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Formula One has presented its long-term roadmap for reducing the teams’ budget reduction, with a decision expected next week. It is understood that figures include a cap set for $145m in 2021, coming down to $140m in 2022 and then to $135m for 2023-25.


The targeted numbers are seen as acceptable to midfield teams such as McLaren but agreement is far from a given, with potential pushback at the scale of the proposed cuts possible from Ferrari and Red Bull.


McLaren’s chief executive Zak Brown has warned F1 could lose up to four of its 10 teams if the impact of coronavirus is not handled correctly and that F1 should use this as a chance to ensure the sport remains sustainable in future.

1.potential pushback /at the scale of the proposed cuts possible/ from Ferrari and Red Bull. proposed cuts possible即可能的提议的削减=拟议的削减,即来着法拉利和红牛的对拟议的削减规模的潜在抵制

2.is far from a given


Ferrari, however, have opposed a drop below $145m, warning it was already a demanding request below which the team would be forced to consider how it employs its racing resources. Ferrari’s team principal Mattia Binotto also fears that too great a cap would risk devaluing the sport’s reputation for technical excellence as the pinnacle of motorsport. He is in favour of a two-tier cap to reflect the higher spending of the bigger teams on manufacturing parts, however this two-tier approach is not in the proposal, which may also prove a stumbling block.


Similarly Red Bull’s team principal Christian Horner has also opposed any imminent cap below $145m. Earlier in April a meeting

with the teams to discuss a proposed drop to $130m in 2022 failed to reach any agreement. However, recent regulation changes by the FIA mean that unanimity of agreement across the teams is no longer required and the proposals can be adopted with a majority in the face of opposition.


本文节选自:The Guardian(卫报)

作者:Giles Richards

原文标题:F1 risks angering Ferrari and Red Bull as it reveals long-term budget cap plans



?英 [k?p] 美 [k?p]





?英[?m?dfi?ld] 美[?m?dfi?ld]

?n. 〔足球场等的〕中场、〔足球队的〕中场球员〔总称〕


?英 [?p?n?kl] 美 [?p?n?kl]

?n. 巅峰、顶点、鼎盛时期、山巅、山峰、山顶、〔教堂或城堡等上作装饰用的〕尖顶,小尖塔


?英 [tu? t?r] 美 [tu? t?r]



?英 [?st?mbl] 美 [?st?mbl]





?英 /?ju?n??n?m?ti/ 美 /?ju?n??n?m?ti/



1.Formula One 一级方程式赛车

2.in favour of 有利于;支持;赞同


Ferrari’s team principal Mattia Binotto also fears that too great a cap would risk devaluing the sport’s reputation for technical excellence as the pinnacle of motorsport.

结构:… fears that too great a cap would risk ….


例句: The government fears that too great a cap would risk its reputation among the people.


