当前位置:文档之家› (整理)商务英语合同.








1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.

应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式;

2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.

所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式;

3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.

雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式;

4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.

甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式;

5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.

本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain,interpret 正式;

6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent.

雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较at once 正式;

7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.

董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。

8、In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right.

如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较transfer 正式。

9、In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products.

加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。法律用词title 较ownership 正式。

10、The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto.

“生效期”指双方合同签字的日子。法律用词execute 较sign 正式。


多使用"here","there","where"等前缀,下面这么多是不是有点头昏眼花?初学时确实容易搞混,告诉你个小窍门,here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表what/which,就容易记多了。

hereafter = after this time;今后

hereby = by means/reason of this;特此

herein = in this;此中,于此

hereinafter = later in this contract;在下文

thereafter = afterwards;此后,后来

thereby = by that means;因此;由此;在那方面

therein = from that;在那里;在那点上

thereinafter = later in the same contract;以下;在下文

whereby = by what;by which;由是;凭那个

wherein = in what;in which;在哪里;在哪点上



多用"shall"代替"will"或"should"加强语气和强制力。合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为“应”、“应该”、“必须”;will 无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为“将”、“原”、“要”;should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如“万一”。

1、This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.


2、This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.




1、The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this Contract.


2、This Contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.


3、All activities of ABC Co. shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of China.



1、Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (不宜)


2、Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (适宜)



1、Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events:


2、Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed;


3、The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract;and


4、Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract.



1、This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (用得少)


2、This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (用得多)



1、Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing the Contract.

甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。宜用appoint代替make an appointment of.

2、Party A will give consideration to Party B’s proposal of exclusive agency.

甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。宜用consider代替give consideration to.




WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of High-Rise Residential Complex in Baghdad, Iraq;


WHEREAS the Contractor is desirous to provide the manpower for the Works;




This Agreement,made by ……


WHEREAS……, it is agreed as follows:


IN WITNESS WHEREOF 作为所协议事项的证据,该短语常用于合同的结尾条款:

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.




Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein,contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:


In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.




NOW, THEREFORE, it’s hereby agreed and understood as follows;


NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS 兹特立约为据,本句话也是用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项。

五、PRESENTS = the present writings 是主语,WITNESS是谓语:

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows:兹特立约为据,并由订约双方协议如下:


本短语只在有见证人时使用—在订约双方当事人签名的下方由见证人签名作证,一般是相关的律师(Attorney)或公证处(Notary Public):

IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals:



For and on behalf the first Party(甲方代表):

The EMPLOYER (雇主)…

Capacity (职位)…

In the Presence of (见证人)…

Capacity (职位)…

Address (地址)…

For and on behalf of the Second party(乙方代表):The CONTRACTOR (承包人)…

Capacity (职位)…

In the Presence of (见证人)…

Capacity (职位)…

Address (地址)…





1. 订约日期和地点

Date and place of signing

2. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所

Signing parties and their nationalities, principal place of business or residence addresses

3. 当事人合法依据

Each party's authority,比如,该公司是"按当地法律正式组织而存在的"(a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of XXX)

4. 订约缘由/说明条款

Recitals or WHEREAS clause


1. 定义条款(Definition clause)

2. 基本条款(Basic conditions)

3. 一般条款(General terms and conditions)

a. 合同有效期(Duration)

b. 合同的终止(Termination)

c. 不可抗力(Force Majeure)

d. 合同的让与(Assignment)

e. 仲裁(Arbitration)

f. 适用的法律(Governing law)

g. 诉讼管辖(Jurisdiction)

h. 通知手续(Notice)

i. 合同修改(Amendment)

j. 其它(Others)

四、结尾条款(WITNESS clause)

1. 结尾语,包括份数、使用的文字和效力等(Concluding sentence)

2. 签名(Signature)

3. 盖印(Seal)




·At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.

应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式;

·The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.

所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式;

·The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.

雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式;

·Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.

甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式;

·This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.

本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain, interpret 正式;

·The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent.

雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较at once 正式;

·The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.

董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene, interim 都是正式用词。

·In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right.

如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较transfer 正式.

·In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products.

加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。法律用词title 较ownership 正式.

·The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto.

"生效期"指双方合同签字的日子。法律用词execute 较sign 正式.



hereafter = after this time; 今后

hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此

herein = in this; 此中,于此

hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文

thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来

thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方面

therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上

thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文

whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个

wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上


是不是有点头昏眼花?初学时确实容易搞混,告诉你个小窍门,here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表what/which,就容易记多了。


·This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.


·This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.





·The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this Contract.


·This Contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.


·All activities of ABC Co. shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of China.



·Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (不宜)


·Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (适宜)



·Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events:


1. Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed;


2. The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract; and


3. Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract.



·This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (用得少)


·This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (用得多)



·Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing the Contract.

甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。宜用appoint代替make an appointment of.

·Party A will give consideration to Party B's proposal of exclusive agency.

甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。宜用consider代替give consideration to.




WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of High-Rise Residential Complex in Baghdad, Iraq;


WHEREAS the Contractor is desirous to provide the manpower for the Works;




This Agreement, made by ……


WHEREAS……, it is agreed as follows:


3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 作为所协议事项的证据:


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.




Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:


In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.




NOW, THEREFORE, it's hereby agreed and understood as follows;




PRESENTS = the present writings 是主语,WITNESS是谓语:

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows:



本短语只在有见证人时使用-在订约双方当事人签名的下方由见证人签名作证,一般是相关的律师(Attorney)或公证处(Notary Public):

IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals:


For and on behalf the first Party(甲方代表):

The EMPLOYER (雇主)…

Capacity (职位)…

In the Presence of (见证人)…

Capacity (职位)…

Address (地址)…

For and on behalf of the Second party(乙方代表):


Capacity (职位)…

In the Presence of (见证人)…

Capacity (职位)…

Address (地址)….



1. 采用大小标题、分章、分条、分款、分项书写。

2. 使用附录(Annex)、一览表(Schedule)等形式详列某些必要的细节作为合同的组成部分。

3. 在合同前文之后使用定义(Definition)条款-把合同中反复出现的用语加以界定意义并赋予简称,既避免解释上的分歧,又能使合同简洁:

Article 1: Definitions

1.1 The Terms as used herein shall have the following meanings:

1.1.1 The term "Products" means the products specified in Annex


1.1.2 The term "components" means any assembled or unassembled parts of the Products.

4. 合同某些需要强调的部分用大写字母书写以资醒目;

This AGREEMENT …WITNESSES that WHEREAS …and WHEREAS …NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of it is hereby agreed as follows:

5. 用"括号简称"的方式把合同中反复出现的重要词语简化,以达到准确、简洁的目的:

Foreign Advance Broadcasting Ltd of Amsterdam, Holland (hereinafter called 'LICENSOR") and China Broadcasting Products Factory (hereinafter called "LICENSEE") agree to sign this Contract with the terms and conditions as follows:

6. 用"数字文字"的方式把合同中某些重要的金额、数量、期限等加以强调,以资醒目:

US $ 4500 (Say US. Dollars Four Thousand Five Hundred only)

INVESTOR will assist CHINESE, PARTY to construct a paper mill in Guangdong Province, China, with a planned capacity of One Million (1000000) metric tons per year.











·与大陆法系国家或其他国家的商人签约,没必要使用英美法系合同前文中的订约缘由条款。比如,可将"This Agreement, made ……WHEREAS ……and WHEREAS ……NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of ……it is hereby agreed as follows:"的冗长文句简化为:"This Agreement is made ……It is mutually agreed as follows:"






与基础英语相比,合同的词语较复杂、繁冗、晦涩、难读。因此,国外,特别是美国要求法律文件的格式和语言应当现代化的呼声愈来愈强烈。Robert E. Swindle早在美国1980年出版的The Business Communicator一书中就写到:" ……legal and quasilegal documents can and are being written in everyday language. Several leading companies are rewriting their legal forms voluntarily, and the State of New York recently passed a law requiring that businesses write consumer contracts in nontechnical language. Additionally, the President of the United States has directed all administrative agencies to write future regulations in what he termed plain English for a change."




