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There was a tree in my garden. One day, two birds came to the tree and built a house for their 1 newborn babies.

One morning, I was getting up when I 2 the sound of the little birds. I ran out of my bedroom and found two babies eating food on the ground in the 3 I thought they dropped off their house, so I decided to help them get back to their house. At that time, the 4 bird and the mother bird came back. They brought some food for the third baby. They put it

on the ground. 5 their third baby. To get the food, she had to fly to it. Although she was 6 , she was afraid of getting out of the house to eat it.

To my 7 . her parents just stood there and did nothing.

After about ten 8 the third baby bird didn't have any other choice. She slowly went to the border(边缘)of the house and began to 9 , She flew down from the house. Finally, she landed safely on the ground and found the food soon.

These birds taught us a lesson: If we want our food, we will have to learn to fly on 10 .

1. A. two B. three C. five

2. A. heard B. smelt C. saw

3. A. garden B. house C. bedroom

4. A. sister B. Brother C. father

5. A. beside B. next to C. far away from

6. A. full B. hungry C. thirsty

7. A. joy B. surprise C. excitement

8. A. days B. weeks C. minutes

9. A. fly B. eat C. run

10. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. Themselves




C.五,根据After about ten8

the third baby bird didn't have any other choice.可知,有三只小鸟。故答案是B。




(4)句意:这个时候,鸟爸爸和鸟妈妈回来了。A.姐妹;B.兄弟;C.爸爸。根据mother bird可知与其一块来的是father bird,故答案是C。

(5)句意:他们把食物放在档,离他们的孩子很远。A.在……旁边;B.紧挨着;C.离……远。根据T o get the food, she had to fly to it.To get the food, she had to fly to it.可知食物


(6)句意:尽管他很饿,但是他害怕从房子里出来吃。A.饱;B.饥饿;C.渴,根据T o get the food,可知小鸟很饿,故答案是B。






(9)句意:她慢慢地走向鸟巢边缘开始飞。A.飞;B.吃;C.跑,根据She flew down from the house.可知是小鸟走向鸟巢边缘开始飞。故答案是A。








My friends and I joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains. The first day was really 1 there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite, We were divided into group and given a tent, some food, a 2 and a compass, Sunning next to a small river, Fanny 3 camping in the grassy area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood if it rained. In the end, we found a higher area. Putting up the tent was very hard. Luckily Mr. Lee helped us a lot.

By the time we had put up the tent, everyone was really hungry." We wouldn't have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks, "Peter said. We all told him to 4 complaining and help us start a fire to cook our food 5 . Realizing we were having trouble making the fire,

he finally 6 .

The next day started early, Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was happening." some cows have eaten our breakfast! " he shouted.

"That's all because you didn't 7 the food properly last night," said Mr. Lee.

Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next task-using the map and compass to find a secret location. We made it to the location 8 the other groups did. We

all felt very proud of 9 .

The survival training course was a great 10 .Now I feel I could survive anywhere!

1. A. different B. boring C. disappointing D. difficult

2. A. book B. map C. light D. knife

3. A. imagined B. enjoyed C. finished D. suggested

4. A. continue B. start C. stop D. mind

5. A. instead B. again C. too D. yet

6. A. started out B. worked out C. gave out D. helped out

7. A. eat up B. put away C. sell out D. throw off

8. A. after B. when C. before D. till

9. A. him B. them C. you D. ourselves

10. A. activity B. competition C. experience D. example



(1)句意:第一天真的很难有这么多事情要做!A:different不同的;B:boring无聊的; C:disappointing失望的; D:difficult困难的。根据下文there was so much to do!和对第一天的描述,例如需要搭建帐篷、生火等。作者评论“Putting up the tent was very hard.”以及“we were trouble making the fire…”,所以第一天是充满困难的。故选D。(2)句意:到了营地,我们分成几个小组,给了一个帐篷、一些食物、一张地图和一个指南针。A:book书; B:map地图; C:light灯; D:knife刀。根据上文My friends and I joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains.可知在山上进行的生存训练,需要必备一些东西包括帐篷、食物、指南针之外,还需要地图。并且第四段Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next task-using the map.可知还需要地图。故选B。

(3)句意:范妮建议在附近的草地上露营。A:imagined想象;B:enjoyed喜欢;C:finished完成;D:suggested建议。根据上文We were divided into group and given a tent,可知范妮建议在附近的草地上露营。故选D。

(4)句意:我们都叫他停止抱怨,帮我们生火做饭。A:continue继续;B:start开始;C:stop停止;D:mind介意。根据下文... complaining and help us star a fire to cook our food,可知我们告诉他不要抱怨没有带零食,要用stop doing sth.停止做某事。故选C。(5)句意:我们都叫他停止抱怨,帮我们生火做饭。A:instead代替;B:again又,再; C:too也; D:yet然而。根据前后句意思,可知生火做饭代替抱怨,故选A。

