长

President 总统;总裁Congressman众议员

Senator 参议员Provincial Governor省长Mayor 市长

General manager/executive Manager/President总经理

Member of the standing committee常务委员会委员

Your Majesty/Your Highness/your Excellency/Sir/Lady阁下

Part 3礼待宾客:Reception literary

初步日程安排 a tentative itinerary 历史名胜places of historical interest

瞻仰pay respects to 十三陵the Ming Tombs

工艺美术品厂Arts and Crafts Studio 美候王Monkey King

茶馆Tea House 专场演出 a special show

剧情简介synopsis 杂技表演acrobatic performance

饯行晚餐farewell dinner 安排周到的日程an elaborate program

来而不往非礼也One should give as good as one gets.

Part 4饮食文化:Catering Culture

烹饪艺术culinary art 色香味color , aroma and taste

饮食习惯food style 民族风味餐ethnic food

家乡特色菜native specialties 食谱recipe

餐前开胃点心appetizer 餐后甜食desert

正菜;主菜entrée ; main course 附菜side dish

大菜whole- size showpiece dish 冷盘cold dish

原料raw material 佐料seasonings

刀功slicing technique 点心pastry

主食staple food 膳厨师royal chefs

下午茶点high tea 野外烧烤barbecue

地方风味local specialities 大师傅chef

Part5合资企业:Joint Venture

外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 合资企业joint venture

合作企业cooperative enterprise 独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprise

中外合资经营企业法修正案The Amendment Bill on Chinese Foreign Equity Joint Ventures 涉外经济法律economic law concerning foreign business

外资企业法The Law of the PRC on Enterprise Operated Exclusively with Foreign capital

涉外经济合同法The Law of Economic Contract involving Foreign interests

有效投资actual funding 协议资金agreement funding

长远规划long-term planning 短期行为short-term behavior

法人legal person 减免税收to exempt sb. From taxation

违反合同 a breach of contract 工商行政industry and commerce administration 承包工程和劳务合同engineering contracts and labor service

双重征税double taxation

对外商会 a chamber of commerce for international business

专利和商标代理services in patents and trademarks

仲裁委员会arbitration commission 工业产权industrial property

财权equity 汇回本国to repatriate

投资回收return on investment

Part 6 中国对外贸易:Foreign Trade

外贸额Foreign Trade V olume 工业成品finished industrial product

双边贸易bilateral trade 开拓国际市场tap the international market

市场多元化战略market diversification strategy

宏观经济政策macro policy measures 贸易摩擦trade friction

贸易壁垒与投资障碍trade barriers and investment impediments

非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers 进口配额限制import quota

出口管制export control 加工企业processing enterprise

人民币经常项目可兑换RMB convertibility under current account

利润汇出风险risks involved in the remittance of profit

审批环节procedures for examination and approval

资金周转速度turnover rate of capital

外汇调剂中心foreign exchange swap center

世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (WTO)

亚太经济合法组织improve the market economic system

完善市场经济体制improve the market economic system

大幅度降低关税reduce substantially the tariff

经济特区Special Economic Zones

中外合资外贸公司Sino-foreign joint venture trading companies

有形贸易赤字deficit on visible trade 非贸易收入non-trade receipts

降低单位成本reduce the unit cost 易货贸易barter

比较强的互补性 a substantial complementation

双边年贸易额the annual bilateral trade volume

年平均增长率an average annual growth rate

贸易伙伴trading partner 中美贸易不平衡Sino US trade imbalance Part 7外交政策与国际关系:Foreign Policy and International Relations

大变革profound changes 趋于缓和moving towards greater relaxation

解决争端settling disputes 多极化multipolarity

国际事务international 霸权主义hegemony

强权政治power politics 武装冲突armed conflicts

全球经济合作global economic cooperation 展望未来looking ahead

独立自主的和平外交政策independent foreign policy of peace

睦邻友好政策good-neighborly policy

和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (i.e. mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression , non- interference in each other’s internal affairs , equality and mutual benefit , and peaceful coexistence)


