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Model Test Eight

I.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Keep Psychologically Healthy? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




II.R eading comprehension (skimming and scanning ) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you

will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 1-7, markY(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG(for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10 ,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.


A goverment study recommended a national highway systerm of 33,920 miles, and congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, central controlled desert criteria.

The interstate highway system was finally launched in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century. To bulid its 44,000-mile web of highways, bridge and tunnels, hundreds of unique engineering designs and solutions had to be worked out. Consider the many geographic, features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, deserts and plains. Variables included the slope of the land, the ability of the pavement to support the load. Innovative designs of roadways, tunnels, bridges, overpasses, and interchanges that could run through or bypass urban areas soon began to weave their way across the country, forever altering the face of American.

Long-span,segmented-concrete, cable-stayed bridges such as Hale Boggs in Louisiana and the Sunshine Skyway in Florida, and remarkable tunnels like Fort Mchenry in Maryland and Mr. Bakerin Washington developed under the nation's physical challenges, Traffic control systems and methods of construction developed uder the interstate program soon influenced highway construction around the world, and were invaluable in improving the condition of urban streets and traffic patterns.

Today, the interstate system links every major city in the U.S, and the U.S with Canada and Mexico, Built with safety in mind, the highways have wide lanes and shoulders, dividing medians, or barriers, long entry and exit lanes, ourves engineered for safe turns, and limited access. The death rate on highways is half that of all other U.S roads (0.86 deaths per 100 million passenger miles compared to 1.99 deaths per 100 million on all other roads).

By opening the North American continent, highways have enabled consumer goods and services to reach people in remote and rural areas of jobs, access to the growth options in terms of jobs access to cutural progreams health care ,and other benefits. Above all, the interstate system provides individuals with what they enerish most: personal freedom of mobility.

The interstate system has been an essential element of the nation's economic growth in terms of shipping and job creation: more than 75 percent of the nation's freight deliveries arrive by

truck.and most products that arrive by rail or air use interstates for the last leg of the journey by vehiole.

Not only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipping routes, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centres. It has allower the rwlocation of manufacturing plants and other industries from urban areas to rural.

By the end of the century there was an immense network of paved roads ,residential

streets,expressways,and freeways built to support millions of vehicles,The high way system was officially renamed for Eisenhower to honor his vison and leadership.The year construction began he said:"Together,the united forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear -United States.Without them ,we would be a mere alliance of many sepaeate parts."

1.National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.

2.General Eisenhower felt that the broad German motorways made more sense than the two-land highways of American.

3.It was in the 1950s that American government finally took action ato build a national highway system.

4.Many of the problems presented by the country ' s geographical features found solutions in innovative engineering projects.

5.In spite of safety ocnsiderations, the death rate n interstate highways is still higher than that on the other American roads.

6.The interstate highway system provides access between major military installations in American.

7.Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system.

8. _________________________________________________________________ T he greatest benefit brought about by the interstate system was ________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________ T rucks using the interstate highways deliver more than _____________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________ The interterstate systerm was renamed afterEisenhower in recognition ____________________

III.Reading comprehension(reading in depth) (III&IV25minutes)

Direction : In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

There is nothing more fatiguing than not succeeding-being blocked, not moving ahead. It is a __1__ circle. Failure breeds fatigue, and the fatigue makes it harder to get to work, which tends to ___2_ the failure. We experience this tiredness in two main ways: as start-up fatigue and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a __3__ that we are forced to take up. Either because it is too __4__ or because it is too difficult, we avoid it. And the longer we __5__ it, the more tired we feel.

Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not __6__ physical, not something in our muscles

and bon es. The remedy is obvious, though perhaps not __7__ to apply: an exert ion of will power. The moment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of other things I have to do, I clear my desk of everyth ing else and attach the object ion able item first. To

__8__ start-up fatigue, always tackle the most difficult job first.

Performa nee fatigue is more difficult to han dle. Here we are not __9__ to get started but we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear insurmountable and however hard we work, we fail again and again. The mounting experienee of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burde n of men tal fatigue. In such a __10__, I work as hard as I can the n let the uncon scious take over.

IV.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them are four choices marked A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960's and 70's, were

primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clea n Air Act has man dated uni eaded gas use in the Un ited States, the lead accumulation world-wide has decreased significantly.

A study published recen tly in the jour nal Nature shows that air-bor ne leaded gas emissi ons from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Gree nland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutr on, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic( 北极的)snow were declining.

In his new study, Dr. Boutr on found the ratios of the differe nt forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used in the United States were different from the ratios of European, Asian and Canadian gasolines and thus enabled scientists to differentiate ( 分区)the lead sources. The dominant lead

ratio found in Gree nland snow matched that found in gasoli ne from the Un ited States.

In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the North-easter n Un ited States had decreased markedly since the in troduct ion of uni eaded gasoli ne.

Many scie ntists had believed that the lead would stay in soil and snow for a Ion ger period.

The authors of the Ambio study exam ined samples of the upper layers of soil take n from the same sites of 30 forest floors in New En gla nd, New York and Penn sylva nia in 1980 and in 1990.

The forest environment processed and redistributed the lead faster than the scientists had expected.

Scie ntists say both studies dem on strate that certain parts of the ecosystem (生态系统) resp ond rapidly to reduct ions in atmospheric polluti on, but that these findings should not be used as a lice nse to pollute.

1.The study published in the journal Nature indicates that

A)the Clean Air Act has not produced the desired results

B)lead deposits in arctic snow are on the increase

C)lead will stay in soil and snow longer than expected

D)the US is the major source of lead pollution in arctic snow

2.Lead accumulation worldwide decreased significantly after the use of unleaded gas in the US

A)was discouraged

B)was enforced by law

C)was prohibited by law

D)was introduced

3.How did scientists discover the source of lead pollution in Greenland?

A)By analyzing the data published in journals like Nature and Ambio.

