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I. 选择填空: ( )1.My father usually reads morning papers before going to ______ work. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( )2.The train to Beijing leaves ______ eight o’clock. Let’s hurry. A. in B. on C. at D. from ( )3.Please keep the park clean when you enjoy ______ there. A. your B. you C. yours D. yourselves ( )4.We haven’t got much ______ for our picnic. Will you go and get some? A. apple B. tomato C. bread D. biscuit ( )5.The farmers are satisfied ______ their harvest through a year’s hard work. A. with B. to C. of D. for ( )6.I’ve got two tickets for tonight’s concert. One is for me. ______ is for you. A. other B. the other C. others D. another ( )7.Jane can speak English ______. She wants to work for the Special Olympic Games. A. correct B. nice C. sweet D. well ( )8.This motorcycle is not as ______ as that one, and it uses less gas. A. expensive B. less expensive C. more expensive D. the most expensive ( )9.Which would you like to buy, a DVD player ______ an MP4 player? A. so B. or C. but D. and ( )10.Peter was late for the meeting ______ he missed the ferry. A. though B. because C. while D. if ( )11.Mr. Smith said to Billy, “Your ides sounds ______.”

杨浦区补习班 初二语文 记叙文练习 新王牌朱N老师

杨浦新王牌 初二记叙文练习三姓名学号 (三)阅读下文,完成21—26题(28分) 寻找失落的古都吴作望 ①1871年9月,太阳像火盆一样烤着南部非洲,在通往马绍那的漫漫荒原上,一个面色憔悴;背着沉重行囊的年轻人,顶着烈日孤独而吃力地前行,几只灰色的秃鹫不时地在他头顶盘旋。 ②这个年轻的探险家叫莫克,来自德国。莫克不同于其他探险家的是,别的探险家来非洲是为了发财,攫取黄金和钻石;而他只有一个目的,填补欧洲人所绘制的这片大陆地图上的“空白”,因为当时在欧洲人眼中,非洲是片“黑暗的大陆”,非洲人是原始的、愚昧尚未开化的民族,不可能创造什么辉煌文明的古都…… ③莫克很小的时候,常听当海员出身的父亲谈到非洲,他就下决心长大后到非洲探险,要找到《圣经》中所说的盛产黄金和宝石的俄斐。让那一段失落的文明历史像袅袅青烟重新在非洲大地升起。重现这片大陆过去的灿烂辉煌。 ④1869年,也就是莫克27岁这年,他孑然一身踏上非洲探险之旅。然而,三年时间过去了,尽管热带森林留下他的足迹,猎刀屡次逼退袭向他的野兽,遭到过毒蛇咬伤,也患过可怕的疟疾,莫克都挺过来了,但令他沮丧的是,始终没有找到梦萦中的那座文明古都,甚至连一块残片都没有找到。 ⑤这天,烈日下人迹罕至的荒原似乎走不到头,裸露的岩石随处可见。到了中午时分,莫克感到饥肠辘辘,四周也找不到水,他失去了继续前行的勇气。携带的指南针告诉他,此刻折而向南,几日之后就可以搭上回德国的商船;如果继续向西,他将陷入弹尽粮绝的地步,极可能成为头顶盘旋的秃鹫口中的美食。 ⑥附近有一棵粗矮的树,莫克便走了过去,原来是一棵野生的油梨树。枝叶下垂的地方,挂着一枚不大的青果。莫克喜出望外,伸手摘下欲解饥渴时,忽然发现,这棵树并不是孤独的,它的周围有许多被风沙掩埋的腐烂树桩,一直延伸到荒无人烟的深处。显然很早以前这地方并不贫瘠,至少有人居住,还有果园。莫克又看着手中的青果,这分明是一枚希望之果啊!是上帝特意赐予不畏艰辛困苦者的,继续前行,一定会有更大的发现和惊喜。 ⑦莫克忘记了饥渴和劳累,烈日之下又迈开了坚定的脚步。 ⑧果然,沿途上他看到越来越多的果树,景色越来越美丽。落日时分,他看到一个欢乐的游牧部落,晚上住在一个老牧羊人家里。正是在这位老牧人的帮忙下,又几经周折,莫克找到了非洲失落千年的文明古都遗址、《圣经》所记载的黄金之城——俄斐! ⑨年轻探险家莫克的发现震惊世界,以后的津巴布韦,也就成为世界上第一个以考古遗址命名的国家。21.第1段画线句的修辞手法是,其表达效果是 。(3分) 22.第5-7段写莫克探险心理从“失去勇气”→“”→“”变化的过程。(4分)23.简述5段莫克所遇到的困境 。(3分) 24.莫克非洲探险只有一个目的:(1),第7段写莫克“又迈开了坚定的脚步”原因是(2) 。(6分) 25.对本文主旨理解最恰当的一项是( )(4分) A.具体再现了世界上第一个以考古遗址命名国家的精神。 B.记叙了莫克寻找失落古都的过程,赞美他不畏惧艰难险阻的精神。 C.抒发了作者对莫克以探险发现失落古都为唯一目的的敬佩之情。 D.说明探险家莫克非洲探险价值之大,足以震惊世界。


