当前位置:文档之家› (完整版)雅思写作必背短语以及精彩句型




Part 1

1 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security 带来工作的满意感和安全感2lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验

3 reduce/cut down expenditure 削减支出

4increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会

6promote talent introduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流

7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍

9lay a solid foundation for 奠定坚实的基础

10 pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路

11foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养合作感与竞争感

12cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神

13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧

14widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面

15enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历

16enlarge one’s view/broaden one’s horizon拓宽视野

17realize the value of life 实现人生价值

18surmount /overcome / win over /master difficulties 克服困难

19grasp good communication skills 掌握人际交流技巧

20remove misunderstanding and discrimination 消除误解与歧视

21keep balance between work and family 保持事业与家庭的平衡

22raise the standard of living提高生活水平

25enrich people’s spiritual life 丰富人们的精神生活

26promote social skills and competence提高社交技巧与能力

27strengthen the family ties促进家庭团结

28cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感

29bring joys and comforts to sb带来愉悦与舒适

30usher in a brand-new life-style引入全新的生活方式

31relieve the pressure of 缓解压力

32maintain the community stability 保持社会的稳定

33improve the utilization rate of energy resources提高能源的利用率

34make full use of充分利用

35satisfy people’s needs/meet the demands of people 满足人们的需求

36promote the development of relative industries促进相关产业的发展

37stimulate domestic needs刺激国内需求

38 impel economic development促进经济的发展

39generate jobs, income and tax revenue s扩大就业机会,提高收入

40enhance mutual understanding促进相互的理解

41boost local development促进当地的发展

42promote cultural exchange and cooperation促进文化的交流与合作

43enrich one’s experience of life 丰富人生经历

44strengthen the ties with outside world加强与外面世界的联系

46foster a climate of peace and prosperity营造和平繁荣的气氛

47stimulate our feelings of togetherness 激发团结

48maintain a natural balance 保持自然平衡

49reduce the labor intensity降低劳动强度

50stimulate one’s imagination and interest in sth 刺激人们的想象里与兴趣

51accelerate the flow of information 加速信息的流动

52prvide more business opportunities 提供商机

53increase the productivity提高生产力

54create more opportunities for education 创造受教育的机会

55improve educational conditions 改善教育条件

56release people from hard manual work 使人们从繁重的体力劳动中解脱出来57speed up technical innovation加速技术革新

58better the development of human society 完善人力资源的发展

60bring immeasurable economic benefits 带来巨大的经济效益

Part2 弊端

1put sb or sth at risk 使---冒风险

3be lack of a sense of job security 缺乏工作的安全感

4distract sb from doing sth 是某人从某事中分心

5impose a heave strain on 带来巨大的压力

6be exaggerate d and cheating 夸大且欺骗的

7be the invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私

8violate rights of free speech侵犯言论自由的权利

9endanger social stability and safety 危害到社会的稳定与安全

10restrain sb from doing 限制某人做某事

14go astray误入歧途

15undermine local culture 破环当地文化

16jeopardize the safety and stability of the society 破坏社会的安全与稳定

17set a bad example to 树立坏的榜样

18lead to the extinction of some species导致一些物种的灭绝

19result in shortage of energy and natural resources导致能源的短缺

21 to cause the estrangement/isolation/alienation between A and B 导致了A与B之间的疏远

22bring disgrace on sb 为---带来耻辱

23suffer heavy losses 损失惨重

24easily cause stress-related illnesses 容易导致与压力相关的疾病

25lack basic infrastructure s 缺乏基础设施

26break the ecological balance 破环生态平衡

27lead to extravagant waste of public funds 导致公共资金的极度浪费

28make… in disorder 使混乱

30be harmful to our physical and mental and health 损害身心健康

31lead to degradation of social atmosphere 世风日下

32further widen the gaps between the rich and the poor 进一步加大贫富之间的差距33be the drying up of our limited natural resources and the deterioration of the environment 有限的自然资源的枯竭和环境的恶化

