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Puritanism(清教,清教徒主义): doctrines (d?ktrin n. 教条, 教义, 学说), values, features of Am. Puritans, influence on Am. Literature,

Features of colonial poets

The 1st Am. Writer:Captain John Smith

Key Points of Enlightenment movement

●Originated in Europe in the 17th century

●Basic principles: Stressing education; Stressing Reason; Concerns for civil rights

●Significance: Accelerating加速social progress; freeing people from the limitations set by prevailing(1.占优

势的;主要的2.流行的;普遍的 )Puritanism; Making spiritual preparation for American Revolution Influence on literature:

In form: imitating English classical writers

In content: utilitarian ([ju:?t?l??te?ri:?n] adj. 1.有效用的;实用的 2.功利(主义)的 n. 功利主义者;实用主义者) tendency (for political or educational purpose)

What lessons can we d raw from the poem “the wild honeysuckle”(野金银花)?

The wild can also be beautiful. Everyone should take an active attitude toward life. Never avoid challenges for fear of losing something. One can’t achieve anything under the shelter(shelter -简明英汉词典D.J.[??elt?]

n. 1.遮蔽; 保护 2.避难所; 庇护所vt. 掩蔽; 庇护, 保护vi. 躲避, 避难)and protection.

Features of American Romanticism

a. Imitative: Some of the American Romantic writings were modeled on English and European works. The Romantic Movement proved to be a decisive influence. Without it, the rise of Romanticism would have been impossible. Romanticism writers such as Scott, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron all made a stimulating impact on American literature.

b. Independent: From the very beginning, American Romanticism exhibited(陈列,展览;显示,显出;展览品,陈列品,在法庭提出的证物)distinct(截然不同的,完全分开的;清晰的,明白的,明显的)features of its own. It originated from(来自,源于…)a mixture of factors which were altogether American rather than anything else. American Romanticism was in essence(本质上,大体上,事实)the expression of a real new experience and contained “an alien(外国的,外国人的,陌生的,性质不同的)quality”. E.g., the American national experience of pioneering(开发,创始)into the west is a rich fund of material for American writers. It is these Romanticism writers that created an indigenous(土生土长的,生来的,固有的)American literature.

c. Puritan influence over American Romanticism was clearly noticeable. E.g., the author tended more to moralize(vi论道德,说教)than writers in Englan


American Transcendentalism(超验主义,先验论;顿悟)


In 1836 a little book Nature came out. It was written by Emerson. It was considered “the Manifesto (?m?n??fest??宣言)of Transcendentalism(?tr?nsen?dentl超验主义)”.

It started with Emerson’s Nature and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (1855) The Transcendentalists set up a club called “Transcendentalist(tr?nsen'dentlist] adj. 先验论者的,超越论者的)Club”. They expressed their views published their journal Dial. The center place is New England and Concord( concord -简明英汉词典D.J.[?k?n?k?:d, ?k??-]n. 和谐, 一致, 和睦).

Major features

1) Emphasis on spirit or the Oversoul as the most important thing in the universe

2) The individual as the most important element of society

3) Nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God


1) The shallow (shallow [???l?u] adj. 1.浅的2.肤浅的) optimism(n. 乐观, 乐观主义) made it

impossible for them to understand human suffering.

2) They cut themselves from life and were trapped by empty talk. They stressed too much on human intuition (in tuition [??ntju?i??n] n.1.直觉2.凭直觉感知的知识).

3) They failed to provide solution to problem they found.


1. Early in the 17th century, the England settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of what we recognize as the American national history.

settlers in America included Dutch, Swedes, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians, and

3. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

4. There was little of the religious ferment(骚乱,动荡)and zeal(热心,热忱,热情)that inspired such a tide of literature to flow Puritan New England.

5. The Puritans had come to New England for the sake of religious freedom, while Virginia had been planted mainly as a commercial venture.

6.Hard work,thrift(节约,节俭),piety(虔诚,虔敬)and sobriety(清醒,未醉,严肃,节制)were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing, including the sermons(布道,说教),books , and letters of such noted Puritan clergymen as John Cotton and Cotton Mather.

True or false: The first American literature was neither American nor really literature.(T)

It was not American because it was the work mainly of immigrants from England. It was not literature as we know it---in the form of poetry, essays, or fiction---but rather an interesting mixture of travel accounts and religious writings. The earliest colonial travel accounts are records of the perils(极大危险;危险的事或环境)and frustrations that challenged the courage of America’s first settlers. (P2)

1. What are the influences of American Puritanism on American Literature?

①Basis of American literature

dreamed of living under a perfect order;worked with courage;hoped to build an Eden of Garden on earth;faced the worst of life with optimism--went into the making of American literature

All literature is based on a myth--Garden of Eden

②Contributing to the development of Symbolism(象征主义): a technique, widely used。Symbolism means using symbols in literary works. The symbol means something that represents or stands for abstract(抽象的,抽象,摘要,抽取提取,做…的摘)deep meaning.

Puritans thought that all the simple objects existing in the world connoted deep meaning.

