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1)still hurting心痛

As you all know,my BF broke up with me last week.

I’m not over it yet . I’m still huring.我还没有走出这段感情,我的心还是有点痛。

2)the one命中注定的那个人

I thought he was the one.我以为他是我命中注定的那个人。

3)funk忧郁, 绝望的


My friends say I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date.


5) pick up 找个新帅歌/美女

6)not my style 不是我的风格

My friends tell me to find a new guy,but that’s not my style.

7)ask someone out邀请某人出去

A guy I met on the metro asked me out for coffee.我在地铁站认识的男孩请我去喝咖啡。

8)too soon太早

9)date 约会

I’m not going to go.It’s too soon. I don’t think I’m ready to date.



1)Get in shape健身,恢复体型

2)Getting a little soft变得有点胖

I have to get in shape,I’m getting a litte soft..我必须恢复体形,我变得有点胖了。


4)Tone up加强锻炼

I do lots of cardio like running to tone up.


5)Lift weights举重

6)Work out锻炼

I lift weights when I work out. 我锻炼身体时喜欢举重。


People who do yoga are really fit..做瑜伽的人都很健康。


My arms get jiggly.我的手臂有点粗了。

9)Muffin top腰部赘肉

10)Badonkadonk 大屁股

She stopped working out and she got a little jiggly. I hear she has a muffin top and a big badonkadonk.她停止锻炼之后变得有点胖,而且我还听说她现在有很多赘肉,屁股也大了。




I do lots of sit-ups,push-ups,squats.So I don’t get a big badonkadonk.我不要大屁股啦。

【Fashion Week衣服/穿得迷死人:Dressed to kill】

1)decked out /dressed to kill 盛装打扮

Melissa came to the party dressed to kill/all decked out. Melissa盛装打扮来参加派对。

2)burn a hole in one’s pocket 花钱如流水,存不住钱,有钱就花

Having a cat is expensive .I have to buy so many toys and treats for him. It’s burning a hole in my pocket. 养猫很贵的,要给它买很多玩具和吃的,我的钱肯定会被花光的。

3)fly by the seat of your pants 凭感觉,碰运气,自由发挥

We had never seen a situation like this ,so we were flying by the seat of our pants.


4)hand-me-down 用旧的东西全给其他人用

The shirt is a hand-me-down from my older sister. 这件衬衫是我姐姐不要了给我的。

【你最喜欢哪部电影?What's your favorite movie?】

1)What's your favorite type/kind of movie? 你最喜欢哪种电影?

My favorite movies are adventure movies/comedies. 我最喜欢冒险片/喜剧片。

2)The movie takes place in..这个电影的故事发生在..

3)The movie is set in.. 这部电影以(什么时间)为背景

The movie is set in pre-war London.这部电影以战前的伦敦为背景。

4)starring 由谁主演

‘Salt’ starring Angelina Jolie. ‘Salt’特工少特这个电影由Angelina Jolie主演。

5)what’s that movie about ? 这部电影讲的是什么?

6)box office 票房

That movie topped the box office last weekend. 这个电影票房上周高居榜首。


1)sick 生病

I feel sick.我感觉不舒服。

2)sick as a dog 病得厉害。

Andrew is sick as a dog. I’m going to make him some soup.

Andrew 病得厉害,我去给他煮点汤。

2)call in sick 打电话请病假

I don’t feel good,I’m going to call in sick and take the day off.


3)sick in bed 卧病在床

Bob is sick in bed with the flu. Bob得了流感,现在卧病在床。

4)worried sick 担心得要命

Thaks heavens you’re alright. I was worried sick! 谢天谢地你没有事,我担心得要命。


1)taste 尝尝

Taste this!It’s really good!尝尝这个,非常好吃!

2)nibble 一点点咬,小口吃

nibble on 吃一点

nibble on a chip

I wasn’t hungry at lunch. So I just nibbled on my sandwich.我午饭时不是很饿,所以我只吃一点三文治。

3)binge 暴食

I binged on ice cream and snacks for an entire day,when my boyfriend broke up with me.


4)gulp 喝大口,一饮而尽

He gulped down an entire bottle of champagne.他将这瓶香槟一饮而尽。

5)munch 来点小吃

We can munch on some chips before dinner,so you don’t get too hungry.


6)inhale 吸气/吃得非常快

I just inhaled that hamburger. I was so hungry!我很快地吞下了这个汉堡,看来我真的很饿。7)savor 细细品尝

I slowly drank the coffee,savoring every drop. 我慢慢喝这咖啡,细细品尝这每咖啡的滋味。


1)black and white 黑白分明,是非分明

Judge everything as either good or bad. 判断每件事不是好就是坏。

It’s not black and white just because she has a different opinion than you do doesn’t mean she’s wrong.就是她有不同于你的想法,并不代表她的想法是错的,着没有什么黑白分明。

2)feeling blue 感觉特别难过,心情忧郁

I’ve been feeling blue since my boyfriend broke up with me.男朋友和我分手后,一直感觉特别难过。

3)green with envy 十分嫉妒

My friends were green with envy when they saw the new LV bag I bought.


