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Laboratory Exercise 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular

Laboratory Exercise 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular
Laboratory Exercise 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular

Laboratory Exercise #5

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration I. Introduction

All organisms, except for a few types of chemosynthetic bacteria, are ultimately dependent upon photosynthesis for their source of food. Photosynthesis is a photo-biochemical process that converts light energy into chemical energy by utilizing water and carbon dioxide to produce sugar, usually glucose, while releasing oxygen gas as a by-product. Light energy is trapped by the plant pigment molecules known as chlorophylls, xanthophylls, and carotenes. The sugar molecules made by photosynthesis may be used by the plant cells for energy production in the process of cellular respiration or may be converted to starch, cellulose, fats, amino acids, and other molecules, which may be used in function, structure, or stored for later use. These molecules of the plant cell may serve as food for other organisms such as animals or microbes.

Several types of organisms carry out photosynthesis and are thus self-feeding, or autotrophic. These include cyanobacteria, protistans, and plants. Perhaps the most noticeable photosynthetic organisms are the seed plants, many of which we are dependent on for food, shelter, clothing, and medicines. Most seed plants carry out photosynthesis in specially adapted organs known as leaves. Photosynthesis is a very complex multi-step process that can be represented by the following equation:


6 CO2 + 12 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O

Energy is the ability to do work. Energy comes in many forms: heat, light, electrical, mechanical, chemical, and nuclear. All living organisms use energy for movement, for heat production, for active transport, for growth, and for reproduction. In fact, one of the most basic activities of a cell is the transformation of energy from less useful forms to more useful forms. During photosynthesis, energy from sunlight is stored in sugars. During cellular respiration, sugar molecules are oxidized (broken down) and energy is released. All living things get their energy by cellular respiration. In your body, reactions that release energy occur within the cytoplasm and in the mitochondria of your cells. Cellular respiration can be represented by the following generalized equation:

C6H12O6 + O2→ CO2 + H2O + ATP + Heat

Activity #1: Leaf Transverse Sections

1.Examine a prepared slide of transverse sections of a leaf with the 4X, 10X, and 40X

objectives. Notice how the cells of each area are different in size, shape, and

arrangement. The upper or dorsal leaf surface facing the sun will have a single layer

of cells that have an external protective waxy coating, the cuticle, which protects the

leaf from water loss. The upper epidermal cells do not contain chloroplasts.

2.Immediately under the upper epidermis you will find an array of rectangular cells

called the palisade mesophyll, which contains chloroplasts. The palisade mesophyll

cells are tightly packed together along their axis so as to efficiently trap light. The

lower part of the leaf is composed of a loosed array of spongy mesophyll cells

among which are air spaces for gas and water vapor movement. Spongy mesophyll

cells contain chloroplasts. At intervals in the mesophyll region you will find leaf

veins, which are part of the plant’s vascular apparatus. Because the leaf veins run in

various directions, you may see cross, longitudinal, or tangential sections. Leaf veins

are composed of xylem and phloem cells. Xylem cells are usually stained red and

are located on the upper side of the vein toward the palisade mesophyll layer. Xylem

cells have an extra thick cell wall and are empty and dead at time of maturity. The

function of the xylem is to transport water and mineral ions to upward in the plant

from the roots to the leaves. In addition, xylem provides structural support for the

entire plant. Xylem helps keep the leaf blade expanded for absorption of sunlight,

and large masses of xylem, called wood, keep the stem and branches upright. Below

the xylem in the vein will be a number of smaller, thin walled cells, the phloem.

These living cells transport products of photosynthesis in all directions throughout the

plant. The lower or ventral side of the leaf has a single layer of epidermal cells called

the lower epidermis. It also has stomata. Stomata consist of two guard cells,

containing a few chloroplasts that surround a tiny opening, the stoma. The guard

cells can open and close the stoma. When the stoma is open, carbon dioxide for

photosynthesis diffuses into the mesophyll while oxygen and water vapor diffuse out.

3.Sketch the leaf cross section and label the structures in boldface.

Photosynthesis: An organic endothermic reduction reaction

When a leaf makes sugar the sugar is converted into starch almost immediately. The starch is stored right on the membranes of the chloroplasts in which its glucose subunits were made. Thus, a positive starch test indicates that sugar had been made by photosynthesis. We will use iodine as an indicator for the presence of starch and thus and indicator that photosynthesis did occur.

Activity #2: Determining that light is necessary for photosynthesis.

Geranium leaves were partially covered with a piece of cardstock with holes cut into it and then put in the dark overnight to “destarch”.

1)What does this mean?

______________________________________________________________________________ The plants were then put into high intensity light.

2)What process will happen?


3)What products will be made?


(2) Take a leaf covered with cardstock. Before removing the cardstock, draw a picture of the leaf showing the placement of the hole.

A.Remove cardstock.

B.Boil leaf in water until limp, about 2 minutes. DO NOT over boil.

C.Boil the same leaf in ethyl alcohol. BE CAREFUL! Alcohol boils at a much

lower temperature than water. Turn your hot plate down to simmer and do not let

the alcohol boil away. What color does the leaf turn?

What color(s) does the alcohol turn?

Chlorophyll is soluble in alcohol but not in water. Boiling the leaf in water breaks

up the cells. Boiling the leaf in alcohol removes the chlorophyll from the leaf.

That is why the alcohol turns green.

D.Put the leaf into a Petri dish and put iodine on it. Remember that a positive starch

test is a dark color. (It might look more dark brown that blue-black.) Do you see

a darker spot? Draw a picture of the leaf indicating the spot. Does the placement

of the spot correspond to the original hole in the tin foil? You have proved that

is necessary for photosynthesis.

Acitivty #3 (optional): Determining that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis

If a plant needs light, it must have a way of absorbing it. Pigments are molecules that absorb some colors of light and reflect others. White light is made of all the colors of the spectrum. The pigment chlorophyll is green because it reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light. The chlorophyll molecules are on the grana membranes inside the chloroplasts, but chlorophyll isn’t the only pigment found in plants. Carotenes are yellow to orange.

