当前位置:文档之家› 上海市徐汇区2017届高三4月模拟(二模)英语试题(WORD版)




I. Listening Comprehension

Section A Short Conversations

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. He knows who is knocking. B. He is eager to know who it is.

C. He doesn’t want to open the door.

D. He is ready to open the door.

2. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By train.

3. A. $100. B. $200. C. $300. D. $400.

4. A. She went to cinema. B. She went to an exhibition.

C. She stayed at home.

D. She stayed with her classmates.

5. A. In a doctor’s office. B. In a professor’s office.

C. In an operating room.

D. In an emergency ward.

6. A. The man paid the tuition for learning physics. B. The man got a lot of money for his hard work.

C. His hard work was not rewarding at all.

D. His work before the test led to a good result.

7. A. A furnished house. B. A recent book. C. A further study. D. A new record.

8. A. They will go swimming. B. They will climb mountains.

C. They will buy some clothes.

D. They will forecast the weather conditions.

9. A. He has another lecture to attend.

B. He has no interest in the lecture.

C. He’s attended the same lecture given by Professor Wilson before.

D. He might miss the lecture, if the woman didn’t remind him.

10.A. She fully agrees with the man. B. They are uncertain about the weather.

C. She disagrees with the man.

D. She thought the man was always late.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. People are encouraged to be a craftsman.

B. Learning woodworking is not as hard as you think.

C. Learning woodworking will help you know more people.

D. Taking a class in woodworking will be very helpful.

12. A. Because I am a talent in this art and want to share it with others.

B. Because I am interested in it and want to show it to others.

C. Because I wonder how to pick materials and how to do it well.

D. Because it’s a good way to know more people interested in it.

13. A. You can expect to do woodworking perfectly the very first time.

B. Doing woodworking means being alone for long.

C. You can also learn from other people interested in woodworking.

D. Taking a class in woodworking costs a lot of money.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. To analyze causes and effects of using a credit card.

B. To encourage people to borrow money from banks.

C. To let people know the responsibility in using a credit card.

D. To present the effect of computers in popularizing the use of credit cards.

15. A. The development of computers.

B. People’s greediness for more money.

C. People’s needs for less paper money.

D. People’s learning to be more responsible.

16. A. To learn to be responsible by using credit cards.

B. To stop using credit cards and borrow money from friends or relatives.

C. To pay money back as fast as possible after using credit cards.

D. To stop borrowing money and use your own funds for shopping.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. A newspaper. B. An advertisement company.

C. A cleanup company.

D. A market.

18. A. She wants to spare more room for something new.

B. She wants to turn their old stuff into cash at a low cost.

C. She knows that the sales consultant before the man does.

D. She just wants to clean up their house.

19. A. Rudy is likely to buy their stuff.

B. Rudy will come and take their stuff away.

C. Rudy plays guitar as well as the man.

D. Rudy will help them with the ad and the sale.

20. A. His old guitar. B. Their appliances, jewelry, furniture and exercise equipment.

C. The spring cleanup sale.

D. The low cost of ad and friendly service.

II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it (21) _____ it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is absolutely dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as tough a training to become a performer as a medical student needs (22) ______(become)a doctor. Most training is concerned (23) _____ technique, for musicians have to be as muscularly skillful as an

athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords(声带)would be inadequate without (24) ______(control)muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow back and forth with the right arm, (25) ______ are two entirely different movements.

Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists (26) ______(spare)this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, and it is the piano tuner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for (27) ______ . But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string must be dealt with carefully not to sound like drum or bass, and each tone, even if played very fast, has to sound clear.

The problem (28) ______(face)student conductors is that they have to learn to know every note of the music and (29) ______ it should sound, and they need to aim at controlling these sound with enthusiastic but selfless authority.

Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music (30) ______ they can enjoy performing works written in any century.

Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once.

I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to clearly explain difficult (31) _______ and texts, her sensitivity to the slight differences within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression—both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest (32) _______ as a student and writer.

Sara is talented at considering the elegances within literature and the (33) ______ behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical (34) _______ to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and (35) _______ about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is devoted to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to (36)______art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.

Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara chose to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as (37)

上海市虹口区2020届高考英语二模 PDF版含答案

Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. How Can You Look Your Best in Photos? Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and felt embarrassed by what you saw? Actually, it’s really all (21) __________ (tie) to how we respond to the camera. With the following tips, you’re sure to look your best. No. 1 Study Photos of Yourself The first step in simple: learn from the past. You need to know how you look in photos before you can improve. Gather some old pictures together, (22) __________ __________ they make you ashamed a little. Now look over how your body is placed in the pictures and think for a while. (23) __________ (analyze) all these old photos, you can find a few natural poses you can use in the future. No. 2 Practice in Front of a Mirror Now that what works for you in photos (24) __________ (figure) out, start using what you’ve learned from your old pictures, practicing in front of mirror. Work on your favorites and you’ll be able to mentally pick out a pose in the future - (25) __________ a mirror. One thing that goes great with a nice pose is a matching smile, so try out several smile until you find one that fits. You should consider (26) __________ a closed or an open - mouthed smile looks better. No. 3 Say “Money” We’re used to saying “Cheese”, but this only creates a fake smile. Abandon the cheese and try out the word “Money” instead. The ending ‘ey’ is the very sound (27) __________ forces the corners of your mouth upward and creates a fold around your eyes. The result is a more natural, realistic smile. Another great trick to prevent a too-wide smile (28) __________ (happen) is placing your tongue on the back of your front teeth. No. 4 Choose the Right Lighting Getting some sunny photos on a bright day makes you look good a pictures. But in reality, the


2017年徐汇区高三二模语文试题 一、积累应用(10分) 1.填空题。(5分) (1)《兰亭集序》中“快然自足,曾不知老之将至”语句化用了《_________?述而》篇中的“乐以忘忧,________________”。 (2)白居易描写“卖炭翁”外貌的句子是“________________,两鬓苍苍十指黑”,他在《琵琶行》中以比喻手法描摹粗弦、细弦弹奏效果的句子是“________________、________________”。 2.选择题。(5分) (1)假如你参观了“抗日战争纪念馆”后留言,下列诗句不适合的一项是()。(1分) A.遗民泪尽胡尘里,南望王师又一年。 B.轻生本为国,重气不关私。 C.三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。 D.捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。 (2)填入下列文字空缺处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是() 在阿Q的记忆上,这大约要算是生平第一件的屈辱,________________,向来只被他奚落,从没有奚落他,更不必说动手了。 A.王胡即使以络腮胡子的缺点 B.因为王胡以络腮胡子的缺点 C.王胡何况以络腮胡子的缺点 D.而且王胡以络腮胡子的缺点 (3)假如你父亲因故无法参加家长会,他发给你班主任潘老师短信,表达最得体的一项是() A.潘老师,今天我工作繁忙,无法拨冗参加家长会,敬请谅解。 B.潘老师,因我晚上加班,不能光临今天的家长会,非常抱歉。 C.潘老师,因贵体小恙,不能参加今晚的家长会,谨此奉告。 D.潘老师,我出差在外地,无法参加今晚的家长会,深表歉意。