B)By observing the lead accumulations in different parts of the arctic area.

C)By studying the chemical elements of soil and snow in Northeastern America.

D)By comparing the chemical compositions of leaded gasoline used in various countries.

4.The authors of the Ambio study have found that

A)forests get rid of lead pollution faster than expected

B)lead accumulations in forests are more difficult to deal with

C)lead deposits are widely distributed in the forests of the US

D)the upper layers of soil in forests are easily polluted by lead emissions

5.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that scientists

A)are puzzled by the mystery of forest pollution

B)feel relieved by the use of unleaded gasoline

C)still consider lead pollution a problem

D)lack sufficient means to combat lead pollution

Passage Two

Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body weight.Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to "light" beer and low-calorie bread than increase physical exertion. The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.

In rejecting exercise, some people may be discouraged too much by caloric-expenditure charts;for example, one would have to briskly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious Danish pastry ( 小甜饼). Even exercise professionals concede half a point here. "Exercise by itself is a very tough way to lose weight," says York Onnen, program director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Still, exercise's supporting role in weight reduction is vital. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that

those who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight.

If you have been sedentary (极少活动的) and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other dietary adjustments, you may lose even more weight.

6.What is said about the average American in the passage?

A)They tend to exaggerate the healthful effect of "light" beer.

B)They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.

C)They prefer "light" beer and low-calorie bread to other drinks and food.

D)They know the factors that play a positive role in keeping down body weight.

7.Some people dislike exercise because

A)they think it is physically exhausting

B)they find it hard to exercise while on a diet

C)they don't think it possible to walk 3 miles every day

D)they find consulting caloric-expenditure charts troublesome

8."Even exercise professionals concede half a point here" (Line 3, Para. 2) means "They

A)agree that the calories in a small piece of pastry can be difficult to work off by exercise

B)partially believe diet plays a supporting role in weight reduction

C)are not fully convinced that dieting can help maintain one's new weight

D)are not sufficiently informed of the positive role of exercise in losing weight

9.What was confirmed by the Boston University Medical Center's study?

A)Controlling one's calorie intake is more important than doing exercise.

B)Even occasional exercise can help reduce weight.

C)Weight reduction is impossible without exercise.

D)One could lose ten pounds in a year's time if there's no increase in food intake.

10.What is the author's purpose in writing this article?

A)To justify the study of the Boston University Medical Center.

B)To stress the importance of maintaining proper weight.

C)To support the statement made by York Onnen.

D)To show the most effective way to lose weight.

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

One day a police officer manager to get some fresh mushrooms.He was so (1)what he had bought that he offered to (2) the mushrooms with his brother officers.When their breakfast arrived the next day, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate. “ Let the dog (3 ) a piece first, ” suggested one ( 4 ) officer who was afraid that the mushrooms might be poisonous.The

dog seemed to (5) his mushrooms, and the officers then began to eat their meal saying that the mushrooms had a very strang (6) quite pleasant taste. An hour (7) , however, they were all astonished when the gardener rushed on and said ( 8 ) the dog was dead. ( 9 ) , the officers jumpedsintostheir cars and rushedsintosthe nearest hospital.Pumps ( 泵) were used and the officers had a very (10 ) time getting rid of the mushrooms that (11) in their stomachs.When they(12) to

the police station, they sat down and started to(13)the mushroom poisoning.Each man explained the pains that he had felt and they agreed that (14) had grown worse on their(15) to the hospital.The gardener was called to tell the way (16) the poor dog had died. “ Did it (17) much before death?”asked one of the officers, (18) very pleased that he had escaped a (19) death himself. “No,”answered the gardener looker rather (20) .“It was killed the moment a car hit it. ”

1.A.sure of B.careless about C.pleased with D.disappointed at

2.A.share B.grow C.wash D.cook

3.A.check B.smell C.try D.examine

4.A.frightened B.shy C.cheerful D.careful

5.A.refuse B.hate C.want D.enjoy

6.A.besides B.but C.and D.or

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8916573180.html,ter B.after C.past D.over

8.A.cruelly B.curiously C.seriously D.finally

9.A.Immediately B.Carefully C.Suddenly D.Slowly

10.A.hard B.busy C.exciting

D.unforgettabl e

11.A.stopped B.dropped C.settled D.remained

12.A.hurried B.drove C.went D.returned

13.A.study B.discuss C.record D.remember

14.A.this B.these C.it D.the

15.A.road B.street C.way D.direction

16.A.how B.in that C.which D.in which

17.A.suffer B.eat C.harm D.spit

18.A.to feel B.feeling C.felt D.having felt

19.A.strange B.painful C.peaceful D.natural

20.A.happy B.interested C.surprised D.Excited

Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write you translation on Answer Sheet 2.

1. although I liked the appearance of the house, ____________________________ ( 真正让我下决

心买下它的) was the beautiful view through the window.

2.the ancient Egyptians _____________________ (被假定已发射过火箭) to the moon.

3.the newspaper did not mention _____________________________ (火灾造成的损害的程度).

4.I've already told you that I 'm going to buy it.

5. ______________________________ ( 和原来的计划比起来), this plan is far more complete.