34contaminate environment 污染环境

37 be a root of all evils 万恶之源

38be easily taken in by 容易被欺骗

39aggravate the traffic jams and worsen the crowdedness 使交通堵塞和拥挤更为恶化

40will pay a high price for this negative development of 为。。的负面发展付出高昂的代价。

Part 3

1. to cultivate one’s independence 培养独立性

2. to develop a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感

3. to foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养竞争和合作感

6. to enhance one’s social awareness/consciousness/realization 提高人们的社会意识

7. to become more socially adaptable 更具社会适应性

8. to keep pace with the outside world 跟上外面世界的步伐

9. to build up/ establish one’s confidence 建立自信

10. offer somebody a sense of achievement/ accomplishment 给与成就感

13. to form a good habit of frugality/thrift养成勤俭的习惯

14. to provide a chance/opportunity for sb 提供机会

21. to ease/lessen/relieve financial strain/burden 缓解经济压力和负担

22. to enjoy a more colorful and interesting campus life 享受多彩和有趣的校园生活

24. to shape one’s character塑造性格

25. to exert a negative/adverse impact on one’s study and life 对学习很生活产生负面的影响

26. to have a positive influence on sth/sb对学习很生活产生正面的影响

27. take up/occupy one’s space and time 占用时间和空间

29. to make the best of/ to make full use of/ to take the advantage of 充分利用

30. be essential to/be fundamental to/ be basic to 对----是很根本的

35. to tell/distinguish/differentiate right from wrong 明辨是非

36. distinguished and outstanding 特点鲜明的

37. It is unavoidable that …是不可避免的

38. to become money-oriented/money-pursuing/money worship 变成拜金主义

39. be spiritually contaminated/poisoned/polluted 精神污染

42. It is no use doing sth 做----没有用

43. to raise /revoke/arouse doubt about the necessity/feasibility of sth 质疑----的有用性

44. at the cost/price of 以----为代价

45. demonstrate/illustrate/display one’s ability in sth 展示在---的能力

46. distract one’s attention to sth 使人分心

47. to keep/strike a good balance between A and B 保持A和B之间的平衡

48. lag behind 落后

49. give priority to sth/ attach importance to sth/ lay emphasis on sth 优先---

Part four

1. to shoulder/assume the responsibility 承担责任

4. refrain sb from sth/ prevent sb from sth 限制---做某事

5. be badly spoiled被惯坏

7. in terms of /as…as be concerned 就---而言

10. to give proper guidance/instructions to sb 适度的引导

12. to strengthen/consolidate the supervision over sb/sth 加强对…的监督

14. the importance and seriousness of sth ---的严重性和重要性

19. be closely linked/associated with 和--- 有紧密的联系

25. to bear heavy psychological burden/strain 承受巨大的心理压力

26. to add to the mental strain to sb 带来心理压力

27. to cause the estrangement/isolation/alienation between A and B 导致A和B 之间的疏远

28. to worsen/exacerbate/deteriorate the relationship 恶化关系

29. to damage/ruin the harmony of/ harmonious life 破坏和谐的生活

30. to undermine the social stability 破坏社会的稳定性

35. take A into account/consideration 把A考虑进去

36. give A some more consideration/more thought 关注A

37. account for/ explain 负责

38. be conducive/beneficial to 有益的

39. to bridge the gap between 弥补---之间的代沟

Part 5

1. to shoulder/assume the responsibility 承担责任

3. the bad behaviors of sb 某人的不齿行为

5. be badly spoiled 被惯坏

7. in terms of /as…as be concerned 就---而言

9. be duty-bound to do sth 有责任做---

10. to give proper guidance/instructions to sb 适度的引导

12. to strengthen/consolidate the supervision over sb/sth 加强对…的监督14. the importance and seriousness of sth ---的严重性和重要性

