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《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 3 Growth and Maturity

《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 3 Growth and Maturity
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 3 Growth and Maturity

Unit3Growth and Maturity

Pre-class Exploration

Suggestions for instructors:Start the class with one of the pre-class activities and encourage the students to brainstorm of the setting described in the activity and the characters that are appropriate for the specific setting:What would be the key elements in those settings?What adjectives would the students use to describe a specific setting?What images or associations would that specific setting evoke?What would be some“typical”characters in these settings? Transfer to the Skills Section:(45minutes)

Highlight the key points in setting section and analyze the setting in the activities.

Part I:Learning the Skills


Read the following story and discuss with your partner the techniques used in developing the character Beaver.


The following two passages are about two best friends,Deanna and Beverly.Read the two passages carefully and discuss with your partner the techniques the authors use to develop the characters in each passage.In Passage2,highlight those sentences that can correspond to the sentences([1],[2],[3]and[4])in Passage1and think about the impact of these differences on readers’impressions of the two characters.


Read the excerpt from“Beauty and the Beast”by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and discuss the following questions with your partner:

1)1)What happened to the character?

He got lost in a forest and accidentally entered a splendid castle.

2)How do you feel about the place that the character accidentally entered?

It was like a fairy world.

3)What is the role of the setting in this story?

The sharp contrast between the snowy forest and the magnificence of the warm and cozy castle showed the readers a different world—a world that magic(or spell)might be working.

4)What elements should be considered if you want to write a good setting?


Suggestions for instructors:The settings of the merchant(Beauty’s father)were in

Reading the first four paragraphs,ask students to underline the words or phrases that indicate the setting such as“the forest,deep snow,bitter frost,only shelter was the hollow trunk of a great tree,howling of the wolves,falling snow covered up every path,rough,slippery”

When he started to encounter the magical world:

“a splendid castle,no snow had fallen in the avenue of orange trees,covered with flowers and fruits,several splendidly furnished rooms,pleasant warmth of the air,nobody in all this vast and splendid palace,deep silence reigned everywhere,empty rooms and galleries,a room where a clear fire was burning,a couch was drawn up cozily before it…”

Ask the students to free write for10minutes about a setting that they are interested in and discuss with in groups about their writing before introducing how to craft an effective setting by offering sensory details.


The following passage is the opening of Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes.The author’s style is very descriptive and detailed,which helps readers picture the story in their mind and fully understand what is happening.Read it and discuss the following questions with your partner: 1)What is the setting?

An early morning in Boston.

2)What words and phrases describe SOUNDS in this place?

Sound:(gulls)scream and quarrel,(cocks)cried,(hens)clucking,(horses)whinnied,(bells) cling-clanged.

3)What can you TOUCH in this place?


4)What can you SEE in this place?

Sight:Gulls,cocks,cats,horses,cows,the morning sunlight,bells.

5)What can you TASTE in this place?

Taste:salty air.

6)What can you SMELL in this place?

Smell:the first dead fish,first bits of garbage,all kinds of animal smells.


The following passages are developed on the basis of the setting“There is an air of mystery in the house.”Read and highlight the words and phrases that describe sounds,feelings,smells and sights,and discuss with your partner how these words and phrases can help demonstrate the character’s inner world in the setting.


I shivered terribly at the sight of the deserted mansion that stood on the hilltop.With much curiosity,I treaded gingerly towards the mansion.Suddenly,I heard a distant howl that pierced through the silent night.At my wit’s end,I slowly walked towards mansion.My face turned ashen and my hair stood on ends when I got a better view of the spooky mansion.The wind sent chills down my spine as I walked slowly towards the gigantic door.


Behind the dark alley,it stood a deserted house.I stood meekly outside the haunted house with my jaws hung open.Suddenly,I saw a silhouette of a person in the house.Shivers ran down my spine as I approached the house cautiously.When I reached the doorstep,I was paralyzed with

fear.I muttered uneasily to myself about what was going to happen next as I could feel cold air blowing towards me.My face turned ashen when the door opened itself.


