当前位置:文档之家› 学粉红猪今天开始第一课muddypuddle




第一集踏水坑 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.?:?. 泥泞的 2. 暗的,模糊的,糊涂的 :. 水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑 muddy puddle: 水坑 例句:Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa喜欢跳水坑。2?:1. 走开2. 延伸,贯穿 例句:Alright, run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。 3. boot: n.靴子 例句:If you jump in muddy puddles,?you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑,你必须穿好靴子。 4 look after:?1. 注视2. 照顾,照看 例句:Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。 5.:n.泥,烂泥 例句:?It's only mud.那只是块泥。 6??me: 天哪 7.:n. 杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱 例句:And look at the mess you're in. 看看你们有多脏。 up:1. 打扫;清理2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡) 例句:Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play,

too爸爸,等我们洗好,你和妈妈会和我们一起来玩么 9 up and down:上上下下 例句:Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Peppa喜欢一上一下跳水坑。 第二集恐龙先生 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.: . 恐龙 2. 守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西 例句:Mr. Dinosaur is lost. 恐龙掉了。 2.: vt. 恐吓;使惊恐?vi.受惊吓,感到害怕 例句:Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. 有时候,乔治喜欢拿恐龙先生吓Peppa。 scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的;可怕的 time: 晚餐时间?at summer time : 放松沐浴时光 5.: .(衣服的)褶,裥2. 折叠?. 塞进2. 翻折3. 盖住,卷起 tuck up:折起 例句:When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。 : 投;掷;扔;抛 例句:George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air.乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙扔在空中。

小猪佩奇第一季第四集Polly Parrot中英文字幕及知识点

I’m Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩奇,这是我的弟弟乔治。这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。 Peppa Pig 小猪佩奇 S1-4 Polly Parrot鹦鹉波莉 Parrot [?p?r?t] 鹦鹉 Peppa and her family are visiting(拜访,探望)Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig. 佩奇和家人去看望猪奶奶和猪爷爷。 Peppa: Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig! 佩奇:奶奶!爷爷! George: Ganggy Ig! Baba Ig!(Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig!小乔治还不太会说话) 乔治:奶奶!爷爷! Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones. Come inside, we have a surprise. 猪奶奶:你们好,我的小宝贝们。快进来,有个惊喜给你们。 Peppa: What is it? 佩奇:是什么? Granny Pig: We have a new pet.Can you guess what it is? 猪奶奶:我们养了只新宠物。你们猜猜是什么? 养宠物还可以用keep My friend keep a pet parrot in their house. 我的朋友在家里养了一只宠物鹦鹉。 George: Dine-saw? 乔治:恐龙? Grandpa Pig: No, it's not a dinosaur. Come and see. 猪爷爷:不是恐龙,快进来看看。 Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have a pet parrot. 猪奶奶和猪爷爷养了只宠物鹦鹉。


1、I'm Peppa Pig.我是佩奇。 2、This is my little brother,George.这是我的弟弟乔治。 3、This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa pig. 这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。 第十一集Hiccups(打嗝) 1、Peppa,George,Mummy and Daddy are having breakfast. 佩奇,乔治,妈妈和爸爸正在吃早餐。 2、It is a lovely,sunny day,今天天气明媚,阳光灿烂, 3、and Peppa and George can't wait to go into the garden to play. 佩奇和乔治已逼不及待要去花园玩了。 4、Mummy,please,can we go out to play?妈妈,我们可以出去玩了吗? 5、You can go out to play when you finish your breakfast. 等你们吃完早餐就可以出去玩了。 6、George!Don't drink your juice too quickly!乔治!果汁不要喝得那么快。 7、George drank his juice too quickly,乔治喝果汁喝得太快了。 8、and now he has hiccups.现在他打嗝了。 9、Can we go out to play now,Mummy?我们现在可以出去玩吗,妈妈? 10、Not while George has hiccups.现在不行因为乔治在打嗝。 11、But George's hiccups have gone,Mummy. 但是乔治已经不打嗝了,妈妈。 12、Haven't they,George?没打嗝了吧,乔治? 13、Oh,alright,you can go out and play.哦,好吧,你们可以出去玩了。


