当前位置:文档之家› 李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第3辑2A


第五节 语法大战
第一篇 在医院
At the hospital
(1) A lot of people are at the hospital
waiting to ask the doctor about their health problems.
正等着询问敬重有关他 们自己的健康问题。
(2) David wants to know if he sprained his ankle.
大卫想知道他是不是扭 伤了脚踝。
Kelly needs to know if she should take a blood test.
凯利需要知道她是不是 该验血。
Mary wants to find out whether she should take medicine
玛丽想知道她是不是该 吃点药
for her headaches.
Mrs. Black is wondering whether her children have the measles.
布莱克夫人想知道她的 孩子们是不是得了麻疹 。
Mr. Smith is hoping to find out if he has a lung problem.
史密斯先生希望查出他 是不是肺部有问题。
Jenny is going to ask the doctor
whether she has to have an operation on her stomach
她的胃是否需要做手术 。
Stone expects to find out whether he needs to have his hearing checked.
斯通想知道他是否需要 做个听力检查。
And Mrs. Jones is anxious to know if her husband
而琼斯夫人急于知道她 丈夫是否
survived the accident.
(3)It sounds like it's going to be a busy day at the hospital.
看来今天医院里会很忙 。
Apartment Problems
(1) Mr. and Mrs. Cook have been having a lot of problems
库克-夫妇的公寓最近 出了
in their apartment recently.
For several weeks their toilet has been leaking,
几个星期以前;他们的 马桶就一直漏水,
their washing machine hasn't been working,
and the wallpaper in their bedroom has been peeling.
卧室的墙纸也开始脱落 了。
In addition, they have been taking cold showers
此外,从上个星期开始 他们
since last week because their water heater hasn't been working,
就不得不洗冷水澡,因 为他们的热水器坏了;
and they haven't been sleeping at night
由于冰箱不断地发出奇 怪的噪音,
because their refrigerator has been making strange noises.
他们晚上也一直睡不好 。
(2) Mr. and Mrs. Cook are furious.
They have been calling their landlord every day
他们每天都在打电话给 房东,
and complaining about their problems.
不断地向房东抱怨这些 问题。
He has been promising to help them,
房东也一直答应要帮助 他们解决问题,
but they have been waiting for more than a week,
但是他们等了一个多星 期,
and he hasn't fixed anything at all.
这个房东却一直什么也 没修。
第六节 China Wins WTO Entry
(1) CHINA, the world's most populous nation,
中国,这个世界超级人 口大国,
joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) on November 11th 2001,
于2001年11月11日正式 加入世界贸易组织,
ending 15 years of negotiations.
结束了长达15年的谈判 。
The step offers China a new pl

ace at the table of nations
这使得中国在国际舞台 上迈出了新的一步,
and gives new life to centuries of dreams.
为世纪的梦想注入了新 的活力。
(2) China's entry into the WTO,
在卡塔尔的世贸会议上 ,
announced at the organization's meeting in Qatar,
中国正式加入世贸组织 ,
entitles it to the full trading rights of member countries and regions,
并授予与当前142个成 员国和地区
of which there are currently 142.
(3) WTO membership will open more markets for China's
世贸成员国将为中国快 速发展的经济开放
rapidly expanding economy. In turn,
China must make sweeping changes
in nearly every sector of its economy, which is both the largest
增长最大、最快的中国 经济
and the fastest growing in the developing world.
也必须在各行各业进行 广泛的变革。
Tracy: How are you getting along with your new manager?
和你的新经理相处得好 吗?
David: Just great! We work really well together.
非常好!我们俩合作得 很好。
He's got some really modern ideas about how to organize the work.
对于如何组织工作他有 一些非常时髦的观念。
What impresses me most is that he manages
给我印象最深的是他设 法
to cut through the red tape and get things done very fast.
简化了拖拉的公事,工 作完成得很快。
Tracy: Sounds like you two are on the same wavelength.
听上去你们俩非常投缘 。
David: Right!He is a knowledgeable person
是的!他是一个知识渊 博的人,
and has lots of experience on developing new software.
在开发新软件方面经验 丰富?
We are going to do a research program together.
我们将一起合作一项科 研项目。
I'm all about this is the way life is going to be in the future.
我对这个项目有很大的 兴趣,因为这个项目与 未来生活方式密切相关 。
I'm glad to hear that.
It sounds like the new manager has a different working style
听上去好像你的新上司 与以前的上司在工作方 式上
from the former one.
David: Definitely. The former manager lacked honesty.
的确如此。以前的上司 缺乏诚意。
He sometimes only paid lip serviced to some work.
他有时只是口头上对某 些工作表示支持。
But the new one does what he says.
但是这个新老板说到做 到。
In fact, he's doing all the things I always said we should be doing.
-事实上,我们时常说 我们应该做的那些事情 他都在着手做。
He's set an example for our staff, and we're following suit.
他为我们这些职员树立 了榜样,我们都在向他 学习。
He takes great pains with everything he does.
他做每户件事情都下了 很大的工夫。
Tracy: Do you still have

