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Script of English Recitation Contest

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to English Recitation Contest.My name is___.My name is___.

This English Recitation Contest is held by Foreign Language Department.There are ___ contestants competing in today’s contest.The topic today is “Youth”.

Today you make your voice heard.Tomorrow you may become the voice of the world.There’s nothing to be afraid of.So,just be yourself and enjoy the contest.

And of course,we cannot make it without the hard work from our distinguished guests and honorable judges.

Now,it is our honor to introduce you our distinguished judges.They are______,welcome;______,welcome;and______,welcome!Let’s give them our warm applause for their coming !

First of all,please allow me to introduce the rules of the contest:Every contestant has 3 minutes to read or recite the materials.According to the performance of every contestant,score will be given by our ___ judges.The full score is 100;The final score is the average.__will explain the rules in Chinese.


Now ,we have the first contestant,______,from

Class___,Grade___,majoring in___.Contest No,2______,please get ready!

Thank you/Thank for your excellent performance!Now let’s welcome contestant No.2______,from Class___,Grade___,majoring

in___.Contest No,3______,please get ready!

Thank you/Thank for your excellent performance!Contestant No,1 ______ got___points.Congratulations!Now let’s welcome contestant No.3______,from Class___,Grade___,majoring in___.Contest

No,4______,please get ready!

... ... ... ...

And now,let’s have a short break and wait for the final result.For this period,let’s welcome ______ to give us a comment on this contest.

... ... ... ...

Thank you,___.I believe all of us can benefit from your hearty comment!

Contestant No, ______ got___points.Congratulations!

When it comes to youth,just as Samuel Ullman said,"youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease."

Yes,no matter how rugged the road is,we should not be

frustrated ;No matter how huge the challenge is,we should not be afraid.

At last,thank for all of you coming here and enjoying the contest!

The result will be posted on the notice board.We hope that it can attract your attention!The final will be held on March 21.We are looking forward to your coming after 2 days!



歌手的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿唱歌 尊敬的各位来宾、老师们、同学们:大家上午好!为了进一步落实新课程教学理念,努力办好我校中学科技节活动。为 了进一步完善校园文化建设,营造浓厚的英语学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他 们良好的语言素养。同时,也为了增进师生的沟通与交流,增强英语教研组的创造力与凝聚 力。今天我们在此隆重举办《xxx中学校园好声音——英语歌曲演唱比赛》活动。素质教育是以发展学生个性特长为核心,以社会文化传播和创造为手段,实施德、智、体三位一体的整体教育。实施素质教育是当今教学改革的主旋律,是当前我国基础教育改革 发展的方向。课外活动是课堂教学的有效拓展和延伸,是培养学生综合素质的舞台。英语教 研组在xx组长的带领下筹划开展的此次“校园好声音”英文歌曲演唱比赛活动,发挥了孩子 们的特长,极大地调动了他们学习英语的积极性和主动性。在近两周的准备过程中,我们随 处可以听到英文歌曲的哼唱,同学们学习英语的兴趣空前高涨。为了成功地举办这次歌唱比赛,希望英语教研组的

各位老师都将以饱满的热情,客观、 公正地履行评委职责。给每一位选手的付出,进行正确的评判。希望全体参赛选手,发挥自 己的最佳演唱水平,证明自己,为班级添彩,为学校争光。最后,预祝本次活动取得圆满成功! XX年5月22日篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿 myself my name is gao lihong,i am twelve years am grade five this live in are four people in my family,they are my mother,my father,my sister and father is a worker,and my mother is a sister and i are students. my favourite sport is hobby is read like singing and you like me thank you! 介绍我自己 我叫高丽红,我十二岁了。今年五年级。我家住武威。我家有四口人,他们是妈妈,爸爸,姐姐和我。我爸爸是一名工人,我妈 妈是一位老师。我姐姐和我是学生。我最喜欢的运动是跳绳。我的爱好是读书。我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。你们喜欢我吗?


