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国外作者:Cristian Valentin HAPENCIUC,Andrei-Alexandru MORO?AN 文献出处:《The Annals of The "?tefan cel Mare" University of Suceava》, 2010






A firm’s performance is in a direct link with the resources it involves, namely material, financial and human resources. If in the case of the material and financial resources the diagnosis and improvement processes are relatively simple, the human resources imply more complex issues. The first condition for a firm to obtain performance (in terms of human resources) is recruiting staff with appropriate qualifications. But conforming to this criterion does not lead automatically to the elimination of human resources issues. Currently, the vast majority of firms employ qualified personnel with experience in the field, yet many of them record an inadequate performance in human resources. This is due to staff motivation. In addition to employing qualified personnel with experience it is necessary that it be motivated adequately. But motivation can be achieved through a variety of forms, salary bonuses and benefits such as cell phones, cars, products at promotional prices, program flexibility and more, all having a different impact.

This article explores the effectiveness of various manifestations of motivation,

trying to determine its optimum structure. For this purpose an analysis was made of a firm that obtained a significant improvement in performance, while maintaining material and financial resources constant. The company applies many ways to motivate staff, so it was possible to analyze the impact of each one. Following this analysis an indicative hierarchy of motivational methods was created. The results of this study can be used and adapted in any companies that want to improve the quality of their human resources.

Keywords: human resources, motivational methods, personnel, motivation, motivation structure


Motivation is defined as the action of orienting ones behavior to a specific goal. There are a lot of theories that try to explain, how and why motivation function as is does. The simplest explication of how motivation functions is “the need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure”, there are a lot of needs that may act as a motivator (e.g. eating, resting, or a desired object, hobby, goal, state of being, ideal). Other theories attribute motivation to less- apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality. (Seligman M, 1995)


This theory is one of the oldest, and it states that presenting a reward (tangible or intangible) after the occurrence of a certain action will cause the behavior to occur again. The theory is based on the fact that the subjects mind will associate a positive meaning to the behavior. (Maslow A., 1970).

The time passed since the occurrence of the action and the moment when the subject is presented with the reward is also very important, it has been shown that for shot periods the impact is greater than for longer ones. If this cycle of action–reward is repeated it is possible to convert that action into a habit. (Goldthorpe, J.H. and others, 1968)

This theory depicts motivation as a very simple process, but in reality there are a

lot of factors that influence it. There are a lot of motivational techniques and it is hard to decide which one is the optimum for a given situation. (Kerr S., 1995)


One of the most important uses of motivation is in a company. Organizations employ workers to perform certain tasks; these workers need to be motivated in order to perform their tasks with maximum productivity. The traditional motivator for a worker is his salary, but in many cases that isn`t enough. Companies use a lot innovating tactics to keep their productivity at a maximum level. Some of them imply material rewards, others imply psychological motivators. ( Weightman, J., 2008) Analyzing from the perspective of the motivational factor we can speak of two types of motivation:

? Intrinsic motivation is generated by a factor that comes from within the subject (beliefs, feeling that what he does is important, modality, the perspective of learning something new).

? Extrinsic motivation is generated by a factor that comes from the exterior (e.g. salary, material rewards, good reviews). (Lepper, M.R. and others, 1973)

A very important theory in the field of motivation is Maslow`s pyramid. In his work Maslow has created a hierarchy of needs felt by an individual (Maslow A., 1970) . At the base of his pyramid Maslow put physiological needs; for an individual found under their constraint money is a perfect motivator. But after these need are satisfied the individual will advance on Maslow`s hierarchy and his needs will change, this implies the fact that the motivator will change as well ( Goldthorpe, J.H. and others 1968). At higher levels of Maslow`s pyramid, are placed needs that are satisfied with praise, respect, recognition and empowerment, money having a small impact. ( Steinmetz, L., 1983).


Given the extremely important functions played by motivation and its complexity, over time there have been a lot of researches and experiments. One of these

experiments was made by Sam Gluxberg. Gruxberg determined from this experiment that extrinsic motivations (such as material rewards), put pressure on individuals, having negative effects on creativity. For tasks whose solution is obvious extrinsic motivations are working as they should increasing performance, but for tasks whose solution is more complex, extrinsic motivation backfires, having negative effects on performance.

Given Gluxberg conclusions in 2005 a team of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by D. Arily conducted a similar experiment. The MIT researchers conclusions were similar. Some researchers suggested moving the experiment to another country, where the standard of living would be lower, this suggestion being made on the basis that the U.S. standard of living is quite high and extrinsic motivations (such as material rewards) have lost some of their effect. As a result a set of research was conducted in India, a country with a low living standard and a sum of money which is irrelevant to an American, is significant for an Indian. In India the results of the experiment were identical to those in the U.S.. Therefore it is not a question of living standards. The conclusion of the two experiments is that if the task is complex the motivation uses must be intrinsic (within the employee) and if the task is simple the motivation uses must be extrinsic. But this conclusion is lacking applicability. It is hard to believe that an employee operating only on intrinsic motivation will perform tasks in the interest o a company for a period of time. In order to prove this point of view we take a look at Malov`s theory.

