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新托福写作讲义09年暑假 第一课时新托福考试流程 报名-缴费-考试流程和界面-成绩-大学录取分数线 第二课时新托福考试备考 观点1 攻克托福考试最有效的捷径是听写 观点2 托福考试全面复习的同时重点放在单词和听力上 观点3口语和写作部分是很容易得分的 第三课时新托福独立写作评分标准 第三课时新托福独立写作中文构思和文章结构 第四课时新托福独立写作开头部分 例子——提炼——中文思维模板——中文练习——英文模板——英文练习——英文模板变换 开头类型1:特训234 同意不同意:明智的父母比优秀的老师对我们教益更多 明智的父母教会我们许多生活的哲理,例如高尚的价值观、与不同的人融洽相处的方法以及理解她对他人的责任。优秀的老师则教会我们怎样为将来的工作做好准备和实现梦想所需要的技能。老师和父母在我们的成长中起着同样重要的作用,是他们使我们对未来有了一种敏锐的洞察力。所以,我反对明智的父母比优秀的老师对我们教益更多的观点。 提炼类型1:用例子解释或定义关键词1+用例子或定义解释关键词2+所以,表明观点

开头类型1举例:图书馆还是体育设施 图书馆的资源是大学生获取知识、培养自学能力最主要的方式之一。而体育设施能够使大学生强身健体、舒缓压力、娱乐身心。我不否认体育锻炼对于学生成长的重要影响。但作为大学投资的决定,学校应该把更多的钱投资于图书馆而不是体育设施。 开头类型1举例:事实还是概念 事实是发生在我们周围事情,往往形象生动并且容易让人理解,而概念是事实的总结和抽象,能够概括一系列符合规律的事实。因此据我来看,在学习的过程中间,概念和事实的学习对于学生来说有着不同的作用。 开头类型2:特训236 同意不同意在社区周围建立一家折扣店 折扣店的出现成为我们社区关注的焦点。当一家企业决定在购物区开折扣店时,一些人游行表示反对,而另一些人觉得在这种商店购物很方便。我喜欢附近有一所大型折扣店,但我也能理解在同一条街开小商店的朋友为什么不喜欢这种竞争对手。换句话说,我支持新商店,因为它位置便利、价格低廉。 提炼类型2:关键词背景+论题重复+表明观点 开头类型2举例:经济发展和环境保护 经济发展和环境保护逐渐成为全球政府共同关注的两大议题。政府在制定国家发展策略的时候,一些人主张优先发展经济,而另一些人认为人们的首要任务是保护环境。


托福写作高分范文-父母是否是我们最好的老师 在托福写作的备考过程中,除了词汇和句型的基础掌握之外,各类范文的不断巩固和学习,也会为自己的托福写作带来很大的帮助。那么,在以下内容中,我们就为大家详细介绍一下,托福写作的一些范文,希望能为大家的托福备考带来帮助。 写作题目: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Rather than help children with schoolwork, parents should let children work independently. 相比于帮助小孩做作业,家长应该让小孩独立完成,是否同意? 写作范文: Completing school’s assignments on time is actually not a small and unimportant matter. With the increasing social competition, children have to acquire more knowledge and set up positive habits in their thinking and behavior systems. Doing school works independently could better educated students to develop beneficial habits in action and reflection, as well as help them to learn from trails. It is often said that the habits determines destiny. And encouraging children do assignments independently could help them unconsciously develop benign behavior habits. Students would learn how to make plan to schedule school affairs and insist on implementing them. Students would also learn how to tell important things and pressing things from a mess. Other positive behavior habits such as facing failure positively or others could also be learned from completing school works on time, which seems too small but actually have great significance. Creating such habits will then have long-lasting influence on


如何做一个优秀的教 师

如何做一个优秀的教师 南庄学区吴塬教学点田燕燕 不管你是正怀着又兴奋又惶恐的心情刚刚踏上这个旅程,还是早已上路。那么,你有没有想过从现在开始的1年、5年、15年、30年之后你将走向哪里?想来我也是工作16年的中年教师,也自认为无论在学科教学还是班级管理方面,都有了一定的经验,但始终感觉当一名教师,当一名真正的好老师,当一名我一直期望的那种教师——受人尊重与爱戴的教师,还是难以企及他们所拥有的激励别人的那种潜力。这大概就是教育上最令人着迷的难题了:论你在工作上如何全力以赴,离学生所应得到的还是相差甚远。也许这就是我在潜意识里选此题目的理由吧!不管你是有意为之,还是无心插柳;不管是教师这个职业选择了你,还是你选择了教师这个职业。总之,我们现在的职业是教师,就应该搞好自己的本职工作。 有人说:学生是一艘轮船,在知识的海洋中航行,能否顺利到达成功的彼岸,教师这个航标起到导航的关键作用。对于学困生就更需要一盏导航的明灯,照亮指引他们前进的方向。对于学生来说,老师就是太阳,她们就是那渴望阳光的花朵。学困生就像那花丛中迟迟未开的小花苞,他们更需要阳光的关照。让每位学生都学有所得,学有所成,这是我们教师的职责。作为一名教师,首先应具有教学能力,其次,应树立崇高的职业理想,具有高尚的人格。恪守职业道德、知行统一,严格要求自己、为人师表、乐业、敬业、精业、重视形象、净化