新王牌暑假班小三语文 【我能行】 1.你能给下面的字加上一笔减去一笔,使它成为另一个字吗? 日体往目白扰鸣免 ()()()()()()()() 2.动动小脑筋:给下面的字加部首组成另一个字,再组词。 青()()、()()、()()、()() 京()()、()()、()()、()() 仓()()、()()、()()、()() 共()()、()()、()()、()() 3.把词语补充完整。 例:风(平)浪(静) 山()水()风()日()情()谊()窗()几()描写景色的:山清水秀 描写心情的:兴奋 描写颜色的:绿油油 例:又窄又深 4.“沉寂”、“静寂”这两个词都带有“安静”的意思,你能再写出几个这样的词语吗? “举世闻名”的意思你知道吗?你能再写出几个和“举世闻名”意思相近的词语? “吩咐”是表示说的词语,你还能写出几个这样的词语吗? 5.找出成语中的一对近义词。 例:日积月累(积——累) 自言自语(——)横冲直撞(——)

面红耳赤(——)东张西望(——) 和颜悦色(——)无忧无虑(——) 6.照样子,写几个含数字的成语。 7.说出几个形容“天气寒冷”的词语。 8.写出几个描写风的词语 9.照样子,写一写。 例:蜜蜂(嗡嗡)小狗()小鸟()小猫()火车()河水()雨滴() 10.照样子写句子。 例:多汁的葡萄在阳光中亮晶晶的像碧玉一般。 雨后的彩虹就像。 树下的小蘑菇就像。 11.用部首查字法查带点的字 带点字部首除部首外 选择义项,在括号里打“√” 有几笔 黄昏. 1.天刚黑得时候()2.神志不清()3. 黑暗() 骄.阳似火 1.自高自大()2.自豪()3.猛烈()容.光焕发 1.允许()2.脸上的神情和气色()3. 容纳() 12.选择合适的词语填在括号里 果然居然突然 1)妈妈说,茉莉花的香味很醉人。我摘下一朵闻了闻,花香() 沁入了我的心田。

杨浦秋季补习班 新王牌小班 初二英语单元练习1


Unit 1 Penfriends (一) 一、词汇 1. baseball n. 棒球运动 e.g. Dick was keen on playing baseball when he was a little boy. 迪克还是个小孩的时候就迷恋上了棒球运动。 That man over there used to be one of the best players in baseball. 那边那个人以前是最好的棒球运动员之一 2. title n. 标题;题目 e.g. The title of the news is very interesting. 这新闻的标题非常有趣。 We shouldn't judge a story by its title. 我们不应根据标题判断故事是否精彩。 3. corner n. 角 e.g. Drop me at the next corner.

八年级暑假班讲义 让我在下一个街角下车。 He put his books in the corner of his bedroom. 他把书放在卧室的角落里。 The Spring Festival is just around the corner. 春节即将来临。 I can see that shop at the corner. 我可以看见街角处的那家商店。 Let's go to that bar on the corner after work. 咱们下班后到拐角那家酒吧喝一杯吧。 4. metre n. 米,公尺 e.g. The car stopped suddenly within one metre away from him. 汽车离他不到一米远的地方突然停住。 The largest elephant on record was 4.2 metres tall.