Xanthophylls are yellow. Anthocyanins are red, pink, blue, or purple. Carotenes and xanthophylls are also found in plastids. Anthocyanins are found in the plant cells’ large central vacuole.

A. Pick a leaf from either a variegated Coleus or Geranium.

A.Draw the leaf, labeling the exact placement of the different colors. Which parts of the

leaf contain chlorophyll? Which do not contain chlorophyll? Can you see other

pigments? Where are they located?

B.Boil the leaf in water until limp. Remove it and draw it, noting any color change.

Did any of the colors leach out?

C.Boil the leaf in ethyl alcohol. Draw it again, noting other color changes.

D.Now, put the leaf into a Petri dish and put iodine on it. Any area that turns dark

contains starch. Draw the leaf, indicating the areas of positive starch.

E.The areas of starch correspond to which original pigment areas?

This experiment proves that is necessary for photosynthesis.

Activity #5: Separation and Identification of Leaf Pigments

The technique of chromatography is used widely to separate the individual components of a mixture of related substances – for example a mixture of amino acids, or one of sugars. The term “chromatography” refers to the fact that after separation, the individual substances may be visualized as spots of color, either because of their own natural color, or more commonly by causing them to react with reagents to yield a colored product. The first step in a chromatographic procedure is to apply a variety of substances to a supporting medium (i.e. chromatography paper). A suitable solvent is then used to move through the medium, and carries with it the mixture of components to be separated. Different components of the mixture travel at different speeds, depending on their affinity for the medium and their solubility in the solvent.

One of the simplest chromatographic techniques is that of paper chromatography, in which the supporting medium is filter paper. In today’s laboratory you will separate plant pigments by paper chromatography. The predominant pigment in the leaves of green plants is chlorophyll, which occurs in two slightly different chemical forms called chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Most leaves contain at least two additional types of pigments, carotenes and xanthophylls, which are ordinarily not visible because they are masked by the more abundant chlorophyll.

Paper Chromatography Procedure:

A.Pigment Extraction. The leaf extract will be supplied to you. Or you may

collect leaf samples of your choice (directions given in the following section).

B.Setting up the Chromatography “Chamber”. Study the apparatus shown in Figure

5-1. You will use a large test tube as a chromatography chamber. The tube will

be sealed by means of a rubber stopper which has a wire hook attached. The filter

paper holding the pigment sample to be separated (directions given in the

following section) will be suspended from the hook so that the tip of the paper

dips into the solvent, but none of the pigment is in the solvent.

C.Add solvent (9 parts petroleum ether: 1 part acetone) to a depth of approximately

? cm to the chromatography chamber. Stopper the tube tightly, and place it an

upright position in a clamp attached to a ring stand or in a flask. Allow the tube

to stand while you prepare the paper. During this time the air in the tube will

become saturated with solvent vapor.

Rubber Stopper


Solvent Front

Separated Pigments


Figure 5-1 Paper Chromatography Apparatus (courtesy, G.B. Reid)

D.Preparation of Chromatography paper.

1.Obtain a strip of Whatman #1 filter paper for use as your chromatogram.

Handle the chromatography paper only by its edges, as oils and

perspiration from your fingers can interfere with movement of the

substances on the chromatogram.

2. Place the strip on a clean sheet of ordinary paper and mark a line with a

pencil about 2cm from the tip. Do not use ink (Why not?)

3.Place your leaf sample at the bottom of the strip and use a ruler to mark 2

cm from the bottom.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/584637853.html,ing a coin with a serrated edge, press down firmly and roll along the

ruler edge several times to form a definite green line. Shift to a fresh area

of the leaf and repeat several times until the pencil line is covered

completely with a narrow green band. Allow to dry.

5.Dispense 2mL of chromatography solvent in the large chromatography

test tube.

6.Hold your chromatography paper next to the stoppered test tube

containing the solvent. Try to determine the exact point at which the wire

should be inserted into the paper strip so that the tip of the strip will just

reach the solvent. Make a small hole in the paper strip at this location.

7.Remove the stopper from the test tube containing the solvent. Insert the

hook through the upper end of the paper strip into the hole you made.

8.Carefully lower the chromatography paper into the test tube until the tip

touches the solvent. Do not allow the solvent to touch the green line.(The

strip should be positioned on the hook in such a way that when suspended

inside the tube, no part of the strip touches the side of paper.)

9.When the pigments have separated into distinct bands, lift the paper out of

the tube.

E.“Developing” the Chromatogram. The solvent will move rapidly up the paper

by capillary action. In its upward movement pass the pigment spot, the solvent

will carry the pigments with it. However, because of their varying affinities for

the paper, as well as different solubilities in the solvent, the different pigments

will be carried different distances, and will be seen on the paper as irregular

“spots” or bands of color

Remove the paper strip from the tube when the solvent is approximately 2 cm

below the hook from which the chromatogram is hanging. With a pencil, quickly

mark the distance traveled by the solvent through the chromatography paper

This is called thesolvent front. Delay will allow the solvent to evaporate and the

solvent front will no longer be visible. As soon as the paper is dry, outline each

region of pigment with pencil as faint spots fade.

DO NOT POUR THE SOLVENT INTO THE SINK! Return it instead to the

“Waste Solvent” container.

F.Identification of Pigments.The distance the pigment molecules travel through

the chromatograp hy paper, called the “relative front” or, is relative to the distance

traveled by the solvent front. In the solvent system which you used, the golden

pigment called carotenes move the fastest and appear near the top of the solvent

front. In some leaves this pigment is followed in turn by a lighter band of paler

yellow xanthophyll. Some chromatograms may contain bands of grayish leaf

break-down products in the region of the xanthophylls. These can be ignored. A

band of chlorophyll a lies below the xanthophyll layer. This band is followed by

chlorophyll b. Some leaf specimens may contain a water-soluble pigment

called anthocyanin that shows at the base of the chromatogram. Besides their

location on the chromatogram, pigments can be identified by their characteristic



carotenes orange to yellow

xanthophylls pale yellow to grayish

chlorophyll a bright green to grass-green

chlorophyll b olive-green

anthocyanins purplish-pink

The ratio of the distance traveled by a particular substance to the distance traveled by the solvent, both measured from the original spot, constitutes the so-called ratio of fronts, or R f,for that substance. This R f value is constant for a given set of conditions, but changes when the conditions are changed, for example if a different solvent is used.