英语演讲稿诵读 篇一:英语演讲朗诵稿3分钟Success is a continuous journey Success is a continuous journey Why do so many people reach success and then fail One of the big reasons is, we think success is a one-way street. So we do everything that leads up to success, but then we get there. We figure we've made it, we sit back in our comfortable zone, and we actually stop doing everything that made us successful. And it doesn't take long to go downhill. And I can tell you a real story happened to Dr Richard John. Reaching success, he worked hard, he pushed himself. But then he stopped, because he thought he figured, and can just sit back and relax. Reaching success, he was pretty good at coming up with good ideas. Because he did all these simple things that led to ideas. But then he stopped, because he figured he was great enough and he shouldn't have to work at ideas, they should just come like magic. But the only thing that came was creative block. He couldn't come up with any ideas.


英语比赛主持稿 如何主持一场英语比赛?下面是几篇英语比赛主持稿, 供大家阅读参考。 B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!女士们,先生们,下午好! G: Good afternoon, my dearest teachers and friends 亲爱的老师们,朋友们,下午好! 合:Welcome t o our English short drama competition. 欢迎欣赏英语话剧表演比赛 B: warm floral away the bitter cold of winter, GAt this moment, we have felt the breath of joy 甲:暖暖的花香带走冬天的寒冷,乙:在这一刻,我们 已经感受到了欢乐的气息 B: Today, we meet here and enjoy the joy of fate brought us to enjoy this wonderful time; 甲:今天,我们相约在这里,享受缘分带给我们的欢乐, 享受这段美好时光; G: Today we are gathered here together, heart to feel the truth, with love to withstand the cold; 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,一起用心来感受真情,用 爱来抵御寒冷;

B: Today we are gathered here, open your heart, release your passion; 甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的 激情; G Today we are gathered here, there will be a sea of joy, joy resounding! 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,这里将成为欢乐的海洋, 让快乐响彻云霄!朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 B:临沂八中**年英语短剧比赛现在开始! 闫: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Welcome to our English Singing Competition! Thank you for being here! 安:各位领导、老师、同学们大家上午好!欢迎来到 XX年度校园英文歌曲大赛的比赛现场。 闫:在这个收获的季节里,我们载歌载舞,激情飞扬。 安:在这个浪漫的季节里,我们展示自我,斗志昂扬。 闫:This competition gives us a chance to present ourselves. 安:This competition gives us a chance to challenge ourselves. 闫:下面,请允许我隆重的为大家介绍莅临本次英文歌


英语歌曲大赛主持词 【篇一:英语歌曲大赛主持稿】 英语歌曲大赛 晚会前2分钟 女:good evening,the contest is about to begin, please mute your cell phone or turn it off, thanks for your cooperation. 男:英语歌曲大赛即将开始,为保证比赛的顺利进行,请大家把手 机调成静音或关闭状态,谢谢合作! 灯光准备,主持人上台,开场致辞及介绍嘉宾,评委和赛制。女:dear teachers ,students, all cooperation, good evening! i am the hostess xxx. 男:i am the hostess xxx. our song is hopes and dreams. 女:our song is the fertile soil and sun. 男:今晚将唱出我们的心声! 女:youngvibrant voice 男:英语歌曲大赛 合:正式开始! 女:first at all, please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests here who are ……and our honored guests here who are ….. 合:welcome! 男:接下来,由我简单地向大家介绍本次英语歌曲大赛的规则。本 次大赛共有三轮。第一轮,分别有a .b两队的领队带 领其进行对组pk,由评委选出5位优胜者,其后再加一轮复活赛, 在淘汰的5位选手中通过个人才艺表演的方式,由大众评审投票选 出一位优胜者继续下一轮比赛。第二轮,即6位选手按原队分两组,若不平均则通过抽签形式平分,进行组内pk,由评委选出两位优胜者。第三轮,即终极pk赛,两人演唱结束后通过评委抉择出最终的 冠亚军。 女:听了这么一大段的赛制介绍,想必大家早已迫不及待地要看这 场比赛开始了吧?那么,话不多说。let`s welcome our contestants! 男:有请a组领队带领他的队员们上场!(左上)


