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1. Marshall Plan(马歇尔计划,又称欧洲复兴计划;Chapter 9):

An American policy presented by George Marshall in 1947, proposing massive and systematic aid to Western Europe in

order to keep Communists out of political power in Europe and establish the international economic order.

2. Monroe Doctrine (门罗主义;Chapter 6):

A foreign policy announced by James Monroe in 1823, opposing European colonialism in the Americas and taking a neutral attitude towards affairs of colonies still owned by European nations in the New World.

3.Electoral College (选举人团;Chapter 12):

A mechanism in the United States for the indirect election

of the President and Vice President .Citizens of the United States vote in each state and the District of Columbia at a general election to choose a slate of "electors" pledged to vote for a particular party's candidate.




4. Missouri Compromise (密苏里妥协案; Chapter 6):

A solution passed by the 16th US Congress in 1820,which balanced the number of "slave states" and "free states” and also made the rule of how to define a state as a slave state or a free one.

5. Winner – take – all principle (胜者全得原则;Chapter 12):

A principle applied in American presidential election, which means that the candidate with most votes in a state wins all of that stat e’s electoral votes.

6. Melting pot (大熔炉,相对于Salad bowl;Chapter 2)

A metaphor for a heterogeneous society, which is commonly used to signify the mixture and assimilation融合of different races that have immigrated into the US.

7. Declaration of Independence (独立宣言;Chapter 4)

A statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress

in1776, which announced that the thirteen American coloniesregarded themselves as thirteen newly independent

sovereign states, and no longer under British rule. Instead they formed a new nation—the United States of America. It was an eloquent defence of human freedom.

8. Roaring Twenties (咆哮的20年代;Chapter 7):

The Roaring Twenties ais term for Western society and Western culture during the 1920s. It was a period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States, particularly in major cities such as Chicago Los Angeles, and New York.

9. Judicial review (司法审查权;Chapter 11)

A power of interpretation of the Constitution, which give The Supreme Court the highestauthority to examine the bills passed by Congress and policies made by president, and declare them unconstitutional and thus abolish them.

10. No taxation without representation (脱离代表权就不纳税;Chapter 4)

A slogan originating during the 1750s and 1760s. This slogan showed people’s belief that, as they were not directly represented in the distant British Parliament, any laws it passed

affecting the colonistswere illegal under the Bill of Rights 1689, and were a denial of their rights as Englishmen.

11. Manifest destination (天定命运论;Chapter6

In the 19th century, manifest destiny was a widely held belief in the United States that its settlers were destined to expand across North America and the expansion was right and good for the country.

12. Federalism (联邦制度;Chapter 10)

Federalism is the mixed or compound mode of government, combining a general government with regional governments in a single political system.

13. Cold War(冷战;Chapter 9)

The Cold War was a state of international tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc and powers in the Western Bloc. It was a war without large-scale fighting directly between the two sides.

14. Reconstruction (南方重建;Chapter 7)

It refers to a series of policies to help the South recover from

the Civil War economically, politically and militarily


1.Constitutional division of powers, checks and balances

system in American political美国政治的权力划分,制衡制度

2.Cold War冷战

3.Constitutional Convention美国制宪会议(美国1787在费城召


4.America in World War Ⅰ&Ⅱ美国在一战和二战中

5.Civil War美国内战南北战争1861-1865

6.American Revolution美国独立战争1775-1783年北美13个殖民地人民推翻英国统治,争取独立的革命战争

7.Civil rights movement民权运动

8.Foreign policy of USA美国的外交政策

9.Westward expansion西进运动p52第六单元


Allegory is a tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. Thus, an allegory is a story with two meaning, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. Bildungsroman: a novel that traces the initiation, development, and education of a young person. Examples are Dickens’s David Copperfield and James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Byronic hero is a character-type found in Byron’s narrative Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. He is a boldly defiant but bitterly self-tormenting outcast, proudly contemptuous of social norms but suffering for some unnamed sin. Emily Bronte’s Heath cliff is a later example. Conceit: a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit, used by certain 17th-century poets, such as John Donne.. Comedy of manners is a kind of comedy representing the complex and sophisticated code of behavior current in fashionable circles of society, where appearances count for more than true moral character. Its humor relies chiefly on elegant verbal wit and repartee. In England, the comedy of manners flourished as the dominant form of Restoration comedy in the works of Etheredge, Wycherley and Congreve. It was revived in a more subdued form in the 1770s by Goldsmith and Sheridan, and later by Oscar Wilde. An epic is a long narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating and celebrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation. Epiphany(顿悟): a sudden revelation of truth about life inspired by a seemingly trivial incident Heroic couplet is the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter. Intrusive narrator: an omniscient narrator who, in addition to reporting the events of a novel’s story, offers further comments on characters and events, and who sometimes reflects more generally upon the significance of the story. Iambic pentameter: a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Iambic pentameter is the most common verse line in English poetry. Metaphysical poetry: the poetry of John Donne and other 17th-century poets who wrote in a similar style. It is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas . Metaphysical Poetry Metaphysical Poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets try to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. They are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form. John Donne is the lead ing figure of the “metaphysical school.” Naturalism: a post--Darwinian movement of the late 19th century that tried to apply the laws of scientific determinism to fiction. The naturalists went beyond the realists’ insistence on the objective presentation of the details of everyday life to insist that the materials of literature