1.Determine the R f values for each pigment on your chromatogram by measuring the

distance from the origin to (a) the solvent front and to (b) the center of each of the

pigment spots. Compute the ratio in each case as follows:

R f = distance from origin to center of pigment

distance from origin to solvent front

2.Express the R f value as a decimal (e.g., 0.75 or 0.24) without units.


For a precise identification of the pigments in an unknown mixture, a chromatogram of that unknown mixture is compared with chromatograms of known compounds run simultaneously using identical reagents and techniques.

Activity #6: Yeast Fermentation

Fermentation is a metabolic pathway that produces ethanol, carbon dioxide and two molecules of ATP in yeast during the anaerobic breakdown of one molecule of glucose. In this

experiment you will be testing the ability of yeast to metabolize several carbohydrates and gelatin.

You will work in pairs. Each table will test one solution. Your instructor will demonstrate how to do the set up. Data from all groups will be compared to determine which compounds yeast are able to break down anaerobically to produce energy (ATP).

Equipment and supplies per table

1. One fermentation tube

2. Yeast

3. One 25 or 50 ml graduated cylinder for measurement of solution into small tubes


4. 5% solutions for testing.


1.Measure 20 mL of 5% test solution into the fermentation tube using a graduated cylinder.

Set up the fermentation chambers as demonstrated, making sure there are no bubbles.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/584637853.html,ing a weigh boat, weigh 0.5g of yeast and place it into fermentation tubewith the test

solution (make sure all the yeast goes into the tube). Invert to mix.


4.Allow to ferment for 45 minutes.

5.After 45 minutes record how much water was displaced by gas produced during

fermentation. Report to the class whether or not yeast was able to break down your

solution by fermentation to produce ATP energy.

6.When finished rinse the fermentation tubes and graduated cylinders and leave at your


DATA TABLE: Fermentation analysis of yeast at 400 C for 20 minutes


1. On the basis of what you know about carbohydrates and anaerobic respiration, make predictions about which compound will ferment. Which do you think will react the fastest? WHY?

2. Which of these compounds are monosaccharides? Which are disaccharides? Which are polysaccharides? Which are proteins?

3. Several of the compounds will not react much, if at all. Explain why.


Language Points 1.Subtitle:Toxin sniffers,missile jammers,dirty-bomb detectors: The post-9/11security blitz is affecting more than public safety—it’s changing the course of science. Toxin sniffers:毒素嗅探器missile jammers:导弹人为干发射机 dirty-bomb detectors:放射性核弹探测器 全句可译为:毒素嗅探器、导弹人为干发射机、放射性核弹探测器:“9·11” 事件后闪电式的保卫行动不仅影响着公共安全——还在改变着科学的进程。 2.Par.[1]:In the race to prevent future9/11-style attacks—or worse—Washington has marshaled the U.S.science establishment on a scale not seen since Sputnik. 全句可译为:华盛顿以前苏联发射人造地球卫星以来所未有的规模对美国的科 学机构做了安排。 3.Par.[2]:“A lot of it is security theater technology designed to make you feel better,”says Bruce Schneier,author of Beyond Fear:Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World. 全句可译为:《超脱恐惧:明智地考虑变幻莫测世界的安全问题》的作者布鲁 斯·施奈尔说:“这当中有许多都是做表面文章的保安技术,目的是让你感到 更安全。 4.Par.[6]:As the archive of visa applicants balloons,scans of all10 fingers will provide more fail-safe identifications. 全句可译为:随着护照签证申请人的档案急剧增加,对十指全部进行扫描将 使身份验证更加万无一失。 5.Par.[9]:Resembling a sleek outhouse,the$150,000walk-through machine sends a quick blast of air over your clothing to dislodge trace explosive particles. walk-through:(建筑物)从两端都可进入的 全句可译为:这种价值15万美元的从两端都可进入的机器像个造型优美的 户外小屋,它在你的衣服上面迅速地吹过一股气流,从衣服上吹下微量炸药 粒子, 6.Par.[10]:Still,building technology today already seems light-years beyond pre-9/11days. 全句可译为:然而,今天的建筑技术看来已经远远超过“9·11”事件以前的 日子了。 7.Par.[11]:GPS:Global Positioning System全球卫星定位系统 8.Par.[12]:A cyber-attack on the country’s financial networks or power and telecommunications grids could make other means of protecting our physical assets moot. 全句可译为:对国家的金融网或电力和电信网进行的网络攻击,可使我们保 护有形资产的其他手段变得无实际意义。 9.Par.[12]:Developers describe it as a“Google-esque”tool and predict


尊重的素材(为人处世) 思路 人与人之间只有互相尊重才能友好相处 要让别人尊重自己,首先自己得尊重自己 尊重能减少人与人之间的摩擦 尊重需要理解和宽容 尊重也应坚持原则 尊重能促进社会成员之间的沟通 尊重别人的劳动成果 尊重能巩固友谊 尊重会使合作更愉快 和谐的社会需要彼此间的尊重 名言 施与人,但不要使对方有受施的感觉。帮助人,但给予对方最高的尊重。这是助人的艺术,也是仁爱的情操。—刘墉 卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。———徐特立 知道他自己尊严的人,他就完全不能尊重别人的尊严。———席勒 真正伟大的人是不压制人也不受人压制的。———纪伯伦 草木是靠着上天的雨露滋长的,但是它们也敢仰望穹苍。———莎士比亚 尊重别人,才能让人尊敬。———笛卡尔 谁自尊,谁就会得到尊重。———巴尔扎克 人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。———黑格尔 对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。———惠特曼

