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(2)He (Mr.Ramsay)handed the chain to Mr.Kelada. The Levantine took a magnifying glass from his pocket and closely examined it. A smile of triumph spread over his mouth and sworthy face. He handed back the chain . He was about to speak. Suddenly he caught sight of Mrs.Ramsay’s face .It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint . She was staring at him with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal. It was so clear that I wondered why her husband did not see it

M.Somerset Maugham Mr .Know-All

同样这一小段里Mrs.Ramsay和Mr.Kelada.分别被提及五次和四次。但说到Mrs.Ramsay时,一次用他的姓,一次用了上义词The Levantine,三次用代词he 。而提到Mrs.Ramsay,除了一次用他的姓外,其余都用she 替代。




(4)Our pan is as follows: Where conditions permit, some areas may develop faster than others; those that develop faster can help promote the progress of those that lag behind,

until all become prosperous

Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping Foreigner language press



A careful comparison of Li Bai’s poems with those of Du Fu will show their differences.

(6) 有人认为科学家的头脑构造和一般人的头脑构造是不同的,这种观念是错的。

It is wrong to think that the mind of a scientist must be constituted differently from that of an ordinary man.


Today ,the Chinese are generally admired for

their many remarkable characteristics. Among them the high regard for education and willingness to work hard are some noteworthy ones.


Ours is no longer a nation subject to insult and humiliation.

(9) 失败并不是坏事,重要的是战胜失败,从失败中站起来。

Failure is not a terrible thing. What really counts is to conquer it and rise above it.



Each day we make choices that affect our lives as well as others’.

(11) 中国有许多风俗习惯,在西方人看来这些风俗习惯是颇为费解的。

China has a great range of customs and habits that may seem puzzling to a westerner.

还有替代动词,特别谓语结构可以用代动词do 结构等。

(12) 如果一个人在战场上能勇敢地面对危险,那是因为不勇敢地面对危险,情况将更糟。

A man can face danger bravely in battle because the alternative to doing that is even worse.


语法学习和研究。因此可喜的是,他们在自己的英语写作中都开始习惯用代词she, he , they , her, their, this, that , one 等。但用是一回事,会不会用是另一回事。英语代词的使用和汉语代词使用是有差别的。



(11)a) In Luxun’s book, he expressed his hope for the Chinese Communist Party.

(12) a) After Wangying had been married

just over a year, she began to

consider quitting her job.

(13) a) A serious campaign has been

conducted across the country.

Wherever inefficiency and waste

occurred, they were attacked.






















b) In his book, Lunxun expressed his hope for the Chinese Communist Party.

b) After she had been married just over a year, Wangying began to consider quitting her job.

b) A serious campaign has been

conducted across the country.

Wherever they occurred,

inefficiency and waste were



中考复习一名词和代词 名词 考试要求: 中考关于名词的考查要求是可数名词和不可数名词的用法;可数名词的单、复数形式;名词所有格的用法。重点考查名词的复数形式和名词所有格。同学们一定要掌握名词的单、复数形式的变化规则和名词所有格的用法。 知识总结: 1. 可数名词和不可数名词: 英语的名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。表示可以计数的事物的名词叫可数名词,一般有单数和复数形式两种形式。 2. 可数名词的单数变为复数的规则: (1)一般情况下,在可数名词的单数形式后面加字母-s构成复数形式。 如:book - books pen - pens eraser - erasers (2)以字母x;s;ch;sh结尾的单词,其复数形式是在单词后面加字母-es。 如:bus - buses box - boxes watch - watches (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的可数名词,其复数形式是把字母y变为i再加-es。 如:baby - babies country-countries city - cities 注意:如果是以元音字母+y结尾的单词则直接加字母-s。 如:boy - boys toy-toys (4)以字母f或者fe结尾的可数名词,其复数形式是先把字母f变为v再加-es。 如:wife-wives leaf-leaves knife-knives (5)以字母o结尾的可数名词,其复数形式一般加-s,或-es。 如:photo-photos,radio-radios,piano- pianos, tomato-tomatoes,potato -potatoes (6)一些特殊变化的复数形式, 如:man/woman-men/women child-children foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice (7)有些名词的单复数形式相同: sheep deer Chinese Japanese yuan(元) jin (斤)注意:有些集体名词本身既表示单数意义又表示复数意义。当这些名词指代一个单位、机构或被看成一个整体时,作单数形式理解;如果表示这个群体的所有成员,通常被看作复数。常用的这类词有: class 班级 team 队(员) family 家庭/人 government 政府 group 组(员)


