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Germany, France Seek 'True European Economic Government'

Eleven countries first began to use the euro in nineteen ninety-nine. Today seventeen of the twenty-seven members of the European Union are in the euro area.

The euro's foreign exchange value has remained strong against the dollar and other currencies. But economic growth in the euro area was only two-tenths of one percent from April to June. Europe's biggest economy, Germany, grew at half that rate.

Ireland, Portugal and Greece have all required rescues. Greece received emergency loans twice.

Debt and other problems in southern Europe remain a big concern. Last week, the European Central Bank bought more than thirty billion dollars in Italian and Spanish debt securities. Italy and Spain have yet to recover from the worldwide recession. The purchases of their government debt helped reduce their borrowing costs, but the bank will probably have to act again.

On Tuesday German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy met in Paris. They discussed economic governance for the euro area and cooperation on budget and tax policies. Chancellor Merkel said, "We want France and Germany to move closer in terms of fiscal integration." President Sarkozy agreed that the two neighbors must m ove close r on budget issues.

Their proposal calls for a "true European economic government." It would include the leaders of the seventeen euro countries and would be led by the European Union president. The current president is Herman Van Rompuy of Belgium. The group would meet at least twice a year.

One goal would be to control budget deficits for euro area countries. Rules limit the deficits of EU members to three percent of the size of their economies. But many members, including France, have bigger deficits than that.

The two leaders also proposed a tax on financial dealings in Europe. But they did not support the idea of euro bonds. These would be loans guaranteed by all euro countries instead of only the governments seeking them.

The European Commission says it supports the French and German proposals. The commission proposes and enforces legislation for the EU. On Wednesday, EU spokesman Olivier Bailly said the calls for an economic government were a step in the right direction. OLIVIER BAILLY: "We already mentioned the need to strengthen the economic part of the economic and monetary union. What is happening now since the beginning of the crisis and what has been announced yesterday as a proposal by France and Germany go exactly in this direction."

But many experts question whether European countries will be willing to surrender individual powers and deal with their debt problems together.

Debt, Recession Worries Bring Volatility to World Markets

A "rollercoaster ride" is one description for these days of scary ups and downs in financial markets. If you want to use a more technical term, the markets are showing volatility. Thursday was another example of a day of strong gains on the New York Stock Exchange after a day of heavy losses.

Major measures of United States markets have closed with their biggest one-day losses since the financial crisis of two thousand eight. Asia and Europe have also had sharp declines.

Volatile markets can react suddenly in wild and unpredictable ways. Usually some kind of shock, or more than one, is involved.

For example, last Friday, one of the three major credit rating agencies downgraded long-term United States governm ent debt. Standard & Poor's lowered its opinion of Treasury securities one step from the highest rating, triple-A, to AA-plus.

But shocks like a hopeful jobs report or good earnings results can stop a fall and send prices higher. (Also, when prices fall, investors may find good deals and start buying.)

The United States held S&P's top rating for seventy years and never had a downgrade. But many investors were expecting that to happen even after the budget deal in Washington. Congress last week agreed to increase the government's borrowing limit in return for steps to cut spending and reduce the deficit.

S&P says it thinks America's debt will only increase in the future. President Obama disagreed. BARACK OBAMA: "It does mean we don't have a problem. The fact is, we didn't need a rating agency to tell us that we need a balanced, long-term approach to deficit reduction. That was true last week, that was true last year, that was true the day I took office."

He said this week that markets still consider United States credit "as among the world's safest."

Still, there are growing worries of another recession -- a double dip. On Tuesday, policy makers at the central bank said economic growth so far this year has been "considerably slower" than they had expected. The Federal Reserve said it would likely keep short-term interest rates near zero for at least two more years.

Borrowing costs for the United States remain very low. But debt worries in two of Europe's biggest economies have increased costs for their governments in recent weeks.

On Monday the European Central Bank began buying debt securities from Spain and Italy. These efforts have helped push down interest rates for those countries. Nick Parsons, an economist with the National Australia Bank, says the bank made the right move.

NICK PARSONS: "It has been an absolutely critical decision."

But he also thinks the bank will have to buy more. And Europe must still deal with the rescues of Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

A Debt Deal in US, but Stocks Still Slide

This week President Obam a signed a bill raising the nation's borrowing limit. That debt deal, however, failed to keep stock markets from dropping. Prices fell sharply on growing economic concerns about the United States and the world.

The legislation followed months of arguing that only added to those concerns. Congress sent the bill to the president to sign into law on Tuesday. That was the last day the government said it had enough money to make all of its payments.

