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2015年7 月




关键词: 海湾咽喉; 海上生命线;世界油阀


摘要 0

一、霍尔木兹海峡介绍............................................... 错误!未定义书签。(一)地理位置......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。(二)名称由来......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、霍尔木兹海峡重要作用 (2)

(一)交通要塞 (2)

(二)石油门户 (2)

三、封锁霍尔木兹海峡对世界的影响 (3)

四、结论 (3)











霍尔木兹海峡是沙特、科威特、伊拉克、卡塔尔和阿联酋五国石油输出的必经之途,2009年时石油运输通过量占全球原油消费量1/3(美国能源机构EIA 的数据),目前则每天通过1550万桶输出原油,平均每天有13艘巨型油轮从波斯湾开出,经这个海峡将原油运往世界各地,这一海峡对全球经济的重要性不言而喻。







一.名词解释 1.苏伊士运河 苏伊士运河是一条海平面的水道,在埃及贯通苏伊士地峡,连接地中海与红海,提供从欧洲至印度洋和西太平洋附近土地的最近的航线。它是世界使用最频繁的航线之一。是亚洲与非洲的交界线,是亚洲与非洲人民来往的主要通道。 地理位置 运河北起塞得港南至苏伊士城,长195公里(105哩),在塞得港北面掘道入地中海至苏伊士的南面。苏伊士运河处于埃及西奈半岛西侧,横跨苏伊士地峡,处于地中海侧的塞德港和红海苏伊士湾侧的苏伊士(al-Suways)两座城市之间,全长约163公里。 运河历史 运河全长170多公里,河面平均宽度为135米,平均深度为13米。运河从1858年开凿到1869年竣工。运河开通后,英法两国就垄断苏伊士运河公司96%的股份,每年获得巨额利润。从1882年起,英国在运河地区建立了海外最大的军事基地,驻扎了将近10万军队。第二次世界大战后,埃及人民坚决要求收回苏伊士运河的主权,并为此进行了不懈的斗争。1954年10月,英国被迫同意把它的占领军在1956年6月13日以前完全撤离埃及领土。1956年7月26日,埃及政府宣布将苏伊士运河公司收归国有。10月29日,英国伙同法国,并和以色列相勾结,发动对埃及的侵略战争,战争结局以埃及获胜而告终。1976年1月,埃及政府开始着手进行运河的扩建工程。第一阶段工程1980年完成,运河的航行水域由1800平方米扩大到3600平方米(即运河横切面适于航行的部分);通航船只吃水深度由12.47米增加到17.9米,可通行15万吨满载的货轮。第二阶段工程于1983年完成,航行水域扩大到5000平方米,通航船只的吃水深度增至21.98米,将能使载重量25万吨的货轮通过。 运河优势 世界上最长的无船闸运河。与其他水域相比,事故发生率几乎为零。 可昼夜通航。 当船尺寸过大时,有可能加深、加宽河道。VTMS(船运管理系统)被引入,这是一个非常精确的电子雷达观测网络。 苏伊士运河可以为各种超级货轮提供服务。运河通航之后,欧洲的船只可经地中海,驶过苏伊士运河和红海直接进入印度洋。有人曾计算过,从英国的伦敦港或法国的马赛港到印度的孟买港作一次航行,经苏伊士运河比绕好望角可分别缩短全航程的43%和56%,时间和燃料都大大地节省了。 这条运河允许欧洲与亚洲之间的南北双向水运,而不必绕过非洲南端的风暴角(好望角),大大节省了航程。从英国的伦敦港或法国的马赛港到印度的孟买港作一次航行,经苏伊士运河比绕好望角可分别缩短全航程的43%和56%。在苏伊士运河开通之前,有时人们通过从船上卸下货物通过陆运的方法在地中海和红海之间实现运输。 补充 苏伊士运河是著名的国际通航运河。位于埃及境内,是连通欧亚非三大洲的主要国际海运航道,连接红海与地中海,使大西洋、地中海与印度洋联结起来,大大缩短了东西方航程。它是亚洲与非洲的分界线之一。与绕道非洲好望角相比,从欧洲大西洋沿岸各国到印度洋缩短5500—8009公里;从地中海各国到印度洋缩短8000—10000公里;对黑海沿岸来说,则缩短了12000公里,它是一条在国际航运中具有重要战略意义的国际海运航道,每年承担着全世界14%的海运贸易。从最低部位贯通苏伊士地峡,


海运提单 BILL OF LADING 海运提单主要项目填制说明如下:

1、托运人(Shipper)。即与承运人签订运输契约,委托运输的货主,即发货人。在信用证支付方式下,一般以受益人为托运人;托收方式以托收的委托人为托运人。另外,根据《UCP500》第31条规定:除非信用证另有规定,银行将接受表明以信用证受益人以外的第三者为发货人的运输单据。 2、收货人(Consignee)。收货人要按合同和信用证的规定来填写。一般的填法有下列几种: (1)记名式:在收货人一栏直接填写上指定的公 司或企业名称。该种提单不能背书转让,必须由收货人栏内指定的人提货或收货人转让。 (2)不记名式:即在收货人栏留空不填,或填“To Bearer”(交来人/持票人)。这种方式承运人交货凭提单的持有人,只要持有提单就能提货。 (3)指示式:指示式的收货人又分为不记名指示 和记名指示两种。 不记名指示,是在收货人一栏填“To Bearer”,又称空白抬头。该种提单,发货人必须在提单背面背书,才能转让。背书又分为记名背书和不记名背书(空白背书)两种。前者是指在提单背面填上“Deliver to ×××”“Endorsed to ×××”,然后由发货人签章;后者是发货人在背面不做任何说明只

签章即可。记名背书后,其货权归该记名人所有,而 且该记名人不可以再背书转让给另外的人。不记名背书,货权即归提单的持有人。 记名指示,是在收货人一栏填“To Order of Shipper”,此时,发货人必须在寄单前在提单后背书;另外还有凭开证申请人指示即L/C中规定“To Order of Applicant”,在收货人栏就填““To Order of ××× Co”; 凭开证行指示,即L/C中规定“To Order of Issuing Bank”,则填“To Order of ×××Bank”。 在实际业务中,L/C项下提单多使用指示式。托收 方式,也普遍使用不记名指示式。若作成代收行指示式,事先要征得代收行同意。因为根据URC522中第10 条a款规定:除非先征得银行同意,贷物不应直接运 交银行,亦不应以银行或银行的提定人为收货人。如 未经银行事先同意,贷物直接运交银行,或以银行的 指定人为收货人,然后由银行付款或承兑后将货物交 给付款人时,该银行并无义务提取货物,货物的风险 和责任由发货人承担。 3.被通知人(Notify Party)。原则上该栏一定 要按信用证的规定填写。被通知人即收货人的代理人