to work overtime?
你还是要像以前那样加 班吗?
David: Not at all. The new manager expects us to work hard
根本不会。这个新上任 的经理希望我们努力工 作,
but when the end of the day comes he understands
that we have a private life to get back to.
I don't have to rush, rush, rush all the time as I did before.
我不必像以前那样老是 赶啊,赶啊,赶啊的。
It's a nice change from the rat race.
能从那种疯狂竞争的工 作环境中解脱出来真的 一件好事。
Tracy: Good luck.
David: Thank you!
第三部 第一节
(1) Good morning, everyone.
My name Is Stone Lee, and I am from Hong Kong.
我叫李斯通,来自香港 。
I Am now working for an international trading company,
我现在在一家国际贸易 公司工作,
which sent me here to America to get further training.
公司派我来美国这里接 受进一步的培训。
My hobbies are playing golf and reading books and magazines,
我的爱好是打高尔夫球 、看书和杂志,
especially those dealing with business and economics,
尤其是有关商业和经济 方面的,
which help me a lot in my work
这对我的工作帮助不少 。
(2) I've found that we have a tight schedule,
(2) 我发现我们的行程很紧 凑,
so that means there will be a lot of opportunities
这意味着我们有很多机 会
to learn many things and see many places.
学习很多东西和参观很 多地方。
I hope we all can exchange experiences and new ideas with each other.
我希望我们大家彼此交 流各自的经验和新的观 念,谢谢。
第二节 Too much
(1)A Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman
有一位俄国人,一位古 巴人,
and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across Europe.
一位美国商人和一位美 国律师乘火车在欧洲旅 行。
(2) The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka,
俄国人拿出一大瓶伏特 加酒,
poured each of his companions a drink
给同伴们每人倒了一杯 ,
and then hurted the semi-full bottle out of the window.
然后所剩余的半瓶酒巴 扔出了窗外。
(3) "Why did you do that?" asked the American businessman.
"你为什么这么做?"美 国商人问。
(4) "Vodka is plentiful in my country," said the Russian,
"伏特加酒在我们国家 多的是,"俄国人说,
" In fact, we have more than we will ever use."
"其实,在我们那儿多 得喝不完。"
(5) A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havanas cigars.
(5)过了"会,古巴人拿 出上好的雪茄烟分给每 人一支。
He took a cou pie of puffs6 of his and then tossed it out of the window.
他自己那支只抽了两口 就扔出了窗外。
(6) "I thought the Cuban economy was suffering," the businessman said.
(6)"我本以为古巴的经 济不是很景气的,"那 个商人说,
"Yet you t

hrew that perfectly good cigar away."
可是你还把几乎一整支 烟都扔了。"
(7) "Cigars," the Cuban replied, "are a dime a dozen in Cuba.
(7)雪茄嘛,"古巴人回 答,"在古巴一角钱就 可以买到一打。
We have more of them than we know what to do with."
多得我们都不知该怎么 办了。"
(8) The American businessman sat in silence for a moment.
这位美国商人静静地坐 了一会儿,
Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer and threw him out of the window.
然后站了起来,抓起律 师,把他从窗口扔了出 去。
对牛弹琴 playing the tune to a cow
In ancient times there was a man who played the zither very well.
古时候,有一个有琴弹 得很好。
Once, he played a tune in front of a cow,
一次,他对着牛弹了一 段曲子,
hoping that the cow would appreciate it.
希望年也能欣赏他的技 巧。
The tune was melodious,
but the cow showed no reaction, and just kept on eating grass.
但是牛却丝毫不理会, 只顾埋头吃草。
The man sighed, and went away.
这个人只好叹了口气离 开了。
This idiom is used to indicate reasoning with stubborn people
"对牛弹琴"这个成语, 比喻对不懂道理的人讲 道理。
or talking to the wrong audience.
也用来讥笑说话的人不 看对象。
Notching the Boat to Find the Sword
In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu
战国时期有个楚国的人 ,
had a sword which he cherished very much.
得到一把宝剑,非常珍 爱:
One day, when he was crossing a river in a boat,
the sword suddenly fell into the water.
不小心把宝剑掉到江中 去了。
The man then made a mark on the side of the boat at the spot
他急忙在剑掉下去的船 舷边上
where the sword had fallen overboard.
When the boat reached this shore,
he jumped from the spot he marked into the water
他就从刻有记号的地方 跳下水去
to look for his sword.
This idiom satirizes those who stick to rigid rules
"刻舟求剑,这个成语 讽刺那些办事迂腐,
instead of taking changed circumstances into account.
The Man of Qi Who Worried that the Sky Would Fall
In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi
there was a man who always let his imaginationrun away with him.
有一个喜欢胡思乱想的 人。
One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head.
一天,他突然想到,天 会塌下来。
He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep.
这个人越想越害怕,整 天愁眉苦脸,坐立不安 ,白天吃不下饭,晚上 睡不着觉。
Later, someone persuaded him that his fears were groundless.
后来有人耐心地开导他 ,他才放下了心。
This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.

