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Glossary for business English


国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


Real GDP:


Nominal GDP: The production of goods and services valued at constant price.


Economic growth:

GDP gap:





经济附加值(EVA,Economic Value Added)

Okun’s Law:

Okun's Law(奥肯定律或奥肯法则):

Indexing: It is a mechanism by which wages, prices, and contracts are partially or wholly compensated for changes in the general price level.

Phillip’s curve: A curve that shows that short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment.


Potential GDP: A situation in which all the economy’s labour, capital, land and entrepreneurial ability are fully employed.

潜在GDP 高就业的GDP,或更精确地说,在既定的技术状况和人口规模条件下可以达到的且不致加速通货膨胀的最高水平的GDP。现今一般认为:它是那个与最低可持续失业率相应的产出水平的等价物。

Equilibrium: A situation in which the price has reached the level where quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.


Stagflation: A situation in which an economy is experiencing both falling output and rising prices.


MPC: It is the extra amount that people consume when they receive an extra dollar of disposable income.


MPS: It can be defined as the fraction of an extra dollar of disposable income that goes to extra saving.

边际储蓄倾向MPS (marginal propensity to save)


M1: Transactions money or narrow money consists of items that are actually used for transaction.



M2: Broad money or near money, includes M1 plus saving accounts in banks and similar assets that are very close substitutes for transaction money.


Theory of liquidity preference: Keynes’s theory that the interests rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance.


Supply shock: An event that directly alters firm’s costs and prices, shifting the economy’s aggregate-supply curve and thus the Phillip’s curve.


Crowding effect: The offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending.



Multiplier effect: The additional shifts in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy increases income and thereby increases consumer spending. 乘数效应(Multiplier Effect),更完整地说是支出/收入乘数效应,是宏观经济学的一个概念,是指支出的变化导致经济总需求与其不成比例的变化。这一概念通常与凯恩斯经济学相联系,其他一些经济学学派低估或否认这一效应对于宏观经济,尤其是长期看来的重要性。

Fraction-reserve banking:(银行部分准备金制度) A banking system in which banks holds only a fraction of deposits as reserve.


Money multiplier: The amount of money that banking system generates with each dollar of reserve.

在经济学中,乘数效应(Multiplier Effect),更完整地说是支出/收入乘数效应,是宏观经济学的一个概念,是指支出的变化导致经济总需求与其不成比例的变化。这一概念通常与凯恩斯经济学相联系,其他一些经济学学派低估或否认这一效应对于宏观经济,尤其是长期看来的重要性。

Open-market operations: The purchase and sale of US government bonds by the Fed. 公开市场操作(公开市场业务)是中央银行吞吐基础货币,调节市场流动性的主要货币政策工具,通过中央银行与指定交易商进行有价证券和外汇交易,实现货币政策调控目标。


Reserve requirements: Regulation on the minimum amount of reserves that banks must hold against deposits.


The Laffer curve: A curve which supposes that for a given economy there is an optimal income tax level to maximize tax revenues. It shows that tax revenue rises first with the size of the tax; but then. As the tax gets larger, the market shrinks so much that tax revenue starts to fall.

拉菲尔曲线(The Laffer Curve) 20世纪70年代,年轻的经济学家拉菲尔提出了一个奇怪的看法:对边际收入和资本减税,可获得更多的税收。理由是,减税将产生更多资本,提高企业和员工的生产率,整体经济将增长。这是过去20年美国持续繁荣的原因。

6 Trade deficit: The amount by which a nation’s imports of goods exceeds its exports of goods.

所谓贸易逆差是指一国在特定年度内进口贸易总值大于出口总值,俗称“ 入超”,反映该国当年在对外贸易中处于不利地位。

Trade surplus: The amount by which a nation’s exports of goods exceeds it imports of goods.

所谓贸易顺差是指在特定年度一国出口贸易总额大于进口贸易总额,又称“ 出超”.表示该国当年对外贸易处于有利地位。

Balance of trade: The value of a country’s exports minus the value of its imports.


Absolute Advantage: The ability of a country to supply a particular product or class of goods at lower costs than competing nations.




Comparative advantage: The ability to produce a good at lower cost, relative to other goods, compared to another country.




Demand or reactive lag: It is the time it takes for consumers to respond to the emergence of new, low cost of the product.

International Product life cycle: Certain kinds of products go through a continuum, or cycle, that consists of roughly four stages-introduction, growth, maturity, and decline- and that the location of production will shift from one country to another depending on the stage in the products life cycle.

产品生命周期(product life cycle),简称PLC,是产品的市场寿命,即一种新产品从开始进入市场到被市场淘汰的整个过程。费农认为:产品生命是指市上的的营销生命,产品和人的生命一样,要经历形成、成长、成熟、衰退这样的周期。就产品而言,也就是要经历一个开发、引进、成长、成熟、衰退的阶段。而这个周期在不同的技术水平的国家里,发生的时间和过程是不一样的,期间存在一个较大的差距和时差,正是这一时差,表现为不同国家在技术上的差距,它反映了同一产品在不同国家市场上的竞争地位的差异,从而决定了国际贸易和国际投资的变化。为了便于区分,费农把这些国家依次分成创新国(一般为最发达国家)、一般发达国家、发展中国家。


Non-tariff barriers: All barriers other then protective tariff that nations erect to impede international trade, including import quotas, licensing requirements and so on.


MES(minimum efficient scale): The lowest level of output at which a form can minimize lone-run average total cost.



Ad valorem tariff:

从价关税:以商品价格为标准征收的关税。ad volorem是拉丁文,从价之意,即从价关税是采用从价原则征收的,它是按价格的一定百分比征收,税额随价格的上升而增加,随价格下跌而减少,关税收入直接与价格挂钩。也就是以经海关审定的进出口货物价格(称为海关完税价格、海关价格或海关估价)为计税依据,按税则中规定的适用税率计征的关税。完税价格乘以税率即为应纳的关税税额。

Import quotas:Government put a physical limit on the volume of a particular production which may be imported during a particular period of time.