公认的国际关系准则universally recognized norms governing international relations

和平与发展的崇高事业the lofty cause of peace and development

不懈的努力unremitting efforts

外交政策的基石cornerstone of a country’s foreign policy

基本立场basic stand

祖国和平统一大业the peaceful reunification of the motherland

“一国两制”的方针the principle of “one country , two system”

恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over

香港/澳门行政区基本法the Basic Law of the Hong Kong/Macao Special Administrative Region

享有高度自治enjoy a high degree of autonomy

历史遗留的边界问题issues concerning boundaries left over from history

中美联合公报Sino-US joint communique

威望prestige 安理会the Security Council

美苏对抗the US-Soviet rivalry 否决权veto right

使无能力incapacitate 核武器扩散proliferation of nuclear weapons

难民refugee 主权sovereignty

强制和平peace-enforcement 干预meddle

联合国宪章the UN Charter 北约组织NATO

波黑战争the Bosnian-Herzeguvinian 使之相形见绌outshine

一致unanimously 事先同意prior approval

联合国安理会常任理事国permanent member of the Council

支持back up 瘫痪paralysis

南南合作South- South cooperation 秘书处the Secretariat

南北对话South-North dialogue 托管理事会the Trusteeship Council

联合国大会the UN General Assembly 缓解buffer

经济及社会理事会the Economic and Social Council

国际法院the international Court 常驻代表permanent representative

不结盟国家non-aligned country

求同存异seeking a common ground while reserving differences

Part 8中国组织机构名称


全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress(NPC)


外交部Ministry of Foreign Affair 国防部Ministry of National Defense

国家发展计划委员会State Development and Planning Commission

国家经济贸易委员会State Ecnomic and Trade Commission

教育部Ministry of Education 公安部Ministry of Public Security

司法部Ministry of Justice 国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources

建设部Ministry of Construction 铁道部Ministry of Railways

交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry

农业部Ministry of Ministry of Agriculture

国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission


最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court 经济审判庭Economic Adjudication Division

民事审判庭Civil Adjudication Division 行政审判庭Administrative Adjudication Division 最高人民检察院Supreme People’s Proceratorate

中国人民政治协商会会议Chinese People’s Political Consulative Conference(CPPCC)


不记名投票secret vote/anonymous ballot 便民措施measures for efficient services

“三个代表”“Three Represents Theory”(The Party should always represent the development needs of China’s advanced social productive forces , always represent the onward direction of China’s advanced culture , and always represent the fundamental interests the largest number of the Chinese people.)

长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共long-term coexistence, mutual supervision , sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe

带薪分流assign redundant pubic servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original

反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government

放宽政策decentralized 改革力度intensity of reform

符合中国国情be suited to China’s national conditions

公开选拔人才competitive selection of competent people

恢复行使主权resume exercise of sovereignty over 候选人candidate

基本国策basic policy of the state 机构臃肿overstaffed organization

减员增效downsize and cut payroll to improve efficiency

简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization

竞聘上岗competition for a job/a post 廉正建设keep government clean

具有中国特色的with Chinese characteristics 施政报告Policy Address

两个文明一手抓place equal emphasis on material and moral revival

落实政策implement a policy/rectify a wrong case 行政长官Chief Executive

全方位开放格局pattern of all-round opening up 投票vote/cast a ballot

生存权和发展权rights to subsistence and development

特别行政区Special Administrative Region (SAR) 选票vote/ballot

体察民情closely observe how things are going with people

物质文明high material standards/sound economic development

下岗分流reposition of redundant hands

香港永久居民身份证Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card

虚报浮夸false reports and exaggerate

选民资格elector’s qualification/voter’s qualification

一国两制one country , two systems

硬道理absolute principle/top priority

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义新人 a new , socialist-minded type of person with lofty ideals , moral integrity, fine education and a high sense of discipline

抓紧落实act promptly to implement

A. 9-year compulsory education 九年义务教育(制)

the rate of school attendance 入学率

Prairie Fire Program 燎原计划

……. is one of the key universities of the country, entitled to confer the bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s Degree. It’s authorized by the state to establish centers for post-doctoral studies.

