当前位置:文档之家› 8.《金与南宋的对峙》教案





Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A (1a-1c) 一、Analysis of the Teaching Material The first period mainly introduces the key vocabulary and the target language to students. Through listening and oral practice, students have a brief understanding of how to make inferences. 二、Teaching Aims and Demands 1) Knowledge Objects 1. Key Vocabulary Whose truck Picnic rabbit attend valuable Pink anybody 2. Target Language Whose book is this? It must be Mary’s. J. K . Rowling is her favorite writer. 2)Ability Objects 1. Train students’ listening ski ll. 2. Train students’communicative competence using the target language. 3)Moral Objects When you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy. 三、Teaching Key Points And Teaching Difficult Points 1)Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary


2019版九年级英语全册Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla单元 教案新版人教新目标版 单元 主题 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 教材分析 Section A 内容主要围绕“推测物品的归属”,并进一步引入“神秘事件”这一话题,集中呈现与学习表示推断相关的词汇;并复习了与话题有关的物品名词、表达观点的动词等,通过本部分的学习,使学生能够听懂有关物品归属的对话;能够在听读信息输入中获取相关信息,并掌握情态动词must, could, might, can’t 表推测的用法;Section B部分内容通过对疑似外星人事件的讨论逐步过渡到对巨石阵的介绍,通过这一部分的学习学生的能力会得到进一步的提升。 单元教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 能根据相关信息做推断。 2. 能正确运用must, might, could, 和can’t 进行推断。 3. 能正确使用下列词汇:truck, picnic, rabbit, noise, policeman, wolf , laboratary, coat, circle, leader, pur pose, energy, position, victory, enemy, period, etc. 4. 能根据相关信息预测、推断或续写故事。能有效获取阅读信息,归纳主题。 二、过程与方法 采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片、录音机或多媒体课件来展开课堂的听、说、读、写等活动。 三、情感、态度与价值观 通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力,陶冶思想情操。通过课堂活动,增强合作意识。并且在学习的过程中让学生根据已有事实推测可能性。 重难点:情态动词

人教版新目标 七年级英语初一上册Unit8单元教案设计含教学反思

Unit 8 When is your birthday? 教材解读 本单元主要谈论日期,由学生比较敏感的生日引出主题。学习月份、日期的表达,掌握询问生日及其答语。能由此延伸到会表达其他日期。由此会谈论同学以及父母家人的生日。能理解孩子的生日是母亲的受难日,学会爱母亲,能帮母亲做一些力所能及的活。会合理安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。了解东西方常见节日。 单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 重点词汇:months of the year、ordinal number 1st-31st、birthday party、speech、contest、school trip。 2. 月份的使用,序数词的使用,when引导的特殊疑问句。 3. 学会日期表达法(月份、日期)。 4. 了解一些常见节日。 二、过程与方法 角色扮演,情景设置,小组合作。 三、情感态度与价值观 1. 了解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日。 2. 能理解孩子的生日是母亲的受难日,学会关爱母亲,能帮母亲做一些力所能及的事。 3. 会合理地安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。 4. 学会合理安排自己的课余生活。了解东西方常见节日。 教法导航 发挥教师指导作用,指导学生掌握重点词汇和短语。 学法导航 生生互动,相互交流,小组合作学习,培养合作精神。 课时支配 第1课时:Section A 1a-2d 第2课时:Section A 3a-3c 第3课时:Section B 1a-2c 1

第4课时:Section B 3a-Self Check 课时教案 第1课时Section A1a-2d 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握本节课的重点词汇和短语。 2. 掌握句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on ... 二、过程与方法 为学生设置情景,进行表演。小组合作练习对话。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过学习,了解同学、朋友及家人的生日,养成关爱他人的意识。能理解孩子的生日是母亲的受难日,学会爱母亲,能帮母亲做一些力所能及的活。 教学重点 1. 掌握月份的表达。 2. 掌握重点句型:When is your birthday? It’s on ... 教学难点 掌握月份和个别日期的表达。 教法导航 发挥教师指导作用,指导学生掌握重点词汇和短语。 学法导航 生生互动,相互交流,小组合作学习,培养合作精神。 教学准备 图片、视频、写有每个月份的卡片。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Presentation 1. 复习基数词1~31的读法和写法。 2. 下面是打乱顺序的12个月份,按1月到12月的顺序排列好。 April June December October July May January November August February September March 1月:2月:3月:4月: 2