The Budget Control Act of 2011 lets the government seek financing to pay its bills until twenty-thirteen. Congress agreed to lift the debt ceiling by over two trillion dollars, but also to make spending cuts.

President Obama said it was a starting point.

BARACK OBAMA: "This compromise guarantees more than two trillion dollars in deficit reduction. It's an important first step to ensuring that as a nation, we live within our means. Yet it also allows us to keep making key investments in things like education and research

that lead to new jobs. And assures that we're not cutting too abruptly while the economy is still fragile."

Richard Gordon worked with the International Monetary Fund for nearly ten years. He says there is a risk in cutting the federal budget too much when unemployment is high. RICHARD GORDON: "If the federal governm ent does not put money into the economy, the economy will stall. And that will result in another recession, and that cannot help anybody." The national debt is more than fourteen trillion dollars. At the end of last year, private investors in the United States held the largest share -- thirty-six percent of that government debt. China was the single largest foreign holder of Treasury securities, followed by Japan and Britain.

On Wednesday, China's Dagong credit rating agency downgraded American debt. It said the budget deal did nothing to improve the United States' ability to pay its debts. Still, the government has had no trouble finding investors, and its borrowing costs have even fallen. The Budget Control Act calls for almost one trillion dollars in spending cuts over ten years. A committee of six Democrats and six Republicans will have to identify another trillion and a half dollars in deficit reductions.

What happens if the committee cannot agree? Then an enforcement measure known as a trigger would go into effect. It would cut money from dom estic and defense programs, but not in popular social programs for retirees and the poor.

The budget deal contained no tax increases, but that issue has not gone away. Richard Gordon -- now a law professor at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio -- says the deal leaves a big question.

Indonesia's 'Technopreneurs' Help Fuel Economic Growth

Indonesia has one of the world's fastest growing economies, expanding at a rate of six percent this year. Technology is helping fuel that growth, and producing a new generation of young entrepreneurs.

One of these "technopreneurs" is Nadiem Makarim. He graduated from the Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts. He returned home and launched Go-Jek. This service connects motorcycle taxis, called ojeks, with people who need a ride or a delivery.

Go-Jek uses online maps, mobile phones and a call center. The aim is to improve Jakarta's disorganized motorcycle taxi system. Nadiem Makarim says everything depends on a business plan.

NADIEM MAKARIM: "If you want to do good, there needs to be a business model behind it. If you want sustainable impact, then you need a market incentive to do that. I firmly believe that business and just straight up rational business growth, profitable business growth and social impact are not mutually exclusive."

Go-Jek recently won ten thousand dollars in a competition through the American State Department's Global Entrepreneurship Program. Indonesia is one of five countries in this program which links startup businesses with investors.

Many startups are Internet-based services. Indonesia already has more than seven hundred startups online, and new ones are launched every week. Half of Indonesians still live on less than two dollars a day. But Indonesia has a young population interested in trying new technology.

Right now, about forty-five million Indonesians, or only about one in five, use the Internet. But about half of those people use mobile devices to go online, and those numbers are only growing.

Some experts say the conditions for local entrepreneurs are the best in the world. Still, the World Bank currently ranks Indonesia one hundred twenty-first out of one hundred

eighty-three economies in ease of doing business.

The biggest barrier to entrepreneurs is a lack of financing. Also, economists say Indonesia needs more entrepreneurs. They now m ake up less than one percent of the workforce. The rate is over seven percent in nearby Singapore, and almost twelve percent in the United States.

Indonesia's biggest bank, Bank Mandiri, expects to increase loans by as much as twenty-five percent this year. Demand is growing for credit for small businesses and for consumers. Leonard Theosabrata helped start Whiteboard Journal. This online publication offers a place for young designers to show their products. He says Indonesia has a lot of opportunity for entrepreneurs who take a risk.

Debt Limit Talks Show Deeper Debate on Government's Duties

Anyone who has ever borrowed money can relate to the debate over raising America's borrowing limit. People who have reached their limit can try to ask their bank to increase it, and go deeper into debt. Or they can cut their spending and try to get their finances under control. Or they can do both.

Either way, they have to keep paying their bills. If they default on their debt, that only makes it harder and costlier to borrow in the future.

Congress set the government's current borrowing limit at more than fourteen trillion dollars. President Obama and congressional leaders held hours of sometimes tense meetings this week at the White House. Opposition Republican leaders agree on the need to raise the borrowing limit by August second or risk the nation's first default.

