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大学体验英语综合教程第二版第一册(Translation) 参考答案

Unit 1 1.自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了。(no longer)

He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone.

2. 尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网(surf the Internet),了解这个领域的最新动态。(even though)

Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field.

3. 李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon)

Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement. His words were / What he said was strongly impressed upon my memory.

4. 讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信。(confidence)

Talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all. There was full confidence on every one's face. 5. 在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟。(snap)

To write a short passage of about 100 words in 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class.

Unit 2 1. 他的生活经历在他的学术生涯(academic career)中一直扮演着一个重要角色。(play a role in)

His life experiences have always been playing an big role in his academic career.

2. 那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间。(extend)

The restaurant has recently extended its opening hours / business hours.

3. 我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的有趣的书。(approach)

I've just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.

4. 随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件(spam / junk email)问题已引人们的极大关注。(issue /problem, draw much concern)

With the wide use of email, the issue of spam has drawn much concern.

5. 传统教育比起网络教育来对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多的限制。(communication and interaction, limitation)

In traditional / conventional education there are more limitations on communication and interaction between teachers and students than there are in online education.

Unit 3 1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚。(put one's finger on)

Something is wrong with the piano, but I can't put my finger on what it is.

2.这条裤子不但太大,而且也与我的夹克不相配。(apart from)

Apart from being too large, the trousers don't match my jacket, either.

3. 不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。(whatever)

I love pop music, for whatever reasons.

4. 他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。(browse through)

He has great interest in foreign cultures, often browsing through piles of books to look for any useful information.

5. 在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致。(vary)

Opinions on whether we should open up a new society vary a great deal.

Unit 4 1. 我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复。(resume, cover letter, fax)

I have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company, but I haven't received a reply yet.

2.当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫地提供帮助。(not hesitate for a second)

John will not hesitate for a second to offer help when others are in trouble.

3. 我得承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道要拿到签证不容易。(admit, abroad, visa)

I have to admit that I desire very much to work or study abroad for some time but I know it is not easy to get a visa.

4. 他到伦敦2年后才在一家国际银行找到一份工作。(It was not until ... that ...)

It was not until 2 years after he arrived in London that he found / took a job in an international bank.

5. 汤姆完成他的教学工作后,在中国周游了2个月才回到美国的家。(travel throughout, before)

After finishing his teaching, Tom traveled throughout China for 2 months before returning home in America.

Unit 5 1.这些观众一定是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的。(must have done, speak highly of)

The audience must have missed their musical performance, or they would have spoken highly of it.

2. 尽管她远在他乡,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲的深切关怀。(somehow, sense)

Somehow she could sense her mother's deep concern though she was far away from home.

3. 这位接线员每天从家里到工作地点路上要花两个小时左右。(spend, or so)

The operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from her home to the workplace every day.

4. 他感激她的同情和理解,因为在当时对他来说这意味着许多。(appreciate)

He appreciated her sympathy and understanding, which meant a lot to him during that time.

5. 她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始往巴黎拨打电话。(finally, dial)

Unit 6 1.我不知道事情会变成这样。(little do I know...)

Little did I know that thing would turn out like that.

2. 他并不想买车,但是我说服他买了一辆。(be keen on)

He wasn't keen on buying a car, but I talked him into it.

3. 成为2008 年北京奥运会志愿者队伍中的一员将会是我一生中难得的经历。(a once-in-a-lifetime experience)

Being a volunteer in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.

4. 吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。(contributing to)

Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to lung cancer.

5. 这两所大学下个月将联合举行艺术表演。(stage)

The two universities will unite to stage an art show next month.

Unit 7 1. 这次贸易谈判非常成功,它对双方都有着特别大的好处。(be beneficial to)

The trade negotiation is a big success, so it can be uniquely beneficial to both parties.

2. 我们班的同学或多或少都参加过学生会组织的活动。(involve, one way or another)

Our classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized by the Student Union .

3. 对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。(available)

It's one of the most desirable jobs available to a man without higher education.

4. 从事科研工作能激发大学生的独立思考和有效学习的能力。(spur)

Doing research can spur undergraduate students' independent thinking and effective learning.

5. 学费每年都在上涨,这已成为贫困家庭学生很重的负担。(constitute, poverty-stricken)

The cost of tuition continues to climb each year, which has constituted a heavy burden upon students from poverty-stricken backgrounds.

Unit 8 1. 罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns) 在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花。(compare...to)

In his poem, Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to a rose.