③Influencing the style of literature: simple, fresh and direct, the rhetoric is plain and honest( just as the style of the Authorized Version of Holy Bible)

Without understanding of Puritanism, there can be no good understanding of American culture and literature. Influence on literature:

In form: imitating English classical writers

In content: utilitarian ([ju:?t?l??te?ri:?n] adj. 1.有效用的;实用的 2.功利(主义)的 n. 功利主义者;实用主义者) tendency (for political or educational purpose)

2. Term: Puritanism

Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church, who came into existence in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. The first settlers who became the founding fathers of the American nation were quite a few of them Puritans. They came to America out of various reasons, but it should be remembered that they were a group of serious, religious people, advocating highly religious and moral principles.

As the word itself hints Puritans wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They felt that the Church of England was too close to the Church of Rome in doctrine, form of worship, and organization of authority. The American Puritans, like their brothers back in England, were idealists, believing that the church should be restored

to complete “purity.”

They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. But in the grim struggle for survival that followed immediate after their arrival in America, they became more and more practical, as indeed they had to be. Puritans’ lives were extremely disciplined and hard. They drove out of their settlements all those opinions that seemed dangerous to them, and history has criticized their actions.

Yet in the persecution of what they considered error, the Puritans were no worse than many other movements in history. As a culture heritage, Puritanism did have a profound influence on the early American mind. American Puritanism also had an enduring influence on American literature. It had become, to some extent, so much a state of mind, so much a part of the national cultural atmosphere, rather than a set of tenets.

Fill in the blanks

1.As we have seen, theology(神学,宗教研究;宗教理论,宗教体系;某种宗教信仰)dominated(支配,统治)the Puritan phase(阶段,时期)of American writing. Politics was the next great subject to command(n.命令,指挥,控制,掌握,运用力,控制力,不对,兵团,指挥部;vt&vi指挥,控制;vt命令,应得,博得,值得,俯瞰,掌握)the attention of the best minds.

2.Freedom was won as much by the fiery(燃烧的,火似的,火热的;激烈的,易怒的,暴躁的)rhetoric(修辞)of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the eloquence(口才,雄辩)of the Declaration of Independence(《独立宣言》)as by the weapons of Washington or Lafayette(French soldier who served under George Washington in the American Revolution (1757-1834)).

3.The British government hampered(vt限制,妨碍,束缚;n.有盖的大篮子)colonial economy by requiring Americans to ship raw(未加工的,生的,天然的,未经过训练的,没有经验的,刺痛的)materials abroad and to import finished goods at prices higher than the lost of making them in this country.

4. American Enlightenment dealt a decisive(决定性的;果断的,坚定的)blow(一击,打击)upon the puritan traditions and brought to life secular(现世的,俗界的)education and literature.

5. The secular ideas of the American Enlightenment were exemplified(vt是…的典型;例示,举例说明)in the life and career of Benjamin Franklin, who instructed(命令,指示,教,知道,通知)his countrymen as a printer, not a priest(基督教和罗马天主教的神父,牧师).

6. In 1783, the year the United States achieved its independence, Noah Webster declared, “America must be as independent in literature as she is in politics, as famous for the arts as for arms.”

Content :

Four parts written at four different times

?1st part:1771, a letter to his son, about 80 pages, his life before the age of 25

?2nd part:1784, 13 virtues

?3rd part: 1788

?4th part:1790--his life from the age of 25 to 51

The style:

It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity(简单,朴素,率直), directness(笔直,率直,直接), and concision(言简意赅,简洁,简明). The narrative is lucid(易懂的), the structure is simple, the imagery(形象化的描述,意象)is homely(朴素的).


It presents a prototype(原型)of American success which inspired generations of Americans. Popular, still well-read today, his values and style influenced lots of Americans.

It is an embodiment of Puritanism and enlightening spirits.

With it he set the form for autobiography as a genre(类型,体裁,风格).

Analysis of Selected Parts

A.3 parts

a. He was interested in reading as a child.

b. Being an apprentice to his brother, he began writing.

c. How he improved his argumentation.

Summary: Franklin was thirsty for knowledge and improved his writing with practical methods. How he gained success through one’s consistent effort and hard working. (self-improvement/education自我改善,自我修养)

B. 5 parts

a. The way of learning language.

b. Practice makes perfect---a piece of advice on how to teach language.

c/d. Relations with his relatives. Life experience.

e. Learning club : devoted on the improvement of young man, influence public opinion.

Summary: Franklin was a practical, diligent man. In learning language, he had a great power of endurance and clever mind. He always tried his best to achieve his goal, no matter in life or study. (self-reliance依靠自己,自恃) Appreciation of the Selected Part

Can you discover Puritanism’s trace in the part? What are they?


a. Reading books as a child: by John Bunyan, R. Burton, Plutarch, Defoe and Mather and so forth

b. Publishing as a career: continuing his reading of books, including poetry.

