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新课标人教版高中英语必修二知识点练习及答案 2

新课标人教版高中英语必修二知识点练习及答案 2
新课标人教版高中英语必修二知识点练习及答案 2




Unit1 Cultural relics


1. cultural relics 文化遗产

Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.

博物馆展出了许多出土文物。By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a country. 根据定义,首都是一个国家的政治文化中心。

2. rare and valuable 珍贵稀有

It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.这样的天才现在很少见。

The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable. 这个花瓶因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。3. in search of 寻找,寻求 = in search for

He's sailed the seven seas in search of adventure. 他闯荡七大洋去历险.

He went to the south in search for a better future.他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。

4. in the fancy style 以别致的风格in … style/ in the style of ……以……风格

These clothes are too fancy for me, I prefer plainer ones. 这些衣服对我来说有些花哨,我还是喜欢素净些的。

5. popular She is popular at school. 她在学校里很受人喜欢。

This dance is popular with young people. 这种舞很受青年人喜爱。

6. …a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make. 用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。

decorate with 以...装饰

7. be designed for …为……而设计

by design 故意地

My brother designs to be an engineer. 我弟弟立志要当工程师。

This room was originally designed to be my study. 这间屋子原预定做我的书房。

His parents designed him for the army, but he preferred the navy. 他父母打算要他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。

8. belong to 属于

We belong to the same generation. 我们属于同代人。

9. in return 作为回报/报答/交换

in turn 依次地,轮流的;转而,反过来

10. a troop of 一群He is surrounded by a troop of friends. 他被一群朋友围住了。

11. become part of… 变成……的一部分

It is part of the way we act.它是我们行为表现的一部分。

12. serve as作为,用作,充当,起作用

The room can serve as a study. 这间房子可作书房用。

13. a small reception hall for important visitors 接待重要来宾的小型会客室。

14. Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。

have sth done 请/让别人做某事,使得,蒙受某种损失

We had the machine repaired.我们请人把机器修好了。

15. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。 ( I was never allowed to do things the way /that/ in which I wanted. 我从来不允许按照自己的想法去做事情。)

16. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is missing. 可悲的是,尽管琥珀屋被认为是世界上的一大奇迹之一,可是现在它却消失了。

I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。

I consider it a great honor.我认为这是极大的荣幸。

We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

We consider it (to be ) true.=(We consider that it is true.) 我们认为这是真实的。

a couple of words missing 缺的两三个字

There is a page missing. 缺少一页。

Police are combing the woods for the missing children.警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪的孩子.

17. be at war 处于战争状态,交战

18. remove some furniture and small art objects 把一些家具和小件艺术品搬走

He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。

This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。

19. in less than two days 在不到两天的时间里

20. There is no do ubt that the boxes were then put on a train for… 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上了运往……的火车。

There is no doubt that she will keep her word.毫无疑问她会遵守诺言的.

There is no doubt that Taiwan belongs to China. 这是毫无疑问的,台湾属于中国。

There is no doubt that she is capable of the job.她能胜任这个工作,这是毫无疑问的. 21. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。

it remains to be seen 尚待分晓

The fact remains to be proved.事实尚待证明

remain in呆在家里 remain out呆在外面, 留在户外

These matters remain in doubt. 这些事情仍然值得怀疑

He's determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way. 他决心不管发生什么事都忠于球队。

Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman. 彼得当了法官,但约翰仍然是个渔民。

22. By studying old photos of the former Amber Room, they have made the new one look like the old one. 通过研究琥珀屋原来的照片,他们建造的新琥珀屋样子和旧的看起来非常像。

23. One day he was looking in a second-hand furniture shop when he saw an amazing object among the many different vases and jewels. 一天,他正在一家二手家具商店查找,突然他在众多不同的花瓶和首饰中看见一个神奇的东西。

24. without doubt 无疑地,确实地

He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


25. the UN peace-keeping force 联合国维和部队

26. The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and receiving it.

那位老人看见一些德国人把琥珀屋拆开搬走了。 take apart 拆卸,拆开

Take apart the pieces before putting the toys away. 玩具拿开前先将它拆成一件件的。27. In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. 在审讯中,法官必须确定哪些目击者可信哪些不可信。

28. rather than


Tom rather than Jack is to blame. 该受责备的是汤姆,而不是杰克。

I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐着。

We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们的目的是重质不重量。

29. by the light of the moon借助于月光

30. for oneself 亲自,独自地

One should not live for oneself alone. 一个人不应只是为自已活着。

31. To my surprise the entrance to the mine was closed 使我感到惊奇的是矿口被封闭了。…….

32. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. 我认为那些在找寻琥珀屋的人们很了不起。

33. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 我也不认为他们会把它交给任何政府。

34. do with 处理,忍受,对付

I can't do with his insolence.


