当前位置:文档之家› 美国概况练习


1 The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____.

A George Washington

B Thomas Jefferson

C William Penn

D Benjamin Franklin

2 The New Deal was started by _____.

A Franklin Roosevelt

B J.K. Kennedy

C George Washington

D Thomas Jefferson

3 The United States was rated _____ in the world in terms of land areas.

A second

B third

C fourth

D fifth

4 The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by _____.

A Teachers

B students

C headmaster

D boards of education

5 The Bill of Rights consists of _____.

A 10 very short paragraphs in an amendment

B 10 amendments adopted in 1787

C 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791

D the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion

6 The United States produces as much as much as half of the world’s _____.

A wheat and rice

B cotton

C tobacco

D soybeans and corn

7 Which invention marked the beginning of ―The Age of Visual Information‖?

A Newspaper

B Telegraph

C Laundry machine

D Television

8 The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from _____.

A George Washington

B Thomas Jefferson

C John Adams

D John Locke

9 The District of Manhattan is in the city if _____.

A Washington D.C.

B San Francisco

C New York

D Chicago

10 The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states_____.

A according to their population

B according to their size

C according to their tax paid to federal government

D equally


1 C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。

2 A, 新政是罗斯福为了应对美国经济大萧条而提出的。

3 C, 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国。

4 D, 对此有决定权的是教育委员会。

5 C, 人权法案是于1791年增补到宪法法案上来的前十条修正案。

6 D, 美国出产占世界一半的是大豆和玉米。

7 D, 开创人类视觉信息革命的重大发明是电视机。

8 D, 美国的许多政治观念都是来源于英国著名哲学家约翰?洛克。

9 C, 曼哈顿是纽约市的著名经济和商业区,也是纽约的中心地带。

10 D, 美国每一个州在参议院中均有两位议员作为代表,与各州人口无关和众议院不同)。


1 Ernest Hemingway is _____.

A Englishman

B American

C Dutch

D Denmark

2 John Fitzgerald Kennedy is _____ president.

A 35th

B 34th

C 33rd

D 32nd

3 In 1837, the first college-level institution for women , Mount Holyoke Female Seminary , opened in _____ to serve the ― Muslim sex‖.

A New England

B Virginia

C Massachusetts

D New York

4 The capital of Massachusetts is _____.

A Providence

B Boston

C Montpelier

D Augusta

5 _____ is the dividing line between the South and North.

A The Hudson River

B The Potomac River

C The Ohio River

D The Missouri River

6 _____ is Washington’s largest city.

A Boise

B Denver

C Tacoma

D Seattle

7 Washington D.C., the capital of U.S. is situated on the _____River banks.

A St. Lawrence

B Hudson

C Potomac

D Missouri

8 When did the American Civil War break out?

A 1775

B 1812

C 1861

D 1863

9 Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?

A John Adams

B Thomas Jefferson

C Benjamin Franklin

D John Hancock

10 In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A 5 November

B 31 October

C 17 March

D 25 December


1 B,文坛巨匠海明威是美国人。

2 A,肯尼迪是美国的第35任总统。

3 C,美国的第一所女子学院开设于马萨诸塞州。

4 B,麻省的首府是波士顿。

5 D,美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。

6 D,华盛顿州的最大城市是西雅图。

7 C,华盛顿特区位于波托马克河上。

8 C,美国内战爆发于1861年,结束于1865年。

9 B,为美国起草独立宣言的是托马斯?杰弗逊。

10 B,万圣节前夕是10月的最后一天即10月31号。

美国概况5( 转)

1 The world-famous Harvard University is in _____.

A Massachusetts

B New York

C Washington D.C.

D Maine

2 Which of the following statements about American education is wrong?

A Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory

B Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals.

C There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones

D Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year

bachelor’s degree.

3 _____ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment.

A Broadway

B Wall Street

C The Fifth Avenue

D Times Square

4 ____ is not a tourist attraction in the United States.