…… (大学) 为国家重点大学,拥有颁发学士证书` 硕士证书` 博士证书资格并被国家授权为博士后流动站。

1)Reform is designed to liberate productive forces.


2)We should preserve in the pursuit of one Central Task and two Basic Points. (the central task refers to

economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles and persisting in reform and opening-up policy)


3)We should be bold in reform and opening up.


4)Between…(time) and… (time) China’s gross national product (GNP) increased …(number) annually/

yearly ; the world average over the same period was…(number).

在…与…(时间)中国的国民生产总值年均上升…. (数字);世界同期为…

Eg: Between 2000 and 2004 China’s GDP increased 7.8% annually/ yearly ; the world average over the same period was 4%.

2000 年到2004 年间,中国国民生产总值年均上升7.8%,世界同期为4%。

5) seek truth from facts 实事求是

Fresh Impetus from Deng Xiaoping’s message (来自)邓小平思想的新的动力

Deng’s visit to southern China 南巡

the household responsibility system (in rural area) 家庭联产责任承包制

township enterprises 乡镇企业

the planned economy and market economy 计划经计与市场经济

the system of socialist planned commodity economy 社会主义计划商品经济

tertiary industry 第三产业

urban and rural economy 城市与农村经济

B.1)The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


net profit 净利润

gross profit 毛利润

national income/ revenue 国民收入

original value of fixed assets 原始固定资产

industrial output value 工业产值

annual processing capacity ( of…tons) 年加工量…

annual production capacity (of… tons) 年生产量…

quota 配额

ocean-going freighter with a total capacity (of… tons) 容量为的远洋货轮

industrial facility 工用设备

civil building 民用建筑

computer hardware development 计算机硬件开发

software design and installation 软件设计及安装

casting and forging equipment 铸造锻压设备

Sino-foreign joint ventures 中外合资企业

The pilot enterprises 试点企业

Wage “float”工资浮动

The system of responsibility for profits or losses 自负盈亏制

Deficit 赤字/ 亏空

Property right/ intellectual property right 产权/ 知识产权

2) Over the past …years, … (S) has developed into an intertrade, trans-regional and transnational enterprise group with …(number) employees and annual production capacity of…(tons)


3) ( Light industry’s ) share of total industrial and agricultural output value decreased/ increased from…(number/percentage) to …(number/percentage)


C.1)The… (1st ) Five-Year Plan 五年计划

The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Central Committee 第十一届三中全会

Carry out / build water conservancy project 兴修水利

The average per capita income 人均收入

Public accumulation fund 公积金

Immigrant labors 农民工

Relief loan/ projects 救济贷款/救济项目

… handed over …(money RMB) (…$) in taxes to the state. …上缴国家利税…

2) the following words were used in the past, but now they are rarely used .

The rash move of the Great Leap Forward 大跃进(冒进)

The ultra-Left tendency 左倾

The Cultural revolution 文革

The Household Contract Responsibility System 家庭联产责任承包制

The method of fixing output quotas on the household basis 以家庭为单位确定生产量/配额

Village and Township Industry 乡镇企业

Spark Plan Leads Rural Enterprises to Prosperity 星火计划引领乡村企业走向繁荣

To accelerate the development of agriculture by relying policies and science 依靠政策和科学,加快农业发展

3) From …(year) to… (year) , the average annual/ yearly increase in the total output value of …( aspect

such as agriculture) was …( number)

从…(年)到…(年) , ( …方面)年生产总值上升…

EG: From 2003 to 2004, the average annual/ yearly increase in the total output value of agriculture was 8%.

D. the stated-owned enterprises 国有企业

collectively-owned enterprises 集体所有制企业

privately-owned/run enterprises 私有/营企业

the enterprises with foreign investment 外资企业

the industrial and commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税

UN Development Program 联合国开发计划署

UN Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金

Interior area 内地

Revenue department 税务部门

Berth 泊位

Handling capacity 吞吐量

Balance of revenue and expenditure 收支平衡

Immunization program for children 儿童免疫

Entry and exit port 出入境口岸

Transnational cooperation 跨国公司

Financial group 财团

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议

The members on the Standing Committee 常务委员会委员(常委)

The state councilor 国务委员

People’s governments at various levels and departments concerned


E. Abduction of and trafficking in, or kidnapping of women is prohibited.


Prostitution or whoring is prohibited. 禁止卖淫嫖娼

Women have the right to conduct state affairs, manage economic and cultural undertakings and administer social affairs through various channels and in various ways.

