当前位置:文档之家› 跨文化交际上课内容unit4




1. What is the Hofstede model of cultural pattern?

2. What is high-context communication and what is low-context communication? How about the major differences between a high-context culture and a low-context one?

Unit Four Language and Culture

I.Warm Up

Please read the humorous dialogues on page 118, then try to translate them into Chinese. Can they be rendered in Chinese as humorous as the original?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,nguage and Culture

1.Read the article of ―How Is Language Related to Culture‖. What do you

think is the relationship between language and culture?

1)the relationship between language and culture: Culture and

language are intertwined相互交错and shape each other. It is impossible to separate the two. Language is not a matter of neutral codes and grammatical rules. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a message, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices. Thus, we have to be aware of the cultural implications of the phrase if we want to avoid attributing a very different meaning to it or interpret解释it literally.

2)Functions of language:

e.g. questions: asking for information – information questions

a lubricant 润滑剂to move the conversation forward –social questions

Examples: How are you? 吃了吗?

3)The meaning of the words comes out of the context, the cultural


①Language reflects the environment in which we live.

Example: self-introduction of Germans and Americans

②Language reflects cultural values.


①There are no such equivalents between languages, and we

translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit our priorities优先顺序. Therefore to communicate concepts effectively, cultural knowledge is as important as linguistic knowledge.

Examples: manana/tomorrow kinship terms 亲属称谓(E &


②Sometimes different cultures use identical完全相同words that

have rather different meanings.

Examples: administration, director, force majeure

5)Language changes over time. Words and phrases that are used

commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning may change over time.

6) A language, if spoken in different parts of the globe, ultimately will

develop differently.

Examples; pidgin Englishes

2.Read the article of ―Language-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same

Coin‖. How does language reflect the culture?

1)Language and culture are clearly fused混合; one reflects the other.

2)Language-and-Culture: It is coined创造by Byram and Morgan in

1994 in order to reflect the relationship between language and culture – both unification 同一and separation.

3)Language embodies体现the products, perspectives, communities,

and persons of a culture. Members of the culture have created the language to carry out all their cultural practices, to identify and organize all their cultural products, and to name the underlying cultural perspectives in all the various communities that comprise their culture.

①Language and cultural products:

Many cultural products – literature, tax codes, telephone directories, operating instructions, passports – consist entirely of language.

Language is a cultural product in and of itself.

②Language and cultural practices:

Cultural practices almost always require language, the language of participation, such as speaking, listening, reading and writing.

The social circumstances, the people involved, the topic, and a number of other factors influence the nature of the language used.

③Language and cultural perspectives:

We use language to name and understand the perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs that govern our way of life. Though language, we make tacit perspectives explicit.

④Language and cultural communities:

Communities develop distinct language to describe and carry out the particular practices and products associated with their group and its activities.

⑤Language and persons:

Language, like culture, is not only collective but also personal. Each of us uses language in an idiosyncratic manner, based upon our background, experiences, social groups, our personal outlook, and our identity.


(i) Language and Environment

1) Language is an instrument. Word differences are obvious in various languages. The relation between word and its meaning is arbitrary. For example, in Chinese, we live in a 房子. In English, we live in a house.

2) Language is even more an environment. It has as much to do with the philosophical哲学的and political conditioning of a society as geography or climate. So, we can see that absolute color designations –white, black, red, yellow – are not merely inaccurate错误的不精确; they have become symbolic rather than descriptive.

?Homework: Finish the exercises on page 124, try to analyse the different perceptions of colour terms.

1. green;

2. brown;

3. blue;

4. white;

5. black;

6. yellow;

7. green;

8. red;

9. black; 10. blue, blue; 11. white; 12. red; 13. blue; 14. green; 15. yellow. (ii) Language and Culture

?Homework: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (p146-149)

Supplement: Word Meanings

We know that words represent meaning. The problem is that they may represent several types of meanings simultaneously.

(i) Denotation 符号and Connotation内涵

What is denotation? What is connotation? Give examples to show their difference?


(ii) Seven categories 类别of lexical meanings词汇意义

The study of word meaning is lexical semantics词汇语义学. The lexical meanings could be classified into seven categories: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflected

meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning.

1. Conceptual Meaning (概念意义)

Words may refer to objects in the real world (e. g. dog, book, river, etc.) or abstract concepts (e. g. life, friendship, hatred, etc.) in our mind. The relationship between a word and an object in the real world or a concept in our mind to which the world refers is the conceptual meaning of the word.

