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1997.12 北美考试真题


1.(A) The gym doesn’t open until tomorrow.

(B) He’s too busy to go to the gym.

(C) There’s a special project going on at the gym.

(D) The gym is full of kids.

2.(A) Introduce the man to Jane soon.

(B) Let the man have the book after Jane.

(C) Ask Jane what she thought of the book.

(D) Finish writing to Jane as soon as possible.

3.(A) He knows about a larger apartment she can rent.

(B) He’s helping his neighbor move.

(C) It’s difficult to get an apartment in his building.

(D) The woman should stay in her present building.

4.(A) Check their flight schedule in the morning.

(B) Change their vacation plans.

(C) Leave early for the airport.

(D) Listen to the morning weather forecast.

5.(A) Ask to see the man’s driver’s license.

(B) Sell the man a new leather wallet.

(C) Take a picture of the man.

(D) Show the man a wallet.

6.(A) Go to the exhibit tonight.

(B) Stay at home and rest.

(C) Find out what time the exhibit opens.

(D) Help the man arrange his trip.

7.(A) Offer to buy the car.

(B) Find out how much the car costs.

(C) Try to sell his car before buying another one.

(D) Write a check for the new car.

8.(A) He likes the woman’s idea.

(B) He can meet the woman in the afternoon.

(C) He will discuss the idea tomorrow.

(D) The next issue of the paper is already planned.

9.(A) He’ll have to pay a fine.

(B) He’s taking good care of the book.

(C) He returned the book to the library.

(D) He’s worried about the book.

10.(A) Take her to another exhibit.

(B) See the exhibit when it goes to another city.

(C) Go to the museum before it opens.

(D) Apply for a job at the museum.

11.(A) The bakery closed down a while ago.

(B) The bakery’s business has doubled in a year.

(C) She hasn’t done much baking recently.

(D) The bakery was busy last week.

12.(A) She wants the man to pay the cleaning charge.

(B) She has done the same thing to someone else.

(C) She doesn’t want another glass of orange juice.

(D) She isn’t upset about the incident.

13.(A) He only wears blue jeans to exercise.

(B) He hasn’t bought new pants in a while.

(C) He’s gained weight lately.

(D) He used to be an athlete.

14.(A) Looking out the window.

(B) Choosing a new desk.

(C) Building a bookcase.

(D) Rearranging furniture.

15.(A) He hadn’t heard about it.

(B) He’s not enthusiastic about it.

(C) He’s curious to know how it works.

(D) He hopes it has more than 500 channels.

16.(A) He didn’t get the clothes.

(B) The store closed while he was cleaning the car.

(C) He’ll clean up when he has more time.

(D) The clothes aren’t ready.

17.(A) He has an ear infection.

(B) He doesn’t always listen.

(C) He’s never missed a meeting.

(D) He had to attend another meeting.

18.(A) She hasn’t seen John.

(B) She doesn’t like John’s new glasses.

(C) John looks different.

(D) John has been away for quite a while.

19.(A) Wait a while to see if she feels better.

(B) Go to bed early.

(C) Take some medicine.

(D) See a doctor.

20.(A) He’s eager to go to the auto show.

(B) He doesn’t know a polite way to refuse the offer.

(C) He’d like to repay the woman’s kindness.


托福(TOEFL)考试阅读模拟试题(4) Questions 11-20 Philosophy in the second half of the 19th century was based more on biology and history than on mathematics and physics. Revolutionary thought drifted away from metaphysics and epistemology and shifted more towards ideologies in science, politics, and sociology. Pragmatism became the most vigorous school of thought in American philosophy during this time, and it continued the empiricist tradition of grounding knowledge on experience and stressing the inductive procedures of experimental science. The three most important pragmatists of this period were the American philosophers Charles Peirce (1839-1914), considered to be the first of the American pragmatists, William James (1842-1910), the first great American psychologist, and John Dewey (1859-1952), who further developed the pragmatic principles of Peirce and James into a comprehensive system of thought that he called “experimental naturalism”, or “instrumentalism”. Pragmatism was generally critical of traditional western philosophy, especially the notion that there are absolute truths and absolute values. In contrast, Josiah Royce (1855-1916), was a leading American exponent of idealism at this time, who believed in an absolute truth and held that human thought and the external world were unified. Pragmatism called for ideas and theories to be tested in practice, assessing whether they produced desirable or undesirable results. Although pragmatism was popular for a time in Europe, most agree that it epitomized the American faith in know-how and practicality, and the equally American distrust of abstract theories and ideologies. Pragmatism is best understood in its historical and cultural context. It arose during a period of rapid scientific advancement, industrialization, and material progress; a time when the theory of evolution suggested to many thinkers that humanity and society are in a perpetual state of progress. This period also saw a decline in traditional religious beliefs and values. As a result, it became necessary to rethink fundamental ideas about values, religion, science, community, and individuality. Pragmatists regarded all theories and institutions as tentative hypotheses and solutions.