《粉红猪小妹》第一季英语学习笔记(转)0 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解PeppaPig第一季:踏水坑1. muddy: adj.1. 泥泞的2. 暗的,模糊的,糊涂的puddle:n.1. 水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑muddy puddle: 水坑例句:Peppaloves jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa 喜欢跳水坑。2 run along:1. 走开2. 延伸,贯穿例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。3. boot: n.靴子例句:If youjump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑,你必须穿好靴子。4 look after: 1. 注视2. 照顾,照看例句:Peppalikes to look after her little brother, George. Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。5.mud:n.泥,烂泥例句:It's onlymud.那只是块泥。6 goodness me: 天哪7.mess:n. 杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁in a mess:又脏又乱例句:And lookat the mess you're in. 看看你们有多脏。8.clean up:1. 打扫;清理2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡)例句:Daddy,when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play,too?爸爸,等我们洗好,你和妈妈会和我们一起来玩么?9 up and down:上上下下例


Muddy puddles. It is raining today So,xx and xx cannot play outside . It’s stopped raining . Can we go out to play ? Alright ,run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots. Sorry ,mummy George likes to jump in muddy puddles ,too. George,if you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother,george. George,let’s find some more puddles. Peppa and george are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look ,george,there is a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop,George,I must check if it’s safe for you. Good ,it is safe for you. Sorry,george ,it’s only mud. Peppa and george love jumping in muddy puddles. Come on ,George ,let’s go and show daddy. Daddy,daddy,guess what we’ve been doing. Let me think. Have you been watching television? No,no, daddy. Have you just had a bath?

粉红小猪peppa pig 第三季 英文字幕 集全

粉红小猪第三季字幕 01_Work_and_Play It is a lovely sunny morning. Ah! What a nice day for doing nothing! Daddy pig loves doing nothing. Daddy, aren’t you going to work today? No, Peppa, it’s Saturday. Daddy pig doesn’t work on Saturdays. Daddy pig, you’ll be lat e for work! But it is Saturday, mummy pig, isn’t it? No. It’s Thursday! Oh! Daddy pig works on Thursdays. See you later. Bye bye. Poor daddy, having to work! Lucky mummy, you can play at home all day. I’m not playing. I’m working on my computer. George wants to play the Happy Mrs. Chicken game. George, we can play the Happy Mrs.chicken game after I finish my work. Oh. Mummy sheep and Suzy have come to pick up Peppa for playgroup. Hello Peppa! Hello Suzy! Have a good day at the play group. Bye bye mummy. Work hard… Mrs. Sheep, do you work or do you play? I’m going to be working very hard today…I’m off to the gym. What do you do at the gym? Running, jumping and skipping. Mummy, that’s not work. That’s play. Peppa and Suzy have arrived at the play group. Hello everyone! Hello Peppa, hello Suzy! Ah ho, Children! Today,we would play shops! Woo! Who wants to be shopkeeper? Me, me, me! Peppa and Suzy can be shopkeepers. Everyone else can be customers. Peppa and Suzy are going to run a pretend shop. What do we have to do? I’ll take the money Suzy and you can start the shelves. OK. Danny dog is the first customer. Hello shopkeeper. Hello Mr. Dog. Can I have some biscuits please? Suzy, have we got any biscuits? No, but we’ve got a toy telephone. How much will that be? That will be a hundred pounds please…Thank you. Next please. Hello shopkeeper, can I have a loaf of bread please? No, but you can have a toy house. Would you like it in a bag, sir? Yes, please. That will be one of penny please. Oh, I haven’t got enough money. You can pay us next time you come in. Gosh! This is hard work. Yes! Hello shopkeeper! What can I buy for a million thousand pounds please? Suzy, what have we got for a million thousand pounds? Em…a carrot. Yes, please. Rebecca Rabbit likes carrots. It is home time. Daddy pig has come to collect Peppa and Suzy. Daddy, have you had a busy day? Yes, I’ve been working very hard. We’ve been working very hard too. We’ve been shopkeepers. Blah, blah,blah, .....The end and print. Mummy pig has finished her works. Ok George, perhaps we can just play one game of Happy Mrs. Chicken.


