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06年 Space Research(15分)

07年 Opportunity and success(15分)




Part I Listening Comprehension(略) Part II Reading Comprehension Directions:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one's muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted in direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job.

Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less pronounced motions of his body.

The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less pronounced.

21. Some psychologists maintain that thinking is______.

A. not a mental process

B. more of a physical process than a mental action

C. a process that involves your entire body

D. a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain

22. Few people are able to listen to familiar music without ______.

A. moving some part of their body

B. stopping what they are doing to listen

C. directing the orchestra playing it

D. wishing that they could conduct music properly

23. Body movements are necessary in order for the listener to ______.

A. hear the music

B. appreciate the music

C. enjoy the music fully

D. completely understand the music

24. According to the selection, muscle participation in the process of thinking is ______.

A. deliberate

B. obvious

C. not readily apparent

D. very pronounced

25. The best title for this selection is ______.

A. An Ear for Music

B. Music Appreciation

C. How Muscles Participate in Mental Acts

D. A Psychological Definition of the Thinking Process

Laziness is a sin----everybody knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of ridicule or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of fantasies may prevent work; some people are so busy planning, sometimes panning great deals or fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with whatever "lesser" work is on hand. Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely procrastinating-rescheduling their day.

Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators, some people may look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, contemplating, researching. We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries occurred by chance or while someone was "goofing off". Newton wasn't working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. All of us would like to have someone "lazy" to build the car to stove we buy, particularly if that "laziness" were cause by the worker's taking time to check each step or his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being "lazy"----- that is, taking time off for a rest is good for the overworked student or executive. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who's simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic. So be careful when you're tempted to call someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting, or planning his or her next book.

26. The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A. laziness is a moral sin

B. there are advantages and disadvantages in being lazy

C. laziness is the sign of deep-seated emotional problems

D. lazy people do more careful work

27. The passage states that ______.

A. laziness is a disease

B. some people appear lazy because they are insecure

C. laziness is more beneficial than harmful

D. a good definition of laziness is emotional illness

28. Which of the following conclusion does the passage support? ______

A. The word laziness is sometimes applied incorrectly.

B. Most of the time laziness is a virtue.

C. Most assembly line workers are lazy.

D. Most insecure people are lazy.

29. The final paragraph is ______.

a. gloomy B. humorous C. serious D. ironical

30. "Goofing off" as used in paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. wasting time

B. sleeping

C. working

D. chatting with friends

The idea of humanoid robots is not new. They have been part of the imaginative landscape ever since Karl Capek, a Czech writer, first dreamed them up for his 1921 play "Rossum's Universal Robots". (The word "robot" comes from the Czeeh word for drudgery, robota.) Since then, Hollywood has produced countless variations on the theme, from the sultry False Maria in Fritz Lang's silent masterpiece "metropolis" to the withering C-3PO in "Star Wars" and the ruthless assassin of "Terminator". Humanoid robots have walked into our collective subconscious, coloring our views of the future.

But now Japan's industrial giants are spending billions of yen to make such robots a reality. Their new humanoids represent impressive feats of engineering: when Honda introduced Asimo, a four-foot robot that had been in development for some 15 years, it walked so fluidly that its white, articulated exterior seemed to conceal a human. Honda continues to make the machine faster, friendlier and more agile. Last October, when Asimo was inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame in Pittsburgh, it walked on the stage and accepted its own plaque.

At two and a half feet tall, Sony’s QRIO is smaller and more toy-like than Asimo. It walks, understands a small number of voice commands, and can navigate on its own. It is falls over, it gets up and resumes where it left off. It can even connect wirelessly to the internet and broadcast what its camera eyes can see. In 2003, Sony demonstrated an upgraded QRIO that could run. Honda responded last December with a version of Asimo that runs at twice the speed.

In 2004, Toyota joined the fray with its own family of robots, called Partner, one of which is a four-foot humanoid that plays the trumpet. Its fingers work the instrument’s valves, and it has mechanical lungs and artificial lips. Toyota hopes to offer a commercial version of the robot by 2010. This month, 50 Partner robots will act as guides at Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan.

Despite their sudden proliferation, however, humanoids are still a mechanical minority. Most of the world's robots are faceless, footless and mute. They are bolted to the floors of factories, stamping out car parts or welding pieces of metal, making more machines. According to the United Nations, business orders for industrial robots jumped 18% in the first half of 2004. They may soon be outnumbered by domestic robots, such as self-navigating vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and window-washers, which are selling fast. But neither industrial nor domestic robots are humanoid.