初中英语名词代词练习题名词 一、名词的数 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. At last the little boy came up with a(an)to help the poor man. A. information B. advice C. idea D. news ( ) 2. — Tom, can you help me find a new job? — Yes. Three are needed in our school. Would you like to have a try? A. men teacher B. men teachers C. man teachers D. man teacher ( ) 3. — What would you like to drink, my dear friends? —, please. A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cup of coffees D. Two cups of coffee ( ) 4. I hear that two and three are coming to our school this week. A. Japanese; German B. Japanese; Germen C. Japanese; Germans D. Japaneses; Germans ( ) 5. These people want to have some for supper, so they decided to catch now. A. fish; many B. fishes; much C. fish; much D. fishes; too much Ⅱ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. You should take more (锻炼). Don’t always sit at the table busy doing your (练习). 2. There are lots of (土豆) in the basket. 3. I’ve heard of(两条) news about Han Han’s new magazine. 4. Look! The cat is running after two (老鼠). 5. When autumn comes, the (叶子) on the tree turn yellow. 【指点迷津】 名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分。 二、名词所有格 Ⅰ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. — Where have you been, Tim? —I’ve been to(亨利的家). 2. Are they going to have a picnic on (儿童节)? 3. This is (汤姆和蒂姆的房间). The twin brothers like it very much. 4. My home isn’t far from here. It’s only(十五分钟的) walk. 5. My brother has lots of friends. Mr Black is a friend of (我弟弟的). Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. When we saw the film 2012, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat was between . A. Ted and Ben B. Ted’s and Ben C. Ted and Ben’s D. Ted’s and Ben’s


教学过程 一、课堂导入 教师给出例句并让学生找出句中的名词。English is useful. Children are playing happily. She learns Chinese hard every day. Tom is my good friend.

They chose the boy monitor. 导入名词的定义: 名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词。 二、复习预习 1、教师引导学生复习上节课我爱记单词中的重点单词及识记技巧,并采用提问的方式将上节课的重难点进行复习和巩固记忆; 2、针对上节课的作业进行订正、讲评、答疑,将集中出错的地方进行分析和进一步讲解。 三、知识讲解 考点 1:名词分类,可数名词与不可数名词 1.名词的种类 名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词。它分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。普通名词分为可数名词分为个体名词和集体名词;不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词。 例如: 可数名词: a.个体名词 man , woman , desk , pencil b.集体名词 class , family , police , army 不可数名词: a.物质名词 meat , rice , cotton , iron b.抽象名词 life ,help, happiness , sadness 2.可数名词的数 1. 规则名词的复数形式:名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下:

2. 不规则名词复数 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:

不可数名词的认知 A、各种物质的统称:bread面包,beer啤酒,cloth布, coffee咖啡 cream奶油 gold黄金 B、抽象名词: advice忠告,beauty美丽, death死亡, experience经验, help帮助,hope希望, information消息/信息,knowledge知识 work工作 C、有些名词既可以是可数名词也是不可数名词: 如:experience指某人的经历时是可数名词,指“经验”时不可数。 He had an exciting experience last week.上星期他有一次激动人心的经