英语朗读比赛主持词精 编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

英语朗读比赛主持词 English reading contest 男:Good afternoon, dear teachers and to DuoShi Central Primary School to attend our English Reading Contest. 女:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!欢迎参加朵什乡中心小学举办的英语朗读比赛。 男; English is now used everywhere in the world. 女:现在英语使用于世界的每一个角落。 男;Happy English ,happy life. 女:快乐英语,快乐生活。 男;we are very happy to host this English contest .女今天我们很高兴做本次英语朗读比赛的主持。 男;下面我们来认识一下评委老师 男 our headmaster .welcome 女our vice headmaster .welcome 男:our director .welcome 女:our English teacher and . welcome 男:lets warmly welcome the judge. 女; 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来。 男;First I will introduce the competition rules. 女:下面让我来宣读一下本次朗读比赛的评分标准


英语朗读比赛主持词 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英语朗读比赛主持词 English reading contest 男:Good afternoon, dear teachers and to DuoShi Central Primary School to attend our English Reading Contest. 女:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!欢迎参加朵什乡中心小学举办的英语朗读比赛。 男; English is now used everywhere in the world. 女:现在英语使用于世界的每一个角落。 男;Happy English ,happy life. 女:快乐英语,快乐生活。 男;we are very happy to host this English contest . 女今天我们很高兴做本次英语朗读比赛的主持。 男;下面我们来认识一下评委老师 男 our headmaster .welcome 女our vice headmaster .welcome 男:our director .welcome 女:our English teacher and . welcome 男:lets warmly welcome the judge. 女; 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来。 男;First I will introduce the competition rules. 女:下面让我来宣读一下本次朗读比赛的评分标准 此次朗读比赛评分标准为十分制。


英文歌曲大赛主持词 【篇一:唱响英文歌手大赛双语主持词】 一、开场 骆:(幕后)比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请把您的手机调整为震动或者静音,谢谢合作。 储: my friends this competition is upcoming, please adjust your cellphonesto vibrate or silent,, thanks for your cooperation. 骆:谢谢同学们带来的精彩开场舞蹈储: thank you for their excellent performance. 骆:尊敬的各位领导 琴:各位老师 储:亲爱的同学们 骆:大家 合:晚上好! 骆:欢迎大家来到2013新航道唱响英文歌手大赛的现场。我是主持人---(男女) 储: good eveningladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges.welcometo the new channel made english the singing compe -tition.i am the host chuyier.琴:五月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜; 骆:五月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。 储: in may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring the silent wishes;in may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus. 琴:这是一个充满鲜花和快乐的日子 骆:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子 储: this is a happy day full of flowers ; this is a day full of hope . 琴:在这个美好的日子里,我们放声歌唱 骆:在这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂,欢聚在这个充满欢笑与歌声的殿堂,共度由新航道英语带给我们的美好时光 储: in this beautiful day,we burst into song.in



英语朗读比赛主持词 English reading contest 男:Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends.Welcome to DuoShi Central Primary School to attend our English Reading Contest.女:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!欢迎参加朵什乡中心小学举办的英语朗读比赛。 男; English is now used everywhere in the world. 女:现在英语使用于世界的每一个角落。 男;Happy English ,happy life. 女:快乐英语,快乐生活。 男;we are very happy to host this English contest . 女今天我们很高兴做本次英语朗读比赛的主持。 男;下面我们来认识一下评委老师 男 our headmaster Mr.Yang .welcome 女our vice headmaster Mr.He .welcome 男:our director Mr.Duo .welcome 女:our English teacher Mr.Shang and mrs.Yang . welcome 男:lets warmly welcome the judge. 女; 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来。 男;First I will introduce the competition rules. 女:下面让我来宣读一下本次朗读比赛的评分标准 此次朗读比赛评分标准为十分制。