2.Mr. Dinosaur Is Lost 2.Mr. Dinosaur Is Lost V ocabulary: Sentences: 1.like__________/____________ ●Sometimes George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. ●Peppa likes to look after her little brother George. ●I like swimming./ They like reading books. like + _________/ ____________ 2.share sth. with sb. ●At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur. e.g. 她和朋友们一起分享糖果。__________________________________ 3.be good at doing sth. ____________ ● A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things. ●Me, me. I’m good at finding things. e.g. 他很擅长讲故事。__________________________________ 4.I beg your pardon? ____________________ 5.Well done, Peppa! _____________________ 6.What’s the matter (with you)? ______________________ 7.Don’t worry, George. ____________________


G e o r g e’s N e w D i n o s a u r乔治的新恐龙 1、乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。乔治喜欢带着恐龙先生到花园里蹦蹦跳跳,洗澡时也和它一起玩。连睡觉的时候也喜欢把恐龙先生放在自己身旁。这晚睡前,佩奇说:“乔治呀,我觉得恐龙先生被弄坏了!” 2、乔治非常难过。爸爸和妈妈听见乔治的哭声,赶忙跑进来看看。“呜哇!”乔治大哭。 3、“可怜的乔治”爸爸说“也许你该有一只新的恐龙了” 4、第二天,佩奇、乔治和爸爸妈妈来到狐狸先生的商店。妈妈说:“小乔治呀,我肯定我们能在这儿找到一个一样可爱的恐龙玩具!”爸爸指着商店橱窗对乔治说:“你看!那儿有一个大恐龙!”“噢!恐龙!”乔治惊呼。 5、“早上好呀!”狐狸先生满脸笑容。“想买点儿什么呢?”“我们想买橱窗里的那个恐龙玩具,谢谢。”爸爸说。 狐狸先生说:“您可真会挑!这是咆哮龙。他会走路、讲话、还能唱歌呢!”“哇噢!”大家惊叹。 乔治激动地说:“咆哮龙!”“我们就要这个吧!”爸爸说。 6、乔治和咆哮龙在花园里玩耍。它唱着:“咆哮龙,咆哮龙,听我唱,roooooaaaaaaaar(模仿恐龙的叫声)!”“小心点乔治,”爸爸说,“别太使劲儿了,咆哮龙会被弄坏的。” 7、乔治想在洗澡的时候和咆哮龙一起玩。 8、“咆哮龙!”乔治说。“乔治呀,如果你把咆哮龙弄湿了,它就不能陪你玩了。”妈妈劝阻道。 9、佩奇和乔治都睡着了。但咆哮龙突然动起来了!“咆哮吧!咆哮龙,咆哮龙!“ 佩奇不开心了:“乔治!咆哮龙把我吵醒啦!”“或许咆哮龙该换个地方睡觉。”爸爸一边说一边拿走了咆哮龙。 10、乔治觉得有点难过。他既不能和咆哮龙在花园里玩,也不能洗澡时玩,更不能在床上玩。 11、“别担心,乔治。咆哮龙还是能咆哮的嘛!”妈妈开心地安慰他。““咆……咆哮龙!听…..听…..我…..唱…….aarr。” 糟糕。咆哮龙走不动路了,也不能完整地说话了。 12、妈妈说:“我觉得肯定是电池用完了。” 13、“这就用完了?有多少电呐?”爸爸嘟囔着说。这时,咆哮龙肚子里的电池都掉了出来。“成百上千个呢!”佩奇一边大喊,一边把它们都捡了起来。14、佩奇在灌木丛中发现了一个绿色的东西。“这是什么呀?”佩奇问道。“是个喇叭吗?”妈妈说:“你找到了恐龙先生的尾巴,现在爸爸可以把它修补好啦!”爸爸疑惑地说:“嗯,好像有点儿难。”15、断开的尾巴和恐龙先生的“伤口”完美对接,爸爸把它补好了。“吼吼吼!”爸爸咯咯地笑。 佩奇说:“你好呀恐龙先生!”“Grrrrr!拟声词”乔治呼应着。 16、“嘻嘻嘻!”大家都乐开了花。恐龙先生是乔治在这个世界上最喜欢的玩具! The Children Fete 儿童游园会 1、佩奇和她的朋友们都在操场上。公牛先生在检查学校的屋顶。“哞!这是谁给你们铺的屋顶啊?”公牛先生问。羚羊太太说:“是你呀,公牛先生。”公牛先生点头道:“铺得很不错!这屋顶能用一辈子” 2、可羚羊太太把公牛先生带到屋子里。她指着正漏水的天花板,说:“看!又开始滴水啦!” 公牛先生说:“你们需要一个新的屋顶了。” 3、羚羊太太问:“我们该去哪儿筹钱给学校换新屋顶呢?” 4、孩子们有一个好主意。他们决定举行一个游园会来给学校的新屋顶筹钱。 5、这天,游园会开幕啦。主持人是小狗丹尼。“叔叔阿姨们好!大家来为学校的新屋顶筹一些钱吧!” 6、小象艾米莉负责杂货摊。“快来看!快来看!各式各样的小玩意儿啦!”她叫卖着。 7、“嗯…”狐狸先生说,“所有这些东西看起来都很有趣。”狐狸先生经常四处寻找各种新奇玩意儿。 8、“气球!好看的气球!”小马佩德罗叫卖着。“我想要一个红色的气球。”羚羊太太说。 “那你出多少钱买呀?”羚羊太太把钱包里所有的硬币都倒了出来。 9、绵羊苏西负责脸绘小档。“能麻烦你能把我画成豹子吗?”兔子小姐问道。“噢不,我只会画水果。”苏西回答。 10、兔子小姐说:“那好吧。你能把我画成……”“一个李子!”苏西决定了。 11、公牛先生来找佩奇。他的脸被涂成了绿色。“我是一颗苹果!”他用低沉的声音说。“你想试试看幸运抽抽乐吗?每个人都有奖!” 12、公牛先生把一枚硬币投进了佩奇的铁罐里。 13、公牛先生把手伸进了幸运抽抽乐木桶里。他抽到了一个洋娃娃。“我可以试试看吗?”猫太太问。 她抽到了一台玩具挖掘机。“噢!”佩奇吸了口气,说:“你们想交换吗?”可是公牛先生和猫太太都不想交换。