初中英语专项练习一 名词、代词、冠词 1.----How is your skirt, Marry? ---- It ’ s more beautiful than ____/. A. my sister’ s B. my sister C. sister D. mine 2. I ’ m going on holiday on the 12th and I have to be back at work on the 26th, so I ’ ve got two ____ holiday. A. weeks B. week’ s C. weeks ’ D. week 3. Look! The kites in the sky are in different ____, some are big and some are small. A. sizes B. colors C. prices D. names 4. I ’ ve read ____ sports news about the FI race today. A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of 5. All the ____ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8 th, because it was their own holiday. A. man B. men C. woman D. women 6. Mark met an old friend of ____ on a train yesterday. A. he B. him C. his D. her 7. I need ____ paper, Mum. I want to write ____ letter to my English teacher. A. any, some B. some, a C. a, some D. some any 8. There are two ____ and three ____ on the table. A. knifes, forks B. knifes, forks C. knives, forkes D. knives, forks 9. We have got a lot of ____ today. A. newspaper to read B. homework to do C. homeworks to do D. book to read 10.We could see ____ children and hear ____ noise in the park. A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many 11.Will you pass me ____? A. a few pieces of chalk? B. a few chalks C. a few of chalks D. some chalks 12.This toy was made by a ____ boy. A. ten-year-old B. ten-years-old C. ten-year-older D. ten-years-older 13.____ are big and bright. A. The classroom window B. The window of the classroom C. The windows of the classroom D. The classroom’ s windows !4. ----Would you like ____ milk, please? ----No, thank you. I still have some. A. some more B. an C. a little of D. all 15.There are two ____ in the city. A. car ’ s factory. B. car’ s factories C. factories of car D’.cars factories 16.Take more ____, and you will be thinner and healthier. A. exercise B. homework C. medicine D. meals 17.At the root of the hill you could hear nothing but the ____ of the running water. A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound 18.Brian is so kind that he o ften gives me a ____ when I’ m in trouble. A. reply B. seat C. hand D. reason 19.You should express your thanks by returning the kindness when you get help from ____. A. other B. another C. others D. the other 20.We had plenty of paper but ____ ink. A. a few B. few C. not many D. not much 21.My car is not so expensive as ____. A. him B. he ’ s C. he D. his 22.Lily and Lucy have arrived, but ____ students aren’ t here yet. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 23.There are high buildings on ____ side of the road. A. both B. every C. any D. either 24.----What do you usually have for breakfast? ---- ____ eggs and ____ milk. A. Little, a few B. A little, a little C. A few, a little D. A few, a few, 25.____ is difficult if you put your heart into it.


一、名词 概念:是表示人、事物、抽象概念等的词。根据其词汇意义分为专有名词和普通名词。 1.普通名词:表示一类人、东西、抽象概念的名词 例如:表示东西、事物book/tree/computer 表示一类人boy/girl/teacher/father/man/ woman 表示抽象概念,像人的感情,品质,精神happiness/trouble/ 练习:辨析那些是名词,那些不是 computer, take, book, new, actor, run, water, coffe, table, age, sell, sport, bring 2.专有名词:表示人、地方、机构、组织等专有名称,具体来说,它包 括人名、国家、地名、月份、星期、节日、书名、电影名以及某些抽 象名词等。 例如:Jim吉姆 China中国 Mr. Smith 史密斯先生 July七月Friday星期五 the Yellow River黄河 Christmas圣诞节 English 英语 A Tale of Tow Cities双城记 二.名词的数 1.可数名词(单数和复数的变化) 可数名词复数规则变化: (1)一般情况在词尾加-S book---books desk---desks 等。 (2)以s, x, sh, ch等结尾的名词,通常加-es: bus-buses box-boxes match-matches watch-watches dish-dishes 练习:There are many_____(bus) and____(car) on the street. I have two______(watch),so I give a______(watch) to my sister. (3)以y结尾的名词,其复数构成要分两种情况: 以”辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将y改为ies; 如:city-cities, baby-babies 以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加-s 如:toy-toys holiday-holidays (4以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f或fe为v加es 如:wife-wives , knife-knives, leaf-leaves(树叶), life-lives(生命) 记住以下10个单词要把f或fe改成v加es的单词: Wife(妻子) , life(生命), knife(小刀), leaf (树叶), thief(贼),half(一半),self(自己),shelf(架 子),wolf(狼) 但注意:roof-roofs(屋顶)是例外 (5)以“辅音字母+o”结尾的名词,加 es 如tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes (黑人英雄爱吃番茄和马铃薯) 以“元音字母+o”结尾的名词,加S 如radio-radios, piano-pianos