2. Connotative Meaning (内涵意义)

It is the communicative value 交际价值an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning. The word ―woman‖ can be defined conceptually as an adult female who is biped两足and has a womb子宫, which is the physical features of a woman. But several other psychological and social features can be attributed to her, such as ―capable of speech‖, ―experienced in cookery‖ and ―skirt or dress wearing‖. These additional features are its connotative meaning, which may include such features as ―frail‖脆弱的, ―prone to tears‖, ―emotional‖, etc. and such good qualities as ―gentle‖, ―compassionate‖慈悲, ―sensitive‖, ―hard-working‖, and so on.

A high government official: (1) politician: engaging in polities for personal gain; (2) statesman政治家

3. Social Meaning (社会意义)

It is what a piece of language conveys 表达about the social circumstances of its use, which includes at least language users (who are using language), settings (where is language used), and topics (what are the

language users talking or writing about).

家: (1) domicile: used in official or legal documents or between people who are involved in official or legal affairs. (2) residence: used in formal or administrative行政、管理的circumstances. (3) abode: a poetic诗意word, used in creation and appreciation of poems. (4) home: used in everyday speech between classmates, colleagues, friends or family members.

4. Affective Meaning (情感意义)

It is communicated when the feelings or attitudes are expressed in language. Such interjections感叹词as ―aha‖, ―my God‖, ―oh‖, and ―dear‖ are chiefly used to convey传达affective meaning.

5. Reflected Meaning (反映意义)

It arises in words of multiple多重的conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. For example, ―the Comforter‖ and ―the Holy Ghost‖ both refer to God in religious English, but the former sounds warm and comforting, while the latter sounds awesome because these are the reflected meanings of these two terms.

6.Collocative Meaning (搭配意义)

It consists of association a word gets from those words that are often used together with it.

Nice-looking : (1) pretty: girl, woman, flower, garden, color, village

(2) handsome: boy, man, car, overcoat, airliner

7. Thematic Meaning (主题意义)

It is what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organization a message, in terms of ordering, focus, or emphasis.

e. g. the same conceptual content: (1) Mr. Smith donated the first prize.

(2) The first prize was donated by Mr.


The active sentence seems to be an answer to the question ―What did Mr. Smith donate?‖, while the passive sentence appears to answer ―Who was the first prize donated by?‖ or ―Who donated the first prize?‖. The active sentence suggests that we know who Mr. Smith is while the passive one does not.

Meanings 2—7 are called associative meanings.关联意义

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,nguage and Translation

(i) Problems in translation to achieve equivalence between languages Please read over the article on pages 138-142, and answer the following question:

How many types of equivalence in translation are mentioned?

1. Lexical equivalence:

2. Idiomatic[′?di:?`m?t?k] equivalence: like idioms

3. Grammatical-syntactical equivalence:

4. Experiential equivalence:

5. Conceptual equivalence

(ii) Words and Meaning

1.W ords and Culture-specific 文化特异性Conceptual Meaning

1)Words and geography: The Mississippi; the Channel; koala,


2)Words and history: The May Flower; scalp (剥带发头皮); lynch私

刑; cowboy; hippie; duke; castle

3)Words and politics: President; congress; Democratic Party民主党;


4)Words and Christianity: Trinity; Bible; Catholic; Protestant; Puritan

5)Words and holidays: Christmas box (圣诞节礼); Christmastide (圣

诞节节期); Easter

6)Words and living styles: Hot dog; hamburger; pudding; cocktail;

drive-ins (drive-in cinemas; drive-in banks; drive-in restaurants);

motels, diners (餐车式饭馆); baseball (垒球), striptease (脱衣舞);

love store (色情商店); late-late TV shows (深夜放映的色情电视片) 2.W ords with Partial局部的Equivalence

1.young, middle-aged and old

English: 18--------------40----------------60---------------

Chinese: 18---------35--------------55----------------------


3.(1) social sciences: political science, economics, sociology, etc.,

branches of learning that are concerned with human society, esp. its organization and the relationship of individual members to it.

(1)社会科学: all the academic fields not included in the natural自然科

学and applied sciences应用科学.

2.(1) yard: a small open space completely or partially enclosed and

adjoining 紧邻a building

(2) 院子: 房屋前后用墙或栅栏围起来的空地.

3.(1) d rugstore /a chemist’s shop: where medicines, toiletries化妆品, and

various other small articles including food, are sold, but where one can buy only a few kinds of medicine without a prescription药方.

(2)药店: where medicines and some kinds of medical apparatus医疗设

备are sold, most of which are sold without a doctor’s prescription.