c. Writing as a hobby: poetry (two ballads) first, then prose, while reading books

d. Practicing how to argue in writing

e. Language study: French, Italian, Spanish, and lastly Latin. It is more easy to study Latin aft er studying French, Italian, and Spanish (pa1, p25)

f. the death of his brother and one of his sons

g. the found of the Junto: a learning club, resulting in a lot of similar clubs


Self-examination(自省)and self-reliance(自恃,倚靠自己)is seen everywhere in the excerpt from the following aspects: how to read, how to be a printer, how to write, how to argue, how to study language, how to develop a club. (pa 1, p23; pa1, p24; p25; p26)Whether reading, writing, or arguing, depends on hard-working. (pa1, p24: painstaking极小心地;辛勤的;辛苦的)

Questions for part II

1. What role did the game of chess play in Franklin's study of foreign languages?

2. What languages did Franklin learn?

3. How did learning these languages help him?

4. What is Franklin's idea regarding how languages should be taught?

5. In what way did Franklin repay his brother for the problem he caused him in earlier years?

6. What was Franklin’s reaction to inoculation against smallpox? Why did he feel the way he did?

7. According to Franklin, what were the advantages of forming additional clubs subordinate to the Junto? Homework: Why is Franklin the representative of American Enlightenment?

1. He believed in reason or rationality, the scientific method, equality and human beings’ability to perfect(使完善,改善)themselves and their society.

2. He opposed intolerance(反对心胸狭隘/不能容忍), restrain(节制,约束,克制,适度,抑制,管制), spiritual authority.

3. He favored the education. Self-education, educating and disseminating knowledge among people by his newspaper and Autobiography, establishing(建立)learning club, college and library.

4. He favored freedom of thoughts. He set up the ideas of democracy in the USA.(n. 好感, 宠爱, 关切, 欢心, 好意, 喜爱vt. 支持,赞成,照顾,促成,喜欢,证实,赐予)


第二章 1.国际收支:指一个国家或地区与世界上其他国家和地区之间,由于贸易、非贸 易和资本往来而引起的国际资金移动,从而发生的一种国际资金收 支行为。 说明:国际收支>外汇收支与国际借贷→金融资产→商品劳务 2.国际收支平衡表: ⑴编制原则:复式记账法: 借:资金占用类项目(外汇支出:进口- ) 贷:资金来源类项目(外汇收入:出口+ ) 权责发生制:先付后收,先收后付 市场价格原则 单一货币原则 ⑵内容:经常项目:贸易收支(出口>进口,贸易顺差/盈余,出超) (出口>进口,贸易逆差/赤字,入超) 非贸易收支(服务、收入项目) 资本和金融项目(长期资本、短期资本) 平衡项目(储配资产、净误差与遗漏) 3.国际收支分析(按交易性质的不同): ⑴自主性交易:经常项目、资本与金融项目中的长期资本与短期资本中的私人部 分。 ⑵调节性交易:调节性交易、短期资本中的政府部分与平衡项目。 注:①贸易差额=出口- 进口 ②经常项目差额=贸易差额+劳务差额+转移差额

差额:③基本差额=经常项目差额+长期资本差额 ④官方结算差额=基本差额+私人短期资本差额 ⑤综合差额=官方结算差额+官方短期资本差额 ①微观动态分析法:差额分析法、比较分析法 ⑶国际收支与国民收入的关系:(封闭)Y=C+I+G 分析法:②宏观动态分析法:(开放)Y=C+I+G+X-M 与货币供给量的关系:Ms=D×R×E 4.国际收支失衡的原因及经济影响: ⑴原因:①季节性、偶然性原因 ②周期性因素: a.繁荣期:X↑M↓,劳务输出↓劳务输入↑,资本流入↑,资本流 出↓→顺差 b.萧条期:X↓M↑,劳务输出↑劳务输入↓,资本流入↓,资本流 出↑→逆差 ③结构性因素:产出结构调整 ④货币因素: 货币a.对内价值→贬值→P↑→X↓M↑→国际收支变化价值 b.对外价值→贬值→e↑→X↑M↓→国际收支改善 ⑤收入因素:C、S→X、M↑ I↑→X、M,资本流动 ⑥不稳定的投机和资本流动 ⑵影响:①对国民收入的影响:Y=C+I+G+X-M ②对金融市场的影响:


仅作参考,最主要还是要自己消化,整理 Chapter 1 Colonial Period 1. Puritanism: American puritans accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. 2. Influence (1) A group of good qualities – hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature. (2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden. (3) Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chi efly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American. (4) With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible. II. Overview of the literature 1. types of writing diaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/biographies, sermons 2. writers of colonial period (1) Anne Bradstreet (2) Edward Taylor III. Benjamin Franklin 1. life 2. works (1) Poor Richard’s Almanac (2) Autobiography 3. contribution (1) He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the American Philosophical Society. (2) He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire (electricity in this case) from heaven”. (3) Everything seems to meet in this one man –“Jack of all trades”. Herman Melville thus described him “master of each and mastered by none”. Chapter 2 American Romanticism Section 1 Early Romantic Period I. American Romanticism 1. Background (1) Political background and economic development (2) Romantic movement in European countries Derivative – foreign influence 2. features (1) American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real new experience and contained “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien. (2) There is American Puritanism as a cultural heritage to consider. American romantic authors tended more to moralize. Many American romantic writings intended to edify more than they entertained. (3) The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with Am erican Romanticism. (4) As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent. II. Washington Irving: Father of American Literature 1. several names attached to Irving (1) first American writer (2) the messenger sent from the new world to the old world (3) father of American literature 2. life 3. works (1) A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (2) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this.) (3) The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (4) A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada (5) The Alhambra 4. Literary career: two parts (1) 1809~1832