上海海事大学 考试大纲 世界海运地理_JY320270

《海运地理》课程教学大纲(2014/2) 一、课程名称 1、中文名称:海运地理 2、英文名称:Maritime Geography 3、课程号:JY320270 二、学时 总学时36学时,其中:理论:34学时,测验2学时。 三、考核方式 考查 四、适用专业 经济,法学,管理,航海,以及各类社会科学和工商管理类专业(全院任选)。 五、课程简介 海上运输是现代国际商品贸易的重要运输方式,全球商品贸易量中的近九成是由海上运输这种方式完成的。本课程以海上运输基本空间要素,包括航线、船舶、货物和港口这四种最基本的空间要素为引导,从这些要素在全球范围内的分布,以及地理环境对这些要素的影响,以及这些基本要素在全球的分布格局, 和他们之间的相互影响为主线,对三大洋沿岸一百多个国家和地区的经济、贸易、港口等情况等作了较为全面的分析。课程分为两大部分,第一部分着重分析四大要素的世界市场及全球格局;第二部分以三大洋为引导,分别对全球沿海国家和地区海上运输及其相关的要素进行了个别的分析。 六、本门课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务 本课程作为选修课程,对社会科学学科的学生,以及上船专业的学生来说,对其宏观掌握和了解现代全球经济发展状况和全球海运及贸易格局有重要的作用。 七、课程内容、学时分配和教学要求 1、内容和学时分配:讲授十三章节(36课时),结束后考查。主要采用课堂讲授的方式。 第一章:绪论(教学4学时)。 1、学习要求和主要参考资料和辅助材料的索引 2、课程的内容结构和脉络 3、海运地理空间要素的构成 4、研究对象和国家的基本概念 5、国家和地区的分类 6、国家和地区评价指标及综合国力 第二章:海运航线(教学3学时) 1、航线的分类 2、影响航线选择的主要因素 3、太平洋航线及主要海上通道 4、大西洋航线及主要海上通道 5、印度洋航线及主要海上通道 6、北冰洋 第三章:海运船舶(教学2学时) 1、商船分类 2、船舶运力的空间分布 3、造船能力及空间分布 第四章:海运港口(教学2学时) 1、港口分类


海运地理考试题型: 名词解释:6x2’ 12分 填图: 50x1’50分(海峡,海域海湾,半岛,岛屿,差不多是20多个名称)此次填图考欧洲区域,所以请务必结合填图熟练掌握书本P92-P94课文中出现的所有海峡,海域海湾,半岛,岛屿,重要港口。 简答题: 6 38分 世界海运经济地理复习资料 绪论中的名词解释 1.海运是海上运输(marine transport)的简称。它是利用海上航道、以船舶为运输工具、以港口为基地、以海洋为活动舞台,实现货物和人位移的运输方式。 2.大陆桥:两个港口之间的联结线--铁路线(公路线) 3.方便旗船:是指在外国登记、悬挂外国国旗并在国际市场上进行营运的船舶。 4.集装箱运输:以集装箱为运输单元的货物运输方式。 5.国际货物多式联运:国际间利用两种以上运输工具进行的货物联运。 6.港口:位于江、河、湖、海或水库沿岸,具有一定的设备和条件,供船舶往来停靠、办理客货运输或其他专门业务的场所。 7.码头:用于船舶靠泊作业、供货物装卸和旅客上下的水工建筑物。 8.单纯腹地:是一个港口独有的腹地 9.混合腹地:两个或两个以上港口所共同拥有的腹地 港口吞吐量:是指一定时期内,由水运进出港区范围并装卸的货物数量。以吨数或TEU表示。 无水港:是一个通过铁路运输为主、公路运输为辅的发达运输网络直接与港口相连,具有集装箱港口装卸5.船、港、线、货的关系 货是船、港、线存在的依据 船是海运的运输工具和货物载体,线、港是海运的运输通道和节点,货是海运的运输对象。在海运中,采用何种船舶,是由货物的种类,特点决定的:载货船舶所停靠的港口,所经过的航线,是由货物的供需双方的地理位置所决定的,货是船、港、线存在的依据。因此,世界海运经济地理的格局归根结底是由货物的地域分异所决定。 三、海运的特点 1.通过能力强。 2.运载量大。 3.运费低。 4.对货物适应性强。 5.受自然条件影响大,速度慢。 6.涉外性。


详细说明缮制方法: 1.Shipper,托运人。托运人也称发货人(Consignor),是指委托运输的当事人。如信用证无特殊规定,应以受益人为托运人。如果受益人是中间商,货物是从产地直接装运的,这时也可以实际卖方为发货人,因为按UCP500规定,如信用 2.Consignee,收货人。这是提单的抬头,是银行审核的重点项目。应与托运单中“收货人”的填写完全一致,并符合信用证的规定。 2.Consignee,收货人。这是提单的抬头,是银行审核的重点项目。应与托运单中“收货人”的填写完全一致,并符合信用证的规定。 例1.来证要求Full set of B/L Consigned to ABC Co.,则提单收货人一栏中填Consigned to ABC Co.。 例2.来证要求 B/L issued to order of Applicant,查Applicant为Big A Co.,则提单收货人一栏中填to order of Big A Co.。 例3.来证要求Full set of B/L made out to our order,查开证行名称为Small B Bank,则提单收货人一栏中填to order of Small B Bank, 或填to Small B Bank’s order。证无特殊规定,银行将接受以第三者为发货人的提单。不过此时必须考虑各方面是否可行的问题。 收货人栏的填写必须与信用证要求完全一致。任何粗心大意和贪图省事的填法都可能是单证不符点。不符点的例:B/L issued to the order of ABC Co. Ltd. Whereas L/C required“ to ABC Co. Ltd.”。 (提单开成凭ABC公司指定人指示,而信用证要求“凭ABC公司指示)。抬头为特定的公司与这一公司的指定人是完全不同的,前者只有这一特定的公司可以提货,提单不能转让,后者提单经此公司背书便可以转让。又如,假设信用证上规定的地名是简称,而提单上写的是全称,也是不符点。