妇女有权通过各种途径和形式,管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事务,管理社会事务。Discrimination against, maltreatment of, or cruel treatment in any manner causing injury even death of women is prohibited. 禁止歧视、虐待、残害妇女。

F. 1)Provinces 省

Autonomous region 自治区

Municipality 直辖市

The prefecture 专区

The county 县

The (50th ) U. N. General Assembly 第(50次)联合国大会

2) It’s a Chinese tradition to respect , love and support the elderly.


The Double Ninth Festival ( the Elderly’s Day in China) 重阳节

The Double seventh Festival (a day of the beloved) 七巧节

Home for the aged /elderly 敬老院

geriatric hospital 老年医院

recreational center 活动中心

the family with 4 generations living together under one roof/ four generations under one roof


extended family 大家庭

stem family 直系家庭

nuclear family 核心家庭,小家庭

ethical code 道德准则

mediate 调停

civil affairs department 民政部门

3) Traditional Ethics: 传统道德

3 cardinal guides: ruler guides subjects, father guides son, and husband guides wife.

三纲: 君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲.

5 constant virtues: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity.

五常: 仁` 义` 礼` 智` 信.

3 obediences: to father before father, to husband after marriage, and to son after the death of husband .

三从: 在家从父, 嫁夫从夫, 夫死从子.

4 virtues: morality, proper speech, modest manner, and good needlework.

四德: 道德`谨言`谦和`女红

In family, filial piety was stressed.


Cultivate individual moral character, run the family in unison, manage the nation in order, and peace will prevail throughout the universe.


Marriage is not permitted where the man and woman are lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood (up to the 3rd degree of relationship)


H. 1)Free medical care system---- the system has strict regulation. Those who receive free medical care must not only be on the state payroll but also go to designated/appointed hospitals, unless they need emergency treatment or happen to be away from home on business.


In medicine and health work, put the stress on the rural areas.


Heal the wounded, rescue the dying, practice revolutionary humanitarianism.


I. 1)SARS----Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 急性呼吸道综合症

AIDS----Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 艾滋病;获得性免疫缺损综合症

people eligible for free medical care /service 有资格享受免费医疗

A nuclear magnetic resonance image check 核磁振成像检查

Immune system 免疫系统

Immunity disease 免疫性疾病

Health care 保健

Side effect 副作用

to conduct /launch patriotic public health campaign 开展爱国卫生运动

World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

pharmacy / dispensary ; pharmacist ; druggist 药房/药剂师

in-patient dept; in-patient emergency case 住院部

out-patient dept; out-patient 门诊部

emergency unit/room /treatment 急诊部/室/治疗

isolated ward 隔离室/病房

observation ward 观察室/病房

venereal disease 性病

incidence 发病率

acute disease 急性病

epidemic disease 流行病

endemic disease 地方病

infectious disease 传染病(空气)

contagious disease 传染病(接触)

J.Buddhist scripture 佛经

Dalai Lama 达赖喇嘛

Bainqen (Panchen) 班禅

Bodhidhmama 菩提达摩,达摩

Mecca 麦加(伊斯兰教圣地)

Laity 俗人

Potala Palace 布达拉宫

Confucianism 儒家思想

Canon 教规

Theism; theist 有神论;有神论者

A-theism; A-theist 无神论;无神论者

Pan-theism; Pan-theist 泛神论;泛神论者

Mono-theism; Mono-theist 一神教;一神教徒

K. Central People’s Broadcasting Station 中央人民广播电台Chinese Central Television 中央电视台

Protect and improve the humanistic and ecological environment 保护和改善人文及生态环境Prevent and control pollution and other public hazards/nuisance 防止污染和公害

Protect rare animals, plants and endangered species 保护珍惜动植物及濒危物种Pollution index 污染指数

Integrated control of environmental pollution 环境污染综合防治Municipal refuse / sewage 城市垃圾/ 污水