杨浦新王牌 2014秋季班资料十三 教学重点: 1、 Vocabulary NJ XSJ 2、 language points NJ 3、 Grammar NJ XSJ 教学内容 一、Vocabulary NJ(U8) regular adj.有规律的 __________________ adv.有规律地 out adv.在外面 __________________ n.出外游玩 1.If you want to stay healthy, you should exercise____________(regular) 2.We are going to go on an _____________ this weekend.(out) 其他巩固练习 3.How_________ the children were at the party!(excite) 4.Your plan sounds _________ than mine.(interest) 5.If you don’t want to become fatter, you should eat___________ crisps.(few) new phrases 6.----我喜欢打羽毛球。----我也是。 -----I like playing . 7.----我不是很想看书。-----我也是。 ----I don’t want to read very much . 8.一部叫“电脑战争”的动画片 ____________________ “computer war” 9.在度假营地里,你将学会如何保持健康和强壮。In the camp, you will learn ________________________. 10.每天至少喝八杯水 drink ____________________________every day. 11.如果想保持健康,你就不应该吃太多甜食和喝过多的饮料。 If you want to ______________, you should not eat _________ sweet food or drink____________ soft drinks. 12.三袋薯片_________________________ 13.四条巧克力_________________________


教师事迹材料:打造王牌学生,成就教师荣誉文档 Excellent teachers' deeds materials: creating trump car d students and achieving teachers' honorary documents 编订:JinTai College

教师事迹材料:打造王牌学生,成就教 师荣誉文档 小泰温馨提示:事迹材料是指党政军机关为了弘扬正气,表彰先进, 推动工作,对本单位具有突出事迹的集体和个人整理出的文字宣传材料,属于事务公文。本文档根据事迹材料内容要求展开说明,具有实 践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 三年磨一剑,三年中我所带两个班的学生期中、期末考 绩一直名列前茅。两位在我们班上过公开课的优秀教师对我班学生有过较高的评价。全市初中语文优秀教师王红霞老师对我们班学生评价:思维活跃,学习热情高,口头表达能力强。xx 年全省作文公开课在仙桃举办,会场在一中,恩施刘老师带领我班学生完成了一次非常成功的公开课,刘老师对我们班学生评价:积累丰富,口头表达能力和书面表达能力都很强。我带全班同学参加全市公开课讲授也获得好评。全国作文大赛梁云娟获一等奖,“楚才杯”作文大赛我班张雅迪、刘惠坤、胡傲、别依诺、肖水鑫等同学获奖。xx年全市初三学生古诗文竞赛 我校40人获奖,是获奖人数最多的学校并且包揽前三名。我 班17人获奖。今年中考我校语文取得非常理想的成绩。我带 的十班高分有32人,19人过100分。全市总分前十名的刘惠

坤、曾佳熙语文也取得不错的成绩,特别是曾佳熙在最后一年语文成绩进步很大,突破100分。十一班语文也取得不错的成绩。 打造王牌学生,成就老师荣誉。 三年中我三次圆满完成仙桃市公开课主讲任务。 xx年湖北省第二届初中语文新课程教学精英活动中荣获二等奖。 xx年初中语文科优秀教师。 xx年-xx年度xxx中学生作文大赛xxx小学湖北省中小学生作文大赛优秀指导教师奖。 第25届xxx小学生楚才杯作文竞赛中荣获辅导奖。 第8届古诗文竞赛优秀辅导奖。 xx年6月论文《把快乐传递给学生》刊载在《湖北教育》上。 下面就谈一点自己肤浅的体会: 一、打开学生的心窗,走进学生的心扉


寒假英语第二次课练习 阅读能力提升 基础篇 A)Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) My father and I often enjoyed climbing the mountain near my house. We talked a lot and I learned lessons from his life. He always told me, "You should have goals like climbing the mountain." Without the mountain-climbing, we couldn't have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. It gave me time to talk with my father and develop my patience. Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so hard for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds' singing. But soon I got tired and thirsty. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact, I hated it then, but my father said to me, "You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can't see it before you reach the top, just like in life." At that time, I wasn't able to understand his words. But later after that, I got new hope and confidence . I found myself standing at the top of the sky, which was as clear as crystal . 1. ( )The article tells us that mountain-climbing was often ___________ for Father and Son. A) hard B) interesting C) comfortable D) terrible 2. ( )The writer had ___________ time to spend together with his father because his father was very busy. A) enough B) few C) quite a few D) little 3. ( )The word "quit" in the article means ___________. A) take off B) show off C) give up D) in charge of 4. ( )What is the meaning of the underlined(画线) sentence? A) You will get all you need at the top of the mountain. B) The sky is always as clear as crystal. C) You can find life is full of nice things. D) Never give up half-way. 5. ( )We can infer from the last paragraph that ___________. A) the writer was very successful in his life B) the writer didn't reach the top of the mountain C) although the writer was young, he could understand his father D) the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain 6. The best title for the article is ___________. A) Reaching the Top of the Mountain B) Enjoy the Beautiful Views


Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. My Life on an Island (宝山) We live on the island of Hale. Ifs about four kilometers long and two kilometers wide at its broadest point, and it‘s joined to the mainland by a causeway (21)__________ (call) Stand—a narrow road built across the mouth of the river (22)__________ separates us from the rest of the country. Most of the time you wouldn‘t know we‘re on an island because the river mouth between us and the mainland is just a vast stretch of tall grasses and brown mud. But when there‘s a high tide and the water rises a half meter or so above the road and nothing can pass (23)__________ the tide goes out again a few hours later, then you know it‘s an island. We were on our way back (24)__________ the mainland. My old brother, Dominic, had just finished his first year at university in a town 150 km away. Dominic‘s train was due in at five and he‘d asked for a lift back from the station. Now, Dad normally hates being disturbed when he (25)__________ (write) (which is just about all the time), and he also hates having to go anywhere, but despite the typical sighs and moans –why can‘t he get a taxi? What‘s wrong with the bus?—I could tell by the flash in the eyes that he was really looking forward to (26)__________ (see) Dominic. So, anyway, Dad and I had driven to the mainland and picked up Dominic from the station. He had been talking non-stop from the moment he‘d got in the car. University this, university that, writers, books, parties, people, money…I didn‘t like the way he spoke and waved his hands around (27)__________ __________he was some kind of scholar or something. It was embarrassing. It made me feel uncomfortable—that kind of discomfort you feel when someone you like, someone close to you, sudden ly starts acting like a complete idiot. And I didn‘t like the way he was ignoring me, either. For all the attention I was getting I (28)__________ as well not have been there. I felt a stranger in my own car. We were about halfway across when I saw a boy. My first thought was how odd it was (29)__________ (see) someone walking on the Stand. You don‘t often see people walking around here. As we drew (30)__________ (close), he became clearer. He was actually a young man rather than a boy. It‘s hard to explain… Suspended Coffee (崇明)


P51(9 1. devote --- devote oneself to (doing sth 某人致力于做某事 sb be devoted to (doingsth 2. diary --- sb keep a diary 某人记日记 3. dictionary --- sb look up sth in the dictionary sb refer to the dictionary某人查字典 4. die --- sb die from / of sth 某人因为。。。而死亡 a dying person 一个垂死的人 a dead person 一个死亡了的人 deadly disease 致命的疾病 5. differ --- a differ from b in c a和b在c方面不同 6. difference --- sth make a difference 某物有影响/效果 7. different --- a be different from b in c a和b在c上是不同的 8. difficulty --- sb have (nodifficulty (in doing sth 某人在做某事上有(无困难 9. digital --- digital camera 数码相机

P52(9 1. dine --- sb dine out 某人外出就餐 2. dinner --- sb have dinner 某人吃饭 3. dioxide --- carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 4. direct --- direct sb to do sth 指导某人做某事 5. direction --- in the direction of 。。。在。。。方向上 6. disabled --- the disabled + pl v. 残疾人 7. disappoint --- sb be disappointed at sth / do do sth / that … 某人对。。。感到失望 8. disappointment --- to one’s disappointment 让某人失望的是,。。。 9. disapproval --- sb disapproval of sth 某人不赞成某事 P53(9 1. disco --- sb dance to disco 某人随着disco跳舞 2. discourage --- discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 3. discuss --- discuss sth with sb heatedly

