当前位置:文档之家› 上海高二第一学期周练-行列式(二)、算法初步(第十五周)-006





上海市金山中学 龚伟杰 【作者编号006】

一、填空题(每题5分,本大题共10题,共50分) 1.若d c b a ,,,四数成等比数列,则行列式


c b a 的值为 .

答案 0.

解 ∵d c b a ,,,四数成等比数列,∴0=-bc ad ,

0=-=bc ad d

c b a .

点评 本题考查双基.

2,则方程组的解的情况为 .

答案 解 无解或无数多解.

点评 本题考查三元一次方程组解的条件.



21的第二行第一列元素0的余子式是 .



解 余子式为0


点评 本题考查余子式的概念,注意余子式与代数余子式之间的区别.



21的第二行第一列元素0的代数余子式是 .

答案 0


解 代数余子式为0





点评 本题考查代数余子式的概念,通过余子式来展开三阶行列式体现了一种化归的思想.



02 .

答案 2-.

解 按对角线法则或按行按列展开=





2-=-=. 点评 本题考查双基.


33222b a b a 33113b a b a -2


114b a b a +表示成一个三阶行列式为 .

答案 33




b a b a b a . 解 33





b a b a b a (答案不惟一). 点评 本题考查三阶行列式按行或列展开. 7.若0234150



,则=x .

答案 8-.

解 行列式展开,∵)8(224




+=-=--x x


,∴8-=x . 点评 本题考查行列式的展开式.




87552023z y x z y x z y x 的解为 .

答案 ??


??===121z y x .

解 ∵508752111

23=--=D ,50871215



=---=x D ,1008



=-=y D ,501


23=---=z D ,∴????



======121D D z D D y D D x z y x .

点评 本题考查用行列式解三元一次方程组.

9.若关于z y x ,,的方程组??


??=++=++=++4234z by x z by x z y ax 有惟一解,则b a ,满足的条件是 .

答案 1≠a 解 由01



≠-==ab b b b a

D ,得1≠a 且0≠b .

点评 本题考查双基.


答案 解 按行展开0=+-=ke

kd e

d c kf kd f d b kf k


f e a

kf ke kd f e d c







点评 本题考查三阶行列式的性质.

11.(2009年山东高考题)执行下面的程序框图,输出的=T .

答案 30.

解 按照程序框图依次执行为2,2,5===T n s ;642,4,10=+===T n s ;

1266,6,15=+===T n s ;20812,8,20=+===T n s ;s T n s >=+===301020,10,25,

故输出30=T .

点评 本题考查算法.

12.根据框图,得到一个数列}{n a ,则程序最后输出的a 值为 .

答案 1024

解 由题意知,???≥==-2,21


n a n a n n .

当2≥n 时,12-=n n a a ,∴}{n a 是等比数列,12-=n n a ,102421011===a a . 点评 本题考查数列与算法.

13.(2010年上海高考题) 2010年上海世博会园区每天9:00开园,20:00停止入园.在下面的框图中,S 表示上海世博会官方网站在每个整点报道的入园总人数,a 表示整点报道前1个小时内入园人数,则空白的执行框内应填入 .

答案 a s s +←解 考查算法. 点评 本题考查算法.

14.如下图 “杨辉三角形”,从左上角开始的4个元素构成的二阶行列式















143211111的值等于 .

答案 1.解 猜想












点评 本题考查归纳猜想论证的思想方法和对新知识的理解能力. 二、选择题(每题5分,本大题共3题,共15分)

1.一元二次方程02=++c bx ax 的判别式ac b 42-=?用行列式表示的结果是…………………………………………………………………………………( ).

A .



a b 4- B .



a b - C .



a b 4 D .



a b -4

答案 C . 解 ∵



a b 4ac b 42-=,故选C .

点评 本题考查双基.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1… 1




5 6… 1 3

6 10 15… 1 4 10 20… 1 5 15… 1 6 … 1…

2. 行列式i



f e d


b a 的计算方法可以如下图所示, 将三条实线相连的元素的乘积之和减去三条虚线相连的元素的乘积之和.对于这种计算方法你认为是……( ).