2. 无论你多忙,你都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。(no matter how)

No matter how busy you are, you should try to make it back to the class reunion.

3. 离婚后她需要一个能给她安慰的人。(a shoulder to cry on)

After her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on.

4. 毕业20年以后,他几乎认不出他以前的同学了。(barely)

He graduated 20 years ago, so he could barely recognize his former classmates.

5. 什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。(replace)

Nothing can replace the friendship between intimate friends.


初中英语句子翻译练习 翻译1 1.下次你应该早点儿来这儿。 2.你最好不要单独去游泳。 3.让我们开始讨论这个难题吧。 4.这箱子太重,这小孩搬不动。 5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个半小时。6.瞧!树下有一位老人正在观看孩子们玩游戏。 7.我感到这个问题很难回答。 8.虽然他们个子不太高,人也不太强壮,但他们是一支很好的队伍。 9.你的英语学习情况怎样? 10.当我们到达火车站时,火车已开走了。11.这位老人已当了30多年英语老师了。12.她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了。 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 14.如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。15.这两种语言有什么差异? 16.为了将来更好地为人民服务,我们学习非常刻苦。 17.据说城里又建造了一所医院。 18.据说今天下午开班会,但你最好去证实一下。 19.她宁愿和我们一道去也不愿呆在家里。20.星期天我宁愿看书也不愿玩。21.这颗新星是一位中国科学家发现的。22.他给我们提供了一条有用的信息。23.请立刻给我带两瓶牛奶来吧。24.你们最好不要在大街上踢足球。25.他已被派到西藏(Tibet)工作去了吗? 26.教育上已取得了很大的成绩。27.不要嘲笑那些遇到麻烦的人。28.我把窗户关上你不介意吧? 29.做完作业后,他又接着给父母写了一封信。 30.他用了三周时间看完了这本书。31.不要躺在床上看电视,这对你的眼睛有害。 32.从那以后我不再是个学生了。33.我朋友因唱歌而出了名。 . 34.你吃得越多,长得越胖。 35.他告诉了我,我才知道这件事。36.你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗? 37.从北京到上海的单程票价是多少? 38.我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语39.他给我们讲了那么多有趣的故事,我们都哈哈大笑 40.那城市的变化使他们感到惊奇。41.他们对你们的工作评价很高。42.如今,人们彼此间仍旧做着相同的事。


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


翻译题应试技巧 汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:Y ou will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,"秘书"在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中"你们"转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2 Y ou __________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说"你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动"。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:Y ou are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以"我们"、"人们"、"大家"等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand 等动词。 例3 如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。"我们就说这个原子带正电荷"可理解为"这个原子被认为/ 被确信/ 被说成是带正电荷"。那么根据前面所说的原则,我们在翻译时可以将泛指性主语"我们"省略不译,并使用被动语态。 从这个例子里我们还可以看出,在科技文章中,根据英语表达习惯我们应当多采用被动语态,以强调事物的客观性。 例4 人们采用各种措施来防止腐蚀。 译文:All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion. 简评:这句话可以按原文译成主动态,即:People have taken all kinds of measures to prevent corrosion。也可以用被动语态来翻译--All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion。两者比较而言,被动态译文更突出表明所有、种种措施已经付诸实施,all kinds of measures得到强调,而主动态译法只是平铺直叙,重点不突出。


英语六级段落翻译常用句型 (一) 1. Sth gradually developed a style which featured…… 某物形成了以……为特色的风格。 2.Sth can be classified into several categories…… 某物可以被分为以下几类。 3.Industrious Chinese laboring people 勤劳的中国人民。 4.China has made great headway in narrowing the gap among different social classes. 中国在缩小不同社会阶层间的差距方面也在努力。 5.The core of “harmonious society” is“human-centered,” which means the improvement of people’s livelihood. 和谐社会的核心是以人为本,这就意味着要促民生。 6. We not only aspire to build China into a prosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into a democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious one. 我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,而且使中国成为文化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。 7. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture 在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。 8. Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to


初中英语句子翻译大 全

老板要我查出明天飞机起飞的时间。 The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow. 首先,我们需要买些食物。 First, we need to buy some food. 所有人都确切的说是。 Everyone be exact. 这件事永远改变了我的生活。 It changed my life forever. 例如,机器人可以为人类作为危险的工作。 For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans.

