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Exercise 17

Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is

called pillow lava. This rapid chilling occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or beneath ice) or when it flows across a shoreline and into a body of water. While the term ―pillow lava‖ suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree. Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes. Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two- dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings. Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses. Adequate three- dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin. Indeed, the term ―pillow,‖ itself sugges ve of discrete masses, is probably a misnomer.

(165 words)

1. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in

(A) analyzing the source of a scientific controversy

(B) criticizing some geologists‘ methodology

(C) pointing out the flaws in a geological study

(D) proposing a new theory to explain existing

scientific evidence

(E) describing a physical phenomenon

For the following question, consider each of the

choices separately and select all that apply

2. The author of the passage would most probably

agree that the geologists mentioned in the fourth

sentence have made which of the following errors

in reasoning?

□A Generalized unjus ?ably from available evidence.

□B Deliberately ignored exis ng counterevidence.

□C Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.

3. The author implies that the ―controversy‖ might be resolved if

(A) geologists did not persist in using the term


(B) geologists did not rely on potentially misleading


(C) geologists were more willing to confer directly

with one another

(D) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded

pillows were available

(E) existing pillows in land outcroppings were not

so badly eroded

Draft passages in Proust‘s 1909 notebooks indicate that

the transition from essay to novel Remembrance of Things Past began in Contre Saint-Beuve, when Proust introduced several examples to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory exerts over the creative imagination. In effect, in trying to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound and less submissive to the intellect than

Saint-Beuve assumed, Proust elicited vital memories of his own and, finding subtle connections between them, began to amass the material for Remembrance. By August, Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his intention to develop the material as a novel. Maurice Bardeche, in Marcel Proust, romancier, has shown the importance in the drafts of Remembrance of spontaneous and apparently random associations of Proust‘s subconscious.

(124 words)

For the following question, consider each of the

choices separately and select all that apply

4. According to the passage, in drafts of Contre Saint- Beuve Proust set out to show that Saint-Beuve made

which of the following mistakes as a critic?

□A Saint-Beuve made no effort to study the development

of a novel through its drafts and revisions.

□B Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the

creative process to a writer‘s conscious


□C Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on plots and not enough on imagery and other elements of style.

5. In the context in which it appears, "spontaneous" in the last sentence most nearly means.

○A contrived

○B powerful

○C abstruse

○D involuntary

○E premeditated



随着流动的溶岩(lava)急骤冷却而形成的火山溶岩被称为枕状溶岩(pilllowlava)。当溶岩喷发直接进入水中(或至冰下),或当它流过海岸并进入一片水体时,这一急骤的冷却便告发生。尽管“枕状溶岩”这一术语暗示出某种明确的形状,但实际上地质学家对此各执已见,意见不一。某些地质家的指出,枕状溶岩以诸互相分离的、椭球形的(ellipsoidal)岩块为其特征。其他地质学家则将枕状溶岩描绘成一块纠结在一起的岩块,由圆柱体的、互相连结的溶岩流裂片(flow lobe)构成。这一争论很大程度上或许起源于对枕状溶岩原初构造的不确定推断,而这些推断是从陆地露出地表的岩层(land outcropping)处遭侵蚀的枕状岩的二维截面来进行的。从一块由相互连结的诸溶岩流裂片构成的纠结在一起的岩块横切的岩块横切的任何截面,几乎都会给人一种一堆互相分离的椭球形岩块的外观。有关完好无损的枕状岩的充分的三维图像至关重要,用以确定枕状溶岩流真正的几何形状,并从而确定其起源方式。实际上,“枕状岩”这一术语,其本身暗示着互相分离的岩块,或许是一个失当的名称。

Q1. 定位到“Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations”,以及之前的“Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical.”可以看出作者并没有站某一个观点立场上,只是客观


Q2. “unwarranted extrapolations”告诉我们了答案A,其他的都没提。

Q3. 容易选A,因为最后一句话,但是发现B选项的意思包含了A的感觉,果断选择意思更广,相对更抽象更上义的选项。并且A说的也不妥,A的取反是地质学家们坚持使用pillow,而文章里没有体现这样的内容。


先上段背景知识:许多文学考据家绞尽脑汁地思考着一个涉及马塞尔"普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)这位作家的一个巨大的不解之谜:1909年究竟发生了什么?《驳圣伯夫》(Contre Saint-Beuve)一文——一篇抨击批评家圣伯夫批评方法的论文——是如何转变成为小说《追忆似水年华》(Remembrance of Things Past)的开端?一封近期出版的由普鲁斯特致编辑瓦莱特(Vallette)的信函证实了法卢瓦(Fallois),这位《驳圣伯夫》1954年版的编辑,就论文与小说之间的关系作出了一种本质上正确的猜测。法卢瓦提出,普鲁斯特曾试图于1908年开始写一部小说,后又因为某一原因——即圣伯夫长期以来所展现出的对伟大文学作品真正本质的盲目无知——而放弃了它,发现该率文引发了某些个回忆和小说虚构情节的发展,最终让这些内容以一部稳定发展的小说这一形式取而代之。

普鲁斯特1909年笔记本中的草稿段落表明,由论文向小说的转折始于《驳圣伯夫》一文,当时,普鲁斯特援引了一些实例用以例证不由自主的记忆对创作想象力所产生的强有力的影响。事实上,为了试图证明想象力要比圣伯夫所假设的来得更为深刻,且并非那么易于屈服于理性,普鲁斯特引发了他自己的至关重要的记忆,发现它们之间不无微妙的联系,便开始为《似水年华》收集材料。至八月,普鲁斯特致函给瓦莱特,告知瓦莱特,他意欲将所收集到的材料扩充成为一部小说。莫里斯" 巴代什(MauriceBardeche)在《马塞尔"普鲁斯特——小说家》(Marcel Proust,romancier)