英语五上5A5A Unit8 第二课时教案

课题: 译林版五年级上册Unit 8 At Christmas 课时: The second period ( Grammar time & Fun time) 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 掌握单词first, next, then, finally, pretty things, Christmas Eve, wait for等。 2. 能运用First/Next/Then/Finally来表述圣诞节人们通常做什么。 3. 能理解并运用First/Next/Then/Finally表示先后顺序的副词结构。 (二)能力目标: 1. 学生能够运用First/Next/Then/Finally展开话题讨论,并进行语言描述,达到提高简单交际的目的。 2. 培养学生用英语说话的逻辑性。 (三)情感目标: 1. 学生对西方的圣诞节进一步了解;并培养学生乐于参与、积极表达的情感。 2.培养学生做事情的条理性。 教学重点: 1. 掌握单词first, next, then, finally, pretty things, Christmas Eve, wait for。 2. 能运用First/Next/Then/Finally表示先后顺序的副词结构。 教学难点: 1. 掌握单词first, next, then, finally, pretty things, Christmas Eve, wait for。 2. 能运用First/Next/Then/Finally表示先后顺序的副词结构。 教学准备: 5A

1.教师准备:PPT,板书 2.学生准备:复习story time, 熟读、会复述,会合作表演。 教学过程: 5A


Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, peel, pour, yogurt, honey, watermelon, spoon, pot, add, finally, salt 能掌握以下句型: ①一How do you make a banana milk shake? —First, peel the banan as- ②一How many bananas do we need? —We n eed three banan as. ③一How much yogurt do we need? —We n eed one cup of yogurt. 2) 能了解以下语法: 掌握用how much和how many对事物的数量提问。 3) 学会描述做一些常见食物的过程,并能正确地运用表示顺序的词汇。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 1. 通过制作食物的介绍, 培养学生的实际生活能力, 了解生活知识, 增长生活阅历, 培养实践操作能力和动手能力。 2. 通过食物制作过程的介绍, 让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易, 使之懂得不能浪费食物, 珍惜他人的劳动成果。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用how much 与how many 来对数量提问。 2) 动词词组;描述过程的顺序词。 2. 教学难点:能恰当地使用祈使句表达食物的制作过程。 三、教学过程 I. Warming up 1. T: What's your favorite fruit? S: apple, oran ge, strawberry, banana, pear, watermel on. 2. T: What'your favorite drink?

三年级英语上册 Unit8 What Color Is It 第二课时教案 陕旅版

Unit 8 What Color Is It? 第2课时 教学内容 教材第64-66页 教学目标 能听懂句子: Do you have…? 并回答:Yes,I do./ No, I don’t. 教学重难点 在对话中自由运用所学句子。 教具、学具准备 1.教师准备: (1)单词卡片。 (2)颜色图片若干,如:blue, yellow, green, red, orange, black, white, brown等。 (3)教学挂图。 2.学生准备: (1) A4纸一张。 (2)水彩笔。 (3)颜色类单词卡片 教学方法:高效课堂模式 学习方法:自主学习合作探究 培优辅差 教学过程 学案导学,自主探究