大学英语B阅读翻译及写作 TEST 1 阅读1: 有这些关于两位美国总统杰克逊和范布伦试图解释英语词组OK的故事。我们不知这些故事的真实性,但他们都是很有趣。第一种解释是根据杰克逊总统读书少的事实。事实上,他读写有困难。当他接到重要的文件,他努力地去读,然后让助手解释内容,如果他赞成,他就会在公文上写上Oll Korrect二字,问题就在于他不知道如何拼写,所以他真正写的是“ol korekt”.过了一段时间,他简称为“OK”. 第二种解释是根据范布伦总统的出生地纽约是事实。范布伦的朋友组织了一个俱乐部帮助他竞选。他们把它称之为Old Kinderhook 俱乐部,支持范布伦的人被称为“OK”。 阅读2. 尽管美国有很多陆地,生产事物所占用的地甚至不到现在人口所居住的地方多很多,现在大多数的人都生活在一个大都市里,从事农业和林业的人不到十分之一,多多少少总有一部分人仍然生活在城镇附近,那儿原有的景象正在不断地改变:每个小城镇都很相识,那有代表性的城镇相当于那富有大自然美好景色的农村,但是大部分美国人不在住在那里了,现在有一半人口住在30个大城市里,这好比一百万人居住在每一个比德国、英国大的免职里,更不用说法国了。据统计,城市和乡村的人口应该被处改并且告诫,那是因为有人把区域分类作为农村,在城镇范围内开车旅行,并且逐渐盖满房子,以致于很难说出农村一下子变成郊区城镇,但是越来越多典型的美国人居住在大城市里好比居住在小的城镇环境里。 阅读3 如果我们被准确地问及我们一年前所做的事情,我们就会不得不说我们不能记起。但是我们将每一天所做的事写在一本簿子上并保存在内,我们应该能够回答那些问题。那历史也一样。很多事已被忘记,是因为我们没有将它们记录在案。有时人类会记录那些在他们回家发生的最重要的事,但是经常会被大火或战争而销毁掉。有时会因为那个时候或那个地方的人民不知道怎么写字,就根本没有任何文字记录。例如,我们知道很多关于4,000年前住在中国大地上的人们,就是因为他们会写字,并且能够把文字记载流传到他们的后代。但是我们几乎不知道一些有关于在非洲中部200多年前住在那里的人们的事,因为他们没有学写字。当然,有时候即使人们不会写字,他们仍然会知道一些过去的事。他们可从老人们口里所说到,还有一些关于重要事件的歌曲、舞蹈和已被编造出来的故事,并且这些通过被唱和演出就能告诉人们很多梗概。就如大部分人都会很自豪地告诉别人,在过去他们父亲那代所做过的一些事情。对于这,我们会叫它作“记忆性的历史”。它们有些现在已被记载。那作为历史记载的话是不准确和没有高价值的,是因为当在讲话反复使用时,词句会比抄写下来容易改变得多了。但是对于要进行文字记载的地方,这样的口述故事是非常有帮助的。 完型填空: 你会发现大学的课程是不同与高中学校的课程,你将会有更多的工作和责任却没有太多的被动,另一方面,你也有更多的自由??有自由去选择学什么,什么时候学,或者为什么而学,你将需要练习最大量的自我训练。这是最辛苦的一种训练,因为这是资源的,和你只能是你自己一个去行动(面对),你决定的学习习惯将会是你将来成功的决定因素,或是缺陷。另外,你会发现你的导师跟你早先遇到过的那些人有些相识,他们会希望你更加投入到你的学习习惯和时间安排上。记住,许多你学到的是发生在课室以外的。你的导师会给你附加的帮助在课堂以外。如果这时候证明你的课正在生效、实行。在你能力和技术都能控制掌握的条件下,你需要有效果地安排你的时间,以便使你在大学里取得成功。一个与有效利用时间的有关的表会使你能够使工作和游玩都包含在内,当你获得一份工作,不久你会发现不足仅是做你想的,更是你所希望的。 作文: 你同学建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信说将回国工作。请根据下列提示回信:注意:1词数100左右; 2 行文英连贯,内容应完整; 3 开头语与落款已为你写好。 June 8th Dear Jianhua, I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. I’m very glad to know that you have finished your studies abr oad. And what you are studying is well needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to hire people like you. I’m working for the computer company now, and I must work from nine clock to five . If you are free, please come to visit me . I am looking forward to your letter . Best wishes, Minghua TEST 2 Passage 1


