当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语语法精讲第7章动词的过去分词形式试题









limit →limited(限制)

pretend →pre tended(假装)

escape →escaped(逃脱)

provide →provided(提供)

refer →referred(提交)

drag →dragged(拖)

pray →prayed(祈祷)

supply →supplied(供应)


cast →cast(投掷)

spread →spread(传播)

bite →bitten(咬)

forgive →forgiven(原谅)

spit →spat(吐)

wear →worn(穿)

fight →fought(搏斗)

lose →lost(丢失)


learned →a learned professor 一位知识渊博的教授

aged →an aged man 老人

beloved →his beloved puter 他心爱的计算机



Not allowed to go in, he had to wait outside. 不允许他进去,他只好在外面等着。

Never invited to his party, she got angry with him. 从未被邀请过去他的聚会,她很生气。





Born and brought up in the countryside, he was interested in biology. 由于在农村出生并长大,他对生物很感兴趣。

One of the glasses was found broken. 有人发现其中一个杯子破了。

The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people. 鲁迅写的这些书,受到了许多中国人的喜爱。


Given more time, I could have solved that riddle. 要是有充足的时间,我就能猜出那个谜语。(句子的主语I 和动词give之间是被动关系。)

When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood. 你说英语的时候,一定要让人懂得你的意思。(动词make的宾语yourself和宾语补足语understand之间是被动关系。)The experience gained in the army was of great value to our study. 在军队获得的经验对我们的学习很有帮助。


an escaped prisoner 逃犯(= a prisoner who has escaped)

a retired worker 退休工人(= a worker who has retired)

a newly arrived guest 新来的客人(= a guest who has just arrived)

We should bring in advanced technology from developed countries from time to time.我们应该不时地从发达国家引进先进技术。

People should pay attention to the changed situation. 人们应该注意到变化了的形势。二、动词的-ed形式的用法



The students are fully prepared. 学生们已做好了充分的准备。

When we got there, the shop was closed. 我们到那儿时,商店已经关门了。

She felt satisfied with her performance on the high-and-low bars. 她对自己在高低杠上的表现感到很满意。

The land remained unexploited. 这片土地尚未开发。

Hearing the news, he looked disappointed. 听到这个消息,他看起来非常失望。

The top of the mou ntain is covered with snow all through the year. 山顶上终年积雪覆盖。


要把-ed形式作表语和被动语态区别开来。作表语的-ed形式表示状态,被动语态中的-ed 形式表示被动动作。

All the doors are locked. 所有的门都是锁着的。(-ed形式作表语,表示状态)

All the doors were locked by the guard. 所有的门都被卫兵锁上了。(被动语态,表示动作)Peter the Great is buried here. 彼得大帝就埋葬在这里。(-ed形式作表语,表示状态Peter the Great was buried here in 1725. 彼得大帝于1725年被埋葬在这里。(被动语态,表示动作)


动词的-ed形式作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态,含有被动的意思,而-ing 形式作表语多表示主语具有的特征,含有主动的意思。

They were frightened to hear the frightening sound. 他们听到那可怕的声音很害怕。

At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved. 看到这么动人的情景,所有在场的人都感动了。


上述动词的-ed形式,有的(如pleased, tired, excited, disappointed等)已经变成形容词,可以被very, too等副词修饰。有的(如amused, puzzled, relaxed等)还不能被very, too修饰,只能被much修饰。

T hese problems are very puzzling. 这些问题很令人迷惑。

We are much puzzled by his failure to reply. 他不给我们回信使我们百思不得其解。

His speech was very moving. 他的演讲非常感人。

All the people present were moved to tears. 在场的所有人都被感动得流泪了。



1.在感觉动词see, hear, feel, notice, watch, find后作宾语补足语。

I heard the Ninth Symphony played last night. 昨晚我听了第九交响乐的演奏。

We found all the rivers seriously polluted. 我们发现所有的河流都被严重污染了。Yesterday I noticed a little girl caught stealing in the shop. 昨天我在商店里注意到一个小女孩偷东西被抓住了。

He felt his collar pulled by someone from behind. 他感觉到衣领被人从后面拉了一下。2.在使役动词get, have, make, leave, keep等后作宾语补足语。


Doris got her bad tooth pulled out in the hospital. 多丽丝在医院把坏牙拔了。

I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll e. 我得先把盘子洗了,然后就来。



I couldn’t get the car to start this morning. 今早我无法把汽车发动起来。

He got his sister to help him with his clothes. 他让姐姐帮他洗衣服。

It is not hard to get him talking; the problem is stopping him! 让他说话不难,难的是说开了止不住他。

Can you really get that old clock going again 你真的能让那辆旧钟再走起来吗?