(6)句意:幸运的是李先生帮了我们很多忙。A:started out 出发;B:worked out解出;C:gave out 分发;D:helped out帮忙。根据上文Realizing we were having trouble making the fire,他才会过来帮忙,故选D。

(7)句意:这都是因为你昨晚没有把食物妥善地放好。A:eat up吃光;B:put away收起来,收好;C:sell out 售完;D:throw off炫耀。根据上文some cows have eaten our breakfast!可知昨晚没有妥善保管好食物,故选B。

(8)句意:我们在其他小组之前赶到了目的地。A:after在......之后;B:when 当......时;C:before 在......之前;D:till直到......为止。根据上文we tried very hard on our next task-using the map and compass to find a secret location.可知这样的目的是在其他小组


(9)句意:我们都为自己感到骄傲。A:him他,宾格;B:them 他/她/它们,宾格;C:you你(们),主格或宾格;D:ourselves我们自己,反身代词。根据空格所在的句子主语是we。be proud of oneself,为某人感到自豪。宾语与主语是同一个人,要用反身代词ourselves。故选D。

(10)句意:生存训练课程是一次很棒的经历。A:activity活动;B:competition竞赛,比赛;C:experience经历;D:example例子。根据下文Now I feel I could survive anywhere!可知这次生存训练是很棒的经历。故选C。



It was my first day at Grade 6. And the first lesson was 1 English. When I was doing nothing, Mr. Gough, our new English teacher, walked into the 2 .

To my surprise, he held up a book, The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe, and asked if anyone had 3 it. I put my hand up, because Poe was my favorite writer. Mr. Gough asked if I really understood 4 the writer tried to say in his book. My 5 made him smile, and he asked me to write an article on that subject.

After that, English classes became a new interest for me. Mr. Gough thought that students had to 6 a play to understand it. "Don't just read it." he said.

As time 7 we developed a real friendship. He encouraged me to be a 8 in the future. When I left school, he said to me, "You have a gift for writing, Tony, and one day you'll come to realize how 9 it is. Make use of it if you want your life to be complete."

Now I'm a writer and every time I sit down to write 10 I think of Mr. Gough. He was more than just an English teacher, because he also taught me useful lessons in life.

1. A. boring B. exciting C. interesting D. lively

2. A. bookshop B. classroom C. supermarket D. cinema

3. A. watched B. seen C. looked D. read

4. A. if B. when C. what D. how

5. A. diary B. report C. reply D. article

6. A. work out B. act out C. put out D. come out

7. A. passed B. walked C. disappeared D. burned

8. A. teacher B. driver C. waiter D. writer

9. A. useful B. beautiful C. careful D. thankful

10. A. anything new B. something new C. new anything D. new something




有趣的;D.lively生动的。根据When I was doing nothing.当我什么都没做的时候.可知作者


(2)句意:我们的新英语老师走进教室。 A. bookshop 书店; B. classroom 教室; C. supermarket 超市; D. cinema 电影院。根据 When I was doing nothing.当我什么都没做的时候.可知英语老师走进教室,故选B。

(3)句意:他拿起一本爱德加·爱伦·坡的文集,问是否有人读过。A. watched观看;B. seen 看见; C. looked 看; D. read 读。根据 he held up a book 他举起一本书。应该问是否读书,故选D。

(4)句意:高夫先生问我是否真的理解作者在书中所说的话。 A. if 如果,作状语;B. when 当...时候,作状语; C. what 什么,做宾语; D. how 怎样,作状语。根据句法结构,understood 后跟宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,故选C。

(5)句意:我的回答使他笑了。 A. diary 日记; B. report 报告; C. reply 回答; D. article

文章。根据 Mr. Gough asked if I really understood the writer tried to say in his book.高夫先生问


(6)句意:高夫先生认为,学生必须表演一出戏剧才能理解它。 A. work out 算出; B. act out 表演; C. put out 伸出; D. come out 出版。根据 a play 戏剧应该是表演,故选B。

(7)句意:随着时间的推移,我们建立了真正的友谊。A. passed 推移,指时间的流逝;B. walked 步行; C. disappeared 消逝; D. burned 燃烧。根据常识时间推移,故选A。

(8)句意:他鼓励我将来成为一名作家。 A. teacher 老师; B. driver 司机; C waiter 服务员; D. writer 作家。根据 You have a gift for writing 你有写作的天赋。可知应该是当一位作家,故选D。

(9)句意:总有一天你会发现它是多么有用。 A. useful 有用的; B. beautiful 美丽的; C.