普鲁斯特声称,他是在同一时候“开始并结束”了《追忆似水年华》。在这一断言的吸引下,亨利"博内(Henri Bonnet)揭示出,小说最后一卷的某些章节确实始于1909年。早在那一年,普鲁斯特早已草拟好了对那些年近迟暮的人物的描绘,这些人物则会出现在《追忆似水年华》的最后一卷中,而在该卷中,艺术之永恒被用以抗衡时间的蹂躏。致瓦莱特的信函,论文与小说的草稿,以及博内的研究,以一种宽泛的轮廊勾勒出了普鲁斯特的创作过程,揭示出他是如何从其论文的废墟上创作出其小说的。但我们当中的某些人,与科尔布(Kolb)一起,期望科尔布新近出版的普鲁斯特1909年通信全集能够更为详尽地记载这一过程,结果是大失所望。这是因为,只有普鲁斯特信心十足地觉得他已最终为《追忆似水年华》寻找到一个可行的结构之后,他才开始告知与其保持书信往来的人,说他正在创作一部比《驳圣伯夫》更为雄心勃勃的作品。

The great variety of plants in Hawaii is a result of the

long-distance dispersal of seeds. There is some dispute

about the method of transport involved. Some biologists

argue that ocean and air cur-rents are responsible for the

transport of plant seeds to Hawaii. Yet the results of

flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air

currents cast doubt on these hypotheses. More probable is

bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of

the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of

fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. While it is

likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii

externally than internally, more varieties are known to be

adapted to external than to internal transport.

(119 words)

6. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing different approaches biologists have

taken to testing theories about the distribution of

plants in Hawaii

(B) discussing different theories about the transport of

plant seeds to Hawaii

(C) discussing the extent to which air currents are

responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to


(D) resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant

seeds to bird transport

(E) resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to

carry plant seeds long distances

7. The author mentions the results of flotation

experiments on plant seeds most probably

in order to

(A) support the claim that the distribution of plants in Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of


(B) lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii

(C) suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is a process that requires long periods of time

(D) challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

(E) refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved independently from flora in other parts of the world

Recent scholarship has strongly suggested that the aspects

of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan, such as the strong religious orientation and the communal impulse, were not typical of New England as a whole, but were largely confined to the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Thus, what in contrast to the Puritan colonies appears to Professor Davis to be peculiarly Southern was not only more typically English than the cultural patterns exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut, but also almost certainly characteristic of most other early modern British colonies from Barbados north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Within the larger framework of American colonial life, then, not the Southern but the Puritan colonies appear to have been distinctive, and even they seem to have been rapidly assimilating to the dominant cultural patterns by the late Colonial period.

( 145 words)

8. Which of the following statements could most logically follow the last sentence of the passage?

(A) Thus, had more attention been paid to the

evidence, Davis would not have been tempted

to argue that the culture of the South

diverged greatly from Puritan culture in the

seventeenth century.

(B) Thus, convergence, not divergence, seems to

have characterized the cultural development

of the American colonies in the eighteenth


(C) Thus, without the cultural diversity represented

by the America South, the culture of colonial

America would certainly have been

homogeneous in nature.

(D) Thus, the contribution of Southern colonials to

American culture was certainly overshadowed

by that of the Puritans.

(E) Thus, the culture of America during the Colonial

period was far more sensitive to outside

influences than historians are accustomed to



Q6. 定位至“There is some dispute about the method of transport involved”答案B。

Q7. Flotation后面跟的是doubt on these hypotheses,找到these hypotheses指代前面的内容,答案D.


Q8: 首先讲到Puritan并不是whole New England的特点,而是局限在某几个地区。 然后介绍了非Puritan的地区和Puritan地区的文化等特点的区别。出现not only.. but also..句型。优先关注but also 之后的内容。

but also almost certainly characteristic of most other early modern British colonies from Barbados north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

讲到非Puritan的地区对于其它早期英伦殖民地特点的沿袭。这里表达了文化的交融性。最后讲到,Puritan地区已经在众多非Puritan的地区变的很distinctive,那么说明大多数地区的文化都是趋向于和当地文化进行交融,虽然Puritan地区想不断对dominant的文化,即非Puritan的地区的文化进行同化。 @4_6o:u

k$K)E N N z那么说明在Within the larger framework of American colonial life下,文化的发展应该是相互交融,而不是简单的assimilating。B选项正确。

A serious critic has to comprehend the particular content,

unique structure, and special meaning of a work of art. And

here she faces a dilemma. The critic must recognize the

artistic element of uniqueness that requires subjective reaction;

yet she must not be unduly prejudiced by such reactions. It is

necessary that a critic develop a sensibility informed by

familiarity with the history of art and aesthetic theory. On the

other hand, it is insufficient to treat the artwork solely

historically, in relation to a fixed set of ideas or values. The

critic‘s knowledge and training are, rather, a preparation of the

cognitive and emotional abilities needed for an adequate

personal response to an artwork‘s own particular qualities.

(118 words)

9. Select the sentence that gives a reason why it is

insufficient to treat a work of art solely historically.

10. The author‘s argument is developed primarily by

the use of

(A) an attack on sentimentality

(B) an example of successful art criticism

(C) a critique of artists training

(D) a warning against extremes in art criticism

(E) an analogy between art criticism and art



Q9:The critic‘s knowledge and training are, rather, a preparation of the cognitive and emotional abilities needed for an adequate personal response to an artwork‘s own particular qualities.