What do they do with the coin?


35. take notes of 记录,把……记下来

Please take notes of the important while you read. 请边读边把重要的事情记下来。

36. Read the information that is provided for the visitors. 阅读一下为参观者提供的信


They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物。

We provided food for the hungry children. 我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。

It's wise to save some money and provide for the future. "积蓄点钱,为将来使用作些准备是明智的。"

He has a wife and seven children to provide for. 他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。

37. It will not only give you a chance of practising your English but also of developing an interest in local history at the same time.它不仅给你了练习英语的机会而且在同时也给你了培养对当地历史感兴趣的机会。

38. for fun 为了消遣,为了开心

He plays violin just for fun.




1. By definition the capital is the political and c_______ center of a country.

2.Though he recovered from his illness, he r__________ weak.

3.The house b_________ to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.

4.Heavily as it rained, we were still out in s________ of the missing boy.

5. The school building was d_________ by a famous professor in Beijing, whose s_________ many people prefer.

6. I sent her a bike as his birthday g________, and she gave me an mp3 in r_________.

7. She stared at herself in the m________ and lost in thought.

8. They are twins. No w________ I can not tell them apart.

9. He was c_________ to be honest. In fact, the e_________he gave p______ to be false.

10. We mustn't _____ to know what we don't know. Please raise your questions if any.


1. 长城是世界一大奇迹。The Great Wall is one of the _______ in the world.

2. 请考虑一下我的建议。Please ____________ my suggestion.

3.仅几名士兵没有战死。Only a few soldiers ____________ the battle.

4.我偶然在那书店里见到这本珍贵的书。I came across the _____ book in the shop.

5.他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。Some experts of the world _______ _______ ___ his paintings.

6.他给我们如此多的帮助我想为他做些事作为报答。He has given us so much help that I really wanted to do something for him ____ _________.

7.有很多人出席了这次会议,其中三分之二都是同一个学校的。There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom _________ _______ the same school.

8.我们认为他说的不重要。We ___________ what he said unimportant.

9.那些男孩去找吃的东西去了。The boy went ___ ________ ___ something to eat.

10.He is a student who has a ____ for music. 他是个对音乐有天赋的学生。


1. When I left, he _____ me that I should take my recorder to his birthday party.

a. remembered

b. reminded

c. was remained

d. asked

2. ______ his wife, his daughter also went to see him.

a. Besides

b. Beside

c. Except

d. Except for

3. A working party has been set up to ______ this matter.

a. look up

b. look for

c. look into

d. look through

4. The had a good preparation for the project, so they had little _____ all the work.

a. troubles to finish

b. trouble to finish

c. difficulty in finishing

d.difficulties to finish

5. That dress is such a good _____ that it will be fashionable for years.

a. manner

b. style

c. sort

d. model

6. This photo _____ me __________ my childhood.

a. reminded; of

b. remembered; in

c. recalled; in

d. remained; into

7. A year later, his friend was appointed as a sales manager, but he _____ a salesman.

a. reminded

b. still

c. worked

d. remained

8. Since 1949, the people’s living standard ____ , causing a big ____ in population.

A.has been raised; rise

B.has been rose; raise

C.has raised; rise

D.has raised; rose

9. As I felt so much better, my doctor ______ me to take a holiday by the sea.

a. suggested

b. advised

c. considered

d. insisted

10. ______ decision is made, you must ______ .

a. Once; carry it out

b. when; carry out it

c. As soon as; work out it

d.After; carry it on

11. I am very grateful for your assistance, and hope that one day I may be albe to do something for you ______ .

a. in turns

b. in case

c. in return

d. in use

12. When you are in ______ about the meaning of the word, you can look it up in a dictionary.

a. idea

b. talk

c. wonder

d. doubt

13. I’ve ______ invitation, but I don’t think I’ll______ it.

a. accepted; received

b. received; receive

c. taken; accept

d. received; accept

(一)1. cultural 2. remains 3. belonging 4. search 5. designed, style6. gift, return