4)golden opportunity 绝好的机会

This is your golden opportunity.Don’t let it pass you by!这是你千载难逢的机会,不要错过哦!5)tickled pink 非常开心,高兴地要命

I was tickled pink by the compliment.听到他们的称赞,我高兴得要命。

【开学Cut class】

1)teacher’ s pet 老师的宠儿

Carrie is the eacher’ s pet.

2)bookworm 书虫

to have your nose in a book 总是专心的看书

Kenzie is a bookworm.She always has her nose in a book.. Kenzie是一个书虫,她总是在专心地看书。

3)final 期末考试

I am so nervous for my algebra final.我很紧张代数的期末考试。

4)cut class 逃课

5)hit the books 很认真地学习

I decided to cut class go to the library and hit the books,so I’m ready for tomorrow’s big final.



1)crack up让人发笑

You crack me up. 你太好笑了。

2)laugh sarcastically 冷笑

3)put on a false smile 皮笑肉不笑

Her false smile is so unbearable. 她皮笑肉不笑的样子真让人无法忍受。

4)smile 微笑

She’s all smiles on the outside,but on the inside she’s evil!! 她从来都面带微笑,其实内心险恶。5)mock 嘲笑

You shouldn’t mock other people’s flaws. 你不要嘲笑别人的缺点。

6)giggle 咯咯的傻笑

She giggled at him. 她对着他咯咯的傻笑。

7)forced smile 强颜欢笑

I was so angry!But I forced a smile. 我气死了!但也只能强颜欢笑。


1)Dead meat!死定了(这是开玩笑吧!)

You cheated on your girlfriend?You are dead meat!你欺骗了你的女朋友,你死定了!

2)Dead right 完全对的

You are dead right. This is the best coffee in the city.

3)Dead wrong完全错了

You are dead wrong on this one,Yao ming is the beat basketball player.


4) Dead to the world 对周围事物毫无感受

I have been studying day and night for two weeks straight,I feel dead to the world.


5) Over my dead body除非我死了

She moves in to our home,over my dead body! 除非我死了,否则别想搬进我们家。

【拉斯維加斯Las Vegas 婚礼】

1)tie the knot 结婚

2)wedding gowns 婚纱

3)tuxedo 男士礼服

4)veil 头纱

5)The Little White Wedding Chapel 小白教堂

6)Drive-thru wedding 免下车婚礼

7)renew vows 誓言更新

8)Graceland Wedding Chapel 恩赐大地结婚礼堂

9)Elvis Weddings 猫王婚礼

10)exchange vows 交换誓词

【blind date 相亲】

1)blind date 相亲,由第三方安排的约会,男女生初次见面

My friend set me up on a blind date this weekend. 这个星期周末被朋友安排了一次相亲。

2)single 单身

3)double date 两对男女约会

My friends Henry and Claire who are boyfriend and girlfriend brought their single guy friend for me to me.It was a double date.我的朋友Henry 和Claire,他们是一对情侣,他们给我介绍一对单身汉,我们来了一次四人约会。

4)not my type 不是我喜欢的类型

He’s a really nice guy,but he’s not my type.他是一个好人,但他不是我喜欢的类型。

5)ex 前男/女友

6)hung up on someone 对一个人朝思暮想

I can’t help it,I’m still hung up on my ex. 我管不住了,我还是对前男友朝思暮想。


1)Grandpa 爷爷,老爷


3)Uncle 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姑父,姨夫,等等

4)Aunt 婶婶,姨妈,姑妈,舅妈等等


1) stinky 臭味

What is that stinky smell!?That’s nasty. 这个臭味是什么呀?!受不了!

2) fart 放屁

Bob!Did you fart?Bob cut the cheese!

3) B.O. = body odor 体臭

I gotta shower before we go out tonight.I have some serious B.O.!


4) bad breath 口臭

Bad breath is a big turn off. 有口臭真让人扫兴了。

5) stinky feet 臭脚

OMG!The whole floor smell like stinky feet!


【特别喜欢的事情What's your thing??】

1) obsessed with 非常非常喜欢

I’m obsessed with Lady Gaga. I love her music. 我非常喜欢Lady Gaga!我爱她的音乐。

2) dig 很喜欢

I really dig this coffee shop. 我很喜欢这间咖啡馆。

I dig your shoes!They are so cute!我很喜欢你的鞋子,很可爱!

I really dig him. He is so nice! 我喜欢他,他是个好人!

3) my thing 我特别喜欢做的事

That’s my thing.这是我特别喜欢做的事。

Dancing is my thing. 我特别喜欢跳舞。

Sleeping is my thing. 我特别喜欢睡觉。

Cooking is my thing. 我特别喜欢做菜。

4) supes/totes cool 很酷supes = super/totes = totally

This shirt is supes cool!I’m gunna get it!这个衬衫很不错,我想买。

Transformers3 was totes cool!Transformers3 是个很好看的电影啊!

5) totes magotes! 当然啦! (一个回答)

You wanna go out tonight?Totes magotes!你要不要跟我们一起出去啊?那当然啦!