生理健康和心理健康的关系 随着自然科学的飞速发展和信息时代的到来,我们所处的社会也在发生着前所未有的变化。工业化、现代化、社会化、一体化程度在不断提高;人们的生活节奏不断加快,时间越来越宝贵,人越来越为效益所趋使;自主的、创造性的劳动和高级的智力劳动越来越多;人们的活动范围在不断拓展,人与人的交往越来越多,处理微妙复杂的人际关系为每个人所不可避免;各种各样的竞争强度也越来越巨大,人与人之间的收入、社会地位等差异越来越显着。 在现实生活中,所谓的正常人有许多人整天愁眉苦脸、心烦意乱、以安眠药渡日,长期在苦闷绝望中挣扎、煎熬,甚至走向自杀的绝路;有许多人终日以酒为伴、沾酒就醉,打人骂人;有许多人与人敌对、冲突、诉讼、犯罪;有许多人常常感冒,患高血压、关节炎等非器质性疾病,甚至身患绝症、早亡;有许多人无能、失意、潦倒、贫穷;有许多人学生学习不好;有许多人苦恼于性问题;有许多人不能和人正常的交往融洽相处,整日疑神疑鬼;许多家庭因成员的精神病而搞的苦恼万分;许多夫妻不和、争吵、打闹、离婚……。 可见,随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高和人类医疗水平的快速发展,健康的概念已不再被人们简单地定义和局限为生理健康,人们已逐步认识到健康的真正含义是身心健康及良好的社会适应性。心理学家们对心理健康所作的描述是:有充沛的精力,有高度的适应能力,情绪稳定,心胸开阔等。事实上,心理健康与生理健康可谓是一对孪生兄弟,而心理健康从某种程度上讲要比生理健康更为重要。

世界卫生组织给健康下的定义为:“健康是一种身体上、精神上和社会适应上的完好状态,而不是没有疾病及虚弱现象。”从世界卫生组织对健康的定义中可以看出,与我们传统的理解有明显区别的是:它包涵了三个基本要素:⑴躯体健康; ⑵心理健康;⑶具有社会适应能力。具有社会适应能力是国际上公认的心理健康首要标准,全面健康包括躯体健康和心理健康两大部分,两者密切相关,缺一不可,无法分割。这是健康概念的精髓。 不少人认为生理健康和心理健康是两个没有关系的概念。实际上,这是不正确的。在现实生活中,心理健康和生理健康是互相联系、互相作用的,心理健康每时每刻都在影响人的生理健康。如果一个人性格孤僻,心理长期处于一种抑郁状态,就会影响内激素分泌,使人的抵抗力降低,疾病就会乘虚而入。一个原本身体健康的人,如果老是怀疑自己得了什么疾病,就会整天郁郁寡欢,最后导致真的一病不起。由此可见,心理健康和生理健康是有着密切联系的。下面我们了解一下生理健康和生理健康的区别和联系: 生理是指生物机体的生命活动和体内各器官的机能。 心理是指生物对客观物质世界的主观反应,心理现象包括心理过程和人格。人的心理活动都有一个发生,发展,消失的过程。人们在活动的时候,通常各种感官认识外部世界事物,通过头脑的活动思考着事物的因果关系,并伴随着喜。怒。哀。乐等情感体验等。这折射着一系列心理现象的整个过程就是心理过程。按其性质可分为三个方面,即认识过程、情感过程和意志过程,简称知、情、意。 人的心理不是一般物质的运动,而是人的机体,首先是人脑这种以特殊方式组织起来的物质的机能、活动过程或运动。人离开脑就不存在心理活动。无脑的或患


常见的心理健康疾病 常见的心理健康疾病 心理健康水平大致分为一般常态心理、轻度失调心理、严重病态心理三个等级。下面为大家介绍一些常见的心理健康疾病,欢迎阅 读! 抑郁症的具体表现: 情绪低落,对平时喜欢的事提不起兴趣;特别容易疲劳,休息也不能缓解;头痛、背痛等各种躯体疼痛:注意力不集中,记忆力下降;食欲减退,体重下降;失眠、早醒 引起抑郁症的原因: 工作压力大、生活负担重、家庭婚姻问题等 中风、心血管疾病、肿瘤、糖尿病等慢性疾病 饮酒用药成瘾 抑郁症的治疗: 目前治疗抑郁症方法主要有药物治疗与心理治疗,其中药物治疗是战胜抑郁的最有效的方法。 焦虑症分为慢性焦虑症和急性焦虑症。 慢性焦虑症——又称广泛性焦虑症。无明确原因下对现实问题过分担心烦恼,将百分之一可能发生的事当成百分发生。 常见症状有心悸、失眠、疲乏、神经过敏、胸闷、气急、烦躁。 急性焦虑症——也叫惊恐发作。在无诱因或有急性精神创伤后突然发病,感到莫名其妙的惊恐、心慌、出汗、面色苍白、心脏剧烈 跳动、呼吸困难。

发作时间短,一般为5—20分钟,就可自行缓解患者一切恢复如常。但可突然发作,有些人担心不知何时会发作,不敢一个人在家及外出。 焦虑症的治疗:与抑郁症一样,要双管齐下:药物治疗+心理治疗 疑病症是患者对自身的健康或身体的某一部分功能过分关注,怀疑患了某种疾病,但与实际健康状况不符;医生对疾病的解释或客观检查常不能消除患者对自身健康固有的成见。 患者的性格特征是:敏感、多疑、易受暗示,对自身的健康情况特别关心,要求十全十美,好反复思索。 疑病症的起病与心理社会因素和人格缺陷有一定的关系。错误的传统观念,既往的经历,如亲友死于某种严重疾病,以及医生不恰当的言语、态度和行为,对疑病观念的'形成都可产生不良的影响。 疑病症的治疗:在排除躯体疾病,诊断确定之后,应停止各种不必要的检查。在此基础上,药物治疗+心理治疗是战胜疑病症的最好方法。 失眠分入睡困难,或浅睡多梦,或早醒,醒后不能再入睡,伴有心烦、畏光、怕声,头昏、乏力、精神不振、记忆力减退等症状。 引起失眠的常见原因有: 引起失眠最常见的原因是心理疾病,也就是说失眠是心理疾病最普遍的症状,比如焦虑时常难以入睡,抑郁则容易早醒。 某些食物如咖啡和茶;某些减肥药、降压药(如:利血平)、消炎止痛药。 太冷或太热、噪音等。 失眠的治疗 主要是针对病因治疗,抑郁症引起的抗抑郁治疗,焦虑症的抗焦虑治疗,这样才能达到标本兼治。