16. attribute to /result from/owe to 归功于---

17. contribute to /result in/bring about/cause/lead to/give rise to 导致…

19. be closely linked/associated with 和--- 有紧密的联系

20. specialize in sth 专注于---

21. consequently/ as result 因此

22. resort to/ turn to sth 求助于---

25. to bear heavy psychological burden/strain 承受巨大的心理压力

26. to add to the mental strain to sb 带来心理压力

28. to worsen/exacerbate/deteriorate the relationship 恶化关系

29. to damage/ruin the harmony of/ harmonious life 破坏和谐的生活

30. to undermine the social stability 破坏社会的稳定性

32. to develop a correct sense of sth 培养---的正确感

33. under such circumstance/in such situation 在---的情况下

36. give A some more consideration/more thought 关注A

37. account for/ explain 负责

38. be conducive/beneficial to 有益的

39. to bridge the gap between 弥补---之间的代沟

40. moral training道德训练

41. the thorny problem 棘手的问题

42. be upright and just 公正的

Part 6

3. to come under intense scrutiny/supervision 在---的严密监督之下

4. pay for sth 付出代价

5. to enrich one’s leisure time/recreation/entertainment 丰富业余生活

6. to become an indispensable/unalienable part of life 成为生活中不可缺少的一部分

7. to have the right to do 有权做---

8. be curious about 对---很好奇

10. decent manners 正派的行为

11. eliminate/get rid of sth 摆脱---

12. as far/much as possible/ to the full 至多..

13. be of great importance/ significance to sth 意义重大

14. bring the free publicity/propaganda 为---带来知命度

15. to make/create/fabricate affairs to draw/attract/grab public attention 编造事实来吸引公众的注意力

16. to increase/improve/enhance o ne’s popularity 提高知命度

17. keen/fierce/intense/acute/vital competition 激烈的竞争

20. be satisfied with 对---感到满意

21. be attractive and entertaining 有吸引力很娱乐性的

22. to protect one’s privacy 保护隐私

23. to deprive sb of sth 剥夺。的权力

24. the sensational coverage/report 轰动的报道

25. to lead sb in constant danger 使---陷入危险中

26. It is reported that 据报道

27. be misleading and confusing 误导和令人迷惑的

28. to produce profound negative impact on the growth of children 对儿童的成长产生负面的影响

29. be equal to 等同于..

30. personal assault 个人攻击

31. be harmful/detrimental/poisonous/pernicious to 对--- 是有害的

32. interrupt/interfere/intervene/disturb the normal life of sb 破坏----的正常生活

35. be instructive and meaningful to 有指导性和有意义的

36. the senseless and dull report 无聊很没有意义的报道

37. focus on/concentrate on sth 关注----

40. be hauled/pushed into the spotlight 成为焦点

41. to behave oneself 行为检点

42. by illegal/unlawful means 不合法的方式

43. glamorous and charming 有魅力的

45. mass media 大众媒体

46. on the condition that/provided/if 以---为条件

47. scandal sheet 丑闻

49. to splash/over-promote/boast/over-publicize sth 吹嘘---/过分宣扬

51. under supervision/observation/scrutiny 在---监督下

52. with the permission/consent of sth 征得---的同意

Part 7

1. the combination of one’s capabilities and arduous efforts 能力与巨大的努力相结合

2. theoretical study 理论学习

3. one’s e ndeavor and arduous efforts ---的巨大努力

4. count more/be more important 十分重要

5. integrated factors 综合因素

7. the decisive/determinant factor 决定性的因素

9. to provide much solid evidence 提供充分的证据

10. to play a crucial role in sth 发挥了重要作用

11. to prepare oneself for sth 为----做好准备

12. to handle human relationship tactfully 灵巧地处理人际关系

13. to endure/tolerate pressure 忍受压力

14. to defy frustration optimistically 乐观地挑战失败

15. to render/offer/give sb a comparatively systematic and comprehensive knowledge and various skills 带来相对系统和全面的了解