粉红猪小妹第二辑中文 翻译 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

G e o r g e’s N e w D i n o s a u r乔治的新恐龙 1、乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。乔治喜欢带着恐龙先生到花园里蹦蹦跳跳,洗澡时也和它一起玩。连睡觉的时候也喜欢把恐龙先生放在自己身旁。这晚睡前,佩奇说:“乔治呀,我觉得恐龙先生被弄坏了!” 2、乔治非常难过。爸爸和妈妈听见乔治的哭声,赶忙跑进来看看。“呜哇!”乔治大哭。 3、“可怜的乔治”爸爸说“也许你该有一只新的恐龙了” 4、第二天,佩奇、乔治和爸爸妈妈来到狐狸先生的商店。妈妈说:“小乔治呀,我肯定我们能在这儿找到一个一样可爱的恐龙玩具!”爸爸指着商店橱窗对乔治说:“你看!那儿有一个大恐龙!”“噢!恐龙!”乔治惊呼。 5、“早上好呀!”狐狸先生满脸笑容。“想买点儿什么呢” “我们想买橱窗里的那个恐龙玩具,谢谢。”爸爸说。 狐狸先生说:“您可真会挑!这是咆哮龙。他会走路、讲话、还能唱歌呢!”“哇噢!”大家惊叹。 乔治激动地说:“咆哮龙!”“我们就要这个吧!”爸爸说。 6、乔治和咆哮龙在花园里玩耍。它唱着:“咆哮龙,咆哮龙,听我唱,roooooaaaaaaaar (模仿恐龙的叫声)!” “小心点乔治,”爸爸说,“别太使劲儿了,咆哮龙会被弄坏的。” 7、乔治想在洗澡的时候和咆哮龙一起玩。 8、“咆哮龙!”乔治说。“乔治呀,如果你把咆哮龙弄湿了,它就不能陪你玩了。”妈妈劝阻道。 9、佩奇和乔治都睡着了。但咆哮龙突然动起来了!“咆哮吧!咆哮龙,咆哮龙!“ 佩奇不开心了:“乔治!咆哮龙把我吵醒啦!”“或许咆哮龙该换个地方睡觉。”爸爸一边说一边拿走了咆哮龙。