二阅读 70分 (一)阅读下列文章,完成第3—8题。(16分) ①尽管网络文学已经发展了十几年,但什么是网络文学仍没有一个统一的定义。不过,如果从媒介革命的视野出发,在不久的将来应该不再存在网络文学的概念,相反会出现“纸质文学”的概念。除了作为“博物馆艺术”传承的纸质文学外,网络将成为一切主流、非主流文学艺术的平台。 ②目前的网络文学以类型小说为主,但也不是铁板一块。随着 2012 年互联网进入移动时代,针对移动受众阅读时间碎片化的特点,一些主打“小而美”注的 APP 终端应运而生,如韩寒主编的《ONE〃一个》,中文在线推出的“汤圆创作”,专门发表短篇小说的“果仁小说”,此外微博、微信公共账号也是相当活跃的个人作品发表平台。与此同时,传统文学期刊也开始进行“网络移民”,如由《人民文学》杂志推出的手机阅读平台“醒客”也于 2014 年 7 月上线。不过,传统文学要成功地实现“网络移民 ....”不可能是原封不动的“穿越”,而是要经过脱胎换骨的“重生”。“内容一经媒介必然发生变化”,这是麦克卢汉那句“媒介即信息”断言的重要含义。所以,与其我们现在努力参照纸质文学的概念定义网络文学,不如直接去研究“网络类型小说”“直播贴”“微小说”这些自然生长起来的网络文学形态,在此基础上进行总结。 ③媒介革命已经不以人的意志为转移地发生了,网络时代主流文学的建构必然是以网络为平台的。在这个汇集各种年龄、各种文化结构和文学趣味的“全平台”上,占据主流的应该还是类型小说,这是大众阅读需要决定的,也是文化工业的性质决定的。在理想的状态下,类型小说应该是分层的。其实网文作者现在就有“小白”和“文青”之分,“小白文”追求“爽”,“文青文”在追求“爽”的同时,还强调文笔和情怀。“文青”的粉丝团在人数上通常比不上“小白”,但文化层次和忠诚度都更高。某种意义上说,有些“另类”的“文青”代表着类型文中的精英倾向——这里不是光有几个“大神”,还有他们大量的铁杆粉丝。由于网络文学即时互动的特点,每一部小说都凝聚了无数“集体的智慧”,作者更像是“总执笔人”。如果没有相当数量的“铁粉”出钱出力、鼎力支持,在“小白当道”的总体阅读环境下,“文青大神”是活不下来的。从这个意义上说,有几流读者才有几流作者。 ④在大众的类型小说之外,还应该有各种小众的圈子,如“耽美圈”“同人圈”,以及上面提到的各种“小而美”等文学形态。这些“非主流”的小众圈子或有亚文化色彩,或有纯文学趋向,在文化观念或文学观念上进行探索,它们探索的成果可以推动更大众、更主流的文学的不断发展。对小众成果的吸收主要是由大众文学中的精英圈完成的,他们不但要吸收各种小众的文学成果,还要与思想界和文化界保持连通。大师级的大众文学作品不是只满足受众的阅读欲望,还要缓解他们的焦虑,安抚他们的灵魂,网络文学这样的“集体创作”更是如此。如果这些作品能够与主流价值观对接,甚或参与主流价值观的建构,就自然是实至名归的主流文学。 ⑤在主流文学建构的过程中,精英批评的力量是十分重要的。现在这部分工作主要是由“精英粉丝”自发完成的。学院派研究者如果要有效介入,必须重新调整定位。这不仅意味着研究方法的全面更新,同时也意味着研究态度发生根本性的变化——不能再以中立的、客观的、专业的超然态度自居,而是要以“学者粉丝”的身份进行“介入式研究”。研究成果发表的空间也不应只局限于学术期刊,而是应该进入网络生产场域。比如,对于现在网络文学的研究,如果学院派网络文学批评能够对具有精英倾向的作品进行深入解读,在点击率和网站排行榜之外,再造一个真正有影响力的精英榜,影响粉丝们的“辨别力”与“区隔”,那么就能真正“介入性”地影响网络文学的发展,并参与主流文学的打造了。


二十一类网游运营活动模板及特点分析 一、注册类活动 1、活动方式: 包括预注册、在线注册即送游戏礼包、派送媒体礼包激活码等主流活动方式,深度点可做特色差异性礼包,分不同媒体渠道或平台给予不同奖励类型,甚至注册即送实体奖(如话费、手机抽奖等)等活动方式。 2、活动目的及特点: (1)短时间内吸引玩家进驻游戏欲望 (2)可为产品市场推广高度结合,提供宣传点,增加媒体曝光量 (3)*预注册活动可有效提高玩家留存率,且在市场推广方面有很高的价值3、活动缺点分析: 实体奖比虚拟奖对新玩家更具吸引力,但如果游戏质量本身不高,容易造成活动结束后人气和在线人数的急剧滑落,还容易造成大量小号生成对数据模型产生偏移。

4、奖品建议: 普通礼包奖励。通常发送的道具是为调整新玩家对游戏的入手难度,或可赠送普通高级武器,或限时型道具,刺激玩家升级欲望。不建议给予新玩家消费性道具暗示。 二、征集类活动 1、活动方式: 通常指在指包括在官网、论坛、贴吧、线下等社区平台的玩家征集活动,征集内容可为测评建议、游戏攻略心得、BUG收集、人气玩家照片,游戏心情故事、老玩家回归等。 2、活动目的及特点: (1)深入了解目标玩家群体的资料及游戏心理特性。 (2)易在玩家之间形成讨论点和话题,可在网站和论坛一定时间内聚集人气。(3)玩家的截图和征文可作为软文素材,可提供一定的宣传点。 (4)了解玩家的游戏建议和想法,可作为游戏运营和修改的参考。 3、活动缺点分析:

征集活动需要专门人员对征集的信息进行分类整理,审核周期较长,多数都由人工手动进行。 4、奖品建议: 特殊纪念性道具 三、评选类活动 1、活动方式: 可分为游戏外和游戏内两种方式。游戏外通常指在官网论坛、贴吧、各大游戏媒体等玩家聚集较多的社交平台进行的美女玩家评选、代言人评选等有推广目的的软广型评选活动;游戏内则包括本服的人气公会,人气玩家角色,人气NPC等评选活动。 2、活动目的及特点: (1)通过造成玩家自发拉票行为,增近玩家间互动,通过玩家和好友间拉票行为,引入潜在用户并能宣传游戏 (2)利用美女、最强等话题性词眼做噱头,吸引媒体及玩家注意,提升游戏关注度


虹口区2018学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试 高三英语试卷 2019.4 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写( 非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 I.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. At an airport. B. On a plane. C. On a bus. D. In a department store. 2. A. He is suffering a pain in the neck. B. His roommate walks in his sleep. C. His roommate's bed is always in a mess. D. He doesn't like sharing a room with anyone. 3. A. The woman was fully absorbed in the movie. B. The woman lost her way to the cinema that evening. C. The woman couldn't understand the movie very well. D. The movie was no better than what the woman had imagined. 4. A. S160. B. S50. C.S120. D. SI50. 5. A. He really likes his wife's new hairstyle. B. His wife didn't take his sensible advice. C. He didn't want to cut his wife's long hair. D. His wife often complains about everything 6. A. Puzzled. B. Regretful. C. Angry. D. Relieved. 7. A. A job offer. B. An entry form. C. An excellent resume. D. The position of system engineer. 8. A. Mr. James talks a lot about gardening B. Mr. James likes boasting of his cleverness.


绝密★启封前试卷类型A 2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国 1 卷)

英语 (考试时间: 120 分钟试卷满分:150分) 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)略 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分 ) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Pacific Science Center Guide ◆Visit Pacific Science Center ’s Store Don’ t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’ s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于 ) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome. ◆Hungry Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers aécomplete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes. ◆Rental Information Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required. ◆S upport Pacific Science Center Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It an amazing accomplishment and one we connot achieve without generous support


2017年徐汇区高三二模语文试题 1 2 一、积累应用(10分) 3 4 1.填空题。(5分) 5 (1)《兰亭集序》中“快然自足,曾不知老之将至”语句化用了《_________ 6 ?述而》篇中的“乐以忘忧,________________”。 7 (2)白居易描写“卖炭翁”外貌的句子是“________________,两鬓苍苍8 十指黑”,他在《琵琶行》中以比喻手法描摹粗弦、细弦弹奏效果的句子是9 “________________、________________”。 10 2.选择题。(5分) 11 (1)假如你参观了“抗日战争纪念馆”后留言,下列诗句不适合的一项是12 ()。(1分) 13 A.遗民泪尽胡尘里,南望王师又一年。 14 B.轻生本为国,重气不关私。 15 C.三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。 D.捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。 16 17 (2)填入下列文字空缺处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是() 18 在阿Q的记忆上,这大约要算是生平第一件的屈辱,________________,向来只被他奚落,从没有奚落他,更不必说动手了。 19 1

A.王胡即使以络腮胡子的缺点 20 21 B.因为王胡以络腮胡子的缺点 22 C.王胡何况以络腮胡子的缺点 23 D.而且王胡以络腮胡子的缺点 24 (3)假如你父亲因故无法参加家长会,他发给你班主任潘老师短信,表达25 最得体的一项是() 26 A.潘老师,今天我工作繁忙,无法拨冗参加家长会,敬请谅解。 27 B.潘老师,因我晚上加班,不能光临今天的家长会,非常抱歉。 28 C.潘老师,因贵体小恙,不能参加今晚的家长会,谨此奉告。 29 D.潘老师,我出差在外地,无法参加今晚的家长会,深表歉意。 30 二阅读 70分 31 32 (一)阅读下列文章,完成第3—8题。(16分) 33 ①尽管网络文学已经发展了十几年,但什么是网络文学仍没有一个统一的 34 35 定义。不过,如果从媒介革命的视野出发,在不久的将来应该不再存在网络文36 学的概念,相反会出现“纸质文学”的概念。除了作为“博物馆艺术”传承的纸质文学外,网络将成为一切主流、非主流文学艺术的平台。 37 2