4.kinship terms亲属称谓(p125-126)

Summarize总结the major differences between English and Chinese kinship terms:

3.W ords Often Mistaken

greenhouse (温室) ≠绿色的房屋

busywork (耗时又无价值的工作) ≠忙碌的工作

busman’s hol iday (消磨于与日常工作类似之活动的假日)≠公共汽车驾驶员/乘务员的假日

busybody (爱管闲事的人)≠大忙人

housewarming (乔迁喜宴)≠房屋供暖

donkeywork (苦役;单调的日常工作)≠驴活儿

police action (未经正式宣战,对破坏国际和平与秩序的叛乱者采取的镇压行动)≠警察行动

lowbody (矮脚抽屉柜)≠矮个子男孩

free love (公开同居)≠自由恋爱

equalitarianism (favorable term)≠平均主义

disinterested (公正的)≠无兴趣

wester (西风)≠西方人

first lady; high school; lover; restroom

4.W ords and Connotative Meanings

1)dog and狗(p127)

2)peasant and农民

3)landlord and地主

4)comrade and同志

5)self-made man (successful persons from humble origin) and 白手起


6)propaganda and宣传

7)do-gooder (stupid persons earnestly bent on doing good without

knowing the harmful result) and作好事的人

8)spiritual (religious connotation) and 精神的

IV.Case Study: Students are required to read the cases given carefully and try to analyse them from the viewpoint of IC.


四年级英语上册Unit4 My home 教案 Part A Let’s learn Let’s do 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说:This is my home.并能简单描述自己的房间。 2.?能听、说、认读study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词并能在日常生活中运用。 3.能听懂Let’s do部分中的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作。 4.学唱歌曲“Donkey Donkey”。? 5.结合生活实际创设情境,使学生巩固所学的新单词,进行语言训练,激发他们对家的热爱,鼓励他们大胆设想自己未来的家。 教学重点: 1.听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2.学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点: 1.单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 2.让学生在语言的复习巩固活动中听、说、认读单词。 教学准备: 1.教师自制的单词卡。 2.教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。 3.教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let’s learn部分。 教学过程 一、Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Let’s sing the song “Donkey Donkey”together. T:Boys and girls,now we are all in the classroom.But where is Amy Do you know Maybe she’s at home.Let’s go and find her,OK? Ss:OK! 二、Presentation A.单词导呈 1.利用挂图呈现一栋房子,并对学生说:Look!This is Amy’s home.It’s very big.Wow!There are so many rooms.然后指着某个房间中摆设的物品问学生: T:What’s this? S1:It’s a desk/chair. T:What are they? S2:They are books. T:Oh,a desk,a chair,some books.Where are they? Do you know? They are in the study.(以此导入单词study) 教读、板书、练读单词study。 2.出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What can you see?当学生回答出bed时,教师说:Yes,it’s a bed. We can have a sleep in the bedroom. (做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。 3.出示bathroom的图片,问学生:Is this a study? Is this a bedroom? 学生会回答:No.告诉学生:This is a bathroom. We can take a shower in the bathroom.(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。


Unit 4 My home 【单元学习内容】 本单元学习的主题是询问物品的位置。 【单元学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1、能够在真实或模拟的情境中运用句型Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 来询问物品位置。 2、能够在情境中运用句型Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 进行回答。 3、能够正确说出元音字母u在单词中的发音,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。 二、知识目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词bedroom、study、kitchen、bathroom、living room、bed、table、sofa、fridge、phone。 2. 能熟练朗读并模仿本单元的对话。 3. 能理解Let’ s do内容,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 知道元音字母u在单词中的发音. 5. 学唱歌曲。 三、情感目标: 通过学习本单元内容养成整齐摆放物品的好习惯。 【单元学习重点、难点】 本单元重点学习句型是:Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 及相应回答。本单元难点是复数的用法,It has...的用法。 【课时安排】 第一课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play 第二课时:A Let’s Learn Let’s do 第三课时:A Let’s spell 第四课时:B Let’s talk Ask, answer, and write 第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play 第六课时:B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing Story time 第一课时 【学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is it/she … ?询问物品所在。 2. 能准确选择合适的语言表达自己的意愿,并能作出准确地回答。 二、知识目标: 1. 能熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。 2、能表演本节课对话。 3、能在实际生活中运用本节课对话,能听懂会说Is she in the bed room?Yes, she is . No, she isn’t. Is it … ?Yes,it is/No,it isn't. I have … . Where's… 4、了解知识点:Is she in the study No, she isn’t. (一般疑问句am, is, are提前,肯定、否定回答等。)三、情感目标:热爱自己的家,积极参与劳动,做家务。 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:句型Is she in/on/under/… Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 词汇:isn’t 教学难点:发音it is 连读,isn’t