Soil erosion 水土流失

Dustfall/ duststorm 降尘/沙尘暴

Ozone layer depletion 臭氧层损耗

Ultraviolet rays 紫外线

L. Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon 不扩散核武器条约United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织

European Economic Community (the Common Market) 欧共体

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 亚太经社会

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)

World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会

M. declaration; manifesto 宣言

statement 声明


announcement 公告`通告

convention 公约

boundary treaty 边界条约

agreement on cultural cooperation 文化合作协定

cease fire agreement 停火协定

instruments of ratification 批准书

memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录

to be equally binding 具有同等约束力

to be equally authentic 具有同等效力

signatory states; signatory 签字国

contracting party; signatory state to the treaty(convention) 缔约国



信息时代information age 纳米技术时代information age

科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology is the primary productive force.

高学技术产业开发区innovative & high-tech industry development zone

一支高水平的科研队伍 a contingent of topnotch researchers

推广科研成果promote the application of research findings

风险投资基金venture capital investment fund 星火项目Spark Projects


知识产权intellectual property rights(IPR) 音像制品Audiovisual works

激光唱碟CD 激光影碟LD 激光录像碟VCD

实施条例regulations for implementation 商标局Trademark Office

国家版权局State Copyright Administration 专利局patent office

工商行政管理局Administration of Industry and Commerce(AIC)


人工智能artificial intelligence 函数语言functional language


电子政务e-government 电子商务e-business/e-commerce

短信息服务short messaging service(SMS) 蜂窝式移动电话cellular mobile phone

虚拟社区virtual communities 电话普及率telephone penetration rate

模拟交换系统analogue switching system 内部网intranet

数字信息digital telecommunications 局域网local network

信息平台telecommunications platforms 网址website

宽带网络broadband networks 门户网站portal



基因工程genetic engineering 基因gene

基因组genome 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 微生物microbes 转基因动物transgenic animal

分子变异molecular mutations 遗传工程genetic engineering

遗传密码genetic code 染色体chromosome

无性生殖agamogenesis 自然选择natural selection



宏观经济macro economy 市场经济market economy

中央计划经济centrally planned economy 生产力productive forces

优化资源配置optimize allocation of resources 逆差deficit

第一产业primary industry(agriculture) 公有制public ownership

第二产业secondary industry (manufacturing)

第三产业tertiary industry(service) 私有制private ownership

生产关系relations of production 财政收入tax revenue

国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 资金到位fully funded

集体个体partnership enterprises 国民收入national income

三资企业three forms of foreign-invested enterprises

主要经济指标major economic indicator 居民储蓄存款domestic savings

国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP)

国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

经济效益economic returns/business performance

社会商品零售总额total retail sales 泡沫经济bubble economy

投资回报率rate of return on investment 外贸顺差foreign trade surplus

经济过热overheating of economy 供不应求short supply

三角债chain debts/inter-enterprise arrears 经济紧缩crunch

优化结构structural optimization 通货膨胀inflation

不景气slump/sluggish 衰退recession

大萧条great depression 负增长negative growth

超前消费deficit spending 宏观调控macro control

财政赤字(盈余)budget deficit (surplus) 充分就业full employment

提高经济效益enhance economic performance/increase economic returns

拉动经济增长fuel economic growth 扩大内需expand domestic demand

扭亏为赢turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

深化改革intensify reform/deepen one’s commitment to reform

配套改革supporting (concomitant) reforms 软着陆soft landing

放松银根to ease monetary policy 收紧银根tighten up monetary policy

适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight fiscal policy

整顿经济秩序rectify economic order 基本适度broadly appropriate

规模效益economies of scale 高附加值high added value

经济特区special economic zones (SEZs) 劳动密集型labor intensive

风险投资venture investment 风险资本venture capital

生产资料capital goods 固定资产投资investment in fixed assets

折旧费depreciation cost 承包经营contract for business management

承包责任制system for contracted responsibility


科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education

教育方针education policy

面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来be oriented to modernization , the world and the future

全面推进素质教育provide an education with all-round development in all schools and higher-learning institutions