每当人们不尊重我们时,我们总被深深激怒。然而在内心深处,没有一个人十分尊重自己。———马克·吐温 忍辱偷生的人,绝不会受人尊重。———高乃依 敬人者,人恒敬之。———《孟子》 人必自敬,然后人敬之;人必自侮,然后人侮之。———扬雄 不知自爱反是自害。———郑善夫 仁者必敬人。———《荀子》 君子贵人而贱己,先人而后己。———《礼记》 尊严是人类灵魂中不可糟蹋的东西。———古斯曼 对一个人的尊重要达到他所希望的程度,那是困难的。———沃夫格纳 经典素材 1元和200元 (尊重劳动成果) 香港大富豪李嘉诚在下车时不慎将一元钱掉入车下,随即屈身去拾,旁边一服务生看到了,上前帮他拾起了一元钱。李嘉诚收起一元钱后,给了服务生200元酬金。 这里面其实包含了钱以外的价值观念。李嘉诚虽然巨富,但生活俭朴,从不挥霍浪费。他深知亿万资产,都是一元一元挣来的。钱币在他眼中已抽象为一种劳动,而劳动已成为他最重要的生存方式,他的所有财富,都是靠每天20小时以上的劳动堆积起来的。200元酬金,实际上是对劳动的尊重和报答,是不能用金钱衡量的。 富兰克林借书解怨 (尊重别人赢得朋友)


那一刻我感受到了幸福 本文是关于初中作文的那一刻我感受到了幸福,感谢您的阅读! 每个人民的心中都有一粒幸福的种子,当它拥有了雨水的滋润和阳光的沐浴,它就会绽放出最美丽的姿态。那一刻,我们都能够闻到幸福的芬芳,我们都能够感受到幸福的存在。 在寒假期间,我偶然在授索电视频道,发现(百家讲坛)栏目中大学教授正在解密幸福,顿然引起我的好奇心,我放下了手中的遥控器,静静地坐在电视前,注视着频道上的每一个字,甚至用笔急速记在了笔记本上。我还记得,那位大学教授讲到了一个故事:一位母亲被公司升职到外国工作,这位母亲虽然十分高兴,但却又十分无奈,因为她的儿子马上要面临中考了,她不能撇下儿子迎接中考的挑战,于是她决定拒绝这了份高薪的工作,当有人问她为什么放弃这么好的机会时,她却毫无遗憾地说,纵然我能给予儿子最贵的礼物,优异的生活环境,但我却无当给予他关键时刻的那份呵护与关爱,或许以后的一切会证明我的选择是正确的。听完这样一段故事,我心中有种说不出的感觉,刹那间,我仿拂感觉那身边正在包饺子的妈妈,屋里正在睡觉的爸爸,桌前正在看小说的妹妹给我带来了一种温馨,幸福感觉。正如教授所说的那种解密幸福。就要选择一个明确的目标,确定自已追求的是什么,或许那时我还不能完全诠释幸福。 当幸福悄悄向我走来时,我已慢慢明白,懂得珍惜了。 那一天的那一刻对我来说太重要了,原本以为出差在外的父母早已忘了我的生日,只有妹妹整日算着日子。我在耳边唠叨个不停,没想到当日我失落地回到家中时,以为心中并不在乎生日,可是眼前的一切,让我心中涌现的喜悦,脸上露出的微笑证明我是在乎的。

爸爸唱的英文生日快乐歌虽然不是很动听,但爸爸对我的那份爱我听得很清楚,妈妈为我做的长寿面,我细细的品尝,吃出了爱的味道。妹妹急忙让我许下三个愿望,嘴里不停的唠叨:我知道你的三个愿望是什么?我问:为什么呀!我们是一家人,心连心呀!她高兴的说。 那一刻我才真正解开幸福的密码,感受到了真正的幸福,以前我无法理解幸福,即使身边有够多的幸福也不懂得欣赏,不懂得珍惜,只想拥有更好更贵的,其实幸福比物质更珍贵。 那一刻的幸福就是爱的升华,许多时候能让我们感悟幸福不是名利,物质。而是在血管里涌动着的,漫过心底的爱。 也许每一个人生的那一刻,就是我们幸运的降临在一个温馨的家庭中,而不是降临在孤独的角落里。 家的感觉就是幸福的感觉,幸福一直都存在于我们的身边!

研究生英语精读教程第三版上unit one原文

Unit One Text: You Are What You Think And if you change your mind-from pessimism to optimism -you can change your life Claipe Safran [1] Do you see the glass as half full rather than half empty? Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut, not upon the hole? Suddenly these clichés are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking. [2] A fast-growing body of research—104 studies so far, involving some 15,000 people—is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness. "If we could teach people to think more positively," says psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University①in Houston②,"it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills." [3] "Your abilities count," explains psychologist Michael F. Scheier of Carnegie Mellon University③in Pittsburgh④, "but


研究生英语精读教程(下)答案 Unit 2 Exercise A I.Comprehension 1.The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is clear.In the former case,some direct action is taken(for example,lethal injection is given.) to help finishing the patient’s unbearable pain for good,while in the latter,no direct action is taken,merely letting the patient die. 2.The attitude of AMA is somewhat contradictory.First,it states that mercy killing is contrary to what the medical profession stands and also to its own policy.But then it goes on to say that the advice and judgment of the doctor should be available to the patient and/or his family. 3.A lethal injection is one which can“kill”the patient immediately.The author thinks that once the decision not to prolong the patient's agony is made,to give him a lethal injection is the best choice.Otherwise the patient will suffer more rather than less. 4.The most painful thing to do for a surgeon is to stand by and watch a savable baby die because his very duty is to use the scalpel to fight off death. 5.Some people are opposed to all kinds of euthanasia because they believe that all people have the right to live. 6.The author believes that the reason to let the baby die is only an excuse.And the real reason is that the child has Down's syndrome because the operation is very simple. 7.No,killing someone is not morally worse than letting someone die.(An example is omitted.) 8.What the doctor does in active euthanasia is only for humane reasons.In a civil case of killing,however,the person acts from the motive of personal gain.That's the main difference.9.Mercy killing and conventional euthanasia are the same thing,because in both cases the passive part the doctor plays is emphasized. 10.The attitude of AMA in its statement is contradictory.First,it forbids mercy killing, but then it goes on to deny that the cessation of treatment is the intentional termination of life.This is where the mistake is made, for the former is none other than the 1atter. Ⅱ.V ocabulary 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13:D 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D Ⅲ.Cloze 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C Ⅳ.Translation A.没有一个年轻人相信他是要死的。青春时期有一种永恒的感觉,使我们能自我纠正,适应一切事物。年轻人酷似神仙。虽半生一晃就过去了,还有下半生带着无限的宝藏给我们储备着,因为前程远大,希望无穷。这个新的时代是属于我们年轻人的。“一个远大无边的前景展开在我们面前。”我们环顾周围这个新的世界,充满着生命,活跃和不断的进步;我们自身感到朝气蓬勃,精神焕发,紧跟时代步伐。没有任何征兆会使我们预感到有朝一日,自