世界海运经济地理复习资料 1海运经济地理学研究的任务是什么?(1)为社会的经济发展和建设服务。(2)为培养从事海运事业的人才,研究各国各地区的自然资源,社会经济发展状况、世界航线和大宗货物的运输,对振兴我国的海运经济,促进外贸事业的发展具有重要意义。(3)可以培养从事海运事业人员的爱国主义和国际主义精神。 2 世界人口分布的特点是什么?①北半球多,南半球少②平原、盆地等地势低平地区多,山地高原地区少,③温暖湿润地区多,干燥寒冷地区少④沿江、沿海,铁路沿线多,交通不便的内地少 ⑤开发历史悠久地区多,开发较迟地区少⑥工农业发达地区多,林牧业地区少。 3 香港经济快速发展的原因? 优越的地理位置,50年代后期相对稳定发展的外部环境。实施自由经济政策,祖国大陆的支持,凭港人的拼搏精神和才智。 4 香港以航运业为核心的交通运输业有哪些特点? 转口港功能比较突出自由港优势得到充分发挥,集装箱化程度不断提高,各种运输方式协调发展。硬件设施先进,管理严密,效率一流。 5台湾经济快速发展的原因? ①美国的援助为台湾经济的恢复和发展起了重要作用。②本着工业为主导,农业为基础的原则实行土地改革,刺激农民的积极性。促进农业的发展,保证工业化的顺利实现。③引进外国资本和技术,实行出口导向工业化发展战略④国民党政府撤退到台湾时带来了大量的资金,机械设备和科技人员与劳动力⑤加速经济自由化国际化⑥重视科技、教育、劳动力素质较高。 6 台湾对外贸易有哪些特点? ①重化工业产品出口增长较快,技术密集型产品成为出口主流。②资本设备进口加快,原料进口额占据首位。③对亚洲地区的出口迅速增长④贸易顺差连续下降后出现反弹,⑤海峡两岸的经贸往来出现新局面 7海湾有哪些优越的石油开发条件? ①油田规模大,单井产量高②地质条件好,气候条件有利开采③油气质量好④油田离海进,原油外运方便。 8 俄罗斯经济特征是什么? 经济结构严重畸形、减少军费开支、把有限的资金用于发展经济,提高人民生活水平,生产力布局继续向东转移,俄罗斯地域辽阔,资源丰富多样,经济发展建立在本国资源和国内市场的基础上,基础工业比较坚实。 9德国经济快速发展的原因? 战后继承了原德国资源丰富和经济发达的西部地区。获得了美国的援助、制定了长期发展方针,投资重点突出,而且随不同时期有计划转移。重视教育与科学的发展。重视固定资本的投资大力发展对外贸易。 10 意大利经济发展具有哪些特征? 国家垄断资本高度发达。中小企业在经济中占有重要地位南北经济地区发展不平衡经济结 11 非洲经济特征有哪些? 经济发展水平最低,大多数国家经济落后。工业基础薄弱,经济结构的单一化和畸形发展,生产力布局极不平衡,经济发展的地区差异很大。近年来,经济发展速度快,具有持续性、普遍性、多样性等特点构发生很大变化。 12 澳大利亚有哪些经济特征? 澳大利亚是南半球一个后起的发达国家。澳大利亚经济结构中工矿企业和制造业占比重大。澳大利亚农牧矿产品出口率高,在国家经济中占举足轻重的地位。澳大利亚生产力布局不平衡。


1 1. Shipper B/L No. EW 20 RIZHAO HUIHUANG IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION,RIZHAO HUANGHAIYILU NO.888,CHINA 中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINES TLX: 33057 COSCO CN FAX: +86(021) 6545 8984 ORIGINAL 2. Consigned TO TO ORDER OF SHIPPER Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADING RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other- Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container, The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, One of the original Bills of Lading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig- Ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms And conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading. SEE clause 4 on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back Hereof, please read carefully). *Applicable Only When Document Used as a Combined Transport Bill of Lading. 3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone (It is agreed that no responsibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his agents for failure to notify) JIM KING TRADING CORPORATION,NO.206 CHANGJ NORTH STREET SINGAPORE 4. Combined Transport * 5. Combined Transport* Pre - carriage by Place of Receipt 6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No. 7. Port of Loading EAST WIND V19 QING DAO 8. Port of Discharge 9. Combined Transport * BANGKOK Place of Delivery Marks & Nos. Container / Seal No. No. of Containers or Packages Description of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20) Gross Weight Kgs Measurement NHIT BANGKOK NO 1- 9 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock in 9 wooden cases of 100 dozen each 900 dozen Tri- Circle Brand Brass Padlock Description of Contents for Shipper’s Use Only (Not part of This B/L Contract) 10. Total Number of containers and/or packages (in words) Nine wooden cases only Subject to Clause 7 Limitation 11. Freight & Charges Revenue Tons Rate Per Prepaid Collect prepaid Declared Value Charge Ex. Rate: Prepaid at Payable at Place and date of issue QINGDAO DEC 31 ,2000 Total Prepaid No. of Original B(s)/L Signed for the Carrier, COSCO CONTAINER LINES USD 330.40 THREE LADEN ON BOARD THE VESSEL DATE DEC 31 ,2000 BY COSCO CONTAINER LINES


1. Shipper Insert Name, Address and Phone B/L No. 中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINES TLX: 33057 COSCO CN FAX: +86(021) 6545 8984 ORIGINAL 2. Consignee Insert Name, Address and Phone Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADING RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other- Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container, The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, One of the original Bills of Lading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig- Ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms And conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading. SEE clause 4 on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back Hereof, please read carefully). *Applicable Only When Document Used as a Combined Transport Bill of Lading. 3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone 4. Combined Transport * 5. Combined Transport* Pre - carriage by Place of Receipt 6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No. 7. Port of Loading 8. Port of Discharge 9. Combined Transport * Place of Delivery Marks & Nos. Container / Seal No. No. of Containers or Packages Description of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20) Gross Weight Kgs Measurement Description of Contents for Shipper’s Use Only (Not part of This B/L Contract) 10. Total Number of containers and/or packages (in words) Subject to Clause 7 Limitation 11. Freight & Charges Revenue Tons Rate Per Prepaid Collect Declared Value Charge Ex. Rate: Prepaid at Payable at Place and date of issue Total Prepaid No. of Original B(s)/L Signed for the Carrier, COSCO CONTAINER LINES LADEN ON BOARD THE VESSEL DATE BY


