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英语专业建设规划方案 一、专业建设的目的和意义 21世纪的到来,社会对外语人才的需求持续增长,对外语人才的培养有了更高的标准,同时也对英语学科建设提出了新的要求。21世纪的英语教学不是单纯的英语培训,而是英语教育,即全面培养能熟练运用英语、思维活跃、心理健康、知识面广、综合能力强的高素质复合性人才。为了迎接时代的挑战,加强英语专业建设势在必行。就英语教学而言,教师面临着教学理念的转变、教学内容的更新、教学方法的改革和测试评估体系的完善等一系列问题。加强专业建设对提高我校专业英语教学质量,优化课程设置,更新教学内容,改进教学方法和教师队伍建设都具有推动作用。构建起更加科学合理的专业体系,按照理念先进、目标明确、思路清晰、改革领先、师资优化、设备先进、教学优秀的要求,对本专业加强建设,使其在办学条件、师资力量、人才培养模式、教学内容与课程体系、教学方法与手段、教学管理、人才培养质量等方面有明显的改进,并逐步凝练出专业特色,成为在校内有较大影响和竞争力的专业。 二、专业建设目标和发展规划 1.学术队伍建设 学术队伍建设的总体目标是,经过努力,培养出一支素质精良,具有先进教育理念、凝聚力强、结构合理,业务水平高、教学能力和科研能力强的高质量的教师队伍。实现上述学术队伍建设的目标可分三步走。 第一步(2004年至2008年)加强高层次人才的引进力度。目前,虽说教师的学历层次都比较高,具有硕士学历的教师占80%,且大都有海外留学的经历、较强的业务功底和较高的教学水平,但尚无具有博士学位的教师而且由于近年来招生规模不断扩大、教师短缺的问题依然突出。保证教学质量,缓解教师长期超负荷工作的局面,需要积极主动,多渠道引进人才,打造一支梯队结构合理,学术造诣深,教学效果,科研俱佳的学术队伍。人才引进特别是专业带头人的引进,要紧紧围绕专业建设和教师梯队进行,鼓励教师潜心研究,积极参与申报各级、各类科研、教学研究项目。 第二步(2008年至2012年)加强教师培训。信息社会知识更新速度加快,教师要树立终身学习的教育理念,加强自身业务进修,不断更新知识,要创造条件为教师提供国内外深造的机会,实行青年教师岗前培训制,加大青年教师的培养力度,不断调整师资队伍的年龄结构、职称结构、学缘结构。在配备青年教师导师的同时,兼顾其研究方向和专业特长的一致性,使指导更具体,更有针对性。结合学校2007年接受本科教学评估工作,开展观摩教学、课堂教学录相活动,为青年教师提供相互学习的机会,相互切磋交流教学方法、教学手段、教学艺术,不断提高青年教师的课堂教学技能。在目前科研经费严重不足的前提下,尽可能地保证每年有2-3位青年教师外出参加学术交流,跟目前已建立合作项目的国外大学探讨互派教师研修的项有计划地开展教研活动和学术活动,提高整体学术队伍的专业水平,培养出一批优秀的业务骨干和学术带头人,至少能有1-2名省级名师。 第三步(2012年至2015年)队伍壮大,层次提高,科研颇见成效。经过10年的努力,使学术队伍不断壮大,教师按研究方向结成梯队开展学术研究,预期教师中具有博士学位的占30%,教授增加到至少10人,科研成果更具学术价值,发表在国际、国内核心期刊的文章越来越多,有影响的个人专著教材问世。英语专业在目前已有2门精品课的基础上,力争