16. to lay a solid foundation 打下坚实的基础

17. benefit from 从中获益

19. draw lesson from the failure of our predecessors 从失败中吸取教训

20. to avoid detour 避免走弯路

21. to distinguish/establish oneself in society 在社会中立足

22. achievement and accomplishment 成就

23. with the advent/coming/appearance of 随着.. 来临

24. a sound academic background 出色的学术背景

25. to communicate and cooperate with sb 交流与合作

26. to acquire the interpersonal skills 获得人际技巧

27. a miniature society 社会缩影

28. comprehensive quality 综合素质

29. EQ/emotional-quotient IQ/intelligence-quotient 情商和智商

30. era of knowledge-based economy 知识经济的年代

31. ivory tower 象牙塔

32. give the way to 让位于…

33. self-betterment/self-realization/self-actualization 自我完善

34. strive for sth 努力----

Topic Five

1. duty and obligation 责任与义务

2. to heal the wounded and rescue the dying 救死扶伤

4. to promote vocational ethics 提高职业道德

5. be entitled to the right of 有----的权力

6. It is suggested that 有人建议

7. desire for/long for 渴望

8. It is desirable that 渴望

9. bear the fact in mind that 记住

10. be bent on profit 追求利润

12. to be competent and responsible 有能力很责任感

13. devote/exert/commit oneself to 奉献

14. bring one’s strong point into full play 充分发挥

15. to belong to 属于

16. to cure the sick/to soothe/relieve the pain 治疗/安抚---

17. be sad and pitiful 伤心遗憾的

18. to lose compassion/sympathy 没有同情心

19. to deserve sth/be worth doing 值得做

20. to stress/emphasize sth 强调---

21. to make both ends meet 收支相抵

22. to throw oneself into/devote oneself to/dedicate oneself to 投入到---

24. to cater to/satisfy/meet/appease/suffice the need of 迎合或者满足

25. earn good money/make fortune 赚大钱

26. to put one’s heart into one’s work/ to keep one’s mind on one’s work 投入到工作中

27. cure sb of sth 治疗

28. to line one’s pocket/be gainful 有收获的

29. to sully/tarnish/humiliate/flaw/stain/discredit 使---耻辱

31. beyond reproach/blameless 无法指责

32. be in deep agony 极度痛苦

33. give scope to one’s special skills 有发挥特殊才能的空间

34. unshirkable responsibility 无法逃避的责任

35. occupation moral 职业道德

36. self-seeking/selfish 自私的

37. sacred and lofty profession/occupation/cause 高尚的职业


1 the extent to which ….(在多大程度上)

The phenomenon reveals the extent to which human beings are suffering from the soaring increase of private cars

2 A is to B what C is to D

Water is to fish what air is to human

3 given that /given mport ance/seriousness/significance of …..,(考虑到---的重要性/严重性/重大意义)

Given the seriousness of the soaring increase of private cars, severe restriction must be imposed

4 one of the greatest ironies of the __ century is that …(--- 世纪最大的讽刺之一就是)

One of the greatest ironies of the 20 century is that although economy is developing at an amazing rate, our environment is becoming increasingly bad.

5 as the century continues/ progresses ,… 随着世纪不断推移---

as the century continues,a greater emphasis has been placed on women’s rights and their role in our society

6so + adj+系动词+主语+that + 句子(太。。。以致于。。。)

So serious is the pollution that government has to take effective steps

7 it is advisable/desirable(可取得)/conceivable/(可想而知)/profitable(有利可图)/as clear as crystal(非常清晰)/manifest(显而易见)/probable/likely(可能的)

It is manifest that space research has wasted a large sum of money

8 … an outline of sth --- 是关于---的概括性的论述

Following is an outline of advantages and disadvantages of working at home.

9do A by either /not only/both doing B or/but also/and doing c)(通过做A 来实现B,) Pollution can be controlled by either/not only/both restricting the increasing private cars or/but also/and arousing the public’s awareness of protecting environment

10it must be stressed out that...(必须要指出)

It must be stressed out that happiness depends on at least 3 considerations

11 名词,介词+which/whom +句子(非限制定语从句的高分句式,尤其要敢于在从句前加表程度或情感的副词或者介词短语)

Government has taken effective steps, at least three of which will bring benefits to us in a long run

I have a large circle of friends, pitifully several of whom can be dependable.

12 A… hava(has) become an integral part of …B(A已经成为了B中的一部分)Being considerate has become an integral part of successful management

13 句子+ with a view/with an aim to ( 作什么事情目的是。。。,是替换in order to 的有效句式)

The costly technology was initially introduced into this country with an aim to cure millions of people suffering from the disease

14as is generally believed,…(众所周知---)

As is generally believed, the air of cities has become unbreathable

15A… provide the initiative and incentive to do sth A 带来了积极性和热情

The worsening situation provides the initiative and incentive to make great efforts to leave teenagers safe

16…. might prove to be a successful antidote to …(…也许是个成功的解决办法)

A mould might prove to be a successful antidote to bacterial infection

17 it is not until …. That + 句子(直到---才---)

It is not until the moment when we are trapped in troubles that we will adopt steps.