I crept behind the house since the door was left ajar.The whole place was covered with dust and cobwebs.I stood meekly all alone when a big strong wind caused the wooden door to slam hard.I was paralyzed with fear.I picked up my courage and continued walking until I reached a smaller silver door.An eerie scream came from the door and soon,it turned into a howl.I decided to put a brave front and walk into the room…


Benjamin’s hair stood on ends as the eerie scream pierced through the still night.The howling of dogs made him stood meekly.He treaded gingerly through the dark and scary corridor.He saw a trail of bloodstains on the wall and maggots were crawling all over the place.What Benjamin saw later will be forever etched in his mind.It was the toilet’s light flickering.The continuous switching of the switch could be heard even when no visible being could be seen doing it.He then smelt a strong stench of urine coming from the toilet bowl.


Read the following short story“The Flowers”by Alice Walker and discuss the following questions with your partner:

1)What is the setting?What are the elements in this setting?

The woods behind her house.The elements of the setting include locale of the story(near her home vs.deeper into the woods);time(summer morning);mood and atmosphere (beautiful,light,good,vs.strangeness,gloomy,damp air,close and deep silence).

2)How does the setting influence the characterization and the plot?

The beautiful and peaceful part of the woods Myop explored was a sharp contrast with what she found deep in the woods—a man’s skeleton,probably a black male who was lynched. 3)What does the author mean by saying“And the summer was over”?

The ten-year-old black girl lost her innocence when she witnessed this harsh scene and realized the racism so close to her.


Read the following excerpt from Chapter6of The Secret Garden.Mary went to live with her uncle Mr.Archibald Craven in a big house after her parents died.She was exploring the rooms in the house when she heard someone’s crying.Pay attention to how the setting adds to the mystery of the big house and thus enhances the characterization of another character in the story:Colin Craven,the son of Mr.Craven,who is going to be introduced in the following chapters.

Mary spent a long time examining all those many rooms in the big house—which is like a big maze.It showed the portrait of the family members with no one living in any of those rooms.It creates a mysterious and queer feeling as Mary felt.Her wanderings in the house led to more of her discoveries.

Suggestions for instructors:

Broader setting background:in1803,the territory of United Stated expanded greatly through the Louisiana Purchase.To encourage people move to West,the Homestead Act of1862 guaranteed that a settler could earn farmland just by living on it for five years and improving it.

A lot people headed west in their dream of searching for a better life.But it was harder than many people had expected.

Part II:Case Analysis


Read Text A and consider how the author establishes the settings for the story.

Task1Understanding the text

Figure out the settings for the story and consider how the characters behave in each setting. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

Setting1:Mary was picked up.Pa didn’t want her,but Mary stood up to him without fear.

Setting2:_When Pa headed to town to get food,Mary was left to take care of the children.

Setting3:When the food was all gone,Mary found some mushroom and tried herself first before letting the children eat.

Task2Responding to the text

Write your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.

1)What is the personality of Mary?


2)How do you think Mary’s character is shown through various settings:

a.On prairie,she stood up to Pa without fear when she asked to travel along

b.In the mountains,she helped take care of the girls and cook________

c.After Pa left,_she was in charge and risked her own life by trying the mushroom herself first before letting the children eat.

3)In your opinion,did the eleven-year-old narrator become“too soon a man”as well?How did his attitude change under various circumstances?

a.On prairie,he walked with his dad while his sisters could sit on the wagon.

b.He worried about Mary when he understood her intentions of not allowing them to eat.

4)What effect do the sentences:“Mary came out of the cabin then,walking sedately.As she came toward us,the sun began to shine”create?

These sentences are symbolic,which showed the hope and the positive change in their lives.

5)The text has also been published under the title“The Day the Sun Came Out.”Which title do you like better?Why?

Answers may vary.

6)Have you ever been given more responsibility than is usual for someone your age?Describe your experience being“too soon a woman”or“too soon a man.”How did it change you?(If you prefer,describe an experience someone you know or know about has had.)

Answers may vary.


Read Text B and consider the setting the author establishes for the story.What is the role of the setting in developing the story?

Task1Understanding the text

Write your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.

1)When and where did this story take place?

This story is set at nights and in the narrator’s home.

2)What did the father do in the darkness?And what did the son do?

He would sit in the dark and smoke and think.His son was quite worried about his father. 3)At what point in the story did the son begin to understand his father’s habit?

When his father told him that he can’t get used to lights.