复习单词 blue, yellow, green, red, orange,black, white, brown 同伴互助,小组合作 组织学生听并理解内容,然后相互交流。 - Show me orange. - It’s o range. 教师点拨,释疑解难 组织学生听并理解内容,然后相互交流。 - How many books do you have? - I have seven books. - What color are they? - Oh. They are blue,green… 归纳总结,反馈练习 - What color are they? - Oh. They are blue,green… 检测达标 1.课本Complete and say。 2.配套练习册第VIII题。 课后作业 1.把今天所学的句子说给爸爸妈妈听吧。 2.用自己的彩笔和爸爸妈妈玩游戏。 板书设计: 教后反思:


Unit 8 The ruler is long 第二课时 教学目标: 能根据所学词汇简单描述物品的特征:The ruler is long ,The pencil is short. The tree is tall. The cars are big. The bikes are small. 完成Read and tick or cross部分的练习。 教学准备: 1.教师准备:(1)单词long, big, small, tall, short,tree,grass,short (两张不同含义的)的教学卡片和地雷图片一张。(2)抽奖箱两个。(3)Let’s say 部分的图片。(4)米尺一把、玩偶一个、物品卡片若干。(5)Read and tick or cross 部分的单个图片。 2.学生准备:(1)白纸一张。(2)水彩笔一套。 教学方法建议 课程导入 课前热身 教师拿出所准备的单词卡片带领学生复习单词。教师快速出示单词卡片让学生快速反应说出相应的单词。教师出示单词卡片,学生读单词。教师出示地雷图片,学生不出声。教师将其中的一个单词卡片规定为地雷卡片,教师出示其他卡片时学生读单词,出示地雷卡片时学生不出声,如果出声,则地雷爆炸。 本活动让学生拼读单词以增加游戏难度,教师出示卡片,学生一一说出字母拼读该单词。 新课导入 教师借助课前的口语问答环节复习之前所学的单词和句型,让学生在不断地练习和巩固的基础上,复习旧知识,接受新知识。 课程展示活动和过程的设计 新课展示 Part A: Let’s say 教师拿出所准备的尺子与学生对话:I have a ruler .Do you have a ruler?然后借助学生的尺子和自己的尺子进行对比,引领学生描述:This ruler is long. That ruler is short.教师接着问:Can you tell me what is long and what is short?教师通过这样的发散性问题让学生举一反三,在问答中检测学生对所学知识是否已熟练掌握,通过这样的方式使学生发散思维,不拘泥于课本。如:通过上一节课画大象,学生已经掌握了大象的身体特征,:教师引导学生说: The nose is long. The tail is short. The ears are big. The eyes are small. The elephant is tall。And I am short. 教师问学生:Look around. What is tall/short/long/big/small?鼓励学生通过观察对周围的人、物大胆地进行描述: The pencil is long. The crayon is short. The desk is tall. The chair is short. The blackboard is big. The eraser is small. …’s hair is long . …’s hair is short. 为了让学生在描述物品特征时,能正确使用is和are,教师借助学生的文具和学生进行对话。


Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet?SectionB(第二课时) 教学设计 Teachingaims: Knowledgeobjectives:Toknowaboutthenewwords,phrasesandsente nces. Beabletotalkaboutthelanguagematerialsin thisunit. AbilityObjectives: 1.Learntoscanthetexttofinddetailedinformationwithoutreadin gthewholetext. 2.Learntofindtopicsentencestohelpunderstandwhattheparagrap hisabout. 3.Learntoreflectafterreadinginordertorememberthingsbetter. MoralObjectives:Besuretolovemusicandlife. Step1:Beforeclass Playapieceofmusicwithsomepicturesaboutthecountrymusicandth esinger. Step2:BeforeReading: LetthestudentslistentoMichaelJackson’ssong”HealTheWorld

”andtellthem,Ilikehissongbecausehissongisfulloflove,andit expressesbeauty(newword)…etc. Inthisway,topresentnewwordsandleadinthetopic:music. Askthem:Whoisyourfavoritesinger?Whatisyourfavoritesong? Ssgivetheiranswers. Tellthem,thesemusicisaboutmodern(newword)life,aboutmoneyan dsuccess(newword).Todaywewilllearnaboutanotherkindofmusic. Step3:WhileReading: 1.Listentoapieceofmusicandletthemguess:Whatmusicisit? Introducethemtoguessfromthetitle.Sotheycanlearnthefirststr ategy:Thetitleisveryimportantforreading. 2.Skimming: Skimeveryparagraphandmatchthemainideawiththeparagraphs.The ycanusethesecondstrategy:Topicsentenceisusuallythefirst/la stsentence. 3.CarefulReading: Para1:readandcompletethesentences. (playavideotoknowaboutcountrymusic ) Para2:readandfillintheblanks.


Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 教学设计 Language goal This unit students leam to ask for and give directions(方向) on the street. New language Is there a bank near here? Yes, there's a bank on Center Street, Where's the supermarket? It's next to the library.Is there a pay phone in the neighbhood?Yes, it's on Bridge Street on the right. locations in the neighborhood such as post office, hotel,video arcade. Descriptive words such as new, old, dirty, clean. Descriptions of location such as across from, next to,Between Recycled language What are you doing? Do you want to ...? Section A Ask two rows of three students each to stand facing each other in the front of the classroom. Point to students standing in front and ask the class to repeat the questions and answers. Example 1 Teacher: Where'sYang Li? (Point to two students standing beside each other.) Yang Li is next to Li Peng. Example 2 Teacher: Where's Zheng Wen? (Point to two students in different lines facing each other.)Zheng Wen is across from Sheng Lin. Example 3 Teacher: Where's Lin Jiahui? (Point to one student standing between two other students.) Lin Jiahui is between Sheng Lin and Li Dai.


Unit 8It must belong to Carla. Section A (1a-2d) 1.重点单词:whose,truck,rabbit,attend,valuable,pink,picnic,anybody 2.重点短语:belong to,at the picnic,pick up 3.重点句式: —Whose volleyball is this? —It must be Carla's.She loves volleyball. The hair band might belong to Linda. It can't be stolen. It could be Mei's hair band. 1.重点短语和句型 2.must,might,could和can't 表示推测的用法 must,might,could和can't 表示推测的用法 一、预习课本P57-58新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.谁的________ 2.卡车________ 3.野兔________ 4.出席________ 5.贵重的________ 6.粉红色________ 7.野餐________ 8.任何人________

二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型。 1.属于 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 2.参加野餐 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 3.捡起 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 4.—这是谁的排球? —它一定是卡拉的。她喜欢排球。 _______________________________________________________ _________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________ 5.这个发带可能是琳达的。 _______________________________________________________ _________________ 6.它不可能被偷了。 ________________________________________________________ ________________

Unit 8 Birthday第二课时教案

Unit 8 Birthday第二课时教案 Unit8Birthday第二课时教案 教学内容: Unit8 Birthday (Grammartime&Funtime) 教学目标: 知识目标: .进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:eleventh,eighth,together,birthday,April,game。 2.进一步巩固并掌握四会句型:when’syourbirthday?、It’son…、whatdoyoudoonyourbirthday?、Iusually…。 3.在调查活动的情境中强化句型:when’syourbirthday?、It’son…、whatdoyoudoonyourbirthday?、Iusually…,并在游戏和生活情景中开展运用。 能力目标: .能够正确复述课文。 2.能理解并掌握常用序数词的用法及规则。 3.能够完成Funtime中的任务,并能够运用所学语言与同学合作创编短文。 4.能够运用所学句型向同学们介绍自己家人的生日。 情感目标:

培养对父母的感恩之情。 教学重难点: 教学重点: .在复习故事的过程中进一步理解并巩固词汇及句型when’syourbirthday?、It’son…、whatdoyoudoonyourbirthday?、Iusually…。 2.能够通过交流与学习,用所学语言描述自己的生日。 3.能理解并掌握常用序数词的用法及规则。 教学难点: .能够正确运用序数词来表示日期。 2.能够理解并正确运用Grammartime中的序数词询问、回答生日及其他节日。 教具准备: 单词卡片,多媒体 教学过程: Step1Leadin .Enjoyasong—monthsoftheyearsong 2.Freetalk Step2Let’sreview .Doajudge 2.Retellthestory. 3.Let’stalk