Q10:开篇一个观点,然后说其面临dilemma,然后从两个角度说起,she must not be unduly prejudiced by such reactions;it is insufficient to treat the artwork solely historically;正确答案D;


GRE阅读小笔记Exercise 7 Hydrogeology is a science dealing with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on the surface of the land, in the soil and underlying rocks, and Line in the atmosphere. The term ―geohydrology∥ is 5 sometimes erroneously used as a synonym for ―hydrogeology.∥ Geohydrology is concerned with underground water. There are many formations that contain water but are not part of the hydrologic cycle because of geologic changes that have isolated them 10 underground. These systems are properly termed geohydrologic but not hydrogeologic. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it with the hydrologic cycle may the entire system properly be termed hydrogeologic. (107 words) ==================================== 1. It can be inferred that which of the following is most likely to be the subject of study by a geohydrologist? (A) Soft, porous rock being worn away by a waterfall (B) Water depositing minerals on the banks of a gorge through which the water runs (C) The trapping of water in a sealed underground rock cavern through the action of an earthquake (D) Water becoming unfit to drink through the release of pollutants into it from a manufacturing plant (E) The changing course of a river channel as the action of the water wears away the rocks past which the river flows 2. The author refers to ―many formations∥ primarily in order to (A) clarify a distinction (B) introduce a subject (C) draw an analogy (D) emphasize a similarity


现代文阅读:赏析句子6法 1、抓关键词语 很多重点句的含义,往往是通过一、二个动词、形容词、副词、数量词等关键词语传递出来的。抓住句中关键词语去深入理解句子,是常用的可取的一种赏析句子的方法。 例句1:“在我们的脚下,波浪轻轻吻着岩石,像蒙眬欲睡似的。” 赏析:一个动词“吻”字,写出了海浪亲昵温柔的情态。 例句2:“海水疯狂地汹涌着,吞没了远近大小的岛屿。” 赏析:“疯狂”、“汹涌”、“吞没”这些充满力度的词语,描绘出了大海勇猛无畏的性格。2、抓修辞手法 修辞手法的运用,能使句子表达的意思更形象、生动、传神。修辞常见的有八种(即比喻、比拟、夸张、排比、对偶、反复、设问、反问),它们在不同的语境中所起到的作用各不相同。如比喻,是根据事物的相似点,用具体的、浅显的、熟知的事物来说明抽象的、深奥的、生疏的事物。其作用表现在能将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,使深奥的道理变得浅显易懂。又如排比,把结构相同或相似、语气一致,意思相关联的三个或三个以上的短语或句子排列在一起。作用:增强语言气势,加强表达效果。用它说理可使论述详尽,条理清晰;用它抒情,能激发读者的感情,增强文章的感染力;用它叙事写人,能使描写细腻深刻。 例句3:“森林是雄伟壮丽的,遮天蔽日,浩瀚无垠。风来似一片绿色的海,夜静如一堵坚固的墙。” 赏析3:以“海”、“墙”作比喻,写出了森林的浩瀚和坚不可摧。透过字表,我们能够领会到作者对森林的喜爱与赞赏之情。 例句4:“多少年过去了,风儿把山顶上岩石的表层化作了泥土,瘠薄而细密;它又不辞辛苦地从远处茂密树林里捎来种子,让雨水把它们唤醒。坡上青翠的小苗讨得阳光喜欢了,阳光便慷慨地抚爱它们。” 赏析4:本句用拟人手法,赋予风、雨水、小苗、阳光以人的灵性,让我们感受到生命的获取原来如此的诗意,与峡谷的凄清冷落形成了鲜明的对比,很自然地引出下文。 例句5:“那声音仿佛是朦胧的月光和玫瑰的晨雾那样温柔;又像是情人的蜜语那样芳醇;低低的,轻轻的,像微风拂过琴弦;像落花飘在水上。” 赏析5:作者捕捉到大海清波微漾的特征,展开丰富的想象,运用多个比喻来描摹海潮的几种情态。用“朦胧的月光和玫瑰的晨雾”来比喻海浪声的轻柔;用“情人的蜜语”来比喻海浪声的甜美;用“落花飘零在水上”来比喻海浪声渐闻渐远,直至杳然无声的情态。这种多角度的设喻,将落潮时大海的轻柔、静谧刻画得细致入微,使人如临其境。 3、抓句式特点 常见的句式特点有:长短句结合、句子对仗工整、双重否定句.排比句、反问句、倒装句等。例句11:“因为岛屿挡住了它的转动,它狠狠地用脚踢着,用手推着,用牙咬着。它一刻比一刻兴奋,一刻比一刻用劲。” 赏析11:作者运用排比句式,以表现大海惊醒后的剧烈动荡,展示了大海的粗犷、豪放的性格,让读者读来琅琅上口。 例句12:阳光不喜欢峡谷,峡谷莫非不知道?阳光是公平的么?峡谷莫非不明白? 赏析12:作者用两个反问一个设问表达了对阳光不公的抗议,“莫非”一词更让人感受到作者的怨恨之情。


赏析散文的语言 赏析散文的语言 散文文体知识 一、散文概念 散文,常用来抒写作者的见闻和感受。它通过短小的篇幅,自由、灵活的手法,表达作者对人生和自然的感受或发现。叙事、抒情、议论常常自然融合在一起,读起来,像走进作者敞开的心扉,听他倾诉衷肠。 二、散文的特点 1、内容上:是作者把自己对生活的感悟或至深的生活经验,通过状物、记人、写景等方式表达出来。所谓自我感悟,也就是对事物的特殊意义和美质的发现、认识。(真) 形式上(行散): (1)表达方式多样:以个人抒情为主,把抒情、叙述、议论熔为一炉;

(2)取材自由:写人,记事,绘景,状物; (3)表现手法灵活多样:象征、衬托、对比、托物言志等;(4)从细处落笔,小中见大; (5)从侧面暗示,发挥读者的想象力; 神聚:主题集中鲜明 综合以上两点:散文的特点是“形散神不散”。阅读散文时,要透过“形”抓住“神”,体会作者所要表达的思想情感,要抓住文章的结构和线索(文脉),要注意欣赏优美的语言。 2、意境深邃,散文注重表现作者的生活感受,抒情性强,情感真挚。作者借助想象与联想,由此及彼,由浅入深,由实而虚的依次写来,可以融情于景、寄情于事、寓情于物、托物言志,表达作者的真情实感,实现物我的统一,展现出更深远的思想,使读者领会更深的道理。 3.语言优美凝练,富于文采 所谓优美,就是指散文的语言清新明丽(也叫美丽),生动活