《心理危机的产生与治疗》 摘要:做为一个正常人,不仅是心理意义上的存在,同时更是社会意义上或者说心理意义上的存在。行为(beharior)指有机体的系统反应,和心理有着密切的联系,引起行为的刺激常常通过心理的中介而起作用;人有丰富的主观世界,主观世界的情况不同,对同一刺激反应常常是不一样。 关键字:心理危机、抑郁症、马斯洛层次需要理论 参考文献:《人力资源应用心理学》、《上海市大学生安全教育读本》、《旅游心理学》 案例:史蒂文面临的精神健康危机 史蒂文今年26岁,独居于一间公寓内。尽管他早期的学习成绩不错, 但在18岁离开学校的时候成绩却不太好。他在从事第一份文职工作时因 为不守时而被解雇。从那时起,他就做一些临时性的工作,失业的时间也 逐渐变长。 史蒂文的父母都受过很好的教育,他的母亲是一位小学教师,父亲是 一位进修学院的讲师。他有一个妹妹,已结婚生子。史蒂文的父母越来越 为儿子不能找到一份适合他的工作而焦虑不安。史蒂文的成绩和他妹妹的 成绩形成了鲜明对比,这在他妹妹离家上大学之后越发凸现出来。在史蒂 文和他父母一起生活的时候,他与父母的关系就已经变得很糟糕,有一次 史蒂文甚至用暴力威胁过父亲。之后,父母帮他找到了现在的房子。 前些天,父母邀请他星期日共进晚餐,但他没有来。他的父母到他的 公寓来找他,撞开门,却发现他醉倒在屋里,满身的呕吐物。父母不得不 为他请医生,他们告诉医生:他们已经注意到史蒂文在最近一年中变得沮 丧和忧郁。他沉默寡言,把所有事情都闷在肚子里,他们只能猜测他的感 受。他们认为他从没有过女朋友,所以非常孤单,而他在学校认识的为数 不多的几个朋友也都在事业上取得了一定的成就,并建立了自己的家庭。 医生发现史蒂文的房间脏乱不堪,史蒂文本人也是蓬头垢面,他已经 有一段时间没有按时吃饭了。史蒂文对别人的问题毫无反应,加之父母对 他行为的描述,使得医生不得不怀疑史蒂文得了精神疾病,应该去看精神 病医生。


心理问题等级划分从健康状态到心理疾病状态一般可分为4个等级:健康状态-不良状态-心理障碍-心理疾病。 一、心理健康状态 心理健康状态与非健康状态的区分标准一直是心理学界讨论的话题,不少国内外心理学学者根据自己研究调查的结果提出了多种心理健康标准。临床心理学实践工作中,总结了前人的理论与经验,提出了一简捷的评价方法。即:从本人评价,他人评价和社会功能状况三方面分析: 1.本人不觉得痛苦-即在一个时间段中(如一周、一月、一季或一年)快乐的感觉大于痛苦的感觉。 2.他人不感觉到异常-即心理活动与周围环境相协调,不出现与周围环境格格不久的现象。 3.社会功能良好-即能胜任家庭和社会角色,能在一般社会环境下充分发挥自身能力利用现有条件(或创造条件)实现自我价值。 二、不良状态 又称第三状态,是界于健康状态与疾病状态之间的状态。是正常人群组中常见的一种亚健康状态,它是由于个人心理素质(如过于好胜、孤僻、敏感等)、生活事件(如工作压力大、晋升失败、被上司批评、婚恋挫折等)、身体不良状况(如长时间加班劳累、身体疾病)等因素所引起。它的特点是: 1.时间短暂-此状态持续时间较短,一般在一周以内能得到缓解。 2.损害轻微-此状态对其社会功能影响比较小。处于此类状态的人一般都能完成日常工作学习和生活,只是感觉到的愉快感小于痛苦感,“很累”、“没劲”、“不高兴”、“应付”是他们常说的词汇。 3.能自已调整-此状态者大部分通过自我调整如休息、聊天、运动、钓鱼、旅游、娱乐等放松方式能使自己的心理状态得到改善。小部分人若长时间得不到缓解可能形成一种相对固定的状态。这小部分人应该去寻求心理医生的帮助,以尽快得到调整。 三、心理障碍 心理障碍是因为个人及外界因素造成心理状态的某—方面(或几方面)发展的超前、停滞、延迟、退缩或偏离。它的特点是:



“冬季疾病预防及心理健康教育”主题班会教案 教师徐如萍 活动目的: 1.通过本次主题班会,激发学生讲究卫生,培养学生养成良好的个人卫生习惯,促进其身心健康发展,全面提高学生的身体素质。 2.对学生进行心理健康方面的教育。让学生明白心理健康教育是心理素质的教育和培养,是促进学生全面发展的重要方面,是素质教育的具体体现。 活动方式:交流 活动过程: 一、导入 二、冬季传染病及其预防 (一)区分传染病和非传染病 1.生根据已有的经验和知识判断哪些病是传染的,哪些病是 不传染的。 2.生发表自己的观点。 (二)传染病是怎样传播的 传染病的流行必须具备三个基本环节。 1.传染源:身上带有传染性疾病菌的人和动物称为传染源。如 病人、病畜禽、老鼠等。 2.传播途径:细菌或病毒从传染源转入其他人或动物的途径称