形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法 人称代词主格有I ,you, he, she, it, we, you, they八个,宾格有me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them 人称代词主格: 做主语。放在动词(行为动词、be动词、情态动词等)前面。如:I (我)am a teacher。We (我们)can play football. 如果是疑问句,则放在助动词、be动词或情态动词后面。 如:Are you (你)a pupil? Do they (他们)play football? Can he (他)walk? 人称代词宾格: 做宾语。放在动词或介词后。 如:Let me give her (她)some sweets。 Would you like to go with me (我)? 物主代词可以分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 一、概念: 物主代词表示“……(人)的”,表所属关系。形容词性物主代词是其中的一种,它具有形容词的特性。 二、用法: 1、形容词性物主代词其后必须跟名词,不能单独使用,后面必接名词,表 示所有. 举例:my pen我的钢笔your bag你的书包 his bike他的自行车her desk她的书桌 Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗? Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。 2、名词性物主代词可以单独使用,在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语使 用。 举例:my pen=mine My bag is red=mine is red 三、作用: 1、形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,在句中作定语用。 2、名词性的物主代词相当于一个名词。


初中英语语法归纳:代词 代词(pron.)代替名词,兼有名词和形容词的作用 (一)代词的类别 相互代词 each other,one another 指示代词 this,that,these,those 不定代词(不指明特定的人或事物的代 词)each,every,both,all,either,neither,none,no,one,(a)few,(a)little,some,any,man y,much,other,another 复合不定代词 everybody,somebody,anybody,nobody,everyone,someone,anyone,no one,every-thing,something,anything,nothing 疑问代词 what,who,whom,which,whose 直接代词疑问代词都可作连接代词,引导宾语从句。表语从句等。 关系代词 who,whom,whose,that,which用引导定语从句。 (二)代词的用法 1.人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词和指示代词的用法 (1)人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格用来作主语,宾格用来作动词或介词的宾语等。 eg. She gave me a red apple.她给了我一个红苹果: (She作主语,me作动词宾语) Kath is near him.凯西靠近他。(介词near的宾语) 2.物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。 ①形容词性物主代词位于名词前:their school,his backpack ②名词性物主代词相当干一个名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等,后面不能再接名词。 egIt isn’t my pen.→Mine(=my pen) is missing.(作主语) I left my pen at home. You can use hers(=her pen),(作宾语) ③“of+名词性物主代词”属双重所有格的一种形式。 cat of hers她的一条狗,a friend of yours你的一个朋友 3.反身代词 ①反身代词在句中可作同位语,起强调作用,也可作动词或介词的宾语。 few days later,I myself had to go to Paris.(作同位语) She bought herself a new bag.(作动词宾语) He’s not worried about himself.(作介词宾语) ②带有反身代词的常用短语。 teach oneself 自学 help oneself to 随便吃些…吧


Contents ●第一章:重点词性 ●名词、代词、形容词、冠词 ●动词、副词 ●第二章:句子成分 ●主语、谓语、宾语 ●附加成分与句型结构 ●第三章:各类句子与从句 ●并列结构、并列句与主谓一致 ●名词性从句 ●状语从句 ●定语从句 ●第四章:非谓语轻松搞定 ●动名词 ●分词 ●动词不定式与独立主格 ●第五章:语气句型 ●虚拟语气 ●省略句 ●倒装句 ●第一章第一讲:名词 ●名词的基本用法:basic usage of the nouns ●名词的分类:types of noun ●名词的数:number of noun ●名词的格:case of noun ●一.名词的概念和基本用法 ●名词是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指代人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实

体或抽象事物名称的词。如: ●人的名字(Henry 亨利、Jack 杰克、Bingyu 炳玉); ●职业称呼(doctor 医生、pilot 飞行员)(推荐歌曲peerless); ●物品名称(radio 收音机、watch 手表); ●地名(London、Paris); ●抽象概念(courage 勇气、behaviour 举止)等。 ●名词经常与其他词连用形成名词短语,如: ●the man; ●the woman next door; ●that tall building等。 二.名词的分类 Practice: 1.I’ve read __________ sports news about the F1 race today. A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of 2.My teacher gave me __________. A. a good advice B. some good advices C. some good advice D. good advices