【日常生活Daily Life】

1) hit the snooze button按闹钟上的止闹按扭

I hit the snooze button a few time before I finally get up.我按了几次止闹按扭后,才起床的。

2) get up and get ready 起床,准备好

3) smoothie 沙冰

I make a smoothie for breakfast every morning ,it has bananas and strawberries in it.

So healthy!我每天早上做一个沙冰当早餐,里面有香蕉和草莓,很健康!

4) Hop on the metro 上地铁



I take my smoothie with me and hop on the metro.我带着沙冰上地铁。

5) D.C.地铁=metro, 纽约地铁=subway


1) bust my butt 很努力得工作

When I get to work,I bust my butt. 我上班时,很努力的工作!

2) goof around 不做该做的事, 游手好闲

I have a lot to get done,there is no time to goof around. 我有很多事情要做,不能游手好闲的。

3) get some air 呼吸新鲜空气

I always take a lunch break and eat outside to get some air.


4) get off work 下班

5) see what my friends are up to 看看朋友在做什么

I usually go see what my friends are up to when I get off work.


6) hang out at my house 呆在我家玩儿

We all usually hang out at my house after work.. 下班后,我和朋友经常呆在我家玩儿。

【如何表达激动兴奋Totes STOKED!】

1) really excited 很激动

I really excited to see New York. 我很激动要去纽约了。

2) stoked 很兴奋

I’m so stoked for our big girl’s night out!今晚是我和姐妹淘的聚会之夜!很兴奋很期待!

3) awesome 棒极了

You got front row seats to the concert!?This is gunna be awesome!


4) I can't wait 等不及

I can't wait to get off work!I leave for vacation tonight!


5) psyched 很兴奋

We get to meet Lady Gaga tonight!?I’m so psyched!

今晚就会见Lady Gaga!?我很兴奋啊!

【日常交际用语Ta-da! V oila!】

1) Ta-da! 想到与“look”看! 瞧!

I got you a little present!Ta-da! It’s a kitty!我给你一个小礼物,看!是一只小猫!

2) Drum roll, please! 请来一连串击鼓!

想显示好玩的消息Drum roll, please! Ta-da!You won!Yay!

3) V oilà! ‘瞧!' ‘那就是!' (是法语,也是美国人常用的感叹词)

V oilà! A delicious dinner just for you !瞧!为你做了特别好吃的晚餐!

4) There ya have it 就这样(美国人常用这个说法!讲故事后就说这个说法)

There ya have it !That’s how I met Lady Gaga.

事情就是这样的。我就是这样遇见Lady Gaga的。

5) That's it 就这些

That's it!I’ve got nothin’ else for ya!就这些!没有什么别的消息。

【周末泡吧疯狂Clubbing! Let's DANCE!】

1) clubbing 泡吧, 去夜店玩

2) I just wanna dance! 我只想跳舞!

3) Let's get on the floor! 开始跳舞吧!

4) Let's shake it! 我们摇吧!我们跳舞吧!

5) Do the robot! 跳机械舞吧!

Wow!She can really do the robot!哇!她真的会跳机械舞吧!

6) Head bang 摇头舞

7) Get down! 跳舞吧!

【Let's put on MAKEUP!!! 化妆】

1) makeup 化妆

2) foundation 粉底

Many women use foundation before putting on makeup.很多女性在化妆之前都先擦粉底。

3) SPF 防晒系数

My foundation also has SPF 15. 我的粉底里防晒系数15。

4) eye shadow 眼影

5) liquid eyeliner 眼线液

6) mascara 睫毛膏

That mascara makes your eyes look so pretty!这支睫毛膏让你的睫毛看起来好美。

Put on some powder to help the makeup stay. 擦点粉来定妆。

7) blush 腮红

Would you like to try this new kind of blush?你想试试这种新腮红吗?

8) lip gloss 唇彩

9) lipstick 口红

And finally,a little bit of lip gloss!最后要擦一点唇彩。

10) nail polish 指甲油

I really like red nail polish. 我很喜欢红色指甲油。你呢?



1)Fall Foliage秋叶景色

2)ski lift 滑雪缆车

3)leafer 赏叶人

4)Apple Fest 苹果节

5)Blueberry Pie Eating Contest 吃蓝莓派比赛

6)Chainsaw Carving 电锯雕刻

7)Candied Apple 苹果糖葫芦

【Phone talk!】

1)dropped the call 断线了


——正式是:Hello?XXspeaking./This is XX.

3)询问谁在打电话?——Excuse me.Who is this?

——May I ask who’s calling,please?


——I’m sorry.You’ve dialed the wrong number. 对不起,你打错了。


Yes.May I please speak with Ms.Bai?

Can I please have extension 552?

随便的说法:Is Baijie there?


I’d like to leave a message.

Would you like to leave a message?/Can I take a message for you?


Hold on.I’m getting another call.

Can you hold on one sec?等一下

Hey!I gotta call you back. I’m getting another call.

Can I call you right back?I’ve got to take this call.


1)bad apple 坏人

He was a bad apple. I’m glad we broke up. 他是个坏蛋,很高兴我们分手了。2)apple of someone’s eye 某人的掌上明珠

My brother is the only boy in the family. He is the apple of everyone’s eye.


3)compare apples and oranges 不能相提并论

Comparing Lady Gaga and Brad Pitt is like comparing apples and oranges.