He raised his voice in order to make himself heard. 他提高了嗓门为了使别人听清他的讲话。You should make your views known to the public. 你应该让知道你的观点。



【误】Can you make the students understanding the text

【正】Can you make the students understand the text 你能让学生理解这篇课文吗?

【正】Can you make the text understood by the students 你能让学生理解这篇课文吗?


They all went home, leaving all the work undone. 所有的工作都没完成,他们就回家了。The detective and his assistant kept themselves locked in the room all night. 侦探和他的助手把自己整夜反锁在房间里。


With everything well arranged, he left the office. 一切都安排妥善之后,他离开了办公室。She has e back with her backpack filled with interesting picture-books. 她已经回来了,背包里塞满了有趣的图书。

Without any grain left in the house, the little girl had to go begging. 家里没有粮食,小女孩只好出去讨饭。

Without any more time given, we couldn't finish the task in three weeks. 如果不再给我们任何时间的话,我们三星期之内完成不了任务。

4.某些动词后(如want, need, prefer, would like等),作宾语补足语的不定式被动形式省略“to be”,就成了-ed形式作宾语补足语。

I would like this matter (to be) settled immediately. 我希望这事立即得到解决。

I'd prefer this book translated by my sister. 我情愿让我妹妹来翻译这本书。

We need the work (to be) finished by Saturday. 我们需要这项工作周六之前完成。

The peasants don't want good farmland (to be) built on. 农民们不想让好好的农田被用来建造房子。





A watched pot never boils. 心急锅不开。

All the broken doors and windows have been repaired. 所有的坏门窗都修好了。

When we arrived, we each were given a printed question paper. 我们到达的时候,每人被发给了一份印制好的试卷。



Money spent is more than money earned. 入不敷出。


作后置定语的-ed形式一般都带有修饰语或其他成分,在语法上相当于一个定语从句。We have read many novels written by this author. 我们读过这个作家写的许多小说。(= that are written by this author)

Half of the honored guests invited to the reception were foreign ambassadors. 被邀请到招待会上的贵宾有一半都是外国大使。(= who had been invited to the reception)

The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千名学生出席了。(= which was attended by one thousand students)

A woman, dressed like a lawyer, came in and took her seat as judge. 一个律师装扮的女人走了进来,并作为法官就座。(= who was dressed like a lawyer)



the risen sun 升起了的太阳

the rising sun 正在升起的太阳

boiled water 开水

boiling water 正沸腾的水

developed countries 发达国家

developing countries 发展中国家

fallen leaves 落叶

falling leaves 正在飘落的叶子

changed condition 改变了的情况

changing condition 变化着的情况




Seen from the tower, the city looks beautiful. 从塔上往下看,城市显得很美丽。(= When the city is seen from the tower...)

Shown the lab, we were taken to see the library. 带我们参观了实验室之后,又带我们参观了图书馆。(= After we had been shown the lab...)

pletely examined by the doctors, he went back to school right away. 经过医生彻底检查以后,他立刻回到了学校。(= After he was pletely examined...)



When asked why she was late for class again, she hung her head in shame. 当被问到为什么上课又迟到时,她羞愧地低下了头。

Once recovered, he went all out to do his work. 一恢复健康,他就全力以赴地干起了工作。Once started, the clock will go half a month and keep good time.一旦给这钟上了发条,它就会走半个月,并且走得很准。

2. 表示原因


Moved by the heroic deeds, the children couldn't help crying. 孩子们被英雄事迹感动,情不自禁地哭了起来。(= Since they were moved by the heroic deeds ...)

Written in haste, her letter is very hard to read. 因为写得快,她的信很难阅读。(=As it was written in haste ...)

Excited by the new discovery, we decided to go out and celebrate. 我们因为新发现而激动万分,决定出去庆祝一下。(Because we were excited by...)



Even if invited, I won't go. 即使受到邀请,我也不去。

Though beaten by the opposite team, they did not lose heart. 虽然被对手打败,便他们并没有丧失信心。

Unless invited, he will not e back to the pany. 除非被邀请,不然他不会回到公司来的。

3. 表示条件


Heated, water changes into steam. 加热,水就能变成蒸汽。(= If water is heated...)Given more time, he would be able to do better. 假如多给一些时间,他会干得更出色。(= If he was given more time ...)

pared with other professors, she was an excellent speaker. 与其他教授相比,她是一个优秀的演说家。

4. 表示让步

动词的-ed形式作状语表示让步,相当于一个though/although引导的让步状语从句。Exhausted by th e running, they went on running after the robber. 尽管已经跑得筋疲力尽,他们还是继续追赶着那个强盗。(= Although they were exhausted by the running ...)Laughed at by many people, he cont inued his research. 尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。(= Even if he was laughed by many people ...)