思修期末复习要点 绪论 1.新时代开始的时间:十八大开始 2.中国特色社会主义进入新时代意味着什么? ○1意味着近代以来久经磨难的中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来、到强起来的伟大飞跃;迎来了实现中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景; ○2意味着科学社会主义在21世纪的中国焕发出强大的生机与活力,在世界上高高举起了中国特色社会主义的伟大旗帜; ○3意味着中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度、文化不断发展,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的途径,给世界上那些既希望加快发展又希望保持自身独立性的国家和民族提供了全新选择,为解决人类问题贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。 3.时代新人应该怎么做? ○1要以民族复兴为己任; ○2做有理想、有本领、有担当的时代新人; ○3提升思想道德素质与法律素养。 第一章 1.人生目的:是指生活在一定历史条件下的人在人生实践中关于自身行为的根本指向和人生追求; 2.人生目的的作用:人生目的是人生观的核心,在人生实践中具有重要作用;人生目的决定人生道路、人生态度和人生价值选择; 3.个人与社会的辩证关系 ○1个人与社会是对立统一的关系,两者相互依存、相互制约、相互促进; ○2个人与社会的关系,最根本的是个人利益与社会利益的关系; ○3在社会主义中,个人利益与社会利益在根本上是一致的; ○4社会利益体现了作为社会成员的个人的根本利益和长远利益,是个人利益得以实现的前提和基础,同时它也保障着个人利益的实现。 4.正确的人生目的:服务人民、奉献社会。 5.人生价值的评价方法: ○1坚持能力大小与贡献须尽力相统一; ○2坚持物质贡献与精神贡献相统一; ○3坚持完善自身与贡献社会相统一。 6.什么是人生观? 人生观是人们关于人生目的、人生态度、人生价值等人生问题的总看法和总观点7.正确的人生观 ○1科学高尚的人生追求:服务人民、奉献社会; ○2积极进取的人生态度:认真、务实、乐观、进取。 8.三种错误的人生观:拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义.


第一章 1.国际收支P7 答:国际收支是一国居民与外国居民在一定时期内各项经济交易的货币价值总和。 2.经常账户P8 答:经常账户是指对实际资源国际流动行为进行记录的账户。 3.资本与金融账户P9 答:资本与金融账户是指对资产所有权国际流动行为进行记录的账户。 第二章 1.外国金融市场和离岸金融市场P22 答:(1)交易者一方为市场所在地居民的国际金融市场可以称为外国金融市场或在岸金融市场。 (2) 非居民之间进行交易的国际金融市场可称为离岸金融市场。 ※2.国际金融市场的构成P23~P24 答:国际金融市场可以分为国际资本市场和国际货币市场。前者主要涉及中长期(期限在一年以上)跨国资本流动;后者主要是指借贷期限为一年以内的短期跨国资金流动。国际资本市场包括国际银行中长期贷款市场和证券市场。国际货币市场主要包括银行短期信贷市场、短期证券市场和贴现市场。 3.外汇P29 答:外汇是指以外国货币表示的、能用来清算国际收支差额的资产。 ※4.欧洲美元市场利率的优势P38 答:1)在国内金融市场上,商业银行会受到存款准备金以及利率上限等管制与限制,这增加了它的运营成本,而欧洲美元市场上则无此管制约束,同时也可以自主地确定利率,不受“利率上限”之类措施的限制,因此在欧洲美元市场上活动的银行便能提供更具竞争力的利率。2)欧洲美元市场在很大程度上是一个银行同业市场,交易数额很大,因此手续费及其他各项服务性费用成本较低。 3)欧洲美元市场上的贷款客户通常都是大公司或政府机构,信誉很高,贷款的风险相对较低。 4)欧洲美元市场上竞争格外激烈,这一竞争因素也会降低交易成本。5)与国内金融市场相比,欧洲美元市场上因管制少从而创新活动发展更快,应用得更广,这也对降低市场参与者的交易成本有明显效果。 ※5.欧洲货币市场的经营特点P42 答:1)市场范围广阔,不受地理限制,是由现代化网络联系而成的全球性统一市场,但也存在着一些地理中心。这些地理中心一般是由传统的金融中心城市发展而来的。20世纪60年代以来一些具有特殊条件的城市形成了新的欧洲货币中心。传统的和新兴的国际金融中心在世界范围内大约流通了2/3的欧洲货币市场的资金。 2)交易规模巨大,交易品种、币种繁多,金融创新极其活跃。绝大多数欧洲货币市场上的单笔交易金额都超过一百万美元,几亿或几十亿美元的交易也很普遍。欧洲货币市场上的交易品种主要是同业拆放、欧洲银行贷款与欧洲债券。 3)有自己独特的利率结构。欧洲货币市场的利率体系的基础是伦敦银行同业拆放利率。一般来讲,欧洲货币市场上存贷款的利差比各国国内市场存贷款的利差要小,这一利率上的优势是欧洲货币市场吸引了大批客户。 4)由于一般从事非居民的境外货币借贷,它所受管制较少。欧洲货币市场的飞速发展使其对国内外经济产生了巨大的影响,但是它不受任何一国国内法律的管制,也尚不存在专门对这一市场进行管制的国际法律,因此这一市场上的风险日益加剧。 第三章 1.马歇尔-勒纳条件P54 答:当本国国民收入不变时,贬值可以改善贸易余额的条件是进出口地需求弹性之和大于1,即:η* + η>1,这一条件,被称为马歇尔-勒纳条件。 ※2.固定汇率制下的开放经济平衡P63~P66 答:1)开放经济的平衡条件----在开放经济下,只有在商品市场、货币市场、外汇市场同时处于平衡时,经济才处于平衡状态。