为传播途径。如空气传播、食物传播、土壤传播、虫媒传播等。 3.易感人群:容易感染上某些病的人群称为易感人群。儿童是多种传染病的易感人群。 (三)传染病的预防 1.怎样预防肠道传染病 肠道传染病在不同季节里发病率有高有低,以夏秋季比较多发,这与苍蝇活动频繁、繁殖加速、人们接触生冷饮食、瓜果蔬菜较多有关。 预防肠道传染病,要认真搞好环境卫生、饮食卫生,保护水源,搞好厕所卫生,严格粪便和污水处理,消灭老鼠、苍蝇、蜘蛛等有害动物。养成饭前便后洗手、不喝生水、瓜果要冲干净、不吃变质的饭菜等卫生习惯。 2.怎样预防呼吸道传染病 呼吸道传染病的主要特点是病原体通过空气飞沫、灰尘使人吸入后而发病,病人咳嗽、吐痰时可将病原体排出体外进入空气和灰尘中,再传给他人。常见的呼吸道传染病有麻疹、水痘、流行性脑脊髓膜炎(流脑)、流行性腮腺炎、白喉、百日咳等。其中流行性感冒发病率最高,流脑的死亡率最高。 患呼吸道传染病后就会出现呼吸道症状,如咳嗽、吐痰、闷气、流鼻涕、喷嚏、流泪等,有些还能使人出疹,如麻疹、水痘、风疹、猩红热等。呼吸道传染病的传染期主要在发病期,病愈之后,传染性就很快减弱。


心理健康、预防疾病 教学目标: 1、解释心理健康与个人成长的关系;破除对心理问题的不正确认识;根据环境的变化,学会主动适应,自觉维护心理健康。 2、说出心理现象的基本内容和心理健康的主要表现;正确看待心理问题。 教学重点难点: 1正确理解心理健康的表现 2保持心理健康必须学会主动适应 教学过程: ( 先举例引起学生对本次课的兴趣) 某老太近些日子一直咳嗽不止,儿子就从药店买来止咳药给老太太服用,然而病情仍不见好转,老太太便说一定是儿子图便宜买了假药。于是她自己到医院找医生诊治,医生给她看病时又详细又认真,然后给她开了止咳药。果然,老太太回家服药后不久,病就好了。她高兴地对儿子说,还是医院的医生医术高,开的药好! 其实,医生给老太太开的药与她儿子买的药都是同一类型的,所含药物成分基本相同。只是病人对医院的信任打心底产生了依赖感,加上医生和颜细语,对疾病解释得入情入理,无形之中起到了暗示作用,从而药到病除。这就是药物的心理效应。 由此可见,人在任何活动中都会产生相应的心理现象,吃药治病也不例外。 重点讲解培养健康的心理 1.广泛存在的心理现象(重点举例,便于学生理解) 人在工作、学习、娱乐等所有活动中都有心理现象。 认知过程:感觉、知觉、记忆、想象、思维

心理过程情绪情感过程 意志过程 心理现象 个性倾向性特征:需要、兴趣、动机、理想 个性心理 个性特征:能力、气质、性格 议一议:(请学生回答) 你能列举几种身边的心理现象吗? 2.心理健康的表现 1989年世界卫生组织指出,健康的定义包括:躯体健康、心理健康、社会适应良好、道德健康四个方面。明确提出了一个响亮的口号:“健康的一半是心理健康!” 心理健康是指一种和谐的、有序的、平衡的心理状态。它具有七个基本特征: 智力正常。智商在90~110为正常,140以上为超常,70以下为智力落后。 情绪稳定而愉快。 意志坚定而控制力强。 案例: 小张从小就娇生惯养,事事由父母包办,饭来张口,衣来伸手,从来没有洗过自己的衣服。平时只要不满意,就大发脾气,有着任性的坏毛病。他上课时经常做小动作,和同学讲话,注意力总是不集中,所以学习成绩一般。到了职业技术学校以后,他还是不能控制自己的行为,不是说话,就是开小差,或者干脆睡觉,经常受到老师批评。他自己也知道这样不好,但就是改变不了。父母每月给的生活费总是大手大脚地花,缺乏合理的安排,是学校有名的“月光族”(即每月花光用光)。不仅如此,他后来又迷上了电子游戏,钱更是不够用,欠了很多债。老


心理健康、情绪与疾病 崔建美 摘要:有资料显示,多于76%的疾病由情绪因素引发,属于情绪性疾病,正所谓 “病由心生”,本文试图阐述心理健康状态、情绪对身体健康的影响,尝试给 出一些调节情绪和心理状态的方法,有利于人们减少疾病的折磨体验快乐人生。 人世间不缺少快乐,缺少的是感受快乐的心。 健康的概念,包涵了心理健康和身体健康,我们注重的往往是自己的身体健康,却很少有人知道情绪是众多疾病的诱发因素,中老年人更是体验了身体健康状态欠佳和疾病带来的痛苦,然而,懂得从调节心理状态和情绪的角度来增进自己健康的人却很少。 “病由心生”这句话取自《病由心生》的书名(约翰.辛德勒医生【美】),书中说道:“到医院就医的病人中有76%患有情绪性疾病,病由心生,这是真的”。 下表列举了辛德勒医生根据他几十年的行医经历统计出来的数据,但也只是不良情绪能导致的几百种疾病的一部分。 不良情绪引发的生理疾病 看了表中的数据你会感到惊讶吗?你也可能不大相信这是真的,然而,这是有统计数据支持的,确实是真的!但这是美国的数据。不知我国是否有人做过这方面的统计工作,据了解,我国临床医生的数据认为病人中的60%患有情绪性疾病,80%的胃病由情绪引发,近乎100%(对这个数据我也表示怀疑)的癌症病人,不良情绪是致病的主要因素! 我国传统的中医理论认为:人的“七情”与健康有着密切的关系,所谓七情是指“喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊”七种情绪,这七种情绪与人的脏腑直接相关。早在2000多年前已经成书的《黄帝内经.素问》中说:“心在志为喜”、“肝在志为怒”、“脾在志为思”、“肺在志为忧”、“肾在志为恐”。不同情绪可直接影响人的不同脏器,从而影响人的健康状况,情绪与健康的关系表现在“阴阳五行”、“经络气血”等方面。辛德勒医生认为:不良情绪是通过“肌肉群”作用于脏腑的不同位置,从而引发“疼痛”以及其它病理反应。 器质性病变是可以通过先进的现代仪器给予确定的,也就是说身体某个脏器或部位出现了