Questioned many times a day, Andrew kept silent over the murder. 尽管一天被盘问了多次,安德鲁仍然对那件谋杀案保持沉默。



Suddenly seized with a high fever, he was unable to attend school. 他因突然发热不能来上学。

= Being suddenly seized with a high fever, he was unable to attend school. 他因突然发热不能来上学。

Brought up in the countryside, he found it hard to get used to town life. 因为是在农村长大的,他感到很难适应城市生活。

= Having been brought up in the countryside, he found it hard to get used to town life. 因为是在农村长大的,他感到很难适应城市生活。



The teacher stood there, surrounded by the students. 老师站在那儿,被学生围住了。(= and he was surrounded by the students)

He went into the office, followed by some children. 他走进办公室,后面跟着一些孩子。(= and he was followed by some children)

They turned around and stood in the middle of the room, pletely astonished. 他们转过身来,站


She accepted the gift, deeply moved. 她接受了礼物,深深地感动了。



【误】Invited to the state banquet is a great honor.

【正】To be invited to the state banquet is a great honor. 被邀请出席国宴是极大的荣耀。【误】I cannot stand laughed at.

【正】I cannot stand being laughed at. 我不能容忍被人嘲笑。


A.动词的-ed形式在句中作状语和表语时,它的逻辑主语一般来说就是句子的主语,-ed 形式和主语之间是被动关系。

Locked up, he had no way to escape. 他被锁了起来,没有办法逃跑了。

Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. 他陷入了沉思,几乎撞到了前面的汽车。

She became discouraged at the news. 听到这个消息,她泄气了。

Though it was 1000 a.m., the door of the shop remained locked. 尽管已经是上午10点了,商店的门仍然锁着。


The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. 第一批编写出来作为英语教材的课本是16世纪出版的。

The puter center, opened last year, is very popular amo ng the students in this school. 去年开办的计算机中心深受这所学校的学生喜爱。

A lighted candle lit up the cellar. 一支点燃的蜡烛照亮了地下室。


Vivien got her fingers trapped in the bicycle chain. 薇薇恩把手指卡在自行车链条里了。(trapped的逻辑主语是句子的宾语fingers)

The valuable vase was found stolen. 那个珍贵的花瓶发现被盗了。(stolen的逻辑主语是句子的主语vase)

We got home only to find the whole house turned upside down. Thieves obviously had broken in. 我们回到家发现整幢房子被翻得乱七八糟, 很明显小偷闯进来了。



Everything done, we went home. 一切事情都做完了,我们就回家了。

All our money run out, Henry had to find another job. 钱都用完了,亨利不得不再找一份工作。

He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head. 他躺在草地上,头枕着双手。All things considered, the planned trip will have to be called off. 考虑到所有的情况,原来计划好的旅行不得不取消。



Put frankly, I don't agree with what he said. 坦白地说,我不同意他所说的。

Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 考虑到他一般的身体状况,手术后的恢复可能需要一段时间。


巧记跟不定式和动名词做宾语的动词用法 语法体现语言的规律,学好英语离不开语法学习。其中,动词的用法是重点,也是难点。对于谓语动词和非谓语动词的用法,学生普遍感到困难。学生感到50多个动词,用法难以掌握,但调整了单词的排列顺序,根据汉意编写顺口溜会方便记忆: (一)跟不定时作宾语的动词有: 打算(intend)计划(plan)和期盼(expect/desire) 假装(pretend)喜欢(would like/love/prefer)表祝愿(wish) 决定(decide)同意(agree)来帮助(help) 设法(manage)说服(persuade)不拒绝(refuse) 好像(seem/appear)答应(promise)做努力(attempt) 选择(choose)询问(ask)多学习(learn) 告诉(tell)失败(fail)也付得起(afford) 不定式宾语要牢记! (二)跟动名词作宾语的动词有: 考虑(consider)完成(finish)多练习(practise) 避免(avoid)冒险(risk)求建议(suggest/recoomend) 面对(face)喜欢(enjoy/appreciate)和介意(mind) 允许(allow)承认(admit/permit)或放弃(give up/abandon) 推迟(put off/delay/postphone)逃避(escape)不原谅(excuse/pardon)提及(mention)坚持(keep/insist on)要想象(imagine/fancy) 还有词组feel like 和can’t stand! 瞧!,我们就这样快快乐乐地记住了吧! (三)在动词remember, try, regret, forget, need/want/require, stop, mean等后跟动名词V-和不定式意义不同,巧记一句话(记住努力;后悔忘记;需要停止;很有意义),学习采用对比法: remember to do something记着去做某事(现在还没有做) remember doing something记着曾做过某事(以前做过某事) try to do something努力、尽力做某事 try doing something试着做某事(看能否达到预期的结果) stop to do something开始做某事(停下正在做的事,开始做另一事) stop doing something停止做某事(停止正在做的事) regret to do something对将来做的事感到遗憾、惋惜 regret doing something对已经做过的事感到后悔