研究生英语课程课后答案 专硕

Unit 1 Text A II. Language points 1. How successful you’ll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation you’ve done.(Para. 1) If you are well-prepared in making plans for your future career, the chances are that you might as well succeed in changing your career because how successfully you change your career may in part result from what preparations you’ve done in career planning. 2. Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stumble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and directions. (Para. 2) You should regard making plans for your career as building bridges which are the transitions from your current job/career to your next job/career and may help you find the right door to the future. 3. And while career planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. (Para. 5)… don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make real choices, decisions, or plans. 4. To help you with your career planning, consider using the following exercises to their fullest potential. (Para. 6) … consider using the following exercises to their fullest degree/ as much as possible. 5. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged — and see if you can develop a common profile of these situations. (Para. 9) Consider the times and situations in which you feel most excited, most vigorous, most engrossed—and try to generalize the features these situations have in common. 6. Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to be when you grew up (Para. 13) Do you still remember when you were little you were asked to write about what you would like to be in the future 7. Take the time to revert back to those idyllic times and brainstorm about your current dream job; be sure not to let any negative thoughts cloud your thinking.(Para. 13) Spend some time in returning back to these simple, peaceful and pleasant times and trying to think more about your current ideal job to make sure that no negative thoughts could make your thinking obscure /unclear. 8. Look for ideas internally, but also make the effort to explore/research other careers/ occupations that interest you. (Para. 13) You should not only look for ideas inside yourself/ at the bottom of your heart, but also explore/research other careers/occupations you are interested in from the outside. 9. Pinpoint the qualifications you need to move to the next step in your career or to make the move to a new career path. (Para. 18) Mark clearly the qualifications that are needed in career changing. 10. If you’re not sure, search job postings and job ads, conduct informational interviews, research job descriptions. (Para. 18) If you’re not sure about the qualific ations required in the new career, you should search job postings and job advertisements for those qualifications, take part in interviews in which you know something about the job, and study the list of general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position..


The management of China’s Relations with its Neighbors and its Challenges under the Initiative of Belt One Road 1.ABSTRACT To a great extent,the emergence and implementation of the “One Belt One Road”initiative symbolizes a major shift in China’s role within international relations. China has moved from its former role of an observer or participant vis-a-vis the international community or even the global into one of a positive promoter or even shaper of that order.While so,objectively speaking,the “One Belt one Road” is clearly a broad-based developmental initiative,involving many states and a massive population ,and is without precedent in Chinese diplomatic history.At the same time,the national contexts of the states bordering China’s “One Belt one Road” are extremely comliex,if not unavoidable impacts on the initiative.As such,the question of how China can manage its relations with so many different countries is inextricably related to the success of China’s “One Belt one Road”initiative. KEY WORDS: One Belt One Road ; Neighboring States ; Challenges ; Management Regardless of realism, liberalism and constructivism, the research on the behavior of international relations is the question of the proper meaning on the mainstream theories of international relations, but the research on the relationship between the process is obviously weak, the constructivism has been covered without the countries "relation" in-depth study. According to the research of domestic scholars, "relationship" reflects the Chinese traditional thought, and this cultural characteristic has important ideological significance in how to construct national relations. In other words, the importance of the relationship has important enlightenment to promote the implementation of the "China development initiative The Belt and Road". "Development initiative The Belt and Road" means that the China role in international relations began to change, which is involved in some extent from the past into a positive "shape", which relates to the strategy of many countries, population of the public, in Chinese unprecedented diplomatic history. In this context, good governance and "China Belt and Road Initiative along the country's relationship is directly related to the" The Belt and Road "development initiatives and defeat. However, the relationship between governance is important, but not for a relationship, this is obviously the most core challenges facing governance "and China Belt and Road Initiative" of the countries along. Only solution to this challenge is on the basis of China’snational culture to achieve, only in this way, China and The Belt and Road "of the countries along the governance in order to find the soul and the core, lay the foundation for the success of The Belt and Road" initiative. 2.Introduction 2.1 The significance of relationship governance to China and Belt and Road Initiative countries First of all, fundamentally speaking, the relationship between Chinese and Belt and Road Initiative along the country governance effect directly determines the "The Belt and Road" initiative's success or failure, this is undoubtedly the national relationship management on "The


《人教版小学英语三年级下册》课程说明书 课程名称:小学英语课程类型:基础型课程 教学材料:人教版义务教育课程标准实验课程小学三年级英语下册课时数:42课时 授课教师:适用年级:小学三年级 使用分析: 小学三年级始学英语的学生,这一年级的学生刚开始接触英语学习,对英语有着强烈的好奇心和学习热情,这一年龄阶段的孩子爱玩爱动,注意力集中的时间较短,因此,教师应在课堂上设计生动活泼、形式多样的活动吸引孩子们的注意;虽然在英语学习上,这些孩子只处于起始阶段,但在认知水平上,这一年龄的孩子已对一些自然现象,动物的习性等有了较多的了解,并以他们丰富的想象力赋予了动物们很多人性化的特性,因此,教师应激活孩子们的思维,让英语课堂更贴近学生生活,更富童趣。 PEP 教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。 Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Unit 2 My family Unit 3 At the zoo Recycle 1 Unit 4 Where is my car? Unit 5 Do you lik e pears? Unit 6 How many? Recycle 2