第一章绪论 海运业是世界经济一体化的重要组成部分,受到地理的影响和制约,海运经济地理研究的基本要素是:船舶—海上运输的载体;货物—系统的中心;港口—系统运转的支点;航线—连接各要素的纽带。 地理位置分:数理地理位置、自然地理位置和经济地理位置 ①数理地理位置 该位置用经纬度确定,即绝对地理位置,如上海港3100N12一五8E、尼日利亚的拉各斯(LAGOS)0625N0325E不同的数理地理位置,处于不同的气候区,对港口的全年通航时间有直接影响:低纬度——全年;高纬度——冰冻期,有的只有半年;受台风影响4-6月—香港、6-8月—中国大陆东南沿海、7-9月—日本朝鲜。 ②自然地理位置/经济地理位置 自然地理位置:指港口与其外在的自然现象的空间关系 经济地理位置:指港口与其所处的具有经济意义的物质要素与环境的空间关系 二者都是相对的地理位置,以上海港为例: 数理位置——31N121E,四季分明,不冻,每年7-9月有台风;4-5月与10-11月有雾;冬季有东北大风。自然位置——长江口,三角洲,地质条件差,淤泥,航道浅且多变。经济位置——中国经济最发达的城市,周围有浙江与江苏。 第二章海运航线 海运航线:船舶在两港间海上航行的路线 一、海运航线的分类: 根据水运行径分: 远洋航线:大洋航线,经过一个洋或数个洋;如中国至美国、欧洲。近洋航线:邻近国家港口间,如中日、中韩等。沿海航线:本国各港口之间。环球航线:三大洋连接起来航行,无终点。一般指集装箱班轮。钟摆航线:钟摆航线主要是针对集装箱船说的,比较固定的挂港~比如:新港-台湾高雄-仁川-台湾高雄-新港 根据航线有效时间分: 季节性航线:随季节的变化而改变的航线,如印度洋、远东至北美。常年性航线:不受季节影响。 根据运力、运程和运量分: 主干航线:主要指集装箱班轮,枢纽港之间,三条:远东—北美、远东—欧洲、北美—欧洲。分支航线:为主干航线提供服务的航线。如宁波—香港、宁波—横滨。此外还有直达航线和定期航线 二、世界上主要三大航线 1、远东——欧洲航线(印度洋) 第一种:东海—台湾海峡—高雄—香港—南中国海—新加坡—马六甲海峡—印度洋(亚丁、吉布提)—红海—苏伊士运河—塞得港—直布罗陀海峡—西班牙(哈希拉斯)—英吉利海峡—欧洲(法国马赛港、荷兰鹿特丹、德国汉堡) 第二种:经非洲过马六甲海峡—印度的科隆坡—南非德班—好望角—大西洋—沿非洲沿线达卡尔、黑角—马瑟布莱卡—英吉利海峡—欧洲 2、远东——北美航线(太平洋) 3、北美——欧洲航线(大西洋) 三、世界上三大著名的运河 1、苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)位于埃及境内,连接地中海—红海,远东至欧洲的船舶,不走好望角,可缩短5000KM,运河北起塞得港,南至陶菲克,长173KM(195KM),最大通过的载重量为20万吨,正常需12-14小时;年通航约2万艘,收入近50亿美元。


航线内容 以下内容仅供参考,不足之处敬请各位批评指正。 美加航线: 我们也可以把它称作北美航线,它包括加拿大和美国,而这两个国家又横跨大西洋和太平洋。又可以分为美东航线(大西洋)/美西航线(太平洋)。 美西基本港:美国的港口:LOSANGELES(洛杉矶)、LONGBEACH(长滩)、OAKLAND (奥克兰)、SEATTLE(西雅图)、SANFRANCISCO(三藩市)、TACOMA(塔科马);加拿大:VANCOUVER(温哥华)美东基本港:美国的港口NEWYORK(纽约)、NORFOLK (诺福克)、SAVANNAH(萨凡纳)、NEWWARK(纽瓦克)、CHARLESTON(查尔斯顿)、MIAMI(迈阿密).加拿大:TORONTO(多伦多)、MONTREAL(蒙特利尔)。 美国和加拿大的很多内陆点,有时到东岸港口,都会采取海铁联运的方式,因为美国的各个基本港口到个城市都有铁路相连,到东岸基港还有全水陆的方式。另外,北美航线的附加费通常是:ORC,AMS,DOC。而基本港的定义,各船公司都有不同的划分。而去美国的船公司非常多,选择性很大,以下我根据我个人的经验和船公司

所提供的服务及价格分为:价格便宜服务一般的船公司有:MSC,CHINASHIPPING,HPL,WANHAI,ZIM(去加拿大相对多一些),服务好价格贵的船东:MAERSK,COSCO,EMC,LT,APL,HYUNDAI,HANJIN等。 中南美及加勒比海航线: 这条航线是由美国以下,哥伦比亚和巴西以上的一些小国家组成,同时巴拿马运河又是连接大西洋和太平洋最近的通道。通常去往美国东岸及墨西哥湾和加勒比海的货物都从此通过。 中南美基港:MEXICOCITY(墨西哥城)、MANZANILLO(曼萨尼约)、COLONFREEZONE (科隆)LA GUAIRA(拉瓜伊拉)、CAUCEDO(考塞多)、PUERTOCABEELLO(卡贝略)、KINGSTONG(金斯敦)、PUERTOQUETZAL(圣何塞)、GUATEMALCITY(危地马拉城)。 以上港口根据不同船公司,划分基港不同。同时COLONFREEZONG作为这里最大的港口和自由贸易区,承担着中南美,及部分北美和南美货物中转。同时几乎所有加勒比海的货物都是由此港口中转。而通常去这里的附加费是:ORC,DOC。去这里的船公司也可分为:服务一般,价格相对便宜的:MSC,ZIM,HPL,CHINASHIPPING,COSCO,CCNI。服务好的,价格相对贵的:EMC,MAERSK,CMA,NYK,CSAV等。 南美航线: 南美航线同样能也分为南美东和南美西航线,南美东航线主要由:巴西,阿根廷,乌拉圭三个国家。南美西航线主要由:哥伦比亚,智利,秘鲁,厄瓜多尔等国家组成。