7. mirror 8. wonder 9. considered, evidence, proved 10. pretend

(二)1. wonders 2. consider 3. survived 4. rare 5. thought highly of 6. in return 7. belong to

8. consider 9. in search of 10. gift

(三)1-5 BACCB 6-10ADABA 11-15CDD

Unit2 The Olympic Games


1. the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

2. compete in …compete with other countries for world market 与其它国家竞争国际市场

compete in a race 参加赛跑

compete with [against] sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物

Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning.我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了荣誉而彼此之间相互竞争。

3. take part in 参加

We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.

我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外.

4. What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? 奥运旗帜上的五环代表什么?

stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;允许

What does "ESL" stand for? "ESL"代表什么?

I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。

5. the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics 北京奥运会吉祥物

Fuwa,the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carry a message of friendship ,peace and good wishes from China to children all over the world.


6. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始

His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.


7. (a)volunteer for (……志愿者)志愿做……

Don't volunteer for more than you can handle. 别做力不能及的事情。

I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics.


8. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and used to write ab out the Olympics a long time ago 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。

We used to keep in touch with each other by writing letters.我们过去常写信联系对方。

I am used to reading stories to my daughter every night and she enjoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。

Wood can be used to make furniture. 木头能用来做家具。

There used to be a temple at the place where our school stands now.在我们学校所在之处过去有一座庙。

9. …and both are held every four years on a regular basis. 两个都是定期每四年举行一次。

on a regular basis 定期地He comes to visit us on a regular basis.他定期来看望我们。

10. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参见奥运会。

I am sure that he will be admitted to Beijing University this summer. 我肯定他今年夏天将被北京大


This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。

The cinema admits about 2000 people.这座电影院大约可坐2000 人。

The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation.这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。

His illness admits of no delay.他的病不容拖延。

He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。

John has admitted breaking the window. 约翰已承认打碎了窗子。

11. It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing, and all the team sports.跑步、游泳、划船和所有团队项目是在夏季奥运会上进行的。

12. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。

13. Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics…妇女不仅允许参加,而且她们还在体操比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用。

14. as well 也;又;同样

as well as (除...之外)也,既...又

conj. 以及,又

I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.


A teacher should entertain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。

15 There is as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地激烈。

16. So even the olive wreath has been replaced. 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。

Dav id will replace Mike in next week’s tennis competition. 大卫将代替迈克参加下周的网球赛。The broken parts of the machine must be replaced, otherwise we can’t continue our work. 这些损害的机器部件必须得换,否则我们无法继续工作。

I have owned my car for almost ten years. This year I’ll replace it w ith a new one. 我的汽车用了差不多十年了,今年我要换一辆新车。

Would you replace the magazine after reading it? 读完杂志后把它放回原处好么?

17. Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choice. 提出你的观点并给出你选择的原因。put forward 呈上;提出;提前;拨快(钟表)

Two advices of design are put forward.


The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. 其原因是,这架飞机又是一辆自行车。

reason with sb. for [against] sth.


reason sb. out of his prejudice说服某人消除成见

reason sb. into accepting a proposal说服某人接受建议

18. be in/under sb’s charge管理

in charge of 负责

These books were left in your charge. 这些书由你管理。

The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway. 主任工程师负责指挥地铁的建造工程。

I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。

This ward is in [under]the charge of Dr Green. 这间病房是由格林大夫负责的。

How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle? 他修理自行车收了你多少钱?

Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time? 下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费?

The boy charged into the room. 男孩冲进屋里。

Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. 突然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。

Those young men were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.