The argument is over how to cut deficits. Most Republicans oppose any kind of tax increase. Most Democrats in Congress oppose big cuts in government spending, especially programs for retirees and the poor.

Jerry Webman is chief economist for OppenheimerFunds, an investment company. JERRY WEBMAN: "The central issue is how the US is going to bring its federal budget back down to a sustainable deficit level. We're growing our deficit at a rate that I think everybody admits needs to slow. So the controversy is how do you do that."

He says the current debate has deep roots in the Constitution.

JERRY WEBMAN: "The Constitution that was written by people who were very, very suspicious of executive authority and built into the Constitution lots of ways in which the three branches of government could check and balance each other."

Those three branches represent the president, Congress and the courts.

Researchers at the Library of Congress say Congress passed the first debt-limit law in nineteen seventeen. That was to control the costs of America's entry into World War One. Jerry Webman says the United States is going through an important debate on what services Americans can expect from their government.

JERRY WEBMAN: "I think we may be looking at one of those almost generational changes in the role of the federal government in US society."

Lenders worried about the risk of not getting repaid usually demand higher interest rates. That has happened to heavily indebted countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. JERRY WEBMAN: "Usually it is the bond market that says, ‘Wait a minute we're not going to accept any more debt until we feel more confident in your credit.'"

Interest rates for the United States, however, have come down.

But on Thursday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers that lack of action to raise the borrowing limit would mean a lower credit rating. The central banker said that means the government could have to pay sharply higher interest rates. And that would only add to deficits in what he called a "self-inflicted wound."

Greek Spending Cuts Clear Way for Loans

Greece has approved a plan to raise taxes, cut spending and sell government-owned assets. This clears the way for seventeen billion dollars in loans from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union. The loans are a share of the one-hundred-fifty-six-billion-dollar rescue deal that Greece secured last year.

The money will help the governm ent to operate and pay its debts until the middle of September. But the austerity plan led to a national strike on Tuesday and Wednesday, along with violent demonstrations in Athens. Several hundred protesters and police were injured. The Greek parliament approved the forty-billion-dollar plan on Wednesday and the details on Thursday. Prime Minister George Papandreou won more support than expected for his proposals. He appealed to parliament to do everything possible to avo id defaulting on the debts of the birthplace of democracy.

Greece is expected to seek more international help, even though years of government borrowing led to the crisis.

Many protesters said their government is making decisions that serve the interests o f wealthy nations.

WOMAN: "I want to feel Greek again. But I'm not Greek. I'm German, I'm American. I don't know what I am." But other Greeks, including this man, see the need for austerity. MAN: "I think the policies are a good step towards finding commo n ground with the European Union, which is I think a vision that all Greeks should aspire to. I don't think any country can operate in isolation these days, especially a country the size of Greece."

Also this week, the International Monetary Fund chose Fre nch Finance Minister Christine Lagarde as managing director. Ms. Lagarde received support from the United States and European nations as well as Russia, Brazil and China. Her five-year term starts Tuesday. Dominique Strauss-Khan had to resign in May. He is under house arrest in New York, charged with sexually attacking a hotel maid. He denies the charges.

The international lender has always been led by a European, but Ms. Lagarde will be the first woman.

Ms. Lagarde has promised to be a strong voice for developing countries, especially in Asia and Africa. But international monetary expert Domenico Lombardi says being a European will also help.

DOMENICO LOMBARDI: "And one key factor in guiding this decision is certainly the ability for Christine Lagarde as a European coming from a key euro area country to exert pressure, leverage on her European fellow finance ministers in terms of taking a more aggressive stance on the European crisis."



商务英语(3)作业1 (Units 1-4) 本作业由四部分组成,第一部分:交际用语;第二部分:词汇语法;第三部分:阅读理解;第四部分:写作。建议在90分钟内完成本作业。写作部分要求写在给定的位置上。每次作业满分为100分。 一、交际用语(每题2分,共10分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答案。 1. ----Morning Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career development? ----_________________. A. Good morning, Mr. Marx. I’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance. B. Sure, Mr. Marx. Thanks for giving me this opportunity I started as a clerk in this company… C. Sorry, Mr. Marx, but I don’t like my boss at all. I think he is too serious and critical. 2. ----Kathy, I’d like you to meet Maggie Jacobs. ----_____________, Maggie. You’re doing a great job. A. I’m pleased to meet you B. It’s great to see you again C. I’m happy to meet you too 3. ----Good morning. ___________? ----Good morning! I need a check to send to my publisher in New York. A. What can I do for you, Madam B. What do you want to buy, Madam C. Why do you come here, Madam 4. ----What are they? _________ ? ----It’s a secret. But I’ll give you some hints, anyway. A. Is it a secret B. Can I have an idea about them C. Why do you keep it a secret 5. ----But ________ by SWOT? ----It stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A. what do you mean B. how do you know