海运提单样本及中文解释 海运提单 海运提单主要项目填制说明如下: 1、托运人(Shipper)。即与承运人签订运输契约,委托运输的货主,即发货人。在信用证

支付方式下,一般以受益人为托运人;托收方式以托收的委托人为托运人。另外,根据《UCP500》第31条规定:除非信用证另有规定,银行将接受表明以信用证受益人以外的第三者为发货人的运输单据。 2、收货人(Consignee)。收货人要按合同和信用证的规定来填写。一般的填法有下列几种: (1)记名式:在收货人一栏直接填写上指定的公司或企业名称。该种提单不能背书转让,必须由收货人栏内指定的人提货或收货人转让。 (2)不记名式:即在收货人栏留空不填,或填“To Bearer”(交来人/持票人)。这种方式承运人交货凭提单的持有人,只要持有提单就能提货。 (3)指示式:指示式的收货人又分为不记名指示和记名指示两种。 不记名指示,是在收货人一栏填“To Bearer”,又称空白抬头。该种提单,发货人必须在提单背面背书,才能转让。背书又分为记名背书和不记名背书(空白背书)两种。前者是指在提单背面填上“Deliver to ×××”“Endorsed to ×××”,然后由发货人签章;后者是发货人在背面不做任何说明只签章即可。记名背书后,其货权归该记名人所有,而且该记名人不可以再背书转让给另外的人。不记名背书,货权即归提单的持有人。 记名指示,是在收货人一栏填“To Order of Shipper”,此时,发货人必须在寄单前在提单后背书;另外还有凭开证申请人指示即L/C中规定“To Order of Applicant”,在收货人栏就填““To Order of ××× Co”; 凭开证行指示,即L/C中规定“To Order of Issuing Bank”,则填“To Order of ×××Bank”。 在实际业务中,L/C项下提单多使用指示式。托收方式,也普遍使用不记名指示式。若作成代收行指示式,事先要征得代收行同意。因为根据URC522中第10条a款规定:除非先征得银行同意,贷物不应直接运交银行,亦不应以银行或银行的提定人为收货人。如未经银行事先同意,贷物直接运交银行,或以银行的指定人为收货人,然后由银行付款或承兑后将货物交给付款人时,该银行并无义务提取货物,货物的风险和责任由发货人承担。 3.被通知人(Notify Party)。原则上该栏一定要按信用证的规定填写。被通知人即收货人的代理人或提货人,货到目的港后承运人凭该栏提供的内容通知其办理提货,因此,提单的被通知人一定要有详细的名称和地址,供承运人或目的港及时通知其提货。若L/C中未规定明确地址,为保持单证一致,可在正本提单中不列明,但要在副本提单上写明被通知人的详细地址。托收方式下的被通知人一般填托收的付款人。 4.船名(Ocean Vessel)即由承运人配载的装货的船名,班轮运输多加注航次(Voy.No.)。 5.装运港(Port of Loading)。填实际装运货物的港名。L/C项下一定要符合L/C的规定和要求。如果L/C规定为“中国港口”(Chinese Port)此时不能照抄,而要按装运的我国某一港口实际名称填。 6、卸货港(Port of Discharge)。原则上,L/C项下提单卸货港一定要按L/C规定办理。


世界海运各航线基本港口 明细 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

世界海运各航线基本港口明细 澳大利亚的主要港口有: 墨尔本/悉尼/ 布里斯班/阿德莱德 弗里曼特尔 新西兰的主要港口有: 奥克兰/利特尔顿/ 惠灵顿 加勒比海航线主要港口有: (拉瓜伊拉委内瑞拉)/ (西班牙港特立尼达和多巴哥)(卡贝略港委内瑞拉)/ (海纳多米尼加) (金斯敦牙买加)/(巴兰基利亚哥伦比亚) 南美东主要港口: (布宜诺斯艾利斯阿根廷)/(蒙得维的亚乌拉圭) (桑托斯巴西)/(帕拉那瓜巴西) (里奥格兰德巴西)/(里约热内卢巴西) (南圣弗朗西斯科巴西)/(维多利亚巴西) (苏阿普巴西)/(伊塔雅伊巴西)/(亚松森巴拉圭)

(培森巴西) 南美西主要港口: (布埃纳文图拉哥伦比亚)/(卡亚俄秘鲁)(瓜亚基尔厄瓜多尔)/(伊基克智利) (瓦尔帕莱索智利)/(圣安东尼奥智利) 美西基本港: 洛杉矶/长滩/西雅图/奥克兰 美东基本港: 纽约/萨凡纳/迈阿密/休斯敦 诺福克/杰克逊维尔/查尔斯顿 加拿大的重要港口有: 温哥华/多伦多/蒙特利尔 黑海线的主要港口有: (敖德萨俄罗斯)/(布尔加斯保加利亚) (康斯坦萨罗马尼亚) /(伊斯坦布尔土耳其)红海航线的主要港口

苏丹:苏丹港PORT SUDAN约旦:亚喀巴 AQABA 沙特:吉达JEDDAH 埃及:苏科纳SOKHNA 也门:亚丁 ADEN 也门:荷台达 HODEIDAH 索马里:柏培拉BERBERA 亚得里亚海主要港口有: (里耶卡克罗地亚)/(的里雅斯特意大利) (斯普利特克罗地亚)/(威尼斯意大利) (科佩尔斯洛文尼亚) 中东地区的主要港口: 巴林:麦纳麦 MANAMA,AL、巴林BAHRAIN 伊朗:阿巴丹 ABADAN、阿巴斯港BANDAR ABBAS、布什尔BUSHIRE、霍拉姆沙赫尔 KHORRAMSHAHR 伊拉克:巴士拉BSARA 科威特:科威特KUWAIT 阿曼:马斯喀特MUSCAT 卡塔尔:乌姆赛义德UMM SAID、多哈 DOHA 阿联酋:沙迦SHARJAH、迪拜 DUBAI 、阿布扎比ABU DHABI


第七章大宗干散货海运地理 干散货是海运中仅次于液体散货的重要货物。铁矿石、煤炭、粮食在海运中的重要性仅次于石油,它们占海运份额达1/4左右,其中铁矿石位居三者之首。 波罗的海干散货指数BDI为海岬型,巴拿马型及轻便型(Handysize)各占权重三分之一的综合指数。虽然这个指数以波罗的海作名字,但负责管理这个指数的波罗的海交易所却在英国的伦敦。 谷物维持每年2亿吨的海运量,需求稳定。由于北半球主要谷物出口国美国、加拿大的收成在春、秋两季,而南美、澳洲谷物集中于3月出口,所以传统旺季为每年10月至次年4月。 全球十大产钢国为: 1、中国; 2、日本; 3 、美国; 4、俄罗斯;5、印度 6、韩国; 7、德国; 8、乌克兰; 9、巴西; 10、意大利。 世界钢材消费主要集中在亚洲,其次是欧盟。 钢材的主要消费国家是中国、美国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯。 世界铁矿探明储量主要分布国家:乌克兰、俄罗斯、巴西、中国、澳大利亚、美国、印度、委内瑞拉、瑞典。