18 not only+倒装的句子,but (最好有个副词)+句子

Not only should the government take effective measures, but actively, the public make great efforts.

19 despite/in spite of/regardless of the fact that ….让步状语从句的高分句式

Despite of the fact that the vies seems attractive, it can not hold water

20 associate…A with B 把A和B联系起来

People always associate the ability of using computers with success

21 mirror ….(反映出)

Constant disasters mirror the lack of consciousness of environment protection

22 A… become seriously interested in …B A对B 变得越来越有兴趣了

More and more people become seriously interested in keep fit by doing exercises

23 owe A to B 把A归功于B

People should partly owe their success to their abilities to deal with stress.

24 rather than/without doing sth… 没有做。。。,反倒作了。。。(用于正反对比)Rather than improving people’s lives, private cars has led to the deterioration.

25 it is by no means + adj+ 句子(or to do)绝不。。。(更多用于双重否定)

It is by no means pointless, in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology

26 … have(has) been drawn to the attention of 成为公众关注的焦点

The seriousness of contamination has been drawn to the attention of international organizations.

27 ….. is of great importance/significance/value/use 替换important/significant/valuable/useful很好的方式

Fresh water is of great importance to keep alive.

28 one of the most fascinat ing and disturbing problems …让人爱恨交织的问题之一是

one of the most fascinating and disturbing problems

29 seems to be getting worse 似乎越来越严重

Situation seems to be getting worse

30 a quick look at the facts shows a different picture 快速地了解事实会让我们有另一番感受

a quick look at the facts shows a different picture that planes do save our time

31evidently, something drastic needs to be done about such a costly problem


it is of great help for sb to do sth and to do sth + 状语从句

it can be imagined tha t …

34简单句+具体的好处/坏处,which, in the long run do great good/harm to ..

35___ is growing at a startling pace.

36What lies behind this disturbing issue deserve most attention.

37___ is surely one explanation.

38 主语make it possible for sb to do sth without doing sth

39 sth/doing sth provides a new platform on which + 并列句

40 ——————is + adv motivated and opens up opportunities for sb to do sth


句型1: 前进类(用来论证好的方面) 1 profit from People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. ★2 A is an indispensable part of B. Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting pro- found influence on the way we live, work, play and learn. ★★3 something plays a pivotal role in… It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success. ★★4 enable somebody to do something Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully. 5 get accustomed to something New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed. 6 Someone can utilize something In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. ★7 something is in the best interests of someone (最符合某人的利益) Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. 8 contribute to… Various factors contributed to his downfall Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in com- munities, thereby making contribution to their cities. 9 something consolidates its status as the … English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world. 倒退类(用来论证负面的方面) 1 …is attended by … (伴随着) The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosys- tem. 2 The more…the more… The more vehicles on the roads; the more traffic congestion to occur. ★3 A can be attributed to B The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent\strict enough. ★4 be afflicted with In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. 5 deprive someone of something Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life. 6 something impels somebody to do … Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accesso- ries(饰品). ★7 A has rendered B + 形容词或者名词, We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technolo- gy. The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another. 8 A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that…(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice ,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Con-struction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace ) A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals(哺乳动物)in lab cages(笼子)today. 一个数据就说明了人类现在虐待动物的情况有多么严重。当然,请注意这里的数据编得不能太夸张,否则考官就会怀疑数据的真实性了。 9 be addicted to something In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various forms of gambling. 10 something is the root cause of…


第二部分、用于雅思小作文中间部分经典句型 1.最明显的原因_______,因此_________ The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________. Consequently, ______________. 2. 无论你喜欢与否,_____已经变得越来越流行,这是有原因的 No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are many reason for it. 3. 对我们来说,改变这个不利的环境________是非常紧急的 It’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________. 4. 这个图片会让你想起一些奇怪的东西,这种现象还是会继续存在这个社会 The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society. 5.提供了大量的解决方案,一些人建议______,另一些人建议______ A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that ______________. Others argue that ______________. 6. 对于____,我们应该____ Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation. 7. 然而,______引起了许多为问题, However, _____________ may cause some problems. First, it is ______________.