将Lady Gaga 与Brad Pitt两人进行比较,就如同比较苹果和桔子。他们是完全不同的人,不能相提并论的。

4)peach 桃子

Thanks for helpin’! You’re such a peach!谢谢你帮忙,你太好了!


The car you just bought is a lemon.你刚买了不合格的汽车。

6)sour grapes 吃不到葡萄是酸的

She said my purse is ugly. I think it’s a case of sour grapes. 她说我新买的包包很难看,我认为这是吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸的例子。

【美语日常交际Def OBVI!!】

1)def = definitely 当然!肯定

Are you going to the party?Def!你要去那个派对吗?当然!

I am DEF going to your party!我当然要去你的派对!

2)obvi =obviously 明显,显然

She obvi has a crush on you!她明显对你有好感!

Are you going to the Lady Gaga concert tonight?Obvi!

你今晚要去Lady Gaga的音乐会吗?当然了!

3)jeli = jealous 嫉妒

OMG!Your boyfriend is so cute!It’s not fair…Don’t be jeli!


OMG!I totes love your LV bag! I want one…我太喜欢你的LV包包,我想要一个。。。

4)gorg = gorgeous 很漂亮

Angelina Jolie is supes gorg!xx太漂亮了!

5)fo sho = for sure 那是肯定的,当然了!

Do you like Lady Gaga?Fo sho!

You wanna go out tonight?Fo sho!

【Yes Yep Yup日常应答】


1)I’m sweating bullets./I’m sweating like a pig.

2)短句①full of hot air 说话无意义

②get hor and bother 别生气

【OMG!=oh my gosh!】

【Nothing better!】

Nothing (active verb phrase)better than (noun)

例:Nothing cools me down better than ice cream.没有什么比冰淇淋更让我凉快了。Nothing puts me to sleep better than classical music.

Nothing wakes me up better than coffee.

Nothing makes me want to dance better than Lady Gaga!


Baijie,tell me a little bit about yourself.

I recently graduated from college where I majored in journalism and specialized in Mandarin Chinese.i’m looking for a job that focuses on cross-cultural communication and international relations.

What would you say is your greatest strength?

I love interacting with people. Communication is my greatest strength.



Hey girl/man!what’s up?/what’s going on?/what are you up to?/how are you?/how’s it going?


My stomach doesn’t feel so hot.

My tummy hurts,I feel nauseous.

I have a tummy ache.

I have a stomach ache.

My tummy feels icky(小孩子说).

【Date night romance】

1)go on a date 去约会

2)he picked up the check.他请客了。

He is such a gentleman.他是一位真正的绅士。

And he was so polite.he opened every door for me.他很客气,他每次都帮我开个门。

When a man is being a gentleman。

对女孩子特别客气,he’s being very chivalrous.

Chivalry 对女孩子特别谦恭有礼

3)i don’t kiss and tell!我不会泄露隐私的事。

4)will we go on another date next weekend?I haven’t called him back..

5)play hard to get 故意装出难以接近的样子(就要鼓励对方作进一步追求)

【NYC Indoor Rock Climbing】brooklyn boulcers

1)are you ready to have a blast?

2) graffiti 涂鸦

3)slackline 走绳

4)类型:Top—Rope Climbing 顶绳:有绳的高处攀岩

Bouldering 较低处的无绳攀岩

5)nerves of steel 人很勇敢


7)to be on the safe side 为了安全

8)gear up 穿戴全副装备

9)harness 安全带

9)belay on 做了保护准备

10)i have no clue 一点儿也不了解


13)start a business 创业

14)day pass全天票

15)great deal 划算的交易



18)word of mouth 口碑很好

19)Brooklyn Bridge 布鲁克林大桥


21)hang on for dear life 抓紧

22)i nailed it. 我搞定了。

23)that was awesome,dude!干的太棒了!


OMG 美语 【爱情】 1) still hurting 心痛 As you all know ,my BF broke up with me last week. I 'm not over it yet . I 'm still huring. 我还没有走出这段感情,我的心还是有点痛。 2) the one 命中注定的那个人 I thought he was the one. 我以为他是我命中注定的那个人。 3) funk 忧郁, 绝望的 4) rebound 分手后随便找个人约会,用来疗伤,忘记以前恋情 My friends say I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date. 我的朋友告诉我打起精神来,随便先找个人约会。 5) pick up 找个新帅歌/ 美女 6) not my style 不是我的风格 My friends tell me to find a new guy ,but that 'snot my style. 7) ask someone out 邀请某人出去 A guy I met on the metro asked me out for coffee. 我在地铁站认识的男孩请我去喝咖啡。 8) too soon 太早 9) date 约会 I 'm not going to go.It 's too soon. I don 't think I 'm ready to date. 我不想去,这太快了,我还没有准备好再开始约会。 【锻炼身体exercise】 1) Get in shape 健身,恢复体型 2) Getting a little soft 变得有点胖 I have to get in shape,I 'm getting a litte soft.. 我必须恢复体形,我变得有点胖了。 3) Cardio 锻炼心肺功能的运动 4) Tone up 加强锻炼 I do lots of cardio like running to tone up. 为了加强锻炼,我做很多心肺功能的运动,比如跑步。 5) Lift weights 举重 6) Work out 锻炼 I lift weights when I work out. 我锻炼身体时喜欢举重。 7) Yoga 瑜珈 People who do yoga are really fit.. 做瑜伽的人都很健康。 8) Jiggly 胖胖的 My arms get jiggly. 我的手臂有点粗了。 9) Muffin top 腰部赘肉 10) Badonkadonk 大屁股 She stopped working out and she got a little jiggly. I hear she has a muffin top and a big bado nkad onk.她停止锻炼之后变得有点胖,而且我还听说她现在有很多赘肉,屁股也大了。 11) sit-ups 仰卧起坐 12) push-ups 俯卧撑 13) squats 蹲坐