细心的;D. thankful 感激的。根据You have a gift for writing.你有写作的天赋 .应该是有用的,故选A。







On a hot summer morning, an old fisherman was fishing near a river. A child went by seeing him fishing. After a few minutes, the child found that the fisherman was really good 1 fishing. Because he didn't spend long 2 a full basket of fish. As the fisherman felt that the child was clever, he offered him some fish. But the child 3 his head. The fisherman asked in 4 , "Why not want the fish?"

The child pointed at the fishing rod (杆) in his hands and said, "I only want that."

"Why do you only want the rod?" Asked the fisherman.

"Eating up all the fish you gave doesn't take long. But if I have a fishing rod, I can go 5 by myself and I won't be afraid of not having any more fish to eat."

I think you will 6 say that the child is very cute. Wrong! I think if he doesn't know

7 to fish, he can't have fish to eat, even though he has the fishing rod. So it's 8 to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 9 important, not the fishing rod.

In modern society, some people think that if they have a "fishing rod" in their life, they'll 10 fear the wind and rain, just like the child who thought that if he had a fishing rod, he would have fish to eat.

1. A. for B. in C. at D. with

2. A. to catch B. in C. for catching D. catching

3. A. lifted B. nodded C. shook D. shaked

4. A. surprises B. surprise C. surprised D. surprising

5. A. fished B. fishing C. fishes D. fish

6. A. mainly B. finally C. exactly D. certainly

7. A. how B. where C. what D. when

8. A. harmless B. homeless C. useless D. careless

9. A. most B. least C. less D. more

10. A. not long B. not longer C. no long D. no longer



(1)句意:孩子发现那个渔民真地擅长钓鱼。be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,固定搭配,故选C。

(2)句意:因为他没有花费长时间抓住满篮子鱼。spend+时间+doing sth.花费多长时间做


(3)句意:但是孩子摇头。A.抬起;B.点头;C.摇晃。D.无shaken。根据前句he offered him some fish.可知渔民想给孩子鱼,但是孩子不想要鱼,所以摇头,shake one's head摇头,时态是一般过去时,所以shake用过去式shook,故选C。

(4)句意:渔民惊讶地问。in surprise,惊讶,固定搭配,故选B。

(5)句意:我可以自己去钓鱼。go doing sth.去做某事,固定搭配,故选B。




后句可知没有鱼吃是因为不知道怎样钓鱼,how to do sth.怎样做某事,固定搭配,故选A。


前句可知仅有鱼钩是不足够的,钓鱼技术是最重要的,important的最高级是the most important,故选A。

(10)句意:他们将不再害怕风雨。no longer,不再,固定搭配,故选D。





Body image – the way people feel about their looks – is a big problem for many young people today. According to a 1 , more than half the teenage girls in the USA. think 2 should be on a diet(节食) and almost one in five teenage boys are 3 about their bodies and their weight.

But what's the cause? In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体). Tom on the TV and you'll 4 see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. 5 a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet, and it's usually 6 .

Many young people feel pressure to 7 these 'perfect' people. But for most, this is just not possible. In the USA. the average(平均的)woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, 8 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos.

When people don't look the way many 9 people look, they may become less confident. Some stop eating 10 in order to lose weight. Students can lose so many confidence that they start to 11 taking part in classroom activities at school.

Body image problems don't 12 as we get older, either. In the UK, for example, women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other 13 group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to 14 hair loss(损失).

Is there a solution to the problem? A 2016 study in the UK suggested that body image lessons should be provided in 15 . Others believe it's a problem that all of society needs to deal with. As Meaghan Ramsey says, "We need to judge people by what they do, not what they look like."

1. A. newspaper B. magazine C. study D. book

2. A. we B. they C. you D. she

3. A. Confident B. sure C. worried D. happy

4. A. Probably B. hardly C. never D. finally

5. A. Get B. Open C. Take D. Find

6. A. the same B. different C. special D. interesting

7. A. Look after B. look for C. look at D. look like

8. A. because B. although C. but D. or

9. A. kind B. strong C. young D. famous

10. A. early B. properly C. slowly D. carefully

11. A. enjoy B. stop C. finish D. forget

12. A. come B. continue C. disappear D. happen

13. A. age B. job C. hobby D. man

14. A. make B. avoid C. refuse D. protect

15. A. supermarkets B. streets C. parks D. schools



(1)句意:根据一项研究,美国超过一半的少女认为她们应该节食。A:newspaper 报纸;B:magazine杂志;C:study 研究;D:book书。根据下文 In the study, many blame (责备)media(媒体). Tom on the TV and you'll see beautiful models, 可知根据研究得出的结论,故选C。

(2)句意:根据一项研究,美国超过一半的少女认为她们应该节食。A:we我们;B:they 他们;C:you你(们); D:she她。根据句子中more than half the teenage girls ,可知是女孩认为,故选B。