代词 要点: 1.英译汉——有“的”是物主代词, 无“的”是人称代词 2.放动词前,作主语——人称代词主格 放动词或介词后,作宾语——人称代词宾格 3.后面不加名词,起名词作用——名词性物主代词。 后面有名词,起形容词作用——形容词性物主代词 练习:一、翻译 1. 我父母___________ 2.它名字________ 3.他的姓氏_____________ 4.你可以________ 5.你的电话号码___________ 6.帮助她________ 7. 他有_______ 8.我们想要__________ 9.看见他____________ 10. 它吃_______ 11.我们最喜爱的水果__________ 12.他们旧电脑____________ 13.她全家照_____________ 14.join _______(我们) 15. 谢谢你。_________ 16.她喜欢它。____________ 二、适当形式填空 1. What’s ____name? (you / your) ____ name is Bob. (I) 2. _____ erasers are in ____drawer. (she) 3. Can ____(you) do ____ (you) homework? 4. _____ is a cat. ____ name is Mimi. (It) 5. ____ brother can speak Japanese. (He) 6. Please take ___ keys to school. __ are on the table. ( they) 7. __ is thirteen years old.___ birthday is March 1st. (He) 8.___ favorite vegetable is tomato. (She) 9.Can you help ___? (we ) Please take___ to school. (they ) 10. ___ can’t see ___baseball. It’s behind __. (I )


初中英语中考题例专项练习(名词)一、中考题例 ( )1. Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in. A. two days' time B. two-days time C. two day' s time D. two days time ( )2. 一Are there any on the farm? 一Yes, there are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep ( )3. This is bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne' s and Jane" s C. Anne' s and Jane D. Anne and Jane" s ( )4. When we see dark in the sky, we know that rain may come soon. A. stars B. planes C. clouds D. things ( )5. - What can I do for you, sir? T' d like two. A. bottle of orange juice B. bottle of oranges juice C. bottles of orange juice D. bottles of oranges juice ( )6. Today is September 10th. It is Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers' C. the Teachers' D. Teacher" s ( )7. - Would you like something to drink,or coffee? - Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. meat D. bread ()8. - Would you like? - Thank you. T m not thirsty. A. some bread B. some juice C. any bread D. any juice ( )9. On Day the boys and girls had a good time. A. Children B. Children J s C. Childrenes D. Childrens ( )10. There are three in my family. A. people B. person C. peoples D. child ( )11.1 have two in my pencil box. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife ( )12. 一What can we call her? - Her full name is Lucy Marion King, we can call her. A. Miss Lucy B. Miss King C. Miss Marion D. Miss Lucy Marion ( )13. - Is it an animal? - Right, it's a of the cat family. A. kind B. number C. member D. Piece ( )14. Jack is now in. A. the three grade B. Grade Third C. Grade Three ( )15. It" s ride from my home to the factory. A. two hours and half" s B. two and half hours' C. two and a half hours' D. two hour and a half" s ( )16. Most students can go to college for further in our city.


名词 一、名词的分类 名词即表示人或物名称的词,它分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。具体可看表:类别意义例词 专有名词表示人、地方、事物、机构、组织等 名称的词Lucy, China, the Great Wall, the Great Hall of the People 普通名词可数名 词 个体名词表示个体的人或事物的词dictionary, pencil, chair, window 集体名词表示一群人或一些事物的词Family, police, class, group, team 不可数 名词 物质名词表示构成各种物体的物质或材料的 词 Rice, glass, water, porridge, paper, air, wood,wheat, steel 抽象名词表示状态、品质、行为、感情等抽象 概念的词 Knowledge, danger health, life, homework, interest, love 动动脑筋,观察一下: car ——cars ,student ——students ,book——books designer——designers airplane——airplanes water, bread, paper, tear, 二、可数名词的复数形式 1、名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词(Countable Noun)和不可数名词(Uncountable Noun),可 数名词又有单数和复数两种形式。 练一练:把下面的名词变成它的复数形式 season_______form________plan_________bus______watch_______tomato_________ hobby_________ city__________ toy________ monkey________wife________ leaf________ man________woman_______ sheep______mouse_________foot______ (一)名词复数构成规律: 情况构成方法例词 一般情况+s cake grape month couple 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh等结尾的词+es watch box bus boss 辅音字母+y结尾的词改y为i,+es beauty county baby lady factory 以f和fe结尾的词变f(fe)为ves leaf wife wolf knife life thief 以o结尾的词1、有生命体的+es, 2、无生命体的+s Negro hero potato tomato mango 黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆、番茄和芒果。radio zoo piano photo (二)一些不规则变化特例: man—men woman----women tooth----teeth foot---feet mouse----mice child----children deer---deer sheep---sheep Chinese—Chinese Japanese—Japanese policeman-policemen(与man和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women)Englishman———Englishmen Frenchman————Frenchmen (三)某国人变复数,记住以下的顺口溜: 中日不变,英法改变,其他加s Chinese—Chinese Japanese—Japanese Englishman—Englishmen Frenchman—Frenchmen American—Americans (例外:German---Germans)(German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans) (四)复合词的复数: 改中心词为复数 girl student———— girl students 注意:man和 woman 等作定语时,它的单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定, 例如: woman teacher----women teachers man teacher -----men teachers