2019教师朗读比赛主持词 让我们用最亮的嗓音来表达对经典的热爱,下面是查字典范文网小编收集的2019教师朗读比赛主持词,祝您生活愉快 【篇一】教师朗读比赛主持词 (男)敬爱的老师们, (女)亲爱的同学们, (合)大家下午好! (男)今天,我们欢聚在这儿,诵读千古美文,传承华夏文明。 (女)今天,我们登上这多彩的舞台,共读中华经典,聆听古诗书韵。 (男)中华五千年的悠久历史,孕育了底蕴深厚的民族文化。 源远流长的经典诗文,是历史长河中经久不衰的瑰宝。 (女)它就如夏日的繁星,闪烁着夺目的光彩; 它又如春日的百花,散发着馥郁的芳香。 (男)诗的语言,典藏着五千年悠久的历史文化 诗的声音,演绎着不朽历史的风骨铿锵 (女)诵读经典,我们寻找万里河山的广阔 对话圣贤,我们感受千年文字的力量 (合)龙川小学首届经典诗文诵读节开幕式暨教师经典诗

文朗诵比赛活动现在开始。 二、张校长致开幕词 女:首先让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎张校长致开幕词。 三、全体学生朗诵《中国少年说》拉开比赛帷幕 男:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢张校长抑扬顿挫,慷慨激昂的讲话。接下来,就让我们每一位老师延续这一份激情,拉长这一份激昂,用我们的朗诵,阐释中国少年,为此次比赛拉开帷幕。 四、教师朗诵比赛 女:果然是美哉我少年中国,与天不老;壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆!终于轮到我们翘首企盼的教师朗诵了,第一位上场的会是谁呢? 1、黄英《我是一个任性的孩子》 我是一个任性的孩子我想在大地上画满窗子,让所有习惯黑暗的眼睛,都习惯光明。也许,我是被妈妈宠坏的孩子。我任性,我希望,每一个时刻,都像彩色蜡笔那样美丽。掌声欢迎黄英老师给我们带来《我是一个任性的孩子》。 2、汪红育余春英《我愿是一条激流》 黄老师的嗓音真是甜美,让我不禁陶醉了,让我们为这份甜美喝彩、鼓掌! 我愿是一块云朵,是一面破碎的大旗,在旷野的上空,疲倦地傲然挺立;我愿是一所小草棚,在幽谷中隐藏,饱经风


三十四团中学第一届英文歌曲大赛主持词 男:Ladies and gentlemen , the competition will beginning , please keep quiet , thanks for your cooperation 。 女: Thanks。 男:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾; 女:亲爱的老师们,同学们;大家 合:下午好! 男:我们的歌声是希望和梦想。Our song is the hopes and dreams。女:我们的歌声是沃土和朝阳。Our song is the fertile soil and sun。 男:迎着岁末的美好时光,我们欢聚一堂. 女:合着圣诞的气息,我们齐聚这里。 女:我们的歌声像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋! 男:我们的歌声像翱翔的雄鹰,炫起淼淼的苍穹! 女:我宣布 男:三十四团中学“ MordenEnglish ,Perfect life ”英语歌手大赛,合:现在开始! 女:首先请允许我们为大家介绍今天到场的各位嘉宾,他们是:First of all, please allow us to in troduce our disti nguished guests here who are: 男:现在由我们为大家宣布本次大赛的评分细则

