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1.我们要申请商标注册。(apply for)


Unit 11 Change Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. 1 We have received the documents and taken _____D______ of the above order which arrived at Sydney on the . “Vanguard”. A shipment B consignment C lot D delivery 2 ______C_______ checking the goods we found that only 450 cases of Chinese Black Tea were shipped. A At B For C On D About 3 This is the third time during the year ______D_____ you have short-shipped one of our orders. A which B what C when D that 4 It was found ____A_____ the error was due to a slip-up in our supply department. A that B which C where D when 5 We greatly regret the inconvenience this has caused ______D_____ you. A for B at C on D to 6 We can _____B______ you that every effort will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again. A ensure B assure C sure D insure 7 We would refer _____C______ your consignment of raincoats under the above order, which arrived here this morning. A at B for C to D from 8 Upon examination, we found the goods are correct and _____B_____ good condition except Carton ., A at B in C on D under


初级商务英语阅读理解试题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级商务英语阅读理解试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 初级商务英语阅读理解试题(1) A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really kn ow their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,


18英语专升本夜大商务英语A卷参考答案 I. Give the full name of the following (5*1’=5’) 1.ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations 2.GDP Gross Domestic Product 3.ADB Asian Development Bank 4.PBOC People’s Bank of China 5.AIM Alternatives Investment Market II. Fill in the blanks with the proper for ms of the words and expressions given (2’*15=30’) 1.The objective is not to provide a template for a business plan, but to give hints, based on the experience of those who have already done it, be they entrepreneurs or investors. 2.The higher the discount, the more _incentive buyers have to pay early. Sellers can thus adjust credit terms to influence when customers pay their bills. 3.The combination of urbanization, demand for new infrastructure, and the rapid expansion of its manufacturing platform, has had a profound impact on China’s consumption of industrial materials and its impact on global commodity markets. 4.London’s dramatic renaissance as perhaps the world’s leading financial center has been a well-documented phenomenon in recent years. 5.Protectionist policies do not work and the collateral damage from these policies is high. 6.During the 1980s, creating value through financial techniques (junk bonds, leveraged buyouts, financial asset repackaging) was tried. 7.The elevator pitch is a one-paragraph description of the business, presented as if you were in a elevator with an investor. 8.Once, one of the leading-edge high-technology firms in the world, Hewlett-packard began to lose some of its luster in the mid-1990s. 9.They like catchy titles, tend to read in diagonals, and have a short attention span. 10.Short-term expenditures are incurred regularly in a firm’s everyday business activities. 11.They would rather look at the coherence of figures and check that they are consistent with the strategy. 12.Determined never to be at the mercy of foreigners again, many Asian countries have since built up huge foreign-exchange reserves as a buffer against financial shocks. 13.Some CEOs have encouraged their organizations to take large short-term risks and then cashed out their options before the long-term problems appear. 14.They spell out previously unclear procedures for foreign purchases of Chinese companies. 15.There is a bias towards promoting those who toe the line which means the status quo becomes entrenched deeply in the business. 16.In fact, any given manager is likely to be engaged in each of these activities during the course of the day.

商务英语1 单元自测4 答案

一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目1 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? —. 选择一项: A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking. B. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you. C. No, thank you. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目2 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目

题干 — Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. — 选择一项: A. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John. B. This is John Taylor. C. Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目3 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — When can you effect shipment? I’m worried about late shipment. — 选择一项: A. About in June. B. The shipment won’t be late.


商务英语2答案 I. Put the following Chinese into English(汉译英,20分) 1. a state-owned company 2.China Insurance Clauses / CIC 3.confirmed irrevocable sight L/C 4.We believe that these precautions will be able to prevent a recurrence of damage. 5.We have instructed the bank to credit the amount into your account. II、Put the following English into Chinese(英译汉,20分) 1.保险商 2.一式五份 3.整套销售资料 4.请你方报含买方2%佣金的旧金山最低到岸价,同时请说明你方的支付条件。 5.这能让我方在货物抵达时迅速通关。 III、Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word.(每小题3分,共30分) 1. that 2. above / subject / captioned 3. in 4.to 5. arrive 6. which 7. set 8. certificate / policy 9. opened / issued / established 10. who IV. Identify the ONE error contained in each of the following sentences. (每小题3分,共30分) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B