A .不正确D . 以上都不是

答案 B .

解 对比它的展开式知,它是正确的,故选B . 点评 提供了三阶行列式展开式的一种记忆方法.

3.1=a 是行列式03




的…………………………………………( ). A .充分非必要条件 B .必要非充分条件

C .充要条件

答案 D .

解 ∵25923


1132312-+-=a a a


,025922=+-a a ,0

点评 本题考查双基.

4.如下图给出了一个程序框图,其功能 ……………………………… ( ). A .求第几项开始为负数 B .求前多少项的和开始为负值 C .求第几项取得最大值 D .求第几项取得最小值




5.(2009年浙江高考题)某程序框图如图所示,该程序运行后输出的k的值是………………………………………………………………………………().A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7

答案 A .

解 按照程序框图依次执行为1,1==k S ;2,3==k S ;3,11==k S ;

4,1002311=>+=k S .故输出4=k ,选A .

点评 本题考查双基.

三、解答题 (14题15分,15题20分)



??=-++=++=++01223532732z y x z y x z y x .

答案 ??


??=-==213z y x .

解 ∵182131323

21-==D ,542



-==x D ,1821231523



==y D ,


13532721-==z D ,∴????







D z D D y D D x z



. 点评 本题考查用行列式解三元一次方程组.



111++++ 的值”的循环结构.


解 (略)

点评 本题考查双基.

3. 若关于x 、y 、z 的方程组???

??=+=++=++m z x m z m y x z y x 212有唯一解,求m 所满足的条件,并


答案 ????



112111222m z m y m m m x .

解 )1)(1(1101111


122-+=-==m m m m D , 当0≠D 即1±≠m 时,原方程组有唯一解.






-+-==m m m m m m

D x ,



112m m m m m m D y --+==,

120111111-==m m m D z ,∴原方程组的唯一解是????


????+=-=+-+=112111222m z m y m m m x .

点评 本题考查用三阶行列式解三元一次方程组,并注意分类讨论.

4.根据框图,得到一个数列}{n a .(1)求2a 、3a 、4a 、5a ;(2)写出该数列的递推公式和通项公式;(3)求程序最后输出的a 值.

答案 (1)212=a 、313=a 、414=a 、515=a ;(2)???????≥+==-2,1



n a n a n n ,

n a n 1=;




. 解 (1)212=

a 、313=a 、414=a 、5


5=a ;

(2) 由题意知,???????≥+==-2,111


n a n a n n .




n n a a ,得

1111-+=n n a a 1111=-?-n n a a ,∴}1{n

a 是等差数列,n n a n =?-+=1)1(11即n

a n 1

=. (3)100



=a a . 点评 本题综合考查数列与算法.


上海市金山中学 龚伟杰


上海市2019届高三数学一轮复习典型题专项训练 复数与行列式 一、复数 1、(2018上海高考)已知复数z 满足117i z i +=-()(i 是虚数单位),则∣z ∣= 2、(2017上海高考)已知复数z 满足3 0z z +=,则||z = 3、(2016上海高考)设i i Z 23+= ,期中i 为虚数单位,则Im z =__________________ 4、(宝山区2018高三上期末)若i z i 23-+= (其中i 为虚数单位),则Imz = . 5、(崇明区2018高三上期末(一模))若复数z 满足iz=1+i (i 为虚数单位),则z= . 6、(奉贤区2018高三上期末)复数 i +12 的虚部是________. 7、(静安区2018高三二模)若复数z 满足(1)2z i i -=(i 是虚数单位),则||z = 8、(普陀区2018高三二模)已知i 为虚数单位,若复数2(i)i a +为正实数,则实数a 的值为……………………………( ) )A (2 ()B 1 ()C 0 ()D 1- 9、(青浦区2018高三二模)若复数z 满足2315i z -=+(i 是虚数单位),则=z _____________. 10、(青浦区2018高三上期末)已知复数i 2i z =+(i 为虚数单位),则z z ?= . 11、(松江、闵行区2018高三二模)设m ∈R ,若复数(1i)(1i)m ++在复平面内对应的点位于实轴 上,则m = . 12、(松江区2018高三上期末)若i -2是关于x 的方程02 =++q px x 的一个根(其中i 为虚数单位,R q p ∈,),则q 的值为 A. 5- B. 5 C. 3- D. 3 13、(杨浦区2018高三上期末)在复平面内,复数2i z i -= 对应的点位于( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 14、(浦东新区2018高三二模)已知方程210x px -+=的两虚根为1x 、2x ,若12||1x x -=,则实数p 的值为( ) A. 3± B. 5± C. 3,5 D. 3±,5± 15、(浦东新区2018高三二模)在复数运算中下列三个式子是正确的:(1)1212||||||z z z z +≤+;(2)1212||||||z z z z ?=?;(3)123123()()z z z z z z ??=??,相应的在向量运算中,下列式子:(1)