新托福阅读的10种题型 详解+经验+方法论 (1)

[※]新托福阅读的10种题型: 详解+经验+方法论 iBT毕竟是一个考试 考试就有他的思路和方法,以及题型的设计 在这里,我们首先熟悉一下新托福阅读出题的基本思路,和10种基本题型,以及应对10种题型的技巧 要点: an academic environment---越来越偏向于学术的讨论,越来越像IELTS的Academic类考试 reading---a variety of different subjects passages---3 different categories based on author purpose: 1. Exposition 2. Argumentation 3. Historical 你需要了解general organization of the passage * classification * comparison/contrast * cause/effect * problem/solution 每篇阅读的平均字数是700,当然根据考试的实际情况,可多可少 iBT的阅读有10种题型,下面我们一种一种的来回顾: 经验:第1,第5种题型,占的分量最多,难度也不大,要保证一个也不错 第9种和第10种题目,难度最大,想取得高分,必须要多做综合练习 剩下的题型也很重要,想取得高分,一个都不能少 1. Factual Information Questions 这样的题目,一般来说mentioned only in part of the passage. 答题的信息就在段落的1,2句

话中 技巧:你不可能在第一遍阅读的时候,就找到正确答案,需要看题目以后,回头再找 排出那些本身就很矛盾的选项 千万不要因为你看这某个单词或者句子在段落中出现过,就选择那个选项,一定要回答问题 2. Negative Factual Information Questions 做这样的题目,你首先需要对定位:locate the relevant info. in the passage 注意,这种问题你要选择的正确答案,是那个不正确的,问题里面会明确的指出:which one is NOT true 技巧:选项里面的答案,可能叙述了一段的意思,也可能叙述了好几段 正确的那个答案,要么是直接和文章的意思矛盾,要么是文章里面没有提到的 3. Inference Questions 注意的字眼,是infer, imply, inferred 技巧: 正确的答案,必须是从文章已给内容推出的,特别注意 4. Rhetorical Purpose Questions Rhetorical is the art of speaking or writing effectively. 他不关心作者说了什么,关心的是作者为什么要这样说 技巧: 注意字眼definintion, example, to illustrate, to explain, to contrast, to refute, to note, to criticize, function of 这样的题目尤其会侧重句子还有段落之间的逻辑联系 5. Vocabulary Questions 大家不要太在意这个单词在字典里面什么意思,最重要的是,这个单词在文章里面的意思:in the reading passage, only one of the meanings of a work is relevant 技巧:问题是问你单词在文章里面的意思,再次强调 6. Reference Questions 这样的问题,主要是问你代词指代的内容是什么[根据我观察的经验,代词指代的东西,一般来说就在你这个代词的前面,或者隔了1个短语,不会太远:...AAAAA, BBB, CCC, XXX...一般来说, XXX不是指代C就是指代B,不会跑太远] 技巧:代词,pronoun, 在选择以后,检查答案的时候,一定要注意一致性:the same number: singular or plural; case: first person, second person, third person 当你选择了答案以后,你的选择会不会违反语法原则,并且会不会有意义


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better? 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success 1.many business opportunities 2.well rounded medical care system 3.a developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper

牛人经验:托福iBT写作27 完全攻略

考托者应记住的几条公理 1,托福作文就是新八股文 2,托福作文只要练好了人人可以拿27+ 3,托福作文得高分不意味着你英语水平有多高 4,提高英语水平靠多听多读多背多说多写多练多译 首先让我们全面剖析新托福作文:(以下要求均为我自己的理解,非官方版本,官方要求请参照OG) integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分 (注:文章内容和lecture 钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。 内容注定是对立的,如果你考的不是对立的,那只有一种可能,你的RP次到了人神共愤的地步了。) 综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。 independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。 独立写作八股在于:第一段陈述你的观点,支持哪一方;第二、三、四段从三个方面论述你的观点;最后一段总结一下,综上所述,某某观点是正确的。