(3)句意:几乎五分之一的男孩担心他们的身体和体重。A:Confident自信的;B:sure 确信的; Cworried 担心的;D:happy高兴的。根据上文 more than half the teenage girls in the USA. think 2 should be on a diet(节食)可知男生也应该担心身体和体重,故选C。(4)句意:你可能会看到漂亮的模特,英俊的演员和健康的体育明星。A:probably可能的;B:hardly几乎不;C:never从不;D:finally最后。根据上文In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体). 可知能看见才会指责媒体,故选A。

(5)句意:打开一本杂志或一份报纸,上网看看,通常都是一样的。A:Get得到;B:Open打开; C:Take拿走; D:Find找到。根据上文In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体). 可知打开报纸和杂志也能看到漂亮的模特,英俊的演员和健康的体育明星。,故选B。

(6)句意:打开一本杂志或一份报纸,上网看看,通常都是一样的。A:the same 同样的;B:different不同的;C:special特殊的;D:interesting有兴趣的。根据上文In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体). 可知上网浏览,也会看到漂亮的模特,英俊的演员和健康的体育明星。所以是一样的,故选A。

(7)句意:许多年轻人觉得有压力要像这些“完美”的人。A:Look after照看; B:look for 寻找; C:look at 看......;D:look like看起来像。根据下文 When people don't look the way many famous people look, they may become less confident. 可知缺少自信,就会有压力,故选D。

(8)句意:在美国,女性平均身高163厘米,体重64公斤,但平均身高180厘米,体重53公斤。A:because因为; B:although虽然,尽管;C:but但是; D:or或者,否则。根据前后句的意思,可知是转折关系,要用转折连词but,故选C。

(9)句意:当人们看起来不像许多名人时,他们可能会变得不那么自信。A:kind友好的;B:strong强壮的;C:young年轻的;D:famous著名的。根据上文Many young people feel pressure to 7 these 'perfect' people. 可知完美人是指 beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. 他们都是名人,故选D。

(10)句意:有些人为了减肥而停止正常吃饭。A:early早地;B:properly,正常地;C:slowly 慢地;D:carefully仔细地。根据句末 in order to lose weight. ,可知不正常吃饭,故选B。

(11)句意:学生可能会失去自信,以至于他们开始停止参加学校的课堂活动。A:enjoy 喜欢; B:stop停止;C:finish 完成;D:forget忘记。根据上文 Students can lose so many confidence ,失去自信就会不参加学校的集体活动。stop doing sth.停止做某事。故选B。(12)句意:随着年龄的增长,身体形象问题也不会消失。A:come来;B:continue继续; C:disappear消失; D:happen发生。根据下文 women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other 13 group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to 14 hair loss(损失). 可知年纪大的人也会在乎身体形象,并不会因年龄而消失,故选C。(13)句意:在英国,50岁以上的女性在化妆品上的花费比其他任何年龄段的女性都要多。A:age年龄; B:job工作; C:hobby爱好;D:man男人。根据句子中 women over 50 ,可知与其他年龄段妇女相比较,故选A。

(14)句意:老年人花很多钱来避免脱发。A:make制作;B:avoid避免;C:refuse 拒绝;D:protect保护。根据上文 Body image problems don't 12 as we get older, either. 可知老年男性尽量不让头发损失,要用避免,avoid,故选B。

(15)句意:英国2016年的一项研究表明,学校应该提供身体形象课程。A:supermarkets超市; B:streets街道; C:parks公园; D:schools学校。根据句子中body image lessons,可知只有学校才能提供,故选D。



Summer holiday is coming. Lin Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, Zhang Mei are making their holiday 1 .

Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to 2 his favourite football team play. He is going to wear the team shirt and cheer the 3 . It's going to be great fun and he hopes that his team will 4 the best score and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpful with his family in July. There's a lot of litter in the park, 5 they're going to collect it. They hope to do something to make their hometown 6 . Besides, they want to be volunteers and 7 farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay with 8 Australian family. 9 does she plan to do so? Because she wants to improve her spoken English 10 .

Lin Tao and his classmates are all looking forward to their summer holiday.