高中英语语法之动词过去分词 简介 规则动词的过去分词一般是由动词加ed构成(具体规则见后),不规则动词的过去分词见不规则动词表。过去分词则属于类动词 1. 及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是被动关系,表示主语的状态,不但表示被动,还表示已完成了.The cup is broken. 茶杯破了. 2. 不及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是主动关系,表示主语的状态,只表示动作的完成. He is retired. 他已退休. 3. 有些过去分词作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构. 过去分词构成规则 1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。四点变化规则: (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。work---worked---worked ,visit---visited---visited (2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。live---lived---lived , (3)、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将"y" 变为"i" ,再加“ ed ”。 study---studied---studied ,cry---cried---cried , (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop---stopped---stopped , drop---dropped--dropped 2 、不规则动词,见不规则表 一、当过去分词作为表语 The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains. 这座城市三面环山. 【注意】过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别:过去分词作表语,主要是表示主语的状态,而被动语态则表示动作. (1) The cup was broken by my little sister yesterday. 茶杯是昨天我小妹打碎的.(是被动语态,表示动作) (2) The library is now closed. 图书馆关门了.(过去分词作表语) 【注意】过去分词表示被动或完成, -ing 形式表示主动或进行.有些动词如interest, bore, worry, surprise, frighten 等通常用其过去分词形式来修饰人,用-ing 形式来修饰物. (3) The book is interesting and I'm interested in it. 这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣. 二、当过去分词作为定语 作定语用的过去分词相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词.及物动词的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表完成. 1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个的,常置于其所修饰的名词之前. We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况. 2. 过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于书面语中. The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功. 3.过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号. The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人. 4. 用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关.


一、规则动词(Regullar Verbs) 的过去式由"动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有: 1.一般的直接在词尾加-ed 。如: want —wanted, work —worked, need —needed, clean —cleaned 2.以不发音的e 结尾的在词尾加-d 。如:like —liked, live —lived, use —used, move—moved smile--smiled; hope--hoped. 注意:ie 结尾动词,直接加d: died;tied. 3.以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加 -ed 。如:stop —stopped, trip —tripped planned; 4.以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,先把y 变成i ,再加-ed 。如:study —studied, carry —carried, hurry —hurried, marry —married worried; studied. 注意:规则动词过去式加“ ed”后的发音规则: 在浊辅音和元音后面[d] called [k?:ld] borrowed [b?r??d] moved[mu:vd] 在清辅音后面[t] helped[helpt] passed[pa:st] 在[t] [d]音后面[id] started['sta:tid] counted['kauntid] needed['ni:did] counted['kauntid] 补充说明: 二、不规则动词(Irregular Verbs) 的过去式大体上归纳有以下记忆法: 1.以t 结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。如:put—put, let —let, cut —cut, beat —beat read —read must--must 2.以d 结尾的词,把d 变成t。如:build —built, lend —lent, sen d —sent, spe nd —spe nt 3.以n 结尾的词,在词后力口t。如:mean— meant, burn —burnt, learn —learnt 4.以ow / aw 结尾的词,把ow / aw 变成ew。如:blow —blew, draw —drew, know—knew, grow —grew throw —threw (动词show 除外,show—showed) 5.含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t 。如:keep—kept, sleep —slept, feel —felt, smell —smelt sweep —swept 6.含有元音字母o / i 的词,将o / i 变成a/口:come— came become —became sing —sang, give —gave, sit —sat, drink —drank 7.以ought 和aught 结尾,且读音是〔:t 〕的过去式。如: bring —brought ,buy—bought ,think —thought ,catch —caught,teach—taught &把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive —drove ,ride —rode ,write —wrote 9.动词原形中的e改为o,如: get —got , forget —forgot 10.动词原形中的ee改为e,如: feed —fed , meet—met 11.动词原形中的eak改为oke,如:


第6章动词的-ing形式 动词的-ing形式包括传统语法的“动名词”(gerund)和“现在分词”(present participle)两个部分。动词的-ing形式具有动词的特征,同时又具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此它可以在句中作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语。 一、动词-ing形式的特征和种类 与动词不定式一样,动词的-ing形式也具有动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,并可带状语、宾语等。 A.动词-ing形式的一般式 1. 动词-ing形式的一般式可用来泛指一个动作,没有特别的时间意义。Swimming is her favorite sport. 游泳是她最喜欢的体育运动。 Learning is important to modern life. 学习对现代生活很重要。 2. 动词-ing形式的一般式可用来表示和谓语动词同时发生的动作。 They went out of the classroom, talking and laughing. 他们有说有笑地走出教室。 She listened carefully to her neighbours speaking. 她倾听她邻居的讲话。 3. 动词-ing形式的一般式有时也可表示在谓语动词的动作之前或之后发生的动作。 I remembered sending him an e-mail last week. 我记得上星期给他发过一份电