美国文学史复习1(colonialism) 第一部分殖民主义时期的文学 一、时期综述 1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:a、narratives 日记 b、journals 游记 2、清教徒在美国的写作内容: 1)their voyage to the new land 2) Adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops 3) About dealing with Indians 4) Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit 3、清教徒的思想: 1)puritan want to make up pure their religious beliefs and practices 净化信仰和行为方式 2) Wish to restore simplicity to church and the authority of the Bible to the theology. 重建教堂,提供简单服务,建立神圣地位 3)look upon themselves as chosen people, and it follow logically that anyone who challenged their way of life is opposing God's will and is not to be accepted. 认为自己是上帝选民,对他们的生活有异议就是反对上帝 4)puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated. 反对对快乐和艺术的追求到了十分荒唐的地步 5)religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God.强调上帝严厉的一面,忽视上帝仁慈的一面。 4、典型的清教徒: John Cotton & Roger William 他们的不同:John Cotton was much more concerned with authority than with democracy; William begins the history of religious toleration in America. 5、William的宗教观点:Toleration did not stem from a lack of religious convictions. Instead, it sprang from the idea that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give anyone the right to force belief on others. He also felt that no political order or church system could identify itself directly with God. 行为上的德,信仰上的诚,并没有给任何人强迫别人该如何行事的权利。没有任何政治秩序和教会体制能够直接体现神本身的意旨。 6、英国最早移民到美国的诗人:Anne Bradstreet 7、在殖民时期最好的清教徒诗人:the best of Puritan poets is Edward Tayor. 学习指南: 1、Could you give a description of American Puritans? 关于美国清教徒的描绘 Like their brothers back in England, were idealists, believing that the church should be restored to the "purity" of the first-century church as established by Jesus Christ himself. To them religion was a matter of primary importance. They made it their chief business to see that man lived and thought and acted in a way which tended to the glory of God. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God, all that John Calvin, the great French theologian who lived in Geneva had preached. It was this kind of religious belief that they brought with them into the wildness. There they meaant to prove that were God's chosen people enjoying his blessings on this earth as in Heaven. 2、Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing. 3、The work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet & Edward Taylor, rose to the level of real poetry. 4、The earliest settlers included Dutch, Swedes, Germans, French, Spaniards Italian, and Portuguese. 美国文学史复习2(reason and revolution) (2009-01-17 15:54:25) 一、美国的性质: The war for Independence ended in the formation of a Federative bourgeois democratic republic - the United States of America. 联邦的资产阶级民主共和国--美利坚合众国。 二、代表作家: 1、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林 1706-1790 1)"Poor Richard's Almanac" 穷人查理德的年鉴 annual collection of proverbs 流行谚语集


绪论 一.社会主义核心价值观: 富强、民主、文明、和谐(国家层面) 自由、平等、公正、法治(社会层面) 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善(公民层面) 二.社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容? 答:1. 马克思主义指导思想。 2. 中国特色社会主义共同理想。 3. 以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神。 4. 社会主义荣辱观。 第一章追求远大理想,坚定崇高信念 一.理想的含义与特征 P17-18 理想是人们在实践中形成的、有实现可能性的、对未来社会和自身发展的向往和追求,是人们的世界观、人生观和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。 理想具有时代性(受时代条件制约,随时代的发展而发展)、阶级性(所处阶级关系与地位不同,形成的理想也不同)、超越性、现实性、预见性(理想源于现实又超越现实。理想是人们一定社会实践的产物,同时它又超越了今天的实践;理想必须通过人们的实践活动才能实现,同时又指明了进一步实践的方向。实践产生理想,理想指引实践) 二.信念的含义与特征 P18-19 信念是认知、情感和意志的有机统一体,是人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态。 信念具有层次性和多样性。 三.在实现中国梦的实践中放飞青春理想 P34-35 立志当高远,立志做大事,立志须躬行。 第二章弘扬中国精神,共筑精神家园 一.民族精神 是指一个民族在长期共同生活和社会实践中形成的,为民族大多数成员认同的价值取向、思维方式、道德规范、精神气质的总和。 二.民族精神的基本内容 P42-44 以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息伟大精神。 三.爱国主义的科学内涵和基本要求 P44-45 爱国主义体现了人们对自己祖国的深厚感情,反映了个人对祖国的依存关系,是人们对自己故土家园以及民族和文化的归属感、认同感、尊严感和荣誉感的统一。 基本要求:爱祖国的大好河山、爱自己的骨肉同胞、爱祖国的灿烂文化。 心系国家的前途与命运,把国家和人民的利益摆在首位。 四.爱国主义的时代价值 1.爱国主义是维护祖国统一和民族团结的纽带; 2.爱国主义是实现中华民族伟大复兴的动力; 3.爱国主义是实现人生价值的力量源泉。 五.做忠诚的爱国者 P52-57 1.推进祖国统一:坚持一个中国原则,推进两岸交流合作,促进两岸同胞团结奋斗,反对台独分裂图谋