1. A. hotels B. plans C. tickets

2. A. watch B. smell C. feel

3. A. singers B. writers C. players

4. A. get B. lose C. give

5. A. but B. or C. so

6. A. happy B. clean C. wide

7. A. bring B. help C. leave

8. A. the B. a C. an

9. A. Why B. When C. Where

10. A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly



(1)考查名词辨析。A旅馆;B计划;C票;根据前面Summer holiday is coming暑假要来了,后面应该是制定暑假计划,故选B。

(2)考查动词辨析。A观看;B卖;C感觉;根据So he is going to 2 his favourite football team play后面最喜欢的足球队比赛,应该是观看,故选A。

(3)考查名词辨析。A歌手;B作家;C运动员;根据He is going to wear the team shirt and cheer the 他将穿上队服为…加油,应该是队员,故选C。

(4)考查得词辨析。A 得到;B丢失;C给;根据后面win the match.赢得比赛,应该是取得最好的分数,故选A。

(5)考查连词辨析。A但是;B或者;C所以;根据There's a lot of litter in the park, 5 they're going to collect it.公园里有很多垃圾,他们打算收集它。因果关系,故选C。

(6)考查形容词辨析。A开心的;B干净的;C宽的;根据上文捡垃圾,这里They hope to do something to make their hometown 应该是做些事让他们的家乡更干净,故选B。(7)考查动词辨析。A带来;B帮助;C离开;根据they want to be volunteers and help farmers with some farm work,他们想成为志愿者,后面应该是帮助农民从事一些农业工



于首字母是元音音素前;根据Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay with

an Australian family. 张梅将去国外参加夏令营,并将与一个澳大利亚家庭住在一起,泛指,


(9)考查连词辨析。A为什么;B何时;C哪儿;根据下句Because she wants 因为她想……,上句应该是问为什么,故选A。

(10)考查副词辨析。A快速地;B安静地;C大声的;根据Because she wants to improve her spoken English 因为她想提高口语,应该是快速地提高口语,故A。




Many students have some 1 . For example, some students do not learn their school subjects 2 . Some are good at 3 and do well in many exams, 4 they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call

5 "bookworms"(书虫). So many students suffer from(遭受)stress. The good news

6 that there are some simple ways to deal with(处理)

7 .

Firstly, 8 a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy!

As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning 9 to do them can help students organize(组织)their time. If you are 10 in one subject, studying hard and 11 a teacher for advice can help.

Students should not care about 12 laughing. They should think about the things that are good.

Then students should 13 make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports, reading and watching movies help them relax.

Finally, 14 is useful and important for students to share(分享) their problems with their 15 and family members.

1. A. friends B. problems C. happiness D. homework

2. A. good B. well C. great D. bad

3. A. learns B. learn C. learning D. to learn

4. A. so B. and C. but D. because

5. A. them B. they C. him D. her

6. A. are B. were C. be D. is

7. A. hungry B. illness C. stress D. tired

8. A. eating B. eat C. eats D. to eat

9. A. when B. where C. what D. why

10. A. good B. weak C. strong D. badly

11. A. asking B. ask C. asks D. asked

12. A. other B. another C. others' D. other's

13. A. too B. either C. to D. also

14. A. that B. this C. it D. these

15. A. brothers B. friends C. sisters D. cousins



(1)句意:很多学生有要一些难题。根据下文 For example, some students do not learn their school subjects…,比如,一些学生学校的学科学地不好,可知是说学生有难题,problems,难题,故选B。


(3)句意:一些人擅长学习并且在许多考试中表现出色。be good at doing sth,擅长做某事,固定搭配,故此处应填动名词形式,learning,学习,动名词形式,故选C。

(4)句意:但是他们运动做得非常差,并且没有强壮的身体。根据下文they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies,他们运动做得非常差,并且没有强壮的身体,可知与上文形成转折关系,but,但是,表转折,故选C。

(5)句意:所以他们的同学总是称呼他们书虫。此句是讲上文提到的一些学生被称呼为书虫,用they指代这些学生,又因call,动词,称呼,后面要加人称代词宾格形式,they 的宾格是them,故选A。


(7)句意:好消息是有一些简单的方法来处理压力。根据上文So many students suffer from stress,所以很多学生遭受压力,可知此处是给出一些简单的方法来处理前面提到的压力,stress,压力,故选C。

(8)句意:首先,吃健康的饮食、得到充足的睡眠并且做运动是非常重要的。根据下文getting enough sleep and doing exercise,are是系动词,可知此处是动名词做主语,eating,吃,动名词,故选A。

(9)句意:制作一个需要做的事情的清单,并且计划什么时候做,可以帮助学生们组织时间。根据organize their time,组织他们的时间,可知此处应是与时间有关,即什么时候做,when,什么时候,故选A。

(10)句意:如果你不擅长一门学科,努力学习并且向老师请求建议可以有帮助。根据…a teacher for advice can help,向老师请求建议可以帮助,可知是不擅长或学得不好,do weak in,不擅长,固定搭配,故选B。


studying hard,努力学习,动名词形式,and前后的成分应结构一致,此处是动名词做主语,asking,动名词,故选A。



(14)句意:最后,对学生们来说,与他们的朋友和家庭成员分享难题是有用并且重要的。此句是句型:It's+形容词+for sb+to do sth,对某人来说做某事是怎么样的,it做形式主语,动词不定式做真实主语,故选C。

(15)句意:最后,对学生们来说,与他们的朋友和家庭成员分享难题是有用并且重要的。A、brothers,兄弟,B、friends,朋友,C、sisters,姐妹,D、cousins,表姐妹,表兄弟,根据下文family members,家庭成员,已包含A、C、D,应是朋友和家庭成员,故选B。



A young man went to visit a wise man living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life.