A Yellowstone National Park

B Grand Canyon

C St. Patrick’s Cathedral

D Stonehenge

5 ____ was an actor before he became the President.

A Ronald Reagan

B Abraham Lincoln

C Herbert Hoover

D Jimmy Carter

6 New Englanders were originally known as _____, which come to stand for all Americans.

A Hippies

B Yankees

C Uncle Sam

D Brother Jonathan

7 On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in _____, which housed the government then.

A New York

B Washington D.C.

C Philadelphia

D Boston

8 Which of the following people was not an American President?

A John Hancock

B John Adams

C John Q. Adams

D Jimmy Carter

9 Henry Fond was the first man to _____.

A design a plane

B fly an aeroplane

C mass-production

D design and make a car

10 ―That government of the people, by the people, for the people, … ‖were the words by _____.

A Thomas Jefferson

B Abraham Lincoln

C Andrew Johnson

D Theodore Roosevelt


1 A, 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cambridge)镇。

2 C, 在美国,私立高等教育机构要多于公立的。象麻省理工,耶鲁大学,哈佛大学都是私立的。

3 A, 百老汇是一条由南向北贯穿曼哈顿全岛的大道,其中心地带是在第42借―时代广场‖附近,周围云集了几十家剧院,上演被称为现代歌舞剧的剧目。

4 D, Stonehenge 在英国,是古代城池的遗迹。

5 A, 里根从政前曾经在好莱坞闯荡20多年,参与演出了50多部电影。

6 B, Yankees 一词具有丰富的含义。现在用于代表美国人,俗称美国佬。在美国南部,Yankee是指美国北部各州的居民,即北方佬;而对多数美国人来说,Yankee 意味着新英


7 A, 1789年George Washington 在纽约宣誓就职,1790年首都迁往费城。1800年以后定都华盛顿。

8 A, John Hancock,因其当时在《独立宣言》上的签名很大,他的名字在美语里变成了签名的代名词。

9 C, Henry Ford 早期是一名技师,虽然没有发明汽车,但他是第一位批量生产汽车的人。

10 B, 这是Abraham Lincoln 于1863年11月19日在葛底斯堡阵亡将士墓举行落成仪式上发表的著名的《葛底斯堡演说》的片语。


1 The Rocky Mountains is located in _____.

A Great Britain

B Australia

C South Africa

D North America

2 Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city?

A Los Angles

B Chicago

C New York

D Washington

3 Which of the following is an American newspaper?

A The Guardian

B Newsweek

C The International Herald Tribune

D The Daily Telegraph

4 The U.S. is called a ―melting pot‖ because _____.

A its steel industry is highly developed

B it has great influence on the world

C it is an important economic center of the world

D people from different races live there together

5 The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____.

A Codpeed

B Susan Constant

C May Flower

D Discovery

6 Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have _____.

A given their lives for their country

B made great scientific discoveries

C won American great reputation in sports

D donated large amounts of money to the country

7 ―Trick or Treat‖ is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated _____.

A New Year’s Day

B Veteran’s Day

C Halloween

D Christmas

8 The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated with Easter, are considered to present _____.

A vigor and bravery

B fertility and new life

C originality and speed

D happiness and fun

9 Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

A The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

B The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

C Life on the Mississippi

D Leaves of grass

10 Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving?

A Nature

B The Scarlet Letter

C The Sketch Book

D Farewell to Arms


1 D, 落基山脉位于美国西北部,向东南延伸。

2 A, 好莱坞和迪士尼均位于洛杉矶。

3 B, 《新闻周刊》是美国的报纸,而《国际先驱论坛》是法国的,《卫报》和《每日电讯》为英国的。

4 D, 美国被称之为―大熔炉‖是因为来自世界各地的人们所带来的各自的文化在此交融形成独特的多元文化特征。

5 C, 首批清教徒到美国时乘坐的船是―五月花号‖。

6 A, Memorial Day 是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。

7 C, 万圣节是美国的传统节日。万圣节前夜,孩子们带着各种面具,穿着奇异的衣服,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:―Trick or Treat‖,向大人们讨要糖果。不给的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧。

8 B, 复活节彩蛋和兔子是―多产和新生‖的象征。

9 D, Leaves if grass 是Walt Whitman 的作品。

10 C, Washington Irving 被称作是美国文学之父,这是他最有名的作品。A 是Ralph W. Emerson 的作品, B 是Nathaniel Hawthorne 的作品, D 是Earnest Hemingway 的作品。


1. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. Congress

C. President

2. The general election in America is held every _____ years.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

3. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is _____.