31. In paragraph 1 the author introduces this topic by relating ______.

A. the idea of humanoid robots

B. Karl Capek's creation of robots

C. Hollywood's production of robot films

D. the origin of and popular movies about robots

32. According to the author's description, Asimo ______.

A. is a four-legged robot

B. seems more like a human being than a machine in action

C. seems more like a machine than a human being in action

D. is in a sort of animal form

33. Sony’s QRIO could perform all the following tasks EXCEPT ______.

A. walking everywhere freely

B. understanding some words uttered by people

C. finding its way

D. continuing walking after it stumbles

34. From the passage we may infer that Toyota’s Partner ______.

A. is much better than any other robots

B. is no more than a mechanic device

C. may be put into mass production

D. may speak like man

35. Judging from the context, this passage is probably written ______.

A. in 2004

B. in 2005

C. between 2003~2004

D. between 2004~2005

Passage 4

Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold bout 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, bout 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucking into the atmosphere

each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence.

The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent.

Another outstanding characteristic of water is that it has a heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and sore vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climate extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practiced, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and Magnesium is produced from seawater along the American Gulf Coast.

36. A characteristic of water NOT mentioned in this passage is that water ______.

A. expands on freezing

B. is a great solvent

C. is like ammonia

D. has a very high heat capacity

37. From this passage, we may conclude that ______.

A. ocean and land masses are equal

B. ocean masses are smaller than land masses

C. it is difficult to get fresh water from the ocean

D. none of the above is correct

38. By “hydrosphere” the author means ______.

A. the moisture in the air

B. the part of the earth covered by water

C. the Milky Way

D. the frozen waters of the earth

39. Fish can survive in the oceans because ______.

A. there are currents in the ocean

B. ice floats

C. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle

D. water absorbs heat

40. “Anomaly”, as used in the second paragraph, means ______.

A. state of being anonymous

B. abnormality

C. characteristic

D. property

Part III Vocabulary (10 points)

Directions: In this part, there are 20 sentences with four choices below each sentence. Choose the best one from the 4 choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

41. Early exponents of science fiction such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells explored with zest the future

possibilities opened up to the optimistic imagination by modern technology.

A. inspiration

B. enthusiasm

C. fantasy

D. endeavor

42. Except for coarse earthen-wares, which can be made from clay as it is found in the earth, pottery is made from special clays plus other materials mixed to achieve the desired results.

A. conventional

B. unique

C. genuine

D. crude

43. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their heads and ran into the elevator.

A. poured

B. dismayed C panicked D. trembled

44. The English language contains a(n) ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary


A. altitude

B. latitude

C. multitude

D. attitude

45. The wealth of a country should be measured ______ the health and happiness of people as well as the material goods it can produce.

A. in line with

B. in terms of

C. in regard with

D. by means of

46. Radar is used to extend the ______ of man's senses for observing his environment, especially the sense of vision.

A. validity

B. liability

C. capacity

D. intensity

47. We are writing to the manager ______ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.

A. with the exception of

B. with the purpose of

C. with reference to

D. with a view to

48. They made detailed investigations to ______ themselves with the needs of the rural market

A. adhere

B. acknowledge

C. acquaint

D. activate

49. Probably there's a good reason for her absence, as she doesn't usually stay away from work.

A. Conspicuously

B. Prospectively

C. incidentally

D. Presumably

50. I was ______ in my reading, and didn't at first hear the doorbell ring.

A. immured

B. immersed

C. busy

D. infatuated

51. Ten minutes later, the police came and ______ the crowd.

A. dismayed

B. dispersed

C. dismounted

D. distressed

52. There are ______ differences between theory and practice.

A. legible

B. laden

C. radical

D. medieval

53. Will you ______ my article to find out whether I've made any mistakes?

A. look after

B. look through

C. look up

D. look into

54. When he lived in that remote place, radio was the only means he had to keep ______ of current events in the country.

A. account

B. trace

C. record

D. track

55. The flashing red light served as a ______ of danger ahead.

A. predictor

B. caution

C. precaution

D. prevention

56. According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______, it will snow this afternoon.

A. accurate

B. dull

C. awkward

D. tedious

57. If his father could not keep up the payments on the mortgage, his uncle might ______ it for him.

A. redeem

B. amend

C. resemble

D. appeal

58. His writing depicts this changing world and the increasing cultural diversity of the United States.

A. conflict

B. refinement

C. variety

D. movement

59. She was artful and could always get round her parents in the end.

A. play

B. deceive

C. confuse

D. annoy

60. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk coherently.

A. honestly

B. appropriately

C. intelligibly

D. flexibly

Part IV Cloze (10 points)

Directions:Decide which of the choices given below could correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Who won the World Cup 2004 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? (61) ______ an event takes place, newspapers are on the street (62) ______ the details whenever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to (63) ______ the news.