心灵、懂爱懂美、有责任心、做事细心、有恒心,怎样才能做一个无愧于社会的优秀老师呢? 一、乐业。所谓乐业,就是热爱自己的职业,并且享受其中的快乐,从中能够找到乐趣。孔老夫子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”只有乐之者,才会充分发挥自己的聪明才智去完成一件事情。乐业就是热爱自己的工作岗位,热爱本职工作。爱岗是对人们工作态度的一种普遍要求。热爱本职,就是以正确的态度对待自己所从事的工作,努力培养热爱自己所从事的工作的幸福感、荣誉感。一个人,一旦爱上了自己的工作,就会全身心地融合在职业工作中。对工作是否热爱,有一个个人对工作的兴趣问题。有兴趣就容易产生爱的感情,没有兴趣就谈不上爱。但每一个岗位都要有人去干,缺一不可。这就要求不论人们对从事的工作是否感兴趣,都要从整个社会需要的角度出发,培养兴趣,热爱这一工作,这是基本觉悟的一种表现。以高标准要求自己的工作,这个高标准,体现在想问题、办事情、作决策等各个方面,更体现在自己的工作岗位上,干一行、爱一行,饱含感情去工作,把所从事的工作做到一定高度、一种境界。 二、敬业。所谓敬业,就是用一种严肃的态度对待自己的工作,勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,恪尽职守。我国古代思想家就提倡敬业精神,孔子称之为“执事敬”,朱熹解释为:“敬业者,专心致志以事其业也”。敬业,是一种高尚的品德,是人


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B


雅思强化写作精讲班第4讲讲义 有效避免7种语法错误 有效避免7种语法错误 1 Employee can benefit more from telecommuting than employer. 2.1 Work at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency. 2.2 Children who are raise in impoverished families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 2.3The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve. 2.4 Many students are very like studying home economics. 2.5 In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar. 3 Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers. 4.1 Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globalisation may create. 4.2 The Internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms. 5 Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself. 6 Some people think the Internet only has positive impact, other people think it also has negative influence on our lives. 7 There are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment. 高分范文讲解 范文讲解 In Britain, when some people get old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. The government has to pay for his care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Give reasons for your answer. Example 2 Band 8 One of the most challenging problems of today’s society is the question about who should be responsible for our old people. It is not only a problem with money but also a question of the system we want our society to have. In my essay, I would like to present four possible models. Firstly, the company could be responsible for its retired employees. To do this, a special fund could be established. The advantage of this model is that if one believes in the capitalist system, it should be the cheapest solution. One possible problem is that the companies may have competition disadvantage due to higher staff costs. A second solution is that the government has to take the responsibility for the old people’s care. It can finance this with its tax in comes. Actually, this is the most democratic model since everybody gets as much money as he or she needs. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this solution seems not to work very well.


怎么当好老师,该注意什么 讲课四要素; 讲解书写讲义互动 1.讲解 一、什么是讲解 讲解是通过语言对知识的分析,提示事物及其构成要素的发展过程,使学生把握事物的在联系和规律,向学生传授知识和技能、方法和技巧、以及启发思维、表达思想情感的教学行为。为了提高讲解的效率,不同的教学环节,应该运用不同的技能与技巧。 二、讲解的要求 要求教师必须思路清晰,一步扣一步,步步衔接紧凑。一般说来,新授容是由若干个教学事件构成,教师必须清楚:每一个教学事件教师干什么?学生干什么?针对某一个教学事件,学生可能会怎样想?学生可能想什么?教师怎样引导学生去想?学生在什么地方可能出现思维阻塞?这就需要: ⑴充分准备,启发思维:要明确教学目标,分析教学容与学生的实际,建立清晰的讲解结构,也就是说,先讲什么?后讲什么?前后怎样连接。 ⑵提供依据,注意科学性:所举证据和例证要充分、具体、恰当, ..