4)What words or sentences in the story tell the reader that the son was needlessly worrying about his father?

He kept asking his father“why don’t you go to bed?”and he was“afraid,worried,angry, curious”and felt“unless I get an answer I will go crazy”,etc.

Part III:Language Study


Read Text A and Text B and find expressions related to five senses(smell,taste,touch,sound and sight)or others(such as emotion).Discuss with your partner how these words are helpful to demonstrate the characters’personalities.

Text A Text B

SMELL She sliced that big,solid

mushroom and heated grease

in a pan.The smell of it

brought the little girls out of

their quilt,

TASTE Then she fried slices of the

mushroom while the little girls

danced with anxiety.We

feasted,we three,my sisters

and I,…Soon I become thirsty.(I drink a lot of water.)I go to the kitchen for a drink.

TOUCH She got up and rummaged

around in the grub box.I climb the steps softly, skipping the ones that creak. He is sitting in the same chair,

his elbows on his knees,his cold pipe in his teeth,his unblinking eyes staring straight ahead.

SOUND It was near dark when there

was an answer to my yelling,

and Mary came into the

clearing.The ticking of the alarm clock on the ice box.The low hum of an automobile passing many blocks away.The swish of papers moved along the street by the breeze.A whispering rise and fall of sound,like low breathing.It is strangely pleasant.

SIGHT Mary stood in the

doorway for a while,looking

out at the dripping world as if

she found it beautiful.The dim shadow of light that comes through the window from the street lamp only makes the room seem darker.

Mary roasted it in chunks over the fire,half crying with the smoke.The dryness in my throat reminds me.I step briskly into the kitchen.


Read Text A and Text B.Find more examples of concrete words in describing the settings and share with your partner your comments about the effects of these concrete words on the plot of each story.

Text A Text B


Look carefully at the picture below and think about how you would describe the house.

1)What is your impression of the house respectively when reading these two descriptions?The first is pleasant while the second is spooky.

2)Write down some expressions in the two descriptions which help to create the two different atmospheres.



always very pleasant stood alone

thick,cold stone

Stone which kept out the cold in winter and

the heat in summer

Windows shone;doors opened invitingly Roof shone blackly,freezing rain,windows

shook and rattled;doors locked with big,

heavy chains

Little white waves Waves crashed angrily against the cliff

Cool blue sea,sunny sky Wind blew over the empty fields


化学必修一第一章练习题 相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 O—16 S—32 N—14 Na—23 Cl—35.5 He—4 P—31 第Ⅰ卷(共45分) 一、选择题(每题有只有1个正确答案,每题3分,共45分) 1、在实验室进行分液操作,下列实验仪器一定用不着的是() A、烧杯 B、分液漏斗 C、温度计 D、铁架台 2、在盛放浓硫酸的试剂瓶的标签上应印有下列警示标记中的是() 3、下列实验操作或作法正确的是() A.用100ml量筒量取8.5ml的水 B.为了不造成浪费,实验剩余的药品放回原瓶 C.把烧杯放在垫有石棉网的铁圈上加热 D.用燃着的酒精灯去点燃另一酒精灯 4、除去铜粉中混有少量的氧化铜,其主要操作过程是( ) A.在空气中燃烧 B.加适量稀硫酸、微热、过滤 C.加适量水、微热、过滤 D.加适量稀硫酸、微热、蒸发 5、在配制一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液时,下列哪个原因会造成所配溶液浓度偏高() A.所用NaOH已经潮解B.向容量瓶中加水未到刻度线C.有少量NaOH溶液残留在烧杯里D.定容时观察液面仰视 6、在试管的内壁附着下列物质,用稀盐酸浸泡而不能除去的是( ) A.用足量一氧化碳还原氧化铁后留下的物质 B.用足量氢气还原氧化铜后留下的红色物质 C.盛石灰水后留下的白色固体 D.硫酸铁溶液与氢氧化钠溶液反应后留下的红褐色固体 7、相同状况下,下列气体所占体积最大的是() A.80g SO 3 B.16g O 2 C.32g H 2 S D.3g H 2 8、下列溶液中,跟100mL 0.5mol/L NaCl溶液所含的Cl-物质的量浓度相同的是()A.100mL 0.5mol/L MgCl 2 溶液 B.200mL 0.25mol/L NaCl溶液