CONTRACT Sellers:Golden Sunshine agricultural science and Technology Development Co Ltd. Buyers: New Zealand Zespri International Limited Company. The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity:Hongyang kiwi and Hayward Kiwifruit Specifications: Quantity:2500 tonnes Unit Price: Hongyang Kiwi, At US$ 3300/tonne, Hayward Kiwifruit, At US$2000/tonne Total Value:US$7860000 Packing: Small carton packaging, built with fruit nest trays Shipping Mark: At Sellers’ option Insurance: We will go through before shipment to the Chinese People’s Insurance Company insurance procedures ,all products by 10% plus insurance WPA and fresh rain insurance ,insurance costs borne by us. Time of shipment: Ray arrived Port Royal New Zealand time before January 15st ,2015 Port of shipment: Any Port of China


涉外商务英语合同的语言特色体现在以下几个方面: 第一部分、用词方面 多用正式或法律上的用词,与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。比如: 1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式; 2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式; 3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式; 4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式; 5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain,interpret 正式; 6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较at once 正式; 7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。 8、In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较


freelance 自由职业的[?fri:lɑ:ns] You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. 自由职业 你把你的工作或服务卖给许多不同的公司 teleworking 远程工作;在家办公; You work for a company from home via email,phone or the Internet电子办公 你在家中通过电子邮件、电话或互联网为一家公司工作, job-sharing 分担工作制 You do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part. 分担工作 你在这周做了你的这份工作的一部分,另一个人做另一部分 shift work 换班工作 You work during different parts of the day(eg nights).轮班工作 你在一天中的不同时段工作(如夜班) part-time 兼职;半日工作 You only work for some ot the week(not full-time).兼职工作 你只工作了一周(不是全职)。 temping 打临时工,做临时工作,打零工 You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract.临时工作 你在不同的公司工作很短的时间没有一个永久的合同。 c onsultancy 顾问工作,顾问职位; 咨询公司; [k?n?s?ltnsi:] You aren’t employed by a company,but are paid to give specialist advice.顾问公司;咨询公司 你不是受雇于公司,但支付给专业的意见 flextime 弹性上班制; You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.弹性制 你每周工作几个小时或一个月,但你决定当你工作的起始时间 hot-desking 办公桌轮用制(按需要或依照轮流制度分配办公桌,而不是给每位员工桌子); You don’t have a permanent place or office to work at,but you find a place to work when you arrive.办公桌轮用 你没有一个固定的办公地点,但当你需要办公室可以找到一个办公地点 How to job - share Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work. 如果工作都在星期三完成,那岂不是很好吗?有工作共享就可以做到。这里是使它工作的基本指南。 (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. 'Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy.


合同 编号:日期: 买受人: 出售人: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: 1.货名,规格,数量 2.单价,总价 3.生产国和制造商 4.包装 用坚固的新木箱包装,适宜长途海运,并具备良好的防潮,防震,防锈,耐粗暴搬运能力,由于包装不当而引起的货物损坏或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 5.唛头 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮” 等字样。 6.运日期 7.装运港 8.目的港