浅析心理对健康与疾病的影响 【摘要】健康不仅仅是指没有疾病或病痛,而且是一种身体上、精神上和社会上的完全良好状态。也就是说健康的人要有强壮的体魄和乐观向上的精神状态,并能与其所处的社会及自然环境保持协调的关系和良好的心理素质。而资料显示,多于76%的疾病有情绪因素引发,属于情绪性疾病,正所谓“病由心生”。本文将通过实例阐述心理健康状态、情绪对身体健康的影响,并阐释给出一些调节情绪和心理状态的方法。 【关键词】情绪健康与疾病头痛高血压糖尿病 【正文】 一、健康与疾病的定义 健康是指一个人在身体、精神和社会等方面都处于良好的状态。传统的健康观是“无病即健康”,现代人的健康观是整体健康。世界卫生组织提出“健康不仅是躯体没有疾病,还要具备心理健康、社会适应良好和有道德”。因此,现代人的健康内容包括:躯体健康、心理健康、心灵健康、社会健康、智力健康、道德健康、环境健康等。健康是人的基本权利,是人生最宝贵的财富之一;健康是生活质量的基础;健康是人类自我觉醒的重要方面;健康是生命存在的最佳状态,有着丰富深蕴的内涵。 疾病是在一定病因作用下自稳调节紊乱而发生地异常生命活动过程,并引发一系列代谢、功能、结构的变化,表现为症状、体征和行为的异常。疾病是机体在一定的条件下,受病因损害作用后,因自稳调节紊乱而发生的异常生命活动过程。一定的原因造成的生命存在的一种状态,在这种状态下,人体的形态和(或)功能发生一定的变化,正常的生命活动受到限制或破坏,或早或迟地表现出可觉察的症状,这种状态的结局可以是康复(恢复正常)或长期残存,甚至导致死亡。 二、心理对健康与疾病的影响 随着现代经济的发展,物质生活水平的不断提高,人们已经普遍意识到健康是福,没有健康将一事无成。世界卫生组织对健康的定义:“健康不仅是没有疾病,而且是身体上、心理上和社会上的完好状态。”即健康包括身体健康、心理健康和社会适应能力良好三个方面。而在一定条件下,许多人却在健康与患病之间的某种状态上徘徊,心理失去平衡,抑郁、焦虑,恐怖等,生理活力降低、适应能力不同程度上减弱。 我们知道人体的疾病分为生理性的疾病和心理性的疾病。生理性的疾病会因人体的体质不同各表现各异,而心理性的疾病则与人体的性格、脾气、精神状态以及心理暗示等等相关。相比起生理性的疾病而言心理性的疾病治疗起来的困难程度更大。 而研究表明,长时期的紧张和压力对健康有四害:一是引发急慢性应激直接损害心血管系统和胃肠系统,造成应激性溃疡和血压升高、心率增快、加速血管硬化进程和心血管事件发生;二是引发脑应激疲劳和认知功能下降;三是破坏生物钟,影响睡眠质量;四是免疫功能下降,导致恶性肿瘤和感染机会增加。


Model Test Eight I.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Keep Psychologically Healthy? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.心理健康问题往往是导致疾病的原因。 2.分析人们产生心理健康问题的原因(可从失业、压力过重、缺少支持、缺乏人际关系等方面加以分析) 3.你认为人们如何保持心理健康。 II.R eading comprehension (skimming and scanning ) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 1-7, markY(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG(for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10 ,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Highway A goverment study recommended a national highway systerm of 33,920 miles, and congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, central controlled desert criteria. The interstate highway system was finally launched in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century. To bulid its 44,000-mile web of highways, bridge and tunnels, hundreds of unique engineering designs and solutions had to be worked out. Consider the many geographic, features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, deserts and plains. Variables included the slope of the land, the ability of the pavement to support the load. Innovative designs of roadways, tunnels, bridges, overpasses, and interchanges that could run through or bypass urban areas soon began to weave their way across the country, forever altering the face of American. Long-span,segmented-concrete, cable-stayed bridges such as Hale Boggs in Louisiana and the Sunshine Skyway in Florida, and remarkable tunnels like Fort Mchenry in Maryland and Mr. Bakerin Washington developed under the nation's physical challenges, Traffic control systems and methods of construction developed uder the interstate program soon influenced highway construction around the world, and were invaluable in improving the condition of urban streets and traffic patterns. Today, the interstate system links every major city in the U.S, and the U.S with Canada and Mexico, Built with safety in mind, the highways have wide lanes and shoulders, dividing medians, or barriers, long entry and exit lanes, ourves engineered for safe turns, and limited access. The death rate on highways is half that of all other U.S roads (0.86 deaths per 100 million passenger miles compared to 1.99 deaths per 100 million on all other roads). By opening the North American continent, highways have enabled consumer goods and services to reach people in remote and rural areas of jobs, access to the growth options in terms of jobs access to cutural progreams health care ,and other benefits. Above all, the interstate system provides individuals with what they enerish most: personal freedom of mobility. The interstate system has been an essential element of the nation's economic growth in terms of shipping and job creation: more than 75 percent of the nation's freight deliveries arrive by