She charged me to look after her daughter. 她要我负责看管她的女儿。

19. physical exercise 体育锻炼

Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body. 身体健康就是有一个强壮健康的身体。

physical change 物理变化

physical education 体育

20. rise to one’s feet 站起来,立起。

21. She was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that she fell down. 她在比赛中跑在前面,突然另外一个运动员故意推了她一下,结果她摔倒了。

22. take responsibility for…对……负有责任,负起对……的责任

23. If you are discovered, you will be fined. 如果被发现,你将被罚款。

He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation. 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。24. win glory for sb. 为某人赢得荣誉

We must try to win glory for our school!我们必须设法为母校争光。

25. make a bargain with sb. 与某人成交

26. promise to do sth. 答应做某事

He has promised to behave better henceforth. 他答应从今以后要表现得好些。

She promised her brother that she would write to him. 她答应弟弟将给他写信。

This year promises to be another good one for harvests. 今年看来又是个丰收年。

Remember to carry out your promise . 记住要履行诺言。

He broke his promise and did not come to see me. 他不遵守诺言,没来看我。

The news brings little promise of peace. 这消息使和平无望。

27. She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. 为了参加奥运会她练习跑步。

28. Atlanta married him and lived happily ever after. Atlanta和他结了婚,从那以后幸福地生活。

29. one after another 一个接一个地Difficulties arise one after another.困难相继出现.

30. deserve to do sth理应做,值得做

deserve attention [sympathy]值得注意[同情]

deserve to be rewarded [punished] 该奖[罚]

If you do wrong, you deserve punishment. 你如做错事, 应当受罚。

31. Apart from playing at school I go to sports school every weekend. 除了在学校踢球之外,我每周末都去体校。

She keeps herself apart from (ie does not mix with) other people. 她与别人保持距离(不与别人混在


It's a good piece of work, apart from a few slight faults. 除了一些小缺点之外,这不失为一件漂亮的工作。

32. I especially like playing on the wing like Beckham but being a striker is good as well. 我尤其喜欢像贝克汉姆一样踢边锋,但是当一名射球手一样好。

Dance and sing, Time's on the wing.跳吧,唱吧,光阴似箭。

33. be active in积极于

34. This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become.这很重


35. Don’t be shy about making mistakes.别害怕犯错误。

36. In this way you will become confident in speaking English. 这样你就会对说英语充满信心。

One has to be confident in himself. 一个人一定要对自己有信心。



1.He is h_______, and he never tells lies.

2.In a________times, women were not allowed to c________ in the Olympics.

3.Before writing the report, he decided to i________ some people first.

4.When asked, he a_______ stealing the necklace.

5.There is a s_______ being built in our city.

6. The g________ being built in our school will be finished next month.

7. He is such a person that nobody can r_______ him.

8. At the beginning of each term, we will have a p________ examination.

9. I cannot r______ what he did to what he said.

10. To improve the sale of their product, they a________ them in the newspapers and on TV.

11. No one can be so f_______ to do such a thing, except that he is a fool.

12. Father p_______ to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.

13. At the sports meeting, all the a_______ tried their best to get the g______ m______.


1.他已经答应给我买辆汽车。He has ________ me to buy me a car.

2.没有什么东西能取代母爱的。Nothing can _________ a mother’s love.

3.我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。Our English teacher is friendly ____ _______ _____ kind to us. 4.昨天他参加比赛了。He _________ ____ the game yesterday.

5.我们吵架是很愚蠢的。It would be __________ for us to quarrel.

6.老实说,你并没有尽力。—————————,you didn’t do your best.

7.在那书架上有一套鲁迅的小说。There was ___ ______ _______ Lu Xun’s novels on the sh elf. 8. 他承认做错了事。He_______ having done wrong.

9.他参加了罢工。He ______ ______ ____ the strike.

10.他和他的父母将要去度假。He ____ _____ _____ his parent was going out for a holiday. 11.学生一个接着一个走出教室。The students went out of the classroom _____ _______



1. -----It is said that the famous cyclist_________his parents is to visit our city next week.

------I heard the news _________.

A.and; too. B as well as; as well. C as well as; as well as; D with; either

2. Would you like to_______the 2008 Olympic Games______in Beijing?

A. join; hold.

B. join in; will be held.

C. take part in; which will hold.

D. take part in; which will be held.

3. I go to visit Mr Li who is living in the country every_______weeks.

A. other;

B. fourth;

C. a few;

D. few.

4. He plays football_________, if not better than John.

A. as well;

B. as well as;

C. so well;

D. so well as.

5. Sandy could do nothing but ________to his teacher that he was wrong.

A. admit.

B. admitted

C. admitting.

D. to admit

6. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _______so happy!