初级商务英语阅读理解试题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级商务英语阅读理解试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 初级商务英语阅读理解试题(1) A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really kn ow their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,

商务英语阅读高分技巧 阅读过关 词汇先行

商务英语阅读高分技巧阅读过关词汇先行 商务英语阅读高分技巧:阅读过关词汇先行 作为语言的基本单位,词汇的重要性不言而喻,而且通过近几年的试题,大家越来越认识到词汇的认知对于解题的重要:有时候往往就是一个生词毁一道题,而一道题则有可能导致整个成绩下降一个分数段。词汇的认知不仅影响着阅读成绩,而且作为语言能力的基本载体,词汇还在听、说、写考试中都占有重要的一席。因此,我总会在第一堂课就告诉学生们词汇的重要性,如何去记忆词汇,如何解决考试中的词汇问题。 首先,加大平时生活中词汇的积累。其实是一种习惯,一旦养成了好的习惯,无论是词汇,还是口语,抑或听力都会变得很轻松。因为大家要养成在生活中发现英语词汇,体会英语词汇,运用英语词汇。比如,dew这个词,基本上90%以上的同学都会觉得这是个生词,但事实上可能一半以上的同学都曾经见过它,只是从未想要去跟它打个招呼而已,想想我们在超市买矿泉水时估计定都买过这个牌子:冰露(ice dew),但是又有多少人注意过它呢,顺便记住这个单词呢?这只是因为我们没有养成随时随地学单词的习惯。但是一旦养成了,其实每天每个学生都会学到很多很多实用的生活词汇,无论是对以后的海外生活,还是对于考试都是不无裨益的。我记得我上大学时有次老师提问肥皂怎么说,大家都很轻松地回答道:

soap。相信大家都知道这个词,但是老师又接着问道:香皂怎么说。我们大家一下子都陷入了沉默,只有一个同学回答上来了beauty soap,大家都很服她,问她在哪里背的这个词,她说她买香皂时在包装盒上看的。这时我才发现其实学习不只是看看书,听听老师讲课那么枯燥的事。当你去生活中发现英语,感受英语,记住那些和我们生活相关的英语词汇就变成了小菜一碟。 其次,养成每天背单词的习惯。也许每天五个,每天十个,或者二十个,这取决于个人的记忆力和领悟力。每天背的.单词自然会有一部分会忘记,但是通过重复和日常应用来巩固,总有部分会属于你。在这里我不想多说如何记单词的诀窍,这对每个人都不太一样,但是我相信一点:一个单词如过不会使用,那就永远不属于你。我上大学时经常会把每天学到的单词造成句子,然后串联成小短文,尽管前言不达后语,但是我可以通过这种方式来检查我是否掌握了这些单词,增强我的记忆。另外朗读永远是最有效的记单词的方式之一:视觉、听觉以及和舌头的配合行成的立体记忆显然构成了一道高墙,牢牢地将词汇围在了你的大脑里,防止任何的流失。 其实剑桥雅思系列教材就提供了非常好的词汇,如果能把该系列每套题都做精读,重点词汇都能够结合上下文进行认知,变成自己