Newspapers have one basic (64) ______, to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to (65) ______ it. Radio, television, and (66) ______ inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication (67) ______, this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of

communication to improve the (68) ______ and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are (69) ______ and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. Besides keeping readers (70) ______ of the latest news, today's newspapers (71)______ and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers’ economic choices (72) ______ advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very (73) ______, Newspapers are sold at a price that (74) ______ even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main (75) ______ of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The (76)___ in selling advertising depends on newspaper's value to advertisers. This (77)_____ in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends (78) ______ on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment (79) ______ in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper’s value to readers as a source of information (80) ______ the community, city, county, nation and world ---- and even outer space.

61. A. Just when B. While C. Soon after D. Before

62. A. to give B. giving C. given D. being given

63. A. gather B. spread C. carry D. bring

64. A. reason B. cause C. problem D. purpose

65. A. make B. publish C. know D. write

66. A. another B. other C. one another D. the other

67. A. However B. And C. Therefore D. So

68. A. value B. ratio C. rate D. speed

69. A. spread B. passed C. printed D. completed

70. A. inform B. be informed C. to be informed D. informed

71. A. entertain B. encourage C. educate D. edit

72. A. on B. through C. with D. of

73. A. forms B. existence C. contents D. purpose

74. A. tries to cover B. manages to cover C. fails to cover D. succeeds in

75. A. source B. origin C. course D. finance

76. A. way B. means C. chance D. success

77. A. measures B. measured C. is measured D. was measured

78. A. somewhat B. little C. much D. something

79. A. offering B. offered C. which offered D. to be offered

80. A. by B. with C. at D. about

Part V Translation (15 points)

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate it into Chinese. Writing the translation on the ANSWER SHEET (2).

Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are tow computer-related technologies that may cast large shadow on education. Much of school planning may be done not by human agents but by programs created by human agents; and much of what was once accomplished by textbooks and occasional field trips will now be performed in virtual reality. One can ask: what is the truth value of the materials prepared entirely by non-human entities?

In a turnabout from previous trends, the acquisition of credentials may become less important. Individuals will be able to educate themselves (largely if not wholly) and to exhibit their mastery in a simulated setting. Why pay $120,000 to go to law school, if one can "read law" as in early times and then demonstrate one's

legal skills via computer simulation? Or learn to fly a plane by similar means, for that matter?

Technology has revolutionized the world in which schools operate. Now it's time for education to catch up to change.

Part VI Writing (15points)

Directions: Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the following topic on the ANSWER SHEET (2).

Space Research


21-25 DACCC

26-30 BBACA

31-35 DBACB

36-40 CCBCB

41-45 BDCBD

46-50 DCCDB

51-55 BCDDB

56-60 AACBC

61-65 CBADC

66-70 BADCD

71-75 CBBCA

76-80 DCABD

Part V Translation





北航考博辅导班:2019北京航空航天大学光学工程考博难度解析及 经验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,全国开设57所光学工程专业的大学参与了2018-2019光学工程专业大学排名,其中排名第一的是浙江大学,排名第二的是华中科技大学,排名第三的是天津大学。 作为北京航空航天大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,北京航空航天大学的光学工程一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第十一。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于北京航空航天大学光学工程考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 光学工程是一门历史悠久而又年轻的学科。它的发展表征着人类文明的进程。它的理论基础——光学,作为物理学的主干学科经历了漫长而曲折的发展道路,铸造了几何光学、波动光学、量子光学及非线性光学,揭示了光的产生和传播的规律和与物质相互作用的关系。 北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院博士招生专业 专业代码及名称:14、080300 光学工程 考试科目详细内容,请咨询招生学院。 二、综合考核 北京航空航天大学光学工程专业博士研究生招生为资格审查加综合考核形式。其中,综合考核内容为: 复试以综合面试的方式进行差额录取。学院按学科(专业)成立复试专家组(定向生除外),由不少于5人的本学科(专业)或相近学科(专业)的博士生导师组成,对参加复试的考生进行综合考核,主要评价学生视野、实际应用知识能力及培养潜力。 复试成绩满分300分。复试成绩低于180分为不合格,不予录取。 综合面试环节主要内容和形式如下: (1) 思政考核:不合格者不予录取。 (2)外语水平(满分100分); 英文自我介绍,随机的英语提问和回答,考核英语听说能力。 (3)专业知识考核(满分:100分) 全面考核考生对所学学科(专业)理论知识和应用技能掌握程度,利用所学理论发现、分