进口配额制(Import,quotas System):是一国政府在一定期限(一般为一年)以内,对于一些商品的进口数量或金额规定一个限额。主要有绝对配额和关税配额两种。Voluntary export restraints: restraints on exports that are self-imposed by an exporting country, although often in response to a threat that if such constraints are not imposed, the importing country will impose import quotes

自愿出口限制又称“自动出口限制”或“自动出口配额制(Voluntary Export Quotas)”,简称“自限制”。它是进口国的政府或一个工业同出口国的政府或相竞争的工业安排的、对后者所出口的一种或一种以上产品的数量加以限制的措施。

Anti-dumping duties: special import duties imposed when a firm, following an enquiry, is assessed as having sold a product in the importing market at a price below the one it charges in the home market.

反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties)


Countervailing duties: Additional duties imposed by the importing country to offset government subsidies in the exporting country, when the subsidized imports cause material injury to domestic industry in the importing country

反补贴税(Countervailing Duties):对接受补贴的进口商品征收的一种超过正常关税的特殊关税

目的在于抵消国外竞争者得到奖励和补助所产生的影响,从而保护进口国的制造商Externalities: Spillover benefits or costs arising from an economic activity that are not taken into account by producers, resulting in levels of production that are inappropriate from the standpoint of the economy as a whole.



Fundamental disequilibrium: A balance of payments surplus or deficits too great and/or enduring to be financed. It is easy to detect with hindsight, but difficult to detect

国际收支失衡(disequilibr ium)



X-inefficiency: The failure to produce any specific output at the lowest average (and total) cost possible.


Capital stock: The total available capital in a nation.

Free rider:The inability of potential providers of an economically desirable but in divisive good or service to obtain payment from those who benefit because the exclusive principle is not applicable.


Primary product: A good that has not been processed and is therefore in its natural state, specifically products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining.

Intermediate goods: Products that are purchased for resale or further processing or manufacture.初级产品


Local content requiremen t: A requirement that some specific fraction of a good be produced domestically.

当地含量要求(Local content requirement),一般是要求合营企业购买本国的原材料、机器、零配件、燃料等等,从而限制其向外国采购。

Transfer of technology: the movement of a technology from its culture of origin to some different culture.




to a contract is not to known to the other party, causing the latter to incur major costs.

E.g.: Individuals who have the poorest health are most likely to buy health insurance.



Balance of payments: A summary of all the transactions that took place between the individuals, firms, and governments units of one nation and those of all other nation during a year.




Current account:The section in a nation’s international balance of payments that records its exports and imports of goods and services, its net investment income, and its net transfer.

经常账户(Current Account)一国国际收支的主要组成部分,主要包括商品贸易收支,即有形货物的进出口,及服务贸易收支,即诸如旅游、银行及保险等各种服务的往来。经常账户不包含长期借贷和投资的资金流,这些均是资本账户上的项目。1

经常账户(Current Account,或译为―经常项目‖),是经常发生的国际经济交易,是最基本、最重要的账户。包括货物、服务、收入和经常转移四个项目。2 经常账户(即―经常项目‖),和资本与金融账户相对,指在国际收支平衡表中贸易和服务而产生的资金流动。这一部分所以被看成是一种更加合理的资金流动。

Capital account: The section in a nation’s international balance of payments that records the capital inflows and the capital outflows of that nation.


Double entry accounting: A method of bookkeeping in which every entry is balanced by another entry. Correct double-entry accounting always provides a balanced set of books; that is, the total value of your asset accounts minus the total of your liability accounts will equal the total of your equity accounts.



Unilateral transfer: Payment made by the government or private sector of one country to another as a gift or aid, not as payment for any good or service nor as an obligation. 单方面转移收支Unilateral Transfer:也称无偿转移收支,指国家之间单方面的,无需偿还的外汇收支,包括私人单方面转移收支和政府单方面转移收支两部分。私人单方面转移收支包括侨汇、年金、个人赠与等;政府单方面转移收支包括政府间的经济援助、军事援助、战争赔款、政府间的赠与等。单方面转移收支是国际收支的组成部分,包括在国际收支平衡表中的经常项目(Current Account)中。

Private transfer payments: It refers to gifts made by individual’s and non-government institutions to foreign.


Government transfers refer to gifts or grants made by one government to foreign residents or foreign governments.


Special Drawing Rights:

特别提款权(special drawing right,SDR)是国际货币基金组织创设的一种储备资产和记账单位,亦称―纸黄金(Paper Gold)‖。它是基金组织分配给会员国的一种使用资金的权利。会员国在发生国际收支逆差时,可用它向基金组织指定的其他会员国换取外汇,以偿付国际收支逆差或偿还基金组织的贷款,还可与黄金、自由兑换货币一样充当国际储备。但由于其只是一种记帐单位,不是真正货币,使用时必须先换成其他货币,不能直接用于贸易或非贸易的支付。因为它是国际货币基金组织原有的普通提款权以外的一种补充,所以称为特别提款权(SDR)。

Hot money: Money that moves rapidly across country borders in quick profits on debt or equities investments.

―热钱(Hot Money)‖又称―逃避资本(Refugee Capital)‖,游资或投机性短期资本,是充斥在世界上,无特定用途的流动资金。它是为追求最高报酬及最低风险,在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。

Par value: Face value. The central value of a pegged exchange rate, around which the actual rate is permitted to fluctuate within set bounds.





in response to changes in selective quantitative indicators, such as past inflation differentials vis-à-vis major trading partners, differentials between the inflation target and expected inflation in major trading partners, and so forth.

爬行钉住汇率制度是当今一些发展中国家采用的独具特色的汇率制度,在该汇率制度下,政府当局经常按一定时间间隔以事先宣布的百分比对汇率平价作小幅度的调整,直至达到均衡。Key currency: It is one that is traded on world money markets, has demonstrated stable values over time and has been widely accepted as a means of international settlement.

关键货币(Key Currency)




Basket of currencies: A group of currencies used to establish a value for some other currency.

Net capital inflows: It means the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents is less than the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.

Net capital outflows: It means the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents is more than the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.

International monetary system: Or international monetary order or regime refers to the rules, customs, instruments, facilities, and organizations for effecting international payments.



Pegged exchange rate :



Specie flow mechanism: Under the gold standard, the mechanism by which international payments would adjust. A country with high inflation would export less,

quantity of gold, the resulting monetary contraction would reduce prices. Due to David Hume.