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


外美史名词解释 1、意大利学院派: 1590年,意大利画家卡拉契兄弟创办了著名的波伦亚学院,旨在传承文艺复兴大师的传统,总结前人经验,培养年轻的美术家,并制定艺术法规,强调绘画标准, 避免样式主义和卡拉瓦乔的影响。由于这种办学原则明显缺乏创新精神,带有折衷主义的特点。故而题材较狭窄,多描绘宗教与神话,在技法上重素描轻色彩。可是对以后的古典主义美术的发展奠定了基础。 2、折衷主义: 这是17世纪意大利学院派美术的基本特色。主张绘画应有的最高标准是:米开朗基罗的人体、拉斐尔的素描、格累乔的典雅与风韵、威尼斯画派的色彩等等。这种企图培养新的艺术人才的办学思路与模式明显是综合了各家之长的折衷主义。 3、卡拉瓦乔主义: 17世纪由于卡拉瓦乔在当时欧洲画坛的巨大影响,吸引了相当多的敬慕者与追随者,他们的作品深受其艺术感染,无论是题材范围、画面明暗对比、人物写实手法等,多倾向于卡拉瓦乔的现实主义风格,故被称为卡拉瓦乔主义。 4、意大利地方画派: 17世纪意大利的现实主义画坛除了最具影响的卡拉瓦乔之外,还有颇具实力的有现实主义倾向的地方画派和画家:如热那亚画派(代表人物是斯特劳斯)、曼图亚画派(以多菲奇为代表)、那不勒斯画派(萨·洛撒为代表),另外还有威尼斯画派、佛罗伦萨画派和罗马画派等。 5、巴洛克艺术: 17世纪流行的艺术风格之一。这种风格最早产生于意大利的罗马,曾弥漫于欧洲的天主教国家。“巴洛克”这个派生词的由来说法不一:一说来自葡萄牙语或西班牙语,意指不圆的珠子;一说来自意大利语,有任意奇特、怪诞或推论上错误的含义。这个带有贬意的称呼是18世纪的古典主义理论家对这种艺术倾向的蔑视。 6、荷兰小画派: 17世纪的荷兰除了哈尔斯与伦勃朗这样伟大的现实主义绘画大师以外,还涌现了一批出色的画家。他们被称为“荷兰小画派”的原因有二:第一是画幅较小,适宜于市民阶层装饰居室;第二是不表现重大的社会题材,特别注重对生活细节的描绘,迎合了市民阶层的审美趣味。代表画家有:格拉尔德. 特鲍赫、皮特. 德. 霍赫、和加布里尔. 梅蒂绥等。 7、团体肖像画: 17世纪的荷兰美术除了单幅肖像画外还盛行团体肖像(群像)画,订件者往往要求画家对每个人都给以平等的表现机会,这就会使画家不能安排中心人物和一定的情节来统一画面与构图。但是,天才的肖像画家哈尔斯却突破了传统的呆板、平整的布局,尽量将人物安排的错落有致,营造出一种极其热烈的气氛。代表作品如《圣乔治射击手连军官的宴会》等。 8、西班牙“黄金时代”: 17世纪上半叶,西班牙美术人才辈出并出现了一个“黄金时期”(1560-1700)。他的繁荣主要得益于三个条件:一是西班牙文学的有力影响(文学家塞万提斯和戏剧家维加);二是地方画派中现实主义力量的存在和发展;三是意大利卡拉瓦乔艺术的影响。这个时期西班牙绘画的艺术特点是反映生活、表现时代和民族精神。代表画家有里韦拉、苏巴兰和委拉斯贵支。 9、“波德格涅斯”: 17世纪西班牙的塞维利亚城流行的一种画风(即西班牙的卡拉瓦乔主义)。波德格涅斯这一名词含有小酒店和小饭馆之意,由于古典主义的理论家们瞧不起描绘下层人民生活的风俗画,于是以嘲弄的口吻把这类作品通称为“波德格涅斯”的绘画。委拉斯贵支就曾受到过这种画风的影响。作品有《卖水的人》、《早餐》、《音乐师》等。 10、罗可可: 18世纪上半叶,法国出现的一种新的艺术样式。那种对岩洞、贝壳、钟乳石的模仿手法,被称为罗可可风格。它从巴洛克艺术的背景中演变出来,同时又反对巴洛克的豪华壮观,既繁华纤秀、浮华做作、矫揉妩媚,又愉悦亲切、轻快优雅,可


