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高中英语人教版必修 1 unit 4 Grammar 定语从句

高中英语人教版必修 1 unit 4 Grammar 定语从句
高中英语人教版必修 1 unit 4 Grammar 定语从句


时间: 班组: 学生姓名: 期数: __________________ 课题必修一Unit 4 The Attributive Clause Learning aims:

★Master the basic concepts of the Attributive Clauses

★Be able to use the relative pronouns correctly

★Develop the sense of group work and cooperative learning

Learning important and difficult point:

Distinguish the differences among which, that, who, whom, whose clearly

Learning methods:

Autonomous learning; cooperative learning; presentation


Enjoy an English song

①You are the girl whose heart is so silly.

②You are the girl whom we love so really.

③When you go you’ll take all the rain that has watered my heart all the nights.

④I don’t know the reason why you are leaving.

⑤I don’t know the time when you are here.

⑥I don’t forget the river where you often swim and the valley where you often walk.

⑦I can’t forget the house in which you live and the one for whom I am waiting.









⑴.定语从句:在复合句中,修饰( )或( )的从句,叫定语从句. ⑵.先行词:___________________________________________________. ⑶.在定语从句中,引导词分为:( ) 和关系副词,关系代词有( ), which, who, ( ),( );关系副词有when, where, why. 练一练:

根据给出的例句划出下列句子中定语从句部分、先行词及引导词。 Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.




⑴.A plane is a machine that can fly. ⑵.These are the trees which were planted last year.. ⑶.Harry is the boy who won the game. 未解决的问题 预习评价

自我评价 : 同伴评价: 学科长评价 : 教师评价:



在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。 二.关系代词的用法 三.that ,which ,who, whom, whose 用法区别

1.that既可以指人,又可以指物,可以作定语从句的主语和宾语. The man who / that is speaking at the meeting is a worker.(主语)The woman (whom / that) they wanted to visit is a teacher. (宾语)

2. which 指物,作定语从句的主语或宾语.

This is a truck which / that is made in China. (主语)

I like the book (which / that) you bought yesterday.(宾语)

3. who 指人,作定语从句的主语或宾语.

The man who is speaking at the meeting is a worker. (主语)

4.whom 指人,作定语从句的宾语

The woman whom they wanted to visit is a teacher. (宾语)

5.whose 作定语从句的定语(whose既可以指人,也可以指物).

I know the girl whose mother is a teacher. (定语)

I have a book whose cover is yellow. (定语)


1. The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang. ( )

2. The girl (whom) I met is Lucy. ( )

3. A child whose parents are dead is called Tom. ( )

4. I like the book (which) you bought yesterday. ()

※填一填: 用正确的关系代词填空

1. The man ________is speaking at the meeting is a worker.

2. This is a truck _________is made in China.

3. The woman ________they wanted to visit is a teacher.

4. I know the girl _______ mother is a teacher.


1. 只用that的情况


Tom is the clever est boy that I

②先行词被every, some, no, all, any, little, much等修饰时

I’ve read all the books that you lend me.

③everything, something, nothing, all, anything, little, much等不定代词作先行词时

Everything that we saw in this film was true. ④先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时This is the very book that belongs to him.


Who is the girl that is standing under the tree?

Which is the machine that we used last Sunday.


I’ve never heard of the people and things that you talked about just now.

2. whose 的用法


He’s living in a room whose window faces the east. 他住在一个窗户朝东的房间里。The boy whose spoken English is excellent draws our attention.


[知识拓展]“whose+n”引导的定语从句相当于“the+n+of+which/whom”或“of which/whom+the+n”引导的定语从句

①.Please pass me the book whose cover is yellow and black.

=please pass me the book __________________is yellow and black.

Please pas me the book ___________________ is yellow and black.

②.We saw some people whose car had broken down.

= We saw some people _________________ had broken down.

We saw some people __________________had broken down.