必和必拓公司(BHP BILLITON) 总部设在墨尔本,是澳大利亚历史最悠久、规模最庞大的公司之一。比利登是国际采矿业的先驱,曾经以不断创新和集约式运营方式而闻名。 巴西淡水河谷公司(CVRD) 是世界第一大铁矿石生产和出口商,也是美洲最大的采矿业公司,其产量占巴西全国总产量的80%。被誉为巴西“皇冠上的宝石”和“亚马逊地区的引擎”。 澳大利亚力拓矿业公司 目前该公司总部在英国,澳大利亚总部设于墨尔本。 铁矿石主要进口国家 亚洲:中,日、韩、中国台湾4个国家(地区); 欧洲:英、法、德、意4个国家。 8个国家或地区的进口量占世界贸易量的80%左右。 我国铁矿石进口主要集中于澳大利亚、巴西、印度和南非。 我国主要铁矿石港口:宁波-舟山港;青岛港;大连港。 煤炭在各大洲的分布情况:欧洲最为丰富(44.5%),其次是北美洲(26.6%),亚洲第三(22.1%)。其后是大洋洲、非洲和南美洲。


商 学 院 训 教 任 务 书 (2012 —2013 学年春季学期) 课程名称海运地理学时 32 学分 2 授课专业报关与国际货运授课年级 12级 教师姓名刘姗姗职称讲师训教部国际商务 《物流基础》课程标准 一、课程定位

《海运地理》是报关与国际货运专业的必修专业课程。在以职业能力为主线、以岗位需求为依据、以工作过程为导向构建国际贸易地理课程,本课程集国际贸易地理基础知识、港口航线、主要国家地理概况于一体,培养学生应用相关理论与分析方法分析、解决海运地理领域实际能力的问题,使学生具备从事报关与货运代理相关职业的职业能力与职业素养,使学生具备分析世界主要港口和航线的特征,在海运中的地位、市场的特点及优势的能力,为后续课程夯实基础。二、课程训教目标 知识教学目标 1.从理论上掌握与航海有关的地理知识。 2.从世界生产力的发展情况来分析各国各地区的经济发展情况。 能力培养目标 1.熟练掌握我国各大外贸港口的地理、腹地、进出口货物情况。 2.熟练掌握各国各地区主要外贸港口的分布情况、港口经济、主要吞吐物及发展前景。 3.掌握世界大洋航线的走法及主要的贸易航线,各大运河、海峡、水道的分布情况。 思想教育目标 了解各国各地区的经济特征、特产及风土人情。 三、训教目的与任务 (1)课程训教目的 使学生了解区域地理环境,特别是与海上活动有关的地理环境;了解各地的自然特征、经济特点、风土人情;研究各国各地区的海运经济的地理分布和发展规律及经验教训,从而能振兴我国的海运经济,促进外贸事业的发展。 (2)课程任务 “海运地理”课程的主要任务是学习、了解海运的基本知识,使学生了解到世界海上运输的货物、船舶、航线和港口的基本状况,各国和地区的海运发展,获得关于全世界各大洋及其所属海洋的相关知识,掌握全球主要港口的空间分布、规模和发展。并使学生逐步树立责任意识、效率意识、服务意识、安全意识、环保意识、团队意识。为学好本专业作准备。 四、课程内容


2国际物流知识篇 2.1 国际海运及俄罗斯航线 2.1.1 海运航线 目前,国际海运船舶的营运方式可分为两大类:即定期船运输(多为集装箱班轮航线)和不定期船运输(主要从事大宗货物的运输,如谷物、石油、矿石、煤炭、木材、砂糖、化肥、磷矿石等,一般都是整船运输)。随着国际贸易和国际航运业的发展,集装箱运输以其独特的经济、快捷、方便等优点得到迅速发展,成为国际贸易运输的主要方式,下面重点介绍集装箱班轮运输。 目前,世界上规模最大的三条集装箱航线是远东—北美航线,远东—欧洲、地中海航线和北美—欧洲、地中海航线。这三条航线将当今全世界人口最稠密、经济最发达的三个板块—北美、欧洲和远东联系起来。这三大航线的集装箱运量占了世界集装箱水路运量的大半壁江山。 一、远东-北美航线 远东一北美航线实际上又可分为两条航线,即远东一北美西岸航线和远东-北美东海岸、海湾航线。 1.远东-北美西海岸航线这条航线主要由远东-加利福尼亚航线和远东-西雅图、温哥华航线组成。它涉及的港口主要包括远东的高雄、釜山、上海、香港、东京、神户、横滨等和北美西海岸的长滩、格杉矶、西雅图、塔科马、奥克兰和温哥华等。涉及的国家和地区包括亚洲的中国、韩国、日本和中国的香港、台湾地区以及北美的美国和加拿大西部地区。这两个区域经济总量巨大,人口特别稠密,相互贸易量很大。近年来,随着中国经济总量的稳定增长,在这条航线上的集装箱运量越来越大。目前,仅上海港在这条航线上往来于美国西海岸的班轮航线就多达四十几条。 2.远东一北美东海岸航线这条航线主要由远东一纽约航线等组成,涉及北美东海岸地区的纽约一新泽西港、查尔斯顿港和新奥尔良港等。这条航线将海湾地区也串了起来。在这条航线上,有的船公司开展的是“钟摆式”航运,即不断往返于远东与北美东海岸之间;有的则是经营环球航线,即从东亚开始出发,东行线为:太平洋→巴拿马运河→大西洋→地中海→苏伊士运河→印度洋→太平洋;西行线则反向而行,航次时间为80d。