粉红猪小妹peppa pig词频词汇表()

粉红猪小妹词频单 词 word the a you is and to i peppa it george pig are daddy we in can oh this have my yes what of for on that mummy has do be not hello your very but no now all up like here me grandpa go there at good with come see he little too don't got just time was dinosaur one everyone look rabbit please get they play big her how granny so where will know bit house need his thank some let's day down want make our buzy as well out back if when muddy dog home car ok am must dear boat an them would wow think us hooray today first put say can't take again teddy right then she why find best children made bye miss does little more night two friends about who tree ready maybe did their way bed new love lovely work doing puddles garden playing

最新粉红猪小妹第二集Mr Dinosaur is Lost字幕文档知识分享

S1-02 Dinosaur is lost I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. Mr. Dinosaur is Lost. is Mr. Dinosaur. DineDine SawSaw. George loves Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Eeek. Too scary. At suppertime, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George. I beg your pardon. Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur? DineDine SawSaw. At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Goodnight, Peppa. Goodnight, Mummy.

Goodnight, George. And goodnight, Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrr. When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him. George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air... Wheeeeeee. ...and catching him when he falls back down. Wheeeeeeeee. Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts. I win, Daddy. Oh, welldine Sawdone, Peppa. Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaa. George? Whaaaaaaaaa. George, what's the matter? DineDine SawSaw... George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur? George has lost Mr. Dinosaur. Don't worry George. We'll find Mr. Dinosaur. It's a job for a detective. Daddy, what is a dedine Sawtechdine Sawtiff?

粉红猪小妹台词及翻译——very hot day

Very hot Day! 大热天 旁白:The sun is shining It is a very hot day. 旁白:今天艳阳高照是一个大热天。 Mam:what a lovely,hot day! 妈妈猪:今天好热啊。 Peppa and George are wearing their boots!They are going to jump in muddy puddles! 旁白:佩佩和乔治穿着雨鞋,他们想去跳水坑。 I love muddy puddles. oh... 佩佩:我最喜欢跳水坑。喔.... Oh,dear! The sun is so hot, that the puddles have dried up! 旁白:糟糕,太阳太热了,把水坑都晒干了。 Mum,daddy.The puddles are all dry and we can’t jump in them. 佩佩:妈妈,爸爸水坑都干了,我们不能在里面跳。 Never mind,Peppa.It’s so sunny,you can play in the paddling pool instead! 妈妈:没关系佩佩,太阳那么大,你们可以到充气游泳池里去玩啊。 Yes!The paddling pool! 佩佩:对啊,充气游泳池,呵呵 First,you have to change into your swimming costumes. 妈妈:你们要先去换游泳衣才可以去哦。 Yes,Mummy! 佩佩:好的,妈咪。 Peppa and George are wearing their swimming costumes !Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume.And Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume! 旁白:佩佩和乔治换上了游泳衣,妈妈猪穿了游泳衣,爸爸猪也穿了游泳衣。Because it’s so hot you need sun cream . 妈妈:太阳好大哦,要擦防晒乳液。 It’s all oily and yucky! yucky! 乔治:哎呀..好恶心哦。 What a fuss about nothing! 爸爸:呵呵...有必要这么麻烦吗? Yes,we all need sun cream today! 妈妈:今天大家都要擦防晒乳液。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/be2401015.html,e on,George!Let’s get some air into this paddling pool! 爸爸:哦...嘿嘿...来吧乔治,我们来给游泳池充气。 Daddy Pig is pumping up the paddling pool! 旁白:爸爸猪在给游泳池打气。 Easy as pie!