1. The girl _________ is singing over there is my sister.

A. whom

B. who

C. which

D. /

2. The doctor ___ you are looking for is in the room.

A. whom

B. what

C. which

D. when

3. This is the pen ____ he bought yesterday.

A. which

B. who

C. when

D. whose

4. A child ___ parents are dead is called an orphan.

A. which

B. his

C. whose

D. who

5. Do you think most students prefer tests ____ have easy questions?

A. who

B. whom

C. 不填

D. that

6. It’s the most boring film ___ I have ever seen.

A. which

B. that

C. whose

D. who

7. This is the first car ___ arrived this morning

A. which

B. who

C. that

D. whose

8. All _____ is needed is a supply of oil.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. who

9. Finally, the thief handed everything ____ he had stolen to the police.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. it

10. She talked about the kids and some of their pictures __________ interested her.

A. which

B. who

C. it

D. that

11. Who is that man _____ is telling the children a story?

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. whoever

12. Mary bought a beautiful ring __________ was very high.

A. which price

B. it

C. the price of which

D. the price of whom

II 填空题Array 1. I have a friend ________ likes listening to classical music.

2. The man ______ leg broke in a match used to be a football


3. My parents live in a house__________ is more than 100 years old.

4. Kevin is reading a book __________ is too difficult for him.

5. Is there anything ________ you want to buy in the town.

6. All ______ we can do is to study hard.

7. The first one _____ stands up is a little boy.

1).The building which it stands near the river is a


2). Do you know the man his name is Tom Henry?

3).The party was held by the Smiths last week was a big success.

4). Cheng Du is the most beautiful city which I’ve ever seen.


a.All that glitters is not gold.

b. He who laughs last laughs best.

c.True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it

is lost.


题组一基础过关 I.单句语法填空 1. Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, ________, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society. 2. Care of the soul is a gradual process in ________ even the small details of life should be considered. 3. That evening, ________ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late. 4. Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths. 5. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, ________ made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true. 6. The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, ________ he remembers starting as early as his childhood. 7. Finally he reached a lonely island ________ was completely cut off from the outside world. II. 用适当的关系词填空 1. Do you remember the scene ________ Cao Cao and Liu Bei were drinking? 2. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. 3. I will never forget the days ________ I was taken good care of in that village. 4. Do you know the reason John is so angry? 5. None of us know the reason ________ Tom was absent from the meeting. 6. The reason he explained at the meeting for his absence didn’t make sense. 7. I still remember the night she left the house. 8. However, this was a time one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. 9. Today we have reached a stage we have almost no rights at all. 10. The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a living. 题组二能力提升 I.单项填空 ( ) 1.This year’s children’s party, ________ some parents were invited to, was a great success. A.which B.why C.whose D.where ( ) 2.The death of the closest relatives, ________ almost every one of us has experienced, always makes people feel bitter and unbearable. A.which B.who C.as D.the one ( ) 3.—Have you heard any news about Sarah? —Yes, she was promoted to president of her company, ________ surprised everyone.


定语从句专项练习2018.1.16 1. The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2. Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3. This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4. Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5. That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6. The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7. Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8. This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9. Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10. The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12. The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13. It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14. I’m interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15. I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16. He isn't such a man ______he used to be.


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;


高中英语定语从句讲解及练习 定语从句是高中重点知识,也是高考常考点,大家也不容易掌握,这篇文章主要教你关系代词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句判断关系代词与关系副词限制性和非限制性定语从句等内容,有例题讲解定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。 关系副词有:when, where, why等。 18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语和宾语。例如: Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语) 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。例如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 Please pass me the book whose (of which)cover is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。 3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。例如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语) 18.2 关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 1)关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于\"介词+ which\"结构,因此常常和\"介词+ which\"结构交替使用。例如: There are occasions when (on which)one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。 Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born.北京是我的出生地。 Is this the reason why (for which)he refused our offer?这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 2)that代替关系副词,可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和\"介+which\"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。例如: His father died the year (that / when / in which)he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。 He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which)he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。 18.3 判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。 I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。 判断改错: (错)This is the mountain village where I visited last year. (错)I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. (对)This is the mountain village (which)I visited last year. (对)I'll never forget the days (which)I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。 方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关