According to Maslow's pyramid individuals will be motivated in the first phase of basic needs (needs such as food, clothing, security), those on the first two levels of his pyramid. Only after these two needs will be satisfied they can advance. In an attempt to meet these two basic needs, individuals will be attracted to extrinsic motivations. Later, after satisfying the first two levels, they will advance. Only in this second phase they will present a greater openness to intrinsic motivation. It is worth mentioning that in this second phase they will have to maintain the first two needs at an optimum level of satisfaction, therefore they will maintain a certain sensibility to extrinsic motivation (Maslow A., 1970). Gluxberg used in the experiment subjects,

who most likely had past the first three levels of the pyramid, therefore they were not affected by strong constraints such as lack of food or security.

If we were to superpose the two theories, that of Maslow and Gluxberg we get a more complex scenario, which would be more realistic. Individuals in the first phase will be very sensitive to extrinsic motivations, once these needs on the first level of Maslow's pyramid are met, their sensitivity will change to intrinsic motivation (this sensitivity will vary in direct proportion to the level attained in the hierarchical pyramid). But after this shift, the sensitivity for intrinsic motivation will vary depending on the complexity of tasks individuals have to perform. A graphical representation is depicted in graph 1 and graph 2.

Also, an employee can carry out activities with a medium or high level of creativity only when his needs are located at least at the third level (or higher) on Maslow's pyramid. In the motivation process it is very important to take into account the specific work undertaken. Employees are extrinsically motivated (rewards) and for those carrying out a complex task which requires cognitive and creative functions

it is recommended the use of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic showing multiple limitations. Gluxberg's conclusion is a bit naive and inappropriate application (for cognitive and creative activities to relate to intrinsic motivation, extrinsic ones having a negative effect), but combined with Maslow's theory, it takes on a new dimension that can have great practical utility.


To demonstrate the functionality of the above principles, we conducted a study on a company with 60 employees. We chose a company that has two divisions: automotive service (35 staff) and an auto sales (25 employees), the choice was based on the consideration that the service division performs tasks does not require much cognitive and creative functions (vehicle diagnoses being provided by a computer, other operations being described by the vehicle service manual), and the sales unit witch perform opposite task, they must be very creative in direct marketing, addressing customers so as to persuade them to opt for products distributed by the company. Another consideration on which this company was chosen is the forms of motivation applied. In table 1 these forms of motivation are enumerated.

It is worth mentioning that the company allocates similar resources for the two forms of motivation (graph 3).

Within this company a survey was conducted among all employees, trying to determine the effectiveness of various forms of motivation. Employees were applied a questionnaire which contained several questions, one section include a list of all forms of motivation applies, they were asked to tick a degree of effectiveness for etch one, from their point of view. The results of this query support Gluxberg theory, the employees from the sales department have agreed intrinsic motivation is more effective than extrinsic motivation, while those in the service department had a reverse reaction.

If we were to relate only to Gluxberg`s theory the general motivation of employees from this company should be low, due to the fact that this company applies the two forms of motivation equally. But the same survey also had a section to quantify the overall motivation of employees (graph 4).

As shown, Gluxberg`s theory is not valid in practice. The experiment studied

motivation isolated from other factors. If we were to relate the conclusions derived from overlapping Gluxberg with Maslow's theory, the results are validated. The company applies the two forms of motivation (approximately equal) and obtains a relatively good motivation (approximately 75% of employees).

As a possibility of improving employee motivation in this company, it is recommended to easily apply the two forms of motivation distinct among the two divisions (graph 5). It's hard to say which would be optimal; it must be found by repeated tests.


The results of a series of experiments conducted under controlled conditions are not always appropriate to be applied in practice, these experiments provide very important contributions, but they should be correlated with both existing theory and the issues identified in the companies. Gluxberg's experiments have made very important contributions on forms of motivation that should be applied in modern society. But, the solutions given by his experiments, can`t be applied in practice, they are not taking into account all the factors that act on an employee. If his conclusions are related to existing theory they become feasible, consequently, suited to the situation found in companies. Managers must take into account the situation of employees, the needs that they show (placing them on a certain level of Maslow's pyramid), but also the specific work performed by them (involving cognitive and creative activities or not). Following these findings, managers are able to identify the

predominant form of motivation recommended for their company. And then through successive adjustments to identify the optimal point (these adjustments are necessary, because economic theory provides an indicative distribution, every company and every employee has certain features that are hard to take into account).

































The employee’s incentives mechanism in small and medium-sized enterprise Author:Barney J B Abstract:"Incentive" is a psychological term, psychologists point out that all behavior is caused by the motivation of associated with it, as one of the person's state of mind, this motive for human behavior has the effect of reinforcement, vertebral move and inspire, known as a motivation. Incentive is mainly to inspire people to inner potential, cause people intelligence, mobilize people's enthusiasm and creativity. In this paper, the construction of small and medium-sized enterprise employees incentive mechanism problem. From the use of different ideas, different angles, for enterprise employees incentive. Staff incentive mechanism is through the system, rational system to reflect the interaction between incentive subjects with incentive object, is the enterprise connect the ideal into reality. Small business managers should learn effective research method for reference, targeted to solve their practical problems, and strive for a breakthrough in terms of theory. In the research and construction of small and medium-sized enterprise incentive mechanism on the road to constantly innovation, divergent thinking, from surface to inside, and realize the goal of research. And summarizes a set of suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises for effective incentive mechanism, to promote the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, incentive mechanism, staff requirements Introduction In the increasingly fierce competition, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to realize enterprise's competition is talented person's competition,actually only attach importance to talents,