从现在开始你就是我的搭档了。From now on you are my partner. 那个聪明的小孩会从1数到100. The clever child can count from 1 to 100. 人与自然和平相处时必须的。 Man and nature live in peace when necessary. 厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。 The chefs are preparing for dinner. 你能告诉我什么地方下车吗? Can you tell me where to get off? 快点,坐上那辆公交车。 Come on, sit on the bus. 那个电话没有接通。

The phone is switched on. 我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。We should spend more time together with my family. 你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆?Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? 每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身体。 Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise. 明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me. 当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快乐。


大学英语六级翻译策略之汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary.来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b19231974.html, 译文:You will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,“秘书”在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中“你们”转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2You__________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说“你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动”。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:You are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以“我们”、“人们”、“大家”等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand等动词。 例3如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。“我们就说这个原子带正电荷”可理解为“这个原子被认为/被确信/被说成


初中英语句子翻译大全 老板要我查出明天飞机起飞的时间。 The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow. 首先,我们需要买些食物。 First, we need to buy some food. 所有人都确切的说是。 Everyone be exact. 这件事永远改变了我的生活。 It changed my life forever. 例如,机器人可以为人类作为危险的 工作。 For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans. 从现在开始你就是我的搭档了。 From now on you are my partner. 那个聪明的小孩会从1数到100. The clever child can count from 1 to 100. 人与自然和平相处时必须的。 Man and nature live in peace when necessary. 厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。 The chefs are preparing for dinner. 你能告诉我什么地方下车吗? Can you tell me where to get off? 快点,坐上那辆公交车。 Come on, sit on the bus. 那个电话没有接通。 The phone is switched on. 我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。 We should spend more time together with my family.

你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆, Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? 每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身 体。 Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise. 明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。 Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me. 当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快 乐。 When you help others, you will be very happy. 为什么不放弃吸烟呢, Why don't you give up smoking? 继续,告诉我们那个有趣的故事。 Go on, tell us the interesting story. 这辆车会经过火车站吗, The car after the train station? 你多久和朋友远足一次, A: how often do you and friends hiking? 散步是自我的放松的一种好习惯。 Walking is to relax themselves a good habit. 我们可以继续那个谈话吗, We can continue the conversation? 突然间所有的灯都熄灭了。 Suddenly all the lights went out. 房子的价格总是在升高。 The price of the house is always on the rise. 那辆汽车在路上出毛病了。 That is something wrong with the car on the road. 当我长大了,我相当宇航员。


如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered. 2 。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry, when my heart is broken, is it needed to fix? 3 。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 no one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. 4 。命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求you will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you dont kvetch for it if it doesnt appear in your life. 5 。当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害when a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 6。爱情??在指缝间承诺指缝…。在爱情下交缠。love ,promised between the fingers finger rift, twisted in the love 7。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 8 。记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像 一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。每一个沐浴在 爱河中的人都是诗人。 look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对 我而言意味着什么。distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更 近。 i need him like i need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让 我爱多一些吧。 love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


英语六级翻译指导及练习 翻译策略 1) 分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。 或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 例1 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 译文: It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.(一个单句拆分成了一个并列复合句) 例2 他为人单纯而坦率。 译文: He was very clean.His mind was open. (一个单句拆分成两个简单句了) 例3 The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child. 译文: 母亲谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。(形容词被拆开) 例4 I wrote four books in the first three years ,a record never touched before. 译文: 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。(名词短语拆开) 2)合句法 把原文中两个或以上的简单句,主从复合句或并列复合句等译成一个单句。 例5 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。 译文:She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.(多个简单句合成一个单句) 例6 他们有遵守交通规则,机器出了故障。 译文:His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.(并列复合句合成一个单句) 例7 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 译文:我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。(主从复合句合成一个单句) 翻译练习 1._______________ (通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy. 2.According to the scientific research , _____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really true? 3.______________ (我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge. 4.As is known to all, ______________ (假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers. 5.Faced with failure,some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. 答案及解析 1. By taking exercises 解析:通过锻炼,我们可以保持健康。其实这题答案不止一个。“锻炼”可以用名词也 “通过”可以用by表示方式,through表示途径。By taking exercises /Through 可以用动词短语。 exercises。往往by用于“by + doing”,而through后接名词哦。 2. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed 解析:“听音乐”在句中作主语,“听”应当处理成动名词形式。“能使我们放松”很多同学会采用can make us feel relaxed的结构。其实,enable就有“能够使某人……”的含义,注意enable sb. to do 的表达。 3. On no account can we