粉红猪小妹peppa ig词频词汇表

粉红猪小妹词频单词word the a you is and to i peppa it george pig are daddy we in can oh this have my yes what of for on that mummy has do be not hello your very but no now all up like here me grandpa go there at good with come see he little too don't got just time was dinosaur one everyone look rabbit please get they play big her how granny so where will know bit house need his thank some let's day down want make our buzy as well out back if when muddy dog home car ok am must dear boat an them would wow think us hooray today first put say can't take again teddy right then she why find best children made bye miss does little more night two friends about who tree ready maybe did their way bed new love lovely work doing puddles garden playing love water danny from found into jumping nice worry been baby birthday things off


比《小猪佩奇》还火!这部风靡澳洲的动画片简直就是亲子游戏宝库 陪小朋友,其中最常见的方式之一,就是陪看动画片了,英文动画片也是磨耳朵,锻炼听力和口语的常见方式; 最近,好多人都在讨论一部动画片《布鲁伊Bluey》,怎么就这么莫名的火了呢,忍不住好奇,我自己也在优酷上刷了几集;好吧,我有被惊艳到;发现这确实是一部宝藏动画片,每一集的核心都是:怎么玩,不仅是一部亲子游戏大合集,而且可以称得上是动画版的“游戏力”教材。 《Bluey(布鲁伊)》是由ABC(澳大利亚广播公司)和BBC在去年10月联合推出的一部适合学龄前孩子观看的动画片。 播出不久便在IMDb上获得9.5分的高分(而小猪佩琪是6.3分),澳洲人纷纷表示, “这是我看过最好的动画片!” “这是ABC电视台有史以来最好的动画片!” “真希望自己是看着它长大的!” 截止目前《Bluey》已经有超过7500万次的播放量,成为ABC iView历史上下载次数最多的节目,超过已经播出多年、有200集的《小猪佩琪》。就在前不久(今年6月30日),还拿下了今年的“杰出儿童剧大奖”。

不仅孩子们喜欢《Bluey》,澳洲的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷们也迷上了这部动画片和其中的人物。 它究竟有什么魔力,让它这么讨人喜欢,居然轻松打败了“萌系小猪”? 故事非常简单,就是一个奶爸在家带娃的生活日常。这个设定打破了“妈妈育儿,爸爸协助”的常规,同时也是这部动画片的一大亮点。 家里有一家四口,爸爸妈妈,大女儿布鲁伊,小女儿宾果。 为了更容易被孩子接受,制作组特地选择了可爱的狗狗形象,孩子们的配音也确实是真实儿童,听到它们奶声奶气说话地口吻,我心都酥了。 虽然有52集,但每集只有6分钟,短小精悍,非常适合小朋友们。 但这部动画更难得的地方在于,就算是咱们做爸妈的看,也绝不会无聊,还能学到很多育儿小方法。 整部动画充满育儿的智慧和幽默,提供了很多超级可爱的亲子游戏玩法,简直就是育儿创意宝库。 爸爸每天在家带娃很辛苦,因此他想了很多很多亲子游戏和孩子们一起疯。 无论哪种角色他们都深入其中无法自拔,别小瞧了这些游戏,两个孩子可是从中懂得了不少道理呢! 1新型育儿理念