泼,富于音乐感,行文如涓涓流水,叮咚有声,如娓娓而谈,情真意切。 所谓凝练,是说散文的语言简洁质朴,自然流畅,寥寥数语就可以描绘出生动的形象,勾勒出动人的场景,显示出深远的意境。散文力求写景如在眼前,写情沁人心脾。 散文素有“美文”之称,它除了有精神的见解、优美的意境外,还有清新隽永、质朴无华的文采。 常见题型 根据语境,写出某某词的含义。 某某词在文中的意思是什么? 某某词具体指(代指)什么? 下列句子中加点的词生动形象,富有表现力,收到了很好的表达效果,请作简要分析。 5、下列句子中加点的词用得好,好在哪里?


Exercise 11 Many critics of Eamily Bronte‘s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a ―roman c‖ reading receives more con?rma on. Seeing 5 the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel‘s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry 10 James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novel‘s heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel‘s diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an 15 interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing 20 interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. (164 words) 1. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights? (A) The second part has received more attention from critics. (B) The second part has little relation to the first part. (C) The second part annuls the force of the first part. (D) The second part provides less substantiation for a ―roman c‖ reading. (E)The second part is better because it is more realistic. 2. Which of the following inferences about Henry James‘s awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage? (A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of novelistic construction. (B) James was very aware of the details of novel-


标题:从清华到阿尔伯塔大学交换全经历·尚友学院街 里面有关于UA的点点滴滴,如果是申请本科或研究生,可以跳过前面交换攻略部分,如果是交换,可以细读。鉴于我(清华热能工程系9字班)是清华大学和加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)开展本科生交换项目的第一人,义不容辞的想给学弟学妹们留下一些经验教训和建议,遂成此文。这篇文章适用于清华大学欲赴阿尔伯塔大学交换的同学们,同时也可供清华出国交换生以及中国其他大学赴阿尔伯塔大学交换及留学的学生参考。 一、关于交换 清华大学本科生大三上学期和大三下学期有校级交换项目可供同学们选择,同时也会有系内的系级交换项目(例如人文学院、经管学院等)。像我这种系里面没有系级项目的工科男,果断选择校级交换,一般需要提前一年申请,记得关注info上面的申请信息。 第一个问题,必须是,为什么要交换? 有的人想单纯的去体验国外的学术、生活、文化和思维方式,有的人铁心出国做科研,把交换作为出国的跳板,而我交换则是为了回答一个问题,我到底要不要出国深造?适不适合出国深造?以上的理由都无可厚非,可以确定的一点是,我认识的了解到的大部分同学和学长都认为交换绝对是一件回报大于投入的事情。无论去哪个国家哪个学校,从中得到的思维冲击,旅行的快乐,英语水平的提高,自己掌控生活的快感以及最重要的——在交换期间会比在清华有更多更多的自我思考的经历,说白了,就是一个深刻的自知的过程,明白自己想要什么,想过什么样的生活,因为当一个人独自面对自己的时候,才是最真实的时候。

二、交换前——准备阶段 1、首先是网申,在可以申请的时间段,登陆info——其他信息——外事信息管理——交换项目在线申报(交换项目在线查询系统可以查询XX校有XX人报名)。有任何疑问最好是直接去工字厅古月堂西院(荷园对面)问海外交流部的老师,她们人都很nice。 网申选校,是一个拼人品的过程,从无定数。一般来说美国的学校最难申,加拿大和欧洲的学校次之(当然你有小语种的话去对应的国家会有一定优势),日本韩国等亚洲国家最好申。至于香港台湾的话,变化很大,要看当年有多少人想去。 选校基本原则是专业合适,如果你是工科生,至少要保证去的学校的同类专业存在,去那边有课可上,回来可以课程替代。简言之,两件事,第一件是打开该校主页(如UA的www.ualberta.ca),找到自己的faculty以及curricul um,看每个课程的简介,然后找个学长帮你看看哪些课程和大三要学的课程比较相似,挑出来打印下来;第二件去系里面让管教务的老师帮你看看能不能替代,如果可以,那就没问题了。选择的时候注意时时关注想要交换的学校的已报名人数,这是个简单的概率问题,人多难去,人少好去,一般来说,如果你的学校通过初审的学生数小于该校的名额数,你都八九不离十可以走成的,老师真的很nice。这里重点说一下第二志愿,如果你宁为玉碎不为瓦全,一心只想去佐治亚理工、普度这样的学校,那就可以忽略之,但如果你非常想获得交换这次经历,而不那么在乎大学水平的话,建议你好好研究一下第二志愿,二志愿最好选一个已报名人数小于等于或略大于名额数的学校,可以瞄准加拿大、欧洲或新加坡选校。 2、网申完了还有一堆材料要交、手续要办,包括个人中英文简历、个人陈述等等,这些材料并不那么重要,但一定要认真对待,一个认真的态度、好的写作格式和合适的语气措辞加上够格的简历就能保证你过初审(记得学分绩的硬性要求是前二分之一,不知道改了没有)。 初审一般会刷三分之一左右的人,过了初审老师会给你打电话告诉你面试时间和地点,个人认为从接到通知到面试这段时间比较重要,需要好好重新审视自己交过的材料,老师很有可能会问你一些关于你个人陈述的问题。另外