A. did I feel;

B. I felt.

C. I had felt.

D. had I felt.

7. I was ______by the _____news of George’s sudden death.

A. amazed; amazing.

B. amazing; amazed.

C. upset; surprised.

D. surprised; upset.

8.It was lucky for him to be admitted______the dream university he had longed for.

A. as

B. to.

C. with.

D. for

9. The headmaster, as well as some teachers and students_________to visit the sick students in hospital this afternoon.

A. is going. B are going. C. had gone. D. have gone

10. The girl is ______jobs for she is not satisfied with the present one.

A. advertising.

B. advertising for.

C. advertising in

D. advertising to

11. I’m sure he______in the new kindergarten.

A. will be taken good care.

B. will be taken good care of

C. will take care

D. will take care of.

12. Hundreds of jobs ________if the factory closes.

A. lose.

B. will be lost.

C. are lost.

D. will lose

13. ----Nancy is not coming again----But she_________

A. promises. B promised; C. will promise. D. had promised

14. She reached the top of the hill and stopped_____on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested.

B. resting.

C. to rest.

D. rest

15. My uncle____until he was forty-five.

A. married.

B. didn’t marry.

C.was not marrying.

D. would marry.

16 ----. How long_____you ____? ------For five years. We _______ in 2001

A. have; been married; got married.

B. did; marry; got married;

C. have got married; married.

D. were; married; married.

17. _________straight on and you’ll see a church.. You won’t miss it.

A. Go.

B. Going.

C. If you go.

D. When going

18. They will celebrate their _______ wedding anniversary next Labor Day.

A. gold.

B. golden.

C. goldfish.

D. gold rush.

19. ----Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? -------- I don’t know, __________.

A. nor don’t I care.

B. nor do I care.

C. I don’t care neither.

D. I don’t care also.

20. They are _____ clever children that they can do it by themselves

A. so

B. such.

C. as

D. too.

(一)1. honest 2. ancient,. compete 3. interview 4. admitted 5. stadium


7. replace

8. physical

9. relate 10. advertise

11. foolish 12. promised 13. athletes, gold, medals

(二)1. promised 2. replace 3. as well as 4. competed in 6. foolish 7. a set of 8. admitted 9. took part in 10.as well as 11. one after another

(三)1-5 BDDBA 6-10DABAB 11-15 BBBCB 16-20AABBB

Unit3 Computers


1. In pairs discuss what they have in common. 两人一组讨论一下他们有哪些共同之处。

in common 共同的We have very much/a lot /nothing /little /something in common.我们有很多/没有/几乎没有/有一些相似之处。

You know, Mary, you and I have one thing in common.玛丽,你知道,我俩有一个共同点。

2. Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared?你能按照他们现世的时间顺序把他们排列成序么?

in order按照顺序; 挨次整齐; 整洁恰当, 正确; 符合程序

out of order次序紊乱(机器等)失灵; 出故障有病;违反议事规则

3. Over time I have been changed quite a lot.经过一段时间我变化了很多。

4. as a calculating machine 作为一台计算机器

calculate on: depend on 指望We are calculating on fine weather for the sports meeting.我们指望着运动会有好天气。

5. …it nearly took two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine…差不多到了200年之后我才被做成分析机

6. the start of “artificial intelligence”人工智能的开始

7.From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 从那时起,我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。

8.As time went by, I was made smaller. 随着时间的推移,我被弄得越来越小。

9.As a result I totally changed my shape. 结果,我已经改变了我完全的形状。

They come from totally different culture. 他们来自完全不同的文化。

10.And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!我的存储容量变得如此巨大连我自己都不能相信。

11. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.从二十世纪七十年代起,我又被开发出来了很多新的用途。

12. Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。

13. I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race.现在我充满了幸福感,因为我是人类的忠实朋友并时时给他们提供帮助。

14. He used to download information from the Internet and make good use of it. 他常从因特网上下载信息并充分利用这些信息。

15. …but in reality he has a long way to go.但事实上他任重而道远。

16. be crazy about…非常喜爱,醉心于She's crazy about dancing. 她热衷于跳舞。

17. do research into … 进行…的研究

18. come true 实现,达到

19. From then on, I worked hard to get into university. 从那时起,我努力学校考大学。

20. As I grow older I realize how much my life has been connected with my interest in radios.随着年龄的增长,我意识到我的生活和我对无线电的兴趣联系地有多密切。

21. The company has given its computers away to a local school. 这家公司把它的电脑赠送给了当地的一所学校。

22. consist of 由……组成(be made up of)

His job consists of helping old people who live alone. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。

Theory should consist with practice. 理论应与实践相一致。

23. About once a year we are allowed to get together … 每年大约一次我们可以获准聚在一起……get together 聚会

When can we get together?