领导风格外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: 1. Introduction The leadership in organizing a government so far has tended to be only one leadership style for all employees’ abilities, namely instruction leadership style, so it has impacted and caused low-level service performance, [1]. An ofiicer’s leadership is no more than as a power figure, who is highly chained by formal rules. So, there is no possibility for appreciations to occur. The implication which occurs toward human resources of employees is that there is a strong tie with formal rules, so there is no room for employees to take initiatives, innovative actions, and to make significant development. Therefore, the time has come for the single-style bureaucratic leadership style orientation to change into the situational leadership style, a style based on situations and conditions of the subordinate/employees’ abilities. Besides the leadership style, the officer’s motivation also plays an important role in achieving high performance because it is related with :


1. 原则之一:激励要因人而异 由于不同员工的需求不同,所以,相同的激励政策起到的激励效果也会不尽相同。即便是同一位员工,在不同的时间或环境下,也会有不同的需求。由于激 励取决于内因,是员工的主观感受,所以,激励要因人而异。 在制定和实施激励政策时,首先要调查清楚每个员工真正需要的是什么。将这 些需要整理、归类,然后来制定相应的激励政策帮助员工满足这些需求。 2. 原则之二:奖励适度 奖励和惩罚不适度都会影响激励效果,同时增加激励成本。奖励过重会使员工 产生骄傲和满足的情绪,失去进一步提高自己的欲望;奖励过轻会起不到激励 效果,或者使员工产生不被重视的感觉。惩罚过重会让员工感到不公,或者失 去对公司的认同,甚至产生怠工或破坏的情绪;惩罚过轻会让员工轻视错误的 严重性,从而可能还会犯同样的错误。 3. 原则之三:公平性 公平性是员工管理中一个很重要的原则,员工感到的任何不公的待遇都会影响 他的工作效率和工作情绪,并且影响激励效果。取得同等成绩的员工,一定要 获得同等层次的奖励;同理,犯同等错误的员工,也应受到同等层次的处罚。 如果做不到这一点,管理者宁可不奖励或者不处罚。 管理者在处理员工问题时,一定要有一种公平的心态,不应有任何的偏见和喜好。虽然某些员工可能让你喜欢,有些你不太喜欢,但在工作中,一定要一视 同仁,不能有任何不公的言语和行为。 1. 激励员工从结果均等转移到机会均等,并努力创造公平竞争环境。 举例来说,吴士宏在IBM从一个打扫卫生的人做起,一步一步到销售业务员, 到地区负责人,到中国区总经理,是什么原因呢?除了个人努力,还应该说 IBM良好的企业文化给了一个发展的舞台,那就是每一个人都有无限的发展机会,只要有能力就会有发展的空间,实现自我,这在很多企业是做不到的,这 种体制无疑会给员工莫大的激励作用。 2. 激励要把握最佳时机。 ——需在目标任务下达前激励的,要提前激励。 ——员工遇到困难,有强烈要求愿望时,给予关怀,及时激励。 3. 激励要公平准确、奖罚分明 ——健全、完善绩效考核制度,做到考核尺度相宜、公平合理。 ——克服有亲有疏的人情风。 ——在提薪、晋级、评奖、评优等涉及员工切身利益热点问题上务求做到公平。 4. 推行职工持股计划。


企业员工激励方案 企业员工激励方案 企业实行激励机制的最根本的目的是正确地诱导员工的工作动机,使他们在实现组织目标的同时实现自身的需要,增加其满意度,从 而使他们的积极性和创造性保持和发扬到最佳状态。建立一套科学 有效的激励机制直接关系企业的生存和发展。在企业激励机制的创 建中,不能忽视人的需要的作用,只有建立以人为本的激励机制, 才能使其在企业的生存和发展中发挥巨大的作用。 一、员工的基本需要 激励来源于需要。作为企业的经营者首先应该了解员工除了薪酬和福利待遇等最基本的需要之外还存在着如安全的需要、归属的需要、社会的需要、自我价值实现的需要等多方面的需求。物质需要 仅仅是员工基本需要的一个方面。实际上员工的需要是多种多样的,不同的人有不同的需要,员工共同的需要就是企业的需要。人们有 了需求才会有动力,当然员工的需求必须是他经过努力后才能达到的,这样才能起到激励的作用。因此,建立合理有效的激励机制, 就必须根据员工的需要对激励的目标和方法进行具体的研究,采取 多方面的激励途径和方法与之相适应,在“以人为本”的员工管理 模式基础上建立企业的激励机制。 二、激励的基本方式 一般来说,根据需求的不同,可将激励分为四大类;成就激励、 能力激励、环境激励和物质激励。 (一)成就激励 近代著名管理学家麦克利兰明确的将人在基本需求(生理一安全)之上的部分分为社会交往——权力欲望——成就欲望等三个不同的 层次。在人的需求层次中,成就需要是人的一个相对较多的需求层