关于我的幸福作文八篇汇总 幸福在每个人的心中都不一样。在饥饿者的心中,幸福就是一碗香喷喷的米饭;在果农的心中,幸福就是望着果实慢慢成熟;在旅行者的心中,幸福就是游遍世界上的好山好水。而在我的心中,幸福就是每天快快乐乐,无忧无虑;幸福就是朋友之间互相帮助,互相关心;幸福就是在我生病时,母亲彻夜细心的照顾我。 幸福在世间上的每个角落都可以发现,只是需要你用心去感受而已。 记得有一次,我早上出门走得太匆忙了,忘记带昨天晚上准备好的钢笔。老师说了:“今天有写字课,必须要用钢笔写字,不能用水笔。”我只好到学校向同学借了。当我来到学校向我同桌借时,他却说:“我已经借别人了,你向别人借吧!”我又向后面的同学借,可他们总是找各种借口说:“我只带了一枝。”问了三四个人,都没有借到,而且还碰了一鼻子灰。正当我急的像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转时,她递给了我一枝钢笔,微笑的对我说:“拿去用吧!”我顿时感到自己是多么幸福!在我最困难的时候,当别人都不愿意帮助我的时候,她向我伸出了援手。 幸福也是无时无刻都在身旁。 当我生病的时候,高烧持续不退时,是妈妈在旁边细心

的照顾我,喂我吃药,甚至一夜寸步不离的守在我的床边,直到我苏醒。当我看见妈妈的眼睛布满血丝时,我的眼眶在不知不觉地湿润了。这时我便明白我有一个最疼爱我的妈妈,我是幸福的! 幸福就是如此简单!不过,我们还是要珍惜眼前的幸福,还要给别人带来幸福,留心观察幸福。不要等幸福悄悄溜走了才发现,那就真的是后悔莫及了! 这就是我拥有的幸福,你呢? 悠扬的琴声从房间里飘出来,原来这是我在弹钢琴。优美的旋律加上我很强的音乐表现力让一旁姥爷听得如醉如痴。姥爷说我是幸福的,读了《建设幸福中国》我更加体会到了这一点。 儿时的姥爷很喜欢读书,但当时家里穷,据姥爷讲那时上学可不像现在。有点三天打鱼两天晒网,等地里农活忙了太姥爷就说:“别去念书了,干地里的活吧。”干活时都是牛马拉车,也没机器,效率特别低。还要给牲口拔草,喂草,拾柴火,看书都是抽空看。等农闲时才能背书包去学校,衣服更是老大穿了,打补丁老二再接着穿,只有盼到过年时才有能换上件粗布的新衣服。写字都是用石板,用一次擦一次,那时还没有电灯,爱学习的姥爷在昏暗的煤油灯下经常被灯火不是烧了眉毛就是燎了头发。没有电灯更没有电视,没有电视更没有见过钢琴,只知道钢琴是贵族家用的。


研究生英语精读教程(第三版上) Unit 4 B. great regret C. great despair D. great disappointment 2. I have nothing but disdain for such a person. A. respect 3. The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers. A. scattered 4. I am sure disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas. D. generate 5. There was a meager attendance at the council meeting. B. enough C. ample D. haughty A. negotiation B. punishment 7. We can't rule out the possibility that he will come after all. B. refuse C. accept D. take C. tied to D. shut on 9. We three were the sole survivors in the traffic accident. A. lucky B. fortunate C. blessed 10. I slept through her dull speech. D. imaginative A. letters B. dealings C. writings A. pieces B. slips D. portions 13. The old lady ______ the sweet-smelling flowers into a garland. A. tied C. curved D. twisted B. prudent C. shrewd D. rude A. area B. place C. district A. firing B. lighting D. glowing 17. Sports, and not learning, seem to ______ in that school. A. appear B. occupy 18. Each chess player will have five minutes to ______ his next move. A. hoped C. wished D. wished to B. A word C. Words D. The word Unit 5 1. His beautiful writing is akin to drawing. A. as B. from C. above 2. His knowledge on the subject seems to be on a par with my own. A. different from


小学生作文《感悟幸福》范文五篇 小草说,幸福就是大地增添一份绿意;阳光说,幸福就是撒向人间的温暖;甘露说,幸福就是滋润每一个生命。下面是为大家带来的有关幸福650字优秀范文,希望大家喜欢。 感悟幸福650字1 生活就像一部壮丽的交响曲,它是由一篇一篇的乐章组成的,有喜、有怒、有哀、有乐。每一个人都有自己丰富多彩的生活,我也有自己的生活。我原本以为,吃可口的牛排,打电脑游戏,和朋友开心玩乐就是幸福。可是,我错了,幸福并不仅仅如此。 记得有一次,我放学回到家里放下书包就拿起一包饼干来吃。吃着吃着,突然我觉得牙齿痛了起来,而且越来越痛,痛得我连饼干也咬不动了。我放下饼干,连忙去拿了一面镜子来看。原来这又是那一颗虫牙在“作怪”。“哎哟哟,哎哟哟,痛死我了……”我不停地说着。渐渐地,那牙疼得越来越厉害,疼得我坐立不安,直打滚。后来在妈妈的陪伴下去了医院,治好了那颗虫牙。跨出医院大门时,我觉得心情出奇的好,天空格外的蓝,路边的樟树特别的绿,看什么都顺眼,才猛然一悟,幸福是简单而平凡的,身体健康就是一种幸福! 这学期我发现我的英语退步了,我决定要把这门功课学好,于是,我每天回