OMG美语讲堂 大家好!我是白洁。我们每天一起来学习最地道的美语! Hey everybody! My name is Baijie. Let's get together every day to study American English! OMG美语讲堂第3期:回答粉丝的问题 1. 面试 Tell me a little bit about yourself. 跟我说下你的一些情况。 I recently graduated from college, where I majored in journalism and specialized in Mandarin Chinese. I'm looking for a job that focuses on cross-cultural communication and international relations. 我刚刚大学毕业,我主修了新闻学,专业是中文普通话,我想找一份关于跨文化交流和国际关系的工作。 What would you say is your greatest strength? 你说你的特长是什么? I love interacting with people, Communication is my greatest strength. 我喜欢和人民交流,沟通是我最棒的特长。 2. 日常交际 以下均为打招呼用语。 Hey girl! What's up? (见到女性朋友的时候打招呼) Hey dude!What's up? (见到男性朋友的时候打招呼) Hey man! What's up? (见到男性朋友的时候打招呼) What's going on? What are you up to? How are you? How's going? 3. 肚子疼 My stomach doesn't feel so hot. 我肚子不舒服。 My tummy hurts,I feel nauseous. 我肚子坏了,感觉很恶心。 I have a tummy ache. I have a stomach ache. My tummy feels icky. (小孩子说) OMG美语讲堂第4期:Nothing better!没什么更好的! Nothing cools me down better than ice-cream. 没有什么比冰激凌更能让我凉爽了。 句式解析:Nothing (active verb phrase主动的动词或动词短语) better than (noun名词) EG: Nothing puts me to sleep better than classical music. 没有什么比古典音乐更能让我睡觉。 Nothing wakes me up better than coffee. 没有什么比咖啡更能让我清醒。 Nothing makes me want to dance better than Lady Gaga! 没有什么比LADY GAGA更能让我想跳舞。


*new years resolution 新年的决心 The New Year is coming! It’s time to make a list of new years resolutions! I think the most popular New Years resolution is always lose weight! I think people make New Years resolutions to improve themselves and to even learn something new. *acronyms 缩写 FYI=For Your Information 让你知道一下 Just an FYI, I’ll be out of town next week. 让你知道一下,我下周不在 Uh..hey..FYI…You have something on your face! FYI, the party starts at 8 tonight! TMI=Too Much Information 你说太多了 I am stinky! Time for a shower! 我有点臭!该洗个澡了! 白洁!TMI!! Just go take a shower! This food got moldy.. Ew..look! smell it! 这个食物发霉了。你看,闻一下!!Just throw it away! 快把它扔掉吧!BRB=Be Right Back 马上回来! I gotta go to the store! BRB! 我去超市下,马上回来! BRB! I’m gunna go pick up some pizza for dinner! 一会回来!我现在去拿一些比萨作晚饭 Ok, I’ll go make some coffee for the meeting. BRB! LOL=Laugh Out Loud 大声笑 LOL! That guy looks so funny!哈哈!这个家伙看起来很好笑! LOL! That puppy is so cute! 哈哈,这只小狗这么可爱! You look so funny in those glasses! LOL! 你戴这个眼镜看起来很好笑!哈哈! *spring festival 春节 Chinese New Year 中国春节 Spring Festival Travel春运 Over 2 million people are expected to take the train over this year’s Spring Festival. That’s the biggest movement of humanity in the world! 今年春节,大约2亿多人将坐火车回家过年!是世界上最大规模的周期性短期人口迁移! Red envelope! 红包 The red color of 红包symbolizes good luck. How much money is usually in a red envelope? 红包的颜色代表好运,红包平常包多少钱呢? I hope you strike it rich! Come get your red envelope! 恭喜发财,红包拿来! I wish you good fortune and wish you all the best in the New Year! 恭喜发财,万事如意! Set off fireworks 放烟火 I had so much fun celebrating Spring Festival in Beijing in 2007. The best part was setting off fireworks with my classmates! Eat dumplings! 吃饺子 Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during Spring Festival the more money you’ll make in the New Year. because dumplings look like little baby gold bags! 传说饺子像元宝,多吃新年将会多赚钱! I’d like to wish all OMG!美语fans a peaceful home, a happy New Year, a merry life, and a peaceful world. Happy New Year! 白洁想祝所有OMG粉丝一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安。新年快乐! *love is blind 爱情使人盲目 Why does Melissa even like that guy? He’s so mean! And he’s not even that cute. 为什么Melissa喜欢这个家伙?他很差劲,而且也不是很帅。 I guess love is blind!