主要教学目标如下: 1、能听懂、会说31个句子,并能进行简单的交流。 2、听、说、认读54个单词,并能简单地运用。 3、能正确书写20个英语单词,认识5个元音字母。 4、能听、做、演4个游戏。 5、能听、做4个活动。 6、能唱6首歌曲。 7、能听、说、唱8首歌谣。 8、能听懂6个幽默小故事。二、课程目标: 1、语言技能:能听懂、会说31个句子,并能进行简单的交流。 2、语言知识:听、说、认读54个单词,并能简单地运用。正确书写20个英语单词,认识5个元音字母。 3、学习策略:能听、做、演4个游戏。能听、做4个“TPR”活动。能唱6首歌曲。能听、说、唱8首歌谣。能听懂6个幽默小故事。三、课程内容:周次单元序号及专题学习重点教学内容课时安排 1--2 Unit 1 Welcome back to school! 国籍 Welcome back to school! 6 3--4 Unit2 My family 问答人物、一般疑问句 My family 6 5--6 Unit 3 At the zoo 描述动物 At the zoo 6 7--8 Recycle 1 复习1-3单元重点


英语学科课程的建设与实施方案2015.7 一、背景分析 1、教师团队情况分析 我校英语组由10名女教师组成,其中代课教师1名,平均年龄35岁。英语本科专业毕业10人,2人英语硕士在读。常州市骨干教师1名,新北区学科带头人2名,新北区骨干教师4名,校骨干教师2名。 全体英语教师凭着对学生的爱心,对工作的强烈责任心,默默耕耘,老师们精诚合作,教学中的困惑会共同探究;教学中的重任会共同分担,每个英语教师通过自己的一言一行悄然营造着团结协进的团队文化。 2、学生学习情况分析 我校是一所规模较大的农村学校,学生人数2000余人,外来务工人员子女较多,几乎占了全校人数的50%左右,学生的英语知识只能来源于学校英语课程学习,缺乏英语交际分环境,英语课外读物几乎没有,所以学生英语视野很窄,运用英语交际的自信很缺乏,我们英语课程面临如何进一步提高学生的英语水平,拓展学生的词汇量,增强学生自我学习的能力这些问题。只有通过对校本课程的开发,才可以使我们的英语课程更能适应学生的学习兴趣与需要、学校的环境与特色,以及家长对子女教育和对学校的期望。 3、学科课程资源情况分析 本校现在英语课程除了国家课程译林版小学英语教材的运用外,我校为学生订阅了多套英语绘本阅读书籍,放置图书馆,供学生借阅,每周五的校本课选修来阅读、住宿班的晚自习,还有学生平时的课余时间,都是学生阅读英语的时间。另外在选修课上,我们的教师还组织学生利用相关的英语学习网站拓展一些常用交际用语的学习。 二、实施理念 《全日制义务教育英语课程标准(实验稿)》指出:英语课程要力求合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源,要积极利用音像、电视、书刊杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源,拓展学习和运用英语的渠道,积极鼓励和支持学生主动参与课程资源的开发和利用。为了促进学生英语学习可持续性发展、身心和谐发展、全体学生全面发展,学校以以下理论为指南,开发了小学英语拓展式校本课程。 1、人本论(Person’s center)。学生是具有内在学习潜能的(朱纯1999),而其潜能的开发有赖于他的理解和信任。拓展式校本课程充分体现以人为本的教育理念和发展理念。他根据学生的不同水平用好教材,活用教材,最大限度的调动和发挥学生的内在潜能。 2、多元智能理论。多元智能理论能够帮助教师拓展英语学习空间,建立一个开放式的教育系统,促进人的智能全面发展,拓展式校本课程,为学生思考、探索、发现提供更多更好平台,有利于学生提高英语素养,培养创新精神。 3、“三个面向”理论。邓小平提出教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。进一步从手段、空间、时间上体现当代教育发展要求,从以上三个方面的拓展和延伸是为了更好的适应每个学生终身的学习需要。 第一,学习空间的拓展,让学生得到不同区域,尤其是从课堂的学习空间拓展到课外的生活空间,校园的学习空间拓展到家庭生活空间,拓展到社会学习实践的空间,让学生受到立体型的学习与教育。 第二,学习时空的拓展,学生的教育是未来的教育,是终身的教育,为此学习手段的拓展要多媒化、网络化、信息化,把学生学习品质的提高和终身学习能力的培养作为学习社会化,社会学习化课程重心,把质的发展作为人的可持续性发展的根本。