【尚友网】美国购物游 盘点深受欢迎的购物场所-尚友学院街

标题:美国购物游盘点深受欢迎的购物场所·尚友学院街 在美国有许多理想的购物场所,不仅价格优惠、种类繁多,而且购物环境十分舒适。以下是小编为您推荐的购物场所,定能成为您心头的大爱! 梅西百货(Macy)(整个美国地区) 梅西百货是美国最大的连锁百货公司,全美各地共计800多个门店。这家高档百货主要经营“买得起的奢侈品”,产品多以各类男式、女式、儿童时尚品牌和配饰、化妆品、香水以及家居用品为特色。在美国人心中最爱的百货公司购物的国际游客可尊享“游客折扣”。该百货公司推出的国际节省卡(International Savings Card)现已免费向旅行社和旅游机构发放,游客可自行前往索取。该卡附有包括中文在内的十种语言支持。如欲了解更多详细信息,敬请访问:https://www.doczj.com/doc/b914265202.html,。

美国精品购物胜地(整个美国地区) 美国精品购物胜地旗下购物中心云集,每年吸引着来自世界各地的数百万游客至此,以体验世界上最好的购物环境

和餐饮美食。该公司奢侈品专卖中心包括:阿拉莫纳中心(Ala Moana Center )(檀香山)、时装秀(拉斯维加斯)、大运河购物中心(The Grand Canal Shoppes)、Palazzo名店(拉斯维加斯)、水塔广场(Water Tower Place)和奥克布鲁克中心(Oakbrook Center)(芝加哥)、先锋广场(Pioneer Place )(波特兰)、拉卡特拉名店(圣安东尼奥)以及梅里克公园村(Village of Merrick Park )(迈阿密)。 这里的店商和精品店出售的奢侈品无论是质量上还是种类上都堪称全美第一。除了有知名百货大楼和专卖店(如诺德斯特龙Nordstrom、萨克斯第五大道Saks Fifth Avenue以及内曼·马库斯Neiman Marcus等),该中心还有路易·威登Louis Vuitton、卡地亚Cartier、香奈儿Chanel、蒂芙尼Tiffany &Co、范思哲Versace、雨果·波士Hugo Boss、普拉达Prada 等诸多以设计师名字著称的奢侈品专卖。Palazzo名店是拉斯维加斯最新开业的奢侈品购物名店之一。位于拉斯维加斯大道,与大运河购物中心毗邻的购物中心则以拥有内华达州唯一的纽约巴尼百货商店以及包括托里·伯奇Tory Burch、巴宝莉Burberry、迈克·柯尔Michael Kors、克里斯提·鲁布托Christian Louboutin,黛安·冯芙丝汀宝Diane Von Furstenberg等顶尖设计师在内的精品店而著称。 在美国精品购物胜地所购物游客们还有一大超凡体验,那就是那里还有各式各样的美食餐饮可供选择,足以令人大饱口福。不仅在当地的咖啡吧或餐馆就能品尝到风味独特的地方美食,还可以选择自己中意的民族餐厅,那里也是美国最负盛名的厨艺大师和烹饪艺术家们(包括沃尔夫冈·帕克Wolfgang Puck,约瑟·门汀Jose Mendin、埃默里尔·拉加斯Emeril Lagasse,查理·曲特Charlie Trotter等) 的摇篮。 美国精品购物胜地的游客均可获得一份“顶级通行大礼包(Premier Passport packet )”,内赠价值数百美元的购物和餐饮优惠券,以及赠送个性化购物、送行李至酒店、免费修改服饰等特殊服务和私人表演入场券等。游客可从旅行社和旅游运营商领取“顶级通行大礼包”,也可从美国精品购物胜地官网站上自行下载:www.AmericasShopping https://www.doczj.com/doc/b914265202.html, 城堡奥特莱斯Citadel Outlets(位于加州洛杉矶)


现代文阅读之语言赏析教学设计 设计思想: 在语文教材中,现代文阅读始终占据着绝对的比重,是当代中学教育的一个重点,在中考中现代文阅读试题占据很大的比重,但始终是得分率偏低的一个部分。,因此,现代文阅读教学也成了初中语文教学的一个难点。首先以近五年中考语文试题中语言赏析类所考的频率和所占分值导入新课、再以近五年中考现代文阅读语言赏析类试题看题型,又以朱自清《春》中描写春花的一段赏析从而得出赏析角度,再辅以中考真题演练巩固,使学生在语言赏析题养成良好的答题习惯,规范他们的答题语言,提升答题能力 教学目标: 1、掌握现代文文本阅读中赏析语言的方法。 2、在赏析佳句中品味语言之美,体味作者的情感。