高一英语必修一unit3 语法练习(完整资料)

此文档下载后即可编辑 课后强化演练 Unit 3 Part ⅢGrammar Ⅰ.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1.I ________(fly) to Hong Kong tomorrow. 答案:am flying 2.Suppose it's still ________ (rain) tomorrow, shall we go? 答案:raining 3.I ________ (meet) John tonight. He's ________ (take) me to the theatre. 答案:am meeting; taking 4.The man who gave a lecture last October ________ (come) to our school tomorrow. 答案:is coming 5.When ________ your program ________ (start)? I want to know the exact time. 答案:is; starting/will; start 6.He ________ (leave) Beijing for London. His wife is expecting their next reunion in Beijing. 答案:is leaving 7.We ________ (go out) in an hour. Please make sure that everything is ready. 答案:are going out 8.The foreign guests ________ (arrive) in Beijing tonight. 答案:are arriving 9.Betty ________ (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. Her brother Bob ________ (see) her off. It's half past one now. They ________ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate. 答案:is leaving; is seeing; are waiting 10.The Browns ________ (go) to North China by train next week. They ________ (stay) in Beijing for a week. Then they ________ (go) to Xi'an. They ________(get) there by air. 答案:are going; are staying; are going; are getting Ⅱ.单项填空 1.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ________. A.will arrive B.arrives C.is going to arrive D.is arriving 解析:as soon as引导的是时间状语从句,要用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作。 答案:B 2.At this time tomorrow,________ over the Atlantic.


单元检测 (时间:120分钟,满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部听力 [共两节,满分30分] 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What will the man probably do tonight? A.Do his printing. B.Write his report. C.Finish his work. 2.Who liked the film? A.Jim. B.Tom. C.Jane. 3.When did the movie end? A.At 10:30 pm. B.At 10:40 pm. C.At 11:00 pm. 4.What is the woman not satisfied with about the blue dress? A.The size. B.The price. C.The color. 5.What did the man do yesterday? A.He went to see a doctor. B.He went to play football. C.He went to a park. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


《物质的分类》 每个小题有一个或两个正确选项 1、国际互联网上报道:"目前世界上有近20亿人患有缺铁性贫血"这里的铁指( ) A. 铁单质 B. 铁元素 C. 氧化铁 D. 四氧化铁 2、根据某种共性,可将CO2、P2O5、SO2归为一类,下列物质中,完全符合此共性而能归为此类物质的是() A.CaO B. CO C.SiO2 D. H2O 3、下列各组物质中,按酸、碱、盐、碱性氧化物、酸性氧化物的顺序排列正确的是() A、盐酸、纯碱、氯酸钾、氧化镁、二氧化硅 B、硝酸、烧碱、次氯酸钠、氧化钙、二氧化硫 C、次氯酸、消石灰、硫酸铵、过氧化钠、二氧化碳 D、醋酸、过氧化钠、碱式碳酸铜、氧化铁、一氧化碳 4、下列说法正确的是() A、有单质生成的化学反应都是氧化还原反应 B、酸性氧化物不一定是非金属氧化物 C、能导电的物质都是电解质 D、漂白粉属于纯净物 5、分类方法在化学学科的发展中起到了非常重要的作用。下列分类标准合理的是() ①根据酸分子中含有的氢原子个数将酸分为一元酸、二元酸等 ②根据反应中是否有电子的转移将化学反应分为氧化还原反应和非氧化还原反应 ③根据分散系是否具有丁达尔现象将分散系分为溶液、胶体和浊液 ④根据反应中的热效应将化学化学反应分为放热反应和吸热反应 A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④ 6、胶体区别于其它分散系最本质的特征是( ) A、外观澄清、透明 B、胶体微粒粒度在1~100nm之间 C、丁达尔现象 D、分散质粒子能透过半透膜 7.在水泥、冶金工厂用高压电对气溶胶作用以除去大量烟尘,其原理是() A.丁达尔现象B.电泳 C.聚沉D.电离 8.不能用胶体有关知识解释的现象是() A.将盐卤或石膏加入豆浆中制豆腐 B.钢笔同时使用两种不同牌号的蓝黑墨水,易出现堵塞