The bill of rights The bill of rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791 .the bill of rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech , the rights to assemble in public places , the rights to own weapons and so on . The great depression The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade. WASP It stands for the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. it is the dominant group in the US controlling economic assets and political power The civil rights movement The American civil rights movement (1955-1968)refers to the reform movements in the united states aimed at abolishing racial discrimination against African American and restoring suffrage in southern states The westward movement American Westward Movement, movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American peoples and their societies expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. George Washington George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the America republic , he was the commander-in –chief of the Continental Army in the war of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first president of the the United States Industrial Revolution in American After independence ,America was principally an agricultural country ,the industrial revolution in England brought many to American industry between 1776 and 1860 , one key development was the introduction of the factory system , A second development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks ,A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization-the bank and the corporation Three faiths in the US By the 1950s ,the three faiths model of American religion had developed , American were considered to come in three basic varieties : protestant , catholic and Jewish ,in terms of numbers ,the protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the groups Boards of education Boards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for schools at the state and district level ,they also make decision about the school curriculum , teachers standards and certification ,and the overall measurement of student progress Consumer economy an economy driven by consumer spending as a percent of its gross domestic product, as opposed to the other major components of GDP


英语国家概况名词解释 1、The Constitution:Britain has no written foundations of the British state are laid out in statute law,which are laws passed by Parliament; the common laws, which are laws established through commom practice in courts;and conventions. 2、The house of Common: It’s the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament) make and debate policy,These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them. 3、The electoral campaign:Before a general election,the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies known to the campaign involves advertisements in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning,postal deliveries of leaflets and ‘party electoral broadcasts” on the parties also try to attack and critisise the opponents’,these campaigns sometimes can be quite aggressive and critical. 4、Class system in British society:The class system does exist in British of British population would claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class,though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower divisions are not simply economic,they are cultural as of different classes may defferent may differ in the kind of newspaper they read,in the way they speak and in the kind of education they of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited. 5、Relative decline of the UK economy:The UK has experienced an economic decline since this is a relative decline rather than an absolute is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945,but since other countries developed more rapidly,it has slid from being the second largest economy to being the six. 6、Comprehensive schools:are the most popular secondary schools in Britain schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking 7、Grammar school s:it’s a type of secondary schools in schools select children at the age 11,through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities. 8、Independent schools:are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates,with some government schools are not part of national education system,but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich. 9、the first English settle in North America:The first English permanent settlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company with a charter from the English colonists settled in Virginia and survived by imposing strict discipline on themselves and by transplanting tobacco into the colony of 1619,the settlers elected their delegates and set up the House of Burgesses,and the same time they bought and enslaved


名词解释 Renaissance:The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter and most often in one of the two rhyme schemes: the Italian(or Petrarchan) or Shakes pearean ( or English ). A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter .It has two main forms :the shakespearean sonnet and the Italian sonnet. Shakespeare Sonnet: a lyric with three quatrains and one couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg, consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme. A Shakespearean sonnet consists of fourteen lines written in iambic pentameter, in which a pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet. Enlightenment: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science (the 18th century) The Age of Enlightenment (also called the Age of Reason) refers to the 18th_ century England.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement.It celebrated reason (rationality), equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their society and it aimed to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern ,philosophical and artistic ideas. Romanticism: it flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most if the nineteenth century, beginning as a revolt against classicism. In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace. Dramatic monologue: A kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in poem. The occasion is a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker’s personality as