杨浦新王牌 高三英语冲刺 精品小班 祝GF老师

状语从句1: 1. I have a tight budget for the trip, so I'm not going to fly _ the airlines lower ticket prices. (2012) A. once B. if C. after D. unless 2. The map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place. A. whenever B. whatever C. wherever D. however (2012) 3.If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won’t bother to see it, or I’ll wait ______ it comes out on DVD. (2011) A. whether B. after C. though D. until 4. The police officers in our city work hard ______ the rest of us can live a safe life. (2011年) A. in case B. as if C. in order that D. only if 5. you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. (2010年) A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem 6. our manager objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. (2010年) A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After 7. You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card. (2009年) A. before B. if C. while D. as 8. — Are you ready for Spain? — Yes. I want the girls to experience that ______they are young. (2008年) A. while B. until C. if D. before 9. ______well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. (2008年) A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. Although 10.Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language. (2007) A.as B.that C.which D.where 11.Small sailboats can be easily torn over in the water they are not managed carefully. (2007) A.though B.before C.until D.if 12. My parents were quarrelling about me _____ I could not quite tell why. (2006年) A. since B. though C. if D. until 13. A dozen ideas were considered _____ the chief architect decided on the design of the building. (2006) A. because B. before C. whether D. unless 14. _______ the punishment was unjust, he accepted it without complaint. A. So long as B. Since C. Even though D. When 15. Don’t play by the river _______ you fall in and drown! A. in case B. so that C. in order that D. when 16. Why do you want a ne w job ____ you’ve got such a good one already? A. that B. where C. which D. when



x y A B C D O y x (7)设椭圆的方程为 122 2 2=+b y a x )0(>>b a ,椭圆与y 轴正半轴的一个交点B 与两焦点21,F F 组成的三角形的 周长为324+,且3 221π = ∠BF F ,则此椭圆的方程为 (8)椭圆14 162 2=+y x 上的点到直线022=-+y x 的最大距离是 (9)椭圆1492 2=+y x 的焦点1F 、2F ,点P 为其上的动点,当∠1F P 2F 为钝角时,点P 横坐标的取值范围是 (10)若点P 是椭圆2 219 x y +=上的动点,定点A 的坐标为(2,0),则||PA 的取值范围是 (11)过点)0,2(-M 的直线m 与椭圆12 22 =+y x 交于21,P P ,线段21P P 的中点为P ,设直线m 的斜率为1k (01≠k ), 直线OP 的斜率为2k ,则21k k 的值为 (12)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆122 22=+b y a x (0>>b a )被围于由4条直线a x ±=,b y ±=所围成的 矩形ABCD 内,任取椭圆上一点P ,若OB n OA m OP ?+?= (m 、R n ∈),则m 、n 满足的一个等式是______________ (11)如图,在直角坐 标系xOy 中,设椭圆)0(1:22 22>>=+b a b y a x C 的左右两个焦点分别为21F F 、. 过右焦点2F 且与x 轴垂直的直线l 与椭圆C 相交,其中一个交点为() 1,2M . (1) 求椭圆C 的方程; (2) 设椭圆C 的一个顶点为),0(b B -,直线2BF 交椭圆C 于另一点N ,求△BN F 1的面积. (12)椭圆)0(1:22 22>>=+b a b y a x C 的左、右焦点分别是)0,(1c F -,)0,(2c F ,过1F 斜率为1的直线l 与椭圆C 相 交于A ,B 两点,且2AF ,AB ,2BF 成等差数列. (1)求证:c b =; (2)设点)1,0(-P 在线段AB 的垂直平分线上,求椭圆C 的方程.


【长宁区】 It's a lovely day. Sarah is going to have a picnic in the park with her friends. She has prepared much food, some meat and some vegetables. All are the daily food in our life. But do you know where some of them came from? Chicken Chickens were once wild birds in the forest of Asia. Around 3,400 years ago, men began to use chickens. But the birds were small and their meat was hard to eat. So people only kept chickens to fight for sport. Chocolate The seed of the cocoa tree can be made into chocolate. But 2,000 years ago, people in Central America only drank chocolate. In Europe, chocolate drinks were not popular until the 1500s when sugar was added. Tomatoes At first, people were afraid of eating tomatoes because they belong to a family of poisonous plants. One day, a brave man ate the first tomato. People were surprised that he didn't die. They tried the tomatoes and found that they tasted good. Soon tomatoes became very popular. The French even gave them a special name, Love Apples. Ice cream Long before ice cream, water ices were popular all over Asia. During the Tang Dynasty, some people created ice cream from milk. Later, travelers took this idea back to Europe. Soon, many people wanted to try it and the dessert became popular everywhere. 74. Sarah has prepared much food to __________. A. have a picnic with her friends in the park