家做完作业后,都抽出半小时时间复习英语,在课上也听得特别认真,一遇到不懂的题目主动请教老师。经过一段时间的努力,终于,在上次考试的时候,我考了97分。妈妈表扬了我,我心里美滋滋的。我明白了经过自己的努力享受到成功的喜悦,这也是一种幸福。 …… 每个人都无一例外的渴望幸福。不同的人有不同的感受,其实,幸福就是那种能在平凡中寻找欢乐、能在困境中找到自信的一种心境。同学们,幸福其实很简单,就在我们的身边,触手可及。用心去认真地品味吧,它一直未曾离开我们身边! 感悟幸福650字2 有的人认为幸福就是腰缠万贯,有的人认为幸福就是找到意中人,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”是陶渊明对邪恶幸福,“从明天起做一个幸福人,喂马、劈柴、周游世界。从明天起,关心蔬菜和粮食,我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。”这是海子的幸福。一千种人就有一千种对幸福的理解。 我对幸福的理解就是幸福使简单而平凡的,是无处不在的! 我的牙疼得奇怪而顽强不是这颗牙疼就是那颗牙疼;不是吃冷的疼就是吃热

研究生英语精读教程翻译 上 课后习题及其答案。。

一、你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人 如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活 [1]你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗?当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。 [2]迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。与此相反,悲观则导致无望、疾病以及失败它与沮丧、孤独、令人苦恼的腼腆密切相关。休斯敦莱斯大学的心理学家克雷格·A·安德森说:“如果我们能够教会人们更积极地思考,那就如同为他们注射了预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。” [3] “你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡卡内基–梅隆大学的心理学家迈克尔·F·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功。”在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。 [4]以你的工作为例。宾夕法尼亚大学的心理学家马丁·E·P·塞利格曼与同事彼得·舒尔曼在一项重要研究中对大都会人寿保险公司的推销员进行了调查。他们发现,在工龄较长的推销员中,积极思考者比消极思考者要多推销37%的保险额。在新雇用的推销员中,乐观主义者则多销了20%。 [5]公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化行业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。这些本来可能根本不会被雇用的人售出的保险额高出一般的推销员10%。 [6]他们是如何做到的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。出了问题之后,悲观主义者倾向于自责。他说:“我不善于做这种事,我总是失败。”乐观主义者则寻找漏洞,他责怪天气,抱怨电话线路,甚至怪罪别人。他认为,是那个客户当时情绪不好。当一切顺利时,乐观主义者居功自傲而悲观主义者只把成功视为侥幸。[7]克雷格·安德森让一组学生给陌生人打电话,请他们为红十字会献血。当他们的第一、二个电话未能得到对方同意时,悲观者说:“我干不了这事。乐观主义者则对自己说:“我需要试试另一种方法。” [8]无论是消极还是积极,都是一种本身会成为事实的预言。安德森说:如果人们感到没有希望,他们就不会费事去获得成功所需的技能。” [9]据安德森看来,有无控制感是成功的试金石。乐观者能够掌握自己的命运。如果事情不顺利,他立刻做出反应,寻找解决办法,制定新的行动计划,并且主动寻求指点。悲观者则感到自己只能由命运摆布,行动拖拉。既然认为毫无办法,他便不去寻求指点。 [10]乐观主义者也许认为自己比事实能够证明的要强——有时正是这一点使他们充满生机。匹兹堡肿瘤研究所的桑德拉·利维博士对患晚期乳腺癌的妇女进行了研究。对那些通常持乐观态度的妇女来说,两次发病间隔的时间比较长,而这是生存下去的最好预兆。在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的初步研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在悲观病人身上复发更早。 [11]乐观态度不会使不治之症痊愈,却有可能预防疾病。在一项长期研究中,研究人员跟踪观察了一组哈佛大学毕业生的健康史。所有这些人都是班上的学生,并且健康状况良好。他们之中有的是积极思考者,有的是消极思考者。20年后,悲观者中患有中年常见病——高血压、糖尿病、心脏病——的人数要比乐观者多。 [12]许多研究显示,悲观者的无助感会损害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。密执安大学的克里斯托弗·彼德森博士发现悲观主义者不能很好地照顾自己。他消极被动,无法避开生活中的打击,无论做什么都会担心身体不好或其他灾难将临。他大嚼不利于健康的垃圾食品,逃避体育锻炼,不听医生的劝告,还总是要再贪一杯。 [13]在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向于其中之一。塞利格曼说,这是一种早在“母亲膝下”就开始形成的思维模式,来自千万次警告或鼓励,消极的或积极的话语。过多的“不许”及危险警告会使一个孩子感到无能、恐惧以及悲观。 [14]随着年龄的增长,儿童能体会到许多小小的成就感,如学会系鞋带等。家长可以促使这类成功转变为控制感,从而培养出乐观主义。 [15]悲观是一种很难克服的习惯,但并非不能克服。在一系列具有重大突破的研究中,伊利诺伊大学的卡罗尔·德韦克博士对小学低年级儿童做了一些工作。她帮助那些屡屡出错的学生改变对失败原因的解释——从“我准是很笨”变成“我学习还不够努力”——因此他们的学习成绩提高了。 [16]匹兹堡的利维博士想知道把病人变成乐观主义者是否会延长他们的生命。在一次试验性研究中,两组结肠癌病人受到同样方式的治疗,但其中一些人还得到了鼓励乐观态度的心理帮助。试验结果表明这一做法有一定的效果。现在已在计划实施一项重大研究,以确定这一心理变化是否会改变病情的发展。 [17]因此,如果你是个悲观主义者,你完全有理由乐观起来。你能改变自己。以下就是范德比尔特大学的心理学家史蒂夫·霍朗指出的方法: [18]一、当坏事发生时,仔细留意自己的想法,把你最初的想法原原本本地记下来,一字不改。