数值分析模拟试卷1 一、填空(共30分,每空3分) 1 设??? ? ??-=1511A ,则A 的谱半径=)(a ρ______,A 的条件数)(1A cond =________. 2 设 ,2,1,0,,53)(2==+=k kh x x x f k ,则],,[21++n n n x x x f =________, ],,[321+++n n n n x x x x f ,=________. 3 设?????≤≤-++≤≤+=2 1,121 0,)(2 323x cx bx x x x x x S ,是以0,1,2为节点的三次样条函数,则b=________,c=________. 4 设∞=0)]([k k x q 是区间[0,1]上权函数为x x =)(ρ的最高项系数为1的正交多项式族,其中1)(0=x q ,则 ?=1 )(dx x xq k ________,=)(2 x q ________. 5 设???? ??????=11001a a a a A ,当∈a ________时,必有分解式,其中L 为下三角阵,当 其对角线元素)3,2,1(=i L ii 满足条件________时,这种分解是唯一的. 二、(14分)设4 9,1,41,)(2102 3 === =x x x x x f , (1)试求)(x f 在]4 9,41[上的三次Hermite 插值多项式)(x H 使满足 2,1,0),()(==i x f x H i i ,)()(11x f x H '='. (2)写出余项)()()(x H x f x R -=的表达式. 三、(14分)设有解方程0cos 2312=+-x x 的迭代公式为n n x x cos 3 2 41+ =+, (1) 证明R x ∈?0均有? ∞ →=x x n x lim (? x 为方程的根); (2) 取40=x ,用此迭代法求方程根的近似值,误差不超过,列出各次迭代值; (3)此迭代的收敛阶是多少?证明你的结论. 四、(16分) 试确定常数A ,B ,C 和,使得数值积分公式 有尽可能高的代数精度. 试问所得的数值积分公式代数精度是多少?它是否为Gauss 型的?


2011年北京航空航天大学博士生入学考试题 概率部分 一、填空题 36分 1、 设每次试验成功的概率是p (00,问k 的值为 3、 一盒内有3个红球,12个白球,从中不放回取6次,每次取一个球,则第6次取球时取 到红球的概率为 4、 设二维随机变量221 (,)~(1,2,1,3;)3 X Y N ,则D(X-2Y+5)= 5、 三门大炮同时炮击一战舰(每炮发一弹),设击中敌舰一、二、三发的概率为0.5,、0.3、 0.2,而敌舰中弹一、二、三发的概率分别为0.3、0.6、0.9,则敌舰被击沉的概率为 6、 设二维随机变量(,)X Y 的概率密度为2 1 (,),01,02 3 f x y x xy x y ?=+ ≤≤≤≤?? (其它条件为0),则(1)P X Y +≤= 7、 考贝叶斯公式的题,比较简单,没记住…… 8、 已知T 分布()t n 的密度函数()n f t ,求lim ()n n f t ->∞ = 9、 设随机变量序列12,,,n X X X 独立同分布,且2 ~(,),(1,2,3,)i X N i μσ= ,记 21 n n i i Y X ==∑ ,***()()n n n Y Y F x P Y x = =≤,则对任意实数X 有*lim ()n Y n F x ->∞ = 二题 16分 设二维随机变量(,)X Y 的概率密度为 2 232 1(,)(1sin sin )2x y f x y e x y π +-=+,,x y -∞<<+∞, (1)求(,)X Y 关于X 的边沿概率密度()X f x ; (2)求(,)X Y 关于Y 的边沿概率密度()Y f y ; (3)X 与Y 是否相互独立? (4)利用本题可以用于说明一个什么样的问题? 三题 8分 设??????,,,,21n X X X 是相互独立的随机变量序列,且i X 的分布律为


北航考博辅导班:2019北京航空航天大学可靠性与系统工程学院考 博难度解析及经验分享 北京航空航天大学可靠性与系统工程学院2019 年博士研究生招生实行“申请―审核”制,符合《北京航空航天大学2019年博士研究生招生简章》中报考条件的申请人提交相关材料,依据考生申请材料的综合评价结果确定差额综合考核名单,经综合考核后择优推荐拟录取。强军计划、少数民族骨干计划、论文博士等采取相同的办法同时进行。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于北京航空航天大学可靠性与系统工程学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 1985年,我国国防科技界、教育界的著名专家,我国可靠性系统工程事业的奠基人和开拓者杨为民教授顺应国家战略重大需求,组建了北航工程系统工程系和可靠性工程研究所。历经30年发展沉淀,学院形成了“献身国防,无私奉献的崇高境界;高屋建瓴,开拓创新的学术风范;淡泊名利,廉洁自律的高尚情怀;以人为本,集体发展的团队精神”的为民精神,秉承“开拓创新、敢为人先,需求牵引、专业推动,学科龙头、科教统筹,团队优势、集体发展”的工作理念,走过了一条“面向工程服务、开辟科研领域、创建培养体系”的特色创新之路,已成为国内可靠性工程专业技术领域的领军单位。 目前,研究所挂靠有多个以管理咨询和技术服务为职能的国家级中心和专家组,建成有可靠性领域唯一的国防科技重点实验室,以及多个国内实验设备与综合试验研究能力一流的部委级重点实验室和评价机构。这些高水平的技术与管理平台为院、所的可持续发展提供了坚实的基础与保证。 在科研领域,院、所现拥有专业齐全的研究方向、结构合理的教学科研队伍和配套先进的试验设备。多年来,紧密围绕国防科技工业发展对可靠性工程的专业需求,开展管理支持、人才培养、科学研究和工程服务。“九五”以来,先后承担完成了500余项科研项目,获得了包括国家科技进步特等奖在内的各类科技成果奖100余项,取得显著的经济效益和社会效益。 在人才培养领域,可靠性与系统工程学院开创了国内高校第一个“质量与可靠性工程”专业,建立了从本科到硕士(工程硕士)、博士、博士后在内完整的人才培养体系,将理论研究、工程应用与人才培养紧密结合,培养了大批可靠性与系统工程专业人才。同时,为上