次。成就激励的基本出发点是随着社会的发展、人们的生活水平逐 渐提高,越来越多的人在选择工作时不仅仅是为了生存,更多的是 为了获得一种成就感,从实际意义上来说,成就激励是员工激励中 一类非常重要的内容。成就激励依据它作用的不同,又可分为组织 激励、榜样激励、荣誉激励、绩效激励、目标激励和理想激励六个 方面。 (二)能力激励 在满足人的需求时,不可能每一个层次的需求都全部得到满足,只要满足其部分需要,作为人的个体就会转向追求其他方面的需要。因此,企业经营者要通过培训激励和工作内容激励等手段不断提升 员工的个人能力,从而在进一步以激励的方式满足员工希望生活更 加美好的新的需求的同时满足企业发展的需要。比如,培训激励是 对青年员工较有成效的一种激励方式,通过培训,可以提高员工实 际目标的能力,为其承担更大的责任、更高挑战性的工作以及提升 到更重要的岗位创造条件。目前,在许多大公司中,培训已成为一 种正式奖励,以及激励员工通过不断的提高自身能力提高和改进工 作品质的一种方式。又如,工作内容激励。企业经营应采取灵活的 派工方式,让员工干其最喜欢的工作或由员工自主选择自己的工作,通过这种方式安排的工作,不仅可以大大提高工作效率,而且会产 生很好的激励作用,但这种方式需要经营者必须了解员工的工作兴 趣和各自的特长,并具备良好的工作掌握能力,只有这样才能保证 工作内容激励能够发挥应有的作用。 (三)环境激励 倡导以人本的激励机制必须多方了解员工的需要,包括员工对工作环境的需求。环境包括企业文化环境和客观工作环境两个范畴。 满足员工的环境方面的需求,一是政策环境与企业文化激励。公司 的政策环境与企业文化息息相关,企业应力求建立一种重视人力资源,把职工当作“社会人”、“决策人”甚至是“自己人”,最大 限度地发挥员工的潜力,调动他们的积极性、主动性和创造性的文 化氛围,并在这样的企业文化的大环境下确立本企业的政策环境。 二是客观环境激励。员工的客观环境是指员工的工作环境、办公设


沈阳理工大学应用技术学院题目:浅谈华为公司的领导风格 姓名 院(中心、所)经济管理学院 学号 年级2011级 专业工商管理 考试科目组织行为学 考试时间 考试分数 教师签字

目录 摘要···························································· 1.华为公司领导者的介绍 0 2.任正非的领导风格 0 2.1低调 0 2.2狼性精神 (1) 2.3用毛泽东兵法治商 (1) 2.4危机管理理念 (2) 3.任正非的领导秘诀 (2) 3.1“一法”——《华为基本法》——明确的发展纲领·2 3.2“两制”——规范的HR机制、严密的运营机制 (3) 3.3朴实无华的宣教 (3) 4.结束语 (3) 参考文献: (4) 摘要 领导是管理的重要的职能,领导的水平的高低常常决定着组织的生存死亡。领导的有效性是组织成败的关键。领导者身负组织领导的重任,其思想观念、心理素质和特殊心理机制,不仅影响到个人工作的成效,更影响到其部署和群体作用的发挥乃至整个组织的行为绩效。领导的本质是影响力,即对一个组织、一个群体或一些人的行为与观念是施加影响的过程。领导能力意味着影响着团队中成员的发展、留任和激发成员的能力,具有魅力的领导有能力将其自身的价值观与其下属的相统一,他能够影响其下属视其为了集体的利益而舍弃自身的利益。具有魅力的领导,可以激发团队的成员对于团队的项目的热情、发展其忠诚度,建立成


1.华为公司领导者的介绍 正所谓“上梁不正下梁歪”,作为一个领导者不能起到楷模作用,那么他的下属也只能成为乌合之众,不能有所作为,领导者的领导风格对下属和团队将产生重要的影响。华为公司的创始人任正非出生在贵州的一个贫困的小村庄,任正非虽然生在农村,但他从小就开始接受教育,可谓“贫贱不能移”,任正非凭借着其才能和智慧以及对知识的孜孜不倦的追究,使他进入一个技术密集型行业。1978年,任正非从部队转业,以2万元注册资本创办了深圳华为技术有限公司,现任华为有限公司的总裁。公司主营电信设备,发展迅猛,成为中国市场GSM设备、交换机产品及接入系统的佼佼者。2000年他被美国《福布斯》杂志评选为中国富豪第三位。个人财产估计为5亿美元。2005年他入选《时代周刊》全球“建设者与巨子”100名排行榜,他是中国唯一入选的企业家。同一档为有美国的苹果电脑公司董事长及首席执行官乔布斯、传媒大亨默多克、俄罗斯石油巨头阿布拉莫维奇、2011年任正非以11亿美元首次进入福布斯富豪榜,排名全球第1056名,中国第92名。在《财富》中文版第七次发布中,位居“中国最具影响力的商界领袖”榜单之首。 2.任正非的领导风格 2.1低调 低调的人做有高度的事业。木秀于林,风必摧之,故老子云:“夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争”,不争者胜天下。任正非深谙这道理,为人处世一向低调。他对各种采访、会议、评选都躲得远远的,不论是直接有利于华为形象的宣传活动,还是政府的活动,或者令许多商界精英趋之若鹜的媒体盛世,他都统统拒绝。他向华为高层发下死命令:“除非重要客户或合作伙伴,其他活动一律免谈,谁来游说我,我就撤谁的职。”人们几乎没有看过他在电视屏幕上登场亮相,也几乎没有听到过他激情的演讲。任正非一贯的追求是“做事业,做有高度的事业”。唯有练好内功,方可与对手论高下。“桃李不言,下自成蹊”,就是这样,也许唯