四年级第一学期语文三单元测验卷 姓名 一、基础部分:% 1、勾出正确的拼音。4% 洨.(jiāo xiáo)河趟.(tānɡtànɡ)水薄.(bóbáo)雾霎.(shàchà)时耳畔.(bàn pàn)闷.(mēn man)雷拾.(shísha)级而下风号.(háo hào)浪吼2、先圈出下面成语中的错别字,在把正确的字依次写在()内。 居高林下()人声顶沸()拔山涉水()围追睹截() 3、改正下列搭配错误的词语。 踏上骏马()观赏地形()指引交通()赞叹祖国()4、按要求写词语。 例:含有两种动物的的词语。 狐假虎威: 例:技术好技术精湛 (1)态度好态度(2)天气好天气 5、把下面的句子写具体。4% 刺猬偷枣的本领真高明 ...啊! 小兴安岭真是一座美丽的大花 .....园! 6、按要求写句子。 1)粗大的雨点落下来,。(用比喻的手法把句子写完整。) 2)好心的东郭先生救了狼,朗还是要吃掉东郭先生。(用关联词把两句话合并成一句话。) 3)清晨,小鸟在枝头叽叽喳喳地叫着。(用拟人的手法把句子写具体。) 4)卫律,你背叛了父母,背叛了朝廷,还有什么脸来和我说话。(换一种说法不改变句子的原意) 二、阅读与理解39% (一)最贵的项链(共17分) 店主站在柜台后面,望着窗外。一个小女孩走过来,出神地盯着那条蓝宝石项链看。 她说:“我想买给我姐姐。您能包装得漂亮一点吗?”店主怀疑地打量着小女孩,说:“你有多少钱?” 小女孩从口袋里掏出一个手帕,小心翼翼地解开所有的结,然后摊开在柜台上,兴(x ìng xīng )奋地说:“这些可以吗?”她拿出来的不过是几枚硬币而已。她说:“今天是姐姐的生日,我想把它当作礼物送给她。自从妈妈去世以后,她就像妈妈一样照顾我们。我相信她一定会喜欢这条项链的,因为项链的颜色就像她的眼睛一样。” 店主拿出了那条项链,装在一个小盒子里,用一张漂亮的红色包装纸包好,在上面系(jì xì)了一条绿色的丝带。他对小女孩说:“拿去吧,小心点。”小女孩连蹦带跳地回家了。//① 在这一天的工作快要结束的时候,店里来了一位美丽的姑娘,她有一双蓝色的眼睛。她把已经打开的礼品盒放在柜台上,问道:“这条项链是从这儿买的吗?多少钱?” “本店商品的价格是买主和顾客之间的秘密。” 姑娘说:“我妹妹只有几枚硬币,这条宝石项链却是货真价实。她买不起的。” 店主接过盒子,精心将包装重新包好,系上丝带,又递给了姑娘:“她给出了比任何人都高的价格,她付出了她所拥有的一切!”//② 1、为带点的字选择正确的读音(在正确的读音上打“√”)(1分) 2、根据意思从文中找出相应的词语。(3分) ①形容非常的谨慎和小心。() ②实实在在,一点不假。() 3、根据文章内容填空。(7分)(3分+4分) ⑴小女孩很想买那项链,这可以从文章第一节中“”、“”这两个词了解到。第三小节中“连蹦带跳”一词写出了小女孩买到项链后的心情。 ⑵根据文章内容可以知道,题目“最贵的项链”中的“贵”有两层意思, 一是;二是 4、概括第一段段意,(3分) 5、文中的小女孩给你留下了怎样的印象?并用二、三句话说明产生这一印象的原因。(3分) (二)吐鲁番盆地 22分 新疆吐鲁番盆地,它的最低点艾丁湖低于海平面154米,是我国最低的洼地,也是世界第二低地。它每年六月至八月气温均高于40度,最高可达47度,而地表温度