"Excuse me!Could you tell me which the most 1 day in our lives is? Is it the day when we were born or the day we 2 ?Is it the day when we fall in love or the day we succeed?" the young man asked.

" 3 .The most important day in our lives is today, "the wise man replied calmly." Why?" the young man felt more 4 ."Is it because there is a moving event taking place today?"

"No. Nothing has happened today."

"Is it because of my visit?"

"No. Even if nobody visited me today, today is 5 very important because today is the only wealth we have. No matter how memorable yesterday was, it has gone by like a ship going down into the sea; no matter how bright tomorrow may be, it hasn't come; but no matter how common today is, it is 6 our control."

The young man still wanted to ask something, while the wise man 7 him and said, "When we are talking about the meaning of today, we have 8 a lot of it."

The young man nodded and then went down the mountain.

Actually, today is the only 9 we have.

So, what we should do now is 10 yesterday and tomorrow and catch fast today!

1. A. important B. necessary C. comfortable

2. A. miss B. die C. grow

3. A. Nothing B. None C. No one

4. A. awful B. pleased C. surprised

5. A. yet B. already C. still

6. A. for B. under C. on

7. A. stopped B. refused C. encouraged

8. A. treasured B. handed C. wasted

9. A. excuse B. way C. chance

10. A. forget B. remember C. call



(1)句意:你能告诉我我们生命中最重要的一天吗?A.重要的;B.必要的;C.舒服的,根据The most important day in our lives is today,可知年轻人想知道最重要的一天是哪一







在……上面。be under control,受控制,固定搭配,故答案是B。

(7)句意:年轻人仍然想问,这个时候智者阻止制止了他。A.停止;B.拒绝;C.鼓励,根据"When we are talking about the meaning of today, we have8

a lot of it."可知,老人制止他再问,故答案是A。






Froggie was a frog who never remember where he had been. His biggest 1 was to find the best pond to swim lively without worrying about water snakes. One day, Froggie hopped to a kitchen and jumped into a pot full of 2 water. Froggie felt the burning belt and burned out of the water 3 his legs could carry him. “I'm almost died there!” Froggie thought.

A few days later, Froggie went back to the same 4 , totally forgetting he had been there. He again hopped into the same pot. This time, the water inside was cool. He looked around and thought, " there's no 5 trying to eat me and I can have this place all to myself?” 6 , Froggie knew it was his dream pond. What he didn't know was that the water was warming up over a low 7 .

8 , thirty minutes' of swimming. Froggie felt the water was warmer, he thought of this as a nice surprise "This sure is the best place for swimming. I get to have a hot bath, too.”

9 his comfortable bath, the water kept warmer and warmer. Froggie was so comfortable that he 10 . And he never woke up.

1. A. mistake B. dream C. achievement

2. A. hot B. salty C. dirty

3. A. as long as B. as often as C. as fast as

4. A. pot B. pond C. kitchen

5. A. water snake B. human being C. flying

6. A. At last B. At that moment C. At times

7. A. voice B. heat C. price

8. A. Before B. When C. After

9. A. After B. Before C. During

10. A. fell asleep B. fell behind C. fell down


【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文通过温水煮蛙的故事,说明失去戒备而招灾的道理。(1)考查名词辨析。句意:他最大的梦想是找到一个最好的池塘。mistake错误;dream 梦想;achievement成就。根据to find the best pond to swim lively without worrying about water snakes.可知这是他的梦想,故选B。

(2)考查形容词辨析。句意:一天,青蛙跳到了厨房,跳进了一个装满热水的锅里。hot 热的;salty咸的;dirty脏的。根据下文Froggie felt the burning belt,可知水是热的,故选A。

(3)考查副词短语辨析。句意:青蛙感觉到灼热袭来,飞快地从水里跑了出来。as long

as只要,表条件;as often as每当;as fast as和……一样快。根据“I'm almost died there!” Froggie thought. 可知它要尽快逃离,故选C。

(4)考查名词辨析。句意:几天后,青蛙回到了同一个厨房,完全忘记了他曾经去过那里。pot锅;pond水池;kitchen厨房,根据前文One day, Froggie hopped to a kitchen,可知它又来到这个厨房,故选C。