课后强化演练 Unit 3 Part ⅢGrammar Ⅰ.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1.I ________(fly) to Hong Kong tomorrow. 答案:am flying 2.Suppose it's still ________ (rain) tomorrow, shall we go? 答案:raining 3.I ________ (meet) John tonight. He's ________ (take) me to the theatre. 答案:am meeting; taking 4.The man who gave a lecture last October ________ (come) to our school tomorrow. 答案:is coming 5.When ________ your program ________ (start)? I want to know the exact time. 答案:is; starting/will; start 6.He ________ (leave) Beijing for London. His wife is expecting their next reunion in Beijing. 答案:is leaving 7.We ________ (go out) in an hour. Please make sure that everything is ready. 答案:are going out 8.The foreign guests ________ (arrive) in Beijing tonight. 答案:are arriving 9.Betty ________ (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. Her brother Bob ________ (see) her off. It's half past one now. They ________ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate. 答案:is leaving; is seeing; are waiting 10.The Browns ________ (go) to North China by train next week. They ________ (stay) in Beijing for a week. Then they ________ (go) to Xi'an. They ________(get) there by air. 答案:are going; are staying; are going; are getting Ⅱ.单项填空 1.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ________. A.will arrive B.arrives C.is going to arrive D.is arriving 解析:as soon as引导的是时间状语从句,要用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作。 答案:B 2.At this time tomorrow,________ over the Atlantic. A.we're going to fly B.we'll be flying


人教版高中英语必修一Unit3单元测试后附答案 一、单句语法填空(本大题共11小题,共22.0分) 1.Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she ______________ (organize) the trip properly. 2.I prefer ______(stay)at home watching movies to _______(go)shopping with my friends (用所给词的正确形式填空) 3.After she _____________ (毕业) from Peking University, she got a perfect job. 4.These goods were ___________(运输) by rail and water. 5.He is so r____________ that everyone around him is willing to give trust to him. 6.Stars have to keep to a tight s__________ in order not to be abandoned by their companies and their fans. 7.He is a stubborn person. No one can __________(劝说)him. 8.这些孩子们几乎都没有把他的话当回事,照常在河里游泳。 The children, ______ ________ _______ _____ his words, swam in the river ______ ________. 9.他喜欢周末开车去乡村休假。(fond) He ____________________________ to the countryside for a weekend break. 10.She was working as a teacher when I saw her several years ago, but I ____________ any news about her ever since. A. hadn’t got B. haven’t got C. didn’t get D. wouldn’t get 11.He persuaded the villagers ______back with him to Greenland. A. to go B. going C. gone D. go 二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共50.0分) The average reading speed is round 300 words per minute. With the following tips, you can look forward to doubling that. (1) No, you don’t need to take out a pencil and paper; you can do this in your head, especially if whatever you are reading is a news article or a dense report. Simply read the first two paragraphs of the text to get an overview of its main points and, from there, jump down each paragraph reading only the first sentence. These are the brain exercises that help you get smarter. Use a pointer We know using your finger to read can make you feel like you’ve traveled backward to the second grade, but it’s one of the easiest ways to increase speed. (2) Aim to move the pointer faster and faster with each line. You’ll be forced to group words together in order to keep up. Stop repeating