一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词: 1.多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。Drink more water. It _______ _______ _______ your health. 2.昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。 The children _______ leave school _______ the rain stopped yesterday. 3.非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。_______ ______ _______ _______ asking me to your party. 4.钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。 he key _______ _______ ______ metal and _______ ______ ______ door. 5.你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗?You want to ________ your TV set ________, _______ you? 6.天太冷了,不能去游泳。 It's too cold _________ ________ ________. 7.我和她年龄一样大。 I'm _______ _______ ________ ________ her. 8.丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。 Lily asked me _______ _______ _______ ______ tell her mother the good news. 9.昨天当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始半小时了。 When I ______ ______ the cinema yesterday, the film _______ _______ ______ for half an hour. 10.晚饭后为什么不去散步呢?_______ _______ _______ out for a walk after supper? 【答案解析】 1. is good for 2. did n’t ...until 3. Thanks a lot for。 4. is made of; used for locking。 5. get...back,don’t you 6. to go swimming 7. the same age as 8. not to forget to. 9. got to, had been on。 10. Why not go 二、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空所填词数不限: 1.躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed _____eyes. 2.中华人民共和国成立于1949 年。The PRC _______in 1949. 3.我今天为你买了一件新衬衫。为什么不试一下? I bought a new shirt for you today. _______? 4.我认为他明天不会来参加会议的。I _______think that he _______ come to the meeting tomorrow. 5.你能告诉我现在几点了吗?Could you tell me ____ ___? 6.你最好在他改变主意之前把机票费帮他付了。 You'd better _______ the air ticket for him before he _______. 7.我生于 1987 年 6 月 15 日。I ___ ____June 15, 1987. 8.我们学校里仅有六个女教师。There are only six ____ ___ in our school. 9.奥运会每四年举行一次。 The Olympic Games are held_______. 10.等他来,我再离开。 I _______leave _______he comes back. 11.我希望你同我们一起去。I hope _______ _______ with us. 12.假如明天不下雨,我会去购物。I will _______ _______ if it _______ rain tomorrow. 13.她很美,她妈妈年轻时也很美。She is beautiful and ______ ______ her mother when she was young. 14.长沙的天气和北京的不同。The weather of Changsha _______ _______ _______ ______ of Beijing. 15.我们班的学生人数是 50。 The ________ of the students in our class _______ 50. 1. is bad for your eyes。 2. was founded。 3. Why don't you try it on / Why not try it on 4. don't think, will。 5. what time it is / what the time is。 6. pay for, changes his mind 7. was born on。 8. women teachers。 9. every four years。10. won't, until。11. you'll go 。 。 12.go shopping , doesn't 13. so was 14. is different from 15. number is 三 . 中考英语翻译填空题专练 1.我父亲叫我努力学习。 My parents told me _______ _______ _______. 2.我发现学好英语很容易。 I find ______ ______ ______ study English well. 3.他希望我能同他们一道去。 He _______ me ______ ______ with them. 4.我很忙,我有许多衣服要洗。I'm very busy. I have a lot of _______ ______ ______. 5.不知道为什么那么早就出发。I don't know ______ ______ ______ so early. 6.为什么不把窗户关上? Why ______ _______ the window? 7.他要我在外面等了一个小时。He ______ me ______ outside for an hour. 8.老师说他有一个重要的会议要参加。The teacher said that he ______ an important meeting ______ ______. 9.要及时完成这工作很难。_____ _____ very difficult ______ ______ the work in time. 10.他老了,不能做工作了。 He is not ______ _______ ______ do any work. 1.to, study, hard 2. it, easy, to 3. wishes, to, go 4. clothes, to, wash 5. why, we'll, start 6.not, close [shut] 7. made [had], wait 8. had, to, attend 9.It, is, to, finish 10. young, enough, to 四.根据中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 1.这个八岁的男孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于他坚持练琴叁年了。 The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano ______much ______he has kept ______ for three years. 2.我母亲经常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。My mother usually ______ some cleaning and ______ on Sundays. 3.在今晚的聚会上我们肯定会玩得痛快。We're ______ to have ______ at the party this evening. 4.由于天气不好,校运会不得不推迟。