女:下面有请来自八(一)班的选手吴琦、刘婷婷为我们带来的《only love 》。 男:Really, that's something only love can do !再一次感谢他们的精彩 演绎,让我们再一次感悟爱的伟大。下面有请来自九(三)班的选手邹宇航、万一媛为我们带来的《 a little love 》。 女:I love you,not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you 。爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?但愿人长久,千里共婵娟!八(一)班选手吴琦、刘婷婷最后得分。下面有请四年级选手为我们带来的《We Wish Merry Christmas 》。 男:What I want is not a life ,Friendship or love 。也祝福在 场的每一位嘉宾Merry Christmas !九(三)班选手邹宇航、万一媛最后得分。下面有请来自九(1)班的选手陈敏滔、包杰军、范强为我们带来的《melt the snow 》。 女:But you should know 。When it gets too cold 。You're not alone 。(哈哈)开场的音乐都在以不同的方式诠释着爱,可望而不可及的东西,懵懂的我们还只能望而止步!四年级选手最后得分。下面有请来自八( 1 )班的选手王芯怡、何彦君为我们带来的《I Could Be the One 》。 男:I could be ordinary 。I could be the one 。 I could be your blue eyed angel 。I could be the storm before


英语晚会主持词 a : good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party . b : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的“饺流天下”晚会。 a : dumpling is a traditional chinese food , full of delicious taste andancient intelligence . b : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。 a : tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy theentertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures . b : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力! a : nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey ofdumplings ! b :别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”!

a : ready ? go ! show time演出阶段 a:after such a busy and happy time , let's just be relaxed and enjoyexcellent performance. now , it's the show time ! b : 结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演! a : first , let's enjoy an amazing kongfu show from the association oftaijiquan . b :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。 a : terrific ! chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited bythat ? ok. now, let's enjoy a classical music , a er hu recital from zhang yi. b : 中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。 a : beatiful ! that's the first word appears in my mind . what do youexpect next ? all right , still from


西安市雁塔区航天二一〇小学 第四届“英才杯”英语口语大赛主持人串词 Good afternoon,everyone! 各位领导,老师们,同学们,下午好! On such a mild winter’s afternoon, having such joyful feelings, we are welcoming Fourth English speaking contest of our school. 在这阳光灿烂的初冬下午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了我校第四届“英才杯”英语口语大赛。 This is our exciting and happy day! 这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 Today, our contestants will not only express their youthful energy, but also show the fruits of quality education in our school. 今天,同学们不但将在这里展示青春风采,更将展示我校素质教育的成果。 现在,让我们隆重请出担任我们本次大赛的评委:我校高校长,雒校长,文校长。教导处李主任,刘主任,以及所有英语老师。 让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 Let’s welcome them with our warm applause! Players participating in this competition, namely from 1-6 in our select grades in each class of masters in English learning. They have deeply fond of English learning and comprehension. 参加本次大赛的选手分别是从我校一至六年级各班中挑选出来的英语学习的佼佼者。他们对英语学习有着深深的喜好和感悟。 Today, they will play their great virtue of spoken English, shows us the importance and charm of English. We also warmly welcome their participation! 今天,他们将发挥自己英语口语方面的特长,向我们展示英语的魅力及重要性。让我们同样以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的参与! Please allow me to introduce the rules of this competition 下面,请允许我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to CCTV English speaking contest 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!这里是CCTV 口语选拔赛的比赛现场,我是今天的主持人。我们都知道在二十一世纪的今天,英语已经成为一种国际性的语言,不论是在日常生活中还是在以后的工作中,英语对于我们都是非常重要的。为了提高我系学生的口语水平,同时激励同学们学习英语的热情,给大家提供一个展现自我的平台,学校特举办本次比赛。Before we start ,allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.在比赛开始之前,首先让我们欢迎本次活动的评委和嘉宾。担任本次活动的评委有: 本次活动的嘉宾有: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎评委和嘉宾们的到来! 下面,请允许我介绍本次比赛的详细规则,请各位参赛选手注意: 1.选手依次上台进行演讲,命题自拟,要求内容积极健康。命题演讲时间为3-5分钟,超时将扣分。尽量脱稿,带稿上台将扣分。 2.结束命题演讲后,选手选取题号,按相应题号进行小段英文朗读 3.选手结束朗读后,根据评委要求回答评委问题 4.结束问答后,选手退场