1.OMG/ Oh my gosh 2.Specialize in/major in hey dude! My stomach doesn’t feel so hot. My tummy hurts. I feel nauseous.['n????s] I have a tummy ache. 3.Roasting out here今天热死了;Sweating bullets全身冒汗, 另外一个意思:为某事而焦 急或紧张;I am sweating like a pig全身冒汗;Hot as heck非常热;He is so hot他很帅;Hot new song流行歌曲;Have the hots对某人有感觉,喜欢他;Red hot非常热full of hot air吹牛大王Don’t get hot and bothered.What the heck are those kids doing? (hell) 4.Nothing cools me down better than ice cream没有什么东西比冰淇淋更让我感觉凉快 Nothing puts me to sleep better than classical music 没有什么东西比古典音乐更让我想睡觉Nothing wakes me up better than coffee没有什么东西比咖啡更让我起 5.Fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的,就承认吧 In someone else's shoes 从别人的角度来看Wouldn't want to be in his shoes 我不想处于他的境地 6.Go on a date去约会date night 星期五或星期六晚上My date took me out to dinner and a movie要先吃饭, 然后去看电影He is such a gentleman他是一位真正的绅士He was so polite! He opened every door for me他很客气! 他每次都帮我开个门Chivalry 对女孩子的谦恭有礼Play hard to get 故意装出难以接近的样 7.She has great fashion sense她对时尚很有感觉fashionista赶时髦的人Work it!把你的 神情,味道都表现出来Rockin' that dress穿起来好看Does this shirt go with these shoes? 这个衬衣和我的鞋子配不配?It goes.It matches很配It doesn't go.It doesn't match.不配,不搭It’s so me.完全是我的风格 8. I got it on sale yesterday,it was half off!我昨天大减价的时候买的I have a coupon that gives me 10% off my entire purchase我有一张给我10%折扣的优惠券Let's look at the sale rack for a better deal我们去看看打折区再找更好的折扣Are you a bargain shopper?Clearance sale 清仓大减价 9. Can you give me a hand?帮我拿以下Keep an eye on my luggage帮我留意以下,观 看以下我的箱子She is so nosey她是一位爱管闲事的女孩子In one ear and out the other当耳边风He never lifts a finger to help me at home他从不帮我干家务 10.Hello! Hi, Hey, Hi there, Hey there, Howdy。What's up? 的几个回答。 Yes/yeah/yep/yup/uh-huh/sure/you bet。No/nope/no way/not a chance/not in this lifetime/uh-uh。nothing much/doing well。how are you going? 11.I'm hungry 我饿了!I'm starving 我饿死了I'm feeling a little peckish我有点饿My stomach is eating itself! 我的肚子正在吃它自己! 12.Drop the call Can you hold on? I’ve got another call. 13.thank'ya much. 多谢你啦!Aw, you shouldn't have! 你不必I've had a splendid evening, thanks so much for having me. 我过了一个美好的夜晚, 谢谢您的款待 14.What brought you here? 你为什么来这儿?What do you do in your free time? 你的业 余时间做什么? How has your day been? 15.All of the icky stuff that comes out of your face!! 眼屎eye gunk, sleepies ; 耳屎 earwax; 鼻屎booger; 鼻涕My nose is so runny. snot;口水drool, slobber;青春痘pimple/zit/blemish 16.Her boyfriend has wandering eyes. 他的男朋友会看看别的女孩儿Nose Let’s nose around the shop.四处看看She’s a big mouth. Don’t give me any lip.不许顶嘴I turn

OMG美语 come out of your shell!

Come out of your shell 克服害羞,与人热络起来 I saw you at Melisa’s party last weekend. Did you have a good time? You look a little upset. 上周末我在Melisa的派对上看到你了。你玩得开心吗?那时候你看起来有点情绪低落。 Yeah,I had fun. It just takes a little bit of time for me to come out of my shell when I’m around a lot of people. 我挺开心的。人多的时候,我需要一点时间才能不害羞,与人热络起来。 Step out of your comfort zone 走出让自己舒适的状态 I understand. I used to be shy,too. You should try a little harder to step out of your comfort zone and make a few new friends next time. 我理解。我过去也很害羞。你下次得更努力走出让自己更舒适的状态,多认识一些朋友。 Take a leap of faith 凭借信念冒险尝试 Strike up a conversation 攀谈 It just takes a lot for me to take a leap of faith and strike up a conversation with a new person! I’m so shy! 对我来说,鼓足勇气找陌生人攀谈真的很难!我太害羞了!