(5)考查名词短语辨析。句意:他环顾四周,心想:“这里没有水蛇要吃我,我可以独享这个地方吗?”water snake水蛇;human being人类;flying苍蝇;根据开头His biggest dream was to find the best pond to swim lively without worrying about water snakes.可知此处指水蛇,故选A。

(6)考查介词短语辨析。句意:在那一刻,青蛙知道这是他的梦想池塘。A. At last 最后;

B. At that moment那一刻;

C. At times有时/间或。根据This time, the water inside was cool. 可知在那时青蛙感觉那是它梦想的池塘。故选B。


(8)考查连词辨析。句意:青蛙游了三十分钟后,感到水越来越热了。before在……之前;when当……的时候;after在……之后。根据 Froggie felt the water was warmer, 可知在一段时间后水越来越热了,故选C。


(10)考查动词辨析。句意:青蛙太舒服了,他睡着了。根据最后一句And he never woke up.可知青蛙睡着了,fall asleep睡着,fall behind落后;fall down摔倒,故选A。



A young man was walking in the desert. He felt very 1 . Just then he suddenly found a

spring of delicious and clear water. The water was cool and sweet for a man who had 2 it

for such a long time. He drank a lot, and then he 3 his bottle so that he could bring some back to his village and gave it to his teacher who had taught him in middle school.

After a four-day 4 , he gave the water to the old man and he took a deep drink, smiled warmly and 5 his student for the sweet water. The young man returned to his home with

a happy heart.

Later, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out at once, saying it was 6 . The student said the water had become bad because the bottle was too old.

The student asked his teacher, "Master, the water was bad and it was bitter. Why did you 7 to him that you liked it?" The teacher replied, "You only tasted the water 8 I tasted the gift. The water which has been put in loving and kindness is not 9 water." Nothing could be 10 than love.

1. A. thirsty B. tired C. hungry D. angry

2. A. avoided B. processed C. expected D. checked

3. A. opened B. filled C. emptied D. carried

4. A. illness B. holiday C. rest D. trip

5. A. thanked B. praised C. paid D. taught

6. A. wonderful B. awful C. safe D. dangerous

7. A. report B. say C. lie D. explain

8. A. after B. before C. when D. while

9. A. actually B. simply C. mostly D. nearly

10. A. sweeter B. heavier C. dearer D. cleaner





(1)形容词辨析。句意:一个年轻人正在沙漠里走着,他感到很渴。thirsty 口渴的;tired

劳累的;hungry饥饿的;angry生气的。根据下文He drank a lo,可知他很渴。故选A。(2)动词辨析。句意:对于一个已经期待很久的人来说,此时的水又凉又甜。avoided避免;processed 加工,处理; expected 期待,盼望;checked检查,核对;根据上文He felt very thirsty。可知他盼望喝水,故选C。

(3)动词辨析。句意:他喝了很多水,然后又把他的瓶子"装满"了水。A. opened打开,B. filled 装满,C. emptied倒空,D. carried携带;根据后文so that he could bring some back to his village and gave it to his teacher who had taught him in middle school.故此处


(4)名词辨析。句意:四天旅行之后,他把水给了这个老人。A. illness疾病,B. holiday

假期,C. rest 休息,D. trip旅行,根据句意这个年轻人是在沙漠中进行了四天的旅行,故选D。


的水。A. thanked 感谢,B. praised赞扬,C. paid付钱,D. taught教,学生从遥远的沙漠给

他带来水,所以老师很感谢他。以及后面的介词for可知,这里用到“为……而感谢”,thank for…,故选A。



句的He spat it out at once,可知水并不好喝,故选B。

(7)动词辨析。句意:你为什么要对他撒谎说你很喜欢这个水呢?7. A. report报告,B. say说,C. lie 说谎,D. explain .解释;根据The student asked his teacher, "Master, the water was bad and it was bitter.可上文老师说水好喝可知老师是在撒谎,故选C。


之后;before在..之前;when当……时; while然而;根据句意可知这两句表示对比,故选D。

(9)副词辨析。句意:被装入了爱和善良的水不仅仅是水。A. actually实际上,B. simply

仅仅, C. mostly大部分的 D. nearly几乎,将近;根据I tasted the gift.可知这里表示这不


(10)形容词辨析。句意:没有什么比爱更甜。A. sweeter更甜B. heavier更重 C. dearer更

贵D. cleaner更干净;结合文章内容可知此处指人们对爱的感觉,所以此处表示“更甘甜”,







I like to be near water--sea, lake or river. That is probably because I was born in a village

1 the sea, and have lived most of my life close to water of some

2 . When I am in some place

3 is far from the lake, river and sea, I am restless and always

4 that there is something missing though it is sometimes hard to

5 what it is.

Of course, the sports I like are 6 which need water--sailing, rowing and swimming. It is 7 to swim in small swimming-pools, 8 rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot

of water. Rowing is the best on a river, and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can 9 some sailing on a river, and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is good.