概述中国历史上的民族大融合 自古以来,中国就是一个十分强大的国家,地大物博,人口众多,有着悠久的历史,灿烂发展的民族文化。民族种类也是无法比拟的,就当前中国的发展现状和趋势不难发现,中国已发展有五十六个民族,并且和各个民族相互融洽,相互团结的生活在中华民族这个温暖的大家庭中,进而发展到一个很高的历史阶段。纵观中国历史她是怎样发展成现在的状况的呢?这须从中国古代历史说起。 中国历史上的第一次民族大融合──秦朝统一的多民族国家的 建立 秦朝的确立,决定了中国历史上第一次民族大融合。自从有了人类,就决定了人种的不同,即发展成后来的民族。在夏商周时代,各个部落的存在,每一个部落都是按照一定的血缘关系组成的,说明了组成部落的人种不同,不同的人种,形成了各民族。春秋战国时期,由于民族的风土人情、生活习惯大不相同,再加上诸侯兼并,势必会引起矛盾。为了生存,他们连年征战,广大农民不分民族深受其害,苦不堪言。人们迫切要求统一,结束这种局面。应时代需求,秦国在商鞅变法的基础上和赢政的带领下,经改革,励图治,平息了各民族之间的纠纷,建立了我国历史上第一个统一的封建国家,把各族统一为一个整体,为中国的民族融合、民族大团结迈出了第一步。 中国历史上第二次民族大融合──北魏的民族大融合

中国的封建社会历经秦、西汉以后,东汉时部分北方少数民族出现内迁。此后,朝代出现了分裂,魏蜀吴三分天下,乃至两晋时期国家处于十分混乱的局面,但在两晋时期由于司马家族的努力,出现的两晋的短期统一,而此时出现少数民族的内迁(内迁各民族主要有匈奴、鲜卑、羯、氐、羌即“五胡内迁”),少数民族的内迁,同汉族及其他少数民族杂居相处,逐渐融合,对祖国北方的生产做出了贡献。但是,由于两晋统治者对少数民族的剥削和压迫,激化了阶级矛盾和民族矛盾。时至北朝时期,鲜卑族兴起,后统一黄河流域,建立北魏,结束了十六国的分裂局面,出现了民族大融合的趋势。而在此时,居住的北方少数民族在生产实践中逐渐改变了过去本民族的游牧生活习惯。当然汉族人民也向少数民族人民学到了很多东西,各族劳动人民在反对各民族统治阶级斗争的过程中,也进一步加强了联系,互相支持,促进了融合,到孝文帝继位后,由于改革的完成,有力地促进了民族大融合,于是在孝文帝的领导下,落实实施了汉化政策,让少数民族同汉族人民混杂相处,通婚、改汉姓、说汉话、穿汉服,完成了我国历史上著名的第二次民族大融合,同时也加速了北方封建化的进程。 中国历史上第三次民族大融合──元朝的民族大融合 自古历史分久必合、合久必分。隋唐统一中国以后,中国出现了历史上前所未有的盛世景象,使封建社会达到顶峰时期,唐朝后期藩镇割据,时至藩镇灭唐以后,中国北方的少数民族逐渐强盛起来,国家和社会一片混乱,鱼龙混杂,民族之间也存在着矛盾。后来随着蒙



第一章国际收支 第一节国际收支平衡表 1、国际收支:是一国在一定时期内本国居民与非本国居民之间产生的全部国际经济交易价值的系统记录。 第一、国际收支记录的是一国的国际经济交易。 第二、国际收支是以经济交易为统计基础的。 第三、国际收支记录是一个流量。 2、国际收支平衡表 第一、对经常项目而言、凡是形成外汇收入的、记录在贷方;凡是形成外汇支出的记在借方。 第二、对资本金融项目、资产的增加和负债的减少、贷方反应资产的减少和负债的增加。 第二节国际收支分析 一、国际收支平衡的判断 国际经济交易反映到国际收支平衡表上有若干项目、各个项目都有各自的特点和内容。按其交易的性质可分为自发性交易和调节性交易。 二、国际收支不平衡的类型 (一)结构性的不平衡 (二)周期性的不平衡 (三)收入性的不平衡 (四)货币性的不平衡 (五)临时性的不平衡 三、国际收支不平衡的影响