商务英语信函写作地简洁原则 随着全球经济一体化进程地不断发展,世界范围内地经济合作与交流也在不断增多.人们不可能跟自己地贸易伙伴一一亲自会面协商.而且我们常常需要将自己地贸易伙伴做出地各种承诺变成有籍可查地文字记录.这时商务信函就成了取代亲自拜会地一种便宜有效地沟通媒介.我们给贸易伙伴地每一封信都代表着自己 所在公司地形象,显示着公司地水平和实力.“一封好地商务信函有助于促进和发展同客户地关系,在促进达 成新地业务方面起着积极地作用.”(摘自《丹尼尔·肯尼迪方法:推销信创造地奇迹》)所以在写作时我们应该严格遵守并且灵活运用“7C”原则: Completeness(完整)Concreteness(具体) Correctness(正确)Conciseness(简洁) Clearness(明晰)Courtesy(礼貌) Conscientiousness(诚意) 这七个原则是商务信函写作地最基本地指导原则,对于写好一封商务信函起着很重要地作用. 我们知道,在商务活动中,时间和效率对于每一个商务人士来说都是非常重要地.在和自己地贸易伙伴合作和交流地每一个环节上,我们都要尽可能地减少给对方造成时间浪费,以便对方能够在同我们地商务交往中提高效率.写作商务信函最直接地目地就是进行有效地沟通和交流,简洁地表达与有效率地掌握分寸是最重要地.因此,商务信函地写作重点应始终放在“效率”二字上,短小精悍、切中要点.简洁就是用最简单地话语准确地表达自己地意思.而无需以牺牲完整、具体、礼貌为代价.一般不需要礼节性地寒暄,最好是开门见山、直入主题;语言精练,言简意赅.信函中地冗言必须省去,尽可能地将交易地详细事项整理后,简洁地向对方陈述,要尽可能地避免毫无重点而罗嗦冗长地写上好几张地情形.让对方很清楚地了解你想说什么,非常轻易地领会你地意图,从而快捷迅速地做出反应. 在商务写作过程中,笔者认为简洁是最重要地一个环节,同时也是最难做到地.所以下面我将对简洁原则从全文组织结构、段落、句子和词汇这四个方面作一些研究和探讨. 一、压缩篇幅,删繁就简. (一)3W式结构. 一封商务信函地全文结构可以用3W 来表示,即:Why do you write the letter? (第一部分) ;What’s the detailed reason? (第二部分) ;What do you expect your reader to do? (第三部分).我们在上文中已经提到过,商务信函写作地最主要目地就是沟通和交流.收信人或许每天都要看很多地信函,一封冗长、拖沓、空洞、开头就不得要领地信函第一眼看到会让人感到厌烦,从而对写信人地印象大打折扣. 1、第一部分(Why do you write the letter?):在信函地一开头就要目地明确、简明扼要告诉读信者为什么要写这封信,如: 例(1):I am replying to your letter of April 15 asking us to clear our March payment. 这样地开头直接告诉对方写信是为了回复对方4月15日让己方对三月份地订货付款地来信.这样可以使得读信人立刻知道写信地意图,在读信地时候可以有充分地心理准备,或者把注意力集中在问题地重点上.不会因为一些无关紧要地寒暄而分散注意力. 在这方面,我们最应该注意地就是避免中国式地寒暄和问候,不要为了追求客气而落入俗套. 例(2):It was a long time since I saw you in Qing Dao 3 months ago. 这样地信函开头不仅罗嗦、冗长,而且会给收信人一种错觉:这是一封朋友之间相互问候地私人信件.因而将它搁置一边,待自己较为空闲时再看,很可能会因为延迟阅读而给双方带来无可弥补地损失. 2、第二部分(What’s the detailed reason?):即商务信函地征文,叙述事实或者理由来支持信里地第一句.会显出你郑重其事、思想缜密.把所要列举地事实或者理由合并成最重要地一点或者两点,在不影响清楚准确地基础上越简洁越好.如:


浙江师范大学研究生 《英语写作》考试卷(A卷) (2009 ---2010 学年第 1 学期) 考试形式闭卷考试对象 2009级非英语专业研究生 考试时间 120 分钟出卷时间 2010 年 1 月 13 日 说明:本卷分值_100__分,考生应将全部答案都写在答题纸上,否则作无效处理。 Part I. The following words are rather general. Write as many relevant specific words as possible. (At least 3 specific words for each general word) (10%) 1.flower 2.wind 3.angry Part II. Rewrite the following sentences by eliminating the mistakes in them. (10%) 1.With the cold climate and vegetation is scarce, firewood is a valuable resource. 2.First, as we all know that cosmetics always contain complex chemical elements to which many people will be allergic. 3.Many people get up early to jog along country lanes, to observe the wonder of nature, or just watching the sun come up. 4.Wearing uniform is a way to show our identity, however, it is not a good way to show our own personalities. 5.Some kinds of pollutions spread out so thick and fast that we cannot do anything effective to prevent it. Such as green house effect, it has caused the iceberg in two poles to melt.