小学英语四年级Unit4 My home 第一课时教学反思 PEP教材四年级上册Unit 4 My home的第一课时,包括A部分Lets Learn、Lets do,第四单元主要话题之一是room。所以首先应让学生掌握各个房间的名称,这是十分重要的,也是必要的,是接下来 的话题学习的基础。A部分的Lets Learn主要是让学生学习和掌握五个单词study、living room、bedroom、bathroom、kitchen。再通过Lets do等TPR活动进行巩固操练。 本课的教学对象是学过一年英语的四年级学生,此阶段学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和求知欲望,而且富有一定的逻 辑思维能力,对英语的喜欢已初步体现出个性。但在单词的学习过程中,还是较容易出现发音不到位或发音不准确的语音错误。 本课是词汇教学课,不少老师会认为词汇课比会话课简单。而通常的词汇课也会侧重于各种游戏简单堆积,缺少一定的深度。针对这些普遍现象,我在本课的设计中给自己定下了以下三个标准,即“趣、实、新”。 所谓“趣”是指整堂课的设计应符合小学生的心理特点,能激发学生的兴趣和参与意识,使学生一直处于英语学习的兴奋状态,在本课中我根据四年级学生的特点,采用猜一猜,做一做,谈一谈,比一比 等多种教学形式,让学生在宽松的氛围中体验到英语学习的兴趣。 所谓“实”是指整堂课的教学活动应紧紧围绕本课的重点和难点, 做到由浅入深,衔接自然.。本课中,对于5个新词的教学我基本做

到先示范,再机械操练,然后进行意义操练,最后达到实际运用。努 力使全体学生在有限的时间内实实在在的学到更多的英语知识。 所谓“新”,一是指教师的教学理念要新,本课我比较侧重于学生 语言运用能力的培养。对于5个新授词我都尽量安排不同的问题让学生展开讨论让学生在思维中运用语言,并真正体会到成功的乐趣。“新”的另一方面指的是在本课中,我让学生做出走的姿势和看电视、 吃点心、读书、洗澡和睡觉等动作,边听边说边做,调动了学生的肢 体语言,让学生动起来、让课堂活起来,使英语学习显得不那么枯燥。 通过这次活动,我也明白了上英语课的几大误区:一是重活动形式,轻活动目的;二是重个体活动,轻全体参与;三是重机械操练, 轻真实情节运用。要上好一堂英语课必须准确定位目的,做到有的放矢,面向全体学生,力求人人参与。同时设计的活动要符合学生的年 龄特征,贴近学生的生活,还可以采用合作学习。通过这次教研课, 让我明白了注重细节的重要性:在自己制作单词时虽然可以剪成奇形怪状,但也要剪的有根据,可以按字母形状来剪,既能引起学生兴趣,又能帮助学生记单词;要充分利用课堂资源,特别是多媒体资源,不 能把它仅作为是美化课堂的一个工具,中看不中用;在引出一个个单词时要让学生有思考的时间,不能讲太多,所以老师在课堂上要注意自己的语言量。


Unit 4 My home 第一课时教案示例 课题: Unit 4 My home 教学重点:听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点:单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 教具准备: 1. 教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 4 Let’s learn/A] 2. 教材相配套的教学录音带 3. 教师自制的单词卡 4. 教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。 5. 教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let’s learn部分。 教学过程: 一、热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision) A. Learn these sentences Where is the doll? It is in the box. Where is the doll? It is on the box. Where is the doll? It is under the box. Where is the box? It is on the table. B. Ask and answer Where is the farmer? He is in the van. Where is the monkey? It is under the taxi. Where is the elephant? It is in the car. Where is the boy? He is on the train. Where is the nurse? She is on the bus.


一、教学内容分析 这节课学习的主要词汇有study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen以及句型This i s my home. You can see a bedroom…其中This is my room…句型在第一册中出现了,学生比较容易接受。Let’s do部分体现了不同房间的功能性,让学生在有节奏的旋律中掌握词组。学生运用学过的词汇以及句型来描述自己的家。 二、教学目标 知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说三会单词:study, living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen 2. 能听懂、会说Let’s do的指令语,并做出相应的动作。 3. 能用This is my home. You can see a…来描述家和房间。 能力目标 1. 学生能运用所学的单词和句型描述自己的家。 2.学生能理解并不同房间的功用性。 情感目标 1. 培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,]对自己的家的热爱之情。 2. 鼓励学生大胆设计自己未来的家。 三、教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点:三会单词study, living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen 及句型This is my home. You can see a study… 2. 教学难点:bathroom, bedroom, living room的发音较难,涉及到连续发音与爆破音。 四、课前准备 1. 多媒体课件 2. 六个三会单词的单词卡片以及自制的词组卡片 3. 四幅不同布置的房间图片 4、十份单词条(学生完成组内任务需要) 五、教学步骤 (1)Lead-in 1. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.