Human resource management more and more drives value. Under the system that economy development mature, human resource management have to match with fight for the best resources performance, if out of character of the manpower form couples out of character of post, the resources performance be not only whole have no, or may have already exhaust. The modern economy stress balance and match, promote management effect and quality vegetable, will human resource match with make balance, the inside contents establish human resource structure frame, use most in keeping with of the person do most in keeping with of work. Establishment human resource terrace is a communication and collection information way, everyone's opinion comprehensive, give up short take long, with processing salary, welfare etc. affair. Human resource most the importance be a training and development, human resource development have to investment at training aspect, with exertive each stratum of human resource potential. 人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,其中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集信息管道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。 发展简史 Generally say, the academic circles development of human resource experience: Personal management, human resource management be recently till now rise of manpower capital management. The main dissimilarity namely lay in the principle that company and business enterprise treat an employee of variety and development. 一般说来,人力资源在学术界的发展经历了:人事管理,人力资源管理,到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理。其主要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。


激励员工的奖励方案范文 一、目的 为充分调动广大员工积极性和创造性,发扬奉献精神,不断激励员工进取创新、提高服务质量和管理水平,酒店总办特拟定以下奖励项目,以表彰在各方面表现突出的员工。 二、适用范围 凡任职满一个月以上的正式任用员工皆适用;但部分奖金支付办法,亦可适用于兼职人员。 三、奖励项目 1、优秀员工奖: 评奖范围:饭店领班及领班以下员工 A、每月评选一次; B、名额按部门总人数的5%评选,饭店共10名; C、后勤部门可联合评比; D、民主公开评选;出满勤,干满点;无事故,无投诉; E、奖励方式:通报表彰,发放奖金; F、总经办组织,班组推荐,部门评审报总经办批准。 2、优秀管理者奖: 评奖范围:饭店主管级以上管理人员 A、每月评选一次; B、名额1名; C、在每月第一次管理例会上,评选上月先进管理者;

D、奖励方式:通报表彰,发放奖金; E、总经办组织。 3、优质服务事例奖(含委屈奖): 评奖范围:饭店全体员工 A、每月评选一次; B、根据各部门上报先进事例,由总经办在告示栏内公示三天; C、各班级投票,饭店晨会上评比; D、设一等奖一名、二等奖二名; E、奖励方式:通报表彰,发放奖金; F、总经办组织; G、本奖评选允许有空缺。 4、总经理特别嘉奖: 评奖范围:饭店全体员工 A、为即时性荣誉。各部门可根据员工表现以书面形式向总经理办公室申请; B、获奖条件——优质服务给饭店带来良好的’社会声誉的、提出合理化建议给饭店带来明显效益或大幅度降低成本的、拾金不昧数额巨大的、见义勇为保护饭店集体财产的、连续六个月被评为优秀员工或优秀管理者的。 C、奖励方式:由总经理签发荣誉证书,通报表彰,发放奖金,酌情给予其它奖励。 D、由总经办组织。 5、礼貌奖


全球领导力文献综述与分析 2014年02月25日17:53 来源:《领导科学》(郑州)2012年11(中)期作者:李云飞字号 打印纠错分享推荐浏览量【作者简介】李云飞,天津商业大学F2U合作学院。 一、全球领导力的定义 全球领导力在世界范围内是个热门话题,同传统的领导力一样,始终没有一个被所有人认可的定义。研究全球领导力的专家学者根据各自的经验、不同的文化背景从不同的视角给出了不同的定义。 最初全球领导力的概念是借鉴进而延伸传统的国内领导力而来的(Yeung and Ready,1995),但是学者们很快意识到由于全球竞争的不定性和多种压力,全球领导力远比国内领导力复杂,这种不定性和压力增加了领导者的工作范围(Weber,1998)。Adler(2001)阐明了这个问题:“全球领导力不同于国内领导力,它涉及人与人之间的相互作用和不同文化之间的观念,而不仅仅是指领导者在本国特定的领导风格的有效性,也不是比较不同国家的不同领导方式……” 有些学者是从跨文化视角定义全球领导力的。Dorfman(2003)将全球领导力定义为一种跨越地理和文化边界的影响,并且这种影响不局限于全球化事物,也不局限于个人及其知识、技能和能力,也不局限于组织中的CEO。Carey等(2004)提出,全球领导力能够跨越地理和文化的边界以激发组织成员共同的愿景、促进合作的决策、适应全球变化浪潮、激励和授权多样化的员工队伍。 Mendenhall(2011)对全球领导者和领导力做了广义的界定:全球领导者是指那些通过建立在相互信任基础上的有效沟通而在组织中产生重大正量改变,在跨界利益相关者、外部权力机构的不同来源,以及在当时复杂的地理和文化条件下建立有效的组织结构和程序的领导者。 基于以上不同的定义,笔者认为,全球领导力概念的核心就是多元化,包括文化、人力资源、地理等。不同范畴的多样化增加了领导力环境的复杂性,因此,有效性成为全球领导力的终极目标。 二、研究历史回顾 领导力的研究在国际上可以追溯到1900年,距今已有100多年的历史了。在1900年至1940年期间,领导力研究致力于挖掘领导者独特的素质,最有代表性的是伟人理论,这个理论强调领袖是天生的,而不是制造的。根据Toyne和Nigh(1997)的研究,20世纪五六十年代国际商务的出现促使学者着手研究不同文化背景下的领导力以及不同文化对领导力的影响,然而这些研究并非当时国际商务研究的主流。 20世纪60年代,有些研究商业管理的学者开始关注管理跨国公司的相关问题,他们的研究促使人们对民族文化本质以及这些文化本质的不同对管理不同国家员工带来的影响有了更深刻的理解,这个研究量规被称作“比较管理”。这些学者把人类学文化框架扩展至商业应用领域,起到了开创性作用(Redding 1997;Schollhammer 1969)。