并要明确依据与结论之间的关系。 ⑶突出重点、突破难点:重点指重要知识,由教学容的特点来确定;难点由教学容与学生的关系以及学生的基础等情况来确定。突出重点、突破难点的方法:重复;停顿;提问;提高语音语调或降低语音语调;板书强调等。 ⑷组织要有条理,注意逻辑性:讲解的过程合理,条理要清楚,逻辑严密,层次分明,体现物理学的认识方法。讲解不仅使学生明确每一步的出发点,思考方向、结论,而且要明确各步骤之间的逻辑联系。 ⑸语言清晰、流畅、简练、通俗、生动 ⑹反馈和调控:通过反馈和调控实现师生之间情感的激励和知识信息的有效传递,达到教学目标。另外,讲解还要情感投入。课堂上师生之间的情感交流是创造和谐的课堂气氛和良好智力环境的重要因素。讲解中情感的交流与语音和语速的变化有很大的关系,为了使讲解生动,应使讲解的语音和语速适合讲解容中情感交流的需要,进行必要的情感投入。 三、讲解的类型 ⑴说明:包括对教学对象、活动方式、活动目的、简单事实、知识和技能、术语的说明。 ..


托福基础写作 一、托福写作概述 二、英汉两种语言的区别 (一)、美国人与中国人思维方式的不同。 linear way of thinking (二)、英汉句子结构的特点。英语重形和,重结构,汉语重意和, 重语义。英语中常用复合句;汉语则常用短句,简单句。 10 Linking words cohesion 1. conj.: 1) and. but, or, so, while 2) if, because, although, That, who, which, what, as---as more than, so--- that 2. in this reason, in conclusion, for example 3. however, unfortunately, Undeniably 4. to make things worse 5. generally speaking 6. 同义词 7. repetition 8. this, it, that, those 9. interesting to see 10. what is more (三)英语多变化variety(diversity),汉语多重复。 (四)英语被动句多。汉语中主动句多。 三、中国学生写作最易犯的十大错误 1. Nowadays, college student should learn competition and cooperation. 2. The problem that is created by computers attract (draw, spark, captivate, intrigue, arouse, yield, give rise to) much attention. 3. In present-day society, there are a great many young people go abroad. 4. In my opinion, I think that smoking should be banned in public places. 5. The computer can not instead the pivotal role played by teachers in education. 6. Some people welcome raising pets, others hold different opinions.


Perhaps no issue in this world is as significance to students as education. Despite various responses people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding which thing should the education aim at. I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that preparing for careers should have primary consideration. When people improve their living level, rest is more and more important to us, for example, going to museum, going to concert, and going to swim with friends. The government should give money to the public movement, but other people think the government should provide these money to museums and music center, but not to the rest things. I do not agree with this opinion. With the improvement of living quality of modern people, leisure activities become more and more important for them, such as go to the museum, concert, or go to swim with friends and so on. There is no doubt that government should give subsidies to support those public activities, but some people argue that it’s more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities. I disagree with this opinion. improve our relation’s web. Join LinkedIn and Plaxo, and ask for advices from current and past partners. We should use Twitter to update your project, and connect with other partners. We must find the local internet groups, and join in them. Ramp up your networking. Join LinkedIn and Plaxo, and ask for recommendations from current and past coworkers. Use Twitter to update the world on your current projects as well as network with other like-minded individuals. Look for local networking groups, and start attending them. Prepare for success. You should register a website by your name.Then you can build a very impressive and professional e-mail. You can encourage other people to look at your website. Take a photo. This will prepare for your web, and advertisement, and anything can raise your professional image. You may order the name card with your name, website and telephone number on it. If you do not want to receive the telephone from other companys, you can use the skype in’s number, and it is 60 dollar/year. Prepare for success. Consider registering a web site in your name. You can then create a professional-sounding email address that will encourage people to take a journey of your web site. Get a professional photograph taken. This is for your web site, your advertising, or anything else that you will be doing to promote your image as a serious professional. Order your own business cards in your name with your web site and business number. If you don’t want your cell phone ringing with business calls at work, consider a Skype In number, which will cost you just $60 a year. If you want to make a achievement, there are two parts you have to do: You must have time to make a dream, and you must make a movement. You should have time to make a visualization every day. You must think about it and make a note of them. You should make a rule that you should make some time every day to make your dream real. If you are an artist, you should make an artistic production. If you are a writer, you should write something. If you do not do any thing, the dream will never come ture.