A. donkey

B. elephant

C. eagle

4. _____ has the sole right to interpret the Constitution.

A. The Cabinet

B. The Supreme Court

C. President

D. Congress

5. The symbol of the US Republic Party is _____.

A. tiger

B. elephant

C. donkey

6. The political system of the US is based on the following except _____.

A. federalism

B. the constitutional monarchy

C. the separation of powers

D. respect for the constitution

E. the rule of law

7. The US Federal Government is composed of the following except _____.

A. the legislative

B. the standing committee

C. the judicial

D. the executive

8. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _____.

A. the size of the area

B. the size of the population

C. the tradition

D. the wealth

9. The Democratic Party of America was founded in _____.

A. 1845

B. 1828

C. 1787

10. There are _____ departments in American Government.

A. 13

B. 14

C. 15

11. The law-making or the legislative body in the government is _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. the Congress

C. the Cabinet

D. the president’s committee

12. All states in America have the legislative branch of two houses except the state _____.

A. Nebraska

B. Nevada

C. Oregon

13. In each state there are about _____ counties on average.

A. 30

B. 50

C. 60

14. The members in the Senate must be at least _____ years old and those in the Representative _____ years old.

A. 40, 30

B. 30, 26

C. 30, 25

15. The tenure of office of federal judges is _____ years long.

A. 8

B. for life

C. 5

16. The Democratic and the Republican Parties gradually lost their differences after _____.

A. 1865

B. 1860

C. 1870

17. There are _____ presidential electors for all the states.

A. 535

B. 100

C. 538

D. 435

18. The Federal Government and the states governments are supposed to _____ each other.

A. guide

B. control

C. keep independence from

19. If the president wants to put a treaty into effect, he has to get the approval by two thirds of the _____.

A. Senate

B. Cabinet

C. Congress

I. Fill in the Blanks

1. Only the _____ _____ has the right to interpret the constitution.

2. There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives.

3. Each of the fifty states of US elects _____ senators.

4. There are _____ judges in the Supreme Court of America.

5. The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the _____ _____ _____.

6. The Federal Constitution consists of _____ articles and _____ amendments.

7. The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the ―System of _____ and _____‖.

8. The _____ determines the government and divides the power of the government into three branches.

9. The official presidential residence is the _____ _____.

10. _____ is the only way in which the president can legally be removed from office.

11. In 1974 President _____ was impeached and he resigned his office before a trial could take place.

12. The parties in the US choose all their candidates for election, except for president, as ―_____ _____‖.

13. In American history _____ presidents have been assassinated.

14. The president who was first assassinated in 1865 was _____ _____.

15. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the _____ and the House of _____.

16. In the US the chief function of _____ is to make laws.

17. The Democratic Party grew out of the _____.

18. There are _____ persons in the Jury.

19. There are _____ members in the Senate.

20. The head of he House of Representatives is called the _____.

21. According to the _____, the president should be a citizen born in the US territory.

22. The two main parties are the Democratic and the _____ Party.

II. Explain the Following Terms

1. FBI

2. The President-elect

III. Answer the Following Questions

1. What is the role of the US congress? What is the criticism of the Congress in the American Press?

2. What are the main features of the State government?

Part V


II.1. Supreme Court 435 2 9 Bill of Rights 7, 26 Checks, Balance Constitution White House Impeachment Nixon primary election 4 Abraham Lincoln Senate Congress Anti-Federalism 12 100 Speaker Constitution Republican