上海中学高二期末数学试卷 2021.01 一. 填空题 1. 若复数 3i 12i a ++(a ∈R ,i 是虚数单位)是纯虚数,则实数a 的值为 2. 函数()i i n n f x -=?(n ∈N ,i 是虚数单位)的值域可用集合表示为 3. 已知方程22 3212x y λλ +=---+表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则λ的取值范围是 4. 已知双曲线22 221x y a b -=(0a >,0b >)的一条渐近线方程为y =,它的一个焦点 在抛物线224y x =的准线上,则双曲线的方程为 5. 若点(3,1)是抛物线2y px =(0p >)的一条弦的中点,且弦的斜率为2,则p = 6. 把参数方程sin cos sin cos x y θθ θθ=-??=+? (θ为参数,θ∈R )化成普通方程是 7. 已知F 是抛物线2y x =的焦点,A 、B 是该抛物线上的两点,||||3AF BF +=,则AB 的中点到y 轴的距离是 8. 已知复数z 满足条件||1z =,那么|i |z +的最大值为 9. 若曲线2||1y x =+与直线y kx b =+没有公共点,则实数k 、b 分别应满足的条件是 10. 已知1F 、2F 为双曲线22:1C x y -=的左、右焦点,点P 在C 上,1260F PF ∠=?, 则12||||PF PF ?= 11. 已知双曲线22 22:1x y C a b -=(0a >,0b >)的右焦点为F ,过点F 向双曲线的一条 渐近线引垂线,垂足为M ,交另一条渐近线于点N ,若73FM FN =,则双曲线的渐近 线方程为 12. 直线l 与抛物线24y x =交于A 、B 两点,O 为坐标原点,直线OA 、OB 的斜率之积 为1-,以线段AB l 交于P 、Q 两点,(6,0)M , 则22||||MP MQ +的最小值为 二. 选择题 1. 已知椭圆2222122x y a b +=(0a b >>)与双曲线22 221x y a b -=有相同的焦点,则椭圆的离 心率为( ) A. B. 1 2 C. D.

2021年高二下学期英语周练试卷(尖子班重点班5.25) 含答案

丰城中学xx学年下学期高二英语周练试卷 2021年高二下学期英语周练试卷(尖子班重点班5.25)含答案 一、完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) Before my year abroad, everyone advised me to say “yes” to everything. They weren’t 1 . However, here in Germany, “I don’t mind” doesn’t seem to be an acceptable 2 . Neither does “I’ll do whatever you want to do” nor “Really, either way is fine by me”. It really is 3 yes or no. Despite having a huge smile on your face, most Germans will look at you 4 you’re unable to make a 5 , which of course isn’t true; we’re just bei ng really typically British. My first encounter (遭遇) of this was when I 6 the hotel for my first two nights in Germany. The 7 asked when I would like my breakfast in the morning. Being typically British, I replied saying whenever was 8 for her. She gave me a(n) 9 look and asked again. “No, when do you want to have 10 ? Er, OK ... err .... 8 am?” she smiled and I 11 quickly, “Only if that is12 for you though.” I knew about the British stereotype (模式化的形象) of 13 before I came abroad. However, I didn’t 14 how much truth there was to it until