Unit 8 Honesty:Is it Going out of Style? The purpose of the text: to master the meaning and the using method of the new words; to master the phrases and the main point of thetext The important point of the text: the new words; the using of word groups. Background Information The text is from Senior Scholastic, Oct. 31, 1980 Author: Stacia Robbins, British writer. In recent years, there are heated discussions in China about the issue of cheating in exams. Some people hold that cheating only exists in China because of the fierce academic competition, however, the fact is that cheating is also rampant in America. There are reports that some universities require the students to show their ID card when attending an exam, in order to prevent cheating. In the text, the author shows her doubts: Is honesty going out of style? Or there are some other reasons? If the students are given sufficient trust, maybe they won’t commit cheating. Trust may bring back honesty. NEW WORDS Honesty :n. freedom from deceit, cheating, etc. 诚实 Style: n. fashion 时髦 Poll: n. survey of public opinion by putting questions to a representative selection of persons 民意测验 Admit: v. state or agree to the truth of; confess 承认,供认Admission n. Temptation: n. the act of tempting or being tempted 引诱;诱惑 Peek: vi. look (at sth.) quickly, esp. when one should not 偷看 behavio(u)r : n. way of behaving 行为behave:v. Indication: n. sign or suggestion 迹象


Unit 8 How much is it? (第二课时教学设计) 一、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第八单元的第二课时,包括reading and writing部分,具体内容为:熟悉收据和支票,了解并能读收据和支票,并根据要求填写收据和支票。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 阅读并理解收据和支票 ⑵教学难点 阅读简单收据和支票,根据要求获取相关信息。并能根据要求填写收据和支票。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴理解,读懂收据和支票。 ⑵根据要求填写收据和支票。 2.能力目标 a)能根据要求从收据和支票中获取相应信息。 b)能根据要求填写收据和支票。 3.情感目标 让学生在阅读支票和数据,填写收据和支票的同时培养他们认真

仔细的做事的习惯。 三、教学步骤 Step 1 Lead-in 1.Check their homework. Have the students read their own dialogues. 2.Revise what they have learnt in the previous period. Say: “Now, you are supposed to buy 50 pens and 50 pencils for your company. You’ve got only 100 yuan. Have them make a dialogue of their own. Ask them to show their own dialogues. The teacher can give encouraging comments on their performance. (设计意图:复习前一节课的内容,训练学生的语言的运用能力。) 3.Activity 9. Look and match. Talk about the pictures with the students and say what the symbols refer to. Tell them more about “money”. (设计意图:提供文化背景知识,也为后面学生学习收据和支 票做好知识上的储备。) Step 2 Reading 1. Activity 10. Read and answer. 1) Present and teach the word “check”and “receipt”with a real one. 2) Go through the questions with the students as a whole.


Unit 8 Our dreams 一单元教学内容简析: 本册最后一个单元话题是“我的梦想",旨在通过此话题讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想努力奋斗。本单元的目标词汇都和职业相关,教师可以利用五年级上册Unit 5(What do they do?)复习相关词汇,设计教学活动,导入目标词汇。教师也可以拓展一些常见的职业词汇,以丰富教学内容。 二单元教学要求: 1.能正确理解、朗读Story time 和Cartoon time。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, tooth, scientist, artist, take care of。 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答I want to be… 4.能听得懂、会说、会读care about,astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, come true, dancer, pianist, brave, paint。 5.了解语音的连读。 6.会唱歌曲I’m a little teacher. 三单元教学重点: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。 四单元教学难点: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。 五单元教学安排: 共计五课时 第一课时Story time 第二课时Grammar time and Fun time 第三课时Sound time, Song time and Checkout time 第四课时Cartoon time, Checkout time and Ticking time 第五课时练习评讲