24. On the football team I am a striker …我在球队中是前锋,……

25… have a good shot for a goal. 好好地射一个球

26. We are determined to create an even better system. 我们决心创造一个跟好的系统。

27. In a way our programmer is like our coach. 从某种程度上说,我们的程序就像是我们的教练。

I fell on the way to school. 我在上学的路上跌倒了。

In this way, he was able to solve the mystery.循着这一线索,他解答了这个奥秘。

Some like the older ways of doing things. 有些女性喜欢处理事务的老办法。

By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?

by way of London 途经伦敦

In a way, you're right.从某一点上看你是对的

in the way

挡住路, 妨碍, 多余的

lose one's way 迷路, 迷失方向; 误入歧途

28. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is

what I am all about.不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切。29. deal with 处理,对付;论述,涉及

How do we deal with feelings? 如何处理情感和感受?

do with 利用, 忍受, 需要, 乐意做

What do they do with the coin?


30. watch over 看守,照管,监视

I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him.我是他的好朋友。我将永远照看他。

31. make full use of…充分利用……make use of利用,使用of use

有用out of use

不再使用了use up用完,用光

32. what’s more 更重要的是,而且,另外

What's more, it was snowing outside.此外,外面下雪。


1.We have a lot in c________, so we often have a lot to talk about.

2.Many of the students take their c_________ into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.

3.Once he was considered to be s__________, for he couldn’t work out the simplest numbers.

4. Robots can also be called a________ i____________.

5. Everything has it's a_________ and d___________.

6. A good c_______ when facing difficulties is to stay calm.

7. P________, I d________ with you on your plan.

8. I need some m________ to make a dress.

9. Once he was the c_______ of our football team.

10.It's dangerous for a young lady w________ in the street late at night.

11. would you please find a m_______ to sweep the floor? It’s too dirty.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/444874307.html,e your b_______, and you will have a way.


1. Though he had often made his little sister_____, today he was made _____ by his little sister.

A. cry; to cry

B. crying; crying.

C. cry; cry

D. to cry;cry

2. The surface of the table _____________.

A. feels soft;

B. feels softly;

C. is felt soft;

D. is felt softly.

3. __________ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.

A. So successful her business was;

B. So successful was her business.

C. So her business was successful;

D. So has her successful business.

4. As time__________, she became more and more anxious about her son’s safety.

A. passing.

B. going by.

C. passed.

D. goes by.

5. ----How many elephants have you seen? ----- ____________.

A. No one.

B. None.

C. Not many ones.

D. Not many.

6. __________ many old people, he likes this kind of dance.

A. Instead of .

B. In spite of.

C. In common with .

D. Instead.

7. There was _______ time ______ I hated to go to school.

A. a; that;

B. a; when.

C. the; that.

D. the; when.

8. Last summer I took a course on _______ poisonous gases.

A. how to deal with ;

B. what to deal with ;

C. how to be deal with ;

D. what to be deal with;

9. Three years _________ without our knowing it.

A. went by;

B. passes by;

C. went on ;

D. passed on;

10. Great changes__________ in the city, and a lot of factories ___________.

A. have been taken place; have been set up;

B. have taken place; have been set up;

C. have taken place; have set up;

D. were taken place; were set up;

11 ----Why does Mary look so unhappy? -----She has________ by her classmates.

A. laughed;

B. laughed at ;

C. been laughed;

D. been laughed at

12. Both my brothers work at the power station that _______ in 1996.

A. has set up;

B. has been set up;

C. was set up;

D. is set up.

13. A library with five thousand books _______ to the nation as a gift.

A. has been offered

B. has offered;

C. are offered;

D. have offered;

14. The poor man had no choice but __________ his wife the truth.

A. to telling;

B. tell;

C. to tell;

D. told;

15. -----I think he is taking an active part in social work. -----I agree with you ________.