游戏运营工作内容 一、游戏接入 1.游戏市场分析,争对手分析; 2.完善该游戏的下的【需求】(官网等),【计划】(开服计划等),【报告】(调研等),【策划】(活动)等文档; 3.完成新游戏接入文档工作,主要有编写,汇报,存档; 4.熟悉这款游戏的运营资料;定主要的联运对接人; 5.建立运营对接群,给予联运方负责人群管理员身份,并拉相关人员加入(运营与联运方技术、商务等) 6.制作游戏官网;确定游戏左边栏;导入网站内容;熟悉联运方后台等; 7.分析这个款游戏玩家的市场渠道来源,如某些群体玩家会玩这款游戏; 8.寻找发掘游戏的推广渠道和推广资源;提交至市场部分析; 9.广告创意;搜集广告素材;确定广告主题和游戏关键字;提交市场部制作广告页面及关键字SEO优化; 10.策划平台活动方案,体现出平台特色,加强市场竞争力; 11.建立玩家交流群; 12.确定首服开启时间; 13.开启游戏测试服(测试周期为1-3天); 二、新游首服

1.开服申请邮件; 2.发布开服公告,活动公告,指导员招募公告等(开服前一天发布); 3.配置服务器,测试服务器; 4.宣传平台活动(百度贴吧等玩家聚集的地方); 5.新手指导员招募; 6.检查广告链接; 7.内部资源申请发放,首服额外资源申请(开服后申请,可提前确定内号); 8.开服后,以活动的名称命名游戏角色,放在新手村或者NPC的位置,同时在可以看见其他玩家形象或者场景可显示玩家角色名情况下,可建立小号放在新手村,提升新手村气氛; 9.游戏活动的宣传,组织,执行(主要方式可在游戏内喊话,或组织新手指导员宣传,尽量不要使用游戏内公告方式,防止投诉,奖励发放要及时); 10.开服后数据观察,数据整理; 11.控制游戏的留存率以及流失情况,并针对情况做出合理的解释并记录到该游戏服务器的运营日志; 12.调整服务器运营过程中出现的非预期的情况; 13.活动信息反馈总结,确定是否调整或取消活动 三、日常开服工作 1.安排每周开服计划,并通知各个部门,协调安排全平台下游戏的市


2020年上海高考英语二模-虹口区 高三英语试卷2020.4考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在 试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸 反面清楚地填写姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. To ask for leave. B. To cancel a flight. C. To make an apology. D. To put off a meeting. 2. A. He’ll come over and make a phone call. B. He’ll go for a job interview. C. He’ll make an advertisement. D. He’ll find the position in the newspaper. 3. A. The handle can’t be replaced. B. There’s no handle for the suitcase. C. The suitcase is not worth fixing. D. The suitcase can be fixed in time. 4. A. Worthwhile. B. Meaningful. C. Incredible. D. Exciting. 5. A. They are both to blame. B. They are difficult to please. C. They used to be good friends. D. They can manage to get along. 6. A. The man can read in the library without a library card. B. The man has to leave before he gets a library card. C. The woman will lend the man her library card. D. A library card is a must for everyone there. 7. A. He will give up learning French grammar. B. He finds it difficult to learn French grammar. C. Learning French is as easy as learning English. D. He feels learning French difficult but rewarding. 8. A. Both of them will watch the game together. B. The woman feels lucky to have got a ticket. C. The man can get the ticket at its original price. D. The woman doesn’t like watching the game on TV. 9. A. The woman will make the lines shorter. B. The man hopes to change his role in the play. C. The man lacks self-confidence in playing the part. D. The woman will try to help the man remember the lines.