2015北京航空航天大学系统工程考博(可靠性与系统工程学院)参考书、历年真题、报录比、研究生招生专业目录、复试分数线 一、学院介绍 1985年,我国国防科技界、教育界的著名专家,我国可靠性系统工程事业的奠基人和开拓者杨为民教授顺应国家战略重大需求,组建了北航工程系统工程系和可靠性工程研究所。历经20余年发展沉淀,学院形成了“献身国防,无私奉献的崇高境界;高屋建瓴,开拓创新的学术风范;淡泊名利,廉洁自律的高尚情怀;以人为本,集体发展的团队精神”的为民精神,秉承“开拓创新、敢为人先,需求牵引、专业推动,学科龙头、科教统筹,团队优势、集体发展”的工作理念,走过了一条“面向工程服务、开辟科研领域、创建培养体系”的特色创新之路,已成为国内可靠性工程专业技术领域的领军单位。 目前,研究所挂靠有多个以管理咨询和技术服务为职能的国家级中心和专家组,建成有可靠性领域唯一的国防科技重点实验室,以及多个国内实验设备与综合试验研究能力一流的部委级重点实验室和评价机构。这些高水平的技术与管理平台为院、所的可持续发展提供了坚实的基础与保证。 在科研领域,院、所现拥有专业齐全的研究方向、结构合理的教学科研队伍和配套先进的试验设备。多年来,紧密围绕国防科技工业发展对可靠性工程的专业需求,开展管理支持、人才培养、科学研究和工程服务。“九五”以来,先后承担完成了500余项科研项目,获得了包括国家科技进步特等奖在内的各类科技成果奖100余项,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。 在人才培养领域,可靠性与系统工程学院开创了国内高校第一个“质量与可靠性工程”专业,建立了从本科到硕士(工程硕士)、博士、博士后在内完整的人才培养体系,将理论研究、工程应用与人才培养紧密结合,培养了大批可靠性与系统工程专业人才。同时,为上级单位举办了500多期各类可靠性系统工程培训班,培训人数达15000余人次,普及推广了可靠性专业知识,有力地推动了国防科技工业生产中可靠性工程的开展。 今天,可靠性-效能的倍增器,系统工程-智慧的钥匙,两者交叉融合诞生了可靠性与系统工程学院,它是大系统复杂性和不确定性碰撞的结果,亦是贯彻落实科学发展观寻求方法论突破的必然。为此,我们将紧抓机遇,瞄准科学发展方法论的学科培育需求、精英教育综合能力的人才培养需求以及国家重大工程系统优化的工程应用需求这三大需求,系统谋划、开拓奋进,打造具有国防特色与工程技术优势的国内领先、国际一流的可靠性与系统工程人才培养基地、技术研发基地、试验评价基地和成果转化基地,为北航建设“空天信融合特色的世界一流大学”做出新的贡献。 二、2015北京航空航天大学系统工程考博参考书 科目代 科目名称参考书目 码 1001英语不指定参考书


人大考博英语真题之作文范文 1.Public Transportation As part of domestic modernization,public transportation needs to be developed urgently in China.I can illustrate some examples. There does not only exist serious traffic jams but also crowded buses, underground and https://www.doczj.com/doc/5116975478.html,muters find it hard to get to work on time due to overcrowded buses or tubes. Travelers could hardly get on buses in big cities during weedends owing to fewer buses and more people.When Spring Festival is drawing near,there is much greater–ressure on public transportation since it has to deal with a large number of travelers rushing home. And travelers need special arrangements to go home.In a word,public transportation has become bottleneck to the advanc of Chinese economy. To solve the above-mentioned problems,the departments concerned should carry out the following steps:to build more roads,highways or railways and to add buses or trains to the original lines.But ther funds have to be raised both from the government and the public. There are three sources for fund raising.One is to raise the fares for all kinds of all transportation vehicles.Another is to increase the prices for various vehicles on sale.The third is to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oil in addtion to the governmental funds. If all this money to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oiil in addtion to the governmental funds.If all this money collected is used