粉红猪小妹粉红猪小妹中英文对照剧本S1-03Best Friend好朋友

解说员:乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。 Narrator:George's favourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治说:恐…龙… Geroge:Dine-Saw 解说员:乔治好喜欢恐龙先生。 Narrator:George loves Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治说:呃…… Geroge:Grr 解说员:有时候乔治会拿恐龙先生来吓佩佩 Narrator:Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治说:呃…… Geroge:Grr 佩佩说(假装吓得直跑):哦,好可怕呀! Peppa:Eeek. Too scary. 解说员:吃饭的时候,恐龙先生坐在乔治旁边。 Narrator:At suppertime, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George. 妈妈猪说:怎么可以这样?打嗝的是你还是恐龙先生? Mummy:I beg your pardon. Was that you George,or was it Mr. Dinosaur?乔治说:恐…龙… Dine-Saw (这时候乔治又打了一个嗝,大家都“呵呵呵”的笑了。) 解说员:洗澡的时候,乔治和恐龙先生一起洗。 Narrator:At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治说:呃…… Geroge:Grr. 妈妈猪说:晚安了,佩佩 Mummy:Goodnight, Peppa. 佩佩说:晚安,妈咪 Peppa:Goodnight, Mummy.



小猪佩奇歌曲(生肉,完全自己总结的) 63recycling 快乐环保 Recycle recycle We’re going to recycle Tin cans Bottles Newspapers Recycle recycle We’re going to recycle 76the balloon ride 热气球之旅 Big balloon, big balloon Big venture summer loon Flying high In the sky Fly, fly and fly fly 88校车旅行(95学校露营、 116小毛驴戴芬)We playing a tune and we singing a song With a bing and a bong and a bing Bong bing boo Bing bong bing

Bing bong bingly bungly boo 87猪爷爷的小火车歌曲 格特鲁德号 Grandpa’s the train goes ~quququ ~quququ~ quququ ~ all day long and piggys on the train go~ oyoyoy~oyoyoy ~oyoyoy and piggys on the train go ~ oyoyoy~oyoyoy~oyoyoy ~all day long 94猪爷爷奶奶的阁楼 鸟儿鸟儿旺旺 The bird goes woof And the dog goes tweet Woof tweet, woof tweet, woof woof woof The sheep gales moo And the cows gales Baa MOO BAA WOLF tweet MOO BAA WOOF tweet WOOF WOOF WOOF