高中数学(矩阵行列式)综合练习含解析 1.定义运算?? ????++=?????????????df ce bf ae f e d c b a ,如??? ???=?????????????1514543021.已知πβα=+, 2 π βα=-,则=? ? ? ???????? ??ββααααsin cos sin cos cos sin ( ). A. 00?? ???? B. 01?????? C. 10?????? D. 11?????? 2.定义运算 a b ad bc c d =-,则符合条件 120 121z i i i +=--的复数z 对应的点在 ( ) A.第四象限 B.第三象限 C.第二象限 D.第一象限 3.矩阵E =??? ? ??1001的特征值为( ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 任意实数 4. 若行列式21 24 1 013 9x x =-,则=x . 5.若2021310x y -??????= ??? ?-?????? ,则x y += . 6.已知一个关于y x ,的二元一次方程组的增广矩阵为112012-?? ??? ,则 x y -=_______. 7.矩阵1141?? ???? 的特征值为 . 8.已知变换100M b ?? =? ??? ,点(2,1)A -在变换M 下变换为点(,1)A a ',则a b += 9.配制某种注射用药剂,每瓶需要加入葡萄糖的量在10ml 到110ml 之间,用0.618 法寻找最佳加入量时,若第一试点是差点,第二试点是好点,则第三次试验时葡萄糖的加入量可以是 ; 10.已知 , ,则y= . 11.若2211 x x x y y y =--,则______x y +=

上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题 .doc

2016-2017上海中学高二第一学期开学测试 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the other answer that best completes the sentence. 25.Excuse me,would you please tell me . A.when the sports meet is taken place B.when is the sports meet going to be held C.when is the sports meet to begin D.when the sports meet is to take place 26.Time flies like an arrow,and time lost . A.never has returned B.never returned C.never returns D.is never returning 27.If the factory the river,there will be no fish in it soon. A.left polluting B.leaving polluting C.is left polluting D.leaves to pollute 28.What really flatters a man is you think him worth flattering. A.that B.whether C.what D.how 29.Time tries friends fire tries gold. A.when B.as C.like D.what 30.I have pleasure in introducing to you the man without generosity your club would cease to exist. A.whose B.that C.which D.this 31.Learning is a natural pleasure,inborn and instinctive, of the essential pleasures of the human race. A.which B.one C.each D.any 32.In the past decade ,geologists have come loser than ever to the age of the earth. A.calculate B.calculating C.be calculating D.have calculated 33.He insisted on Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner. A.his being called B.him to be called C.his calling D.him to call 34.There something wrong with the engine of the car,we had to go to the park by taxi. A.having been B.being C.is D.was 35.A person who begins a job that he isn’t going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hold back his success. A.convinces B.convince C.convinced D.convincing 36.Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces ,and each of us must choose we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. A.what B.which C.that D.when 37.There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home all the greatest virtues of human society are created,strengthened, and maintained. A.that B.where C.which D.with 38.As we go into the new century,we need to be ready to go with the winds of trust,conscience and intuition, we are open to the unexpected and are alert and are adaptable,life will become a wonderful journey.



III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each

novels, plays, travel books, and so on. And in reading books of this kind the important thing is to get on with the reading; to try to grasp (领会) __50__ the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole (整体而言). This is __51__ if you stop and think over the meaning of every single word which happens to be unfamiliar (不熟悉). You can not enjoy a story if you stop lots of times on every page for __52__ words in the dictionary. You may even prevent __53__ from understanding the story as a whole by doing this. V. Complete the following sentence as required. 64. Tell Jerry the news when you see him, please. (否定句) Please ______ ______ Jerry the news when you see him. 65. I was born on June 4, 1992. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ you born? 66. The detective discovered some important clues for the case. (改为被动语态) Some important clues for the case ______ ______ by the detective. 67. The poor child was so lucky that she received many books from the charity. (改为简单句) The poor child was ______ ______ to receive many books from the charity. 68. To stop wild animals getting close to us, we lit a fire in the forest. (保持句意不变) To ______ ______ wild animals, we lit a fire in the forest. 69. Did they forget to turn off the lights before leaving? I don’t know.(改为宾语从句) I don’t know ______ they ______ to turn off the lights before leaving. 70. Brush your teeth at least twice every day. (改为反义疑问句)