9.保险装运后由买方投保。 10.支付条件 ⑴信用证付款,买方在收到卖方根据合同第12条规定的提前装运的通知后,应于运输的15日到20日之前,按货物总金额的全部。通过_______(银行),设立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。卖方凭本合同第11条规定的装运单据及开出的即期汇票提交给开证银行贷款,信用证的有效期至货物运装后15天为止。 ⑵托收付款,卖方应把合第11条所规定的由_______(银行)开具的装运单据转交买方。 ⑶根据合同第11条货款应在收据收到的7天前生效。 11.单据 ⑴卖方应将下列单据提交付款银行托收付款,若以信汇付款,下列单据应寄买方: (a)填写通知目的口岸对外贸易运输公司的空白抬头、空白背 书的全套已装船的清洁提单,注明“运费到付”,并通知货口岸___________公司。 (b)发票五份,注明合同号,唛头。(唛头在一份以上,发票 需独立出具)。 (c)五份发票需注明货物重量,编号和发票相应的日期。 (d)按照本合同第16条第一项规定,提交由制造厂签发的质 量和数量/重量证明书及检验报告各两份。

2018-2019-商务英语谈判实用语句之谈判与合同篇-范文模板 (2页)

2018-2019-商务英语谈判实用语句之谈判与合同篇-范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 商务英语谈判实用语句之谈判与合同篇 1、Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement. 在正式签约之前,我们要重申一下协议的重点。 2、As some points concerning the contract have not yet been settled negotiation has to be continued before the contract is signed. 由于合同某些问题尚未解决,所以在合同签署前仍需继续协商。 3、There are a few points which I'd like to ring up concerning the contract. 关于合同我想提出几点看法。 4、The seller should try to carry out the contract in time if not the buyer has the right to cancel the contact. 卖方应努力按规定履行合同,否则买方有权撤消合同。 5、No party who has signed the contract has the right to break if. 签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。 6、Once a contract is signed,it has legal effect. 合同一旦签署即具有法律效力。 7、We can get the contract finalized now. 现在我们可以签订合同了。 8、Have you any questions in regards to the contract? 关于合同你还有什么问题要问吗?


商务英语合同常用语 在国际贸易中,商务谈判成功后,都会双方签合同是必须的,而合同的拟写需要 十分谨慎,那么关于合同的常用语都有哪些呢?以下是小编给大家整理的商务英语合同常用语,希望可以帮到大家 161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.就合同方面我还有些问 题要问。 162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions.我们总是愿意合作的,如果需要还可以做些让步。 163 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.对这些条款有何意见,请尽管提,不必客气。 164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?你认为合同有问题吗? 165 We’d like you to consider our request once again.我们希望贵方再次考虑我 们的要求。 166 We’d like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我们希望搞清楚有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。 167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常成功。 168 We can’t agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract.我们无 法同意对合同工的变动和修改。 169 We hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract.我们希望下一交谈判将是签订合同前的最后一轮谈判。 170 We don’t have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties.就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什么意见。 171 That’s international practice. We can’t break it.这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。 172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我们可以重新考虑修 改合同。 173 We’ll have to discuss about the total contract price.我们不得不讨论一下合同 的总价格问题。


商务英语合同写作经典句子 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于商务英语合同写作经典句子的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 1.本合同用英文和中文两种文字写成,一式四份。双方执英文本和中文本各一式两份,两种文字具有同等效力。 The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text. 2、本合同由双方代表于1999年12月9日签订。合同签订后,由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期,双方应力争在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用信件确认。若本合同自签字之日起,6个月仍不能生效,双方有权解除本合同。 This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec. 9, 1999. After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratification. The date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the Contract. Both parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation. 3、本合同有效期从合同生效之日算起共10年,有效期满后,本合同自动失效。 The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the