定语从句专项练习 一、单项选择 1.The old temple roof was damaged in storm is now under repair. A. where B. which C. its D. whose 2.He is one of those people _____ everybody will find _____ hard to please. A. that; being B. whom; / C. who; is D. which; to be 3.We are living in an age most of things are done on cell phones. A. which B. that C. whose D. when 4.Nowadays, more and more young ladies, figures most are fine enough, are going on a diet. A. who B. whose C. of whose D. of whom 5.Could you show me the mobile phone you'd like ________? A. to repair it B. repairing it C. to have repaired D. having it repaired 6.On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying "We love you so much." A. that B. to which C. in which D. which 7.The old bank, _____ appearance is not a pretty sight, is extremely beautiful on the inside. A. whose B. where C. when D. which 8.It rained this morning, _____ actually didn't bother me because I like walking in the rain. A. what B. when C. where D. which 9.I keep the picture where I can see it every day, reminds me of the days in my hometown. A. that B. which C. who D. when 10.Newly released data point to an increase in technology use among children some worry is changing the very nature of childhood. A. why B. which C. who D. where 11.Mandela was generous with his time, Elias was grateful. A. to which B. for which C. which D. to whom 12.There is no simple answer, is often the case in science. A. when B. that C. as D. where 13.It is the third time that she has won the race, has surprised us all. A. that B. where C. which D. what 14.I shall never forget the day ________ Shen Zhou V was launched. A. when B. that C. which D. where

人教版高中英语必修一翻译 打印版

UNIT 1 Anne’s best friend 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担 心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢? 安妮弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她 最好的朋友。安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一 家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹 抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了二十五个月之后才被发现。在这段时间里, 她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在 日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称 作基蒂”。 安妮从1942年七月起就躲藏在那里了,现在来看看他当时 的心情吧。 1944年6月15日,星期四 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一 切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛 蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自 从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡 觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打 开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼 上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆 黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这 是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚… 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗 户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自 然是需要真正体验的东西。 Using Language 亲爱的王小姐: 现在我同班上的同学有些麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处的很好。我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意互相帮助。我们成了真正好朋友。可是,其他同学却在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是,我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?


定语从句 一、基本概念: 定语: 定语从句: Do you know the man who spoke at the meeting just now That is the house where he lived ten years ago. 引导词:关系词 关系代词有:that, who, whom, whose, which; 在从句中充当: 关系副词有:when, where, why. 在从句充当: 先行词: 定语从句中引关系词的作用: 二、关系词的用法: (一)关系代词的用法: 1. He is the man lives next door. The train has just left is for Shenzhen. 2. The man ________ we have just seen is a famous writer. Where is the book ___________I bought last week (二)关系副词的用法: 1. I still remember the time ________I first became a college student. Do you know the date __________Lincoln was born

(三) 使用关系副词应注意下列几点: 1.这三个关系副词在意义上都相当于一定的介词+which结构: when = on (in, at, during…) + which; where = in (at, on…) + which; why = for which. 如: I was in Beijing on the day when (=on which) he arrived. The office where (=in which) he works is on the third floor. This is the chief reason why (=for which) we did it. 2.当先行词是表时间的time, day等和表地点的place, house等时,一定要注意分析从句的结构,如果缺少主语或宾语时,关系词应该用which或that, 缺少时间状语或地点状语时,才能用when或where,试比较: I’ll never forget the day _________ my hometown was liberated. I’ll never forget the days____________we spent together last summer. His father works in a factory____________radio parts are made. His father works in a factory______________makes radio parts. 三.限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 1.限制性定语从句 This is the telegram which he refers to. Is there anything (that) I can do for you 2.非限制性定语从句 This note was left by Tom, who was here a moment ago. As a boy, he was always making things, most of which were electric.