1. The popular kind of family in America is _____ family.

A. nucleus

B. loose

C. large

D. blend

2. Americans like the following attitudes except _____.

A. informality

B. personal dignity

C. equality

D. frankness

E. consideration for others

3. Thanksgiving Day is originated in _____.

A. England

B. America

C. Scotland

D. Canada

4. The largest Protestant group in America is known as _____.

A. the Latter-day Saints

B. Baptists

C. Methodists

D. Quakers

5. Marriage in America is considered _____.

A. more important to the parents

B. a pure religious affair

C. rather burdensome

D. a pure individual matter

6. _____ American young people live independently after marriage.

A. Half

B. Most

C. Some

7. The rate of divorce in America ranks _____ in the world.

A. second

B. third

C. first

D. fourth

8. The black people usually have _____ family.

A. small

B. middle-sized

C. big

9. The ―senior citizens‖ in the social centres refer to _____.

A. high officials

B. professors

C. president

D. old people

10. The popular foods in America include the following except _____.

A. hamburgers

B. hot dogs

C. bread

D. rice

11. People can usually get cheap meals in the following places except _____.

A. snack bars

B. cafeterias

C. big restaurants

D. coffee shops

12. Dining customs include the following except _____.

A. being polite to ladies

B. not staying too long after dinner

C. being punctual

D. using both hands

13. Most Americans are _____ from different countries.

A. blacks

B. Indians

C. emigrants

D. immigrants

14. BLT in America is a kind of _____.

A. sandwich

B. sauce

C. butter

D. vegetable

15. Valentine’s Day falls on _____.

A. July 4th

B. March 21st

C. February 14th

16. On Easter Sunday people usually have lamb and ham as their main meat. For children lamb is the symbol of _____.

A. good luck

B. the sacrifice of Christ

C. the tomb from which Christ rose

17. American Independence Day fall on _____.

A. the 4th of July

B. October 31st

C. March 20th

18. Halloween is a _____.

A. summer festival

B. night-time festival

C. sweethearts’ holiday

D. pilgrims holiday

19. Over _____ of all American religious people are Protestants.

A. half

B. three fifths

C. two thirds

20. In Protestantism there are about _____ principal groups.

A. 40

B. 50

C. 60

D. 30

21. There are two major denominations in America which are the result of native developments. They are the following except _____.

A. Christian Science

B. Mormonism

C. Unitarians

D. both A and B

22. The characteristics of the American religion are the following except _____.

A. wide variety of denominations

B. emphasis on social problems

C. separation of church and state

D. unity among the churches

23. In the US about _____ of all the property is in the possession of one-tenth of the population.

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

24. Urban Hermits refer to _____.

A. people who live in the remote places

B. people who live in mountains and forests

C. shopping-bag ladies in big cities

25. A hamburger is usually made from _____.

A. beef

B. pork

C. combination of beef and pork

26. In America snack bars and coffee shops are usually _____.

A. cheap

B. expensive

C. formal

27. The outstanding characteristic of American society is the diversity of _____.

A. climate

B. industry

C. people

28. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as _____.

A. steady dating

B. casual dating

C. double dating

D. blind dating

29. The popular American belief is _____.

A. part-time working

B. self-made man

C. manual labour

30. White-collar workers _____.

A. have higher reputation

B. get higher pay

C. may earn less than blue-collar workers

D. both A and C

31. The black people usually have a _____ family and 1/3 of which are controlled by women.

A. nucleus

B. big

C. loose

D. middle-sized

I. Fill in the Blanks

1. A person who is employed to take care of children for a specific length of time while the parents are out is called a _____ _____.

2. The rate of divorce in America ranks _____ in the world.

3. A family composed of a father, a mother and two children is considered the _____ family.

4. In order to solve the problem of the loneliness and uselessness for the aged, many communities and church group sponsor social centres which are called _____ centres.