【是什么】 1. 人称代词主格、宾格形式及其主要用法; 2. 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的形式、区别及其主要用法; 3 反身代词的形式、意义及其主要用法; 4 常见不定代词的一般用法; 5. 指示代词的一般用法,并了解其在上下文中的指代用法; 6. 相互代词的基本用法; 7. 疑问代词的基本用法。 8. 关系代词的基本用法。 【知识点】 代词是代替名词、形容词和数词的词。按其意义、特征及其在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词和关系代词等。 一. 人称代词 1.人称代词的人称、数和格,如下表所示。 2.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。如: I like table tennis. (作主语) Do you know him?(作宾语) 3.人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。如: ---Whos is knocking at the door? ---It’s me. 4.人称代词在than之后与其他人或事物进行比较时,用主格和宾格都可以。如: He is older than me. He is older than I am. 二. 物主代词 1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性

2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。例如: Our teacher is coming to see us. This is her pencil-box. 3. 名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。 Our school is here, and theirs is there.(作主语) --- Is this English-book yours? (作表语) --- No. Mine is in my bag. I've already finished my homework. Have you finished yours? (作宾语) 三. 指示代词 指示代词包括:this,that,these,those。 1. this和these一般用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人,that和those 则指时间和空间上较远的事物或人,例如: This is a pen and that is a pencil. We are busy these days. In those days the workers had a hard time. 2. 有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this 和these则是指下面将要讲 到的事物,例如: I had a cold. That's why I didn't come. What I want to say is this ; pronunciation is very important in learning English. 3. 有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用that或those代替,例如: Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai. 4. this 在电话用语中代表自己,that 则代表对方。例如: Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking? 四. 反身代词 英语中用来表示"我自己","你自己","他自己","我们自己","你们自己" 等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如表所示。


初中英语专项练习之名词、代词及答案 名词 一、名词的数 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. At last the little boy came up with a(an) to help the poor man. A. information B. advice C. idea D. news ( ) 2. — Tom, can you help me find a new job? — Yes. Three are needed in our school. Would you like to have a try? A. men teacher B. men teachers C. man teachers D. man teacher ( ) 3. — What would you like to drink, my dear friends? —, please. A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cup of coffees D. Two cups of coffee ( ) 4. I hear that two and three are coming to our school this week. A. Japanese; German B. Japanese; Germen C. Japanese; Germans D. Japaneses; Germans ( ) 5. These people want to have some for supper, so they decided to catch now. A. fish; many B. fishes; much C. fish; much D. fishes; too much Ⅱ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. You should take more (锻炼). Don’t always sit at the table bus y doing your (练习). 2. There are lots of (土豆) in the basket. 3. I’ve heard of(两条) news about Han Han’s new magazine. 4. Look! The cat is running after two (老鼠). 5. When autumn comes, the (叶子) on the tree turn yellow. 【指点迷津】 名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分。 二、名词所有格 Ⅰ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. — Where have you been, Tim? —I’ve been to (亨利的家). 2. Are they going to have a picnic on (儿童节)? 3. This is (汤姆和蒂姆的房间). The twin brothers like it very much. 4. My home isn’t far from here. It’s only (十五分钟的) walk. 5. My brother has lots of friends. Mr Black is a friend of (我弟弟的). Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. When we saw the film 2012, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my


名词加强练习题 一、写出下列词的复数 1.book______ 2.bus ______ 3.orange _______ 4.baby______ 5.boy______ 6.my ________ 7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________ 10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____ 13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________ 二、选择正确的答案 ( )1.—Are those ______? ---No, they aren’t. They’re _____. A. sheep ; cows B. sheep ; cow C. sheeps ; cow D. sheeps ; cows ( )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____. A. two orange B. two bottles of orange C. two bottles orange D. two bottles of oranges ( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know? A. a very good B. any C. a piece of D. two pieces ( )4.___ room is on the 5th floor. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy’s and Lily’s ( )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.

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