英汉互译翻译句子三篇 1、因为学生们的积极参与,这次足球赛实行得很顺利。 (thanks to) Thanks to the active participation of the students, the football match went on very smoothly. 2、这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。 (happy moments) This film describes the happy moments of an old Chinese man. 3、因特网的普及改变了人们以往寻找新朋友和新观点的方式。(wide use of) The wide use of Internet has changed the way we used to discover new friends and new ideas. 4、就在众多的网址中,有很多是非盈利的网址。 (non-profit site) Among the great number of websites, many are non-profit ones. 5、老年网为美国的一些老年人提供了表达自己情感的机会。(express one's feelings) SeniorNet provides the opportunity for some American seniors to express their feelings. 6、学生们谈论的话题涉及文化和政治。 (range from) The conversation topics of the students range from culture to politics. 7、这位老人甚至在患病期间还经常安慰他人。 (in times of sickness) The old man often comforted others even in time of sickness. 8、看来我们不能回避一些少量的难题。 (a handful; avoid)


翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。六级长度为180-200字。把这段180-200汉字翻译成英文是需要一定步骤的,我们一起来看一下:做题步骤和时间分配: ?1. 通读全段,逐句标号。 –标出难词等。2分钟。 ?2. 处理原文,梳理逻辑。 –正确断句、合句、找准主语。3分钟 ?3. 逐句翻译,快速草稿。15分钟。 ?4. 调整加工,定稿誊抄。复查 –检查有无漏译、错译;检查语言是否通顺。8分钟。 , 了解完了翻译步骤,我们一起来看一下六级翻译的要点及方法:翻译,就是对语言表层背后,深层思维差异的处理。很多同学在翻译时容易犯逐字翻译的错误,其实翻译是意思的传递,所以保证原文的意思不变是最重要的。 大家在翻译词汇选择时要做到以下原则: –“瞻前顾后”:句子前后都要注意,联系前后文选择词汇 –“得意忘形”:翻译最重要的是传达意思,不要过于拘于形式。 总这样说可能过于抽象,下面结合实例为大家讲解一些翻译技巧: 翻译时最主要的精力不是放在最难的句子,要放在最前面的句子。全段6-7句话。前两句一般难度最低,但在评分中最为重要。 ?首句(或首句+次句):破题/下定义 –主语+谓语+宾语【S-V-O】 –主语+系语+表语【S-V-P】 } –主语+谓语+双宾语【S-V-oO】 –主语+谓语+复合宾语【S-V-OC】 –主语+谓语【SV】

牢记基本句型,因为:中英文此处一致! 【翻译技巧】汉译英时,如是单句,应首先确定主谓主干;如是复杂的句子或长句,则需要确立信息重心。这是英译的第一步,也是正确译文的基础。 ?确定主谓 【翻译技巧】将中文主语的“开放”,想办法变成英文的“封闭”。 ?“京剧(Peking Opera)已有200多年的历史,是中国的国剧。” ?Peking Opera is the national opera of China. 【翻译技巧】英语首先解决: ~ ?“谁,干了啥” 【翻译技巧】先定主谓,再加修饰。 “右扩展”VS.“左扩展”:如果是单个修饰词,我们就把修饰词放在主干的左边,如果是两个及两个以上的修饰词,我们就把修饰词放到主干的右边:例如: –一个花园 a garden(主干) –一个漂亮的花园 a beautiful garden(修饰词在主干的左边) –一个看上去很漂亮的花园 a garden that looks beautiful.(修饰词在主干的右边) 【翻译技巧】英语句子通用公式: ?(状)+ 主+(定)+ 谓+(状)+宾+(定)+(状) ?昨天下午三点钟我在东风广场附近的昆明百货大楼花了50元买了一条裤子。 ) ?I bought a pair of trousers at the cost of 50 yuan in Kunming Department Store near Dongfeng Square at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. 翻译技巧:“短句合译” –1. 使用从句(状从、定从) –2. 使用非谓语动词 –3. 使用同位语


英语六级最常考的翻译句子 1During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when t he audience interrupted him 他一开始说话,就被听众打断了 2 surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择,只能投降) 3The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son's h aving been admitted to the university(她的儿子被大学入取了) 4The lecture was so boring that the students couldn't help yawning(学生忍不住打起哈欠) 5I?ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school(好心载我一程去学校) 6 (除非你和保险公司签订了货物保险合同)Unless you sig n a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in deli very. 7It is reported that local health organization was establish ed 25 years ago(据说当地的卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president. 8Mrs.Smith shut the window lest the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉) 【音标】:[,int?'fi?] 1. 妨碍;冲突;抵触[(+with)] 2. 介入;干涉,干预

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