上海市华师大二附中高二上学期期末数学试题 一、单选题 1.关于x 、y 的二次一次方程组50 234 x y x y +=??+=?,其中行列式x D 为( ) A. 0543 - B. 1024 C. 0543 D. 05 43 - 【答案】C 【解析】利用线性方程组的系数行列式的定义直接求解. 【详解】 解:关于x 、y 的二元一次方程组50 234 x y x y +=?? +=?的系数行列式: 453 0x D = . 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题考查线性方程组的系数行列式的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意线性方程组的系数行列式的定义的合理运用. 2.使复数z 为实数的充分而不必要条件的是( ) A.2z 为实数 B.z z +为实数 C.z z = D.z z = 【答案】D 【解析】一个复数为实数的充分必要条件是它的虚部为0,根据这个充要条件对各个项加以判别,发现A 、B 都没有充分性,而C 是充分必要条件,由此不难得出正确的选项. 【详解】 解:设复数z a bi =+(i 是虚数单位),则 复数z 为实数的充分必要条件为0b = 由此可看出: 对于A ,2z 为实数,可能z i =是纯虚数,没有充分性,故不符合题意; 对于B ,同样若z 是纯虚数,则0z z +=为实数,没有充分性,故不符合题意; 对于C ,若,,z a bi z a bi z z =+=-=等价0b =,故是充分必要条件,故不符合题 意;

对于D ,若0z z =≥,说明z 是实数,反之若z 是负实数,则z z =不成立,符合题意. 故选:D . 【点睛】 本题考查了复数的分类,共轭复数和充分必要条件的判断,属于基础题.熟练掌握复数有关概念,是解决本题的关键. 3.下列动点M 的轨迹不在某一直线上的是( ) A.动点M 到直线4350x y +-=和43100x y ++=的距离和为3 B.动点M 到直线()1,0和()1,0-的距离和为2 C.动点M 到直线()0,2和()0,2-的距离差为4 D.动点M 到点()2,3和到210x y --=的距离相等4 【答案】A 【解析】利用平行线之间的距离,判断选项A 的正误;利用两点间距离个数判断B 的正误;轨迹方程判断C ,D 的正误; 【详解】 解:直线4350x y +-=和43100x y ++= 3=,所以动点M 到直线4350x y +-=和43100x y ++=的距离和为3,动点的轨迹是平行线之间的区域.满足题意. 动点M 到直线(1,0)和(?1,0)的距离和为2,是两点之间的线段,轨迹在一条直线上,所以B 不正确; 动点M 到直线(0,2)和(0,?2)的距离差为4,是两条射线,在一条直线上,所以C 不正确; 动点M 到点(2,3)和到210x y --=的距离相等,动点M 的轨迹是经过(2,3)与直线垂直的直线,所以D 不正确; 故选:A . 【点睛】 本题考查轨迹方程的求法,考查分析问题解决问题的能力. 4.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知两圆221:12C x y +=和22 2:14C x y +=,又点A


二阶行列式 【学习目标】 1.理解二阶矩阵的概念。 2.会利用对角线写出二阶行列式的展开式。 【学习重难点】 1.熟练掌握二元一次方程与二阶矩阵之间的转化。 2.会化简二阶矩阵。 【学习过程】 一、新课的概念 1.称为______________,算式_____________叫做此行列式的展开式,其计算结果叫做_____________,_____________叫做行列式的元素。 2.利用对角线可把二阶行列式写成它的展开式,这种方法叫做二阶行列式展开的_____________; 3.二元一次方程组???=+=+222 111c y b x a c y b x a (其中x ,y 未知数,2121,,,b b a a 是未知数的系数且不全为零,21,c c 是常数项)的系数行列式是D =________,Dx =________,Dy =________, 当0≠D 时,方程组的解可用二阶行列式表示为???==y x ________。 二、例题讲解 展开并化简下列行列式: (1)43 75; (2)3475 ; (3) cos sin sin cos θθθθ-。