迎接评估大学英语阅读与写作训练材料 作文范文一Fighting Criminals Today the crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken place in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate. Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them. However, some people are brave enough, to risk their lives to fight the criminals. Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils, saved the victims, and protected the public properties. To reduce the crime rate, we all the people should first receive a law education. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime. 作文范文二:Advertisements Advertisements are getting their way into people's lives. People depend on advertisers in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are always manufacturers. Sometimes they are salesmen. Their merchandise needs advertising. Thus nearly every product is advertised. To some extent, good advertising means success while bad advertising can means failure. There are many ways to advertise and 'ads' come in different forms. Newspaper carries advertisements. Some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies are set up to furnish a variety of services for it. However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and they haven't always been satisfied. 作文范文三:My first Job Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. At the night before my first day,I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant.


商务英语写作道歉信 篇一:商务英语道歉信模板 职场商务必备写作模板:英语致歉信怎么写?在日常工作中难免会犯一些差错,学会正确的补救方法很重要。首先,我们要做的就是致歉。你会写英语致歉信吗?在致歉信中道歉更重要还是提出解决方案更重要?如何在致歉 信中表达出自己的歉意让对方欣然接受呢?在本篇文章中,安格英语老师将以两则工作中常 见的错误为例,教大家如何写好英语致歉信。模拟场景一:因发票有误致歉ereareindeedsomediscrepanciesbetweentheshipping instructionsandtheactualshipment.therefore,therewillbeashor tageinyour mayshipment.

weareverysorryforcausingyousomuchtroubleinyourmonthlyreport s.efforts arenowbeingmadetoestablishproceduresthatwillalleviatethissi tuation.your cooperationandpatienceintheserespectswouldbegreatlyapprecia ted.sincerely yours, oliverlee assistantmanager **newwords: acknowledgev.承认,告知已收到discrepancyn.差异 shippinginstruction装运说明shipmentn.装运

proceduren.程序 alleviatev.减轻,缓和看完这一则道歉信后,相信大多数人已经心里有数道歉信该如何写了,简单来说就是承 认错误-提出方案-礼貌结尾的三部曲。下面,安格英语老师提供了一些在道歉时可以用上的 句型: iamverysorryfor?..,butpleasebelievemeihadnointentionofbothe ring you. iamsorrythatididnotcheckthegoodsbeforedispatch半正式:可以使用缩略和口语表达:directions: 1)makeanapology,and 2)suggestasolution. youshouldwriteabout100wordsonanswersheet2.donotsignyourownn


第16节语言学习(二) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2018·四川乐山二模) Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp in China Shanghai is the city which will present you how modernization meets tradition,and how western culture dances with eastern civilization.So it offers a best place for you to participate in Chinese language and culture summer camp. Interactive Chinese Lessons Our Chinese courses focus on developing speaking,listening,reading and writing skills in a well-balanced way,while each has its own focus.The teaching materials we use,offering 12 levels of classes,are written specially for our program.For beginners,speaking and listening abilities will be stressed while for advanced level students,the course will develop in depth their skills on Chinese characters recognition,long paragraph reading and writing,as well as fluent conversation. Small Size Classes Our students come from all over the world,mostly between 11 and 17 years old,having different Chinese levels.They will accept level assessment(评估) on the first day of camp,and be placed into different groups according to their language fluency.In a small-class setting each student can receive individual attention from teachers and achieve best studying result. Traditional Culture Courses We provide various culture courses to help students to develop interest in traditional Chinese culture,which will benefit their language learning.The culture courses include:Calligraphy,Traditional brush painting,Chinese Kung Fu,Tai Chi,Paper-cutting. Day Camp Day camp is designed for participants who have a host family in Shanghai.Day camp runs from Monday to Sunday,between 8:30 and 17:00. ·Day camp package includes: Chinese classes in the mornings Lunch Culture courses,field trip and sports activities in the afternoons Others:Textbooks,studying materials,camp life souvenir ·Day camp package NOT includes: Accommodation Daily pick up and drop off