in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境 困难 in effect 实际上 雅思写作必背核心词组 发表时间:2008年7月11日 中国雅思网 at (the) best 充其量,至多 on bus in ess 因公,因事 in case 假如,以防(万一)免得 in any eve nt 无论如何 in no case 决不 in charge of 负责…,主管… in the face of 面对…,不顾… in common 共用,共有,共同 in favor of 有利于…,赞成…,支持… in con clusi on 最后,总之 in gen eral 通常,大体 上 on con diti on that 在…条件下 at heart 在内心,实质上 by accide nt 偶然 in con trast with/to 与…成对照 on acco unt of 因为…,由于… un der control 被控制住 in additi on to 除…之外 at all costs 不惜任何代 价 on (the/a n) average 平均,一般来说 at the cost of 以…为代价 on the basis of 根据…,在…的基础上 in the course of 在…过程中,在…期间 in any case 无论如何,总之 on earth 究竟,至U 底 in case of 假使…,万一 at all events 无论如何 by cha nee 偶然,碰巧 with the exception of 除…之?外 in connection with/to 关于… in honor of 为纪念…,向…表示敬意 in consequenee 因此,结果 at in tervals 不时,时时 in con seque nee of 由于…的缘故 at length 终于,最后,详细地 on the con trary 反之,正相反 at a loss 困惑,不知所措


雅思写作必备句型452条:1-100 1.s i g n s b与(球员明星)签约 2.b e h e a v i l y i n f l u e n c e d b y 3.h i s f e e w a s t h e n a b r i t i s h r e c o r d o f$28 m i l l i o n. 4.d e s p i t e r e p e a t e d c r i t i c i s m, a h a s a l w a y s b e e n s u p p o r t i v e o f s b. 5.a i s s t r u g g l i n g t o f i g h t f o r.... 6.i t’s a n o p p o r t u n i t y f o r s b t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e c o a c h i n g s t y l e o f ..... 7.d e123c e h a s b e e n a t r a d e m a r k o f h i s t e a m. 8.b u t a’s p r o b l e m t h i s p a s t y e a r w a s m o r e a b o u t s t h t h a n a n y t h i n g e l s e. 9.t h e w a y y o u h a v e t h e b e s t c h a n c e t o w i n a c h a m p i o n s h i p i s t o.... 10.t h e b i g q u e s t i o n s t i l l r e m a i n s, ... 11.w i l l w o r k e r s b e o k w i t h h a v i n g t o d o m o r e w o r k? 12.a c o m p e t e n t p l a n t h a t w e c a n f o l l o w a n d b e


雅思写作必背300句 教育话题 家庭生活 现代科技 媒体 动物 环境、交通、资源 传统与发展变化 政府话题 平等 其他话题 教育话题 The uneducated person, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly. 相反地,一个未受过教育的人不是无法做好新事情,就是做得很糟。 Through systematic study in school, children can learn how to study, how to create and how to be a human being. 通过在学校的系统学习,孩子们都能学会如何学习、如何创造以及如何做人。 It is common for university students to share their dormitory rooms with another student, and at some universities this is required. 对于大学生来说,和另一个学生同住宿舍是很常见的事,而且在有些学校是明文规定的。 First, it is usually located on the campus and so it is very convenient for students to get to their classes, the library, and other university facilities. 首先,宿舍通常都在校园内,因此对学生来说,不论要去上课,去图书馆,还是要去使用校内其他设施都很方便。 This would allow me to make friends and get accustomed to school life without the distraction of having to worry about my daily needs. 这会让我有交友的机会,并且熟悉校园生活,不用因为一些日常所需而分心。 One reason that higher education should not be limited to good students is that not all secondary students study in equal circumstances. 高等教育不应该只限于给予好学生。原因之一是,并非所有的中学生都在平等的环境中学习。 Finally, a better educated population contributes to the growth and prosperity of a society as a whole. 最后,就整体而言,人们的教育程度越高越会促进社会的发展与繁荣。 Furthermore, by denying higher education to who do not make their marks in their secondary education, the country may be ignoring a future Einstein. 此外,国家如果不让高中成绩未达标准的学生受高等教育,可能会因此埋没了一个未来的爱因斯坦。 However, with their busy schedules, many students may not have the opportunity to exercise at home and so may become weaker. 然而,由于学业繁忙,许多学生在家里可能没有机会运动,因此身体可能会变得比较虚弱。 As fitness is such an important ingredient of success, I believe that schools should require students to engage in some physical activity every day. 由于健康是成功非常重要的因素之一,我认为学校应该要求学生每天做一些体能运动。