子邮件。 He suggested taking my daughter to the zoo the next Sunday. 他建议下个星期天带我女儿去动物园。 B. 动词-ing形式的完成式 动词的-ing形式的完成式表示一个已完成的动作,这个动作发生或完成在谓语动词表示的动作之前。 Having lived in this city for three years, she knows it very well. 在这个城市生活了3年,她对这里已很熟悉。 I really regretted having missed such an exciting lecture. 错过了这么振奋人心的演讲,我真的很遗憾。 注意: 在现代英语中,作宾语的-ing形式的完成式可用一般式来代替。 I really regretted missing such an exciting lecture. 错过了这么振奋人心的演讲,我真的很遗憾。(=I really regretted having missed such an exciting lecture.) We remembered seeing the film. 我们记得看过这部电影。(=We remembered having seen the film. ) C. 动词-ing形式的被动形式 动词的-ing形式的被动形式表示它的逻辑主语是-ing形式表示的动作的承受者。 1.一般式的被动形式 The question being discussed is very important. 正在讨论的问题很重要。


习题精选---分词用法: boy went to the ball,_like a pretty girl. A. dressing B. wearing C. wore D. dressed 2._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The film was made_on a true old story. A. base B. to be based C. based D. basing 4. When_,the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 5._to his research, he almost forgot everything. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. To devote D. Devote 6. _his attention on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix 7._on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix old engineer talked of the difficulty they _the tower. A. built B. had building C. had built D. build 9. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 10._the past, our life is becoming much better. A. Comparing with B. Be compared with C. To compare with D. Compared with 11. The boy was last seen _near the East Lake. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play was very unhappy for _to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 14. We went to see him yesterday evening, _him away. A. finding B. find C. only to find D. found 15. _of plastics, the machines are easy to carry. A. To make B. Having made C. Being made D. Made Suggested answers: 1-5 DACA B 6-10 BABAD 11-15 ADCCD


高中英语语法总结大全之动词 动词 1)表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 2)根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。 说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting.我们正在开会。(having是实义动词。) He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。 (has是助动词。) 3)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 说明:同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如: She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She can sing many English songs. 她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。) 4)根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分两类,分别是:限定动词(Finite Verb)、非限定动词(Non-finite Verb)例如: She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。) She wants to learn English well. 她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。 说明:英语中共有三种非限定动词,分别是:动词不定式(Infinitive)、动名词(Gerund)、分词(Participle)。 5)根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词(One-Word Verb)、短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase)例如: The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。)


什么是语法? +表语 +宾语 +间接宾语+直接宾语 +宾语+宾语补足语 to/-ing s not


一般将来时 将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的 动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经 常或者重复发生的动作,常与表示 将来的时间副词连用,例如:soon, next week, this afternoon, tomorrow We will graduate next year. 我们明年毕业。

进行时(1) (V+ing) 现在分词(V+ing) 现在分词(V+ing)?


完成时(1) Part1 完成时的句型构成 1-1 陈述句型:S+has/have+过去分词(p.p.) I have already finished my homework.(我已经完成了我的作业) 1-2 否定句型:S+has/have+not+过去分词(p.p.) Sandy has been a nurse in this hospital for 15 years.(珊蒂已经在这家医院担任护士长达15年了。) 1-3 疑问句型:Has/Have+s+过去分词(p.p.)? Have you ever seen Peter in past 3 months?(过去3个月内,你看见过彼吗?) 2-1 陈述句型:S+had+过去分词(p.p.) This proposal had been deliverde by Eva before Aaron finished it. (这个计划在艾伦完成以前,伊娃就已经提交出去了) 2-2 否定句型:S+had+not+过去分词(p.p.) I had not finished my work when he visited me last week.(上周他来拜访我以前,我还没有完成工作。) 2-3 疑问句型:Had+s+过去分词(p.p.)? Had you ever been to a blind date before you married?(你结婚以前曾经参加相亲吗?) 3-1 陈述句型:S+shall/will+have+过去分词(p.p.) They wll have finished the meeting by now. (他们现在应该已经开完会了) 3-2 否定句型:S+shall/will+have+not+过去分词(p.p.) We will have not made 10 apple pies by the end of today.(我们在今天结束之前不能做完10个苹果派。) 3-3 疑问句型: Shall/Will+ s+have+过去分词(p.p.)? Will they have already left by the time we get there?(我们到的时候,他们会不会已经离开了? )