高中英语定语从句专项练习题 1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 3. Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 4. Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 5. The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found. A. that B. where C. in which D. in that 6. The freezing point is the temperature __________ water changes into ice. A. at which B. on that C. in which D. of what 7. This book will show you __________ can be used in other contexts.. A. how you have observed B. what you have observed C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed 8. The reason is __________ he is unable to operate the machine. A. because B. why C. that D. whether 9. I’ll tell you __________ he told me last week. A. all which B. that C. all that D. which 10. That tree, __________ branches are almost bare, is very old. A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which 11. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing. A. as B. that C. which D. what 12. He failed in the examination, __________ made his father very angry. A. which B. it C. that D. what 13. We’re talking about the piano and the pianist __________ were in the concert we attended last night. A. which B. whom C. who D. that 14. The girl __________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister. A. who is singing B. is singing C. sang D. was singing 15. Those __________ not only from books but also through practice will succeed. A. learn B. who C. that learns D. who learn 16. Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out. A. that againsts B. that against C. who is against D. who are against 17. Didn’t you see the man __________? A. I nodded just now B. whom I nodded just now C. I nodded to him just now D. I nodded to just now 18. Can you lend me the novel __________ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked with D. you talked about


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives

高中英语定语从句 例句

高中英语定语从句练习 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.


高中英语复习专题:定语从句 一.概述 She is the girl who likes singing . 她是个喜欢唱歌的女孩。 ↓ ↓ ↘ 先行词 引导词 定语从句 定语从句:在句中作定语,修饰主句中的一个名词或代词,通常出现在先行词之后,由引导词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。只作整个句子的一个成份,起修饰和说明的作用。 关系代词:在从句中可作主语、宾语或定语 关系副词:在从句中作地点、时间或原因状语 结构: 主句的先行词 + 引导词(关系代词或关系副词)引导的定语从句 ↓ ↓ 二. 关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which, as 的基本用法 1. who :在从句中作主语,只可指人 ①The girl who often helps me with my English is from England.

经常在英语方面帮助我的那个女孩是英国人。(作主语) ②Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.任何犯法的人都应受到惩罚。(作主语) 2. whom:who的宾格,在从句中作宾语,只可指人 ①Who is the teacher whom Li Ming is talking to?正在与李明谈话的老师是谁? ②The professor whom you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。 3. whose:属格,在从句中作定语,可指人或物。 ①Who is the girl whose father is a doctor? 父亲是医生的那个女孩是谁? ②I want the book whose cover is red. 我要封面是红色的那本书。 ③I once lived in the house whose roof has fallen in. 我曾经住在那幢屋顶已经倒塌了的房子里。 【★】指人/物时,常用下列结构来代替whose+n.= the+n.+of which/ the+n.+of whom 或of which+the+n./ of whom+the+n. ①她就是我们班上发音最好的学生。 She is the student whose pronunciation is the best in our class. the pronunciation of whom is the best in our class. of whom the pronunciation is the best in our class. ②你看到窗户破了的房子吗? Do you notice the house whose window is broken? the window of which is broken? of which the window is broken? 4. that:作主语、★宾语(可省略),可指人或物 ①Mary likes music that is quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。(that作主语) ②China is not the country that she used to be.中国已经不是过去的中国了。(that作主语) ③The coat (that) I put on the desk is blue.我放在桌子上的那件外套是蓝色的。(that作宾语可省略) 5. which:作主语、★宾语(可省略),指物 ①Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。(作主语) ②The film (which)we saw last night was wonderful. 我们昨天晚上看的那部电影很好看。(作宾语) ③This is the pen (which ) he bought yesterday. 这是他昨天买的钢笔。(作宾语)

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