UNIT 1 1. 你对他说的话不能为你这种行为辩护。(justify) 1) What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours. 2. 你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗? (immune from) 1) Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop? 3. 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你是否会再做恶梦。(recur) 1) Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether or not your bad dream recurs. 2) Whether your nightmare recurs depends on your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist 4. 乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。 1) The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way. 5. 悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。(in part) 1) The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a person's opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. 2) Pessimists are likely to fail partly because one's perception of oneself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. 6. 在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致(consistent)。一个儿童行为的改变,可能表明他的注意力已因其活动特点的不同而转变。他的兴趣总是集中在手头的事情上。个性坚强、兴趣强烈的人能够坚持把自己正在做的事进行下去,只有重大的环境变化才能干扰其行为的方向和目的。 1) In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less consistent than it is in most adults. A child's changing behavior may show his changing concern with different features of his activity. His interest always focuses on the business at hand. The person with strong traits and interests is able to persist in what he is doing. Only a major situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behavior. UNITE THREE 尊敬的编辑同志: 非常高兴中央电视台和贵报举办“我与电视”征文活动。我很遗憾地告诉您我是位残疾人。当您看到我的稿子时,一定觉得我的字迹很乱吧。那是因为我的手不能动,多年来一直叼着笔用嘴写字,这些年来,我用嘴写出了一篇篇文章,一首首小诗。 现在我怀着无比激动的心情把这篇征文寄给您。祝好! 残疾青年王丽 My respected editor, I am greatly delighted that CCTV and your TV GUIDE are inviting us readers to contribute articles on the subject “Television and Me”. But I regret to tell you that I am a disabled girl. My handwriting is bad you’ll know when reading my manuscript. This is because I’m unable to move my hand, and I can write only with “my mouth”. For many years I grip the pen with my teeth and write the way I do. Over the past years I have “mouth-written”one essay after another, and one poem after another. At this very moment my heart is throbbing with great excitement while answering your call for a report also from me.


关于以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文5篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是作者为各位家长学生收集整理的作文(日记、观后感等)范本,欢迎借鉴参考阅读,您的努力学习和创新是为了更美好的未来,欢迎下载! 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文1: 那是我生病后的第三天,妈妈从早上五点就起来为我准备早点。她蹑手蹑脚地走着“针步”,下楼煮早点,“啪”的一声,妈妈打开了煤气。在拿肉丝,打鸡蛋的她全然不知我正躲在楼梯口“监视”着她的一举一动。不一会儿,蛋炒好了。 她开始切肉丝,一不小心,妈妈的手指切破皮了,鲜血正一滴一滴地流下来,为了不影响我的睡眠,她把手指放在嘴里吸了一下,坚持把剩下的肉丝切完。 此时的我,心中犹如打翻了五味瓶,眼里的泪像断了线的珍珠般掉了下来,我再也忍不住了,一个劲地冲到妈妈面前,她赶紧把手背了过去,生怕让我知道了什么。 她吃惊地问我:“妈妈太吵了,吵到你了?”“不,不,没有”她见我这么早起来就让我再回去补个觉。我关心地问:“妈,你的手没事吧?”她吱唔着说:“没事,擦破点皮,不碍事!”我仔细地帮她清洗了伤口,贴了一片创可贴。 吃饭时,妈妈一直地往我碗里夹肉,“孩子,病刚好,多吃点!”可是我见她始终都没吃一块肉。我也夹了两块放在她的碗里。“儿子懂事了,你自己快点吃吧!补身体要紧!”我冲她点点头笑了笑,“嗯。” 这就是幸福,一份简简单单的幸福!我祈祷这幸福能伴我成长。 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文2: 在我眼中,成长就是记录我们长大过程中一点一滴的小事情的,而幸福就在这点点滴滴中。 在我的成长记忆中,永不磨灭的是2017年11月的一天。妈妈要去云南,妈妈早上四点半要到指定地点集合,这么早,妈妈要两三点就起来,可是最近我咳嗽比较严重,所以天天给我煮萝卜汤喝。 “叮铃铃,叮铃铃”闹钟叫了起来,把我从睡梦中吵醒,一醒来,去找妈妈,


谈如何尊重人尊重他人,我们赢得友谊;尊重他人,我们收获真诚;尊重他人,我们自己也 获得尊重;相互尊重,我们的社会才会更加和谐. ——题记 尊重是对他人的肯定,是对对方的友好与宽容。它是友谊的润滑剂,它是和谐的调节器, 它是我们须臾不可脱离的清新空气。“主席敬酒,岂敢岂敢?”“尊老敬贤,应该应该!”共和 国领袖对自己老师虚怀若谷,这是尊重;面对许光平女士,共和国总理大方的叫了一 声“婶婶”,这种和蔼可亲也是尊重。 尊重不仅会让人心情愉悦呼吸平顺,还可以改变陌生或尖锐的关系,廉颇和蔺相如便是 如此。将相和故事千古流芳:廉颇对蔺相如不满,处处使难,但蔺相如心怀大局,对廉颇相 当的尊重,最后也赢得了廉颇的真诚心,两人结为好友,共辅赵王,令强秦拿赵国一点办法 也没有。蔺相如与廉颇的互相尊重,令得将相和的故事千百年令无数后人膜拜。 现在,给大家举几个例子。在美国,一个颇有名望的富商在散步 时,遇到一个瘦弱的摆地摊卖旧书的年轻人,他缩着身子在寒风中啃着发霉的面包。富 商怜悯地将8美元塞到年轻人手中,头也不回地走了。没走多远,富商忽又返回,从地摊上 捡了两本旧书,并说:“对不起,我忘了取书。其实,您和我一样也是商人!”两年后,富商 应邀参加一个慈善募捐会时,一位年轻书商紧握着他的手,感激地说:“我一直以为我这一生 只有摆摊乞讨的命运,直到你亲口对我说,我和你一样都是商人,这才使我树立了自尊和自 信,从而创造了今天的业绩??”不难想像,没有那一 句尊重鼓励的话,这位富商当初即使给年轻人再多钱,年轻人也断不会出现人生的巨变, 这就是尊重的力量啊 可见尊重的量是多吗大。大家是不是觉得一个故事不精彩,不够明确尊重的力量,那再 来看下一个故事吧! 一家国际知名的大企业,在中国进行招聘,招聘的职位是该公司在中国的首席代表。经 过了异常激烈的竞争后,有五名年轻人,从几千名应聘者中脱颖而出。最后的胜出者,将是 这五个人中的一位。最后的考试是一场面试,考官们都 作文话题素材之为人处世篇:尊重 思路 人与人之间只有互相尊重才能友好相处 要让别人尊重自己,首先自己得尊重自己 尊重能减少人与人之间的摩擦 尊重需要理解和宽容 尊重也应坚持原则 尊重能促进社会成员之间的沟通 尊重别人的劳动成果 尊重能巩固友谊 尊重会使合作更愉快 和谐的社会需要彼此间的尊重 名言 施与人,但不要使对方有受施的感觉。帮助人,但给予对方最高的尊重。这是助人的艺 术,也是仁爱的情操。———刘墉 卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。———徐特立 知道他自己尊严的人,他就完全不能尊重别人的尊严。———席勒 真正伟大的人是不压制人也不受人压制的。———纪伯伦 草木是靠着上天的雨露滋长的,但是它们也敢仰望穹苍。———莎士比亚


