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2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测(解析版) (7)



1.You may rely on him in that he is __________ of calculating the consequences of such events accurately.



2.You’ll need more __________ if you want to open your own business.



3.When I look back on my teaching __________, I am always delighted to think of those beautiful days I spent with my students.



4.The girl from nowhere clearly means to __________ herself a place in history.



5.After what seemed two hours of waiting ,the __________ were finally informed of the result of the job interview. 【答案】candidates


6.Soon, his warm and inviting smile put me at ease and we spent the next two hours talking __________.



7.It was not until the __________ happened that the local government realized the importance of substantial development.



8.A powerful hurricane struck the town of America, __________ at least ten deaths.



9.According to the bank rules released recently, you have to pay a 25% commission on each cheque you




10.He __________ his gains and losses of money and the result was a minus.



11.An anti-corruption __________ has continued since Dec.25,2013 when the Communist Party of China issued a five-year anti-corruption plan.



12.Mum always comes up with great ways to __________ our birthday.



13.Being offered the opportunity to speak at the graduation __________ made me overjoyed.



14.—What bad weather! I’m afraid the trip will be __________.

—If only it would clear up tomorrow.



15.You will never __________ to learn as long as you live.




1.It is widely acknowledged in foreign companies that employees should be evaluated in terms of innovation




2.There were many causes for his failure, but in brief, it was because his __________(care)and little preparation. 【答案】carelessness


3.The explosion of a __________(chemistry)plant in Yancheng Jiangsu province last month led to over 100 people being sent to hospital for treatment, causing their relatives to be in deep sorrow.



4.You must turn off the gas after cooking. You can never be too __________(care)with that.



5.However, some people may not have any symptom and become a __________(carry)and can spread the bacteria. 【答案】carrier


6. Self-confidence, optimism and __________(calm) are strong points in my personality.



7.She is sensitive to what people think of her. Do be __________(caution)not to offend her feelings.



8.Let’s buy some champagne(香槟) in __________(celebrate) of their victory in the football match.



9.Our __________(capable)for giving care, love and attention is limited



10.These __________(calculate), had they been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.




【答案】call forth


2.—Will you go travelling with me this summer?

—I’m not sure. I may have to ___________ my grandma.

【答案】take care of


3.We ________________ having fine weather for the sports meeting next week.

【答案】calculate on


4.Jack Ma insisted that there should be no excellent businessmen if everything went too smoothly and that they ___________ as normal in face of hardships.

【答案】carried on


5.Although a snowstorm is on the way, football fans are still looking forward to not ___________ the football match between the two teams.

【答案】calling off


6.The students’ Union ___________ us to give away our used books to the students in the lower grades.

【答案】called on


7.—It’s a good idea. But who’s going to ___________ the plan?

—I think Tom and Mike will.

【答案】carry out


8.It is the America’s selling weapons to Taiwan that ___________ the Sino—US relationship.

【答案】cast a shadow on


9.I had been out of touch with Allen for many years but the moment he ______ me _____ that day, I recognised his voice.

【答案】called, up


10.He invented a new game intended for children, but it never really ___________.

【答案】caught on


11.It’s difficult to ___________ the football fans, who were crazy about the victory.

【答案】calm down


12.—Hello, Jane, have you arrived at the hotel?

—Yeah, busy ___________. I’ll call back later.

【答案】checking in


13.Once you promise to buy her a gift, you can’t break it ___________.

【答案】in any case


14.You must remind him to take his medicine, ___________ he forgets.

【答案】in case


15.Do what you think right; Never ___________ what others say.

【答案】care about



1.A man called himself David Marsh is asking to see you.


【解析】call oneself sth.自称为……。A man与call之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作后置定语。故called改成calling。句意:一个自称David Marsh 的人要见你。

2.Yesterday I called at you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.


【解析】短语用法错误。短语call on sb.拜访某人。句意:昨天我拜访了你,问是否可以借一些珠宝。故将at改成on。

3.I can thank you too much for all your help to my son while he was away from home.




4.But if I am friendly and carefully enough, how will these things happen?



5.One day, a boy whom is one of her neighbors injured his leg for carelessly.

【答案】whom改成who/that, 去掉for或carelessly改成carelessness

【解析】a boy后接的定语从句,关系词在定语从句中做主语,用who/that,故把whom改成who/that。

这里用副词carelessly或者介词短语for carelessness作状语,故去掉for或将carelessly改成


6.Through the fire drill I now realize how dangerous it is when there is a fire and that we should know how to escape from a fire on case of emergency.


【解析】in case of万一,如果,因此把on改成in。句意:通过消防演习,我现在意识到火灾发生时有多危险;认识到在紧急情况下如何从火灾中逃生。

7.—Why was the young lady taken away by the police?

—By accident she was caught stolen something in the supermarket.


【解析】be caught doing sth.做某事被当场被抓获、逮住。句意:“那位年轻的女士为什么被警察带走?”“碰巧她在超市偷东西是被当场逮住。

8.It’s difficult to adapt to all tastes. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.


【解析】adapt to适应;cater to迎合,满足要求。句意:很难满足各种口味要求。俗话说,萝卜青菜各有所爱。

9.I’m writing to congratulate you of your winning first prize in the English short novel competition recently.


【解析】句意:我写信祝贺你在英文短篇小说比赛中获得一等奖。congratulate sb on/for sth表示“为某事祝贺某人”,故of改成on/for。

10.In these means, I always made myself cheer and optimistic, full of great enthusiasm for English study.

【答案】In改成By, cheer改成cheerful

【解析】by the means用这种办法,故把In改成By;make+宾语+形容词(宾语补足语),故把cheer改成cheerful。句意:通过这些方式,我总是让自己高兴和乐观,对英语学习充满了极大的热情。11.There was lots of excitement and cheer during the whole process.



12.The manager in the charge of our team was shocked by our victory.


【解析】此处in charge of...在句中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词manager,意为“负责,管理”,故去掉the。


13.American scientists say they believe that trees can warn each other of danger. They do it by sending out chemical into the air.


【解析】chemical“化学物质”是可数名词,send out chemicals“排放出化学物质”,用复数形式。句意:美国科学家说,他们相信树木可以互相警告有危险。他们通过向空气中释放化学物质来做到这一


14.The main subjects I studied at school including Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemical and computer.

【答案】concluding改成conclude, chemical改成chemistry


15.The weather here in summer is so changing. Please take an umbrella when you go out.



16.As for finding a part-time job, it is not necessary, for you can have more chance to take a job.




17.No matter how challenged my dream is, I’ll make it come true.

【答案】challenged 改成challenging


18.He announced with the certainty that polluted water carried the virus.


【解析】with certainty肯定地,确信。句意:他确信地宣布污染的水携带病毒。

19.I was so encouraged that I ran faster and faster till I caught up all the other runners.


【解析】catch up with是固定搭配,表示“赶上”,故up 后加with。句意:深受鼓舞的我跑得越来越快,直到我赶上了其他的选手。

20.People’s chatting each other is something that bothers her most when she is seeing a film.


【解析】chat with each other相互聊天,故在chatting后面加with。句意:人们相互聊天是看她电影时最使令她心烦的事情。

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