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Introduction 介绍

Introduction 介绍
Introduction 介绍

Introduction 介绍

一、Introducing Each other 介绍相识



1.May I introduce myself to you? 我可以作自我介绍吗?

2.Did you meet before? 我们见过面吗?

3.Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我作个自我介绍。

4.Hello, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比尔。

5.Can you just introduce yourself to the other guests? 您向其他客人自我介绍一下,


6.Are you Mr. Smith? 你是史密斯先生吗?

7.Do you mind if I join you? 我加入你们当中来,介意吗?

8.Here is my card. 这是我的命。

9.It’s really an honor for me to meet you. 真的很荣幸认识你。

10.This is the first time we have met. 这是我们第一次见面。


1.I’d like you to meet Mary, my colleague. 我介绍你们认识玛丽,我的同事。

2.Will you introduce me to that lady? 把我介绍给那位女士认识一下,好吗?

3.I don’t think you have known each other. 我想你们俩还互不认识吧。

4.Just go in and meet everyone. 进去和大家认识一下。

5.May I introduce Mr. Chen?让介绍一下陈先生好吗?


1.We have been looking forward to meeting you. 我们一直盼望着见到您。

2.I’m delighted to know you. 很高兴认识你。

3.Is this your first visit to Shanghai? 这是您第一次来上海?

4.I can show you around while you’re here. 您在此逗留期间我可以带着您到处


5.Mr. Li has told me all about you. 李先生对我讲了好多你的事儿。

二、Products Introduction 产品介绍


1.You seem to be interested in this new product. 您好像对这种新产品感兴趣

2.I’m interested in that machine. 我对那机器很感兴趣。

3.Are you looking for something special? 您在找什么特别的东西吗?

4.Which models does this machine have? 这种机器出了哪些型号?


1.Would you like to know more about it? 您想知道更多的信息吗?

2.What else can you tell me about it? 还有什么其他的能告诉我的吗?

3.This is the new improved model of our printer. 这是打印机的新型号改良产品。

4.It’s more practical than other company’s product. 它比其他公司的产品更实用。

5.What novel does this model have? 这种型号有什么新颖之处?

6.It’s of the highest quality. 它的品质是最高的。

7.How long is the service life of this product? 这个产品的使用年限是多少?

8.What are the unique functions? 有什么独特的功能呢?

9.Our product has many advantages in addition to those of the ones you use now.


10.Our products are easier to operate than our competitors’. 我们的产品比竞争对


11.Let me show you some of its features. 让我向您演示一下它的特点。

12.I’ll explain how to use this product. 我将解说这个产品的用法。

13.If you prefer, I can do a demo for you. 如果您愿意的话,我可以给您做一下演


14.This is catalogue of our new products. 这是我们新产品的目录。

15.Let me introduce how to use it. 我来说明一下它的使用方法。

16.The brochure is updated. 小册子的内容已经更新了。


1.Our products have occupied the world’s market. 我们的产品已占领了国际市场。

2.From what I understand, this item will be very popular this year. 据我了解,这项


3.There’s a growing demand for it. 这个需求量正在增加。

4.Our products are really competitive in the market. 我们的产品在市场上很有竞


5.You will find a very good prospect in our products. 你会发现我们产品的前景非


6.It will bring a significant market opportunity to you. 它将会为您带来一个巨大


三、Company Introduction 公司介绍



1.We went public last year, because we needed to raise more capital. 去年,我们公


2.We’ve got outlets in some European countries. 我们在一些欧洲国家有代销店。

3.I saw your advertisement on television. 我在电视上看过你们的广告。

4.We saw your new product at the trade fair last month. 我们在上个月的商展中,


5.Our company is well-established and reliable. 我们公司有口碑并很可靠。


1.What’s the total amount of your annual sales? 你们每年的总销售量是多少?

2.Our turnover last year was $200000000.我们去年的总营业额是2亿美元。

3.How about the latest sales figures? 最近销售额如何呢?

4.How were your sales last year? 你们去年销路如何?

5.What’s your market share? 你们的市场占有率是多少?

6.We have a thirty-five percent market share. 我们有百分之三十五的市场占有率。公司规划

1.We have done our calculations and are relocating to Finland. 经过周密计算,我


2.We have one green-field site development going at the moment. 我们现在有一个


3.I know your products are excellent. I hope to trade with you. 我知道你们的产品


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