复习建议 敲字和单词量,电脑上听写、写字板里练习写作 重复阅读官方指南第五章249-293和321-343 分类读185题库,列提纲,贯彻详细细节,查字典 分类写文章,修改到完美,准备机经 练习3分钟看一篇短文,做笔记然后重述能力 练习听学术段子,重述能力,建议93篇学术段子 练习可以从不计时到计时,量变到质量 三角和巴朗练习 一、独立写作评分原则 An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following: ●Effective ad dresses the topic and task ●Is well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplification,and/or details ●Displays unity,progression,and coherence ●Displays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word choice,and idiomaticity,though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors. OG 325-343 effectively:in a way that produces the intended result or a successful result organized:arranged or planned in a particular order or structure developed:to make an idea clearer by explaining it further explanation:a statement,fact or situation that tells you why a reason given for sth unity:the state of looking or being complete in a natural and pleasing way progression:the process of developing gradually from one stage to another coherence:of different ideas,arguments,sentences to have a clear logical connection so that together they make a whole consistent:always behaving in the same way ,or having the same opinions standard


写作提高: 1. 中文思维——看到题目有话可说; 2. 英文表达——正确恰当把中文思维体现成英文 细节,结构,语言 细节:清晰恰当的举例或“说明”能力;并不是一定出现for example,论据:why, what, how 结构:正常的逻辑说话顺序 不重视语言。 语言:讲究用简单的话陈述深刻的道理; 不是用复杂的话陈述简单的道理 审题:1. 问法:which one, A & D (10-30 sec.) 2. 思考什么现象导致出此题目(30-60 sec.)

思考方式:1.过去和今天对比;2.以自身为背景; 3. 细化主题词 写作: A 开头部分 题目背景:1.通过现象 2.引出话题 3-5mins 50字 主题句(开头)用肯定的语言概括文章将来结构(理由,例子) B 论证部分 1 (1)key words和题目相同(尽量保持题目语序) (2)概括此段大意(尽量概括论据) (3)简单准确 2 解释1句 3 解释2句论据:why / what / how 4 解释3句

C 结尾部分 主题句(结尾)清晰明确 递进 A & D(含有绝对词) 第1段:BI(Back Information) 第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定 第3段:加上绝对词否定 第4段:TS (Thesis Statement) + 递进(取决于&不得不) “含绝对词立论文”出题形式 A is the most important. & A is more important than B. 2. A is important. 3. However, B is the same important. 4. I disagree that A is the “most” important. (1) It depends on …… whether A or B is

无老师托福作文 高级词汇代替

形容词/副词 Important: essential, significant★★★★★, vital, crucial★★★★★,profound★★★★★, play a pushing role, indispensable, requisite, critical★★★★★, fundamental★★★★★, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary★★★★★, basically, necessary… Angry: annoyed★★★★★, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated★★★★★, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk,outraged★★★★★, resentful★★★★★… Big: gigantic★★★★★, massive★★★★★, colossal, enormous, immense★★★★★, gargantuan, tremendous★★★★★, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge,monster, bulky, Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular★★★★★, outstanding★★★★★, distinguished, remarkable★★★★★, superb, incredible, unbelievable, out of this world, magnificent★★★★★, charmin★★★★★g,stunning, fantastic★★★★★, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing,awesome Many: numerous, myriad★★★★★, infinite, Forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless★★★★★, everlasting★★★★★,undying, endless, changeless, perpetually★★★★★…无老师的《iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词》又来啦! Small: minimum, diminutive★★★★★, minute★★★★★, petite, wee,undersized, teeny, tiny, little, petite(女子身高娇小) Bad: awful★★★★★, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect★★★★★, inadequate★★★★★, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory★★★★★,harmful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil,immoral(此词的意思是“不道德的”,请用于适当场合)


新托福强化听力讲义 新托福考试听力部分介绍 1. 新托福和旧托福的对比 考试形式预读题目笔记题型 PBT旧托福Paper Yes No 1/4 choice multiple IBT新托福Internet No Yes New types 2. 题量,时间,分数 文章类型题量题目数时间CONVERSATION 2-3 5 / conversation 2-3 min / conversation LECTURE 4-6 6 / lecture 4-6 min / lecture min TOTAL 6-9(加试)34 60-90 SCALE SCORE: 30 见OG185评分标准 3. 题目的考查形式 考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,草稿本 电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书 新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题 答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限 答题流程:永不悔改 4. 文章材料的考查形式 文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查 文章长度:比旧托福长 文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更加贴近真实的学习生活 文章类型:对话,独白,讨论 CONVERSATION文章思路 LECTURE文章思路