?世纪商务英语---- 外贸函电(第二版) (教师用书) English Letter Writing in Foreign Trade 主编吴思乐胡秋华 大连理工大学出版社 前言 《世纪商务英语—外贸函电》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。本书主要针对高职高专商务英语和其他涉外经贸专业的学 生..也可以作为其他层次涉外经贸专业的外经贸英语教材。同时..对正在从事或即将从事涉外经贸活动和贸易洽谈工作的广大外贸工作者来说..本书还可作为自 学参考资料。 为方便教学和自学者学习..我们编写了与之配套的练习答案..并提供了常用 表达部分的译文。 希望本书能对我们的读者有所帮助。 编者 Contents Module Unit Module 1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing 现代商务函电写作基础 Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business letter Writing 商务信函写作Module 2 Preparations for Negotiation 业务磋商的准备 Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 Unit 3. Making Credit Investigation 资信调查Module 3 Procedures of Business Negotiation 业务磋商的主要环节 Unit 4 Inquiry 询盘 Unit 5 Offer 发盘 Unit 6 Counter-offer 还盘Module 4 Conclusion of Business 交易的达成 Unit 7 Acceptance and Confirmation 接受与确认 Unit 8 Order and Contract 订单与合同Module 5 Negotiation of Main Trade Terms 主要交易条款的磋商 Unit 9 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证


练习参考答案 UNIT ONE Exercises Ⅰ. Translate the following institution names into Chinese and explain their basics to your classmates in your own words. 1. World Trade Organization __世界贸易组织_____________ 2. International Chamber of Commerce __国际商会_____________ 3. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development _联合国贸易和发展会议________ 4. World Bank __世界银行__________ 5. International Monetary Funds __国际货币基金组织_____________ 6. The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China ___中华人民共和国商务部___ 7. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade __中国国际贸易促进委员会___ 8. General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关总署 9. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China _国家质量监督检验检疫总局____ Ⅱ.Judge whether the following statements are true or not through


一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 — __________________ — Alright, I will try my best. 选择一项: A. Do you know about business tax? 不正确 B. What do you think about business tax? C. Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax? 反馈 答案:C 解析:本题考核“寻求帮助”的交际礼貌用语。当寻求他人帮助时,可以说Can you help me, will you please do me a favor, can you give me…等,故选择C。 正确答案是:Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax? 题目2 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 — — According to law, they refer to transportation, construction, finance, insurance and the like. 选择一项: A. Do you know taxable services? 不正确 B. How do you like taxable services? C. What do you mean by taxable services? 反馈 答案:C 解析:本题考核“请求解释”的交际用语。选项A是一般疑问句,回答应该是yes或no;选项B是询问对纳税服务的评价;选项C是询问对纳税服务的解释,所以选择C。 正确答案是:What do you mean by taxable services? 题目3 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 It means you can ________ online with us. 选择一项: A. transact B. transport 不正确


商务英语参考资料 Unit1 1.我们要申请商标注册。(apply for) 1.We’d like to apply for the registration of our trademarks. 2.如果你英语口语好,你应在这家美国公司找一份工作。(have a good command of) 2.If you have a good demand of verbal English, you should find a job in this American company. 3.在明天的求职面试中你应与面试者保持眼神交流以表示你的自信。(job interview) 3.You need to maintain eye contact with the interviewer to show your confidence in the job interview tomorrow. 4.我们将利用我们的优势卖给出价最高、最好的人。(capitalize on) 4.We shall capitalize on our advantage to sell the highest and best bidder. 5.由于同该银行缺乏业务联系,对他们我们不甚了解。(lack of) 5.We are not familiar with the bank due to the lack of business contact with them. Unit2 1.两年前鲍尔曾担任麦当劳的执行总裁。(work as) 1.Paul worked as McDonald’s Chief Executive Officer two years ago. 2.我们愿尽力,保证买卖双方的利益。(do one's best) 2.We will do our best to benefit both the buyer and the seller. 3.处理公司的日常事务不容易。(deal with) 3.It’s not easy to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the corporation. 4.我们认为即使你方产品的质量较好,你方的价格仍然较高。(even though) 4.Your price is still high even though we take the quality of your product into consideration. 5.我们满怀信心预期明年贸易会进一步增长。(look forward to) 5.We are looking forward with confidence to still bigger trade in the coming year. Unit3 1. 你可以申请报销差旅费。(refund) 1.You can apple for a refund of your travel costs. 2. 你要是不能提高销售额,就把你开除!(deliver) 2.If you can’t deliver improved sales figures, you’re fired 3. 本公司提供全系列冬季运动服饰及装备。(a wide range of) 3.Our company offers a wide range of clothing and equipment for winter sports. 4.你可以利用库存控制来提高效率及控制成本。(inventory control) 4. You can use inventory control to increase efficiency and manage costs. 5.我们保证本公司提供的高水平产品和服务会满足您的需求。(high standard of) 5.We ensure that the high standard of products and services we provide will satisfy your needs. Unit4 1.这家公司正致力于开发新产品。(concentrate on) 1.The company is concentrating on developing new products. 2.我们公司承诺提供良好的质量和客户服务。(have a commitment to) 2.Our company has a commitment to good quality and customer service.