2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120 分钟试卷满分: 150 分) 第I 卷 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30 分 ) 1.What does the woman think of the movie? A.It ’ s amusing B.It’ s exciting C.It’ s disappointing 2.How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around B.Studying at a school C.Looking after her aunt 3.What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out B.Ordering drinks C.Preparing for a party 4.Where are the speakers? A.In a classroom B.In a library C.In a bookstore 5.What is the man going to do ? A.Go on the Internet B.Make a phone call C.Take a train trip 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5 分) 听第 6段材料,回答第6、 7题。 6. What is the woman looking for? A. An information office B.A police station C.A shoe repair shop 7. What is the Town Guide according to the man? A. A brochure B.A newspaper C.A map 听第 7 段材料,回答第8、 9 题。 8.What does the man say about the restaurant? A.It ’ s the biggest one around. B.It offers many tasty dishes. C. It ’ s famous for its seafood.


2017学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷 高三数学 2018.4 一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,第1-6题每题4分,第7-12题每题5分) 考生应在答题纸的相应位置直接填写结果. 1.已知全集R U =,集合{} 0322>--=x x x A ,则=A C U . 2.在6 1x x ? ?+ ?? ?的二项展开式中,常数项是 . 3.函数()lg(32)x x f x =-的定义域为_____________. 4.已知抛物线2x ay =的准线方程是1 4 y =-,则a = . 5.若一个球的体积为 323 π ,则该球的表面积为_________. 6.已知实数x y ,满足001x y x y ≥?? ≥??+≤? ,,. 则目标函数z x y =-的最小值为___________. 7.函数() 2 sin cos 1()1 1 x x f x +-= 的最小正周期是___________. 8.若一圆锥的底面半径为3,体积是12π,则该圆锥的侧面积等于 . 9.将两颗质地均匀的骰子抛掷一次,记第一颗骰子出现的点数是m ,记第二颗骰子出现的点数是n ,向量()2,2a m n =--,向量()1,1b =,则向量a b ⊥的概率..是 . 10.已知直线12:0,:20l mx y l x my m -=+--=.当m 在实数范围内变化时,1l 与2l 的交点P 恒在一个定圆上,则定圆方程是 . 11.若函数22 2(1)sin ()1x x f x x ++=+的最大值和最小值分别为M 、m ,则函数()()()sin 1g x M m x M m x =+++-????图像的一个对称中心是 . 12.已知向量,a b 满 足||a = 、||b = ,若对任意的{ } (,) (,)||1,0x y x y x a y b x y ∈+=>,都有||1x y +≤成立,则a b ?的最小值为 .

常见的18种游戏运营活动优缺点 10月24日

常见的18种游戏运营活动优缺点 平台游戏要成功,运营活动必不可少,各种运营的活动到底有怎样的规律?以下总结常见的18种游戏运营活动的优缺点。其实再多的方法论都需要与实践结合,以下所述,所有的活动类型都有利弊,选择一个最适合你的,才是最好的。 一、征集式活动 优点: 1,易在玩家之剑形成讨论点和话题,可在网站和论坛一定时间内聚集人气 2,玩家的截图和征文可作为软文素材,可提供一定的宣传点 3,讷讷感了解玩家的游戏建议和想法,可作为游戏运营和修改的参考缺点: 需要专门人员对征集的信息进行分类整理,审核周期较长 二、注册式活动 优点: 1,短时间内吸引大量玩家注册帐号,利于游戏人数提升 2,可为市场提供宣传点,增加媒体曝光量 缺点: 实体奖比虚拟奖对新玩家更具有吸引力,但也容易造成活动结束后人气和在线人数的急剧滑落,还容易造成大量小号生成对数据模型产生偏移。 三、评选式活动 优点: 1,利于拉票,曾近玩家间互动,通过玩家和好友间拉票行为,引入潜在用户并能宣传游戏 2,利于美女、帅哥、最强等词眼做噱头,吸引媒体注意,提升关注度 3,通过参赛人员的八卦新闻来延长曝光周期,配合软文达到炒作效果缺点: 投入成本较高,在活动期需要不断制造花边新闻来维持热点 四、充值式活动 优点: 1,能在短期内促使付费玩家充值大量现金,提升营业收入 2,吸引潜在的未付费用户进行付费,提升付费率