Unit4课堂练习题 一、单项选择。 1.We’re still trying to _______ a room. A. decide B. decide on C. decision D. decide to 2. The girl doesn’t ______ her mother. A. look like B. be like C. look of D. look out 3. —Kelly, who’s the girl _______ glasses in the photo? —It’s me. I used to wear glasses and have long hair. A. by B. of C. on D. with 4. ______ energy,please turn off the hot water after you take a shower. A. Save B. Saving C. Saved D. To save 5. The result appears ______ right. A. be B. to be C. is D. are 6. Tom needs _____ warm clothes. It’s too cold outside. A. wore B. wearing C. to wearing D. to wear 7. —My pen is lost and I can’t find ______.—So you will have to buy______ A. it; one B. it; it C. one; one D. one; it 8. —I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation .What about you? —I haven’t dec ided where _____ A. go B. went C. going D. to go 9. —Could you give me some _____ on how to learn English ______? —Sure, practice makes perfect. A. advice,good B. suggestions, good C. advice, well D. suggestion, well 10. Mr Wang is _____ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should Also enjoy freedom. A. up B. for C. against D. down 11. —It’s difficult for the children to cross the river.— I think a bridge ____ over the river. A. should be built B. is being built C . has been built D. was built 12. All the work _____ since last week.


Book 3 Unit4 My home A:Let'slearn & Let’s do教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 知识目标: 能够听,说,认读 living room,study,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom,通过探究,掌握读音规律,并能在模拟的生活环境中相互交流. 2. 能力目标: (1) 能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间的名称等,如:“This is my home. This is the living room. I can watch TV.……” (2) 能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go t o the living room, watch TV... 3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标: 情感目标:培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。 二、教学重、难点 重点:1.听说认读单词study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen。 2.能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home. ……” 难点:正确掌握单词bedroom、 kitchen、 bathroom的发音。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Preparation 1、Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. I'm your new teacher, Miss Wang. Do you want to make f riends with me? S how m e y our hands. Sing with me a nd tell me y our names. (边拍手边走到生中间问生姓名,停在哪名学生面前,哪名学生回答。)Hello! Hello! What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name?Hello! Hello! What’s your name? M y name’s ….(Free talk:Nice to meet you!) 2、Sing a song. T: Now we are friends. Here is another song for you! Let’s enjoy it.(课件播放自编歌曲《Where’s Amy?》)(《新年好》的曲调) Where’s Amy? Where’s Amy? Where’s Amy do you know? Living room, living room. Is she in the living room? Step 2 Presentation 1、单词导入study[?st?di]


Review 1. What is the Hofstede model of cultural pattern? 2. What is high-context communication and what is low-context communication? How about the major differences between a high-context culture and a low-context one? Unit Four Language and Culture I.Warm Up Please read the humorous dialogues on page 118, then try to translate them into Chinese. Can they be rendered in Chinese as humorous as the original? https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,nguage and Culture 1.Read the article of ―How Is Language Related to Culture‖. What do you think is the relationship between language and culture? 1)the relationship between language and culture: Culture and language are intertwined相互交错and shape each other. It is impossible to separate the two. Language is not a matter of neutral codes and grammatical rules. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a message, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices. Thus, we have to be aware of the cultural implications of the phrase if we want to avoid attributing a very different meaning to it or interpret解释it literally.

Unit 4 What can you do课堂实录

Unit 4 What can you do? Part A, Read and Write课堂实录 PEP Primary English (Book 5) Step1 warm-up T: Good afternoon, boys and girls, today I am very happy to have English class with you, first I want to introduce myself, my name is Zhang Jie, and you can call me Miss Zhang, OK? Ss: OK! T: So first let’s chant together. Show me your hands, let’s clap together. Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo! T: boys and girls, we see, animals can do so many things, what about you? What can you do? Maybe first I can show you an example, this is a photo of my daughter and me, I have a daughter, she is two years old, and she can do many things. She can swim, she sweep the floor and she can make a snowman(PPT 出示照片),so boys and girls, what can you do? S1: I can…and … T: great! You are helpful! What about you?