第7章动词的过去分词形式 动词的-ed形式也是非谓语动词的一种,它具有动词的一些特点,同时也具有形容词、副词的句法功能,在句中可用作表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语等。 一、动词的-ed形式的特征 A.动词的-ed形式是由动词的过去分词构成 动词的-ed形式只有一种形式,即传统语法中的过去分词。绝大部分的动词的-ed形式由动词原形加-ed构成,也有一些动词的-ed形式是不规则的。 1.规则动词的-ed形式 limit→limited(限制) pretend→pretended(假装) escape→escaped(逃脱) provide→provided(提供) refer→referred(提交) drag→dragged(拖) pray→prayed(祈祷) supply→supplied(供应) 2.不规则动词的-ed形式 cast→cast(投掷) spread→spread(传播) bite→bitten(咬) forgive→forgiven(原谅) spit→spat(吐) wear→worn(穿) fight→fought(搏斗) lose→lost(丢失) 3.少数动词的-ed形式作定语时,读音与一般过去分词不同 learned a learned professor 一位知识渊博的教授 aged an aged man 老人 beloved his beloved computer 他心爱的计算机 B.动词的-ed形式的否定形式 动词的-ed形式的否定形式是由not或never加动词的-ed形式构成。 Not allowed to go in, he had to wait outside. 不允许他进去,他只好在外面等着。 Never invited to his party, she got angry with him. 从未被邀请过去他的聚会,她很生气。 C.动词的-ed形式的特征 动词的-ed形式有被动的意思,有时也可表示完成的动作。 1.动词的-ed形式表示已完成的动作。 除了作形容词用的-ed形式外,动词的-ed形式可带有完成的意义,有的同时也带有被动的意义。


动词过去式规则变化大全: [1] e结尾的情况: e结尾的动词, 直接加d: smile--smiled; hope--hoped. ie结尾动词,直接加d: died;tied. [2] 双辅音结尾的情况: 两个辅音字母(consonant)结尾的, 直接加ed: helped; learned. [3]两个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 两个元音(vowels:a,e,i,o,u)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词,直接加ed: rained; heated. [4] 一个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 一个元音(vowel)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词: (1) 对单音节(one-syllable)单词,双写最后一个辅音字母加ed. . stopped; planned; (2) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第一个音节处,不双写加ed. 如: visited(重读在vis前); offered(重读在of前); (3) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第二个音节处,双写词尾辅音字母加ed. 如: preferred(重读在fer前); admitted(重读在mit前); referred; deferred; [5] y结尾的情况: 元音+y结尾动词,直接加ed: played; enjoyed. 辅音+y结尾动词,y变i加ed: worried;studied. 1.把动词原形中的i改为a,变成过去式。如: begin—began,drink—drank,give—gave,ring—rang,sing—sang,sit—sat,swim—swam 2.把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive—drove,ride—rode,write—wrote 3.改动词原形中的aw /ow为ew,变成过去式。如: draw—drew,grow—grew,know—knew,throw—threw(动词show除外,show—showed) 4.动词原形中的e改为o,变成过去式。如: get—got,forget—forgot 5.动词原形中的ee改为e,变成过去式。如: feed—fed,meet—met 6.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。如: keep—kept,sleep—slept,sweep—swept 7.动词原形中的eak改为oke,变成过去式。如: break—broke,speak—spoke 8.动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。如: sell—sold,tell—told


高中英语语法大全动词的语态 一.概念: 动词的语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和谓语之间语法或语义的关系.英语的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态.主动语态用于主动句,表示主语是动作的执行者.被动语态用于被动句,表示主语是动作的承受者.主动语态的构成方式与动词时态相同,而被动语态由助动词be+过去分词构成,有人称,数,时态的变化. 相关知识点精讲 1. let 的用法 1)当let后只有一个单音节动词,变被动语态时,可用不带to 的不定式。例如: They let the strange go.他们放陌生人走了。 ---> The strange was let go. 2)当let 后宾补较长时,let 通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit 代替。例如: The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital. 那护士让我去探望住院的同学。 ----> I was allowed / permitted to see my classmate in the hospital. 2.短语动词的被动语态 短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。例如: My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. 我妹妹由奶奶照顾。

Such a thing has never been heard of before. 这样的事闻所未闻。 3. 表示"据说"或"相信" 的词组,基本上由believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, suppose, think, understand等组成。例如: It is said that…据说 It is reported that… 据报道 It is believed that…大家相信 It is hoped that…大家希望 It is well known that… 众所周知 It is thought that…大家认为 It is suggested that…据建议 It i s taken granted that…被视为当然 It has been decided that… 大家决定 It must be remember that… 务必记住的是