物价–现金流动机制(Price Specie-Flow Mechanism)

在国际间普遍实行金本位制的条件下,一个国家的国际收支可通过物价的涨落和现金(即黄金)的输出输入自动恢复平衡。这一自动调节规律称为―物价–现金流动机制(Price Specie-Flow Mechanism)。‖它是在1752年由英国经济学家休谟·大卫(Hume David)提出的,所以又称―休谟机制‖。

Gold Standard: A monetary system in which both the value of a unit of the currency and the quantity of it in circulation are specified in terms of gold. If two currencies are both on the gold standard, then the exchange rate between them is approximately determined by their two prices in terms of gold.







Beggar thy neighbor: 以邻为壑效应(英文:beggar-thy-neighbor effect)




Cartel: A group of firms that seeks to raise the price of a good by restricting its supply. The term is usually used for international groups, especially involving state-owned firms and/or governments.



Stand-by-arrangements:(备用信贷协议)It refers to advance permission for future borrowing by the nation in IMF.


Seignior age:(铸币利差)It is the profit accruing to a nation form issuing the currency or which its currency is used as an international currency.


Maastricht Treaty:





Globalization: The increasing worldwide integration of markets for goods, services, and capital that attracted special attention in the late 1990s.





Strategic alliances: are business alliances among companies that provide strategic benefits to the partners.


进行的合作。战略联盟是各企业在追求长期竞争优势过程中为达到阶段性企业目标而与其他企业的结盟,通过相互交换互补性资源形成合力优势,共同对付强大的竞争者。Privatization: The conversion of a government-owned enterprise to private ownership. 【私有化】[Privatization] 是指公有组织或公有财产的所有权人直接或由其代理人越权将公有组织或公有财产以及这些组织或财产的所有权及其派生权利合法或非法地由公有组织或公有财产的全体公民或某一集体所有转变为个别私人所有的行为及其过程。Derivative market: A derivatives market is any market for a derivative security, that is a contract which specifies the right or obligation to receive or deliver future cash flows based on some future event such as the price of an independent security or the performance of an index.


其交易对象是,各类金融衍生工具(financial derivative instruments),交易目的是为了转移基础金融资产的风险,或降低交易双方的成本。金融衍生工具,实质是一种价值取决于基础性金融资产的价值或某一指数的金融合约,主要包括远期,期货,期权,互换四种基本类型,合约成交后在未来结算。



Engel’s laws:恩格尔定律(E ngel,s law)反映食物支出比重与家庭总支出变化关系的定律。即:一个家庭收入越少,家庭收入中或家庭总支出中用于购买食物的支出所占的比重就越大;一个国家越穷,每个国民的平均收入或平均支出中用于购买食物的费用所占的比重也越大。随着家庭收入的增加,家庭收入或家庭支出中用于购买食物的支出所占的比重将会下降。恩格尔定律是19世纪德国统计学家恩格尔(E.En- geD提出的。他根据经验统计资料,对消费结构的变化提出了上述定律,后来以他的名字命名。其定律用下列公式表示: 食物支出对总支出的比率(RI)一食物支出变动百分比总支出变动百分比食物支出对收入_ 的比率(RZ)一食物总支出变动百分比收入变动百分比RZ又称为食物支出的收入弹性。根据恩格尔定律得出的比例数称为恩格尔系数(Engel,5 Coeffieient)。它以下列公式表示: 恩格尔系数二食物支出金额总支出金额根据恩格尔定律,可以得出食物支出曲线,人们称它为恩格尔食物支出曲线。在中国,据国家统计局家庭抽样调查,城乡居民食物支出金额占生活消费总支出金额的比重,1981年为56,7%,1988年下降为51 .4%。(丁声俊)

Entrepreneurs: The agents that put science into application and thus change it into technologies or the people into business practices.


Technology diffusion: It is the dissemination of technical information and knowledge and the subsequent adoption of new technologies and techniques by users. Technology diffusion is a component in the broader innovation process.

技术扩散(Technological Diffusion)是一项技术从首次得到商业化应用,经过大力推广、普遍采用阶段,直至最后因落后而被淘汰的过程。。它不仅仅指对生产技术的简单获取,而是强调对技术引进方的技术能力的构建活动。技术扩散是在技术进步和技术创新后才发生的,并且与技术创新在市场上的推广传播过程有关,而创新则是指那些第一次被引入到商业贸易活动中的新发明。

Entry barrier: A natural or artificial impediment to a firm beginning to operate in an

these are often national firms in competition with potential foreign entrants.


Corporate strategy: strategic planning or management decisions that effect the direction or performance of company.


Value chain: An organization's set of linked, value-creating activities, ranging from securing basic raw materials and energy to the ultimate delivery of products and services.


Expropriation:The confiscation of private property by the State, with or without compensation or consent.

Legal recourse:

Differentiation.: A key element in firms' competitive advantage. Refers to market conditions in which a product can vary in some significant way from firm to firm producing it, and purchasers demonstrate preferences about which supplier to patronize in terms of these non-price differences. Factors contributing to product differentiation include quality and performance variations, special service conditions, and advertising. Severance pay: It is an entitlement that may be payable to an employee of the Public Service upon termination of employment.



Extraterritoriality is the state of being exempt from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations. For instance, a citizen of country A may enjoy extraterritoriality while visiting country B. In that case, this person cannot legally be tried by the courts of country B for some alleged crime. Extraterritoriality can also be applied to physical places, such as embassies, consulates, or military bases of foreign countries.


Anti-trust: Government regulation intended to maintain competitive market structures, in order to protect trade and commerce from monopolies and restraints on competition such as collusive price-fixing and vertical restraints.

取缔垄断行径、贸易限制和那些旨在抬高价格或取消竞争的厂商勾结行为的各种法律。Transfer price: Prices that one subsidiary of a firm pays for goods purchases from a


总部将存货转让给分支机构的价格。主要有成本价、成本加成价和零售价格三种。Nationalization:A process in which ownership of resources are transferred from the private to public sectors.将私人企业的生产资料收归国家所有的过程。国有化是国家所有制经济形成过程中的一条重要途径。

Intellectual property right: The right to control and derive the benefits from something one has invented, discovered, or created.