小学英语四年级上册Unit4 《My home》教学设计 一、学生情况分析: 小学四年级学生的年龄在10-11岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。而且他们接触英语已经有一年时间,已具有初步的听说能力。在本单元Part A中学生将会接触到介绍人物的诸多单词,我相信必能很好的调动学生学习积极性。 二、教材分析: 《My home》是PEP第三册教材中的第四单元,这一单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间living room,study,kitchen,bedroom and bathroom及一些常见的生活用品和家具phone,fridge,TV,sofa,table,shelf and bed等展开的一系列话题.这些东西都是学生们非常熟悉而且和我们息息相关的,所以教师教起来会比较顺手,比较容易,学生也会乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。本课时教学是依据小学四年级英语(PEP)上册第四单元《My home》中Part A的Let’s learn和Let’s do设计而成的。 三、教学设想: 本课设计的初衷是课堂一开始就运用多媒体播放有关房间里的物品图片,把孩子们带进多姿多彩的美丽房间中。多用活动操练句型和单词,让学生自己描述房间,并给房间赋予自己喜欢的颜色,有利于学生对学习的课文产生兴趣,能发挥自己的想象力。只要精心设计一些学生感兴趣的活动融入教学中,只有对学生的表现进行及时的,恰到好处的评价,学生就能在学习的过程中体现到快乐,由被动学习变为主动学习,真正的做到在快乐中乐于学习英语。根据孩子的年龄特点和接受能力最后给出语言框架,并让学生能模仿范例写词句。This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study ….Welcome to my home. 通过师生示范,并结合图片和动作让学生学会介绍自己的家,高效的完成课堂任务。 四、教学目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能听懂并发出一些指令,如:Watch TV. Read a book. Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep. 3.能用下列语言简单介绍自己的房间:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study …. 4.培养学生热爱自己的家园。 五、教学重点: 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能用简单的语言介绍自己的房间。 六、教学方法: 1、游戏教学法:用游戏形式复习单词、句型,练习新语言点,使学生寓学于乐,在活泼、轻忪、愉快的气氛中自然而然地获得英语知识与技能。游戏要求简短易行,有趣味,而且要与本课教学内容紧密相关。 2、情景教学法:情景是教师创设或模拟的生活场景,应具有真实、生动、实用的特点,便于学生将所学语言材料进行综合、创造性地进行表达交流。这种练习方法,有接近生活的交际功能,而且能变单调、机械的句型操练为活泼、生动的交际性练习。 3、动作教学法:在低年级英语教学中,用具体形象的手势、动作来辅助英语学习,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习效果。

人教版七年级下册英语 Unit4 课堂练习 (有答案)

七年级下册英语Unit4课堂练习 考点专练 单项选择 ( )1. We usually arrive ____ school at 7:45 every day. A. in B. to C. at D. for ( )2. My classmates like ____ music after class. A. listen to B. listen C. listening D. listening to ( )3. Tom, please ____ your photos to our classroom. Let us have a look. A. bring B. take C. to bring D. to take ( )4. We have ____ rules in my family. We have ____ homework to do every day. A. too much; too many B. too many; too much C. too many; much too D. much too; many too ( )5. It is raining all day, so we ____ stay at home. A. must B. have to C. must to D. has to ( )6. I can't play basketball on school nights,____. A. too B. also C. until D. either ( )7. The woman is strict ____ her son, so he is a good student. A. with B. in C. about D. for ( )8. My mother asks me to remember ____ the light when I go to bed. A. turn off B. to turn off C. turning off D. turns off 语法专练 单项选择 ( )1. ___ quickly, or(否则)you will (将要) be late for school. A. Get up B. Getting up C. To get up D. Got up ( )2. John, please ____ quiet. The baby is sleeping. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )3. Boys and girls, ____ talk in class, please. A. doesn't B. don't C. aren't D. isn't ( )4. ____ run in the hallways. A. Not B. Doesn't C. Don't D. Not to ( )5. Let us ____ an English song! A. to sing B. sing C. sings D. Singing Section A 1a-1c Ⅰ.单项选择。 ( )1. —How about playing basketball after school, Jim? — ____, I have to do my homework.