商务英语的10种抱怨信函写作 Complaints & Claims (抱怨和索赔信函) 抱怨、索赔信函的目的是为了获取更好的服务,对已出现的问题求得尽快的、妥善的解决。它通常是买方由于对收到的货物不满而书写,如:货物未按时到达;货物虽抵达,但与订单所载不同;货物有损毁现象;货物数量短缺或多余;货物质量与样品不符;服务不合理以及收费过高等,这些均是抱怨、索赔的正当理由。 书写抱怨、索赔信函时,不妨开门见山出原先双方同意的条件,然后列举事实以表示有何不满,以及为什么不满,最后提出解决的方法。内容应明确、清楚、有理,语气要简洁、坚决。避免使用愤怒和使对方过于难堪的措辞(除非你所抱怨的问题反复发生,且多次投诉而毫无结果)。 1)For Delay in Shipment (由于发货延迟而抱怨) Dear Sirs , The furniture we ordered from you should have reached us a week ago .Needless to say , the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience .It is therefore imperative that you dispatch them immediately .Otherwise we shall be oblige d to cancel the order and obtain the goods elsewhere. Please look into the matter as one of urgency and let us have your reply as early as possible . Yours faithfully,XXX 亲爱的先生们: 我方从贵方订购的家具应于一星期前收到。不用说,发货的延迟给我方带来了很大的不便。因此,贵方必须立即发货,否则我们将被迫取消订单,到另处订货。 请紧急处理此事,并尽快告知结果。 2)For Poor-Packing (由于包装不妥提出索赔) Dear Sirs , We are writing to inform you that the toys covered by our order No.519arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we have to lodge a claim against you .It was found upon examination that 10% of them are broken and some are badly scratch ed , obviously due to the improper packing . Therefore, we cannot offer it for sale at the normal price and suggest that you make us an allowance of 20% on the invoice d cost .This is the amount by


大学英语专业英语写作 试卷 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

Answer Sheet I . Rewrite the following titles according to general rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Identify the figures of speech employed in each of the following sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. Sentence identification A. Identify sentences as simple, compound, complex or compound-complex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Identify sentences as loose, periodic, or balanced: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV. Rewrite the following according to the requirements listed in the brackets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

V. Read the following, identify the mistakes and rewrite the sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VI. The following sentences are given in a wrong order. You are required to reorganize these sentences into a coherent paragraph by putting the numbers of these sentences into their correct order. The correct order: VII. Choose the most suitable topic sentence for each paragraph. 1. 2. 3. VIII. Choose from the following transitional expressions and put them in the blanks in the paragraphs. 1. 2. 3. 4. IX. Writing I. Rewrite the following titles according to general rules. (5 points, 1 point for each) 1. approaches to teaching english as a foreign language 2. what can the artist do in the world of today 3. hit-and-run accidents 4. best ways to say I love you 5. where i lived, and what i lived for


高中英语阅读与写作整合教学设计 一,教学设计 设计意图:运用“讨论式”的英语教学模式和采用“任务型”英语教学途径,培养同学们的听说读写能力,突出阅读和写作技能训练、学习策略的培养、阅读和写作的实践,从而使学生领会语言信息的输入与输出、阅读和写作之间的内在联系,并引导学生独立思考并以讨论、合作学习的方式练习英语写作。 主题内容:Born Dying Unit 7 SBII 相关领域:信息技术,医学 课时安排:2课时 任务布置: 1、网上查寻有关的信息并做汇报; 2、课堂阅读两篇文章 3、写一篇英语演讲稿“Cherish Your Life & Prevent AIDS” 实施过程: 第一课时:信息输入——阅读课 教学目标: 1、检阅学生课外查阅有关的信息资料和学生对知识的了解情况; 2、培养学生的阅读策略和提高阅读能力; 3、学会“善待他人,关爱自己,珍惜生命”。 教学形式:讨论交流合作 教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step 1、Pre-reading 课前教师给学生布置如下任务:1.What is AIDS ? What is HIV? 2. How do people get AIDS? 3. What happens to people who have AIDS? 4. How does Xiaohua feel about having AIDS? 5. How do her friends and family feel about her disease? 6. Something about the World AIDS DAY. 要求学生带着这些任务预习课文。学生要回答以上问题,除阅读课文外,还必须查找相关材料,做好记录。此环节学生可采用分工合作的学习方式。此时教师可以给学生一些必要的帮助,如:提供网站名,提供一些阅读材料。由于学生是在任务目标驱使下预习,预习就很有成效,而不是走过场。为课堂讨论奠定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。 Step 2: Lead-in Collect the information Ss have found and at the same time ask the Ss to exchange the information about HIV/AIDS. And ask Ss to discuss the following questions. 1. Answer the following questions What is AIDS? How is it infected? Who gets it easily? What attitude do people have now ? 2.What can you do on World AIDS Day? 3. Do you think it is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS? Give your views.