知识产权,指―权利人对其所创作的智力劳动成果所享有的专有权利‖,一般只在有限时间期内有效。各种智力创造比如发明、文学和艺术作品,以及在商业中使用的标志、名称、图像以及外观设计,都可被认为是某一个人或组织所拥有的知识产权。据斯坦福大学法学院的Mark Lemley教授,广泛使用该术语―知识产权‖是一个在1967年世界知识产权组织成立后出现的,最近几年才变得常见

Forum shopping: It is the informal name given to the practice of attempting to get a case heard in the court thought most likely to provide a decision favorable to a plaintiff. 择地行诉择地行诉(forum shopping)是与自然诉讼(natural forum)相对应的。自然行诉指的是“与诉讼条件具有真正和实际联系的法院”、“能以更少的不便和费用,公正处理争议的法院。”实践中,英国法院常常推定碰撞发生地是处理碰撞案件的自然行诉地点。本案中碰撞发生在土耳其水域,英国法院认为它是最自然且适宜的管辖地;而古巴船东作为当事人一方,试图选择一个在他认为可以获得最有利的判决或裁定的法院(本案中为英国法院)进行诉讼,则是择地行诉。

Principle of comity:It provides that a country will honor and enforce within its own territory the judgments and decisions of foreign courts with certain limitations.


First to file system: The first to file policy is a world-wide mainstream patent law doctrine used by nearly the whole world save the United States and the Philippines. Based on this policy, even if inventor A made the invention earlier than inventor B, if B filed the patent application to the patent office earlier, B shall be awarded a patent. Merger and acquisition: Combining of two or more entities through the direct acquisition by one of the net assets of the other.





Consumer market: An organization group of buyers and sellers of a particular product that are affected by its demand and supply.

Distribution channel:All the organizations and people involved in the physical


Listed company: A company whose share have been quoted by the stock exchange. Listed Company(上市公司) 公开发行股票的公司可分为上市公司与上柜公司,上柜公司为仅办理公开发行股票却未申请上市的股票发行公司,上市公司则为公开发行股票且已办理上市手续的公司。

Industrial complex:A manufacturing area that consist of many different factories

turning out different products.

Brand recognition: A product that has been recognized by local consumers.

品牌再认(brand recognition)


Quota: A restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular lines of products.



Organizational culture: The common values, behavior patterns, institutions, and so on among employees of corporation.

企业文化,或称组织文化(Corporate Culture或Organizational Culture),是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象。

Market economy:An economy in which the market is used to determine resource allocation, prices, and investments.


New economy: A different form of economy that is mainly supported by information technology sector instead of manufacturing.



膨胀率、低失业率并存,经济周期的阶段性特征明显淡化的一种新的经济现象。Bubble economy: An economy that primarily depends on banking, financial markets

and other transient operations.

泡沫经济:虚拟资本过度增长与相关交易持续膨胀日益脱离实物资本的增长和实业部门的成长,金融证券、地产价格飞涨,投机交易极为活跃的经济现象。泡沫经济寓于金融投机,造成社会经济的虚假繁荣,最后必定泡沫破灭,导致社会震荡,甚至经济崩溃。Venture capital:Funds that are invested in new plants or other enterprises open to

风险投资(venture capital)简称是VC在我国是一个约定俗成的具有特定内涵的概念,其实把它翻译成创业投资更为妥当。广义的风险投资泛指一切具有高风险、高潜在收益的投资;狭义的风险投资是指以高新技术为基础,生产与经营技术密集型产品的投资。根据美国全美风险投资协会的定义,风险投资是由职业金融家投入到新兴的、迅速发展的、具有巨大竞争潜力的企业中一种权益资本。

Business cycle: A period of time during which business moves form high activity through a running-down period to a state of low activity and then gradually improves and booms again.

经济周期(Business cycle):也称商业周期、商业循环、景气循环,它是指经济运行中周期性出现的经济扩张与经济紧缩交替更迭、循环往复的一种现象。是国民总产出、总收人和总就业的波动

Deregulation:The ending of the existing system of regulations, especially by the government.


Public offering: A non-exclusive issue to the general public either bonds or stock by a firm in order to raise funds.

Bottleneck: Difficulties or things those are more likely to hinder normal production or prevent smooth economic development.

一般是指在整体中的关键限制因素。瓶颈在不同的领域有不同的含义。产业发展的瓶颈,是指在构成产业关联的产业系统中,那些不能适应其他产业发展的产业。Information technology: All devices and knowledge that required to managed and kind of data.

信息技术(Information Technology 简称IT)是指在信息科学的基本原理和方法的指导下扩展人类信息功能的技术。一般说,信息技术是以电子计算机和现代通信为主要手段实现信息的获取,加工,传递和利用等功能的技术总和。人的信息功能包括:感觉器官承担的信息获取功能,神经网络承担的信息传递功能,思维器官承担的信息认知功能和信息再生功能,效应器官承担的信息执行功能。

Treasury bill: A U.S government short-term security sold to the public each week.

Treasury bill可能是:

?短期国债(Treasury bill/Short-term Government bond/Treasury Bond/short term bills )是一国政府为满足先支后收所产生的临时性资金需要而发行的短期债券。短期国债在英美称为国库券,英国是最早发行短期国债的国家。

?短期国库券(Treasury Bill):美国政府发行的债务证券,期限少于一年。短期国库券通过竞标过程发售,价格相对面值有折扣,所以不会像大部分其他债券一般支付定额利息。

Capital stock: The entire shares of a joint-stock company whose shareholders together from the ownership of the concern..

Product life cycle: A theory states that certain kinds of products go through a cycle consisting of four stages(introduction, growth, maturity and declines.

issued by a company with low credit rating.

Liquidity: Available cash or the capacity to obtain it on demand.



二、狭义的流动资金=流动资产-流动负债。即所谓净流动资金(net workingcapital)。依照此一定义,流动资产的资金来源,除流动负债外,应另辟长期来源。净流动资金的多寡代表企业的流动地位,净流动资金越多表示净流动资产愈多,其短期偿债能力较强,因而其信用地位也较高,在资金市场中筹资较容易,成本也较低。

Multinational company: A very large organization that owns companies in more than one country in order to obtain cheap raw materials and make efficient use of a local workforce.