过去式的概念、动词的过去式变形、句子的过去式变形和不规则动词列表 i一般过去时态 定义:表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构:“主语+动词的过去式” 用法: 1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 he was here yesterday. i got up at seven yesterday morning. my mother was at work yesterday afternoon. did you have a good time last summer? 2.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 my mother often went to work by taxi last year. when i was a student, i often listened to music. 3. 常与一般过去时态连用的时间有:一般过去式的用法: 一般过去式表示过去的动作和状态,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组 或从句, 如yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可 以不带时间状语。 i worked in that factory last year. 去年我在那一家工厂工作。 i met him yesterday. 昨天我碰见了他。 i went to the tian long mountain yesterday. 昨天我们去了天龙山。 一般过去式构成:表示一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过 去式是在动词 原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。 4. 一般过去时的标志词: last year; last night yesterday (+morning, afternoon, evening) in +过去时间词: in 1998… 依上下文或句子。 ii 过去式规则变化 (a)动词词尾+“ed”。 walk →walked(走)need →needed (需要) (b)动词词尾为“e”时,加“-d”。 live →lived (住)like →liked (喜欢) (c)动词词尾为“辅音字母+y”时,去“y”加“ied”,若是词尾为“元音字母+y”,只 加“ed”。 study →studied (学习)play→played (游戏) (d)原形动词词尾为重读闭音节时,先双写该辅音字母再+“ed”stop →stopped (即 后三位中两个辅音夹着一个原音时,要再写一次最后的辅音) 过去式“-ed”的发音规则 (1)动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/ id /音, want →wanted (要)need →needed (需要) (2)动词词尾为等清辅音时,发/ t / 音。 help →helped (帮助)laugh →laughed (笑)look →looked (看) kiss →kissed (吻)wash →washed (洗) watch →watched (注视) (3)下列动词的过去式如下变化,发/ d /音。 call →called (叫)stay→stayed (停留)cry→cried (哭)


5. 动词 1)表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 2)根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。 说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。(having是实义动词。) He has gone to New York. 他已去纽约。 (has是助动词。) 3)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 说明:同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如: She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She can sing many English songs. 她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。) 4)根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分两类,分别是:限定动词(Finite Verb)、非限定动词(Non-finite Verb)例如: She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。) She wants to learn English well. 她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。 说明:英语中共有三种非限定动词,分别是:动词不定式(Infinitive)、动名词(Gerund)、分词(Participle)。 5) 根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词(One-Word Verb)、短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase)例如: The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。) Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries. 学生们学会查字典。(look up是短语动词。) The young ought to take care of the old. 年轻人应照料老人。(take care of是动词短语。) 6)动词有五种形态,分别是:原形(Original Form)、第三人称单数形式(Singular From in Third Personal)、过去式(Past Form)、过去分词(Past Participle)、现在分词(Present Participle)。 5.1 系动词 系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。 说明: 有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语,例如: He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。) He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。 1)状态系动词 用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,例如:


高中英语语法:不定式和现在分词 一、不定式(to do的构成 1. 不定式的构成 不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。不定式一般有时式和语态的变化,通常有下表中的几种形式(以do为例: 主动式 被动式 一般式 to do to be done 完成式 to have done to have been done 进行式 to be doing / 完成进行式 to have been doing /

1 不定式的一般式 不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。如: They invited us to go there this summer. 他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。He stood aside for me to pass. 他站到一边让我通过。 2 不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之后发生,它在句中可作表语、状语、宾语,有时也可作主语、定语等。如: She seemed to have heard about this matter. 她似乎已听说过这件事。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 我很抱歉让你等了这么久。 I meant to have told you about it, but I happened to have an important thing to do. 我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。 It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country. 对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。 3 不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的与谓语动词同时发生的动作。它在句中可以用作除谓语以外的所有成分。如: It’s nice of you to be helping us these days. 你真好,这些天一直帮我们。 He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully. 他假装在认真地 听老师讲课。


小学英语动词过去式规则变化大全 [1] e结尾的情况: e结尾的动词, 直接加d: smile--smiled; hope--hoped. ie结尾动词,直接加d: died;tied. [2] 双辅音结尾的情况: 两个辅音字母(consonant)结尾的, 直接加ed: helped; learned. [3]两个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 两个元音(vowels:a,e,i,o,u)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词,直接加ed: rained; heated. [4] 一个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 一个元音(vowel)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词: (1) 对单音节(one-syllable)单词,双写最后一个辅音字母加ed. . stopped; planned; (2) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第一个音节处,不双写加ed. 如: visited(重读在vis前); offered(重读在of前); (3) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第二个音节处,双写词尾辅音字母加ed. 如: preferred(重读在fer前); admitted(重读在mit前); referred; deferred; [5] y结尾的情况: 元音+y结尾动词,直接加ed: played; enjoyed. 辅音+y结尾动词,y变i加ed: worried;studied. 1.把动词原形中的i改为a,变成过去式。如: begin—began,drink—drank,give—gave,ring—rang,sing—sang,sit—sat,swim—swam 2.把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive—drove,ride—rode,write—wrote