商务英语词汇大全abroad adv.在国外,出国,广泛流传 absence n.缺席,离开 absent adj.不在,不参与 absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职absorb v.吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响abstract n.摘要 access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利 accommodation n.设施,住宿 account n.会计账目 accountancy n.会计工作 accountant n.会计 accounts n.往来账目 account for解释,说明 account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理accruals n.增值,应计 achieve v.获得或达到,实现,完成acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人 acquire v.获得,得到 acquisition n.收购,被收购的公司或股份acting adj.代理的 activity n.业务类型 actual adj.实在的,实际的,确实的 adapt v.修改,适应 adjust v.整理,使适应 administration实施,经营,行政administer v.管理,实施 adopt v.采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人advertise v.公布,做广告 ad n.做广告,登广告 advertisement n.出公告,做广告advertising n.广告业 after-sales service n.售后服务agenda n.议事日程 agent n.代理人,经纪人 allocate v.分配,配给 amalgamation n.合并,重组 ambition n.强烈的欲望,野心amortize v.摊还 analyze v.分析,研究 analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告 analyst n.分析家,化验员 annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的 annual general meeting(AGM)股东年会anticipate v.期望 anticipated adj.期待的 appeal n.吸引力 apply v.申请,请求;应用,运用 applicant n.申请人 application n.申请,施用,实施appointee n.被任命人 appraisal n.估量,估价 appreciate v.赏识,体谅,增值appropriate v.拨出(款项) approve v.赞成,同意,批准 aptitude n.天资,才能 arbitrage n.套 arbitration n.仲裁 arrears n.欠账 assemble v.收集,集合 assembly line n.装配线,流水作业线assess v.评定,估价 asset n.资产 current asset n.流动资产 fixed asset n.固定资产 frozen asset n.冻结资产 intangible assets n.无形资产 liquid assets n.速动资产 tangible assets n.有形资产 assist v.援助,协助,出席 audit n.查账,审计 automate v.使某事物自动操作 average n.平均,平均水准 awareness n.意识;警觉 backing n.财务支持,赞助 backhander n.贿赂 backlog n.积压(工作或订货) bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款)balance n.收支差额,余额 balance of payments n.贸易支付差额balance sheet n.资产负债表


Ps: 亲们,Financial Times NEWS 共有6篇,每隔一个绿色标题为1篇。希望大家也能分享一下。 ①Europe up after Asia shows new confidence By Andrew Bolger in London and Patrick McGee in Hong Kong Thursday 08:15 GMT. European shares opened on a positive note after Asian markets signalled growing confidence that the crisis in Ukraine has eased, at least for now. In early trading, London’s FTSE 100 quickly regained Wednesday’s loss of 0.7 per cent, while the Eurofirst 300 rose by 0.4 per cent after closing flat the previous day. Futures suggest the S&P 500 will open 0.4 per cent higher, after it closed flat but near record levels. “Markets have taken on somewhat of a calmer tone in part due to hopes that discussions between the US and Russia will find some form of solution to the recent escalation of tensions in Ukraine,” wrote Mi tul Kotecha at Crédit Agricole. But investors remain cautious ahead of the European Central Bank policy decision, due later on Thursday, and the closely watched US monthly jobs report on Friday. Japan?s Nikkei 225 average rose 1.6 per cent to its highest level since late January, outperforming other markets as the yen weakened 0.3 per cent to Y102.6 against the dollar, its lowest since February 22. The currency has fallen 1.4 per cent since Monday, when investors were seeking shelter after Russian troops occupied the Crimean peninsula. Hong Kong?s Hang Seng index rose 0.5 per cent, while South Korea?s Kospi Composite was up 0.2 per cent. Other assets perceived as havens were steady, reflecting the cautious mood. The price of gold was flat at $1,338.9 an ounce, while the 10-year Treasury yield fell slightly overnight to 2.7 per cent. In New York, the S&P 500 also put in a steady performance on Wednesday, ending a fraction lower after touching a fresh intraday peak in spite of disappointing jobs and service sector data that prompted some economists to scale back their estimates for February?s employment report. ADP, a private US payroll processor, said that 139,000 jobs had been created in February – fewer than the markets had expected – and revised down its January figure from 175,000 to 127,000. The US reports “revealed surprising February service sector weakness that boosted downside risks for Friday?s US jobs report, and we have lowered our payroll estimate to 130,000 with substantial risk of a sub-100,000 figure,” said Michael Englund at Action Economics.