Wedding chapel 结婚礼堂exchange vows 交换誓言 Tie the knot 结婚的意思 Yy:If you ask me where to carry out my wedding and when will you tie the knot? My answer is the wedding chapel in 2016. 问候:Hey,girls/dude! What’ going on? What’s up? What are you up to? How’s going? 肚子疼:My stomach doesn’t feel so hot. My tummy hurts. I feel nauseous. I have a tummy ache. I have a stomach ache. 天气热:It is so hot outside. I am roasting out here. I am sweating bullets. I’m sweating like a pig. It is hot as heck out here. 关于HOT的用法:she is full of hot air.她说话没什么意思。 Don’t get hot and bothered about it.不要生气。 Nothing+动词短语+better than+名词。 Nothing cools me down better than icecream. Hot new song 流行歌曲 关于shoes的话题 Fill one’s shoes j接替某人的职位 It will be difficult to fill his shoes. He did a great job. Are you calling me a dumb blonde?If the shoe fits,wear it.如果是真的,就承认吧!In one’s shoes 从别人角度看 I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. She just wrecked her car. How was your weekend? I went on a date this weekend. He picked up the check. He is being very chivalrous. I don’t kiss and tell. 我不会泄露隐私的事。I am playing hard to get.我装作很难接近的样子。 Break up My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. He said it was not working. I can’t believe it over. He said he needed space. I love you but I am not in love with you. How long it will take for me to get over this relationship? I don’t think I’ll ever get over him. I thought he was my soulmate. He broke my heart. won't bite 是一种幽默的说法,意思是别怕。You can ask me any question you want. I won't bite. 你有什么问题尽管问,别害怕,我不咬人。I think you should go talk to your boss. I'm sure he won't bite. 我觉得你应该找你老板谈谈,别怕,他不会咬人的。 show too much skin 穿的太暴露


1) engaged 订婚 Frank and I are engaged! 我和Frank订婚了! You guys got engaged!? Congratulations!! 你们订婚了!?祝贺你们 2) soul mate 灵魂伴侣 -He told me that I am his soul mate and he wants to grow old with me! 他说我是他的灵魂伴侣!他说他愿意和我白头到老! -OMG! That's so romantic!! 哎哟!太浪漫了! 3) meant to be 命中注定的 He said we're meant to be together. He said he wants to start a family. 他说我们在一起是命中注定的。他说他想要个孩子。 4) get cold feet 失去信心,感到怀疑 I'm so scared I'm going to get cold feet! What if he's not my soul mate!? 我很怕失去信心,感到怀疑!如果他不是我的灵魂伴侣怎么办!? 1) propose 向某人求婚 -I think my boyfriend's going to propose! 我想我的男朋友可能会向我求婚 -OMG!! How do you know? 哎哟!你是怎么知道的!? 2) get down on one knee 跪下向某人求婚 I overheard him talking on the phone about "getting down on one knee." 他打电话的时候我就听到他说了关于“跪下”的事。 3) pop the question 向某人求婚 -I don't know what I'll say until he pops the question! 等到他求婚的时候,我根本不知到我会说什么。 -What!? Don't you love him? 嗯?什么!?你不爱他吗 4) walk down the aisle 结婚 Yes of course I love him, but I don't know if I'm ready to walk down the aisle! 我当然爱他!不过,结婚,我还没想过呢! 1) backseat driver 指手划脚的人 Don't drive too fast! Turn left! Stop at the red light! 别开得太快吧!往左拐!红灯啊!停车吧! OMG!! 白洁!Stop being such a backseat driver! Let me drive! 白洁!不用你指挥啊!让我开车吧!


1.Her boyfriend has a wandering eye.她的男朋友总是随便看别的人。 2.Don’t give me your lip.别顶嘴 3.She’s a big mouth. 4.Why a long face?为什么不高兴? 5.Let’s nose around the store.我们逛逛商店吧 6.She is always sticking her nose into others business. She’s so nosey.她总是多管闲事,她想知 道一切事情 7.I can not remember people’s name. They go in one ear and out the other. 8.He’s so lazy. He never lifts one finger to help me at home. 9.fall foliage秋叶美景 10.ski lift 滑雪缆车 11.leafer赏叶人 12.chainsaw carving.电锯雕刻 13.Candied Apple.苹果糖葫芦 14.I slammed my finger in the door.我夹到了我的手指。 15.I stubbed my toe.我踢伤脚趾头了。 16.I just got a paper cut.我的手被纸划到了。 17.Y our sweater shocked me.你的毛衣电到我了。 18.My eyes are so sore.眼睛酸痛 19.Add insult to injury.雪上加霜 20.to do the heck out of sth. 很想做某事。 e.g.I want to wear the heck out of the shoes. 超级想穿这双鞋。 21. wake up and sell the coffee. 别迷迷糊糊的了。 22. a cup of joe. 一杯普通过滤咖啡= drip coff 23. I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syrup to go.我通常点一份外带中杯浓缩榛果拿铁咖啡。 The more shots of Espresso, the more caffeine you have.浓缩咖啡加的越多,咖啡因也越多。 24.sth is epic.非常好! 25. cool beans. 好吧~ 26. I’m down with going shopping if you are. 如果你想逛街,我也想去。 I’m down 我愿意,我可以。 27. I t’s a toss up. 这两个没法比较。 28. My bad.对不起 29. break the ice. 打破僵局。 30. This party is boring, let’s bounce.(走吧) 31. Hit me up.联系我~ 32. BRB=be right back. JK=just kidding LOL=laugh out loud.