必修1第一章《从实验学化学》测试题 一、单项选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。) 1.下列实验基本操作(或实验注意事项)中,主要是出于实验安全考虑的是 A.实验剩余的药品不能放回原试剂瓶B.可燃性气体的验纯 C.气体实验装置在实验前进行气密性检查D.滴管不能交叉使用 2.实验向容量瓶转移液体操作中用玻璃棒,其用玻璃棒的作用是 A.搅拌B.引流C.加速反应D.加快热量散失 3.标准状况下的1mol H e的体积为 A.11.2L B.22.4L C.33.6L D.44.8L 4.下列关于阿伏加德罗常数的说法正确的是 A. 阿伏加德罗常数是一个纯数,没有单位 B. 阿伏加德罗常数就是6.02×1023 C.阿伏加德罗常数是指1mol的任何粒子的粒子数D.阿伏加德罗常数的近似值为:6.02×1023mol-1 5. 16g某元素含有6.02×1023个原子,则该元素原子的相对原子质量为 A.1 B. 12 C.16 D.23 6.关于2molO2的叙述中,正确的是 A.体积为44.8L B.质量为32g C.分子数为6.02×1023D.含有4mol原子 7.在1mol H2SO4中,正确的是 A.含有1mol H B.含有6.02×1023个氢原子 C.含有6.02×1023个分子D.含有3.01×1023个氧原子 8.下列溶液中,溶质的物质的量浓度为0.1mol/L的是 A.1L溶液中含有4g NaOH B.1L水中溶解4gNaOH C.0.5L溶液中含有0.2mol H2SO4D.9.8g H2SO4溶于1L水配成溶液 9.1mol/L H2SO4的含义是() A、1L水中含有1mol H2SO4 B、1L溶液中含有1mol H+ C、将98gH2SO4溶于1L水中配成的溶液 D、该溶液c(H+)=2mol/L 10. 下列溶液中,Cl-的物质的量浓度与50mL 3mol/LNaCl溶液中Cl-物质的量浓度相等是 A.150mL 3mol/LKCl溶液B.150m L 1mol/LAlCl3溶液 C.50mL3mol/LMgCl2溶液D.75mL 1.5mol/LMgCl2溶液 11.下列溶液中,跟100mL0.5mol/L NaCl溶液所含的Cl-物质的量浓度相同的是()A.100mL0.5mol/L MgCl2溶液B.200mL0.25mol/L CaCl2溶液 C.50ml1mol/L NaCl溶液D.25ml0.5mol/L HCl溶液 12.配制一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液时,造成实验结果偏低的是() A.定容时观察液面仰视B.定容时观察液面俯视


Unit 3 (一)课文预习 一、Warming Up 二、Fast-reading Match the paragraph and the main idea. Para 1Take a great bike trip along the Mekong River. Para 2 Different attitudes between them Para 3The preparation before the trip & details about Mekong River. # 三、Careful Reading was Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s idea of a good trip Their idea was to take a long bike trip. Planned the trip to the Mekong Wang Wei planned the trip. is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter Qinghai Province ;the South China Sea can you see when you travel along the Mekong You can see the source glacier ,rapids, hills,valleys, waterfalls and plains. … difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey The journey will begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.


新人教版高中英语必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元测试(基础卷) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. __________(健康) has now become an important element in our daily life. 2.All the football match spectators were able to observe order in the ________(体育场). 3.This year’s ________ (公开活动)consisted of readings, lectures and workshops. 4.She ________(主办)a party for 300 guests every year. 5.Both horse and rider were dripping with ________(汗水)within five minutes? 6.The boy hopes to be an ________(运动员)when he grows up. 7.It is an ________ (荣幸)to work with her. 8.I ________ (假装)that things are really okay when they’re not. 9.We should never __________ (作弊)in exams. 10.Be __________ (乐观的)about your future and get on with living a normal life. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.Her humour and __________(determine)encouraged us a lot. 2. He was out of job because of a physical __________ (injure). 3. Something gave me the _________(strong)to overcome the difficulty. 4. Bad management was a cause of the __________(fail). 5.There is a speech ___________(compete)in our school this Friday. 6. She has a ________(stress) job as a saleswoman? 7. He was tall, with an ________ (athlete)build. 8. He was charming, cheerful, and __________(grace)under pressure. 9. This year’s national college football _________(champion)was won by Princeton. 10. I am working on my __________(fit) and I will be ready in a couple of weeks. 三、选择合适的短语, 并用其正确形式, 完成句子 track and field, set an example, lose heart, rather than, now and then 1.The zoo needed better management ___________ more money ?


高中化学必修一全册基础训练 单元测试试卷 目录 第一章从实验学化学 (3) 第一节化学实验基本方法 (3) 第二节化学计量在实验中的应用 (6) 第一章检测题 (11) 第二章 (17) 第一节物质的分类 (17) 第二节离子反应 (21) 第三节氧化还原反应 (25) 第二章检测题 (28) 第三章 (34) 第一节金属的化学性质 (34) 第二节几种重要的金属化合物 (38) 第三节用途广泛的金属材料 (44) 第三章金属及其化合物测试题 (46) 第四章 (51) 第一节无机非金属材料的主角——硅 (51) 第二节富集在海水中的元素——氯 (56) 第三节硫和氮的氧化物 (60)