Unit8 Have you read T reasure Island yet? Topic Literature and music Functions Talk about recent events and experiences A : Have you read little Women yet? B : Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. A : Have you decided which book to write about yet? B : Yes, I have. I’ve already finished reading it. It was really good. Grammar Present perfect tense with already and yet. Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? I have already finished reading it. Words and expressions 1. Curriculum words treasure, island, page, ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, fiction, technology, French, pop, rock, fan, success, laughter, beauty, record, line, hurry, belong, introduce, southern, towards, forever, abroad 2. Useful expressions full of, grow up, hurry up, give up, cut down, science fiction, country music, ever since, belong to, one another 3. Non-curriculum words Classic, due, cannibal, band, due, million, actually Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section A Period One (1a-2c) 学习目标: 1. To learn the new words and phrases: treasure, island,classic, page, full o f… 2. To learn the literature works 3. To learn to talk about the literature works 重点难点: To talk about the literature works 教学过程: Step 1 Learning the new words expressions 1. Learn the words: treasure, island, full of, classic, page 2. Let the students memorize them. Step 2 Lead-in 1. Do a survey What kind of books do you like best? storybook / novel / magazine / textbook… 2. Show the students four Chinese classics. Do you know about these books? Step 3 Presentation 1. Show some pictures of foreign literature works, and ask students if they know these books, and if they have read some of them. 2. Try to match the books titles with the pictures. Step 4 Listening and speaking


Unit 8When is your birthday?

第一课时Section A (1a~1c) 教学设计 知识目标

课堂环节 §自主学习案 ◎新词自查 把下面的日期翻译成英文。 1.4月3日April_3rd 2.3月1日March_1st 3.8月20日August_20th 4.6月17日June_17th 5.9月10日September_10th 6.2月25日February_25th 7.10月2日October_2nd §课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Show some number cards to review the cardinal numbers 1~31. Let students say the numbers as quickly as they can. Step 2呈现与输入(Presentation) 1.Students look at the pictures and the word list on the left.Then teacher plays the tape and let students read the words and conversation after the tape. 2.Present the ordinal numbers. T:One,two,three…are cardinal numbers.It means “基数词”. Now,we 're going to learn ordinal numbers.It means “序数词”. Look at the picture and I'll show you some numbers. (Show the students some numbers on the screen.) A B C D 1―→one―→first―→1st 2―→two―→second―→2nd 3―→three―→third―→3rd 4―→four―→fourth―→4th 5―→five―→fifth―→5th 8―→eight―→eighth―→8th 9―→nine―→ninth―→9th 20―→twenty―→twentieth―→20th 21―→twenty-one―→twenty-first―→21st T:The numbers in Column B are called cardinal numbers.And the numbers in Column C are called ordinal numbers.Well,the numbers in Column D are the short forms of the numbers in Column C. T:Let's say the rules of ordinal numbers. 基数词变序数词,加上-th莫迟疑,8去t,9 去e,y结尾变ie。five,twelve 两兄弟,



通道县思源中学英语教案 __七___ 年级英语备课组Unit_8_ 第_1_课时 课题Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A (1a-2d) 主 备 人 参 备 人

二次备课板书设计: 教学反思:Section A (1a-2d) Sentences: 1. —Is there a hospital near here? —Yes, there is . 2. The pay phone is across from the library. 3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4. It’s not too far from here. 5. I can walk with you. With ----preposition

通道县思源中学英语教案 __七___ 年级英语备课组Unit_8_ 第_2_课时 课题 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 主 备 人 参 备 人 教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:north 2) 继续练习there be 句型的一般疑问句及其肯 定与否定回答,学习以where 引导的特殊疑问句的构成,能掌握以下句型: ①Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street. ②Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, there’s one in front of the post office. ③Where’s the hotel? It’s behind the police station. ④ Where’s the bank? It’s next to the post

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