Benchmark: A standard by which something can be measured or judged.



Pricing policy: A plan or statement of prices set by an organization for its products and services.

价格政策是国家为达到一定的宏观目标,在商品价格上所采取的一系列方针、措施的总称。Money market: The institutions and practices through which short-term funds are channeled to borrowers and entrepreneurs.


Capital market: A place where deals are made relating to long-term investment needed by business and pubic authorities.

英文: capital market

亦称―长期金融市场‖、―长期资金市场‖。期限在一年以上各种资金借贷和证券交易的场所。资本市场上的交易对象是一年以上的长期证券。因为在长期金融活动中,涉及资金期限长、风险大,具有长期较稳定收入,类似于资本投入,故称之为资本市场Collateral: Property or an item of value that can be claimed by a person, bank or other organizations if a loan is not repaid.

Dow-Jones industrial Average: An index of share prices quoted on the New York

道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average,DJIA,简称―道指‖)是由华尔街日报和道琼斯公司创建者查尔斯·道创造的几种股票市场指数之一。他把这个指数作为测量美国股票市场上工业构成的发展,是最悠久的美国市场指数之一。

Blue chip: A stock that sells at a high price because of public confidence in its long record of steady earning.

蓝筹股(blue chip):在某一行业中处于重要支配地位,业绩优良,交投活跃,红利优厚的大公司的股票,又称为"绩优股"。但蓝筹股并不等于具有很高投资价值的股票。

Social security: A government program that provides economic assistance to persons faced with unemployment, disability, or agedness, financed by assessment of employers and employees.

社会保障(social security),是指国家和社会在通过立法对国民收入进行分配和再分配,对社会成员特别是生活有特殊困难的人们的基本生活权利给予保障的社会安全制度。社会保障的本质是维护社会公平进而促进社会稳定发展。

Reinsurance:The purchase of insurance by an insurance company form another insurance company (reinsurer) to provide it protection against large losses on cases it has already insured.


Sanction: The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.


Speculation: Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.


Value added tax: An indirect tax imposed on consumption that is reflective of the incremental increases on the value of goods through the chain of production, from the raw material phase to final consumption.

增值税是一种销售税,属累退税,是基于商品或服务的增值而征税的一种间接税,在澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、新加坡称为商品及服务税(Goods and Services Tax, GST),在日本称作消费税。Fair trade: Trade that conforms to a fair-trade agreement.


Subsidy: A financial benefit, direct or direct, provided through financial contribution, policy measures or practices of a Government or any public body to producers or processors.



Rebate: A deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment.



Trade liberalization: Reduction of tariffs and removal or relaxation of national trade barriers.


Trade barrier: Any barrier that may impede the import of goods, such as testing or certification.

贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier)又称贸易障碍。


Waiver: Permission granted by WTO members allowing a WTO member not to comply with normal commitments. Waivers have time limits and extensions have to be justified. Arbitration: The process by which the parties to a dispute submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person or group appointed by mutual consent or statutory provision.


Dispute Settlemen t: Those institutional provisions in a trade agreement which provide the means for settling differences of view between the parties.

Copyright: The legal right granted to an author, a composed, a playwright, a publisher, or a distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.


Trade sanction:Use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo imposed against a country for violating human right.

贸易制裁(Trade sanction)是一国或数国政府通过法令对另一国采取强硬措施,以断绝相互之间的经济和贸易关系的行为。奥巴马就职以来,美国政府已经对中国产品开展了至少十余次―反倾销、反补贴‖调查。中方已多次就美国对中国出口产品征收关税表示

Trade reciprocity:The practice by which government extend similar concessions to each other, as when one government lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concessions from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.

Appellate Body: An independent body that , upon request by one or more parties to the dispute, reviews findings in panel reports.

Balance sheet: A financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time.

资产负债表(the Balance Sheet)亦称财务状况表,表示企业在一定日期(通常为各会计期末)的财务状况(即资产、负债和业主权益的状况)的主要会计报表。资产负债表利用会计平衡原则,将合乎会计原则的资产、负债、股东权益‖交易科目分为―资产‖和―负债及股东权益‖两大区块,在经过分录、转帐、分类帐、试算、调整等等会计程序后,以特定日期的静态企业情况为基准,浓缩成一张报表。其报表功用除了企业内部除错、经营方向、防止弊端外,也可让所有阅读者于最短时间了解企业经营状况。

Re-capitalization: The act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.



Cash flow: The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.


Labor-intensive:Requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.



The chain of command: A system whereby authority passes down from the top through a series of executive positions or military ranks in which each is accountable to the one directly superior.


英语国家概况名词解释 1、The Constitution:Britain has no written foundations of the British state are laid out in statute law,which are laws passed by Parliament; the common laws, which are laws established through commom practice in courts;and conventions. 2、The house of Common: It’s the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament) make and debate policy,These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them. 3、The electoral campaign:Before a general election,the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies known to the campaign involves advertisements in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning,postal deliveries of leaflets and ‘party electoral broadcasts” on the parties also try to attack and critisise the opponents’,these campaigns sometimes can be quite aggressive and critical. 4、Class system in British society:The class system does exist in British of British population would claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class,though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower divisions are not simply economic,they are cultural as of different classes may defferent may differ in the kind of newspaper they read,in the way they speak and in the kind of education they of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited. 5、Relative decline of the UK economy:The UK has experienced an economic decline since this is a relative decline rather than an absolute is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945,but since other countries developed more rapidly,it has slid from being the second largest economy to being the six. 6、Comprehensive schools:are the most popular secondary schools in Britain schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking 7、Grammar school s:it’s a type of secondary schools in schools select children at the age 11,through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities. 8、Independent schools:are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates,with some government schools are not part of national education system,but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich. 9、the first English settle in North America:The first English permanent settlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company with a charter from the English colonists settled in Virginia and survived by imposing strict discipline on themselves and by transplanting tobacco into the colony of 1619,the settlers elected their delegates and set up the House of Burgesses,and the same time they bought and enslaved


Hostile takeover An acquisition of a firm despite resistance by the target firm's management and board of directors. Total quality control A philosophy and set of guiding concepts that provides a comprehensive means of improving total organization performance and quality by examining each process through which work is done in a systematic, integrated, consistent, organization-wide manner. Abbreviated TQM. Motivation theory/need hierarchy theory Psychological discipline that attempts to describe why people or animals behave as they do solely in terms of internal needs that drive behavior, rather than attributing any influence to external stimuli. theory X and theory Y assumption T h e o r y X With Theory X assumptions, management's role is to coerce and control employees. o People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. o People must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives. o People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition. o People seek security above all else. T h e o r y Y With Theory Y assumptions, management's role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. o Work is as natural as play and rest. o People will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives (they are NOT lazy). o Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. o People learn to accept and seek responsibility. o Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population. People are capable of using these abilities to solve an organizational problem. o People have potential.