(一)国际收支逆差的影响具体表现在: 本国向外大举借债、加重本国对外债务负担;黄金外汇储备大量外流、消弱本国对外金融实力;本币对外贬值、引起进口商品价格和国内物价上涨;资本外逃、影响国内投资建设和金融市场的稳定;压缩必需的进口、影响国内经济建设和消费利益。 (二)国际收支顺差的影响具体表现在: 外汇储备大量增加、使该国面临通货膨胀的压力和资产泡沫隐患;本国货币汇率上升、会使出口处于不利的竞争地位、打击本国的就业;本国汇率上升、会使外汇储备资产的实际价值受到外币贬值的损失而减少;本国汇率上升、本币成为硬货币、易受外汇市场抢购的冲击、破坏外汇市场的稳定;加剧国际间摩擦。 第三节国际收支调节 一、国际收支调节的一般原则 1、按照国际收支不平衡的类型选择调节方式。 2、选择调节方式时应结合国内平衡进行。 3、注意减少国际收支调节措施给国际社会带来的刺激。 二、国际收支的自动调节机制 1、物件-现金流动机制 2、储备调节机制 3、汇率调节机制 4、市场调节机制发挥作用的条件 ①发达、完善的市场经济、充足的价格、收入弹性。


1.Captain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.The puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. is an annual collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”. 5.Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.

has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.In Washington I rving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. 8.Cooper’s enduring fame rests on his William Cullen Bryant’s wok. is considered “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”. 10.Emerson believed above all in


2013年思修期末考试重点( 一、填空题重点 1、社会主义道德建设的核心与原则 核心:以服务人民为核心原则:以集体主义为原则 2、维护社会公共秩序的手段 道德、法律 3、公民最基本的政治权利 选举权和被选举权(还有多余的空就填:言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威自由的权利) 4、刑法的基本原则 1、罪刑法定原则 2、罪刑相适应原则 3、法律面前人人平等原则 5、环境律法的基本原则 (1)经济建设与环境保护协调发展的原则(2)预防为主、防治结合、综合治理的原则(3)全面规划、合理布局的原则(4)谁污染谁治理、谁开发谁保护的原则 附加:环境立法的基本原则 第一,它的内容必须在环境立法中有所体现,是对国家环境保护基本方针、政策的描述,并且贯穿于整个环境立法之中。 第二,它的交力必须全面贯彻于环境法律规范的始终,并且可以弥补环境立法之局限性。 6、爱国主义的基本要求 (1)爱祖国的大好河山. (2)爱自己的骨肉同胞. (3)爱祖国的灿烂文化. (4)爱自己的国家. 7、法律思维方式的特征 第一,通过程序进行思考,运用法律术语进行观察,思考和判断; 第二,遵循向过去看的习惯,表现得较为稳妥,甚至保守; 第三,注重缜密的逻辑,谨慎地对待情感因素(即客观公正,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳); 第四,法律思维追求的程序中的真,不同于科学中的求真; 第五,判断结论总是非此即彼,不同于政治思维的权衡特点。 Or 1、法律思维是主体认知客体的一种方法。 2、法律思维是主体从现象到本质以达至法律真实为最低标准的一个思考过程。 3、法律思维以法律职业者的法律知识和经验阅历为前提。 4、法律思维以法律规范和客观事实为思考质料。 5、法律思维以法治理念为价值指引,以定分止争为目的。 Or课本上: 法律至上、权力制约、人权保障、正当程序


国际金融学 本国货币升值(汇率下降)表示本国货币币值高估,本国货币贬值(汇率上升)表示本国货币币值低估。 一、名词解释 外汇外延式经济增长:指通过各种生产要素投入的增加而带来的经济增长。 内涵式经济增长:指要素生产率提高 而带来的经济增长。 国际资本市场:指1 年以上的中长期融资市场,参与者有银行、公司、证券商及政府机构。 汇率浮动汇率:指由外汇市场上的供求关系决定、本国货币当局不加干预的货币比价。 金本位制:是指以黄金作为基础的货币制度。 国际储备:是指一国货币当局能随时用来干预外汇市场、支付国际收支差额的资产。 国际收支:是指一国在一定时期内全部对外经济往来的系统的货币记录。/ 指一国对外经济活动中所发生的收入和支出,国际收支的差额需要由各国普遍接受的外汇来结算。 内部均衡:反映了国内总供给与国内总需求相等的状态。 、简答

1.国际收支平衡表基本原理 一、账户分类:一级账户:(1)经常账户(2)资本与金融账户(3)错误和遗漏账户 (1)经常账户:二级账户①货物②服务③收入④经常转移 (2)资本与金融账户:二级账户①直接投资②证券投资③其他投资 ④储备资产 二、复式记账法 (1 )有借必有贷,借贷必平衡 (2)借方记录的是资金的使用和占用,贷方记录的是资金的来 源。 三、记账货币 为了使各种交易间具有记录和比较的基础,需要在记账时将其折算成同一种货币,这种货币就被称为记账货币。在国际收支平衡表记账时,以不同货币结算的对外交易需要按记账货币和具体交易货币之间的比价(即汇率)折算为记账货币。 2.影响汇率的经济因素 1 )国际收支当一国的国际收入大于支出即国际收支顺差时,可以说是外汇的供应大于需求,因而本国货币升值,外国货币贬值。与之相反,当一国的国际收入小于国际支出即国际收支出现逆差时,可以说是外汇的供应小于需求,因而本国货币贬值,外国货币升值。 (2)相对通货膨胀率