商务英语试题 I.Translate the following terms into English (30%): 1) 兼并 2) 商业周期 3) 上市公司 4) 泡沫经济 5) 股份 6) 欧洲债券市场 7) 审计 8) 贸易壁垒 9) 进口(贸易中) 10)出口(贸易中) II.Translate the following terms into Chinese(30%): 1) EU 2) VC 3) promotion policy 4) marketing environment 5) bank statement 6) venture capital 7) buyer behavior 8) market segment 9) liquid investment 10) trade union

III.Read the article and choose one best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions according to the article ( 40%): New Economy As America emerges from what may be the shortest economic slump in memory, there is increasing evidence that New Economy factors---- including high productivity rates, better inventory management, more flexible labor markets, and a greater share of jobs in the service sector ---- were in fact responsible for the brevity of the slowdown. As the remarkable US expansion of the 1990s appears to be continuing, the New Economy seems to have passed the first real test of its resiliency. And the structural changes being driven by the New Economy have not receded or been impeded by the changes of the last year; rather, they are as strong as ever. As these structural changes continue to sweep through our national economy, they are restructuring and reshaping the 50 state economies. In 1999, at the height of the New Economy euphoria, PPI released its first State New Economy Index, which included 17 indicators to measure the degree to which state economies were structured and operated according to the tenets of the New Economy. In 2002, after the New Economy has proved itself and is being viewed by most with a more careful and realistic eye, PPI’s 2002 State index uses 21 economic indicators to measure these differences and ass ess states’ progress as they adapt to the new economic order. With these indicators as a frame of reference, the report then outlines a state-level public policy framework aimed at boosting the incomes of all Americans. While in 1999 many thought that the New Economy changed everything (including the need for companies to make a profit), in 2001 many scoffed at it as simply a flash in the pan or, worse, a myth spun by an over-imaginative media. Many questioned if after the superb economic performance of the 1990s we were doomed to return to the dismal days of the later 1970s and 1980s. The reality is that the New Economy was neither an epochal and dizzying transformation nor a slogan generated by some dot-com companies looking to inflate their IPO prices. Rather it was and is the kind of profound transformation of all industries that happens perhaps twice ina century. Such a change is equivalent in scope and depth to the rise of the manufacturing economy in the 1890s and the emergence of the mass-production, corporate economy in the 1940s and 1950s. As we pass through one of those groundswells that regularly but infrequently reshape the economy (and society) from top to bottom, there will be occasional bumps along the way---- like the recent economic downturn---- but these are the negative phrases within what we can expect to be a much longer growth period.


Unit 1 1. 显著经济增长、significant economic growth 2. 将银行业与汽车业国有化nationalizing the banking and car industries 3. 削减房贷cut back on housing loans 4. 收购国内外资产buying up new assets at home and abroad 5. 大幅提升盈利能sharply raising profitability 6. 获得动力gain momentum 7. 小幅升值a modest appreciation 8. 下岗工人laid-off workers 9. 摸着石头过河crossing the river by feeling for stones 10. 可持续增长的支柱the backbone of sustainable growth 11. 资金密集型行业capital-intensive sector 12. 放宽信贷loosen credit 13. 减少对出口的依赖reducing China's dependence on exports 14. 战略思考strategic thinking 15. 燃油补贴fuel subsidies 16. 解除价格管制deregulated prices 17. 休克疗法shock therapy 18. 支撑经济增长bolster economic growth 19. 经济刺激一揽子计划stimulus package 20. 精明(娴熟)的管理savvy management 21. 边远地区remote areas 22. 回应个人投诉answer individual complaints 23. 取消印花税scrapping the stamp tax 24. 振兴股市revive the stock market 25. 繁荣与稳定prosperity and stability 26. 内幕交易insider trading 27. 进行民意测验conduct public polls 28. 遭遇信贷危机experiencing a credit crisis Unit 2 1.The great depression in the 1930s 1930年的经济大萧 条 2.The old industrial economies 老工业经济体 3.The global economic and political elite 全球经济与 政治精英 4.Amass great wealth 产生巨大财富 5.Welfare states福利国家 6.Emerging economies 新兴经济体 7. A beggar-thy-neighbor populism 以邻为壑民粹主义 8.Double-dip recession 双底衰退 9.Sovereign-debt crisis 主权债务危机 10.The worst-case scenarios 最糟糕的情况 11.Bitter social unrest 激烈的社会动荡 12.Cutting public budgets 削减公共预算 13.Excessive stimulus 过度刺激计划