大学英语提高班课程:阅读与写作5E01 金戌捷 Email: jin_xj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f1367003.html, 班级QQ群号:462648764 Office: E521 1.课程教材: Reading: English for Academic Study 2.课程授课及考核方式: (1)小组讨论,自主学习,团队研习,反思日志, 项目制作 (2)课程总成绩构成: 平时成绩(40%)+ 期末考试成绩(60%) (3)课程平时成绩构成:考勤(10%)+ 课堂表现presentation(20%) + 作业(30%) +测试及论文(40%) (4)作业: 2篇作文及互评 + 2篇阅读反思日志 (5)阅读反思日志: i.每组从书中选定一篇上课时未使用过的文章,组员单独阅读并完成课后练习, 然后讨论汇总,完成反思日志。 ii.每组汇总制作项目时所阅读的所有资料文章数据,完成反思日志。 (6)项目制作(演讲 +论文): 学生以3-4人一组完成一项项目制作,其具体内容与执行方式由每组同学自行 设计,要求确定一个topic (e.g. energy, business, science technology, society today, food, HR management, fashion, etc.),提出一个具体可行的research question,阅 读相关背景资料,收集数据,分析回答所提出的问题。最后每位同学完成小组 演讲 (每人3-5分钟) ,每组提交一篇论文,每人撰写其中一个章节200字左 右。 ***** 选题建议:以学科专业为依托,从日常生活学习兴趣出发 ***** 3.课程内容与进度表:

高考英语 阅读、完形与写作(考前纠错)之完形填空 完形命题动态发布

完形命题动态发布 一、概述 完形填空又叫完形程序。这一测试方法1953年由威尔逊?泰勒创设,它不仅可用在native speakers的教学中,也可用它来考外语有很多突出的优点,它是一种测试读者预测和理解不完整的语言信息的能力的方法,于是,完形填空逐步发展成外语测试常用的一种题型。 在英语测试中,完形填空主要用在话语水平的阅读理解,文章内容生动,具有较强的生活气息,结构严谨,注重整体和语用。高考中它常常以记叙文为主,或者是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,常常以故事形式出现,从小故事中引出做人或做事的道理,文章难度低于阅读理解题中的短文。它的分值一般在20~30分之间,字数在280左右。对考生来说,它一直是难度较大的语言能力试题,它考查考生对语意、语境和语篇的深层理解,并要求考生设法领悟一篇部分信息缺损的文章的语篇大意,要根据已学的知识整体理解,通篇考虑,推测未知内容。 二、完形填空的命题特点和新趋势 (一)侧重语篇,情景意义选择为主 命题者越来越注重完形填空题的高层次考查,即语篇层次来考查,也就是说,命题者越来越注重词义辨析以及语言知识的实用性和实效性,并逐步加强在语篇基础上对语义的理解和领悟。以情景意义选择为主,它不考纯粹的语法题,而是要求考生根据文章的整体内容,分层次的结构和内容的逻辑关系,去选择符合文章情节的答案。这就要求受测者必须从字里行间寻找能够利用的线索,例如词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索,根据有关线索做出合理有效的推断。 (二)考查实词为主,虚词为辅,词汇语境化 设空以实词为主,虚词为辅;单词为主,短语为辅,突出词汇语境化。实词中侧重对名词、动词和词组的考查,同时也兼顾形容词和副词,填虚词时,考查连词为主。在近年高考全国卷中,完形填空部分所设置的考点对动词的考查数量为5~8个。每一小题中四个备选答案设置同一词类、同一词形,备选答案多设置实词,也是为了提高试题的难度,引导学生从整体上理解文章内容,全面考查考生英语基础知识和综合运用语言的能力。虚词侧重考查习惯搭配和逻辑关系判断,近几年虚词中连词的设置有所增多,目的是考查考生的逻辑推理和判断能力等。 (三)答案干扰性大,结合文章具体情景