接下来,让我们一起欣赏选手们精彩的演讲。 Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 1.... contestant no.2 please get ready. 让我们欢迎1号选手,请2号选手做好准备 Thank you for your excellent performance perfect \wonderful\ good thank you very much \ thanks for your performance let's warmly welcome contestant Number ( ).... contestant no.( ) please get ready.下面让我们欢迎()号选手,请()号选手做好准备 感谢所有选手的精彩表现。在比分揭晓之前,先请现场的评委对今天的比赛进行点评,大家欢迎 相信大家等这一刻已经等了很久了,下面就由我来宣布各位选手的最终得分: 下面进入颁奖阶段,有请优胜奖的获得者上台领奖,请上台颁奖。 下面有请最具感染力奖获得者号选手上台领奖请上台颁奖 下面有请最具台风奖获得者号选手上台领奖


鸿翔学校英语主持稿女:Good morning, dear teachers and students.Welcome to the English talent show of our Hongxiang School。 男:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。欢迎大家参加我们鸿翔学校的英 语才艺比赛。 男:We’re very happy to be the hosts for today’s competition to gi ve the opening speech for everybody. 女:我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。 女:The 10th week is coming. It will be a special week, because we will welcome our English Festival of Hongxiang School. 男:第十周来临了,这是特殊的一周,因为我们迎来了鸿翔学校英语节。男:Now it is the time that we show our talents, report our learning results and also the time of carnival [?kɑ:n?vl]. 女:现在就是我们展示才华的时刻,汇报成绩的时刻,也是我们共同欢乐的时 刻。 女:Today, let’s feel the happiness of learning English. 男:今天,让我们一起感受英语学习的快乐! 男:First of all, let’s welcome Mrs Xie, the headmaster to express her wishes! Welcome! 和:现在请大家以热烈的掌声,欢迎我们谢校长讲话。(校长讲话) 女:Thanks for Mis Xie's speech 男:感谢谢校长的讲话!


英语诗歌朗诵比赛主持词 together M: male host F: female host T: Good evening, my dear teachers and friends. M: Youth is beautiful. Youth is full of dreams, enthusiasm and romantic. F: As the young generation of the new century, we are full of pride and enthusiasm; we are full of vigor and spirit--- the spirit that has been passed on from our older generation. M: On May 4th ,1919, a loud thunder broke through the silent sky, people of the world saw a brilliant sunrise in the east of the globe. F: Up to now, eighty- five years has passed, but the spirit of May 4th Movement stays with us. M: Democracy and science well get rise in this new era, an era of the knowledge economy. F: Let’s go on the cause of the May 4th. On this 85th anniversary of the May 4th, let us carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, work willingly hard, and devote ourselves whole-heartedly. M: To share the unforgettable memories of our great


小学英语节主持稿 篇一:XX年英语节主持稿 达拉特旗第七小学XX年英语节主持稿 一.开场白 老师:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.. 学生:女士们,先生们,亲爱的同学下午好! 老师:We’re so excited to welcome all the students and teachers。 Thank you for join us . Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence. 学生:请允许我们代表所有师生对于你们的到来表示热烈欢迎。(鼓掌) 你们的到来给我们送来一份鼓励,一份信心。 老师:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , we’ll show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope you’ll enjoy it . Let ‘s shout our slogan “Happy English, happy life. “ 学生:英语在我们的日常生活中正变得越来越重要。