综合写作:模板,套模板,一定要套模板! 理由:1,模板让你的思路更加清晰,这是ETS要求的。 2,20分钟!开玩笑,怎么凑到300字?当然要用模板! 3,阅读听力我都不怕,就怕作文,写三句话错两句,我怎么得26+?当然还是用模板,既然是模板就意味着是你精挑细选的句子,保证了写作的质量! 提醒:1,模板要富于变化,一篇只能用5句那你就要准备10句! 2,模板不能一味照搬别人的,避免重复! 3,保证模板里的句子没有语法和用词错误! 一般来说,大家把一下几个句子稍微变形,即完成了综合写作第一步 1. The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… (用于第一段) 2. The professor made the point that …The reading , in contrast, held a different v iew .(用于第一或第二三四段) 3. Another important point showed in the listening material is that …but the reading presents a conflicting idea that…(用于第三四段) 4. Finally, the professor stated that ...which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that...(用于第四段) 5. In general, the professor discussed the problem of …that the reading viewed in a contrary\opposing\different angle.(最后总结段) 6. According to the lecture… on the other hand \while the reading stated that … 7. The professor made the point that… on the contrary\ in contrast\ however, the writer demonstrated an ideathat… 8. The lecture supports\illustrates the idea that… 9. The lecture contradicts\refutes\ is contrary to\ is the opposite of the idea that… 10. Contrary to the belief in the passage that …the professor says that… 11. The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that… by saying that…(6-11均用于第二三四段) 大家可以把连接词变化一下,把动词变化一下或句式稍变,11句话灵活运用。 除了模板以外,综合写作我们还需要做什么? 做笔记,做听力笔记! 99.9%的情况下,综合写作的主体内容是三个对立的观点,所以大家只要把这个三个点记下来,然后把阅读里相应的三点抠出来放到模板里面去,你的综合写作就做完了,就是这么简单!


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


新托福iBT口语黄金80 题(答案版) 1.说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。 The most important book for me is my major textbook which is called Operating System. Because, there are lots of information about my major I have never known before , so it can broaden my knowledge scope. On the other hand, many definitions can explained very clearly by some examples in this book so those detailed explanations help me to get a deeply understanding of my major. 2.电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原 因。 As far as I am concerned, television has a positive effects for modern society. First, we can know what is happening in the world even without stepping out our living room. Moreover, television also has brought us a visual enjoyment and broadened our knowledge by different types of programs . Finally,watching television with family members is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work. 3、Describe the most important decision that you made in your life. Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose computer science as my major in university, It’s of great importance because it determines what I will learn and what I will do in the next four years. What’s more, it partly determines my future career for the rest of my life. After four years

托福阅读十大题型-Artisans and Industrialization

托福阅读十大题型-Artisans and Industrialization 托福阅读中词汇题是重要题型之一。根据托福阅读题型不同来进行专项练习,是短期提高托福阅读能力的有效方法。那么,在以下内容中,我们就为大家带来一系列的托福简化题内容汇总希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 托福阅读句子简化题:Artisans and Industrialization 【Paragraph 2】The creation of a labor force that was accustomed to working in factories did not occur easily. Before the rise of the factory, artisans had worked within the home. Apprentices were considered part of the family, andmasters were responsible not only for teaching their apprentices a trade but also for providing them some education and for supervising their moral behavior. Journeymen knew that if they perfected their skill, they could become respected master artisans with their own shops. Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.(Artisans and Industrialization) Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information ○Masters demanded moral behavior from apprentices but often treated them irresponsibly. ○The responsibilities of the master to the apprentice went beyond the teaching of a trade. ○Masters preferred to maintain the trade within the family by supervising and