OMG美语 【爱情】 1)still hurting心痛 As you all know,my BF broke up with me last week. I’m not over it yet . I’m still huring.我还没有走出这段感情,我的心还是有点痛。 2)the one命中注定的那个人 I thought he was the one.我以为他是我命中注定的那个人。 3)funk忧郁, 绝望的 4)rebound分手后随便找个人约会,用来疗伤,忘记以前恋情 My friends say I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date. 我的朋友告诉我打起精神来,随便先找个人约会。 5) pick up 找个新帅歌/美女 6)not my style 不是我的风格 My friends tell me to find a new guy,but that’s not my style. 7)ask someone out邀请某人出去 A guy I met on the metro asked me out for coffee.我在地铁站认识的男孩请我去喝咖啡。 8)too soon太早 9)date 约会 I’m not going to go.It’s too soon. I don’t think I’m ready to date. 我不想去,这太快了,我还没有准备好再开始约会。 【锻炼身体exercise】 1)Get in shape健身,恢复体型 2)Getting a little soft变得有点胖 I have to get in shape,I’m getting a litte soft..我必须恢复体形,我变得有点胖了。 3)Cardio锻炼心肺功能的运动 4)Tone up加强锻炼 I do lots of cardio like running to tone up. 为了加强锻炼,我做很多心肺功能的运动,比如跑步。 5)Lift weights举重 6)Work out锻炼 I lift weights when I work out. 我锻炼身体时喜欢举重。 7)Yoga瑜珈 People who do yoga are really fit..做瑜伽的人都很健康。 8)Jiggly胖胖的 My arms get jiggly.我的手臂有点粗了。 9)Muffin top腰部赘肉 10)Badonkadonk 大屁股 She stopped working out and she got a little jiggly. I hear she has a muffin top and a big badonkadonk.她停止锻炼之后变得有点胖,而且我还听说她现在有很多赘肉,屁股也大了。 11)sit-ups仰卧起坐 12)push-ups俯卧撑 13)squats蹲坐 I do lots of sit-ups,push-ups,squats.So I don’t get a big badonkadonk.我不要大屁股啦。


一.与call有关的美语说 1) close call 有两个意思: 1.1) something dangerous almost happened 差点出了事 I almost got hit by a car today, but Bob pushed me out of the way and saved my life! Phew, that was a close call! 我今天差点被车撞!幸好Bob推了我一把﹐救我一命! 好险啊! 1.2) a close competition 胜负难分的比赛 3) call the shots 做最后决定 I don't call the shots around here. Melissa makes all of the decisions, so go talk to her. 在这里,我说的话不算数. Melissa才算。你还是和她说吧。 4) Let's call it a day 我们今天就到这儿吧 We've been studying for 12 hours straight! My eyes hurt so bad. Let's call it a day. 我们已经连续念书12个小时了!我的眼睛疼死了。今天就到此为止吧! 怎么样用美语问路? Excuse me! Pardon me!'scuse me!请问! Excuse me! Can you please tell me how to get to the nearest post office? 请问!能不能告诉我最近的邮局怎么去? Pardon me! Do you know how to get to the Starbucks in this area? 请问!你知不知道附近的星巴克要怎么去? Excuse me! I'm trying to find a restaurant called "Sichuan Pavillion".Do you know where that is? 请问!我正在找一家叫重庆楼的饭店,你知道怎么走吗? Pardon me! I'm looking for the KFC on 4th street.Can you please tell me how to get there? 请问!我正在找4街上的肯德基,能不能告诉我怎么走? 安排新朋友再次见面 Great to meet you! 和So nice to meet you!(很高兴认识你!)常常在刚一见面时说。 Nice meeting you!和It was great mneeting you.See you around! (很高兴认识你,再次见!)用了一个现在分词在此表示完成的动作,所以它常常用在谈话结束时或分手之前。 Nice meeting you too! See ya! 我也很高兴认识你啊,再见!


说明:本笔记根据【OMG!美语】视频整理,相关视频资料见沪江节目【OMG美语-白洁】https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba14667186.html,/menu/5916/ 及优酷等视频网站。1-5期、26-30期由gaoyx整理;6-10期由沈慈慈整理;11-15期由我强人啊整理;16-20期由mmmiii整理;21-15期由玉景烟整理。如有错误请自行纠正或与以上ID讨论。 第一期:拉斯维加斯婚礼 美国每20对注册结婚的人就有一对是在拉斯维加斯注册的,最便宜的婚礼+照相=$130 Little White Chapel tie the knot 结婚 wedding gowns 婚纱 tuxedo 男士礼服 veil 头纱 drive-thru Wedding 免下车婚礼 renew Vows 誓言更新 Graceland Wedding Chapel 恩赐大地结婚礼堂 Elvis Weddings 猫王婚礼 exchange Vows 交换誓词 扩展: gown长袍、礼服 gownsman 法官、律师 gowned war法庭上的争辩 第二期:美国人怎么用OMG! Oh my gosh! 天哪! OMG! Did you hear Lady Gaga's new song? I love it! you can use OMG! as a reaction to almost anything if you're frustrated.. Oh my gosh! I missed the bus again! If you're excited... "OMG! I'm so excited! We're going to the beach tomorrow!" Or if you're disappointed... "Oh my gosh! I just failed that test."

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