The follow are the conditions and exceptions hereinbefore referred to: 1.D EFINTION. “Merchant” i ncludes the Shipper, the Receiver, the Consignor, the consignee, the Holder of the Bill of Lading and the Owner of the Goods. 2.J URISDICTION. All disputes arising under and in connection with this Bill of Lading shall be settled in the flag – state of the ship, or otherwise in the place mutually agreed between the Carrier and the Merchant. 3.P ARAMOUNT CLAUSE. This Bill of Lading shall be subject to the Hague Rules contained in the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of law Relating to Bills of Lading, dated at Brussels the 25th August 1924, or the corresponding legislation of the flag state of the ship. If the stipulation of this Bill of Lading are wholly or partly contrary there to, this Bill of Lading shall be read as if such stipulation or part thereof, as the case may be, were deleted. 4.P ERIOD OF RESPONSIBILITY. The responsibility of the Carrier shall commence from the time when the goods are loaded on board the vessel and shall cease when they are discharged from the vessel. The Carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the goods before loading and after discharging from the vessel, howsoever such loss or damage arises. 5.P ACKING AND MARKS. The Merchant shall have the goods properly packed and accurately and clearly marked before shipment. The port of destination of the goods should be marked in letters not less than 5 cm high, in such a way as will remain legible until their delivery, All fines and expenses arising from insufficiency or inadequacy of packing or marks shall be borne by the Merchant. 6.F EIGHT AND OTHER CHARGES. (1) Advance freight together with other charges is due on shipment. If not prepaid. Though stipulated, the freight and other charges shall be paid by the Mer- chant plus 5% interest per annum running from the date of notification for their payment, If the cargo shipped are perishables, low cost goods, live animals, deck cargo or goods for which there is no Carrier’s agent at the port of destination, the freight for such cargo and all related charges shall be paid at the time of shipment. Freight payable at destination together with other char ges is due on vessel’s arrival. Advance freight and/or freight payable at destination shall be paid to the Carrier in full, and non-returnable and non-deductable irrespective of whatever loss or damage may happen to vessel and cargo or either of them. (2) All dues, taxes and charges or any other expenses in connection with the goods shall be paid by the Merchant. 7.INCORRECT STATEMENT. The Carrier is entitled, at port of shipment and /or port of destination, to verify the quantity, weight, measurement and/or contents of such goods as declared by the Merchant. If the weight, measurement and/or contents of such goods as stated in the Bill of Lading turned out to be inconsistent with that of the goods actually loaded, and the freight paid falls short of the amount which would have been due if such declaration had been correctly given the Carrier is entitled to collect from the Merchant as liquidated damages to the Carrier double the amount of difference between the freight for the goods actually shipped and that misstated. The Merchant shall be liable for loss of and damage to the vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description, quantity, weight, measurement or contents of the goods and shall indemnify the Carrier for the costs and expenses in connection with weighing, measuring and checking such goods. 8.LOADING, DISCHARGING AND DELIVERY. The goods shall be supplied and taken delivery of by the Owner of the goods as fast as the vessel can take and discharge them, without interruption, by day and if required by Carrier also by night, Sundays and holidays included, notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary and the Owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default thereof. Discharge may commence without previous notice, If the goods are not taken delivery of by the Receiver from alongside the vessel without delay, or if the Receiver refuses to take delivery of the goods, or in case there are unclaimed goods, the Carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other proper places at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant, and theCarrier’s responsibility of delivery of cargo shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. Weighing on board is only allowed by special permission of the Carrier, including detention and extra costs of discharging, shall be for account of the Receivers or Consignees, notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary. If the goods are unclaimed during a reasonable time, or wherever the goods will become deteriorated decayed or worthless, the Carrier may, at his discretion and subject to his lien, and without any responsibility attaching to him, sell, abandon or otherwise dispose of such goods solely at the risk and expense of the Merchant. 9.LIGHTERAGE.,Any lighterage in or off ports of loading or ports of discharge shall be for the ccount of the Merchant. 10..LIEN. The Carrier shall have a lien on the goods and any document relating thereto for freight, dead freight, demurrage and any other amount payable by the Merchant, and for General Average contributions for whomsoever due and for the cost of recovering the same, and for this purpose shall have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods. If on sale of the goods, the proceeds fail to cover the amount due and the cost and expenses incurred , the Carrier shall be entitled to recover the deficit from the Merchant. 11.NOTICE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE, THIME BAR. Unless notice of loss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given in writing to the Carrier or his agent at the port of discharge before or at the time of the removal of the goods into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contact of carriage, such removal shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery by the Carrier of the goods as described in the Bill of Lading. If the loss or damage is not apparent, the notice must be given within three days of the delivery.The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the goods has at the time of their receipt been the subject of joint survey or inspection.In any event the carrier and the vessel shall be discharged from all liability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one year after delivery of the goods or the date when the goods should have been delivered. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the Carrier and the Receiver shall give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the goods. 12.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. All claims for which the Carrier may be liable shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant’s net invoice cost, p lus freight and insurrance premuim, if paid. In no event shall the Carrier be liable for any loss of possible profit or any consequential loss. The Carrier for any loss of or damage to the goods shall be limited to an amount not exceeding £100 per package or freight unit unless the value of the goods higher than the amount is declared in writing by the Shipper before receipt of the goods by the Carrier and inserted in this Bill of Lading and extra freight paid as required. If the actual value of the goods per package of per freight unit exceeds such value, the declared value shall nevertheless be deemed to be the declared value and the Carrier’s liability if any, shall not be the declared value and any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted pro rata on the basis of such declared value. 13.FORWARDING, SUBSTITUTE OF VESSEL, THROUGH CARGO AND RANSHIPMENT. If necessary, the Carrier shall be at liberty to carry the goods to their port of destination by other vessel or vessels either belonging to the Carrier or other persons or by rail or other means of transport proceeding either directly or indirectly to such port and to carry the goods or part of them beyond their port of destination, and to tranship, lighter, land and store the goods on shore or afloat and reship and forward same at the Carrier’s expenses but at Merchant’s risk. The responsibility of the Carrier shall be limited to the part of the transport performed by him on the vessel under his management. 