考博英语有多难 有人说英语需要的是积累,想在短时间内提高英语水平很难,此话不假。但是英语水平与英语考试分数并不直接对应,想在短时间内提高英语考试分数却有章可循。一般英语基础比较差的考生首先需要突破的是单词。找一本考博单词辅导书天天背。育明考博辅导专家提醒考生,单词不认识,一切都是虚妄,此处无捷径可走需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 一、成绩建立在基础之上 单词量有了,再翻开考博阅读,你会发现文章忽然不那么可怕了,文章中一个个刚刚认识的、熟悉却有略感生疏的面孔再冲你微笑。这时可以开始进行阅读的突破。阅读训练请只做真题,其他任何资料都不足取,趁早放在一旁。考博复习的日子分秒必争,不是提高阅读量的时候。有去看英文报纸的功夫不如去再好好背一背单词,要还是有闲功夫就应当去准备其他科目了。做阅读真题的时候注意要仔细揣摩命题组的思路,到最后应该是读文章的时候就能隐约感觉到出题点;做题的时候能明显的感觉到常用的设陷阱的方法,甚至从选择项的语气、语言组织就能感觉到正确的选项。真题做一遍肯定不够,最好能过多做几遍,考博辅导专家提醒考生,做题的时候不光要提高英文水平,更重要的是要熟悉命题组的思路与命题方式。

二、写作其实很简单 英语作文写作并没有大家想象中那样困难,大家可以在平时多背一些复杂而又漂亮的句型,写作的时候尽量把他们用进去就是了。考博辅导专家提醒考生,有一个关键是要不要去背具体的句子而要背漂亮的语法结构。具体的句子应用面太窄,而一个漂亮的语法结构几乎在任何一篇作文中都可以用上。平时做一些练习,主要练习怎样在实际的句子中使用这些漂亮的语法结构,考试时就可以得心应手了。至于其他的题目,比如完型填空,确实比较考察你的英文水平积累。前面说过,英文水平在短期内难以迅速提高,所以请不要去做他们的专项练习。你多记了三五个固定搭配对最后分数的影响微乎其微,还有更重要的事情等着你去做,不要浪费时间。 育明考博辅导专家认为,英语的复习就是以背单词为基础,抓住阅读与写作,不要做其他题型的针对训练。 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑


2015中国农业大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、中国农业大学考博英语题型 Part1:词汇20分(20个小题) Part2:阅读理解40分(4篇短文每篇短文5小题) Part3:翻译20分(英译汉,10分;汉译英10分) Part4:写作20分 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。


北京语言大学考博英语真题及其解析Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points) Long before Man lived on the Earth,there were fishes,reptiles, birds,insects,and some mammals.Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today,others are now extinct,that is,they have no descendants alive now. 41Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin,so that, apart from color,we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago.That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land,often of the plants that grew on it,and even of its climate. 42Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action,and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water.Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals,birds,and insects of which we know noting.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. 43There were also crablike creatures,whose bodies were covered


2015北京外国语大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、北京外国语大学考博英语题型 Part1:词汇15分。30小题。 Part2:阅读理解40分。共20小题,4篇短文。 Part3:完形填空10分。共20小题。 Part4:翻译15分。英译汉,一篇短文中指定的5句话。 Part5:写作20分。200字左右。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。


2015中国科技大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war?War is an ancient institution,which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always bad and usually foolish,but in the past human race managed to live with it.Modern ingenuity has changed this.Either man will abolish war,or war will abolish man.For the present,it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger,but bacteriological or chemical weapons may,before long,offer an even greater threat.If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons,our work will not be done.It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war.To do this,we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way,not as contests of force,in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in killing people,but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law.It is not easy to change very old mental habits,but this is what must be attempted. There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war.I believe this to be a big error.All ideologies are based upon dogmatic statements that are,at best,doubtful,and at worst,totally false.Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them. The movement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely such as we can welcome.It has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided.Of course very difficult problems remain


北航考博英语真题翻译精选精练 56.in the past year,however,software companies have developed tools that allow companies to push information directly out to consumers,transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customers. 57.the examples of virtual vineyards,https://www.doczj.com/doc/5116975478.html,,and other pioneers show that a web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity,hospitality,and security will attract online customers. 58.an invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students'career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical education reform. 59.rather,we have a certain conception of the american citizen,a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself. 60.besides,this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations. (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-l iu jiu qi ba QQ:si jiu san san qi yi liu er liu) 翻译 56.但是,在过去的一年间,软件公司已经开发出工具,使得公司可以