【VIP专享】国际商务英语阅读1 (1)6

第2单元 出口、进口与对等贸易 辨认出口机会 出口面临的一个最大障碍就是信息的匮乏。通常一个公司的产品会有许多需求市场,不过由于许多需求市场都不在本国,基于文化、语言、距离以及时间的不同,公司很难找到这些需求市场。事实上全世界有180多个国家,各个国家之间又有很大的文化差异,这些使得辨认出口机会更加困难了。面对这样复杂以及多样化的市场,企业很多时候在寻找出口伙伴时显得优柔寡断也就不足为奇了。 国际比较 克服出口信息不对称的办法就是尽可能的搜集信息。我们先以德国为例。德国有一些贸易协会、政府代理商以及商业银行为企业牵线搭桥,帮一些小公司寻找出口机会。日本也有类似这样的商业机构,譬如日本国际工商业会社,总是积极地帮出口商寻找出口机会。此外,日本许多公司都是综合商社的分公司。综合商社是日本特有的综合贸易公司,由于办事处遍布全世界,它能够积极不断地为大大小小的分公司提供各种出口信息。日本、德国公司的一个最大优势就是能够为他们的出口企业搜集到世界各地的技术经验、出口信息以及其他资源。 与德国、日本那些竞争对手相比,美国的许多企业在寻找出口机会时就显得有些盲目,在信息搜集上处于劣势。这种差异一部分是历史上的原因。长期以来日本、德国都把对外贸易作为支柱产业,而美国一直到近期还是一个相对自给型的国家,对外贸易在美国经济当中只占据很小的一部分。虽然近两年美国对外贸易在国内经济当中的分量比20年前重了许多,然而美国依然没有一个类似于日本或者德国那样的商业机构帮助出口企业搜集信息。 信息来源 尽管美国处于劣势,美国企业也在不断提高搜寻出口机会的意识。美国商务部及其在全国各地的办公室是美国最大的出口信息源,其下属的两个独立机构——国际贸易局、美国对外商业服务中心都致力于为企业提供智力援助并且积极地帮助企业拓展海外市场。 他们为潜在出口商提供一份“光辉前程”名单,名单上列出了某种行业海外市场潜在经销商的名称、地址及联系方式。此外,美国商务部专门成立了一个针对海外14个主要出口市场的“比较购物服务”中心。企业缴纳很少的费用就可以获得一份某产品目标市场的顾客调查报告,报告不仅提供该产品海外市场的可销售性,而且对竞争者、比较价格、营销渠道以及可能的销售代表人员都作了详尽的描述。调查报告是由美国商务部的官员进行实地考察而得出的。 商务部还会组织一些贸易活动帮助潜在出口商与外界接触,拓展海外市场。在一些大城市举办的国际贸易展览会上,美国商务部也会组织出口企业参展。另外,美国


1 Match a word from A and B and complete sentences 1─10. Use each word from A twice. product. 2 Market research showed very good potential for marketing the magazine to executives in the age range 25─35. 3 A consumer profile is simply a description of a typical customer. 4 Our company has established its brand name through a multi-million multi-media advertising campaign 5 The introduction of a product to the market is called the product launch. 6 Family and friends are a major factor in consumer behavior. They really influence what people buy, where and how. 7 A market segment is a group of customers of similar age and income level. 8 I don’t think cutting our advertising budget by half is a good idea. Our campaigns are highly successful and always generate huge profits in the long term. 9 Our representatives are under a lot of pressure to meet their sales targets. 10 I’m afraid I can only make a pessimistic sales forecast for February and March. Language Review: Questions 2 Re-order the words to make questions. 1 much advertising do how on spend you ? How much do you spend on advertising? 12 does endorsement mean what ?What does endorsement mean? 13 strengths and are company’s weaknesses what your ? What are your company’s strengths and weaknesses? 14 range did extend product their they when ? When did they extend their product range? 15 is team leading sales who your ? Who is leading your sales team? 3 Complete each question with an appropriate word. 16 __Did________ your market share increase last year? 17 ___What_______ kind of products do footballers endorse? 18 ____Are______ they doing any market research at the moment? 19 _Which_________ of these two products is more successful? 20 ____Have______ you met our new manager?

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