天"这个成语讥 笑那些没有必要或毫无 根据的忧虑。
Turn Pale at the Mention of a Tiger
Once upon a time, a man was telling stories
从前有一个人正在给大 家讲
about how tigers can injure people.
Among the listeners there was a farmer
其中有个农夫,有一次 在山上砍柴时
who had once been attacked by a tiger and almost lost his life.
曾被一只老虎咬伤,差 一点送了命。
He was so scared that his face turned pale.
所以这个农夫听了老虎 的故事,尤其感到害怕 ,脸的颜色都改变了。
This idiom means looking nervous and fearful
"谈虎色变"这个成语比 喻一提到可怕的事情,
when something awful is mentioned.
就表现出非常紧张、恐 怖的样子。
第四节 副词大战
1. absolutely
是这样;当然是;正是 如此;绝对如此
1) He is absolutely wrong.
2) Of course it's absolutely impossible.
这当然是绝对不可能的 。
A: Shanghai is the best city in China.
上海是中国最棒的城市 。
B: Absolutely. I couldn't agree more.
2. actually
1) I don't care much for sweets, actually.
说实在的,我并不是很 喜欢吃糖果。
2) He's actually very smart. He just doesn't study.
他实际上很聪明,但他 就是不学习。
3. awfully
1) It is awfully cold this winter.
2) She's awfully clever.
A: How's your English coming?
你的英语学得怎么样了 ?
B: Actually, I find it awfully difficult.
说实在的,我觉得英语 太难了。
4. completely
1) I completely believe her.
2) He completely denied it.
A: Did you pick up the milk?
B: I'm sorry. I completely forgot.
对不起,我忘得一千二 净。
5. definitely
1) The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.
如果他不参加比赛,这 个队肯定会输。
2) I can't tell you definitely when I will come.
我不能确切地告诉你我 什么时候来。
A: Is he coming?
B: Definitely!
6. entirely
完全地,彻底地;全部 地;完整地
1) He has traveled entirely around the world.
2) He did it entirely for your benefit.
他这样做完全是为了你 ,
A: Where do you want to go for dinner?
B: It's entirely up to you.
7. especially
特别,尤其;专门地; 主要地
We want to invite a number of friends, especially John and Peter.
我们想邀请几个朋友, 特别是约翰和彼得。
She is especiallyinterested paining.
8. exactly
正确地;精确地;严密 地;正好地
1) Tell me exactly what happened.

什么 事。
2) This is exactly. What I wanted to buy.
这正是我想要买的东西 。
A: Do you mean I shouldn't give up my job until I find a better one?
你的意思是说我在找到 一份更好的工作前不应 该放弃现在的工作?
B: That's exactly what I mean.
9. extremely
1) I enjoyed the movie extremely.
2) It's extremely good of you to do this for me.
你帮我做了这件事,真 是太好了!
A: Is it cold in December?
B: Yeah. It's extremely cold.
10. frankly
坦白地;直率地;(作 插入语)坦白地
1) He frankly admitted his error.
他坦率地承认了自己的 错误。
2) Frankly, I don't care at all.
坦白说,我一点也不介 意。
A:John, which dress should I wear tonight?
约翰,我今晚穿什么好 呢?
B: Frankly, I don't give a damn.
11. generally
1) The plan has been generally accepted.
这项计划广泛地被人们 接受.
2) He generally keeps silent at a meeting.
他通常在会上保持沉默 。
12 hardly
1) He could hardly wait to hear the news.
他迫不及待地要听这消 息。
2)We had hardly stared when began to rain.
我们刚出发,就开始下 雨了。
13. particularly
特别地;格外;尤其; 特殊地
1) It is particularly hot today.
2) He isn't particularly clever but he is industrious.
他并不特别聪明,但很 勤奋。
14. personally
亲自;就个人而言;就 自己而言
1) Personally speaking, I'm in favor of the scheme.
就本人而言,我赞成这 个计划。
2) Personally, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.
就我个人而言,我认为 他不诚实,可是有许多 人信任他。
A: That was an awful movie.
B: Really? Personally, I loved it.
真的吗?就个人而言, 我很喜欢。
15. presently
1) Presently, she is wrong a book.
目前,她正在写一本书 。
2) This is the best method presently known.
这是目前所知的最佳方 法。
A: So where are you living?
那么你现在住在哪里呢 ?
B: Presently, I'm living in New York,
but in a couple of weeks I'm moving to Beijing.
但几个星期以后我就会 搬去北京。
14 probably
1) It will probably rain.
2) He will probably refuse the offer.
他很可能会拒绝这个建 议。
17. really
很;十分;真正地;实 在地
1) You are really something!
2) I really don't know what you're talking about.
我真的不知道你在说些 什么。
A: You look great in your new dress.
你穿这件新衣服真好看 。
B: Really? Thank you for saying so.