数值分析第三次大作业 一、算法的设计方案: (一)、总体方案设计: x y当作已知量代入题目给定的非线性方程组,求(1)解非线性方程组。将给定的(,) i i

得与(,)i i x y 相对应的数组t[i][j],u[i][j]。 (2)分片二次代数插值。通过分片二次代数插值运算,得到与数组t[11][21],u[11][21]]对应的数组z[11][21],得到二元函数z=(,)i i f x y 。 (3)曲面拟合。利用x[i],y[j],z[11][21]建立二维函数表,再根据精度的要求选择适当k 值,并得到曲面拟合的系数矩阵C[r][s]。 (4)观察和(,)i i p x y 的逼近效果。观察逼近效果只需要重复上面(1)和(2)的过程,得到与新的插值节点(,)i i x y 对应的(,)i i f x y ,再与对应的(,)i i p x y 比较即可,这里求解 (,)i i p x y 可以直接使用(3)中的C[r][s]和k 。 (二)具体算法设计: (1)解非线性方程组 牛顿法解方程组()0F x =的解* x ,可采用如下算法: 1)在* x 附近选取(0) x D ∈,给定精度水平0ε>和最大迭代次数M 。 2)对于0,1, k M =执行 ① 计算() ()k F x 和()()k F x '。 ② 求解关于() k x ?的线性方程组 () ()()()()k k k F x x F x '?=- ③ 若() () k k x x ε∞∞ ?≤,则取*()k x x ≈,并停止计算;否则转④。 ④ 计算(1) ()()k k k x x x +=+?。 ⑤ 若k M <,则继续,否则,输出M 次迭代不成功的信息,并停止计算。 (2)分片双二次插值 给定已知数表以及需要插值的节点,进行分片二次插值的算法: 设已知数表中的点为: 00(0,1,,) (0,1,,)i j x x ih i n y y j j m τ=+=???=+=?? ,需要插值的节点为(,)x y 。 1) 根据(,)x y 选择插值节点(,)i j x y : 若12h x x ≤+ 或12 n h x x ->-,插值节点对应取1i =或1i n =-,


https://www.doczj.com/doc/5116975478.html,中国考博辅导首选学校 2014考博英语真题分析 大家都知道,考博考到最后是在考英语,考英语考到最后是在考阅读, 得阅读者得天下,由此可看出考博阅读在考博中占据的重要性。 历年考纲都明确规定了阅读理解A部分主要考查考生的八个方面,要 求考生掌握这几方面的要求,同时在试题的考查中体现出了考纲对阅读理 解A的考查,细节题体现出了考博考纲中要求掌握细节的一点,主旨题也体 现出了考纲中需要掌握文章大概框架的要求等等,前些年细节题占据了考题 的很大一部分,这些年考查细节方面题的数量稍有减少,相应的其他类型题 的数量稍有增加。 (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537)这几年阅读理解文章难度,整体上趋于平稳。今年的阅读题题型和11 年有相似之处,话题都是大家比较熟悉的话题,这样就不会出现10年时候出 现的文章大意都看不懂的现象,但是这样也会出现另外一个现象,大家熟悉 的话题就很容易加入自己的主观想法,就如05年第三篇讲梦的文章,大家都 知道日有所思,夜有所梦,很多考生在做第一题的时候很容易选择C答案: 梦反映出我们内心最深处的欲望与恐惧,另一方面,从06年到现在,答案的 干扰性越来越强,以前的答案设置中有两个是错误答案,很多时候剩下的一 个选项的无关干扰答案,与主题是没有关系的,这一个通常可以根据主题来 排除掉,而近几年的阅读题答案的干扰就是以文章里面出现的信息作为干扰 项,今年的考题也印证了这印证了这样一个趋势,不像10年的题,话题都 是专业的,很多学生文章都没看明白,但是从11年开始,很多考生似乎文章 都看懂了,但是答案就是做不对,有时文章不是很难,但是题目会出的稍微 拐的弯多一些。有些答案设计过程中确实是有些难度的。近几年考博阅读的 难度系数比较稳定,一般是在5道左右。06到12年阅读题都是5道左右。 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑


2015北京师范大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、北京师范大学考博英语题型 Part1:阅读理解,七篇共45个小题,45分; Part2:翻译,英译汉两个,汉译英一个,40分; Part3:写作,summary,15分。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不可否认,这是最好的情况,你可以放心的去考,一般不会出问题的。但不排除偶然,像出现直博和本