商务英语阅读技巧 商务英语的定义 ?Hutchinson&Waters 认为商务英语(Business English, BE) 是英语的一种社会功能变体, 是专门用途英语(English for specific purpose)中的一个分支, 是英语在商务场合中的应用, 是一种包含了各种商务活动内容、适合商业需要的标准英文。 ?英国商务英语专家Nick Brieger (1997) 提出了“商务英语范畴”理论, 即“商务英语应包括语言知识(language knowledge)、交际职能 (communication skills)、专业知识(professional content)、管理职能(management skills) 和文化背景(cultural awareness) 等核心内 容”(向嫣红, 2002: 21)。在技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、涉外保险、国际金融、国际运输、对外劳务承包等商务活动中所使用的英语都可统称为商务英语。 商务英语的语言特点 ?商务英语作为一种专门用途语言(English For Special Purpose),源于普通英语, 并以普通英语为基础,与普通英语(English For General Purpose)相比,两者在基本词汇、句型、语法的使用上具有共性,但在专业词汇、句式特点、篇章结构及表达方式等方面,商务英语又具有其自身的特点,只有全面把握商务英语的语言特点,才能更为全面和深入地理解商务英语文章,全面提高商务英语阅读水平。 词汇 ?商务英语用词有明显的专业性 商务英语是属于商务领域中的一种应用语言,其语言应用的显著特点就是专业性强,词义面相对较窄,词汇运用较为科学、专业。许多普通英语中的常见词汇在商务英语中则有其特殊的专业含义。有些词汇在商务环境中的意思与其基本意思有些联系,但也有很多词汇在商务环境的词义和它的基本含义毫无联系。例如:trust本意是“相信、信任”,在商务英语中则是“信托”的意思;promotion本意是“提升、晋升”,在商务英语中则是“促销”的意思;claim本意是“声称”,在商务英语中则是“索赔”的意思;future本意是“未来”,在商务英语中则是“期货”的意思。还有很多诸如此类的词汇,仔细分析一下便可以发现两种语境中不同的意思还是多少有些联系的。 ?但是下面列出的单词,它们在商务语境中的意思和它们的本意毫无联系。 outstanding 本意是“杰出的”,在商务英语意为“欠款未付的”; instrument 本意是“仪器,乐器”,在商务英语中意为“票证”;average 本意是“平均数”,在商务英语中意为是“海损”;security本意是“安全”,在商务英语中则意为“证券”。 商务英语中一词多义的特点非常突出


Passage 1 Read about job-sharing. Write these headings into each paragraph. Get organised Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don't feel guilty How to job - share Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work. (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. 'Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,' says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy. (1)_________________________________ Bosses should consider requests for flexible working from employees with children under six. So embrace the benefits: 'Twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy.' Savage says. (2)_________________________________ Always discuss the worst-case scenarios. When Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her job- share partner because of a family illness, a return to full-time work seemed inevitable. 'We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky.' (3)__________________________________ Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other's different strengths. Delegate the workload according to each other's particular skills and qualities. (4)___________________________________ Managers should clarify what they expect in terms of hours, availability and results, and employees should manage their employer's expectations. Sue Osborn, a job-sharer for 21 years, says, 'We're often asked to do five-day weeks. Eventually you just have to say no.' (5)____________________________________ Agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. Everyone should know where they stand from the beginning. (6)____________________________________ Do not work until 1 am at home to make up for not being in the office every day. (7)____________________________________ Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together. As Savage says: 'A job-share should be like a marriage - one voice, one unit.' Choose the best answer, A, B or C for questions 1-5 about the Xerox article. 1 The journalist of this article thinks that


关于BEC商务英语高级阅读技巧 ■搭配题:抓住中心和基本点 5篇100字左右的小短文,8个选项,选择出各个选项属于哪篇 短文论述的内容。这部分主要是考查考生迅速找出短文MainIdea的水平。准确的做题方法是先读提示第一句,把握5篇短文共同论述的大 致范围。然后直接阅读短文。阅读的时候,用笔在考卷上划出"一个中心,两个基本点"。"一个中心"指短文的中心思想MainIdea。"两个基 本点"是除MainIdea以外重要的、十分特殊的论点。从5篇短文中找 出15个左右的考点,解题的速度可大大提升。 ■句子填空题:弄清逻辑上的衔接 这部分对我国考生来说有极大的难度,因为它考查了中国人说话 写文章最缺少严密的逻辑性。西文,尤其是商务文章极其讲究逻辑的 缜密性,中心思想明确,意群(段)之间有清晰的逻辑关系,句与句之 间紧密相连。知道了这样的思维差异,在解题时便有了方向:通过各 种衔接手段来解题。词汇的衔接、语法的衔接,最重要的是逻辑上的 衔接。其实,任何两句话之间的逻辑关系不外乎两种情况:不是顺着 意思讲下去(顺接)就是意思发生了转折(逆接)。判断空格前后句之间 的顺逆接关系,再寻找准确的选项解题就容易多了。平时考生在做阅 读训练的时候要特别注意句子之间的逻辑关系。 ■阅读理解题:跳跃式阅读 这部分其实是前两部分的综合。在读文章时只需抓住文章和各段 的MainIdea即可,有较强阅读水平的考生尽可能地快速读出句子之间 的逻辑关系,而细节内容一律略去。用这种"跳跃式阅读法"效果很好。解题时,学生要放松心态,因为题目不难,仅仅在做一个"定位+同义词、近义词"游戏罢了。值得注意的是这部分与四六级及考研阅读理解