商务英语整理笔记 询价还价(询盘还盘) inquiry 询盘 offer/quotation 报盘 ※firm offer 实盘 ※non-firm offer 虚盘 ※subject to 以---为准例:我方向你放报实盘,以你方在下周前回复为准。We send you firm offer subject to your reply reaching us before next week. subject to our final confirmation/prior sale/goods being unsold 以我们最后的确认/以前的销售/未出售货物为准(了解即可) This offer is valid/open/good/firm for 3 days.该报价有效期为3天。 counter offer 还盘 offerer 发盘人 offeree 受盘人 ※superior to 比---好superior quality 质量上乘inferior to 不如---- 考点在to The goods is of superior quality.产品质量上乘。 ※sale by trademark/brand/name of origin 按照商标/品牌/产地名销售 discount 打折 e.g. 打7折30% discount Your price is rather at the high side/low side.你的价格高/低。 ※out of stock 缺货 ※supply from stock 供现货 ※supply sb with 例:我方向你方提供100吨核桃现货。We supply you with 100 tons of walnuts from stock. market is firm 市场趋升market is active 市场活跃market is strong 市场坚挺 specialize in +名词专营---- line 行业或职业What’s you line?你从事什么行业? line 行情out of line of the market 与市场不符合 in line with 和---一致 considerable business 大量生意 Chamber of Commerce 商会 ※CIFC3% London=成本、保险加运费及3%的佣金运至伦敦港口 price list 价目表 平等互利的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit We owe your name and address to +人或公司承蒙-----告知贵公司的名称和地址 有竞争力的价格competitive price ※和其他供应商比较起来,我们的价格更有竞争力。Our prices are more competitive than those of other suppliers.或Our prices compare favorably with those of other suppliers. ※首批订单initial order ※试订单trial order ※place/book an order with sb.向某人订货 常用的贸易术语


合同 CONTRACT 日期:合同号码: Date: Contract No.: 买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数量: Quantity: (3) 单价: Unit price: (4) 总值: Total Value:

(5) 包装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起运港: Port of Lading: (11) 目的港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims:

Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.


商务英语合同写作技巧 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于商务英语合同写作技巧的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 在起草合同时,有几点需要注意: 1. Start with a simple, generic contract form. Like a house, a contract must have a good, solid foundation. 从简单、典型的合同入手。像房子一样,一个合同必须有一个牢固的根基。 2. State the correct legal names of the parties in the first paragraph. As obvious as this is, it is one of the most common problems in contracts. For individuals, include full first and last name, and middle initials if available, and other identifying information, if appropriate, such as Jr., M.D., etc. For corporations, check with the Secretary of State where incorporated. 在合同的第一段要写清楚双方的名称。这个问题很简单,但也需要重视。如果是个人,要写清姓和名,中间名可能的话应写上大写首字母,其他身份信息如果需要也应注明,例如:Jr.,M.D,等等;如果是公司,为避免弄错,写名称时可以到公司注册地的相应机构去核对一下。 3. Identify the parties by nicknames. Giving each party a nickname in the first paragraph will make the contract easier to read. For example, James W. Martin would be nicknamed "Martin." 确定合同双方的别称(简称)。为便于阅读,一般要在合同的第一段为双方设定一个别称,如:将詹姆士·马丁简称为“马丁”。


商务英语合同应注意六方面 2009-7-249:11 页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】 涉外商务英语合同的语言特色体现在以下几个方面: 第一部分、用词方面 多用正式或法律上的用词,与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。比如: 1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式; 2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式; 3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式; 4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式; 5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain,interpret 正式; 6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较at once 正式; 7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。


国际贸易进出口英文合同范本 SALES CONTRACT(ORIGINAL) Contract No.Date:Signed at: Sellers: Address: Tel:Fax:E-mail: Buyers: Address: Tel:Fax:E-mail: 约首:This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers whereby the Sellers agree to sell and t he Buyers agree to buy the under—montioned goods ac cording to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Name of the commodity, Specifications, Packing term Quantity Unit price Total Amount White Rice, Long-shaped Broken Grains (max.) 25%Admixture (max.) 0.25%Packed in gunny bags of50kilos each 1000M/T USD200per M/T CIF New York Two hundred thousand US Dollars only Shipment3%more or less at Seller’s option and the price shall be calculated according to the unit price 唛头:Shipping Mark