第四节硫酸、硝酸和氨 (65) 第四章非金属及其化合物检测题 (70)

第一章从实验学化学 第一节化学实验基本方法 【基础过关】 1、在盛浓硫酸的试剂瓶的标签上应印有下列警示标记中的() 2、下列各组固体物质能按“溶解-过滤-蒸发”的实验操作顺序,将它们相互分离的是() A.KNO3和NaCl B.MnO2和KCl C.CaO和CaCO3 D.BaSO4和AgCl 3、萃取在生产、生活和科学实验中有着广泛的应用。下列做法中应用萃取这种分离方法的是() A.海水淡化B.分离豆浆和豆渣 C.从碘水中提取碘D.用海水晒盐 4、关于下列实验的操作的叙述,正确的是() A.把氢氧化钠固体放在托盘天平左盘的滤纸上称量 B.将pH试纸先用蒸馏水湿润,然后滴加被测液,测其溶液的pH C.用排水法收集氧气时,导管口刚出现气泡,便立即收集 D.给试管中的液体加热时,不可将试管口对着自己或旁人 5、为了除去粗盐中的Ca2+、Mg2+、SO42-及泥沙,可将粗盐溶于水,然后进行①过滤, ②加适量的NaOH溶液,③加适量盐酸,④加过量Na2CO3溶液,⑤加过量BaCl2溶液等五项操作。正确的操作顺序是() A.①④②⑤③B.④①②⑤③ C.②⑤④①③D.③⑤②④①


高一英语必修一1-5单元练习unit1 一)把句子补充完整 1. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道 You will know the __________ when you _______ ________ all the numbers. 2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。 We tried to _________ him _________ but he kept __________ excitedly. 3. 玛丽在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。 After a long stay________ _________ Mary ________ 4. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。 Since Li Ming _________ here, he has ________ ________ _____ < _________ his neighbours. 5. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。 If you don’t want to stay with me, you can _______ _______ and go. 6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历, 以便老了以后能够记住。 During the war, I ________ a lot. I wrote my diary to ________ ________ my ___________, so I would __________ them when I was old. 二)填入所缺的词。 1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ down myself. 2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children. . 3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other. 4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________. 5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow. 6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink. 7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them. 8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________. 9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________. 10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________. 11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed. 12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple. [ 三)选择填空 --- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while


Unit 3 Travel Journal 一.词组翻译 1. 下定决心__ make up one’s mind to do ___ 2. 关心,在乎_____ care about ________________ 3. 为...某人所熟悉__ be familiar to sb._________________ 4. 梦想做某事__ dream about __________________ 5. 说服某人做某事_ persuade sb to do _____________________ 6. 很有乐趣__ great fun __________________ 7. 一则是...再则是.__ for one thing,…for another ________________ 8. 改变主意change one ‘s mind__ 9. 像平常一样_as usual______ 10.搭起, 建立set up__________________ 二.单词拼写 1. When I was a child, I d_reamed_________ of becoming a scientist. 2. Liu Xiang has set a world record_________ in the 28th Olympic Games. 3. He insisted________ that he should be sent to where he was most needed. 4. After a long time, they f_inally_______ found the lost child. 5.It’s b rave_______ of him to enter the burning building to save the

人教版高中英语必修一unit3单元检测 (2)

Unit 3Travel journal Ⅰ.词汇知识 1.— He is a native ________ Britain. — No wonder he speaks English so well. A. to B. of C. with D. in 2.My father always encourages me ________ my plan and promise. A. to stick to B. sticking to C. stuck to D. stick to 3.I would prefer ________ my late years in Australia, but I can't get a visa. A. to spend B. spending C. to spending D. spend 4.The little boy insisted he ________ nothing wrong and insisted that he ________ set free at once. A. did; was B. did; be C. do; was D. do; be 5.To write a good article you must first ________ your ideas very carefully. A. organize B. settle C. report D. speak 6.Maggie shows a very positive attitude ________ her work. A. to B. with C. of D. about 7.The children wake up very early, and ________ to open the presents in their stockings. A. wait B. can't wait C. expect D. can't expect 8.They are the ________ who ________ Peking University and now are playing an important role in our institute. A. graduate; graduated B. graduates; graduated C. graduates; graduated from D. graduate; graduated from 9.________ the maths problem was very hard, ________ the pupil worked it out all by himself.