Washington Irving Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇田庄 (1822) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tales of a Traveller 旅客谈 (1824) Christopher Columbus (1828) c. writing characteristics (1) humorous: the function of his writing is to amuse, to entertain instead of teaching or instruction (2) vivid and true character portrayal (3) finished (refined) and musical language, thus regarded as “the Amn. Goldsmith ” d. analysis on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(选自the sketch book 见闻札记 ) 1. the story:setting,character, plot 2. theme:conflicts and praise conflict betw. Ichabod and Brom conflict betw. the village and the outside world James Fenimore Cooper The Spy (1821): a historical novel The Pilot (1824): a sea novel Leatherstocking Tales 皮裹腿故事集(1823-1841): frontier novels The Last Mohicans (1826) (Colonial War betw. Britain and France) e. writing features: strong points: we can see a variety of incidents and tensions, complicated plot and structure and a beautiful description of nature. Weak points: characterization is weak. There is unsatisfactory description of characters (esp. female). He is not free from syntactical awkwardness, heavy-handed attempt at humor. “Where Irving excels Cooper is weak.” Dialect is not authentic. Edgar Allan Poe The Fall of the House Usher Feature: i. brevity (15 pages) ii. Single effect iii. originality in theme To Helen It was inspired by the beauty of the mother of a schoolmate of Poe in Richmond, Virginia. The poem is famous for a number of things: 1. its rhyme scheme: ababb 2. its varied line lengths 3. its metaphor of a travel on the sea 4. its oft-quoted lines: "To the glory that was Greece,/And the grandeur that was Rome." theme: praise the ideal love and beauty and ancient Greek and Roman civilizations The Raven 乌鸦 theme: the lament over the death of a beautiful woman tone: melancholy Transcendentalism (essayists, poets, novelists) Their journal is “The Dial ” . Definition: Transcendentalism is idealism. (Emerson) b. features (1) stress on Oversoul, that is spirit. (2) stress the importance of individual. (3) fresh conception of nature. c. significance (1) inspired a whole generation of writers such as Whitman, Melville and Dickinson. (2) dresses man ’s subjective initiative as opposed to materialism. (3) liberated people from Calvin ’s original sin d. limitation (1) shallow: cut off from real life or reality; initiated by the rich, they were limited in a certain circle. So, in some degree, they have been cut off from social life and can ’t understand the sufferings of the common people. (2) inward contradiction: gain knowledge by intuition, shows its idealistic aspect. R.W. Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Nature (1836): the Bible of New England transcendentalism The American Scholar (1837): "America's Declaration of Intellectual The Divinity School Address 神学院致辞 (1838) Essays (1841/1847) Representative Men (1850) English Traits (1856)


大一思修期末考试试题(选择题) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的 ⒈人生观的核心是( A ) A、人生目的 B、人生价值 C、人生态度 D、人生理想 ⒉世界观是人们对( D )的最根本看法和总和。 A 社会 B 人生意义 C 自然界 D 整个世界 ⒊人生观是( C )的反应。 A 自我认识 B 政治关系 C 社会存在 D 自然条件 ⒋人生的目的是对(B)这一人生根本问题的认识和回答。 A 人为什么发展 B 人为什么活着 C 人为什么工作 D 人为什么努力 ⒌人生的社会价值是个人的人生对(D)的意义。 A 自我与社会 B 集体与社会 C 自我与他人 D 社会与他人 ⒍人生的价值趋向是对(D)的意义。 A 自我价值 B 社会价值 C 价值质量 D 价值目标 ⒎理想是人在实践中形成的具有(D)的对美好未来的追求和想法。 A 实现豁然性 B 不可能性 C超越客观性 D 实现可能性 ⒏理想人的确立于(D) A 中年 B 童年 C 青年 D 青年时期 ⒐处于核心地位的理想类型(B) A 生活 B社会理想 C 道德理想 D职业理想 ⒑信念突出的本质特征(A) A“信” B“诚” C “真” D“疑” ⒒社会主义的核心是(A) A 为人民服务 B尊老爱幼 C ⒓道德是由一定的社会经济基础所决定的为其服务的(D) A 政治制度 B 文化传统 C 传统习惯 D 上层建筑 ⒔道德核心问题是( C) A物 B 自然 C 人 D 社会 ⒕为人民服务低层次的要求(A) A人人为我,我为人人 B 全心全意为人民服务 C 毫不利己,专门为人 D 人人为自己,上帝为人家 ⒖反应阶级民族或社会利益的道德( B) A 狭义 B 广义 C 高尚 D 法律规定 ⒗在一定职业生活中所遵循的具有自身职业准则的(D) A 职业规范 B职业行为准则 C 职业守则 D 职业道德 ⒘我国职业道德的本质特征( 奉献社会) ⒙伴随道德认识所表现出来一种内心体验是(C) A 道德评价 B 道德意志 C 道德情感 D 道德习惯 ⒚法律主要体现(统治阶级)的意志 ⒛法律以(B)为基础。 A 意志 B 经济关系 C 政策 D 政治

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