PEP四年级上册全册教案之(Unit 4 My home)

PEP四年级上册全册教案之(Unit 4 My home) 第一课时课题:Unit4 myhome教学重点:听、说、认读单词:study,bathroom,livingroom,bedroom,kitchen。学习表示指令的词组。教学难点:单词study,bathroom,bedroom的发音。教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学[Unit4Let’slearn/A] 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 3.教师自制的单词卡 4.教师使用的study,bathroom,bedroom,livingroom,kitchen图片。 5.教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let’slearn部分。教学过程:一、热身、复习(warm-up/Revision)A.Learnthesesentences whereisthedoll?Itisinthebox. whereisthedoll?Itisonthebox. whereisthedoll?Itisunderthebox. whereisthebox?Itisonthetable. B.Askandanswer whereisthefarmer? Heisinthevan. whereisthemonkey? Itisunderthetaxi. whereistheelephant? Itisinthecar. whereistheboy? Heisonthetrain. whereisthenurse?

Sheisonthebus. whereisthegirl? Sheisinthetruck. whereisthebird? Itisonthebridge. 二、呈现新课(Presentation)1.教师出示study的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:whatarethey?学生回答:Theyarebooks.教师接着自问自答:wherearethebooks?Theyareinthestudy.教读单词study,并板书,让学生认读。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:wereadthebooksinthestudy. 2.教师出示livingroom的图片,教师问学生:Aretheremanybookshere?Isitastudy? 学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good.Thisisn’tastudy.It’salivingroom.wewatchTVinalivingroom.教读单词livingroom,并板书,让学生认读。 3.教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:what’sinit?当学生回答出bed 时,教师说:yes,thereisabedinit.wesleepinabedroom.Thisisabedroo m.教读bedroom,并板书,让学生认读。 4.教师出示bathroom的图片,问学生:Isthisastudy?Isthisalivingroom?Isthisabedroom?学生会回答:No.教师告诉学生:Thisisabathroom.wetakeashowerinabathroom.教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。 5.教师出示kitchen 的图片,问学生:Isthisabathroom?教师可让学生用中文说


高中英语必修二U n i t4知识点

Unit 4 Wildlife protection 【短语归纳】: 1.die out灭亡;逐渐消失 2.in peace和平地;和睦地;安祥地 3.in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危 4.in relief 如释重负;松了口气 5.burst into laughter突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 6.protect...from保护……不受……(危害) 7.pay attention to注意 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,e into being形成;产生 9.according to按照;根据……所说 10.so that以致于;结果【知识点总结】: 1.Their numbers may decrease. decrease vi. & vt. 减少;(使)变小或变少 decrease to …减少至… decrease by…减少了… e.g. By 1881, the population of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million. Student numbers have decreased by 500. 拓展:reduce to/reduce by减少到…/减少了… increase to /increase by 增加到…/增加了… 2. As a result these endangered animals may even die out.

show mercy to/have mercy on 怜悯/同情/可怜…… with mercy仁慈地 without mercy残忍地;毫不留情地 at the mercy of任由……摆布 It is a mercy that... 真是万幸…… e.g. She begged the president to have mercy on her husband. The poor cat is at the mercy of the naughty boy. 5.They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. certain adj. 确定的;一定的;某一 (1)be certain of/ about sth.:对…有把握(=be sure of/about sth.) be certain to do sth.:一定会做… to a certain extent:一定程度上 for certain=for sure无疑地;确定地make certain (that...)弄清楚;弄明白 It is certain that…:肯定,一定会….(不能说It is sure that…) e.g. We are certain to have a good time at the party tonight. It is certain that something is wrong with the machine 6.I'm protecting myself from mosquitoes. protect...from...保护……不受……(危害) protect...against保护……以防……(强调较大的事情,如敌人的入侵、天灾等) keep+宾语+from doing stop+宾语+(from) doing prevent+宾语+(from) doing 阻止……做某事 注意:被动语态里from均不可省去,而在主动语态中,与stop/prevent搭配的from可以省略。 7.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. contain vt. 包含;容纳;克制(强烈的感情等);抑制 contain oneself克制自己 container n.容器;集装箱;货柜 易混辨异contain, include, including, included 1)contain意为“包含;容纳;里面装有”,侧重“整体内有”,在某一范围或容器 内能容纳某物。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时态。此外,contain还有“控制,克制”之意。 2)include意为“包含;计入;包括”,只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。 3)including可以作介词连接介词短语,放在所包括的东西之前。 4)included是过去分词性质的形容词,放在所包括的东西之后。 e.g. She was too angry to contain hersel f. The hall can contain/hold/admit 3,000 people. Many people like tennis, including me/me included.