谢谢你这么说 。
18. sincerely
诚实地;忠实地;真挚 地
1) I sincerely hope you'll come with us.
我衷心希望你同我们一 起去。
2) I can't believe him even when he speaks very sincerely.
就算他说得非常真诚, 我也不会相信他。
A: You killed my cat!
B: I know and I'm sincerely sorry.
19. undoubtedly
1) Undoubtedly, Crazy English helps China's English learners a lot.
毫无疑问,疯狂英语使 中国的英语学习者受益 匪浅。
2) Undoubtedly, Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers in China.
毋庸置疑,鲁迅是中国 最伟大的文学家之一。
20. unfortunately
不幸地;可惜地;遗憾 地
1) I was unfortunately delayed.
2) Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.
真遗憾,这是我们所看 过的最乏味的演出。
(1) Delegates' of the United Nation's climate conference
(1)联合国气候会议的 代表们
are attempting to write the rulebook for the stalled Kyoto protocol.
正努力尝试制定受阻的 《京都协定书》实施的 规则手册,
Environmental ministers as well as representatives4 of 178 countries
来自178个国家的环境 部长和会议代表
are meeting in Bonn, Germany.
正在德国波恩参加此次 会议。
Kyoto requires industrial countries to reduce emissions of gasses
《京都协定书》要求工 业国家减少温室气体排 放量,
blamed for the gradua warming of the Earth.
温室排放的气体被认为 是造成地球温度逐渐变 暖的原因,
But disputes remain over how to accomplish
但在如何实施《京都协 定书》的问题上
that Washington's decision to renounces
that protocol has threatened to derail it.
华府关于退出《京都协 定书》的决定已经影响 《京都协定书》的执行 ,
But the chairman of the conference says
he thinks a compromise TM can be reached.
他觉得是有可能达成妥 协的。
(2) Jan Pronk;(Conference Chairman): When I came to Bonn,
(2)简·普龙克(会议主 席):我启程来波恩时 ,
I was a bit pessimistic, political statements,
是有点悲观的,因为在 过去的数周里,
which were made during the last couple of weeks,
一些人发表了不少政治 声明,
that perhaps it would not be possible reach(an) agreement.
我原想,要达成一个协 议的可能性不大。
However, on the basis of the atmosphere,
which is shown during these official negotiations,
during these three days, and on the basis of my political
加上我与一些代表进行 的政治会谈,
talks with individual delegations,
I have the impression that it is possible to reach a result.
也是有可能取得成果的 。
About 30 countries

have ratified the Kyoto pact so far.
(3)到目前为止,大约 有30个国家已经批准了 《京都协定书》,
At least 55 must back the accord for it to be implemented.
《京都协定书》的实施 至少需要有55个国家的 支持。
HIV is transmitted through sexual and blood contact,
爱滋病毒通过性接触和 血液接触进行传播
and from mother to baby.
If you ever practice sharing-needle habits with others,
如果你与他人共用针管 ,
or have unprotected sex,
或者在不采取保护措施 下进行性行为,
you're at risk of getting HIV infection.
你就有感染爱滋病的危 险。
Stop sharing needles with others,
请停止与他人共用针管 ,
use condoms properly for safer sex.
为安全起见,请正确使 用避孕套。
No matter what size your business is,
if you have something to sell,
or if there's something you want to buy,
或者如果你有东西要买 ,
now you can find the leads your business needs
现在你都可以在网上找 到买卖所需的信息
and seal a deaf on the internet.
Just meet me at Alibaba. com,
where all business are equal.
这里所有的交易都平等 ,
I never heard a tale so sad, so tender, and so true.
我从示听过一个故事如 此凄凉,如此温柔,如 此真实。
I am a regular reader of this column.
我是这个专栏的忠实读 者。
I am good and hungry.
I cannot but admire his courage.
我不得不佩服他的勇气 。
She must have everything her own way.
That it should have come to this!
He failed to do his duty.
He is anything but a poet.
Not a word did he say.
Mighty is the man who conquers himself.
最坚强的就是能战胜自 己的人。
So friendly was his letter that she was deeply moved and began to cry.
他的信如此亲切,使她 深受感动而开始哭泣。
Once you start it you must finish it.

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