5. Today over _____ percent of all married women are active in community affairs.

6. A hamburger is a kind of sandwich made with ground beef that is fried and put into a bun.

7. A cheese burger is a hamburger with melted _____.

8. The coffee without cream or sugar is called _____ coffee.

9. To any black, the old term ―_____‖ by which he is addressed is considered a great insult.

10. Because of the existence of the nucleus family some of the old men and women suffered greatly from _____.

11. In the 1960’s the ―_____ _____‖ appeared among young people, such as living together before marriage.

12. _____ is the most popular American drink.

13. The most typical and true national holiday in the US is _____ _____.

14. Americans have great admiration for the _____ man.

15. American children suffer most for their parents’ _____.

16. The American’s favourite meat is _____.

17. The peculiarity of American history made the American spirit of _____ come into being. This spirit is reflected in many aspects of American life.

18. The fact that many citizens take drugs –heroin makes _____ _____ the ―City of Heroin‖

II. Explain the Following Terms

1. Thanksgiving Day

2. Halloween

3. do-it-yourself

4. City of Heroin

III. Answer the Following Questions

1. What day in the US is the birthday of the nation?

2. Who was Martin Luther King?

3. What is the meaning of the saying ―trick or treat‖?

4. What does Easter Sunday celebrate?

5. What is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the US?



sitter first nucleus senior 40 hamburger cheese black nigger loneliness new morality coffee Thanksgiving Day self-made divorce steak do-it-yourself New York


1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.

A. 1620

B. 1607

C. 1776

2. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.

A. Maryland

B. South Carolina

C. Delaware

D. Colorado

3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.

A. John Cabot

B. Magellan

C. Balboa

D. Cartier

4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.

A. simple

B. easy

C. rough

D. hard

5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.

A. 1765, 1766

B. 1764, 1765

C. 1763, 1764

6. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.

A. Philadelphia

B. Boston

C. New York

7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.

A. 1776, 1784

B. 1775, 1783

C. 1706, 1714

8. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.

A. Gettysburg

B. Pittsburgh

C. Trenton

9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.

A. New York

B. Saratoga

C. Bunker Hill

10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.

A. Yorktown

B. Boston

C. Charleston

11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.

A. The Articles of the Confederation

B. Bill of Rights

C. Civil Rights

12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.

A. the Bill of Rights

B. the Articles

C. Civil Rights

13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being.

A. Washington

B. New York

C. Philadelphia

14. The pamphlet ―Common Sense‖ was written by _____.

A. Thomas Edison

B. Thomas Paine

C. Thomas Jefferson

15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.

A. the ―Intolerable Acts‖

B. Un-American Activities

C. the Sedition Act

16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.

A. abolishing the Sedition Act

B. reducing taxes

C. purchasing Louisiana from France

17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S. won the war.

A. 1812, 1814

B. 1813, 1815

C. 1814, 1816

18. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.

A. 1/4

B. 1/2

C. 1/3

19. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.

A. Wangxia

B. Nanjing

C. Tianjin

20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.

A. 50, 1781

B. 13, 1781

C. 13, 1787

21. _____ was chosen as t he capital for the time being in Washington’s administration.

A. New York

B. Chicago

C. Boston

22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.

A. Alexander Hamilton

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. George Washington

23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.

A. John Adams

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. James Madison

24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.

A. James Madison

B. James Monroe

C. John Adams

25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance’s program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.

A. Monroe Doctrine

B. Sedition Act

C. Holy Alliance

26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.

A. John Adams

B. Andrew Jackson

C. Andrew Johnson

27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.

A. Douglas Bill

B. Monroe Doctrine

C. Sedition Act

28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.

A. Homestead Bill

B. Emancipation Proclamation

C. Both A and B

29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.

A. Bull Run

B. Gettysburg

C. Richmond

30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.

A. Britain

B. France

C. Spain

31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Andrew Johnson

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. George Washington

32. In 1918 President _____ issued the ―Fourteen Points‖.

A. Woodrow Wilson

B. William H. Taft

C. Theodore Roosevelt

D. Warren G. Harding

33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.