Of the three sports--swimming, rowing and sailing, I like rowing 10 , because it is the 11 to continue during the winter when the water is too cold for swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing. 12 on the coldest days one can row: only ice on the water, or thick fog stops one. Sometimes it is so cold when I go 13 that drops of water 14 .

In such weather, it is not very 15 to swim: one can't stay in the water long; however, when one is rowing, one gets warmer soon.

1. A. by B. on C. in D. far from

2. A. good B. kind C. place D. land

3. A. there B. which C. where D. when

4. A. know B. find C. feel D. want

5. A. make B. see C. do D. say

6. A. few B. some C. many D. those

7. A. able B. easy C. possible D. impossible

8. A. but B. and C. however D. or

9. A. have B. get C. make D. do

10. A. better B. more C. best D. least

11. A. most interesting B. coldest C. hardest D. easiest

12. A. Even B. Ever C. But D. Only

13. A. to rowing B. on rowing C. out rowing D. on to row

14. A. freeze B. wind C. turn warm D. get cool

15. A. glad B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant



(1)句意:那可能是因为我出生在海边的一个村庄。A在……边,靠近。B.在…....上,C 在...….里面,D远离。依据.I like to be near water...sea, lake or river.我喜欢靠近水——大海,湖泊或河流。可知是在海边。故选A。

(2)句意:这可能是因为我出生在海边的一个村庄,我的大部分生活都是在某种程度上接近水的地方度过的。A. good好的;优良的,B. kind 种类;性质,C. place地方;住所,D. land国土;陆地。依据I am in some place可知那是某种地方。故选B。


(4)句意:当我在一个远离湖泊、河流和大海的地方,我总是心神不定,总觉得少了什么,虽然有时很难说清是什么。A. know知道,B. find,发现,C. feel感觉,D. want需要。依据I am restless可知此处是种感觉,故选C。

(5)句意:当我在一个远离湖泊、河流和大海的地方,我总是心神不定,总觉得少了什么,虽然有时很难说清是什么。A.使得,B.看见,C. 做,D.说。依据there is something missing可知感觉都是种=无法言语的东西。故选D。

(6)句意:当然,我喜欢的运动是那些需要水的——帆船,划船和游泳。A. 很少的,修饰名词复数,B一些,修饰名词复数和不可数名词,C许多的,修饰名词复数,D.those那些,指代名词复数。依据which need water--sailing, rowing and swimming可知此处缺少先行词,指代复数,故用those,故选D。


能力的;能干的,B.容易的;舒适的,C可能的;合理的,D不可能的。依据swim in small swimming-pools可知这是可以做到的事情,故是可能的,故选C。

(8)句意:在小游泳池里游泳是可能的。但是没有很多水划船和航行是不可能的。A. but

但是 B. and和。C. however然而。D. or或者,否则。依据It is possible to swim in small swimming-pools和are impossible without a lot of water可知此处表示转折,故用but,单数,故选A。

(9)句意:一个人可以在河上航行,当然也可以在天气好的时候在湖上或海上划船。A. have有,B. get得到,C. make使,让,D. do做。do some sailing,固定搭配,是do some doing句型,故选D。


坚持的事情,当水太冷时,游泳和大海往往对航行而言太艰难。 A. better比较好,B. more

比较多,C. best最好,D least最少。依据文中:Of the three sports--swimming, rowing and sailing在游泳、划船和航海这三项运动中。三者及三者以上,用最高级形式。根据I like rowing best我最喜欢划船可知是best,故选C。



极难的,困难的,D最容易的。依据when the water is too cold for swimming and the sea

is often too rough for sailing可知此处填easiest最恰当,故选D。


划船。A. Even甚至;即使。B. Ever永远;曾经。C. But但是。D. Only只有。依据only ice

on the water, or thick fog stops one可知此处填Even表示坚持的语气,故选A。


分析及介词短语。选项分析:I go out rowing我出去划船。依据it is so cold可知是外面很冷,要先出去,go out doing,故选C。

(14)句意:有时候,当我划船出去的时候,天太冷了,水滴都结冰了。A. freeze冻结,B. wind风,C. turn warm变暖,D. get cool变凉快。it is so cold,可知水滴结冰,故选A。(15)句意:游泳不是很愉快,一个人不能在水里呆太久。A. glad高兴的,形容词,修饰人,B. pleased高兴的,形容词,修饰人,C. pleasure高兴,愉快,名词,D. pleasant令人






12.请认真阅读下列短文从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

British people are famous for apologizing (道歉) in almost every situation. 1 we are apologizing for asking a question, for our bad weather or we sneeze before others (打喷嚏),

we are probably the number-one nation for apologies. We pride ourselves on our polite

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