George’s New Dinosaur乔治的新恐龙 1、乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。乔治喜欢带着恐龙先生到花园里蹦蹦跳跳,洗澡时也和它一起玩。连睡觉的时候也喜欢把恐龙先生放在自己身旁。这晚睡前,佩奇说:“乔治呀,我觉得恐龙先生被弄坏了!” 2、乔治非常难过。爸爸和妈妈听见乔治的哭声,赶忙跑进来看看。“呜哇!”乔治大哭。 3、“可怜的乔治”爸爸说“也许你该有一只新的恐龙了” 4、第二天,佩奇、乔治和爸爸妈妈来到狐狸先生的商店。妈妈说:“小乔治呀,我肯定我们能在这儿找到一个一样可爱的恐龙玩具!”爸爸指着商店橱窗对乔治说:“你看!那儿有一个大恐龙!”“噢!恐龙!”乔治惊呼。 5、“早上好呀!”狐狸先生满脸笑容。“想买点儿什么呢?”“我们想买橱窗里的那个恐龙玩具,谢谢。”爸爸说。 狐狸先生说:“您可真会挑!这是咆哮龙。他会走路、讲话、还能唱歌呢!”“哇噢!”大家惊叹。 乔治激动地说:“咆哮龙!”“我们就要这个吧!”爸爸说。 6、乔治和咆哮龙在花园里玩耍。它唱着:“咆哮龙,咆哮龙,听我唱,roooooaaaaaaaar(模仿恐龙的叫声)!”“小心点乔治,”爸爸说,“别太使劲儿了,咆哮龙会被弄坏的。” 7、乔治想在洗澡的时候和咆哮龙一起玩。 8、“咆哮龙!”乔治说。“乔治呀,如果你把咆哮龙弄湿了,它就不能陪你玩了。”妈妈劝阻道。 9、佩奇和乔治都睡着了。但咆哮龙突然动起来了!“咆哮吧!咆哮龙,咆哮龙!“ 佩奇不开心了:“乔治!咆哮龙把我吵醒啦!”“或许咆哮龙该换个地方睡觉。”爸爸一边说一边拿走了咆哮龙。 10、乔治觉得有点难过。他既不能和咆哮龙在花园里玩,也不能洗澡时玩,更不能在床上玩。 11、“别担心,乔治。咆哮龙还是能咆哮的嘛!”妈妈开心地安慰他。““咆……咆哮龙!听…..听…..我…..唱…….aarr。”糟糕。咆哮龙走不动路了,也不能完整地说话了。12、妈妈说:“我觉得肯定是电池用完了。” 13、“这就用完了?有多少电呐?”爸爸嘟囔着说。这时,咆哮龙肚子里的电池都掉了出来。“成百上千个呢!”佩奇一边大喊,一边把它们都捡了起来。 14、佩奇在灌木丛中发现了一个绿色的东西。“这是什么呀?”佩奇问道。“是个喇叭吗?”妈妈说:“你找到了恐龙先生的尾巴,现在爸爸可以把它修补好啦!”爸爸疑惑地说:“嗯,好像有点儿难。” 15、断开的尾巴和恐龙先生的“伤口”完美对接,爸爸把它补好了。“吼吼吼!”爸爸咯咯地笑。 佩奇说:“你好呀恐龙先生!”“Grrrrr!拟声词”乔治呼应着。 16、“嘻嘻嘻!”大家都乐开了花。恐龙先生是乔治在这个世界上最喜欢的玩具! The Children Fete 儿童游园会 1、佩奇和她的朋友们都在操场上。公牛先生在检查学校的屋顶。“哞!这是谁给你们铺的屋顶啊?”公牛先生问。羚羊太太说:“是你呀,公牛先生。”公牛先生点头道:“铺得很不错!这屋顶能用一辈子” 2、可羚羊太太把公牛先生带到屋子里。她指着正漏水的天花板,说:“看!又开始滴水啦!” 公牛先生说:“你们需要一个新的屋顶了。” 3、羚羊太太问:“我们该去哪儿筹钱给学校换新屋顶呢?” 4、孩子们有一个好主意。他们决定举行一个游园会来给学校的新屋顶筹钱。 5、这天,游园会开幕啦。主持人是小狗丹尼。“叔叔阿姨们好!大家来为学校的新屋顶筹一些钱吧!” 6、小象艾米莉负责杂货摊。“快来看!快来看!各式各样的小玩意儿啦!”她叫卖着。 7、“嗯…”狐狸先生说,“所有这些东西看起来都很有趣。”狐狸先生经常四处寻找各种新奇玩意儿。 8、“气球!好看的气球!”小马佩德罗叫卖着。“我想要一个红色的气球。”羚羊太太说。 “那你出多少钱买呀?”羚羊太太把钱包里所有的硬币都倒了出来。 9、绵羊苏西负责脸绘小档。“能麻烦你能把我画成豹子吗?”兔子小姐问道。“噢不,我只会画水果。”苏西回答。 10、兔子小姐说:“那好吧。你能把我画成……”“一个李子!”苏西决定了。 11、公牛先生来找佩奇。他的脸被涂成了绿色。“我是一颗苹果!”他用低沉的声音说。“你想试试看幸运抽抽乐吗?每个人都有奖!”12、公牛先生把一枚硬币投进了佩奇的铁罐里。 13、公牛先生把手伸进了幸运抽抽乐木桶里。他抽到了一个洋娃娃。“我可以试试看吗?”猫太太问。 她抽到了一台玩具挖掘机。“噢!”佩奇吸了口气,说:“你们想交换吗?”可是公牛先生和猫太太都不想交换。 14、他们对自己抽到的幸运奖品都很满意! 15、小狐狸弗雷德把所有大人都召集了起来。是时候进行爸爸和妈妈们的比赛了。 大家必须站进麻布袋里,跳着穿过运动场。“各就各位!预备……开始!”弗雷德宣布比赛开始了。 16、爸爸妈妈们都觉得麻布袋跳非常好玩。最后,羚羊太太有一件重要的事情要宣布。 17、“我们筹集到了足够的钱来给学校买一个新的屋顶啦!”她说。“我们再玩一次这个游戏吧!”

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