2.若236 031x x -=+,求x 的值。 4.用行列式解下列二元一次方程组: (1)???=+=+-61548 115y x y x ; (2)???=+=01-20 5--3y x y x 。 三、练习: 1.二元一次方程组???=+=+37 23y x y x 的系数行列式是D =________, Dx =________,Dy = ________,则x =________,y =_______。 2.展开并化简下列行列式: (1)12 34--; (2 ;

【英语周练】2020春高二下学期英语周练(五) (Unit21 Lesson1)附答案

2020春高二下学期英语周练(五)(Unit21 Lesson1) 时间40分钟总分75分 一完形填空(30分) That holiday morning I didn’t have to attend school. Usually, on holidays, Mother ___1___ me to sleep in. And I would certainly take full advantage of it. On this particular morning, ___2___, I felt like getting up early. I stood by my window overlooking the ___3___, having nothing better to do. But as it turned out, I was soon to learn about something ___4___ in life. As I watched several people go by, get into their cars and drive off, I ___5___ an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its ___6__ and a basket of rags and bottles on its back-carriage. He __7___ from one car to another, washing and cleaning them. From the water on the ground, it seemed that he had already __8___ washing and cleaning about a dozen or more cars. He must have begun to work quite early in the morning. Several thoughts ___9___my mind as I watched him work. He wasn’t well-dressed. He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) ___10__ T-shirt. The bicycle he rode was not by any means the kind modern ___11___would want to be seen riding on. But he seemed ___12___ with life. There he was, working hard at his small business, ___13___ at passers-by and stopping to chat now and then ___14___ elderly men and women on their way to the market nearby. There was a noticeable touch of__15___ in the way he seemed to be doing things—___16___the windscreen (挡风玻璃), then standing back to admire it;

2020-2021年高二数学二阶行列式教案 上教版

2019-2020年高二数学二阶行列式教案上教版 【学习目标】 1.通过加减消元法解二元一次方程组理解行列式的定义 2.掌握二元一次方程组的行列式解法 【学习重点与难点】 用行列式解二元一次方程组 【教学过程】 1.自学指导 (1)回忆初中知识,想想我们是如何来解一个二元一次方程组的? (2)对于一个二元一次方程组(A)它的解是什么? (3)观察(A)的解你能发现其中的特征吗? (4)课本中行列式是怎么定义的?又是怎么引入的?它的本质是什么?什么是二阶行列式? (5)你能把方程组(A)的解用行列式的形式表示出来吗?通过这一步骤,你能体会到二元一次方程组的行列式解法吗?用行列式解二元一次方程组的时候,你觉得应该注意一些什么问题? (6)用行列式求二元一次方程组有哪些优越性? 2.自学效果检验、点评及拓展

(1) 一次方程称之为线性方程,一元方程组称之为线性方程组,则二元一次方程组即 二元线性方程组。 (2) 我们以前所学解二元线性方程组普遍应用的都是加减消元法,用加减消元法解得 二元一次方程组(A )的解为??? ????--=--=12212 12112211221b a b a a c c a y b a b a b c b c x ,通过观察可以发现,它的解的 分子、分母都是两数的乘积差。 (3) 为了简化,我们用记号(B ) 来表示算式,他的运算法则就是用主对角线两数 乘积减去副对角线两数乘积,即对角线法则。(B )就是行列式。 (4) 方程组(A )的解的分子部分用行列式()的表示方法、方程组(A )的解整体用 行列式的表示方法,要求学生给出。 (5) 行列式的实质是数(或式)的特定算式的一种记号。 (6) 附带介绍二阶行列式、展开式、行列式的值、行列式的元素、系数行列式的概念。 (7) 提示学生观察,行列式分别是由行列式D 做怎样的变化而来,便于学生记忆。 3. 例题自学检查学生用行列式解二元线性方程组的能力。提示学生解题过程中应该注 意的问题。 4. 学习效果检验 I . 必做题 ① 课本P7练习9.1(1)