都不是很强。影响的不仅仅是初中生的语文成绩和升学质量,作为认知能力、理解能力、思维能力和文学素养等多种能力和素质的基础,提高初中生的现代文阅读能力意义重大。我校学生在现代文阅读能力阅读习惯好阅读爱好方面或多或少的存在一定的问题,阅读范围狭窄,阅读兴趣不高,存在识字、理解障碍以及受劣质书籍毒害严重等问题为了提升学生的阅读教学质量,特别是针对初三临近毕业的学生为了能在中考甚至未来的高考中取胜,一定要养成良好的答题习惯,规范他们的答题语言,提升答题能力而加强这方面的训练,给予一定的方法指导。 《现代文阅读之语言赏析》效果分析 这节课突出了“以学生为主体”的课程理念。下面,我从教师的基本教学技能、学生的学习效果等方面,谈一谈这节课的优点。 一、基本教学技能 1.教学设计、教学理念 (1)整节课设计流畅,切合学生实际。脉络清晰,教学环节完整。 (2)教师创设问题引导学生自主学习,使学生始终处于积极参与的状态。 2.教学手段、教学策略 在教学中运用各种方法激发兴趣、引发质疑,丰富了课堂。使不同学习风格、不同学习水平的学生,都能在原有基础上有所进步。 3.教态、语言 (1)教师教态从容、亲切自然,与学生互动融洽。 (2)语调抑扬顿挫,有亲和力。提出的问题简练,发挥了“启发、引导、过渡、总结、激励”的作用。 二、学习效果 1.学生情感表现 (1)学生学习的兴趣浓厚,从学习活动中获得合作交流的乐趣。 (2)学生是课堂的主人,发挥了主体作用。 (3)学生参与度广,多数同学在小组活动、发言等方面体验到成功的喜悦,增强了自信心。2.学生能力培养 (1)思考能力。通过自主学习,发现问题从而使学生养成良好的思维习惯。 (2)表达能力。学生能积极回答教师提出的问题,表述规范、有条理。 三、令人遗憾之处 1、丰富的教学资源没能充分利用。 2、学习评价机制有效性低。 在语文教材中,现代文阅读始终占据着绝对的比重,是当代中学教育的一个重点,在中考中现代文阅读试题占据很大的比重,但始终是得分率偏低的一个部分。,因此,现代文阅读教学也成了初中语文教学的一个难点。现代文阅读并不仅仅以鉴赏好的文学作品为目的,也关系着学生认知能力、理解能力、思维能力和文学素养等多种能力和素质的培养。但是由于缺乏良好的现代文阅读习惯,缺少阅读技巧和阅读积累,大部分初中生的现代文阅读能力都不是很强。影响的不仅仅是初中生的语文成绩和升学质量,作为认知能力、理解能力、思维能力和文学素养等多种能力和素质的基础,提高初中生的现代文阅读能力意义重大。针对初三临近毕业的学生为了能在中考甚至未来的高考中取胜,一定要养成良好的答题习惯,规范他们的答题语言,提升答题能力而加强这方面的训练,给予一定的方法指导。


UCLA – Anderson School of Management 1.Overview 基本情况一览表 成立时间1919年 学校类型公立 教师人数4016 学生人数本科生:26,536人 研究生:11,684人 所在地点美国加州洛杉矶西木区 校园环境市区 洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(University of California, Los Angeles,通常缩写为UCLA,也常译称为加州大学洛杉矶分校)是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的公立大学。UCLA是美国商业金融、高科技产业、电影艺术等专业人才的摇篮。UCLA是加利福尼亚大学系统中的第二所大学,与柏克莱加利福尼亚大学(UC Berkeley)齐名,皆是美国享誉盛名的公立大学。拥有超过三万五千名学生,大学部提供118种不同科系的学位,硕士有86种,还有其他108种不同的博士和专业学院。它是南加州地区入学竞争最激烈的学校,也是整个加州最大的大学。UCLA 先后共有5名教授与5名校友获得诺贝尔奖。 加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院 (UCLA Anderson School of Management)创建于1935年,每年向1300多名全日制MBA、在职MBA和EMBA学生提供商学教育。UCLA安德森商学院以及它的很多学术课程和系别都一直排名世界前列。屡获研究教学奖项的教授、严谨的学术课程、成功的校友和世界级教学设备的组合提供了卓越的实践性学习环境。 2.School Surroundings UCLA位于西木区,洛杉矶西部,日落大道的南部,是洛杉矶地区最精华的地段,是最安全及时尚的区域。西木区离太平洋沿岸仅五英哩的车程,离洛杉矶最昂贵的住宅区如贝莱尔(Bel Air)、比佛利山庄(Beverly Hills)、圣塔摩尼卡(Santa Monica)仅十几分钟可达。西木区拥有时尚的名牌购物商店、农夫市场、演唱会场地、美术馆及提供各式佳肴的餐厅。


现代文阅读句子赏析答题思路抓关键词语 很多重点句的含义,往往是通过一、二个动词、形容词、副词、数量词等关键词语传递出来的。抓住句中关键词语去深入理解句子,是常用的可取的一种赏析句子的方法。 例句1:“在我们的脚下,波浪轻轻吻着岩石,像蒙眬欲睡似的。” 【赏析】一个动词“吻”字,写出了海浪亲昵温柔的情态。 例句2:“海水疯狂地汹涌着,吞没了远近大小的岛屿。” 【赏析】“疯狂”、“汹涌”、“吞没”这些充满力度的词语,描绘出了大海勇猛无畏的性格。 抓修辞语 修辞手法的运用,能使句子表达的意思更形象、生动、传神。修辞常见的有八种(即比喻、比拟、夸张、排比、对偶、反复、设问、反问),它们在不同的语境中所起到的作用各不相同。 如比喻,是根据事物的相似点,用具体的、浅显的、熟知的事物来说明抽象的、深奥的、生疏的事物。其作用表现在能将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,使深奥的道理变得浅显易懂。 又如排比,把结构相同或相似、语气一致,意思相关联的三个或三个以上的短语或句子排列在一起。作用:增强语言气势,加强表达效果。用它说理可使论述详尽,条理清晰;用它抒情,能激发读者的感情,增强文章的感染力;用它叙事写人,能使描写细腻深刻。 例句1:“森林是雄伟壮丽的,遮天蔽日,浩瀚无垠。风来似一片绿色的海,夜静如一堵坚固的墙。” 【赏析】以“海”、“墙”作比喻,写出了森林的浩瀚和坚不可摧。透过字表,我们能够领会到作者对森林的喜爱与赞赏之情。 例句2:“多少年过去了,风儿把山顶上岩石的表层化作了泥土,瘠薄而细密;它又不辞辛苦地从远处茂密树林里捎来种子,让雨水把它们唤醒。坡上青翠的小苗讨得阳光喜欢了,阳光便慷慨地抚爱它们。” 【赏析】本句用拟人手法,赋予风、雨水、小苗、阳光以人的灵性,让我们感受到生命的获取原来如此的诗意,与峡谷的凄清冷落形成了鲜明的对比,很自然地引出下文。 例句3:“那声音仿佛是朦胧的月光和玫瑰的晨雾那样温柔;又像是情人的蜜语那样芳醇;低低的,轻轻的,像微风拂过琴弦;像落花飘在水上。”