商务英语词汇大全(一) economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产


2009年高级商务英语考试一针见血的阅读 技巧必备学习.1 美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries,本文(Texts以及参考资料(References三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下: (一篇首: 封面(Title 序言(Preface

谢词(Acknowledge 提要(Summary 目录(Tables and Appendixes (二本文: 引言(Introduction 主体,含篇(Part、章(Chapter、节(Section 、以及注释(Footnotes (三参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography 附录资料(Appendix。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者: 一.研究的方向 二.研究的范围 三.资料搜集的范围 四.预期研究成果 通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资料来源可供参考引用。构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,


Unit 1 1. 显著经济增长、significant economic growth 2. 将银行业与汽车业国有化nationalizing the banking and car industries 3. 削减房贷cut back on housing loans 4. 收购国内外资产buying up new assets at home and abroad 5. 大幅提升盈利能sharply raising profitability 6. 获得动力gain momentum 7. 小幅升值a modest appreciation 8. 下岗工人laid-off workers 9. 摸着石头过河crossing the river by feeling for stones 10. 可持续增长的支柱the backbone of sustainable growth 11. 资金密集型行业capital-intensive sector 12. 放宽信贷loosen credit 13. 减少对出口的依赖reducing China's dependence on exports 14. 战略思考strategic thinking 15. 燃油补贴fuel subsidies 16. 解除价格管制deregulated prices 17. 休克疗法shock therapy 18. 支撑经济增长bolster economic growth 19. 经济刺激一揽子计划stimulus package 20. 精明(娴熟)的管理savvy management 21. 边远地区remote areas 22. 回应个人投诉answer individual complaints 23. 取消印花税scrapping the stamp tax 24. 振兴股市revive the stock market 25. 繁荣与稳定prosperity and stability 26. 内幕交易insider trading 27. 进行民意测验conduct public polls 28. 遭遇信贷危机experiencing a credit crisis Unit 2 1.The great depression in the 1930s 1930年的经济大萧 条 2.The old industrial economies 老工业经济体 3.The global economic and political elite 全球经济与 政治精英 4.Amass great wealth 产生巨大财富 5.Welfare states福利国家 6.Emerging economies 新兴经济体 7. A beggar-thy-neighbor populism 以邻为壑民粹主义 8.Double-dip recession 双底衰退 9.Sovereign-debt crisis 主权债务危机 10.The worst-case scenarios 最糟糕的情况11.Bitter social unrest 激烈的社会动荡 12.Cutting public budgets 削减公共预算 13.Excessive stimulus 过度刺激计划 14.Rebound to flatten 反弹逐渐变平 15.Imposition of austerity实行通货紧缩 16.Loose-money policies宽松的货币政策 17.Switched priorities from holding up growth to fighting inflation把优先保持经济增长转为优先抵抗通货膨 胀 18.Raised the reserve-requirement ratio提高存款准备金 率 19.Curtail credit and quell inflation减少放贷、抑制通货 膨胀 20.Raging food prices疯狂上涨的食品价格 21.Put countless small dreams for themselves and their families on hold将个人和家庭的无数小梦想暂时搁置 22.Shift of economic power经济实力改变 23.Allow its currency to appreciate允许自己的货币升值 24.Fueling a disaffection激起不满的情绪 25.Be force to go cap in hand to sb被迫向某人低头 26.Intervening in currency markets干预货币市场 27.Imposing measures to restrict capital flows采取措施 限制资本流动 28.Denting export competitiveness削弱出口竞争力 29.Decent health care, guaranteed pensions全(体)面的 医保和有保障的养老金 30.Fulfilling and comfortable lives充实且舒适的生活 Unit 3 1.stepped up efforts to save his company. 加快努力拯救公司 2.catering to the only customers able to get credit. 只服务能贷到款的客户 3.Cater mostly to consumers 适应顾客的需求 4.Bubbly asset prices 泡沫资产价格 5.Undergo one of its biggest transformations 经历大规模转型 6.Put an abrupt end to ... 突然使…停止 7.Disposable income 可支配收入 8.Tightened loan standards 提高了贷款的标准 9.Reducing their debt to more manageable level 将债务规模缩小到较为可控范围 10.Credit cards in circulation流通中的信用卡 11.Channel savings to productive investment 引导储蓄投入到生产性投资