心理健康与心理疾病 随着医学的发展,人类对于健康的认识已经历了几个不同阶段。在人类的早期,人们对健康的认识是认为没有病、能吃、能睡就是 健康。直到1946年世界卫生组织给健康下的定义是:“一种身体上、精神上和社会上的完满状态或完全安宁,并不是没有疾病和虚弱的 现象。” 最近世界卫生组织提出新的健康标准。“身体健康、心理健康、良好的社会道德、良好的社会适应能力”。肌体的健康可以用五快 来衡量(食得快、便得快、睡得快、说得快、走得快);心理健康可用“三良”来衡量(良好的个性、良好的处理能力、良好的人际关系)。现在也有人认为健康和疾病是一个由量到质相互转换的不间断的连 续的过程。 <一>死亡谱的变化 由于社会生活节奏加快,竞争加据,社会不断的工业化,城市化,社会关系的复杂化。人口结构、家庭结构、生活习惯(过度吸烟,饮酒)的改变。与心理、社会和行为方式有关的疾病在迅速上升。 中国部分地区前十位死亡原因 中国部分城市前十位主要疾病死亡谱(一) <二>疾病谱的变化 现代医学心理学把人体疾病引起原因不同而分为三大类。 三、引起健康谱、死亡谱、疾病谱变化的原因 <一>社会因素 1.生活中意外事件的影响

“人生长恨水长东”在现实生活中,人不可能不遇到挫折。正如孟子云“生于忧患死于安乐”遭受挫折,打击越多的人,越易患病。其中最易引起心身疾病和心因性疾病的有:配偶的死亡、离婚、坐牢、失业、退休……等。国外有人调查了1400对双方均患疾病的夫妻,证明其中一方因患疾病而引起的悲伤可致另一方患上疾病。 2.拥挤、噪音对人心理的影响 <二>心理因素 1.情绪因素 祖国医学里素认为心理因素之所以能影响躯体、内脏器官的功能。主要是通过情绪活动作为媒介来实现的。认为致病有三因。外因是“风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火”称为“六淫外感”内因是“喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊”称为“七情内伤”;此外还有饥饱、劳倦、跌 仆虫兽等等,称为“不内外因”。认为情绪的过度变化,可引起脏 腑的功能失调,气机混乱。正如《黄帝内经》所说:“喜则气缓, 怒则气上,思则气结,悲则气消,恐则气下,惊则气乱”如果情绪 特别强烈就会明害人的内腑,即所谓“喜伤心,怒伤肝,忧伤肺, 思伤脾,恐伤胃”。从而导致疾病的发生。 现代医学认为,如果情绪反应过度或者持续时间过长,便会导致神经活动机能失调,对机体器官功能产生不利的影响,最后导致疾病。 2.性格因素 所谓性格,是指一个人在社会生活中形成的对客观现实(对人、 对自己、对事物)稳定的状态,以及本人习以为常的行为方式。 3、气质因素 4、认知因素 综上所述,疾病是与生物、心理、社会三者均有关系,它们是相互依存,相互影响,相互制约的。 看过“心理健康与心理疾病”的人还看了:


生理健康和心理健康的关系 医学证明:不良情绪会降低某些生理功能,使人体免疫系统发生紊乱,从而引发各种身体疾病。 不少人认为生理健康和心理健康是两个没有关系的概念。实际上,这是不正确的。事实上,心理健康和生理健康是互相联系、互相作用的。世界卫生组织关于健康的定义是,“健康是一种身体上、精神上的完满状态,以及良好的适应力,而不仅仅是没有疾病和虚弱的状态”。 才能真正称得上是一个完全健康的人。从哲学的观点来说,生理健康是心理健康的基础,心理健康反过来又能促进生理健康,两者是辩证统一,互为因果的关系。没有一种疾病是纯生理的或纯心理的,无论生理或心理哪一方面出现问题,另一方面都会受到影响。如果一个人性格孤僻,心理长期处于一种抑郁状态,就会影响内激素分泌,使人的抵抗力降低,疾病就会乘虚而入。一个原本身体健康的人,如果老是怀疑自己得了什么疾病,就会整天郁郁寡欢,最后导致真的一病不起。由此可见,心理健康和生理健康是有着密切联系的。下面我们了解一下生理健康和生理健康的关系: 心理健康与生理健康关系密切,经常生病的人,心理变化异常,爱发脾气、爱责怪别人、自怨自哀;而身体健康的人,则能保持良好的情绪和健康的心态,与人相处融洽,有较好的社会适应能力。需要引起注意的是,心理健康和生理健康不是孤立存在的,而是相互联系、相互制约又交互影响着的, 1、生理是心理的物质基础,人的生理发生变化必将会影响心理。在医学上,很多生理疾病,从感冒到癌症都被怀疑和心理压力有关。如果心理压力不严重,只可能引起当时人失眠、多梦。当在较严重的压力状态下,可能出现认知活动失调,如注意力涣散、记忆力减退、判断失误和思维紊乱等,可能出现情绪失调,如出现焦虑、忧郁、愤怒、恐惧等比较强烈的疯狂情绪和神经衰弱、精神分裂……在众多病患中,有心理因素直接导致生理上疾病的10%左右,而间接导致的却在一半以上。在疾病恢复的过程中,除了用药物治疗,心理因素占了35%。


心理健康疾病 一、来自家庭的影响。史蒂文的父母亲都受过良好的教育,父母均为老师。 由于老师的身份,可能会对子女的学习成绩关注度更高。由于史蒂文早期学习成绩一直不错,父母习惯了他成绩的不错,当他18岁离开学校时成绩的不太理想与之前的对比,会让父母在对他的态度和语言上有很大的变化。史蒂文个人会认为这是情感上的变化。加之史蒂文的妹妹学习成绩又很好,父母对妹妹的赞许也会对史蒂文的心理产生影响。后来史蒂文工作又不顺利,父母表现出的焦虑不安,更加使得史蒂文的情感的心理更加难以承受。这种长期的不被家人肯定,会加重他内心的孤独感,和不自信感。所以史蒂文的消极负面的情绪就会越来越严重。 二、来自周围环境的影响。史蒂文的第一份工作以被解雇而告终,表明的 刚进入社会的史蒂文被社会的一次否定。对他个人的心理会是一个不小的打击。后来他做一些临时的工作,失业的时间越来越长,反射到史蒂文的心理上,会产生不被社会认可和需要的感受。还有史蒂文周围的为数不多的几个朋友,他们的事业和家庭都发展的很顺利,也曾加了史蒂文内心的挫败感。 关于心理健康,Jahoda提出了六个方面的标准:自我洞察力、自我实现、综合能力、自主性、对现实的感知能力、控制环境的能力。显然史蒂文因为自我洞察能力的缺乏,从而失去了自我实