A. New York

B. Chicago

C. Washington

34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.

A. first

B. second

C. third

35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.

A. religious

B. spiritual

C. political

36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.

A. blacks

B. Indians

C. progressive people

37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.

A. the Teheran Declaration

B. the Atlantic Charter

C. the Washington Proclamation

38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called ―_____‖, invading China by means of both force and culture.

A. Open Door Policy

B. Big Stick

C. Douglas Bill

39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.

A. 1913, 1917

B. 1914, 1918

C. 1915, 1919

40. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.

A. Axis, Allies

B. Holy Alliance, Axis

C. Central Powers, Allies

41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Fedinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.

A. Australia

B. Belgium

C. Austria

42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.

A. 33

B. 38

C. 39

43. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.

A. inflation

B. the rise of prices

C. the decrease of population

D. the decrease of the purchasing capacity

44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.

A. San Francisco

B. New York

C. Philadelphia

45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.

A. 48

B. 47

C. 45

46. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the

problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.

A. Yalta

B. Teheran

C. Casablanca

47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous _____ Conference.

A. Cairo

B. Teheran

C. Potsdam

D. Quebec

48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.

A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)

B. the Axis and Holy Alliance

C. the Central Powers and the Allies

49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.

A. Paris Treaty

B. Versaills Treaty

C. Teheran Treaty

50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.

A. Yalta

B. Teheran

C. Potsdam

51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.

A. 1920

B. 1918

C. 1919

52. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.

A. Levestone

B. William Foster

C. Earl Browder

53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.

A. 1929, 1933

B. 1933, 1937

C. 1924, 1929

54. The programme of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.

A. Eisenhower Doctrine

B. Marshall Plan

C. Truman Doctrine

55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.

A. Vietnam War

B. Cold War

C. Korean War

56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of

member nations against the _____.

A. Germany

B. Japan

C. Soviet Union

57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.

A. 1939, 1945

B. 1937, 1943

C. 1938, 1945

58. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.

A. the Allies, the Axis Powers

B. the USSR, the USA

C. the old capitalist countries, the new ones

59. There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970’s.

A. six

B. five

C. seven

60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.

A. Good Neighbour

B. the Open Door Policy

C. the New Deal

61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.

A. Midway Island

B. Britain

C. Normandy

62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.

A. 1979

B. 1972

C. 1973

63. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.

A. the Korean War

B. the Vietnam War

C. the US-Spanish War

64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbour, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.

A. Spanish

B. French

C. Japanese

65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.

A. 13

B. 50

C. 48

66. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.

A. the eastern

B. the western

C. the northern

67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.

A. The English King

B. the local government

C. the local people

68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.

A. George Washington

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. both A and B

69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.

A. King George I

B. King George III

C. King George II

70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.

A. San Francisco

B. Chicago

C. New York

71. President Nixon visited China in _____.

A. 1973

B. 1974

C. 1972

72. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.

A. Theodore Roosevelt

B. George Washington

C. Franklin

D. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson

73. The city’s name ―Philadelphia‖ means _____.

A. brotherly love

B. fishing pit

C. philosophy

1. It was _____ who first discovered the America in 149


2. The New World was named after _____ Vespucci.

3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.

4. The Indians living in America are all _____ skinned and dark-haired.

5. The War of _____ broke out in 1775 and ended in 1783.

6. The First World War broke out on July 28th in _____.

7. In 1620 some English Puritans sailed to Plymouth on a ship called _____.

8. On July 4th, 1776, the document called the Declaration of _____ was accepted by the American Congress.

9. The first English colony was _____.

10. Lexington Fire was the _____ of the War of Independence.

11. In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from _____.

12. The U.S.- _____ War broke out in 1898.

13. The Great Depression of 1929 - _____ shook the United States and the whole capitalist world to its foundation.

14. The _____ _____ policy went into effect by the spring of 1947 when Truman Doctrine came forth.

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