会计专业专业术语中英文对照 一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle

医学统计学 名词解释+问答题-1

医学统计学 1、应用相对数时应注意的事项 ①计算相对数时分母不能太小; ②分析时不能以构成比代替率; ③当各分组的观察单位数不等时,总率(平均率)的计算不能直接将各分组的率相加求其平均; ④对比时应注意资料的可比性:两个率要在相同的条件下进行,即要求研究方法相同、研究对象同质、观察时间相等以及地区、民族、年龄、性别等客观条件一致,其他影响因素在各组的内部构成应相近; ⑤进行假设检验时,要遵循随机抽样原则,以进行差别的显著性检验。 2、正态分布的特点及其应用 性质:①两头低中间高,略呈钟形; ②只有一个高峰,在X=μ,总体中位数亦为μ; ③以均数为中心,左右对称; ④μ为位置参数,当σ恒定时,μ越大,曲线沿横轴越向右移动; σ为变异度参数,当μ恒定时,σ越大,表示数据越分散,曲线越矮胖,反之,曲线越瘦高; ⑤对于任何服从正态分布N(μ,σ2)的随机变量X作的线性变换,都会变换成u 服从于均数为0,方差为1的正态分布,即标准正态分布。 应用:①概括估计变量值的频数分布; ②制定参考值范围; ③质量控制; ④是许多统计方法的理论基础。 3、确定参考值范围的一般原则和步骤、方法 一般原则和步骤:①抽取足够例数的正常人样本作为观察对象; ②对选定的正常人进行准确而统一的测定,以控制系统误差; ③判断是否需要分组测定; ④决定取单侧范围值还是双侧范围值; ⑤选定适当的百分范围; ⑥选用适当的计算方法来确定或估计界值。 方法:①正态分布法:②百分位数法(偏态分布) 4、总体均数的可信区间与参考值范围的区别 概念:可信区间是按预先给定的概率来确定的未知参数μ的可能范围。 参考值范围是绝大多数正常人的某指标范围。所谓正常人,是指排除了影响所研究指标的疾病和有关因素的人;所谓绝大多数,是指范围,习惯上指正常人的95%。 计算公式:可信区间① ② ③ 参考值范围①正态分布 ②偏态分布 用途:可信区间用于总体均数的区间估计 参考值范围用于表示绝大多数观察对象某项指标的分布范围


绝对不应期absolute refractory period The time interval during which a cell is incapable of initiating a second action potential. 动作电位action potential An action potential is a rapid change in the membrane potential. Each action potential begins with a sudden change from the normal resting negative potential to a positive membrane potential (depolarization) and then ends with an almost equally rapid change back to the negative potential (repolarization). 主动转运active transport The movement of substances across the membrane occurs against the electrochemical gradient with the necessity of consumption of metabolic energy 后负荷afterload Afterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction. 自身调节autoregulation In certain cases, a tissue or organ can respond directly to the environmental changes, depending neither on nervous nor on humoral control. This form of regulation is called auto-regulation. 完全强直收缩complete tetanus When the frequency of stimulation reaches a critical level, the successive contractions are so rapid that they literally fused together, and the contraction appears to be completely smooth and continuous. This is called completely tetanus. 去极化depolarization The change in membrane potential away from the resting potential and toward the sodium equilibrium. 入胞endocytosis Very large particles enter the cell by a specialized function of the cell membrane called endocytosis. The principle forms of endocytosis are pinocytosis and phagocytosis. 平衡电位equilibrium potential Electrochemical equilibrium is a steady state, as in the resting membrane potential of a cell ,in which an electrical potential and chemical potential gradient are in balance and no net movement of charged particles occurs. 兴奋性excitability Excitability is the ability of certain kinds of cells (excitable cell) to generate active changes in their membrane potential. Excitability is a fundamental property common to all tissues and cells. 兴奋excitation Excitation signifies and increases in activity, such as contraction of a muscle, acceleration of the heart beat. 出胞exocytosis A stimulus to secrete causes the intracellular vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane and to release the vesicles contents is called exocytosis. 易化扩散facilitated diffusion


Деловой перевод. Forms of ownership: –Sole Proprietorship—a business owned and operated by a single individual. –Partnership---- партнёрство— a business owned by two or more people. –Limited Company—a company where ownership is represented by company's shares. 1. Board of directors---.Cовет директоров —the officials elected by shareholders who rule the company 2. Current liabilities—the money that a company during which certain goods are produced. 3. Dividends—company profits paid to shareholders. 4. Entrepreneur-- Предприниматель—person who sets up a new commercial enterprise to make a profit. 5. Indebtedness -- задолженность– amount of debts 6. Initial funds --funds used in starting a business. 7. Liabilities -- Обязательства– the amount of debt that must be paid. 8. Shareholders-- акционер–those who own shares of a company's stock. 9. Accounting –бухгалтерия---- the action or process of keeping financial accounts. Is a system of gathering , summarizing and communicating financial information for a business firm, government or other organizations. 10. Balance sheet –Балансовый отчёт - is a statement which describes the companies resources and indicates where these resources have come from.