现、自主性及控制环境的能力。他的内心感受,完全被家庭及周围环境所影响,接收到的完全是负面的信息。 针对于史蒂文的心理健康现状,个人认为应该对他提供来自家庭和周围环境的心理健康服务。心理健康服务的提供者包括: ①与史蒂文密切接触的亲属和朋友; ②心理健康专业人员:如社区精神科护士、精神病学家、社会工作者、心理学家等。 首先史蒂文的父母亲应该从内心深处去关心史蒂文的感受。更不能只是一味地否定和抱怨。试着慢慢从小事情开始鼓励、肯定史蒂文。使他慢慢建立起最基本的自信。父母亲不妨将斯蒂文看作是一个病人,因为生物医学框架本身就将抑郁看作一种疾病。史蒂文的妹妹也应该对哥哥提供心理健康服务。在过好自己生活的同时,帮助哥哥建立起自我实现的能力。 其次,史蒂文这种长期抑郁的状况,已经严重影响到了生活的质量。失业是史蒂文抑郁的一个重要因素,是来自于社会和心理因素对抑郁的影响。对许多病人而言,药物治疗将是最直接、最有效的形式,这并不意味着把其他的治疗方法排除在外。来自心里健康专业人员的心理健康服务,对史蒂文的抑郁的缓解和治疗也至关重要。在解释心理健康问题的病因时,可从个体、人际关系、社会等不同水平进行分析。 ①个体:强调个人因素,诸如脑功能失调、幼时的创伤所致的学习障碍和情绪障碍。 ②人际关系:探讨人际关系的动态变化及其功能是如何



当前,心理健康受到社会的特别重视。心理疾病极大地危害着人们的健康,甚至威胁到社会的长治久安,心理问题长期积聚,会引发严重的社会问题,绝对不容忽视。 本文从一个实际案例出发,简单探讨了一些心理问题形成的原因,并提出了一些针对性的意见和建议。 关键词:心理健康心理疾病社会问题原因

At present, by the social psychological health of the special attention. Mental illness greatly harm people's health and even threatened to social stability and security, psychological problems long-term accumulation, can cause serious social problem, absolutely cannot be neglected. This article from a practical case set out, simple discusses some reasons of the formation of psychological problems, and puts forward some corresponding opinions and Suggestions. The keywords:Mental health Mental disease Social problems reason

一、引言 (1) 二、不可忽视的心理健康与疾病 (1) 三、从具体案例中谈大学生心理问题 (2) 四、总结 (3) 参考文献 (4) 致谢 (5)



心理健康与心理问题面面观 世界卫生组织健康“不仅是没有疾病和虚弱而已,而且是个体在身体上、心理上和社会上的完好状态”的权威定义说明,健康是一个综合性的概念,包括生理、心理和社会三个层面的含义。当前我国青少年的生理健康一般不会有什么问题,问题往往出现在心理健康和社会健康上。据了解,目前全国有3000万心理有问题的青少年,其中中小学生心理障碍患病率为21.6%至32%;大学生有心理障碍者占16%至25.4%。而且,近几年又有上升的趋势。由于社会健康问题最终都要以心理健康问题的形式表现出来,所以本文主要讨论青少年的心理健康问题。 青少年心理健康的标志 青少年心理健康的标志表现为以下六个方面:身体健康、认知正常、感情成熟、人格健全、关系和谐和行为稳定。身体健康是心理健康的必要基础,但不是它的必然保证。除身体条件之外,心理健康还包括认知、感情、人格、人际关系和行为举止等方面的因素。 身体健康身体健康是青少年心理健康的必要条件,其影响机理是生理因素和心理因素的相互制约作用。一个人身体上的任何生理变化都会影响其心理情绪的变化,就连女孩子初潮这种正常的生理现象都会引起她们心理上的恐慌,更不用说严重的生理病变了。相反,一个人任何心理情绪上的变化,都会影响其生理上的变化。大家都知道“望梅止渴”的典故和伍子胥过昭关一夜愁白了头的故事,这些就是心理情绪变化影响生理变化的典型例子。中医更有“怒伤肝,忧伤脾”之说,说明正常的心态对于保持身体健康的重要性。 认知正常认知正常是青少年社会发展的前提条件,在青少年时代,孩子的社会发展主要表现为认识发展水平的程度。瑞士著名心理学家皮亚杰把年龄作为儿童认知发展水平的依据来分析儿童的道德社会化,他以7-8岁为界,把儿童的道德发展界定为截然不同的前后两个阶段,从前一个阶段到后一个阶段呈显出如下变化:道德约束从“他律”到“自律”,道德判断从看“效果”到看“动机”,道德惩罚从笼统性的千篇一律的惩罚到有针对性的采取不同方式的惩罚。他还根据儿童的认知发展水平,把青少年的社会化划分为感觉运动阶段(诞生-2岁)、前操作阶段(2-7岁)、具体操作阶段(7-11岁)和正式操作阶段(11-12岁及以后)。而且,许多精神健康问题,如情绪混乱和精神分裂,都有其认知的根源。所以,正常的认知发展是青少年心理健康的关键。 感情成熟感情成熟是青少年最重要的发展任务,它包含两项内容:一是感情自治,即作为一个人自己情感力量源泉的能力,而不是依*双亲来提供舒服、安心和情感保障;二是行为自治,即一个人做出自己的决定、管理自己的事务和照顾个人的能力。这两项自治是相互联系、相辅相成的,即完成心理上的断乳过程。随着感情的成熟,青少年逐渐摆脱“本我”的控制,知道并掌握由一定社会

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