2019高一化学必修一练习册答案 1原子半径(1)除第1周期外,其他周期元素(惰性气体元素除外)的原子半径随原子序数的递增而减小;(2)同一族的元素从上到下,随 电子层数增多,原子半径增大。 2元素化合价(1)除第1周期外,同周期从左到右,元素正价由碱金属+1递增到+7,非金属元素负价由碳族-4递增到-1(氟无正价,氧 无+6价,除外);(2)同一主族的元素的正价、负价均相同(3)所有单质 都显零价3元素的金属性与非金属性(1)同一周期的元素电子层数相同。所以随着核电荷数的增加,原子越容易得电子,从左到右金属性递减,非金属性递增;(2)同一主族元素最外层电子数相同,所以随着电子层 数的增加,原子越容易失电子,从上到下金属性递增,非金属性递减。4价氧化物和水化物的酸碱性元素的金属性越强,其价氧化物的水化物的碱性越强;元素的非金属性越强,价氧化物的水化物的酸性越强。这 些有的是第一节有的是本章后面几节的不管怎么说记下来有好处,以 后都用的上 有机化合物主要由氧元素、氢元素、碳元素组成。有机物是生命 产生的物质基础。其特点主要有: 多数有机化合物主要含有碳、氢两种元素,此外也常含有氧、氮、硫、卤素、磷等。部分有机物来自植物界,但绝绝大部分是以石油、 天然气、煤等作为原料,通过人工合成的方法制得。和无机物相比, 有机物数目众多,可达几百万种。有机化合物的碳原子的结合水平非 常强,互相能够结合成碳链或碳环。碳原子数量能够是1、2个,也能 够是几千、几万个,很多有机高分子化合物甚至能够有几十万个碳原子。此外,有机化合物中同分异构现象非常普遍,这也是造成有机化 合物众多的原因之一。有机化合物除少数以外,一般都能燃烧。和无 机物相比,它们的热稳定性比较差,电解质受热容易分解。有机物的 熔点较低,一般不超过400℃。有机物的极性很弱,所以大多不溶于水。有机物之间的反应,大多是分子间反应,往往需要一定的活化能,所


Unit 3 Part Ⅰ单词拼写 1.The young man went on working hard and f________ he succeeded. 2.What shall we do after we g________ from college? 3.She is a s________ girl who won't obey her mother. 4.A v________ is an area of land lying between two lines of mountains. 5.I didn't have enough money for the bus f________. 6.A bus t________ us from the airport to the city. 7.I p________ to stay at home rather than go shopping in such a hot day. 8.Don't let yourself be p________ into buying things you don't really want. 9.If you want to speak at the meeting, you should o________ your thoughts well beforehand. 10.She b________ forward to pick up the pencil lying on the ground. Ⅱ短语填空 ever since, dream about, persuade sb. to do, be fond of, care about, change one's mind, give in,make up one's mind 1.Some middle school students have always been studying hard because they are ________ going to key universities. 2.I have ________ not to change my plan. 3.She never ________ what other people say and always does what she likes. 4.Some parents should remember they should never ________ to their children if they don't want the children to be spoiled(惯坏) 5.He has been weak ________ he was ill. 6.I tried to ________ my father ________ give up smoking but in vain(徒劳) 7.Which subject ________ you ________,maths or physics? 8.He promised to go to the party with me but at the last moment he ________. Ⅲ单项填空 1.I prefer studying English at home ________ the match. A.to watching B.to watch C.rather than watch D.rather than watching 2.What is the ________ by plane from London to New York? A.fare B.fee C.money D.charge 3.Tom ________ his parents ever since he ________ home. A.didn't see; has left B.hadn't seen; left C.didn't see; left D.hasn't seen; left 4.They are the ________ who ________ Wuhan University and now are playing an important part in our factory. A.graduate; graduated B.graduates; graduated C.graduates; graduated from D.graduate; graduated from 5.He insisted that________,which made the boss very angry. A.he do nothing wrong B.he did nothing wrong C.the boss do nothing wrong D.the boss did nothing wrong

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