医学统计学简答题 1.简述标准差、标准误的区别与联系? 区别:(1)含义不同:标准差S表示观察值的变异程度,描述个体变量值(x)之间的变异度大小,S越大,变量值(x)越分散;反之变量值越集中,均数的代表性越强。标准误..估计均数的抽样误差的大小,是描述样本均数之间的变异度大小,标准误越大,样本均数与总体均数间差异越大,抽样误差越大;反之,样本均数越接近总体均数,抽样误差越小。 (2)与n的关系不同: n增大时,S趋于σ(恒定),标准误减少并趋于0(不存在抽样误差)。 (3)用途不同:标准差表示x的变异度大小、计算变异系数、确定医学参考值范围、计算标准误等,标准误用于估计总体均数可信区间和假设检验。 联系:二者均为变异度指标,样本均数的标准差即为标准误,标准差与标准误成正比。 2.简述假设检验的基本步骤。 1.建立假设,确定检验水准。 2.选择适当的假设检验方法,计算相应的检验统计量。 3.确定P值,下结论 3.正态分布的特点和应用:? 特点:?1、集中性:正态曲线的高峰位于正中央,即均数所在的位置;? 2、对称性:正态分布曲线位于直角坐标系上方,以x=u为中心,左右对称,曲线两端永远不与横轴相交; 3、均匀变动性:正态曲线由均数所在处开始,分别向左右两侧逐渐均匀下降;?

4、正态分布有两个参数,即均数μ和标准差σ,可记作N(μ,σ):均数μ决定正态曲线的中心位置;标准差σ决定正态曲线的陡峭或扁平程度。σ越小,曲线越陡峭;σ越大,曲线越扁平; ?5、u变换:为了便于描述和应用,常将正态变量作数据转换;?? 应用:?1.估计医学参考值范围?2.质量控制?3.正态分布是许多统计方法的理论基础 4.简述参考值范围与均数的可信区间的区别和联系 可信区间与参考值范围的意义、计算公式和用途均不同。 ?1.从意义来看?95%参考值范围是指同质总体内包括95%个体值的估计范围,而总体均数95%可信区间是指?95%可信度估计的总体均数的所在范围? 2.从计算公式看?若指标服从正态分布,95%参考值范围的公式是:±1.96s。?总体均数95%可信区间的公式是:??前者用标准差,后者用标准误。前者用1.96,后者用α为0.05,自由度为v的t界值。 5.频数表的用途和基本步骤。 用途:(1)揭示资料的分布特征和分布类型;(2)便于进一步计算指标和分析处理;(3)便于发现某些特大或特小可疑值。 基本步骤:(1)求出极差;(2)确定组段,一般设8~15个组段;(3)确定组距;组距=R/组段数,但一般取一方便计算的数字;(4)列出各个组段并确定每一组段频数。 6.非参数统计检验的适用条件。 (1)资料不符合参数统计法的应用条件(总体为正态分布、且方差相等)或总体分布类型未知;(2)等级资料;(3)分布呈明显偏态又无适当的变量转换方法使之满足参数统计条件;(4)在资料满足参数检验的要求时,应首选参数法,以免降低检验效能 7.线性回归的主要用途。


题型:选择,判断,名词解释,填空 名词解释重点整理如下: 英国经济的相对衰落:英国已经历了经济的下降,因为1945.But这是一个相对而不 是绝对的下降。英国是富裕和更富有成效的,比它在1945年,但由于其他国家的发展更为迅速,从第二大经济体,第六下滑。 私有化在1908s:英国经济在20世纪70年代经历了一个特别恶劣的时期,高通胀率和英镑贬值,因此,在20世纪80年代,当根据撒切尔夫人的保守党执政时期,一个广泛的方案。进行了私有化。许多国有企业(如钢铁,电信,天然气,航空航天)到了私人公司的私有化是在控制通货膨胀取得了成功,但同时失业率迅速上升。 英国经济的主要部门:主要行业,如农业,渔业和采矿,制造这些初级产品的复杂商品的第二产业;和大专(或服务)的产业,如:英国国家经济可以划分成三个主要领域银行,保险,旅游业和零售业。 综合学校:综合学校是在英国最流行的中学,这些学校承认不参考他们的学术能力的儿童提供普通教育的学生可以学习一切从喜欢文学,喜欢烹饪的实用科目的学科。 文法学校。文法学校在英国中学的类型选择通过一个名为“11 - PULS”考试在11 岁以下的儿童,这些儿童与最高分去文法学校,这些学校打好重点上先进的学科,而不是更普遍的综合学校的课程,并期望他们的学生去上大学。 俗称独立学校:独立学校是公立学校,这实际上是私人学校接收他们通过私营部门和学费率的资金,与一些政府援助的独立学校是不是国民教育体系的一部分,但教学的质量和标准。通过参观女王陛下的学校督察保持这些学校限制学生的父母都比较丰富。公开大学:。开放大学是在英国成立的1960年为人们谁可能不会得到经济和社会原因高等教育机会的它是对所有人开放,并并没有要求在同一个正式的其他大学教育资格大学其次通过电视,广播,通信,视频和Q研究中心的净工作课程,公开大学学业结束。成功的学生将被授予大学学位。 邦联条:独立战争胜利后,美国新的国家是一个虚弱的国民政府组织联合会章程协议下的所谓国会,每个国家都有自己的政府,其自身的规律。和处理其内部事务。国家没有与美国国会和相互合作。大会没有权力强迫任何国家出钱国家的政府和国会不能任何公民征税。因此,文章邦联失败。 一个联邦制度:一个联邦制度是其中的电源之间共享一个中央机关及其组成部分,保留给每个前来的权利,。 美国宪法的制定:联邦章程失败,大会决定举行制宪会议修改联合会章程12States (罗德岛州拒绝参加)的代表聚集在费城在1787and在写一个新的结束。宪法和联 邦制度与一个强大的中央政府。宪法规定,总统选举将被称为,联邦法律将只能由国会众议院众议院和参议院和S最高法院将成立,终于批准了新宪法,大多数市民在 9of 13States是在1787年正式生效。 。执行:行政长官是谁当选一个四年任期的总统根据在1951.The总统通过了一项修 正案,只有两个词可以选出一位总统可以向国会提出立法建议,他可以否决任何法案国会通过。否决权,可以通过在两院三分之二多数票覆盖。总统可以任命联邦法官空缺出现,他是军队的首席指挥官。布什总统在政府运作等广泛当局部门和处理外交关系。 人权:人权法案条例草案,其中在1791年宪法第10修正案,权利的条例草案获得 通过,以保证自由和个人权利,如言论自由,集会权在公共场所自己的武器等的权利。