【尚友制造】[GMAT语法] Instead of v.s. instead的区别

[GMAT语法]Instead of v.s. instead的区别 尚友论坛【GMAT专区】 【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】 【GMAT机经专区】 【GMAT资料下载区】 【GMAT黄历查询】 先看下面这两句话,表达的意思重心都是小毛更喜欢青菜。 小毛爱吃菜而不是(Instead of)肉。 小毛不爱吃肉;相反(Instead),他爱吃菜。 在GMAT中前一句要用Instead of后一句要用Instead。 即:一个句子使用Instead强调要做的是后面内容,使用Instead of强调要做的的是前面的内容(instead of的内容是实际上不会发生、不会做的,表达的是一种否定语气)。 简单说:Instead表达“而是要”,Instead of表达“而不是” 下面是具体例子: Instead of (是…)而不是… 强调内容在Instead of前,Instead of的内容不是句子重心真正要做的,而是比照相对句子重心内容的附带对比内容。 例句: Shall we have fish instead of meat today?今天我们不吃肉吃鱼好吗? Give me this instead of that.给我这个, 不要那个。

Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older.每天锻炼身体使他看起来年轻而不显老。 We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.我们去上生物课而不去上英语课。 He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。 With Massa’s departure, House Democrats need 216 votes,instead of217, to pass health care legislation. Cuomo, who is widely expected to run for governor this year, has called for putting the pension fund under the control of a board of trustees,instead of the comptroller. ''This 'restoration' has been done in a very unprofessional way,'' Schweizer said in an e-mail message sent to the AP. ''Too many stones had been changed,instead of restoring. Most of Portugal’s 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education,instead of the $7 per year required previously. Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity. (D-p72-8) Instead 反而,却 强调在Instead后,Instead的内容是句子重心真正要做的,这部分正式句子强调的重心。 例句: Mike doesn't study at all.Instead, he sits idle all day. 迈克根本不肯读书, 相反地, 他终日游手好闲。 According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a "soft landing," followed by a gradual increase in business activity. Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone;instead, it has become precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience. Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago. Gone are the sharp edges and jutting planes of styles from former eras;instead, designers of everything from cars to computer monitors have adopted a cornerless style of smooth surfaces and curves that is more ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape for its own sake.


现代文阅读——语言赏析1 真题回顾——体味重要词语、句子在语言环境中的意义和表达效果。 1、结合上下文,体味下列句中加点词的表达效果。(4分) 2、文中画横线的句子有怎样的表达效果?请简要分析作答。(4分) 3、请从修辞和表现手法的角度,对第④段中划线的句子作简要赏析。(4分) 4、文中有两处关于雪的环境描写,说说这样写的好处。(3分) 5、批注,是精读文章常用的一种方法,即从内容、写法、结构、语言等方面给文章加上评语。请你从划线的A、B、C三处中任选一处,自选角度作批注。(3分) (一)修辞 1、几种修辞方法的分析表述 比喻,拟人:生动形象地写出了XX,表达了XX的情感。 排比:写出了XX ,抒发了XX ,增强语言气势。 对比、反复:突出了(强调了)XX(的情感),给人留下深刻印象。 设问:自问自答,引起读者思考 XX。 反问:表达了XX(的情感),加强语气。 2、例题讲解 分析文中第③段画横线的句子的表达效果。(3分) 每当清晨阳光洒满村庄,可爱的鸡、鸭、鹅、狗蜂拥而出,鸡们寻找自己的玩伴或飞上草垛引吭高歌,狗们追逐友伴或吠天叫日,鸭与鹅们纷纷迈着骄傲的步伐向池湾奔去。——《老村与老屋》 3、总结:常见答题模式——修辞及效果+对象及特点+情感等 4、练习 分析文中第②段画横线的句子B的表达效果。 ②每次回到生养自己的村庄,都有一种莫名的酸楚和愧疚涌上心头。B原来记忆中的村庄和老屋渐渐被新房代替,剩下的也多颓败与凋零,一如秋后的残荷与落叶,在风中悲壮地摇曳。——《老村与老屋》 老村与老屋 ①每个从山村走向都市的人,大概都有一个如梦如幻的村庄记忆,也有一个关于“老屋”的深深的情结因为它们不仅仅包裹着我们的童年、少年甚至青年时光,还成为我们这些远走天涯的游子生命的根系。 ②每次回到生养自己的村庄,都有一种莫名的酸楚和愧疚涌上心头。原来记忆中的村庄和老屋渐渐被新房代替,剩下的也多颓败与凋零,一如秋后的残荷与


标题:美国大学教授的各类称呼·尚友学院街 在我们浏览美国大学网站时,会看到professor、associate professor等各类英文词。professor是教授,associat e professor是副教授,这些或许学生能理解,但assistant professor你是否又能理解呢?以下我们整理了美国大学教授的各类称呼,以及他们的职责,或许有助你对美国教师职称的进一步了解。美国大学中除系主任(depa rtment head or dean)之外,还有教授、副教授、讲师等等教员,不像英国的制度,只有系主任是教授,其余都是讲师。与美国教师职称制度相比,中国的情形与美国相近,不过美国的大学更复杂而已。在美国大学中正教授为p rofessor或full professor,其下是副教授为associate professor,而在副教授之下还有一个助理副教授为assistant professor。中国大学里没有这一级。也就是说assistant professor是助理副教授,地位处于讲师与副教授(associ ate professor)之间,而副教授又处在助理副教授(assistant professor)与正教授(professor)之间。与中国职称制度相配套,大家便生硬地认为professor为教授,assistant professor与associate professor均为副教授了。至于instructor是指专职的讲师,lecturer是指兼职的讲师。另外,还有reader,在英国大学里也是讲师,但在美国的大学里只是教授的助手,帮助教授改考试卷子等(correct examinations,themes,etc,for a professor)的人,即我们通常称为助教(assistant)的人。在美国的某些大学里,不称associate professor,而称为adjunct prof essor也是一样的副教授。此外,在美国还有年老退休的教授或光荣退职后的教授,仍然保留着他的头衔和地位的,成为a professor emeritus或an emeritus professor叫名誉教授。一个大学的全体教授的总称叫作profes sorate