四年级英语上册《Unit4 My Home》教学设计与反思 教学设计意图: 本课教学的设计主要依据教材和学生的年龄特点,依据新课程标准的精神,从激发学生的学习兴趣、培养良好的学习习惯、丰富生活经验和提高认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验,大胆实践,积极参与,共同合作与交流,帮助学生在任务性的教学途径下发展综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。教学内容分析: 本节课是小学英语PEP四年级上册第第四单元单元第一课时学习Let’s learn和Let’s do的内容,在语言的学习的学习和活动中听、说、认读生词,为下节课学习做铺垫。 学生情况分析: 学生大都是十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛等特别感兴趣。大多数学生能在老师的引导下完成简单的日常会话,对学习英语有了一定的兴趣,个别学生没有足够的兴趣,在课堂上不积极参与,有的学生不敢回答问题。所以课堂上主要以激发学生学习兴趣为主,鼓励学生大胆说,积极做。 教学目标: 1、能听、说、认读study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词并能在日常生活中运用。 2、能听懂、会说:Welcome to my home!并能简单描述自己的房间。 3、能听懂Let’s do 中的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 4、学唱歌曲“My Bedroom”。 5、培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e4927957.html,]对家的热爱。鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。 教学重点、难点分析: 让学生在语言的学习中和活动中听、说、认读生词。 课前准备: 1、教师准备歌曲磁带和录音机。 2、教师准备study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词的图卡。 3、教师准备好文具用品,如:铅笔、尺子、书、钢笔等食物。 4、学生准备好生词卡片。 教学步骤: 一、Warm-up (1)教师播放歌曲“Hide and Seek”。 (2)教师与学生进行日常对话,如:Hello!How are you? 二、Preview (1)听歌曲:“My Bedroom” (2)教师拿出一些文具用品,帮助学生复习句型“What’s this?It’s a …” “Where’s the …?It’s in/on/under…” 三、Presentation Let’s learn (1)教师先出示画有文具用品的study图片,手指图片上书房里的书问:What are they?学生回答books。教师问:Where are the books?告诉学生:They’re in the study. (2)教师重复生词study。学生学说。用同样的方法教学其他生词。 (3)让学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn部分的词汇。然后打乱顺序,要求学生边听边指,力求学生做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。 (4)游戏:看谁反应快 教师把各个房间的图片贴在黑板上,然后把全班学生分成两大组,每组选出一个学生,比赛看


UNIT 1 Never Give in, Never, Never, Never 1. at your Head Master’s kind invitation 受你们校长的好心邀请 at prep. in accord with, following Other examples: at one‘s request 依照/应…的请求 E.g. We came at your mother’s request. at one‘s disposal 听凭…自由处理,由…做主, 由…随意支配、使用 E.g. I put my car at his disposal. at one’s command 由…支配; 听…吩咐, 奉…之命 E.g. He offered me all the money at his command. It was done at the queen’s command. I’m at your command. 我随时听候您的吩咐。 at one's service 随时供…使用; 随时为…提供服务/效劳 E.g. My car is at your service. If you need any help, I am at your service. 随时为您服务/效劳;请随时吩咐 at one‘s pleasure: as one wishes or desires 随…的意愿; 随意,请便 E.g. You may go or stay at your pleasure. at one’s convenience 在…方便时 E.g. Please do it at your convenience. Please send the goods at your earliest convenience. 从速、尽快 2. Synonyms: disaster, calamity, catastrophe (referring to an event having fatal or ruinous results “灾难”) disaster: generally implies great destruction, hardship, or loss of life; 尤指“不可预测的意外事件所造成的灾难或不幸” (e.g. natural disasters: a great flood or fire, an earthquake; a serious defeat in war; the loss of a large sum of money) adj. disastrous calamity: emphasizes distress, grief, or the sense of loss 灾难;不幸事件 E.g. “the heaviest calamity in English history, the break with America”(James George Frazer). “英国历史上最沉重的灾难,是和美国关系的破裂“(詹姆斯·乔治·弗雷泽)。adj. calamitous catastrophe: especially stresses the sense of a tragic final outcome 指“突然而来造成极大苦难及毁灭的大灾难”或“异常的灾祸”, 含“最终结局无法补偿之意” adj. catastrophic 3. ups and downs: alternating periods of good and bad fortune or spirits. 高低起伏; 沉浮, 兴衰, 顺逆, 荣枯:好运和坏运(或好心情和坏心情)的交替变换的时期E.g. With constant ups and downs as well as numerous turns and twists along the range of hills it sits on, Badaling looks very much like a dragon with imposing magnificence. 八达岭高低起伏,曲折绵廷,宛若苍龙,气势磅礴。

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