新发展大学英语阅读与写作4课文翻译Reading for Pleasure为快乐而读书

Reading for Pleasure he first thing I want to insist on is that reading should be enjoyable. Of course, there are many books that we all have to road, either to pass examinations or to acquire information,from which it is impossible to extract enjoyment. We aro reading them for instruction, and the best we can hope is that our need for it will enable us to get through them without todium. Such books wo read with resignation rather than with alacrity. But that is not the sort of roading I have in mind. The books I shall mention in due course will help you neither to get a degree nor to earn your living, they will not teach you to sail a boat or get a stalled motor to run, but they will help you to live more fully. That, however, they cannot do unless you enjoy reading them. Every man is his own best critic. Whatever the learned say about a book, however unanimous they are in their praise of it,unless it interests you, it is no business of yours. And you who read are the final judge of the value to you of the book you are reading. We are none of us exactly like everyone else, only rather like, and it would be unreasonable to suppose that the books that have meant a great deal to me should be precisely those that will mean a great deal to you. But they are books that I feel the richer for having read, and I think I should not be quite the man I am if I had not read them. No one is under an obligation to read poetry or fiction or the miscellaneous literature which is classed as belleslettres. He must read them for pleasure, and who can claim that what pleases one man must necessarily please another? 为快乐而读书 我想坚持的第一点是,阅读应当是愉悦的。自然,我们每一个人都会为了通过考试,或是为了获取信息而阅读大量的书籍。从这样的阅读中我们无法获取快乐。我们读这些书是为了接受教育。我们最多只能希望自己对这些书籍的需要使得我们在读完之后不至于感到单调乏味。这样的书,我们读得无可奈何而不是轻松愉快。然而,我心目中的阅读不属于这一种。我在下面很快将要提到的那一类书既不能帮助你获取学位,也不能帮助你挣钱谋生,更不能教会你驾驶船只或修好出了故障的马达,然而,它们能够帮助你活得更加充实。而这一点,除非你喜欢阅读它们,否则是无法做到的。 每个人都是他自己最好的评论家。无论什么学者对某一本书说了些什么,无论他们如何众口一词地对它大加称赞,倘若它激不起你的兴趣,那么这本书就与你毫不相干。作为读者,你是你所读书籍价值的最终仲裁人。我们当中,没有一个人跟另外一个人完全相像,至多有点相像而已。想当然地认为对我来说很有价值的书恰恰对你也很有价值,这是不合情理的。但是这些书的特点是:在读完之后,我感到更加充实了,我觉得要是没有读它们,我就不会成为现在的我。没有什么人非要去阅读诗歌、小说以及其他归为“纯文学”的作品不可。读者阅读这些作品必然是为了获取快乐;而谁又能说,使一位读者感到愉悦的书一定会让另一位读者喜欢呢?


商务英语写作拒绝信 李晓萱 第一篇: Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter requesting an order of black leather gloves. We appreciate your interest in our product. Unfortunately, we must let you know that our production line does not product the required good due to difficulty with dye. However, our company manufactures the leather gloves of other color, which are the same in size and quality. If you are interested, I will send you some of catalogues enclosed with this letter for your reference. We are looking forward to receiving your favorable reply. Yours sincerely 第二篇; Dear Sirs, We were pleased to receive your letter of October 15th in which you request to a price reduction. We have considered your proposal very thoroughly. Unfortunately enough, as we are going to purchase a large amount of new machines, we need to have adequate funds. But, we can offer you some gifts, which could be using as a promotion. We hope our reply will not be disappointing. Yours sincerely

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