14.DANGEROUS GOODS, CONTRABAND. (1) The Merchant undertakes not to tender for transportation any goods which are of a dangerous, inflammable, radio-active, and/or any harmful nature without previously giving written notice of their nature to the Carrier and marking the goods and the container or other covering on the outside as required by any laws or regulations which may be applicable during the carriage. (2) Whenever the goods are discovered to have been shipped without complying with the subclause 1 above or the goods are found to be contraband or prohibited by any laws or regulations of the port of loading, discharge or call or any place or waters during the carriage, the Carrier shall be entitled to have such goods rendered innocuous, thrown overboard or discharged or other wise disposed of at the Carrier’s discretion without compensation and the Merchant shall be liable for and indemnify the Carrier against any kind of loss, damage or liability including loss of freight, and any expenses directly or indirectly rising out of or resulting from such shipment. (3)If any goods shipped complying with the sub-clause (1) above become a danger to the ship or cargo, they may in like manner be rendered innocuous, thrown overboard or discharged or other wise disposed of at the Carrier’s discretion without compensation except to General Average, if any. 15.DECK CARGO, LIVE ANIMALS AND PLANTS. Cargo on deck, plants and live animals are receive d, handled, carried, kept and discharged at Merchant’s risk and the Carrier shall not be liable for loss thereof or damage thereto. 16.CARGO IN CONTAINERS. (1)Goods may be stowed by the Carrier or his agents or servants in containers and containers whether stowed aforesaid or received fully stowed may be carried on or under deck without notice. The Carrier’s liability for such carriage shall likewise be governed by the terms and conditions of this Bill of Lading irrespective of Clause 15 hereof notwithstanding the fact that the goods are being carried on deck and the goods shall contribute to General Average and shall receive compensation in General Average. (2) If a container has not been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded by the Carrier, the carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the contents and the Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against any injury, loss, damage, liability or expense incurred by the Carrier if such injury, loss, damage, liability or expense has been caused by: 1) the manner in which the container has been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded; or 2) the unsuitability of the contents for carriage in containers; or 3) the unsuitability or defective condition of the container which would have been apparent upon reasonable inspection by the Merchant at or prior to the time the container was filled, packed, stuffed or loaded. If a container which has not been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by the Carrier with the seal intact, such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier’s obligation hereunder and the Carrier shall not be liab le for any loss of or damage to the contents of the container, The Shipper shall inspect containers before stuffing them and the use of the containers shall be prima facie evidence of their being sound and suitable for use. 17.REFRIGERATED GOODS. Before loading goods in any insulated space, the Carrier shall, in addition to the Class Certificate, obtain the certificate of the Classification Society’s Surveyor or other competent person, stating that such insulated space and refrigerating machinery are in the opinion of the surveyor or other competent person fit and safe for the carriage and preservation of refrigerated goods, The aforesaid certificate shall be conclusive evidence against the Merchant. Receivers have to take delivery of refrigerated cargo as soon as the vessel is ready to deliver, otherwise the Carrier shall land the goods at the wharf at the Merchant’s risk and expense. 18.TIMBER. Any statement in this Bill of Lading to the effect that timber has been shipped “In apparent good order and condition” does not involve any admission by the Carrier as to the absence of stains, shakes, splits holes or broken pieces, for which the Carrier accepts no responsibility. 19.IRON AND STEEL. Every piece of Iron and Steel is to be distinctly and permanently marked with oil paint and every bundle securely fastened, distinctly and permanently marked with oil paint and metal tagged, by the Merchant, so that each piece or bundle can be distinguished at port of discharge. If the Merchant fails to meet the aforesaid requirements, the Carrier, shall neither be responsible for correct delivery nor liable for expenses arising therefrom. 20.BULK CARGO, GOODS TO MORE THAN ONE CONSIGNEE. (1) As the Carrier has no reasonable means of checking the weight of bulk cargo, any reference to such weight in this Bill of Lading shall be deemed to be for reference only, but shall constitute in no way evidence against the Carrier (2)Where bulk Cargo or goods without marks or cargo with the same marks are shipped to more than one Consignee, the Consignees or owners of the goods shall jointly and severally bear any expense or loss in dividing the goods or parcels into pro rata quantities and any deficiency shall fall upon them in such proportion as the Carriers, his servants or agents shall decide. 21.HEAVY LIFTS AND AWKWARD CARGO. Any one piece or package of cargo weighs 2000 kilos or upwards and any awkward cargo with a length of 9 meters or upwards must be clearly and boldly marked with the weight and/or dimensions and/or length by the Shipper and shall be loaded and discharged by shore crane or otherwise at the ship’s option and at the risk and expense of the Merchant. If any damage, loss or liability to the ship, lighter, wharf, quay, cranes, hoisting tackle, or whatsoever or to whomsoever occurs owing to the lack of statement or mis – statement of weight, measurement or length, the Merchant shall be responsible for such damage, loss or liability. 22.FUMIGATION. In the event of fumigation of goods on board for whatever reason, the Carrier shall not be liable for damage to goods wi thout actual proof of the Carrier’s negligence which shall not be presumed against him, and all expenses incurred are for Merchant’s account. 23.OPTION. The port of discharge for optional goods must be declared to the vessel’s agents at the first of the optional ports named in the option not later than 48 hours before the vessel’s arrival there. In the absence of such declaration the Carrier may elect to discharge at the first or any optional port and the contract of carriage shall then be considered as having been fulfilled. Any option must be for the total quantity of goods under this Bill of Lading. 24.GENERAL AVERAGE AND NEW JASON CLAUSE. (1)General average shall be adjusted. Stated and settled according to the York – Antwerp Rulos, 1974, at any port or place at the carrier’s option. In the event of accident, danger, damage or disaster before or after the commencement which, or for the consequence of which the Carrier is not responsible, by statute contract or otherwise, the goods, Shippers, Consignees or Owners of the goods shall contribute with the Carrier in General Average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General Average nature that may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in respect of the goods, If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the said salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. Such deposit as the Carrier of his agents may deem sufficint to cover the estimated contribution of the goods, and any salvage and special charges thereon shall, if required, be made by the goods, Shippers, Consignees or Owners of the goods to the Carrier before delivery. 25.BOTH TO BLAME COLLISION CLAUSE. If the vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglect or default of the master, mariner, pilot or of the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the vessel, the owners of the goods carried hereunder will indernmify the Carrier against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of or damage to or any claim whatsoever of the Owners of said goods paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners to the Owners of said goods and setoff, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or Carrier. The forgoing provisions shall also apply where the Owners, operators or those in charge of any vessel or vessels or objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision, contact stranding or other accident. 26. WAR, QUARANTINE, ICE, STRIKES, CONGESTION ETC. Should it appear that war, blockade, pirate, epidemics, quarantine, ice, strikes, congestion and other causes beyond the Carrier’s control would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and/or discharging the goods thereat, the Carrier is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient port and the contract of carriage shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. Any extra expenses incurred under the oforasaid circumstances shall be borne by the Merchant.

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