英语写作必背100句.txt爱,就大声说出来,因为你永远都不会知道,明天和意外,哪个会先来!石头记告诉我们:凡是真心爱的最后都散了,凡是混搭的最后都团圆了。你永远看不到我最寂寞的时候,因为在看不到你的时候就是我最寂寞的时候!f87 1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from dise ases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associa tions with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a p erson's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history f rom the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业 的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questio ned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have bro ught many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀 疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowde d with a larg e number o f passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能 已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable atti tude toward retirement.



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards

慎小嶷 《十天突破雅思写作》总结2

General Knowledge 注意: 1. 作文要有实质内容。 2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。 3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。必须在对英语造句知识准确理解和把握的基础上流畅地写出复杂的长句子,而不是刻意、机械地拉长句子。(准确、严密、多样、清晰) 4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。 5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。 6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。 7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。 8.

如果Task 2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task 2。反之,就先写Task 1。 9. 齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行 缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行 10. 可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首 11. 7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长 ?Topics ?学术类写作的特殊要求 1. 不接受缩写形式 2. 不使用非正式口语表达 3. 英美拼写不能混淆 4. 用词要有特色 5. 句式不能过于短促 6. 句式不能过于干瘪 7. 感情色彩不能过于强烈


书面表达想拿高分,还在背范文?那你就out了! 好文必先背好句,想要写出一篇好的英语作文必须先储备大量的词汇和例句,特别是一些地道的表达一定要熟读、背诵、模仿造句。小编从历年高考书面表达范文中精心挑选了100个经典例句,并按照话题分类。这些例句贴近学生生活,话题覆盖广,词汇运用灵活,富含很多地道词块和常用句式结构。还在等什么?快快背起来吧! 一、个人情况与家庭 1. I'm kind, easy-going and always ready to help others. 我亲切、随和,总是乐于助人。2010 天津书面表达 be ready to do sth 准备做某事 2. With my special care, my mother recovered quickly. 在我的精心照料下,妈妈很快就康复了。2013 北京书面表达 3. I was totally engaged in my study and seldom paid attention to my mother's feelings. 我完全投入到学习中,很少关注母亲的感受。2011 江苏书面表达改 be engaged in sth 忙于某事;pay attention to 注意 4. I'm easy to get along with and I like to make friends. 我容易相处并且喜欢交朋友。2011 辽宁书面表达 get along with 与……相处融洽 5. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. 作为一个活跃的年轻人,我喜欢体育运动和户外活动。2011 辽宁书面表达 6. Some of us always take it for granted (that) our parents or grandparents should take care of us. 我们中的有些人总是理所当然地认为,父母或者祖父母应该照顾我们。2009 重庆书面表达 take ... for granted (that) 认为……理所当然 二、日常活动与行为 7. I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. 我认为我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的行为举止。2012 福建书面表达 8. If it's convenient for you, let's meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. 如果你方便的话,我们8点半在学校门口碰面吧。2016 全国书面表达 it is convenient (for sb) to do sth (某人) 方便做某事