3,能促使付费用户在之后较长的期间内驻留不易于流失 缺点: 促销会减少部分收益,同时出现较多的高级道具会间接影响游戏平衡,加剧了付费用户和非付费用户之间的差距。应当注意首次促销给予的奖励数量,避免恶性循环造成盲目送礼。 五、抽奖式活动 优点: 1,以极品道具或者实体奖为诱饵,利用玩家赌博心理,获取高额收入 2,准入门槛低,通过页面抽奖形式让更多的用户浏览官网,利于游戏推广 缺点: 1,活动页面涉及小游戏需要进行开发和测试,策划周期长 2,对于抽奖类的活动玩家会认为有内定中奖嫌疑,公开公平公正是玩家所关心的重点 3,政府监管下对赌博性质的处罚 六、其他式活动 优点: 此类活动基本属于穷吆喝,获奖门槛很高,主要为的是媒体曝光度 缺点: 需要进行量度限制以及活动详细条款的指定,避免产生活动漏洞。 七、比赛式活动 特点: 能激发潜在消费大户的热情,增加此类玩家的付费额并提升游戏兴趣度 缺点: 参与面过窄,普通玩家通常认为此类活动是专门针对特定玩家打造 八、帮派式活动 特点: 利用团队凝聚力为启动要点,人为设置玩家之间纷争,让玩家体验团队对抗乐趣同时增加游戏道具消耗,侧面提高收入 缺点: 程序支持的内置公会对抗活动受网络等因素影响较大 九、冲级式活动 特点:


虹口区2017学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试 高三英语试卷 2017.4考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸 上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上, 在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第I 卷(共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Go to the office B. Keep calling C. Try online D. See a doctor booking 2. A. A reporter B. An athlete C. A fisherman D. An organizer 3. A. At a post office B. At a fast-food restaurant C. At a booking office D. At a check-in desk 4. A. He already has plans. B. The woman should decide where to eat. C. He will make a reservation. D. The woman can ask her brother for advice. 5. A. He got wet in the rain. B. The shower was out of order. C. He didn’t hear the phone ringing. D. He got out of the shower to answer the phone. 6. A. Reasonable B. Bright C. Serious D. Ridiculous D. Visit a lawyer 7. A. Send leaflets B. Go sightseeing C. Do some gardening 8. A. Her doorbell doesn’t need repair. B. She didn’t expect him to come so early C. The man has just arrived on time. D. It is not the right time for her. 9. A. She won’t go to the beach if it rains. B. She would like the man to go to the beach. C. It will clear up tomorrow. D. It was pouring when she was at the beach. 10. A. What to take up as a hobby. B. How to keep fit. C. How to handle pressure. D. What to play with. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 本试题卷共12页,全卷满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 祝考试顺利 注意事项: 1、答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 2、选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3、非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4、考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is shirt? A.£19.15 B. £9.18 C. £9.15 答案是C。 1.What are the speakers talking about? A.Having a birthday party. B.Doing some exercise. C.Getting Lydia a gift. 2.What is the woman going to do? A.Help the man. B.Take a bus. C.Get a camera.


虹口区 2017 学年度第二学期期终教学质量监控测试 高三英语试卷2018.04 考生注意: 1. 考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第 I 卷 (共 100 分) I. Listening Comprehension II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; f or the other blanks, use one word that best f its each blank. Nook’s arrival, Good or Bad? Book lovers, most of them, will tell you(21)_________ a pleasure it is to lend a favorite read to the friend the novel you stayed up all night to get to the end of ; the travel book that made you feel (22) _________you yourself w ere on a train ride through India. For a while it seemed that e-book users w ere to be denied this pleasure of lending to friends. You could buy a book or magazine for your reading device, but you couldn't lend it out. But now, with the Nock, the US book chain Barnes and Noble's response to Amazon's Kind le, electronic readers will be ab le to have their latest literary enthusiasm(23) _________ (press) on their friends, just like readers of physical books can, You simply email the book from your Nook and your friend can read it for two weeks, (24) _________ (use) any device with the Barnes& Noble e-book reader software. It's a big improvement from previous e-book readers. The Nook offers other features too. You read in black and white on the main screen. just like with Kind le. The difference is (25) _________on the lower part of the device there's a colour touch screen,(26) _________allow s you to browse through a book or a magazine , but goes black when you're not using it so that you save power. (27) _________exciting thing about the Nook is that it offers Wi-Fi, arguably a big advance on previous e-book readers. Customers in the United States can use the Internet connection (28) _________ (read) whole e-books at Barnes& Noble for hundreds of bookstores for free. None of Barnes& Noble’s competitors can come close to this. But the Nook, ironically,(29) _________ (turn out) to be a money-loser for Barnes& Noble,

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