在我们学校,所有师生都非常热爱英语。今天,我们将向你们展示我们对于英语的热情和兴趣。希望大家喜欢。大家和我一起喊出本次英语节的口号 Happy English ,Happylife 快乐英语,快乐生活 老师: First, Let’s enjoy a wonderful song《Happy New Year》> 学生:首先我们全体齐唱《新年快乐》《圣诞节快乐》 二、校长致辞 教师:Next, welcome Mr Lv to give an opening speech. 学生:接下来,欢迎吕校长致开幕辞。 三颁奖 老师:During these days, we have many different kinds of English activities. We sing, we dance, we read 、we draw we write. Then,medal presentation 学生:英语节期间,大家通过制作圣诞节新年贺卡,手抄报,书法比赛,收获了英语,收获了成功,下面为优秀的班集体颁奖。请吴校长颁奖


英语口语比赛主持稿精 编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

首届层山小学生英语口语比赛主持稿 开场白: 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 2: Good morning, fellow students. 1: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holdi ng the First Cengshan Primary School English speaking competition. 2:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行层山小学首届英语口语大赛。 1: English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to tr avel around the world. 2:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 1: By learning English we can know the people in the other s ide of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 2:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么? 1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the sa me aim,


英语朗读比赛主持稿范本 1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English reading compitition of our school. nice to see you here!! ( nice to see you here你要重读.) 各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎大家参加今天的英语朗读比赛。 2、I’m very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。 3、In today`s compitition,we have 8 classes all together.they are coming from different grades.这次比赛有8个班参加,他们来自不同的年级。 4、I hope we can communicate how to learn English better,these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。 5、Ok,now, I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are :vice-principal—Mrs 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考


2015-2016学年度 第二届英语歌唱比赛主持稿 合:Our honored guests , dear teachers and fellow students , good morning! 尊敬的各位嘉宾,敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! 男:I’m today’s host, xxx. I’m from Xinzhou School. 女:I’m today’s host. We ushered in the second English singing competition of Heyun in the fruitful season. 男:在这硕果累累的季节里,我们迎来了禾云镇第二届英文歌唱比赛。 女: First, let’s introduce today's honored guests ceremoniously ∕ser?'m??n??sl?∕. Miss He Yinying, from the Education Bureau ∕bj??r??∕of Qingyuan City. Welcome! Mr. Mai Wenfei, from the Education Bureau of Qingxin County. Welcome! 男:首先,让我们隆重地介绍到场的嘉宾,(鼓掌) 女:Welcome the teachers and students from Heyun No. 1 Middle School and Yuba School. Welcome! 男:热烈欢迎兄弟学校的领导,老师和同学们! 女:Now let’s introduce today’s judges [d??d?]. 男:现在让我们介绍这次比赛的评委。 (男:welcome Mr. Mai Wenfei! 女:Mr Zhu Jinbin, welcome! 男Mr Tan Yuejun, welcome! 女:Mr Cheng Zhifeng,welcome! 男:Miss Wangying, welcome! 女:Miss Xu Huilian, welcome! 男:Miss Su Jingyi, welcome!) 女:Next,welcome our honored headmaster, Mr. Feng to give the welcome speech. Welcome! 男:接下来有请我们尊敬的冯校长致欢迎词。大家掌声有请! 女:Thank for our headmaster, Mr. Feng’s wonderful speech. Next, let’s welcome Mr. Liang , from Center School of Heyun to give the opening speech for us. Welcome! 男:谢谢冯校长的精彩讲话!接下来有请禾云镇中心校的领导梁主任为这次英文歌唱比赛致开幕词。大家掌声有请! 女:Thank for Mr. Liang ’s wonderful speech. I’m sure everyone must be very excited and can’t wait to enjoy the wonderful programs, right? So let’s get started.男:非常感谢梁主任的精彩讲话!我相信大家肯定是迫不及待地要观赏节目了,是吗?让我们马上开始吧。 女:At first, we will listen to Get down , the song of Backstreet Boys .They are good singers and their smile is like the sunshine . This song has ever conquered the world quickly .Welcome the students from Heyun No.1 Middle School . The next program Edelweiss, please get ready . 男:首先,我们将会听到一首来自原创后街男孩的歌曲《Get down》,五个能歌

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