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江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语牛津必修 nit Bac to the pat 同步练习七

Unit 3 Back to the past 同步练习


总分75分时间30 分钟成绩评定__________________

I. 诠释经典广告语:(每题5分,共20分) A


1. Good to the last drop. (麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. The taste is great. (雀巢咖啡)




3. Obey your thirst. (雪碧)

4.The choice of a new generation. (百事可乐)

5. Just do it. (耐尔运动鞋)

6. Impossible made possible. (佳能打印机)

7. Let’s make things better. (飞利浦电子)

8. Feel the new space. (三星电子)

9. Intelligence everywhere. (摩托罗拉手机) 10. Connecting people. (诺基亚手机)

①________ ②________ ③_______ ④________

II. 翻译下列句子:(每题3分,共45分)

1. 1. A描述一幅插图_______

2. A指出每一个细节_______________

3. A开国典礼__________________

4. A着重于相关的背景信息____________

5. A谈论有关对珍珠港的袭击______

6. A开船前往________________________

7. A主要的军事基地_______________ 8. A向……宣战______________________

9. B人民英雄纪念碑________________ 10. B拟一个讲话提纲_________________

11. A保护世界文化遗产_____________ 12. A贵宾__________________________

13. B引起某人的注意_______________ 14. A为纪念……_________________

15. B进行突然袭击_________________

III. 阅读理解:(共10分) B

Along the Silk Road

During the Tang (618-906 AD) and Y uan (1279-1368 AD) Dynasties, Chang’an, the capital of China was a major destination for most Western travelers. Different products and foreign goods from many places were sold in this huge center of trade after they traveled along the Silk Road.

Successful trading meant large profits (利润) for the traders and also for the towns along the Silk Road trade routes. The regional governments made profits too as they collected taxes (税) on foreign traders passing through theft regions. But more than just enriching the people, trade along the Silk Road also contributed to rich cultural exchanges. People traveled along the trade routes to spread their beliefs. Envoys (特使) from the different kingdoms also traveled along the Silk Road to bring gifts to other rulers.

Trade from the eastern end of the Silk Road(Chang’an, China) to the weste rn end (the Mediterranean) was indirect. Along the eastern region of the Silk Road, the Chinese people produced silk to trade or sell to the Central Asian traders and merchants. Merchants from Central

Asia would go to the western borders of China and trade their herbal (草药的) medicines and pieces of jade from Khotan for the Chinese silk. Then, these traders would transport the silk through the towns of Central Asia, and finally purchase gold from Rome.

The Silk Road was actually as important for exchanging and learning about different cultures as it was for the exchange of goods.

Eileen Question:


The Silk Road can be divided into three major parts representing different geographical regions along the Silk Road.These three parts of the Silk Road trade routes are:

1. An eastern region beginning in Chang’an,China, and running along the northern and southern borders of the Taklimakan Desert to the Pamir Mountains;

2. A Central Asian region crossing the Pamirs and the Central Asian region of Samarkand;

3. A western region that runs through Persia to the Mediterranean.


I. ①- 9 ; ②- 6 ; ③- 5 ; ④-3

II. 1. describe an illustration 2. point out every detail

3. the founding ceremony

4. focus on the related background information

5. talk about the attack on Pearl Harbor

6. set sail for

7. the major military bases

8. declare war against

9. the memorial to the people’s heroes 10. plan an outline of a speech

11. protect the world cultural heritage 12. distinguished guests 13. attract one’s attention

14. in memory of 15. carry out a surprise attack

III. 放在第二段后。可由其与后文“Trade from the eastern end of the silk Road (Chang’an, China) to the western end (the Mediterranean) was indirect”的衔接关系得出。

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