Unit 1 General Description of Literature Reading and Translation 1. Definition of Literature Literature is a general term for professional writings in the form of books, papers, and other documentations. 2. Classification of Literature 1) Textbooks(教科书):In general, a textbook is a kind of professional writing specially designed for the students in a given branch of learning. 2) Monographs(专著):A monograph is an artide or short book on one particular subject or branch of a subject that the writer has studied deeply. 3) Papers(论文):A complete paper is usually composed of the following elements: title, author, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis and/or experimental description, results and discussion or conclusion, acknowledgments, references, etc. 4) Encyclopedias(百科全书):An encyclopedia is a book or set of books dealing with every branch of knowledge, or with one particular branch, in alphabetical order. 5) Periodicals(期刊):A periodical is a series of publications that appear at regular intervals. 6) Special Documentation(特别文件):Special documentation refers to all the printed materials that are non-books or non-periodicals. 3. Linguistic Features of Scientific Literature 1) Stylistically(在文体上), literature is a kind of formal writing. 2) Syntactically(在语句构成上), scientific literature has rigorous grammatical structures, and in most cases is rather unitary. 3) Morphologically(在词法上), scientific literature is featured by high specialization, the use of technical terms and jargons, unambiguous implication and the fixed sense of the word. 4) Besides, non-verbal language is also very popular in various literatures such as signs, formulas, charts, tables, photos, etc. 4. Discussion 1. What is your opinion on the importance of translation? Can you cite some examples to support your idea? As a means of communication, translation plays an important role in human civilization. for example , in the West, literary translation can be traced back to 300 BC; while in China, recorded translation activities are even earlier, dating from Zhou Dynasty (1100 BC). A modern society sees an extensive use of translation on various occasions. Proper and dexterous translation helps promote mutual understanding between peoples of different cultural and social backgrounds. For example ,the ordinary word “menu”. Its original meaning is “a list of dishes in a meal or to be ordered as separated meals. However, when it is used in computer science, its meaning shifts to “a list shown on the display of a computer from which a user can select the operation the computer is to perform.” 2. What is translation? Do you agree with the author’s point of view? Why or why not? If the word “translation” refers to a subject, it is a science. If it refers to some specific pieces


Report on Survey of Knowledge, Attitude, Beliefs and Practice on AIDS in Chongqing University Submitted by Su Hongfang Student ID: 20131802094 Chemical Engineer Department Chongqing University May 25, 2014

Content Abstract ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 1 Introduction (2) 2 Literature Review (3) 3 Methodology (5) 4 Results & Discussion (6) 4.1 Knowledge about AIDS (6) 4.1.1 Basic knowledge about AIDS (6) 4.1.2 Knowledge about transmission channels of AIDS (7) 4.1.3 Knowledge about effective means of AIDS prevention (7) 4.2 Attitudes towards AIDS patients (8) 4.3 Beliefs and practice about AIDS (10) 5 Conclusion & Suggestions (13) Reference (14) Appendix (15)


小学四年级英语下学期课程说明书 (2014-2015学年度第二学期) 教师: 一、课程目标 目标背景: 课程目标的级别不完全等同于基础教育阶段的各个年级。从3年级开设英语课程的学校,3、4年级应完成一级目标,《小学英语新课程标准》中指出一级综合语言运用能力目标为:对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 具体目标: 1、学习习惯 (1)掌握正确的书写格式,养成良好的读书习惯和书写习惯。 (2)掌握正确的英语学习方法,养成预习和及时复习的好习惯。 2、语音及发音 (1)熟悉22个常见的发音组合 (2)能准确地拼读单词。 (3)能通过听音选项等形式熟练掌握目标语言。 (4)能在口语表达中注重语音语调。 3、词汇及对话 (1)能听,说,读,写61个单词和24个句子(包括学校,时间,服装,天气,询问价格和农场等几个话题)要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短对话。 (2)能听,说,认读60个单词。