湖北省沙市中学2013-2014学年高二下学期第四次周练 英语试题 Word版含答案

2013—2014学年下学期高一年级 第四次双周练英语试卷 考试时间:2014年4月4日 命题人:王会文审题人:陈凤丽 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读叫题下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will they do first? A. Look for the key. B. Fix the shelf. C. Repair the car. 2. Why does the man like his new job more? A. Because he can use what he's learnt. B. Because he can learn a lot from the job. C. Because he has more free time doing the job. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Old classmates. C. New friends. 4. What does the woman imply the man should do? A. Knock at the door. B. Call Bill. C. Look at the sign. 5. What will happen next? A. The boy will go and get the ticket. B. The girl will go and get the ticket herself. C. The two speakers will go together to get the ticket. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. When is it now ? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 7. What is wrong with the man? A. He has a running nose. B. He has a fever. C. He has a headache. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Sister and brother. B. Manager and employee. C. Teacher and student. 9. Where does the man decide to go at last? A. To the Net Bar. B. To the school library. C. To the city museum.

沪教版(上海)高二上学期数学第 九 章 矩阵和行列式初步

第 九 章 矩阵和行列式初步 格致中学 王国伟 第一课时 9.1 矩阵的概念(1) [教学目标] 1、了解矩阵的产生背景,并会用矩阵形式表示一些实际问题; 2、了解矩阵、行向量、列向量、方矩阵、零矩阵、单位矩阵等概念; 3、理解同阶矩阵、相等的矩阵等概念; 4、理解线性方程组与系数矩阵及其增广矩阵之间的转化。 [教学重点] 1、与矩阵有关的概念; 2、线性方程组的系数矩阵及增广矩阵的概念。 [教学难点] 学习矩阵的目的。 [教学过程] 一、情境设置、引入: 引例1:已知向量()1,3OP =,如果把的坐标排成一列,可简记为13?? ??? ; 引例2:2008 我们可将上表奖牌数简记为:512128363836232128?? ? ? ??? ; 引例3:将方程组231 324244x y mz x y z x y nz ++=?? -+=??+-=? 中未知数z y x ,,的系数按原来的次序排列,可简记为 2332441m n ?? ?- ? ? -?? ;若将常数项增加进去,则可简记为:2313242414m n ?? ? - ? ?-??。 二、概念讲解:

1、上述形如13?? ???、512128363836232128?? ? ? ???、2332441m n ?? ?- ? ?-??、2313242414m n ?? ? - ? ? -? ?这样的矩形数表 叫做矩阵。 2、在矩阵中,水平方向排列的数组成的向量()12,,n a a a ???称为行向量;垂直方向排列的数 组成的向量12 n b b b ?? ? ? ???? ??? 称为列向量;由m 个行向量与n 个列向量组成的矩阵称为m n ?阶矩阵, m n ?阶矩阵可记做m n A ?,如矩阵13?? ???为21?阶矩阵,可记做21A ?;矩阵512128363836232128?? ? ? ? ?? 为33?阶矩阵,可记做33A ?。有时矩阵也可用A 、B 等字母表示。 3、矩阵中的每一个数叫做矩阵的元素,在一个m n ?阶矩阵m n A ?中的第i (i m ≤)行第 j (j n ≤)列数可用字母ij a 表示,如矩阵512128363836232128?? ? ? ??? 第3行第2个数为3221a =。 4、当一个矩阵中所有元素均为0时,我们称这个矩阵为零矩阵。如000000?? ??? 为一个23 ?阶零矩阵。 5、当一个矩阵的行数与列数相等时,这个矩阵称为方矩阵,简称方阵,一个方阵有n 行(列), 可称此方阵为n 阶方阵,如矩阵512128363836232128?? ? ? ???、2332441m n ?? ? - ? ?-?? 均为三阶方阵。在一个 n 阶方阵中,从左上角到右下角所有元素组成对角线,如果其对角线的元素均为1,其余 元素均为零的方阵,叫做单位矩阵。如矩阵1001?? ???为2阶单位矩阵,矩阵100010001?? ? ? ? ?? 为 3阶单位矩阵。 6、如果矩阵A 与矩阵B 的行数和列数分别相等,那么A 与B 叫做同阶矩阵;如果矩阵A 与矩阵B 是同阶矩阵,当且仅当它们对应位置的元素都相等时,那么矩阵A 与矩阵B 叫做相等的矩阵,记为A B =。