经典句型(Useful Sentence Patterns) 时间 Nowadays / These days / Recently / Currently,… / In this day / In recent years,…/ In the past few years,… These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In the past few years, there has been a sharp growth in the number of employment related lawsuits in China. (Along) with the development / improvement / advances of / in… Along with the steady improvement of women’s social status, more and more females begin to work in the office rather than at home. As… As people’s living standard improves, the computer plays an increasingly important role in entertainment. 空间 In many / most countries (of the world)… In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. Around the world… Around the world people are increasingly aware of the side effects of car use. 事件 …has been in the limelight / brought into focus Recently the problem of environmental pollution has been brought into focus. …has aroused / drawn wide / public attention / concern The problem of brain drain has aroused wide concern in many develpoing countries. One of the problems / issues we are faced with is that… One of the problems we are faced with is that highly skilled and educated people choose to leave the country of their birth to live in develpoed countries. There is a heated / vehement debate / discussion on… Currently there is a heated debate on who should be responsible for environmental protection. Anyone who …is aware of … Anyone who lives in a city is aware of the increasing number of cars on the road and the kinds of problems this creates: traffic jams, air pollution and longer commuting periods. 主旨 Personally / Frankly / From my point of view, I am / think / believe… Personally, I am against the viewpoint that the government should spend more money on artistic and cultural projects. In my opinion /As I see it / As far as I am concerned… In my opinion, the government should not spend more money on artistic and cultural projects. 同意/ 反对 I (absolutely) agree with… / I could not agree more with… I agree absolutely with the latter opinion. I could not agree more with those who choose to come back after studying in foreign countries. I disagree (entirely) with… / I (really) cannot accept… I disagree entirely with the standpoint that the animal is no more than a source of human food and clothes. I cannot accept the viewpoint that cars should be banned in all city centers. 争论 Some people say / think that … ,while others believe that… Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate the local customs and behaviors, while others believe that the host country should welcome the cultural differences. People who advocate …say that …, while those who oppose it argue that…


Topic one 1.to cultivate one's independence 培养独立性 2.to develop a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感 3.to foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养竞争和合作感 4.be necessary to sth 对...是必要的 5.in one's future career/development 在未来的事业发展中 6.to enhance one's social awareness/consciousness/realization 提高人们的社 会意识 7.to become more socially adaptable 更具社会适应性 8.to keep pace with the outside world 跟上外面世界的步伐 9.to build up/ establish one's confidence 建立自信 10.offer somebody a sense of achievement/ accomplishment 给与成就感 11.to actualize/realize one's value and capability 实现价值与能力 12.to make money/earn money 挣钱 13.to form a good habit of frugality/thrift 养成勤俭的习惯 14.to provide a chance/opportunity for sb 提供机会 15.to apply A into B 把A应用到B 中 16.to apply for sth 申请 17.in return/in reward 作为回报 18.obtain/acquire/reap/gain/attain 获取 19.cooperate and compromise 合作与妥协 20.to master interpersonal skills 掌握人际关系技巧 21.to ease/lessen/relieve financial strain/burden 缓解经济压力和负担 22.to enjoy a more colorful and interesting campus life 享受多彩和有趣的校园 生活 23.to widen one's horizon 拓宽视野 24.to shape one's character 塑造性格 25.to exert a negative/adverse impact on one's study and life 对学习很生活产 生负面的影响 26.to have a positive influence on sth/sb对学习很生活产生正面的影响 27.take up/occupy one’s space and time 占用时间和空间 28.the sole task/ the main task 主要任务 29.to make the best of/ to make full use of/ to take the advantage of 充分利用 30.be essential to/be fundamental to/ be basic to 对...是很根本的 31.be mature and rational/be immature and irrational 成熟和理性的/或相反 32.be vulnerable to/ be exposed to 对...是敏感的/暴露在... 33.social evils 社会罪恶 34.to go astray/be led into traps/to become lost sheep/to fall down the slippery slope 误入歧途 35.to tell/distinguish/differentiate right from wrong 明辨是非


雅思写作核心语料库 Part 1 1 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security 带来工作的满意感和安全感2lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验 3 reduce/cut down expenditure 削减支出 4increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会 6promote talent introduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流 7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍 9lay a solid foundation for 奠定坚实的基础 10 pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路 11foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养合作感与竞争感 12cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神 13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧 14widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面 15enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历 16enlarge one’s view/broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野 17realize the value of life 实现人生价值 18surmount /overcome / win over /master difficulties 克服困难 19grasp good communication skills 掌握人际交流技巧 20remove misunderstanding and discrimination 消除误解与歧视 21keep balance between work and family 保持事业与家庭的平衡 22raise the standard of living提高生活水平 25enrich people’s spiritual life 丰富人们的精神生活 26promote social skills and competence 提高社交技巧与能力 27strengthen the family ties促进家庭团结 28cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感 29bring joys and comforts to sb带来愉悦与舒适 30usher in a brand-new life-style引入全新的生活方式 31relieve the pressure of 缓解压力 32maintain the community stability 保持社会的稳定

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