(3)能通过各种任务型语言活动巩固所学知识,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 4、玩,演,试听及文化: (1)能听懂,会唱8首歌曲,能通过活泼,欢快的歌曲复习巩固所学语言。 (2)能听懂,会吟唱7首歌谣。 (3)能理解6个幽默小故事,能适当扩展本单元语言,加大信息输入,讲述趣味故事并表演。 5、阅读及表达 (1)能读懂对话或小短文。 (2)能完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习。 (3)能听,说,读,写四会句子并掌握掌握四会句型的用法。 (4)能完成一项综合运用所学语言的任务型语言活动。 (5)能用所学语言进行简单口头以及书面表达,进而抒发自己的情感。 课时安排: Unit1 My School 6课时 Unit2 What Time Is It? 6课时 Unit3 Weather 6课时 Recycle1 3课时 Unit4 At the farm 6课时 Unit5 My clothes 6课时 Unit6 Shopping 6课时 Recycle2 3课时 总计43课时/班 二、课程实施 1、词汇教学 (1)注重词汇的呈现方式


综合英语课程建设规划 综合英语课程是一门选修的英语方向模块课程,该课程立足于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力。它是集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体,以语言知识和语言技能,学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以培养学生英语综合语用能力为主要目标的教学体系。 综合英语其主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,在听、说、读、写、译诸多方面对学生进行全面的、严格的基础技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力和正确的学习方法,为高年级打下扎实的基础。本着教书育人、培养应用型人才的宗旨,综合课程建设的规划应 从以下几方面着手努力: 一、确立课程建设目标 改革并完善“以教师为主导、以学生为中心、以教材为基础、以现代信息技术为支撑、以提高学生英语综合应用能力为目标”的新型的交互式英语学习体系,改进“以课堂教学为主,多媒体课件、网络课堂、个性化自主式学习为辅,第二课堂进行综合素质实践”的立体化学习环境,完善“分别以教师和学生为对象的双重教学评价体系”,以促进课堂教学质量的全面提高,同时开辟多种渠道,培训师资,提升教师的综合素质,努力把综合英语课程建设成校级精品课程。 二、注重教学大纲的建设 教学大纲是根据教学计划,以纲要形式规定课程的性质、目的、任务及教学内容、要求等的指导性文件,是实施教学的主要依据,也是提高教学质量、实现规范化教学的重要保证。《综合英语》教学大纲的编订以《晋中学院课程教学大纲编写规范》及《课程教学质量标准》为依据,明确《综合英语》的教学目的、教学要求和教学内容的深度与广度,课程的学时分配科学,进度安排合理,重点、难点把握到位,能力培养要求和培养措施具体。教学大纲的基本内容完善,体现科学性、系统性、先进性原则,符合我学院应用型人才培养的要求。三、注重教材建设 教材是知识的载体,教材建设是课程建设的重要内容,选择符合教学大纲要求的教材是实现培养目标和落实各课程大纲要求的必要保障。综合英语课程尽量选用国家级重点出版社出版的优秀教材或引进适宜的原版教材。在采用国内优秀教材的基础上,加大拓展课程教材建设的力度,努力打造三大系列教材:与主打教材同步的基础系列、提高学生素养的文化系列和 ESP 系列,以满足不同层次学生对于外语教材的需求,同时对本课程的特色形成有力支撑。


人教版五年级上册英语课程说明书 课程名称:人教版小学英语五年级上册 课程类型:义务教育科书 教学材料:《小学人教版小学英语五年级上册》人民教育出版社教学时数:32课时 适应对象:龙里县第四小学五年级学生 一、课程理念 1.培养学生学英语,爱英语、说英语的兴趣; 2.培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力; 3.培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的人才,实施素质教育及创新教育,提高学生的科学文化素质。 二、课程内容 本教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。 教材包括下面一些内容: Unit1 What’s he like? Unit2 My week Unit3 What would you like? Recycle 1 Unit4 What can you do? Unit5 There is a big bed Unit6 In a nature park Recycle 2

三、教材分析 新标准英语重在英语知识的整体输入与融会贯通,知识量大,课文中出现的话题涉及到生活的方方面面,很有时代感,贴近学生生活,增加了音标、英文儿歌和少量的语法等,教学目标的达成较大,对学生有一定难度。因此要在把握《新标准英语》的基本理念上灵活运用教材,不断提高教学质量。 四、教学目标 1、学生能够理解并能口头应答单词短语和句子。 2、能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。 3、能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 5、激发学生学习英语的积极性和兴趣。 6、培养学生一定的语感,打下良好的语音语调。 五、教学重点、难点 1、养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 2、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 3、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。