5. 新托福考试题型概述 IBT listening comprehension Basic comprehension Gist question Detail question Pragmatic understanding Purpose question Attitude question Connecting information Organization question Inference question 题号问题题型1 Why does the student go to see the professor? Gist question 2 According to the professor, what information should the student include in her statement of purpose? Detail Question 3 What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s background? Detail Question 4 Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went ot medical school? Detail Question 5 What does the professor imply about the people who admit students to graduate school? Inference question 6 What are the students mainly discussing? Gist question 7 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the woman say this? Purpose question 8 According to the conversation, why are transposes sometimes called “jumping genes”? Detail Question 9 According to the conversation, what are two ways in which bacteria cells get resistance genes? Detail Question 10 What can be inferred about the resistance genes discussed in the conversation? Inference question 11 What is the talk mainly about? Gist question 12 What is the professor’s point of view concerning the method of “safe yield”? Detail Question 13 According to the professor, what are two problems associated with removing wter from an underground system? Detail Question 14 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the professor say this? Purpose question



武夷山中华职业学校学生上课要求 1、严格按学校作息时间上下课,做到不迟到、不早退、不旷课。 2、上课期间对老师要有礼貌,尊重老师,认真听课。 3、上课期间不许喧哗、睡觉等不良现象。 4、上课期间不得玩手机、接打电话(手机一律关机)、做与课堂 无关的事情。 5、上课期间有特殊情,如身体不适需离开课堂时,应提前举手请 示任课教师,同意后方可出去。 6、上课期间不得上厠所,体育课不得到处乱跑,体育课活动场所 必需在操场。 7、技能操作课要遵守各操作室管理制度,不破坏设备,电脑课不 得玩游戏。有意破坏教学设备,则双倍赔偿。 8、请假有影响课时的需到教务处审批。 武夷山中华职业学校教务处 2014年2月16日

学生考勤制度 I.考勤范围、标准和计算方法 一、考勤范围 包括课程表安排的课时和学校安排的集体活动(如升旗,课间操等)。 二、考勤标准 (一)要求请假、请假未获准和超过假期而缺勤者,视为旷课;(二)老师点名或开始讲课后进入教室者为迟到; (三)上课时未经任课教师允许而先行离开教室者为迟早退;(四)检察人员检查时学生不在现场可确定为旷课。 三、考勤计算方法 (一)考勤计算的基本单位为节(课时); (二)迟到、早退3次为旷课1节; (三)迟到或早退超过半节视为旷课一节; (四)升旗或课间操折算为1节; (五)学校统一安排的活动按规定折合课时计算; (六)6节折合为1天。 II 考勤程序与请假审批 一、考勤程序 (一)班级课堂考勤表每次课一份,由班长交由任课教师考勤,考勤完毕后交回班长,班主任抽查,掌握学生情况,必要时及时与家长联系;考勤表每天傍晚17:00之前交到教务处。


12月10日托福写作答案解析 综合写作】 关于加拿大一种当地语言的保护。阅读说了几个影响语言消失的factor,听力反驳。 阅读文章: 1. 根据一个survey,当地十六岁以下才有百分之二十的人说当地话,而且在减少。 2. 当地渔业为了实现国际化,只说international话,比如说像English这种语言。因此,父母不鼓励孩子学当地话。 3. 电视和电台大部分都是用English和French播的,这对年轻人影响比较大的。所以也造成这种语言的后继无人。 听力文章: 1. 阅读中survey的数据不准确,实际收据比这个要多。因为survey 只是针对traditional的当地话,而年轻人说的也是当地话,只不过比较modern。 2. 听力说及时发展渔业也还是需要和local交易的。而local人只说当地话,所以在工作中说当地话也很重要,父母们也意识到了,开始让孩子们学。

3. 听力说确实电视和电台是这样的,但是网络媒体并不这样,人家大部分还是用native language的,而且听众也挺多的。 【独立写作】 Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision. 题目解析: 这道题算是一道老题,和今年5月29日那场考试的题目(It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older than when you are young.)极其类似。并且,也呼应了2015年北美考场的真题。所以,部分同学对此可能并不陌生。 写作思路解析: 选择年轻时旅行 1. 丰富生活 列出细节(the Golden Gate Bridge ,The Pyramids and The Louvre)具体描绘世界之五彩缤纷。拿书本所学和实际经历对比,感叹纸上得来终觉浅。拿年轻实现旅行梦想和年老后悔对比,鼓励年轻人尽早行动。

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