义务教育compulsory education 重点大学key university

必考科目exam-compulsory course 教学大纲teaching program/syllabus

评定appraisal 评语comments/remarks

品德教育moral education 经费充足sufficient funding

经费不足under-funded 提高教学质量improve the quality of teaching

专业课course within one’s major(studies)

全国统一高考national unified college and university entrance examination

品学兼优excellent in character and learning



运动员athlete/player 全明星队all stars team

职业队profession team 业余队amateur team

全能选手all rounder 主力队员leading player

第一号种子No. 1 seed/top seed 后起之秀latter athlete/rising star

终点裁判员finishing judge 主场home 客场away

参赛资格eligibility 电视转播broadcast/televise

实况转播live broadcast 弃权forfeit/withdraw

主力阵容lineup 热身区warm-up area

中场休息interval 决赛finals

兴奋剂检查doping control


拉开比分widen lead/extend the lead 缩小差距narrow gap

追上catch up/pull up 比分领先leading score

比分落后trait 比分咬得很紧stay in touch

形成僵持局面stiffen up 扳平equalize

平局draw tie 双方各胜一局one game each

出界outride 要求暂停request time-out

要求换人request substitution 警告warning

违例violation 犯规foul

故意犯规intentional foul 技术犯规technical foul

侵人犯规personal foul 判罚charge



世界环境日World Environment Day(5 June)

国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA)

“三同步”方针“3 Synchronizations”principle: strategy of synchronized planning , implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection

环境效益environmental benefit 绿化区green area

环境状况公报bulletins on the environmental situation

污染物排放标准pollutant discharge standards 自然保护区nature reserve

环境监测environmental monitoring

治理环境污染curb environmental pollution/bring the pollution under control

减低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation

开发可再生资源develop renewable resources 野生动植物wild fauna and flora

环保产品environment-friendly products 自然生态系统natural ecosystems

保护生存环境conserve natural habitats 濒危野生动物endangered wildlife

防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙)desertification 生态气候eco-climate

环境负荷carrying capacity of environment 生态系统ecosystem

美化环境landscaping design for environmental purpose

环境恶化environmental degradation 酸雨acid rain

贫困的恶性循环vicious cycle of poverty 放射性公害radioactive hazard

大气检测系统atmospheric monitoring system 悬浮颗粒物suspended particles

空气污染浓度air pollution concentration 森林覆盖率forest coverage

饮用水水质标准drinking water standard 粉尘dust

无公害工艺nuisanceless technology 生活污水domestic sewage

废气(水,渣)waste gas (water , residue) 汽车排气automotive emission

城市垃圾urban refuse 土地贫瘠化impoverishment of soil

土地沙化desertification of land 烟雾smog

水土流失water loss and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化soil alkalinization

温室效应greenhouse effect 废物处理waste disposal

白色污染white pollution (non-degradable white plastics)

可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway biodegradable plastic bags

森林砍伐率rate of deforestation 水土保持conservation of water and soil

水资源保护区water resource conservation zone

绿化面积afforested areas/greening space 森林覆盖率forest coverage

防风林wind breaks 防沙林sand breaks

臭氧层ozone layer 防护林shelterbelt

environmental protection 环境保护issue问题

agenda会议事项、议事日程amaze at吃惊于

disaster 灾难、灾祸head toward走向

fossil fuels 经过像化石作用而形成的可燃烧物

solutions to 解决……的方法

solar panels 用于太阳能发电的装置。electronic gadgets 电子小器械

phasing out 逐步结束、逐步撒出renewable energy 可再生资源、能源

dramatic 引人注目的给人深刻印象的引申为有力的

expose 使暴露、使曝光round up 充公

draw lessons from 从。。。中吸取教训

reverse the worsening tide 扭转恶化趋势

Labor-intensive 劳动密集型The jobless 泛指无业者

Fix 原指修理、安排、解决、<口语>引申为措施、方法

eliminate illiteracy 扫盲lift people out of poverty 使人摆脱贫穷

financial relief 财政补贴


Political News

I. 1. Visits and Talks






4)有关此类报道的词语可上网查China Daily 的相关报道。

I.2. International Relations



I.3. Diplomatic policies and actions



I.4 .International Organization

70年代以来,联合国在维护世界和平,解决国际冲突方面发挥了积极作用。其他地区性国际机构或军事联盟也在处理地区事物中发挥着重要的作用。BBC、VOA经常对一些国际机构,尤其是联合国及其常设构安理会(Security Council)进行报道。报道通常涉及国际会议的议题或某些国际机构领导人的讲话。