Investors shaken as renminbi’s reputation as ‘one-way bet’ sours Last week the renminbi did something it has not done for years – it shocked the market. During the final three trading sessions of the week, the Chinese currency dropped as much as 1.3 per cent against the US dollar, marking its biggest three-day fall since 2011. The renminbi is now 0.6 per cent weaker against the dollar than it was at the start of the year. While the percentage decline may appear small compared with some of the recent double-digit swings in other emerging market currencies such as the Argentine peso or Kazakh tenge, a move of such magnitude in the renminbi is highly unusual. It could also spell trouble for investors. After years of ultra-low volatility thanks to the managed peg against the dollar, the renminbi has often been the subject of large, highly-leveraged positions for investors viewing it as an

商务英语阅读高分技巧 词汇先行

商务英语阅读高分技巧词汇先行 商务英语阅读高分技巧:词汇先行 作为语言的基本单位,词汇的重要性不言而喻,而且通过近几年的试题,大家越来越认识到词汇的认知对于解题的重要:有时候往往就是一个生词毁一道题,而一道题则有可能导致整个成绩下降一个分数段。词汇的认知不仅影响着阅读成绩,而且作为语言能力的基本载体,词汇还在听、说、写考试中都占有重要的一席。因此,我总会在第一堂课就告诉学生们词汇的重要性,如何去记忆词汇,如何解决考试中的词汇问题。 首先,加大平时生活中词汇的积累。其实是一种习惯,一旦养成了好的习惯,无论是词汇,还是口语,抑或听力都会变得很轻松。因为大家要养成在生活中发现英语词汇,体会英语词汇,运用英语词汇。 其次,养成每天背单词的'习惯。也许每天五个,每天十个,或者二十个,这取决于个人的记忆力和领悟力。每天背的单词自然会有一部分会忘记,但是通过重复和日常应用来巩固,总有部分会属于你。在这里我不想多说如何记单词的诀窍,这对每个人都不太一样,但是我相信一点:一个单词如过不会使用,那就永远不属于你。我上大学时经常会把每天学到的单词造成句子,然后串联成小

短文,尽管前言不达后语,但是我可以通过这种方式来检查我是否掌握了这些单词,增强我的记忆。另外朗读永远是最有效的记单词的方式之一:视觉、听觉以及和舌头的配合行成的立体记忆显然构成了一道高墙,牢牢地将词汇围在了你的大脑里,防止任何的流失。 最后,还要扩大泛读量。泛读,顾名思义,泛泛而读。只要不一个字一个字,看见了生字就得的读法即为泛读。泛读并不要求你阅读的内容,报刊杂志、宣传单、招生手册、使用说明、宣传广告都是泛读的范围,所以从这个意义上来说,其实前面说到的第一点也算是泛读的一种。泛读常分为略读和寻读,针对不同的目的可采取不同的读法:或者只浏览其大意,或者寻找特定信息。但无论哪种读法,都能提高阅读的速度与理解能力,避免因为一个生词就无法理解整句的尴尬,也可以改掉只见树木不见森林的坏习惯。 当然提高泛读能力必须要学会猜单词,单词的猜测可以通过词根、词缀、上下文、逻辑结构等方式来猜测。事实上,猜测生词含义是件很具挑战性也很有意思的工作。我们经常因为某个单词的误解,觉得下面的文章越读越别扭,始终迷惑不解,然后重头再来,有时候因为某个词的正确猜测而豁然开朗——学习的乐趣即在如此,一切的苦闷都会因为某个小小的胜利而让你兴奋不已,一切的辛苦都因为学习某个小小的发现而烟消云散。


商务英语阅读词汇总结 1、account 2、 actuary 3、 advance 4、 agenda 5、 archive 6、 attorney 7、 barter 8、 bearer bond 9、 bond 10、 brokerage firm1 1、budget 12、 circulating funds 13、 claim 14、 clearinghouse 15、 commission 16、 commodity 17、 common share 18、 consulate 19、 convention 20、 convertible bond2

22、 debenture bond 23、 demand deposit 24、 denomination 25、 depression 26、 dispenser 27、 dole 28、 EFTS 29、 embassy 30、 equity3 1、executive 32、 expectancy 33、 extension(ext) 34、 fiscal year 35、 foreign currency 36、 fringe benefit 37、 go public 38、 guideline 39、 inflation 40、 infrastructure4 1、institution 42、 insurance policy

44、 insurer 45、 inventory 46、 IOU 47、 job opening 48、 just-in-time 49、 legal tender 50、 legislation5 1、liability 52、 longevity 53、 mall 54、 majority 55、 measurement specification 56、 medium 57、 megamall 58、 merchandiser 59、 monetary 60、 mortgage bond6 1、mutual fund 62、 outlet 63、 paycheck 64、 payroll

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