常用动词的过去式、过去分词不规则变化的规律 (史上最全) 一、A—A—A型,即原形、过去式和过去分词三者都相同。(共9个) 1. cost[k?st]—cost—cost---costing['k?st??]---costs[k?sts] n.价格, 成本, 费用;代价, 损失 vi.价钱为; 花费 vt.付出(代价), 失去;估价 2. cut[k?t]—cut—cut---cutting['k?t??]---cuts vt. & vi.切, 剪, 割, 削 vt.削减;挖成; 刻成;使(某人)感到疼痛或痛苦;(直线)与(另一条直线)相交;不出席, 不到场;灌制(唱片) n.切, 割, 砍; 用刀等割的破口;减少, 降低; 删减;裁剪样式;伤感情的话或行为 3. hit[hit]—hit—hit---hitting---hits vt. & vi.打, 打击;碰撞 vt.伤害, 殃及 n.一击, 击中;成功而风行一时的事物 4. hurt[h?:t]—hurt—hurt---hurting---hurts vt.使受伤; 伤害;vi.疼痛 vt. & vi.对…有害; 对…有不良影响 n.肉体上的伤害[痛苦];精神上的痛苦[创伤] 5. let[let]—let—let ---letting vt.让, 使;放掉, 松掉;vt. & vi.出租 6. put[put]—put—put---putting vt.放; 置;使处于(某种状态);表达, 叙述, 说明 7. read[ri:d]—read—read ---reading vt. & vi.读; 看懂, 理解;vt.显示; 标明 8. set[set]—set—set---setting---sets vt.放, 搁置;vi.(日、月等)落, 下沉;(植物)结子, 结果 n.(一)套, (一)副;收音机; 电视机 adj.固定的; 指定的;不变的 9. shut[??t]—shut—shut ---shutting---shuts vt. & vi.关, 关上


高中英语语法之动词用法讲解 动词的分类 动词按其在句中所充当的句子成分分为谓语动词和非谓语动词 一.谓语动词: 用于谓语中的动词称为谓语动词. 按照其能否独立作谓语, 谓语动词又可分为两类: 1.能独立作谓语的动词称为完全动词, 即实义动词; 2.不能独立作谓语的动词称为不完全动词, 包括: 连系动词, 情态动词, 助动词 连系动词有两种: ①.表示特征状态, 如: be, appear看起来, seem看来,似乎, look 看起来, sound听起来, smell闻起来, taste尝起来, feel 摸起来, remain仍然是; ②.表示变化过程, 如: become变成, get成为, grow变得, turn变成, go变得, prove证明是 情态动词和助动词参看其他章节 二.非谓语动词: 不充当谓语的动词形式称为非谓语动词, 包括: 不定式, 分词(现在分词和过去分词, 动名词三种, 它们在句中可以充当主语, 宾语, 表语, 定语, 状语等, 具体细节参看第十一章. 三.使用实义动词时要注意的问题: 1.实义动词分为及物与不及物, 及物动词要求有宾语, 能用于被动语态; 不及物 动词不能有宾语, 不能用于被动语态 2.实义动词还可分为持续动词与瞬间动词, 前者可以与表示段时间的时间状语 连用, 而后者不可. 但瞬间动词的否定式表示“该动作没有发生”, 可视为一种可持续的状态, 并可与段时间状语连用 a. They watched the train leave for five minutes. ( watch是持续动词

b. I received his letter yesterday. ( receive是瞬间动词 c. How long have you joined the army ?(错误: joined是瞬间动词, 不能与段时间how long连用 d. When did you join the army ? (正确 e. How long have you been in the army ? (正确 f. How long may I borrow the book ? (错误: borrow是瞬间动词, 不能与段时间how long连用 g. How long may I keep the book ? (正确 h. I haven’t received his letter f or almost two months. (not receive表示“没有收到”, 这一意思可视为一种持续的状态, 因此可以和段时间two months连用 四.短语动词的种类: 共有五种不同的短语动词 1. “动词+介词”: 相当于一个及物动词, 如: depend on, look for 2. “动词+副词”: 有的相当于及物动词, 如: look up(查找, 有的相当于不及物动词, 如: slow down(慢下来. 这类短语动词的宾语是代词时, 只能放在动词和副词之间, 如: call her up; 这类短语动词的宾语是名词时, 既可放在动词和副词之间, 也可放在副词之后, 如: call Tom up或call up Tom 3. “动词+副词+介词”: 相当于一个及物动词, 如: keep away from 4. “动词+名词+介词”: 相当于一个及物动词, 如: lose sight of 5. “be +形容词+介词”: 相当于一个及物动词, 如: be worthy of 动词的形式 一.动词的基本形式有: ①.原形; ②.单数第三人称现在时形式, 即词尾加– s / - es;

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