统计学(Statistics):运用概率论、数理统计的原理与方法,研究数据的搜集;分析;解释;表达的科学。 总体(population):大同小异的研究对象全体。更确切的说,总体是指根据研究目的确定的、同质的全部研究单位的观测值。 样本(sample):来自总体的部分个体,更确切的说,应该是部分个体的观察值。样本应该具有代表性,能反映总体的特征。利用样本信息可以对总体特征进行推断。 抽样误差(sampling error)在抽样过程中由于抽样的偶然性而出现的误差。表现为总体参数与样本统计量的差异,以及多个样本统计量之间的差异。可用标准误描述其大小。 标准误(Standard Error) 样本统计量的标准差,反映样本统计量的离散程度,也间接反映了抽样误差的大小。样本均数的标准差称为均数的标准误。均数标准误大小与标准差呈正比,与样本例数的平方根呈反比,故欲降低抽样误差,可增加样本例数 区间估计(interval estimation):将样本统计量与标准误结合起来,确定一个具有较大置信度的包含总体参数的范围,该范围称为置信区间(confidence interval,CI),又称可信区间。 参考值范围描述绝大多数正常人的某项指标所在范围;正态分布法(标准差)、百分位数法,参考值范围用于判断某项指标是否正常 置信区间揭示的是按一定置信度估计总体参数所在的范围。t分布法、正态分布法(标准误)、二项分布法。置信区间估计总体参数所在范围 参数统计(parametric statistics) 非参数统计(nonparametric statistics)是指在统计检验中不需要假定总体分布形式和计算参数估计量,直接对比较数据(x)的分布进行统计检验的方法。 变异(variation):对于同质的各观察单位,其某变量值之间的差异 同质(homogeneity):研究对象具有的相同的状况或属性等共性。 回归系数有单位,而相关系数无单位 β为回归直线的斜率(slope)参数,又称回归系数(regression coefficient)。 线性相关系数(linear correlation coefficient):又称Pearson积差相关系数(Pearson product moment coefficient),是定量描述两个变量间线性关系的密切程度与相关方向的统计指标。 参数(parameter):描述总体特征的统计指标。 统计量(statistic):描述样本特征的统计指标。 实验设计的基本原则


美国山脉: The Appalachians on the east stretch almost unbroken from Alabama to the Canadian border and beyond.The eastern United States is broad, flat coastal plain. The Great Plain lie west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains. To the west of the interior basin lies the mighty system of mountain Cordillera. 英国议会: The UK Parliament is one of the oldest representative assemblies in the world, having its origins in the mid-thirteenth-century great councils. Parliaments is the supreme legislative body and the assembly that Government is drawn from and answerable to. It comprise three elements: the Crown, the non-elected House of Commons, of which the latter is the source of real political power in the United Kingdom. In theory, the main function of Parliament is to legislate, that is, to create, abolish or amend new laws for the entire nation. But, in practice, it normally passes bills that are often proposed by the government. In addition, Parliament also votes the taxation and expenditures of the government; examines government policies and administration; and debates major political issues of the day. New England: New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states.It was one of the settlements by British colonists.it is a leader in innovative business methods,publishing,and the design and production of high-tech weaponry,aircraft,engines, tools and computers. Protestantism: One of the three major branches of Christianity,originating in the sixteenth-century reformation in Europe. The term applies to the belief of Christians who do not adhere to roman catholicism or eastern orthodoxy. The Renaissance The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century and profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry. Renaissance scholars employed the


Acceptance承兑P119 An acceptance credit call for drafts to be drawn at a tenor for acceptance by the issuing bank or any drawee nawed in the credit.汇票承兑信用证要求汇票按规定在一定期限内由开证行或者其他在信用证上签名的收款人来检验。 a letter of credit信用证P116 A banker’s document letter of credit is a credit instrument.A common means of payment in international trade.一种在国际贸易中常见的支付手段。Containing a writer undertaking in the part of the issuing bank to pay a certain amount to a third party against the surrender of stipulated documents. collection托收P133 entrust banks as intermediaries to collect the money for the goods 委托银行作中间人收取款项 Bill票据 a statement of money owed for goods or services; demand payment tax 税收P197 charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government; levy a tax on hedge套期保值P144 capture slight differences in price; foreign exchange markets perform four major functions:tranfer of payments;provision of credits;payment at a distance;allowing hedging against exchange risk.外汇市场主要从事四种功能:转移支付;提供信贷;异地支付;提供外汇风险防范。 arbitrage套汇P139 buy at the lower price and sells at the higher price; Is the use of discrepancies in currency exchange rates to transform one unit of a currency into more than one unit of the same currency.利用不同的外汇市场各种货币在同一时刻的汇率和汇率上的差异,同时买进和卖出有关货币的现汇和期汇,以赚取汇率或利率上的差价收益的交易。 option期权P144 the right to buy or sell property at an agreed price; the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited在外汇交易中,以契约形式规定的在某一特定日期或在未来某一日期,按规定的价格买(看涨期权)或卖(看跌期权)特定数量的基础票据权利。 future期货 A currency future,also FX future or foreign exchange future.is a futures contract to exchange one currency for another at specified date in the future at a price(exchange rate 买卖双方约定于未来某一特定日期,以约定价格买卖的约定数量的商品。 foreign exchange汇率,外汇 price by one currency for other currency; means the system utilized in financing international payments.一个用于支付国际金融付款的系统。


《会计学原理》名词解释Accounting: is an information and measurement system that identifies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2) Managerial accounting: is the area of accounting that serves the decision-marking needs of internal users.(P4) Events: refer to happenings that affect an entity’s accounting equation and can be reliably measured.(P11) External user: of accounting information are not directly involved in running the organization.(P3) Internal user: of accounting information are those directly efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.(P4) Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. They are accepted standards of good and bad behavior.(P5) Cost principle: means that accounting information is based on actual cost.(P7) Revenue recognition principle: provides guidance on when a company must recognize revenue.(P7) Matching principle: prescribes that a company must records its expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.(P7)

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