员工激励机制外文文献 员工激励机制外文文献 有一个国外民意调查组织在研究以往二十年的数据后发现:在所有的工作分类中,员工们都将工资与收益视为最重要或次重要的指标。工资能极大地影响员工行为--在何处工作及是否好好干。 因此,如何让员工从薪酬上得到最大的满意,成为现代企业组织应当努力把握的课题。应该从以下方面把握: 一、为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬,使他们一进门便珍惜这份工作,竭尽全力,把自己的本领都使出来。 支付最高工资的企业最能吸引并且留住人才,尤其是那些出类拔萃的员工。这对于行业内的领先公司,尤其必要。较高的报酬会带来更高的满意度,与之俱来的还有较低的离职率。一个结构合理、管理良好的绩效付酬制度,应能留住优秀的员工,淘汰表现较差的员工。 二、重视内在报酬。 实际上,报酬可以划分为两类:外在的与内在的。外在报酬主要指:组织提供的金钱、津贴和晋升机会,以及来自于同事和上级的认同。而内在报酬是和外在报酬相对而言的,它是基于工作任务本身的报酬,如对工作的胜任感、成就感、责任感、受重视、有影响力、个人成长和富有价值的贡献等。事实上,对于知识型的员工,内在报酬和员工的工作满意感有相当之大的关系。因此,企业组织可以通过工作制度、员工影响力、人力资本流动政策来执行内在报酬,让员工从工作本身中得到最大的满足。 三、把收入和技能挂钩。

建立个人技能评估制度,以雇员的能力为基础确定其薪水,工资标准由技能最低直到最高划分出不同级别。基于技能的制度能在调 换岗位和引入新技术方面带来较大的灵活性,当员工证明自己能够 胜任更高一级工作时,他们所获的报酬也会顺理成章地提高。此外,基于技能的薪资制度还改变了管理的导向,实行按技能付酬后,管 理的重点不再是限制任务指派使其与岗位级别一致,相反,最大限 度地利用员工已有技能将成为新的着重点。这种评估制度最大的好 处是能传递信息使员工关注自身的发展。 四、增强沟通交流。 现在许多公司采用秘密工资制,提薪或奖金发放不公开,使得员工很难判断在报酬与绩效之间是否存在着联系。人们既看不到别人 的报酬,也不了解自己对公司的贡献价值的倾向,这样自然会削弱 制度的激励和满足功能,一种封闭式制度会伤害人们平等的感觉。 而平等,是实现报酬制度满足与激励机制的重要成分之一。 五、参与报酬制度的设计与管理。 国外公司在这方面的实践结果表明:与没有员工参加的绩效付酬制度相比,让员工参与报酬制度的设计与管理常令人满意且能长期 有效。员工对报酬制度设计与管理更多的参与,无疑有助于一个更 适合员工的需要和更符合实际的报酬制度的形成。在参与制度设计 的过程中,针对报酬政策及目的进行沟通、促进管理者与员工之间 的相互信任,这样能使带有缺陷的薪资系统变得更加有效。 六、增加意外性工资收入。 那什么时候你会感到手头宽松、阔绰?拿红包,还是突然得到一 笔奖金,或是股票赚了?--当你有了”额外″或″意外”收入的时候。 员工对薪酬的感觉同样如此。也就是说,当有了″正常收入以外”收入的时候,他们的满意度最高。 因此,管理者千万不要以为付出了一笔高薪就万事大吉,因为规律性不会提高员工对薪酬的满意度--这钱本来就是我该得的!

员工激励奖励方案 ( 共5篇)

员工激励奖励方案( 共5篇) 员工激励奖励方案 ( 共5篇) 方案(一) 冲刺奖励方案 为了激励一线销售人员,使大家完满地完成xxxx年销售任务,再创佳绩,公司特提出以下奖励方案: 一、个人奖 以xx月、xx月、xx月比较前三月(x、x、x月)销售额增加值为唯一考评指标,销售额增加值第一名奖励一枚金条(重70g),销售额增加值第二名奖励一枚银条(重70g)。 二、团队奖 奖励方案 奖励整个团队新马泰、海南旅游(四选一),根据完成先后顺序选取,不重复选取(每个景点只能选取一次)。旅游日期能够选取xxxx 年春节或xxxx年五一,团队每个成员能够携带一名家属。 三、专家开发奖 略 四、新人奖 略 五、管理奖 略 六、相关支持政策说明