数值分析第二次大作业 史立峰 SY1505327

一、 方案 (1)利用循环结构将sin(0.50.2)() 1.5cos( 1.2)() {i j i j ij i j i j a +≠+==(i,j=1,2,……,10)进行赋值,得到需要变换的 矩阵A ; (2)然后,对矩阵A 利用Householder 矩阵进行相似变换,把A 化为上三角矩阵A (n-1)。 对A 拟上三角化,得到拟上三角矩阵A (n-1),具体算法如下: 记A(1)=A ,并记A(r)的第r 列至第n 列的元素为()n r r j n i a r ij ,,1,;,,2,1) ( +==。 对于2,,2,1-=n r 执行 1. 若 ()n r r i a r ir ,,3,2) ( ++=全为零,则令A(r+1) =A(r),转5;否则转2。 2. 计算 () ∑+== n r i r ir r a d 1 2 )( ()( )r r r r r r r r r r d c a d a c ==-=++则取,0sgn ) (,1)(,1若 )(,12r r r r r r a c c h +-= 3. 令 () n T r nr r r r r r r r r R a a c a u ∈-=++) ()(,2)(,1,,,,0,,0 。 4. 计算 r r T r r h u A p /)(= r r r r h u A q /)(= r r T r r h u p t /= r r r r u t q -=ω T r r T r r r r p u u A A --=+ω)()1( 5. 继续。 (3)使用带双步位移的QR 方法计算矩阵A (n-1)的全部特征值,也是A 的全部特征值,具体算法如下: 1. 给定精度水平0>ε和迭代最大次数L 。 2. 记n n ij n a A A ?-==][) 1()1()1(,令n m k ==,1。


北京航空航天大学 数值分析大作业八 学院名称自动化 专业方向控制工程 学号 学生姓名许阳 教师孙玉泉 日期2014 年11月26 日

一.题目 关于x , y , t , u , v , w 的方程组(A.3) ???? ?? ?=-+++=-+++=-+++=-+++79 .0sin 5.074.3cos 5.007.1cos sin 5.067.2cos 5.0y w v u t x w v u t y w v u t x w v u t (A.3) 以及关于z , t , u 的二维数表(见表A-1)确定了一个二元函数z =f (x , y )。 表A-1 二维数表 t z u 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0 -0.5 -0.34 0.14 0.94 2.06 3.5 0.2 -0.42 -0.5 -0.26 0.3 1.18 2.38 0.4 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.18 0.46 1.42 0.6 0.22 -0.34 -0.58 -0.5 -0.1 0.62 0.8 0.78 -0.02 -0.5 -0.66 -0.5 -0.02 1.0 1.5 0.46 -0.26 -0.66 -0.74 -0.5 1. 试用数值方法求出f (x , y ) 在区域}5.15.0,8.00|), {≤≤≤≤=y x y x D (上的近似表达式 ∑∑===k i k j s r rs y x c y x p 00 ),( 要求p (x , y )以最小的k 值达到以下的精度 ∑∑==-≤-=10020 7210)],(),([i j i i i i y x p y x f σ 其中j y i x i i 05.05.0,08.0+==。 2. 计算),(),,(* ***j i j i y x p y x f (i =1,2,…,8 ; j =1,2,…,5) 的值,以观察p (x , y ) 逼 近f (x , y )的效果,其中j y i x j i 2.05.0,1.0**+==。


对外经济贸易大学考博英语真题答案 Section I Use of English 1、【答案】B concluded 【解析】题干中,一系列的研究已经_____,事实上,正常体重的人的患病风险要高于超重的人。根据句义,后面的部分实际上是研究的结论,因此concluded符合题意,其他选项denied(否认)与意义相反,doubled(翻倍)与题意较远,ensured(确保)不符合题意,因为研究不能确保后面的事实,只能得出后面的事实作为结论。所以正确答案为B。 2、【答案】A protective 【解析】题干中,对于某些健康情况,超重事实上是有_____。根据前文研究的结论,超重能减少罹患疾病的风险,说明超重具有一定的保护作用。Dangerous和文章意思相反,sufficient表示充足,troublesome表示有麻烦,不符合题意,所以正确答案为A。 (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) 3、【答案】C likewise 【解析】第三句话中,较重的女人患缺钙的比例低于较瘦的女人。_____,在老年人中,一定程度上超重……。需要填入的是和前半句表示顺接的词语。A选项instead表示逆接的句意关系,B选项however也表示逆接,D 选项therefore表示因此,只有C选项likewise意为同样地;也,而且。因此正确答案为C。 4、【答案】A indicator 【解析】本句话中,_____,一定程度上超重,经常是健康的_____。A 选项,表示指示器,指标。B选项objective表示客观;C选项origin表示来源,D选项example表示例子。根据前面的文章内容,已经明确指出超重代表了健康,因此超重是健康的指标。因此正确答案为A。

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