语文辅导讲义 课题修辞类语句的含义与作用授课日期及时段 内容摘要1. 结合语境,学会分析修辞的表达效果和作者所要表达的思想感情。 2.掌握修辞类语句的答题模式,力争少失分、不失分。 教学内容 【考点指导】 一、考纲考点 识记与理解 1.4理解常见修辞手法在文中的表达效果。 二、考点相关知识梳理 修辞名称作用类别具体作用一般答题格式 比喻 描绘类 (使描写对 象生动形象)生动形象:化无形为有形,化深奥为浅显, 化抽象为具体,化冗长为简洁 生动形象地写出了+对象+特性 比拟增强语言亲切感、形象性,赋予物以人的情 感,使人具有物的情态,使印象鲜明 生动形象地写出了+对象+特性夸张增强语言形象性,引起丰富想象,突出事物 特征,表达强烈的感情,引起读者共鸣 形象突出了+事物+特性 借代突出事物特征,引起联想,生动形象地描绘形象地突出了+事物+特性 对偶 结构类 (突出强调, 增强语气)形式上句式整齐,便于吟诵和记忆;节奏感 强,具有音律美;内容上凝练集中,概括力 强,抒情酣畅 表达了……,句式整齐,节奏感 强,具有音律美 排比节奏鲜明,增强气势,使思想内容层层深入, 增强说服力和感染力。用于抒情,使感情抒 发更淋漓尽致;用于说理,使道理更透辟雄 辩;用于叙事,把事实叙述得详尽周密强调了+对象+特性;增强文章气势;层层铺开,逐步深化,对点明主旨起强化作用 反复突出思想,渲染感情,富有音乐性,增强节 奏感。承上启下,划分层次突出了……的思想感情,富有音乐性和节奏感;承上启下 对比表达类使美的更美,丑的更丑,突出本质,使各自强调了……突出了……

(突出强调,增强语气)特色鲜明动人,有时显得爱憎分明 反问增强语气,有无可辩驳的力量,富有感染力强调了……,加强了语气 设问突出文章重点,增强语势;引起读者注意, 发人深思,更好地抒情议论;承上启下引起读者对+对象+特性的注意和思考;承上启下 反语幽默讽刺;增强战斗性;有的表示亲密友好讽刺了…… 引用加强真实性,增强表现力、说服力,收到言 简意明的效果强调了……,增强文化意蕴和说服力 修辞手法 表达效果 准确把握作者在文中要表达的思想情感(尤其在散文中)表达了(作者)……的情感 【典型例题】 【奉贤区一模】 ④坦率地说,打造文化叫得这么响,其中有一个明显的经济目的——发展旅游。因为,人们已经愈来愈清楚文化才是最直接和最重要的旅游资源。一切文化都是个性化的。文化的独特性愈强,旅游价值就愈高。文化是老祖宗不经意之间留给后人的一个永远的“经济增长点”。那么在各地大打旅游牌的市场竞争中,怎样使自己的文化更响亮、抢眼、冒尖、夺人?一句话,看来就得靠“打造”了。——《文化可以打造吗?》 5.第④段画线句所用修辞的表达效果是:_________________________________________________(2分) 【闵行区一模】 ⑥长大以后,又听到另一个故事,讲的是几个人在联句,(或谓其中主角乃清代画家金冬心)为了凑韵脚,有人居然冒出一句:“飞来柳絮片片红”的句子。大家面面相觑,不知此人为何如此没常识,天下柳絮当然都是白的,但“白”不押韵,奈何?解围的才子出面了,他为那人在前面凑加了一句,“夕阳返照桃花渡”,那柳絮便立刻红得有道理了。我每想及这样的诗境,便不觉为其中的美感瞠目结舌。三月天,桃花渡口红霞烈山,一时天地皆朱,不知情的柳絮一头栽进去,当然也活该要跟万物红成一气。这样动人的句子,叫人不禁要俯身自视,怕自己也正站在夹岸桃花和落日夕照之间,怕自己的衣襟也不免沾上一片酒红。圣经上说:“爱心能遮过错。”在我看来,因爱而生的解释才能把事情美满化解。所谓化解不是没有是非,而是超越是非。就算有过错也因那善意的解释如明矾入井,遂令浊扬沉淀,水质复归澄莹。 9.第⑥段画线句运用比拟,生动地写出了。(2分)

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