略 战士们,拿出你们的斗志,努力拼搏吧!金子在前面闪光,美景美食在向你招手,它们离你只有一步之遥,冲吧! 市场部 xxxx年xx月xx日 方案(二) 产量目标奖励方案试行 为调动广大员工工作用心性,强化广大员工的团队精神和群众荣誉感,鼓励广大员工按时完成任务,公司特设定产量奖.奖励方案如下: 一、奖励单位及周期: 该项考核为团体考核项目,以车缝流水线为考核单位,不以个人为考核对象,以流水线各周合格产成品为考核统计数据。以每周为考核周期。 二、考核原则: 以生产排期表每一款生产周期为基准,确定每周生产任务,完成给予奖励,不完成没有奖励. (注:生产排期表以综合效率70%为基准进行编制) 三、考核方法: 1、目标任务确定及要求: 以生产排期表规定各流水线每款生产总天数为总目标,确定从开款之日起至车缝结束之日止,每一天的目标产量,再以周为单位划分


xxxxxxxxx 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 (本科学生用) 题目:Poduct Line Engineering: The State of the Practice 生产线工程:实践的形态 学生姓名:学号: 学部(系): 专业年级: 指导教师:职称或学位: 2011年3月10日

外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右): 【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】 Requirements engineering practices A precise requirements engineering process— a main driver for successful software development —is even more important for product line engineering. Usually, the product line’s scope addresses various domains simultaneously. This makes requirements engineering more complex. Furthermore, SPL development involves more tasks than single-product development. Many product line requirements are complex, interlinked, and divided into common and product-specific requirements. So, several requirements engineering practices are important specifically in SPL development: ? Domain identification and modeling, as well as commonalities and variations across product instances Separate specification and verification for platform and product requirements ? Management of integrating future requirements into the platform and products ? Identification, modeling, and management of requirement dependencies The first two practices are specific to SPL engineering. The latter two are common to software development but have much higher importance for SPLs. Issues with performing these additional activities can severely affect the product line’s long-term success. During the investigation, we found that most organizations today apply organizational and procedural measures to master these challenges. The applicability of more formal requirements engineering techniques and tools appeared rather limited, partly because such techniques are not yet designed to cope with product line evelopment’s inherent complexities. The investigation determined that the following three SPL requirements engineering practices were most important to SPL success. Domain analysis and domain description. Before starting SPL development, organizations should perform a thorough domain analysis. A well-understood domain is a prerequisite for defining a suitable scope for the product line. It’s the foundation for efficiently identifying and distinguishing platform and product requirements. Among the five participants in our investigation, three explicitly modeled the product line requirements. The others used experienced architects and domain experts to develop the SPL core assets without extensive requirements elicitation. Two organizations from the first group established a continuous requirements management that maintained links between product line and product instance requirements. The three other organizations managed their core assets’ evolution using change management procedures and versioning concepts. Their business did not force them to maintain more detailed links between the requirements on core assets and product instances. The impact of architectural decisions on requirements negotiations. A stable but flexible architecture is important for SPL development. However, focusing SPL evolution too much on architectural issues will lead to shallow or even incorrect specifications. It can cause core assets to ignore important SPL requirements so that the core assets lose relevance for SPL development. Organizations can avoid this problem by establishing clear responsibilities for requirements management in addition to architectural roles. The work group participants reported that a suitable organizational tool for balancing requirements and architecture is roundtable meetings in which requirements engineers,


一、激励理论的背景 在经济发展的过程中,劳动分工与交易的出现带来了激励问题。激励理论是行为科学中用于处理需要,动机,目标和行为四者之间关系的核心理论。行为科学认为人的动机来自需要,由需要确定人们的行为目标,激励则作用于人内心活动,激发,驱动和强化人的行为。哈佛大学维廉詹姆士研究表明:在没有激励措施下,下属一般仅能发挥工作能力的20%~30%,而当他受到激励后,其工作能力可以提升到80%~90%,所发挥的作用相当于激励前的3到4倍。日本丰田公司采取激励措施鼓励员工提建议,结果仅1983年一年,员工提了165万条建议,平均每人31条,它为公司带来900亿日元利润,相当于当年总利润的18%。由于激励的效果明显,所以各种组织为了提高生产效率,有些专家学者就开始了对激励理论的研究之中,探索激励的无穷潜力。 二、国外研究现状 国外对于激励理论有了大量的研究并获得了丰硕的成果。总体来说,可以分为两类激励理论。一类是以人的心理需求和动机为主要研究对象的激励理论,熟称“内容型激励理论”。另一类是以人的心理过程和行为过程相互作用的动态系统为研究对象的激励过程理论,它也被称作是“行为型激励理论”。 1 内容型激励理论 1.1 奠瑞的人类人格理论 这种理论认为,在面临着动态且不断变化的环境时,人们都是自适应的。它把需求分成了两种类型,即生理需求和心理需求。前者与人体基本生理过程的满足感有关,而后者所关注的是情绪上和精神上的满足感。 1.2 马斯洛的“需要层次”理论 美国心理学家马斯洛(A.H.Maslow)进一步发展了莫瑞的研究,在1954年出版的《动机与人格》一书中对该理论作了进一步的阐释。马斯洛认为人的需要可以划分为五个层次,从低到高依次为生理需要,安全需要,社交需要,尊熏需要,自我实现需要,且这五个层次的顺序,对每个人都是相同的。只有当较低层次的需要获得了基本满足后,下一个较高层次的需要才能成为主导需要。 1.3 赫茨伯格的激励—保健双因素理论 美国心理学家赫茨伯格因素理论打破了这一假设。他于1959年在《工作的激励》一书中提出了保健——激励因素理论,简称双因素理论。即保健因素和激励因素。保健因素可以用来体现高水平员工的不满意,激励因素可以用来体现高水平员工的满意度。他认为只有激励因素才能促发员工积极性,提高生产效率。 2 行为型激励理论 2.1 洛克的目标设置理论 2O世纪6O年代末,埃德温·A·洛克和他的同事们花了许多年的时间研究目标对于人类行为和绩效的效果。他们的研究导致了目标设置理论的创立并不断地得到验证,提出:指向一共同目标的工作意向是工作效率的主要源泉。他还提出了具体的设置目标的步骤。 2.2 亚当斯的公平理论 美国心理学家亚当斯(J.s.Adams)对员工受激励程度的大小与他人之间的关系进行研究,并在《工人关于工资不公平的内心冲突同其生产率的关系》(1962年与罗森合写),《工