合同范本 业务协议书

业务协议书 关于业务协议书四篇 随着社会一步步向前发展,很多场合都离不了协议书,签订签订协议书是最有效的法律依据之一。那么你真正懂得怎么写好协议书吗?下面是小编精心整理的业务协议书4篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 业务协议书篇1 甲方:_________________(以下简称甲方) 乙方:_________________(以下简称乙方) 一、总则 甲乙双方本着平等自愿的原则,就甲方为乙方提供彩铃服务相关事宜特签定本协议,供双方信守。 二、定义 1.“彩铃(个性化回铃音)业务”是一项由被叫客户定制,为主叫客户提供一段音乐歌曲、其它特别的声音或其他录音来替代普通回铃音的业务。当客户申请开通彩铃业务之后,可以自行设定个性化回铃音,在其做被叫时,为主叫客户播放定制的个人铃音,来代替普通的回铃音。 2.彩铃有效期:每首彩铃的有效期为内容提供商自相关版权人处

所获得的该个人铃音作品的有效许可使用期限。在当前试用阶段,我们不对铃音的有效期做承诺。 3.帐期:每月1日0时至当月末最后一日24时。 三、业务开通范围 甲方本地_________网络移动电话用户。 四、试用期和试用规模 当前为试用期,试用期甲方免收乙方相关信息费,试用用户总规模为_________户,每天开户限制为__________户,暂定试用期截止到_________年_________月_________日24时。请及时关注本网站的公布信息。 五、资费 1.月租费:乙方申请开通彩铃业务后,甲方按月收取乙方彩铃业务月功能费(待定_________元/月),使用不足一个月的按整月收取该月月租费。 2.信息费:乙方下载个人铃音时按次交纳信息费,每条个人铃音信息费由内容提供商定价,由甲方受托代其向乙方收龋 3.乙方拨打特服号码(_________),甲方按各品牌现行网内通话费标准收取通话费。 4.乙方应于甲方规定的每月交费期内向甲方交纳上述通信费,试用期间免收月租费和铃音下载等信息费。试用期结束开始正式商用时,将收取相关信息费。 六、双方权利义务


商务英语合同应注意六方面 涉外商务英语合同的语言特色体现在以下几个方面: 第一部分、用词方面 多用正式或法律上的用词,与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。比如: 1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式; 2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式; 3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式; 4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式; 5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain,interpret 正式; 6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较at once 正式; 7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。 8、In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较transfer 正式。 9、In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products. 加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。法律用词title 较ownership 正式。 10、The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto. “生效期”指双方合同签字的日子。法律用词execute 较sign 正式。 第二部分、用词方面 多使用"here","there","where"等前缀,下面这么多是不是有点头昏眼花?初学时确实容易搞混,告诉你个小窍门,here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表what/which,就容易记多了。 hereafter = after this time;今后 hereby = by means/reason of this;特此 herein = in this;此中,于此 hereinafter = later in this contract;在下文 thereafter = afterwards;此后,后来


1、我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. 2、我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。 We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade. 3、我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。 This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. 4、根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。 As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue. 5、对你努力为我公司开拓市场,深表感谢 We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products. 6、我们相信,我们双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come. 7、我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。 We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you. 8、殷切地盼望早日来函。We anticipate a prompt reply from you. 9、如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。 We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. 10、一旦收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 As soon as we receive your specific inquiry, we will cable our quotation. 11、如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。 If you are interested, please cable us, indicating the quantity you require. 12、此发价为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。 This offer is firm, subject to your reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. 13、我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,几日内将给予明确答复。 We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days. 14、鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。 It is in view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer. 15、这是我方最新价格单,您会发现我们价格是具有竞争性的。 This is our latest price list. You will find our price is very competitive. 16、如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 We can reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 17、若你方愿降低价格,比方说百分之五,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say 5%, we should place trial order with you. 18、鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further. 19、我们建议你方再次考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。 We suggest that you reconsider your price, and bring it into line with the international market price. 20、我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。 We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our

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