外国美术史名词解释与简 答 Prepared on 21 November 2021

5、古代埃及美术特色: 1)埃及艺术是为法老和少数贵族服务的,歌颂王权,强调国家的政权和等级制度。 2)宗教对埃及艺术产生影响,艺术是为死者服务的,埃及艺术称为"来世的艺术"。 3)埃及艺术的形式,是壮丽、宏伟、明确、稳定,有严格的规范,又具有写实基础上的美化。 6、金字塔建筑艺术特色: 1)金字塔是古王国法老的陵墓。 2)金字塔具有庞大的体积和重量,给人以精神上的压力。 3)金字塔外观匀称、稳定。它象征了法老的威严和地位,说明了埃及人顽强的意志力。 7、古埃及雕刻程式有: 1)、姿势必须保持直立,双臂紧靠躯体,正面直对观众: 2)、根据人物地位的尊卑军定比例的大小: 3)、人物这种刻画头部,其部位非常简略; 4)、面部轮廓写实,又有理想化修饰,表情庄严,感情表现很少; 5)、雕像着色,眼睛描黑,有的眼睛用水晶、石英等材料镶嵌,以达到逼真的效果。 ⑹、固定的色彩程式,男子皮肤多为褐色,女子多为浅褐色和淡黄色,头发为蓝黑色,眼圈为黑色。 9、古希腊美术史通常分为荷马时期、古风时期、古典时期和希腊化时期。 1)荷马时期荷马时期最早的造型艺术作品是几何纹风格的陶瓶,造型俭朴,大小不一,用于敬神和陪葬。这一时期又被称为"几何风格时 2)古风时期瓶画:3种风格:东方风格、黑绘风格和红绘风格。"古风的微笑"古风时期的雕刻受埃及影响,人物处于正面直立的僵硬状态。无论男女像,在表情上都带有千篇一律的微笑,通称为"古风的微笑"。 建筑:希腊的建筑主要是神庙。古风时期,希腊神庙建筑形成了它的典型形式--围柱式,即建筑周围用柱廊环绕。这时两种基本的建筑柱式已经形成:多利亚式和伊奥尼亚式。古典时期雅典卫城建筑群。其主要建筑是献给雅典娜女神的巴底农神庙。古典盛期最伟大的雕刻家是狄亚斯,他设计了雅典卫城建筑,菲狄亚斯巴底农神庙。他写了《法则》一书,系统地阐述了人体各部分的比例,提出头与人体之比为1:7。 10、万神殿的拱券建筑的杰出代表。纪念柱是罗马帝国纪念性建筑的另一种形式,图拉真纪念柱是其代表作。拱券建筑:把拱顶的重量集中到四角的墩子上,无需连续的承重墙,空间因此更为开敞。 11、绘画罗马时期的绘画主要包括镶嵌画和壁画。庞贝城有名的壁画《密祭》。 12、欧洲中世纪美术特点: 1)欧洲中世纪艺术称为基督教艺术。 2)基督教起源于中东,当它作为一种文化形态在欧洲确立时,也带来东方的一些文化特征。 3)公元10世纪前后,才形成了相对统一的基督教艺术风格。 13、拜占庭建筑的特点


名词解释: 1.Great Britain: shortened as Britain ,it can be a geographical term ,referring to the island on which England ,Wales and Scotland are situated ,together with numerous smaller islands . 2.The Union Flag :also known as the Union Jack ,it is the national flag of the United Kingdom . 3.God Save the King /Queen : the national anthem of the United Kingdom. https://www.doczj.com/doc/a46683273.html,ke Poets: English poets at the turn of the 19th century who lived in the Lake District of England and were inspired by it to create romantic works . 5.Domesday Book(土地财产清册):The written record of a census and survey of English landowners and their property made by order of William the Conqueror in 1085-1086 . 6.Black Death (黑死病):also known as the Black Plague ,it was a devastating pandemic(流行 的) that first struck European in the mid-14th century . 7.Gunpowder Plot(火药阴谋):conspiracy of a group of English Catholics to blow up the House of Parliament where King James I was present on 5 November ,1605.The plan was discovered and Guy Frank was caught and burnt alive .In England ,5 November is celebrated with bonfire ,fireworks and the burning of the effigies.(肖像)。 8.The Petition of Right (权利请愿书):a document produced by the English Parliament in the run-up to the English Civil War .It was addressed to Charles I of England in 1628. 9.T he Hundred Years' War: The Hundred Years’ War refers to the war between Englan d and Franc e that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453. The causes o f the war wer e partly territorial and partly economic. ①The territorial causes were related with the possession by the English kings of the large duchy of Aquitaine in France, as the F rench kings grew stronger, the y increasingly coveted this large slice. ②The economic causes were connected with cloth manufacturing towns in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool, but they were loyal to the French king politically. Besides, England's desire to ③s top France from giving aid to Scots and ④a growing sense of nationalism were the other causes.一。 The English's being driven out of France is ①regarded as a blessing for both countrie s. If the English had remained in France, the superior size and wealth of France would h ave ②hindered the development of a separate English national identity, ③while France was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory. 10.Constitutional monarchy (君主立宪制):The United Kingdom ,as the name implies, rem ains a monarchy, but one with limited power 11.Social Security (社会保障):The Social Security system is designed to secure a basic st andard of living for people in financial need “from the cradle to the grave”. 12.The church of England :The Church of England ,also called the Anglican Church(英 国国教),is the established or national church in England . 13.Westminster Abbey :a famous church located in London ,where English monarchs are crowded and distinguished English subjects are buried .The Poets’Corner contains th e graves o f great English writer ,includin g Geoffrey Chaucer and Robert Browning.

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