《谁能脱口叫出你的芳名》张丽钧 ①“操场那边有一棵不知名的树,开红色的花,我们管它叫‘高考花’,因为它一开花,就要高考了;西门旁边长着一片绿色的低矮植物,开白色的花,我们管它叫‘开学花’,因为它一开花,就要开学了……”这是高二一个才女写的作文。头一回看到有人为花取这样的“绰号”,忍不住笑了起来。但笑过之后,又忍不住想跟作者说:“你为什么竟舍不得走到那些植物跟前,去看看标牌上标注的它们的芳名呢”这样想着,红笔就分别在“红色的花”、“白色的花”处画了圈,扯至页眉,郑重书曰:合欢花!玉簪花! ②我友之子果果,三岁时,即能准确无误地指认出大街上跑的30多种车,还能够分辨出20多种不同牌子的空调。但是,没有人教果果认识身边的花草树木。 ③去一家苗圃选花。被告知那些花木分别叫“金娃娃”“富贵竹”“招财草”“元宝树”“摇钱树”“发财树”……我呆了。它们原本都不叫这名字的,是时代赋予了它们这金光闪烁的名字。我想知道花木的感受。它们接受这名字吗不接受的话会选择怎样的抗议方式 ④只要听到一声鸟啼,我就会问自己:“这是什么鸟呢”我曾经跟一个爱鸟成痴的朋友说:“你开一个网站吧,就叫‘鸟啼网’,网友随便点开一种鸟,就能听到它的啼鸣。”——我多么渴望有这样一个网站呀!我的家乡有一种鸟,叫声响亮而悲切,外祖母管它叫“臭咕咕”,母亲管它叫“野鸽子”,妹妹说老师讲那是“斑鸠”,有个朋友肯定地说那是“大杜鹃”……真恨不得飞上树梢,脸对脸亲口问问那咕咕啼鸣的鸟:“亲,你究竟叫什么名字” ⑤“花非识面常含笑,鸟不知名时自呼”。莫非,那苏轼也曾有过我这般的困惑纠结看到不认得的花,问它:你是谁咱们未曾谋过面哦,却为何对我这般笑脸相迎听到不知名的鸟鸣叫,就猜:它一路呼唤着的,即是自我芳名了吧——布谷不就痴情自呼吗鹡鸰不就痴情自呼吗 ⑥在迁西县城见过一只神奇的鹩哥,小东西居然会惟妙惟肖地模仿警笛声!被囚笼中的它,旁若无人“呜儿——呜儿——”地鸣着警笛,围观者愈众,它鸣得愈亢奋。我以为我是懂它的——它只是在跟自己逗闷子,而不是像有人所说的那样在抖威风。 ⑦永远忘不了在梵净山看到的一块警示牌,上面赫然书曰:“我们并不是这里的主人……”是啊,与人类的到来时间比较起来,草木来得更早一些,鸟兽来得更早一些。我们没有理由以“主人”自居。当我们以“过客”的身份来到这里,理应向“主人”致意,学会轻声对它们说:“谢谢你在这里耐心等我。” ⑧孔夫子说得好:“多识于鸟兽草木之名。”在我看来,鸟兽草木之名,其实是我们自己的别名。万物间有千千结。当我们怀着一颗傲慢到跋扈、轻鄙到无视的心走过鸟兽草木时,我们已经对它们构成了“软伤害”;而这种“软伤害”带来的痛,迟早要蔓延到我们身上。 ⑨人说:叫出一个人的名字,是对那人别样的赞美。那么,对于鸟兽草木呢谁能脱口叫出它们的芳名谁还怀有脱口叫出它们芳名的热望……。 2.联系上下文,品味加点词语的表达效果。(3分) 真恨不得飞上树梢,脸对脸亲口问问那咕咕啼鸣的鸟:“亲,你究竟叫什么名字” 3.揣摩第⑧段划线句子的意蕴。(3分) 在我看来,鸟兽草木之名,其实是我们自己的别名。 《河西走廊的月亮》黄文山 〔1〕这样升起来了,这千里河西走廊的月亮,这西北戈壁滩的月亮。 ⑵没有一声寒暄,也用不着预告,一轮圆润而又皎洁的月亮,就这样贴着车窗,朝你粲然一笑,而后缓缓地升上中天。全车的人都又惊又喜,不约而同地发出一声赞叹。司机把车停住了,于是大家纷纷跳下来,站在戈壁滩粗粗的石块上,看着月亮冉冉上升。


Exercise 10 Currently, the paramount problem in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants, is control over the interface, or Line surface, between implanted biomaterials and living 5 tissues. The physical properties of most tissues can be matched by careful selection of raw materials: metals, ceramics, or several varieties of polymer materials. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by 10 techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants. But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of 15 cells to each other—an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly. Although recent research has allowed us to stabilize the tissue-biomaterial interface by controlling either the chemical reactions or the microstructure of the biomaterials, our fundamental understanding of how 20 implant devices adhere to tissues remains woefully incomplete. (159 words) 1. According to the passage, the major problem currently facing scientists in the field of bio- materials is (A) assessing and regulating the bonding between host tissue and implants (B) controlling the transfer of potentially toxic materials across the interface of tissue and implant (C) discovering new materials from which to construct implant devices (D) deciding in what situations implants are needed (E) determining the importance of short-term implants to long-term stability of tissue implant interfaces 2. The passage suggests which of the following about the recent research mentioned in the last

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