I.5 Elections


I.6. Political Changes



I.7. Social Violence and Unrest


I. 8. Demonstrations and Protests


I.9. Justice and law


I. 10. 恐怖主义Terrorism








尽管大家都应具有较好的听力基础,但是这种方法大家的听力也有好处。英语这种言结构清晰,语法鲜明,只要抓住干,意思就不会太错。借用语法学概念,英语乃至整个西方语言是一种“焦点”式的语言。这可以从句子的形态变化清楚的反映出来。一般来说,西方语言句子的谓语必然是由限定动词来充当,而这个限定词又在人称和数上与主语保持一致关系。句子中如果出现其他动词,那一定采取了非限定形式以示它与主动词的区别。因此,抓住句子中的限定动词,就是抓住了句子的骨干,整个句子格局也就纲举目张了。即:理解和把握西方语言的句子,只要抓住了谓语动词也就抓住了全句的灵魂。再一个就是意群(sense group),或意义单位(sense unit)。即按照意思将听到的句子分成不同的几块。这样句子结构更加清晰,我们来看看几个例子。注意,我们现在就开始练习了。我念一个句子,然后请同学复述,所有同学请仔细听。

(1)Welcome to Beijing. I’m Sampson, /from Beijing New Oriental F inance and Industrial Service Development Company/,the director of the company’s overseas department./

(2)I would like /to discuss with you/ the possibility/of establishing a joint-venture/.

(3)Permit me/first of all /to thank you /, our host/,for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality/.





(1) Premier Zhu further states that/ the State will make earnest effort/ to improve the working and living conditions of intellectuals/, protect intellectual property rights/, and set up an incentive mechanism/favorable to the upbringing of talented personnel/, so as to bring into fuller play/ the initiative and creativity of intellectuals/, working in the fields of education and science and technology.

(2) On behalf of all my colleagues/present here, I wish/to thank you/ for your incomparable hospitality/,for which the Chinese people/are justly famous throughout the world/.

(3) With a joint venture, a foreign partner usually brings into the enterprise or business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management, while the Chinese partner supplies land, labor and a portion of the funds for the infrastructure.

(4) In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which call lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.
















Welcome to the activities of Australian week—A Unique Experience of Australian Flavor. We have arranged the following activities for the five-day Australian week. On Monday, March the 13th, the Assailant Food Festival will be held to show you the Australian Food Flavor will be held to show you the Australian Food Flavor, “the Australian Week Cup” tennis tournament is to be held on the 14th of March; On Wednesday,

March the 15th, there will be an Australian Investment Seminar,On March the 16th , you can enjoy the Australian painting Exhibition will be held. We hope you will know more about Australia through “Australian Wee k”.




This is the main library. There’s also a graduate library in Newman Hall on the other side of the campus.

This is the periodical room, mainly for current or recent periodicals. For earlier issues, there’s another periodical room on the left.

This is the main reading room. There are several others, at least one on each floor.

Over there are the audio-Visual rooms. You Can borrow tapes, cassettes, slides Or filmstrips and listen or watch without disturbing others.

Here are the typing booths. Typewriters can be rented for 25 an hour.

Here you see the copying machines. You’d find several on almost every floor.




















China’s export of this year is better than expected. It is estimated that by the end of this year, the total export. It is estimated that by that of this year, the total export volume can reach 200 billion US dollars. The reasons are as follows.

First, the deepening of foreign trade structural reform has achieved some results. The state has adopted some measures to encourage reform and the foreign trade system is running well.

Second, continuous development of industrial and agricultural production has provided the material basis for export..

Third, measures to encourage foreign trade and being carried out and perfected.

Fourth, the international environment is favorable for our export.

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