员工激励奖励方案共篇 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

员工激励奖励方案 ( 共5篇) 员工激励奖励方案 ( 共5篇) 方案(一) 冲刺奖励方案 为了激励一线销售人员,使大家完满地完成xxxx年销售任务,再创佳绩,公司特提出以下奖励方案: 一、个人奖 以xx月、xx月、xx月比较前三月(x、x、x月)销售额增加值为唯一考评指标,销售额增加值第一名奖励一枚金条(重70g),销售额增加值第二名奖励一枚银条(重70g)。 二、团队奖 奖励方案 奖励整个团队新马泰、海南旅游(四选一),根据完成先后顺序选取,不重复选取(每个景点只能选取一次)。旅游日期能够选取xxxx年春节或xxxx年五一,团队每个成员能够携带一名家属。 三、专家开发奖 略 四、新人奖 略 五、管理奖 略

六、相关支持政策说明 略 战士们,拿出你们的斗志,努力拼搏吧!金子在前面闪光,美景美食在向你招手,它们离你只有一步之遥,冲吧! 市场部 xxxx年xx月xx日 方案(二) 产量目标奖励方案试行 为调动广大员工工作用心性,强化广大员工的团队精神和群众荣誉感,鼓励广大员工按时完成任务,公司特设定产量奖.奖励方案如下: 一、奖励单位及周期: 该项考核为团体考核项目,以车缝流水线为考核单位,不以个人为考核对象,以流水线各周合格产成品为考核统计数据。以每周为考核周期。 二、考核原则: 以生产排期表每一款生产周期为基准,确定每周生产任务,完成给予奖励,不完成没有奖励. (注:生产排期表以综合效率70%为基准进行编制) 三、考核方法: 1、目标任务确定及要求:


广东工业大学华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 系部经济学部 专业经济学 年级 2007级 班级名称 07经济学6班 学号 16020706001 学生姓名张瑜琴 指导教师陈锶 2011 年05月

目录 1挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 (1) 2什么商业银行带给小额贷款和什么把他们留在外 (2) 3 商业银行的四个模型进入小额贷款之内 (4) 3.1内在的单位 (4) 3.2财务子公司 (5) 3.3策略的同盟 (5) 3.4服务公司模型 (6) 4 合法的形式和操作的结构比较 (8) 5 服务的个案研究公司模型:厄瓜多尔和Haiti5 (9)

1 挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 商业银行已经是逐渐重要的运动员在拉丁美洲中的小额贷款服务的发展2到小额贷款市场是小额贷款的好消息客户因为银行能提供他们一完整类型的财务的服务,包括信用,储蓄和以费用为基础的服务。整体而言,它也对小额贷款重要,因为与他们广泛的身体、财务的和人类。如果商业银行变成重的运动员在小额贷款,他们能提供非常强烈的竞争到传统的小额贷款机构。资源,银行能廉宜地发射而且扩张小额贷款服务rela tively。如果商业广告银行在小额贷款中成为严重的运动员,他们能提出非常强烈的竞争给传统的小额贷款机构。然而,小额贷款社区里面有知觉哪一商业银行进入进入小额贷款将会是短命或浅的。举例来说,有知觉哪一商业银行首先可能不搬进小额贷款因为时候建立小额贷款操作到一个有利润的水平超过银行的标准投资时间地平线。或,在进入小额贷款,银行之后可能移动在-上面藉由增加贷款数量销售取利润最大值-或者更坏的事,退出如果他们是不满意与小额贷款的收益性的水平。这些知觉已经被特性加燃料商业银行的情形进入小额贷款和后来的出口之内。在最极端的,一些开业者已经甚至宣布,”降低尺度死!”而且抛弃了与主意合作的商业银行。 在最 signific 看得到的地方,蚂蚁利益商业银行可能带给小额贷款,国际的ACCION 发展发射而且扩张的和一些商业银行的关系小额贷款操作。在这些情形的大部分方面, ACCION 和它的合伙人正在使用方法,已知的当做服务公司模型,表演早答应当做一个能工作的方法克服真正的。 商业银行的障碍进入和穿越建立长命的小额贷款操作一个商业银行 这论文描述如何服务公司模型、住址商业银行中的主要议题进入进小额贷款,监定成功建立的因素动作井小额贷款服务公司,和礼物结果和小额贷款的课servic e 公司用最长的经验,在海地和审判官席 del 的 SOGEBANK│ SOGESOL 初期结果指出那这服务公司模型表现一重要的突破在促成商业银行进入和留在小额贷款。在厄瓜多尔的 Pichincha│ CREDIFE。初期结果指出服务公司模型在促成商业广告中表现一次重要的突破银行进入而且留在小额贷款。

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