最新整理高中关于幸福的议论文800字范文3篇 范文一 什么是幸福?当我把一个棒棒糖递给六岁的邻居小妹妹时,她满足的笑容告诉我,这是她的幸福。当我轻轻地走过妹妹的写字台时,我瞥见埋在桌上的妹妹的僵硬的表情。我笑笑,走近,她抬头,水汪汪的眼睛望着我,似乎带着某种渴求。我说:出去玩吧!她笑了,蹦蹦跳跳地跑了出去。我诧异,这么真诚的笑。玩耍是她的幸福。 暑假到了,马上面临实习的哥哥回来了。可没过几天,就不见人影了,好容易盼他回来,暑假也结束了。他说他去了内蒙的好多地方。我关切的问他累吗?他说:累啊!随后又骄傲地说:“可是我学会了许多东西,我相信那对我以后的人生路是有帮助的。”我笑,大声地喊:哥,你是我的榜样。在他看来,他的暑假是充实的,他是幸福的! 夜幕降临,繁星点点。隔着一层帘,我看见常年劳作的父亲坐在那里,默默地吸着一支烟。灯光打在他的脸上,我看不清他的表情,只有那斑白的鬓角依稀可见。父亲真的老了,每天早出晚归来支撑这个家,他一定很累了。眼泪盈满了眼眶,最后还是不争气的流了下来……“咳、、咳、、”一阵剧烈的咳嗽声传来。我擦干眼泪,走到父亲旁边,父亲把那支烟熄灭,慈祥的笑笑,说:爸爸老了,不中用了。我说:没有啊!父女两开怀的笑了,笑声混着一个个烟圈飘向远方……我问父亲:爸,这么多年付出,这么多年劳作,你幸福吗?他坚定地告诉我,幸福!他说:“只要你们开开心心快快乐乐地成长,我做的一切都值得。”他又说:“霞,好好读书,爸爸赚钱供你上大学,我还没老呢,至少还能干XX年,20年……然后是一片寂静,我和父亲看着远方,那里有希望。 年迈的姥姥是家里的大长辈,他常常念叨:平安就是福。那也许是经历了人生的酸甜苦辣后的感悟吧!每逢新春,一大家人在姥姥家围着看电视时,那应该是她的幸福吧! 幸福是什么?它不是你一个人拥有一座豪宅,它是一家人在并不宽敞的屋子里谈笑风生。它不是你一个人有拥山珍海味,它是一家人和和乐乐的吃一些普通


《研究生英语精读教程》(第三版下) 中国人民大学出版社

Part Summary ?[1~2] ?John Tierney outlines the bet and the differences between the two sides.Two intellectual schools debate whether the world is getting better or going to the dogs. Part Summary ?[3~4] ?the doomster and his proposition ?Erhrich predicted that "before 1985 mankind will enter an age of scarcity" in which "the accessible supplies of many key minerals will be nearing depletion". Part Summary ?[5~6] ?the boomster and his point of view ?Simon believes that population growth constitutes not a crisis but a boon that will ultimately mean a cleaner environment and a healthier humanity. Part Summary

?[7~9] ?How the bet came into being. Part Summary ?[10-11] ?Erhrich's predictions and the reality ?Ehrlich was right about world population. Yet somehow the average person is healthier and wealthier. And things haven't run out yet. Part Summary ?[12~20] ?Simon's opposite propositions towards Erhrich's predictions ?Simon believed that human ingenuity could indefinitely expand the planet's carrying capacity. Part Summary ?[21~23] ?Simon had never enjoyed Ehrlich's academic success, when it came to winning over popularity. ?Many scientists are uncomfortable with his sweeping optimism - there is no guarantee that past trends will continue - but the consensus has been shifting against Ehrlich's idea of population growth as the great evil. Part Summary ?[24~26] ?The bet ended in Simon's success due to the decline in price Part Summary ?[27-28] ?New problems do exist, but there will be a way out. Text Summary ?What is the relationship between mankind and the earth? There was a fierce debate between Paul R. Ehrlich, an ecologist, and Julian L. Simon, an economist. Their debate in nature is between doomsters and boomsters over a view of the planet's ultimate limits and a vision of humanity's destiny. Ehrlich believed that population growth would result in depletion of resources. However, Simon held the idea that the resources were not finite. With the population growth, more people would produce more bright ideas to solve the problem. The key point of Simon's argument was that human ingenuity could indefinitely expand the planet's carrying capacity while Ehrlich's idea about the world was that a gigantic population crash would inevitably occur. From the debate it may be concluded that the danger does exist, yet there is a way out.

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