托福真题库:托福考试真题测试(3) 31. (A) Places the man has visited. (B) A paper the woman is writing for a class. (C) School activities they enjoy. (D) The woman's plans for the summer. 32. (A) She has never been to Gettysburg. (B) She took a political science course. (C) Her family still goes on vacation together. (D) She's interested in the United States Civil War. 33. (A) Why her parents wanted to go to Gettysburg. (B) Why her family's vacation plans changed ten years ago. (C) Where her family went for a vacation ten years ago. (D) When her family went on their last vacation. 34. (A) It's far from where she lives. (B) Her family went there without her. (C) She doesn't know a lot about it. (D) She's excited about going there.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/af5358093.html, 立思辰留学360介绍,IBT是什么意思?听到很多人都说IBT考试,那容易什么是IBT呢?其实,ibt的全称是Internet-basedTesting,也就是托福网考的意思,顾名思义,这种考试方法是一种上机考试,也就是在电脑上进行考试。 不管你参加何种考试,都是需要通过报名的方式来进行的。同样,对于托福考试来说也是一样的,也是需要进行IBT报名的。在了解了IBT是什么意思后,在这里将为大家讲解ibt报名流程。 第一步:注册成为用户。完成这一步,您需要提供基本的个人资料有:姓名、证件号码、邮寄地址、电话号码和电子信箱地址,并为自己设置密码用来以后登录个人档案。提交所需要的资料后,教育部考试中心报名系统分配给您的一个NEEA用户(NEEAuserID)号码。注册之前,您将看到网上报名协议,它为网上报名系统用户设定了相应的条款。您须点击“同意”按钮,同意遵守这些条款,否则,系统将不允许您进行注册。当成功注册成为系统用户后,系统将向您的电子邮箱发送一封确认邮件。 第二步:支付考试费 在注册考试或预定服务前,您须先支付费用,支付成功后,才可注册或预定。我们建议您尽早计划可能要选择的服务以便随时注册或预定。 第三步:注册考试 当“我的主页”显示的帐户余额已够支付托福网考服务项目时,点击“注册考试”,即可注册托福网考考试。 ibt报名请注意: 互联网留学360介绍:距考试日7天前(不含考试日)为常规报名日;距考试日前第7天至考试日第3天(不含考试日)前为逾期报名日,报名要支付逾期报名附加费,考前3天停止报名。 例如:考试日为8月8日,则此次考试的常规报名将在8月1日零时截止。8月1日零时至8月5日零时为逾期报名阶段,在此阶段报名须支付逾期报名附加费。8月5日零时起停止报名。


托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分 析 托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析, 句子简化题做法介绍。今天给大家带来托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析句子简化题做法介绍托福阅读句子简化题怎么做? 托福阅读的句子简化题要求考生快速地把*段落中打上阴影的一个长难句简化成一个意思不变的同义句。解答句子简化题其实有一个规律,那就是:原句的核心信息在正确选项中一定被同义改写了,但是句子中的重要的逻辑关系是不会变的。知道这个规律,解开这道题就变得简单了。 托福阅读句子简化题解题技巧实例讲解 下面,我们来看官方真题Official3Desertification这篇*的句子简化题: The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendousnumbers of people affected,

as well as from thegreat difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process. A Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects largeareas of land and great numbers of people. B Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread overlarge areas of land. C The spread of deserts is considered a very seriousproblem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countriesare involved in the effort. D Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless thepopulation is reduced in the vast areas affected. 很多托福考生在做句子简化题时,习惯性地把待简化的句子翻译成中文,那样做其实不仅慢,而且很容易乱。 正确的做法是: 1.找出句子的主谓宾,也就是谁做了什么,然后关注句子的逻辑关系。例题的主语是:seriousness of desertification,逻辑关系词是表示原因的:result from,所以我们可以优先看有表示原因的选项,他们中若有正确答案,那么剩下的选项就无需过问了。


0308托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that these bodies are constantly (20)being deposited on all objects. Pasteur showed that if a nutrient solution was sealed in a glass flask and heated to boiling to destroy all the living organisms contaminating it, it never putrefied .The proponents of spontaneous generation declared that fresh air was necessary for spontaneous generation and that the air inside the sealed flask was affected in some way (25)by heating so that it would no longer support spontaneous generation. Pasteur constructed a swan-necked flask in which putrefying materials could he heated to boiling, but air could reenter. The bends in the neck prevented microorganisms from getting in the flask.. Material sterilized in such a flask did not putrefy. 1,What does the passage mainly discuss? (a)Pasteur’s influence on the development of the microscope. (b)The origin of the theory of spontaneous generation . (c)The effects of pasteurization on food. (d)Pasteur’s argument agai nst the theory of spontaneous generation . 2,The phrase “teeming with ”in line 2 is closest in meaning to (a)full of (b)developing into (c)resistant to (d)hurt by 3,Which of the following questions did the theory of spontaneous generation attempt to answer? (a)What is the origin of the living organisms are seen on some food? (b)How many types of organisms can be found on food? (c)What is the most effective way to prepare living organisms for microscopic examination? (d)How long can food stand before it putrefies? 4,The word “resemble” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

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