上海市上海中学2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年上海中学高二第一学期开学测试 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the other answer that best completes the sentence. 25.Excuse me,would you please tell me . A.when the sports meet is taken place B.when is the sports meet going to be held C.when is the sports meet to begin D.when the sports meet is to take place 26.Time flies like an arrow,and time lost . A.never has returned B.never returned C.never returns D.is never returning 27.If the factory the river,there will be no fish in it soon. A.left polluting B.leaving polluting C.is left polluting D.leaves to pollute 28.What really flatters a man is you think him worth flattering. A.that B.whether C.what D.how 29.Time tries friends fire tries gold. A.when B.as C.like D.what 30.I have pleasure in introducing to you the man without generosity your club would cease to exist. A.whose B.that C.which D.this 31.Learning is a natural pleasure,inborn and instinctive, of the essential pleasures of the human race. A.which B.one C.each D.any 32.In the past decade ,geologists have come loser than ever to the age of the earth. A.calculate B.calculating C.be calculating D.have calculated 33.He insisted on Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner. A.his being called B.him to be called C.his calling D.him to call 34.There something wrong with the engine of the car,we had to go to the park by taxi. A.having been B.being C.is D.was 35.A person who begins a job that he isn?t going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hold back his success. A.convinces B.convince C.convinced D.convincing 36.Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces ,and each of us must choose we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. A.what B.which C.that D.when 37.There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home all the greatest virtues of human society are created,strengthened, and maintained. A.that B.where C.which D.with 38.As we go into the new century,we need to be ready to go with the winds of trust,conscience and intuition, we are open to the unexpected and are alert and are adaptable,life will become a wonderful journey.


2019-2020年高二英语下学期第6周周练试题 第一部分阅读理解(每题2.5分,满分10分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项 A The free Kindle for Mac application will give users access to more than 325,000 books in the Kindle Store, allowing them to download and read the e-books on their puter, and even add a virtual bookmark to a page so that they do not lose their place. Amazon has its own range of Kindle e-book readers, which have sold well in the United States. The first Kindle device appeared in the UK last October, but British consumers have been slower to embrace the digital reading revolution. The online seller has attempted to expand the presence of its Kindle brand by making the software for downloading and reading electronic books available on a variety of other platforms, such as the iPhone and Windows-based PCs, rather than just Kindle devices. “Kindle for Mac is the perfect panion application for customers who own a Kindle or Kindle DX, " said Jay Marine, director of Amazon's Kindle division. “For those customers around the world who don’t yet have a Kindle, Kindle for Mac is a great way' to instantly access and read the most popular new releases as well as their old favourites.” The Kindle for Mac application will synchronise(使同步)books and bookmarks between a Mac and a Kindle device. Amazon said it would be adding more features to the software in the ing months, including the ability to search the text of a book develop a version of its existing iPhone Kindle app for the iPad, but privately there are concerns that Apple’s move into the e-book market, and the addition of an e-book store to the existing Apple iTunes and App Store ecosystem could steal customers from the Kindle store. 32.Which of the following can be done on Kindle A. Buy e-books on the puter. B. Download a variety of software.

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