关于开展年国际商务硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设项目 申报工作的通知 (国际商学院) 在学校高水平大学建设的新形势下,为提高研究生培养质量,更好地服务于学院的学科建设、人才培养、科学研究等工作,学院拟建设一批全英语教案的硕士研究生课程,现将年研究生全英语教案课程建设项目申报相关事项通知如下。 、申报条件 ()申报课程应为国际商务硕士研究生培养方案中规定的非学位专业课,非学位专业课程的具体课程体系见附件; ()实行项目负责人制度。项目负责人及团队成员应具有讲师及以上职称,具有全英文教案能力,团队中必须有国外高校教师参与课程共建。 、立项程序 ()项目负责人填写《国际商学院国际商务硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设申报书》,送交学院组织评审。 ()学院对报送的申请材料进行形式审查,审查合格后,组织校内外有关专家进行评审,确定拟立项课程的名单。 ()评审结果面向全院公示天,确认无异议的,学院发文公布正式立项名单。 、建设内容 ()教案内容。教案内容要符合研究生课程体系和培养方案的要求,应体现课程特色,注重前沿性,及时反映和吸收本学科领域的最新研究成果。

()教案方法。教案中应采用教师讲授与师生讨论相结合的形式,注重培养研究生语言交流应用能力。 ()教材建设。课程应积极引进和使用国外反映学科发展前沿的优秀原版教材,或本学科领域期刊的英文版论文。 ()优质教案资源建设。项目负责人应做好课程教案资源的开发与利用。 、课程考核 项目建设周期为年,项目到期后进行项目验收,项目负责人应提交《国际商学院硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设结项报告》和成果材料,由学院聘请专家进行项目验收。 、经费管理 ()本次拟资助项全英语教案课程,获得立项的课程原则上每个项目资助万元,项目经费采用一次批准总金额、分批投入的管理办法。 ()项目立项拨款经费的使用实行项目负责人制度。项目完成后,项目负责人须在结项报告中列出经费使用的详尽情况以备查。 、材料报送 项目负责人于年月日前将申报书一式份报送学院办公室室,同时将电子文档发送至。 联系人:郑老师,电话:。 附件:国际商务硕士研究生培养方案非学位课程清单 附件:国际商学院硕士研究生全英语教案课程申报书 国际商学院 年月日


●Introduction to the United Kingdom 1、全称The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2、组成England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 3、The Union Flag:The Union Jack,is a combination (union) of the flags of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. 4、Bordered by four seas: to the south by the English Channel to the east by the North Sea to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5、The Prime Meridian本初子午线、Greenwich 6、England---London、Scotland---Edinburgh、Wales---Cardiff、Northern Ireland---Belfast ●Education 1、The purpose of education: to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society to socialize children 2、divided into six terms: 9-10、10-12、1-2、2- 3、4-5、6-7 3、The main school holidays are: *Christmas- 2 weeks *Easter - 2 weeks *Summer - 6 weeks There are also one-week holidays: *end of October *mid February *end of May 4、state schools: private schools:public schools=independent schools 5、age 16: GCSE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education)中学毕业证书 ①quit school and find a job ②prepare to sit exams for university entrance :A-levels (General Certificate of Education-Advanced)高级水平测试结业证书 ③concentrate on vocational training:GNVQs (General National V ocational Qualifications)国家专业资格证书 6、O-level(Ordinary-level) 7、Oxford and Cambridge--Oxbridge (the oldest) 8、In Scotland:St. Andrew (1411) Glasgow (1450) Aberdeen (1494) Edinburgh (1538) 9、Bachelor(学士) 10、departments:chief (professor),Professors, Readers/Senior Lecturers, Lecturers ●British Media 1、TV、radio、Newspaper 2、Quality paper、Tabloids 3、The Observer 《观察家报》the world's oldest national newspaper 4、The Times 《泰晤士报》the UK's oldest daily newspaper 5、The Guardian《卫报》 a national daily newspaper which is radical 激进的in politics and interested in society and social problems. quite soft on crime and quite feminist and shows great

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