A. in a way;

B. on the way;

C. by the way;

D. in the way;

16. I don’t like the way _________ you laughed at her.

A. which

B. that;

C. in that;

D. what;

17. I’d like to buy a house------modern, comfortable, and _______ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all;

B. above all;

C. after all;

D. at all;

18 I’ll never forget Mr Smith, _______ help we had made great progress.

A. with his

B. with whose

C. his

D. who;

19. You must not play near the house today; you’ll get _______ of the workers;

A. in this way;

B. in the way;

C. on the way;

D. by the way;

20. -----I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’ t see you until 4 o’clock;------Oh, ______ I won’t wait.

A. no doubt;

B. after all;

C.in that case;

D. in this way;

21 The audience was __________ very young children.

A. made of ; B made from; C. made in ; D made up of .

22. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _________ I disagree.

A. why;

B. where;

C. what;

D. how;


1. 在我看来,这食物不够。_____ ______ ________, the food is not enough.

2.昨天他参加了智力考试。Yesterday, he took an i________________ test.

3.他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子。He don’t know how to ______ ________ his naughty son.

4.你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。It’s not surprising you’ve got stomachache. _____ ______ you have eaten too much.

5.他们彼此毫无共同点。They have nothing in ________ with one another.

6.在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。______ _____ ______ my computer, I could finish my job in time.

7.在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。___ ___ ____, what you said is reasonable.

(一)1. common 2. calculators 3. simple-minded 4. artificial, intelligence

5. advantages, disadvantages

6. choice

7. Personally, disagree .

8. Materials 9. coach 10. wandering 11. mop 12. brains

(二)1-5 AABCB 6-10CBAAB 11-15 DCACA 16-20 BBBBC 21-22 DB

(三)1. In my opinion 2. intelligence 3. deal with 4. After all https://www.doczj.com/doc/444874307.html,mon 6. with the help of 7. In a way

Unit4 Wildlife protection


1. If their habitat is threatened or they can’t find enough food, their numbers may decrease. 如果他们


The number of children in the school has decreased this year. 今年在校的儿童人数减少了。

There was a decrease in the number of children in school. 在校的儿童人数有所减少。

decrease in number 数目减少

2. As a result these endangered animals may even die out.结果,这些濒临危险的动物可能会灭绝。The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the residents.


an endangered species; an endangered culture.


die out 逐渐消失,灭绝

die off相继死去

die away逐渐停止,逐渐消失

die down逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

3. There has been some progress in saving endangered wildlife in China.在中国拯救濒临绝种的动植物工作已经取得了一些进步。

4.loss of bamboo growing areas竹子生长区的损失

His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm. 他的不幸去世对他的商行来说是个重大损失。Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year. 他们公司去年在生意上接二连三地亏本。at a loss亏本;不知所措sold the merchandise at a loss. 赔本卖出货物

I am at a loss to understand those remarks.我不理解那些话

5.a nature reserve 自然保护区

I have reserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。

reserve of food食物储备I believe your story without reserve. 我毫无保留地相信你说的。

6. too much hunting in the 1950s 二十世纪五十年代太多的捕杀

7. a natural protection zone 自然保护区

8. in peace安详地

The two communities live together in peace (with one another). 这两个社区和平相处.

Please let me do my work in peace.请让我安静地工作。

9. in danger of有……的危险;受到……的威胁

He was in danger of losing his life.他有失去生命的危险。

10….longed to help endangered species of wildlife. 渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。

I longed for a bicycle.我特想要辆自行车。

These young lads are longing to go to watch the football match.


11. respond I offered him a drink but he didn't respond. 我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。

The patient did not respond to treatment.病人经治疗後未见起色

How to respond to a greeting? 怎样回答别人的问候?

respond by a nod 点头答应

respond with a smile 以微笑表示回答

respond in damages 赔偿损失

12. …take me to a distant land…带我到遥远的地方

The foreign visitors came from a distant country.外国游客来自一个遥远的国度。

13. We are being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. 为了取得我们肚皮底下的羊毛,我们正在被屠杀。

Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees? 我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗?

The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖

14. turn around回转,转向

turn down减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等);拒绝,不接受

turn up找到;发现;被找到;(将底边折起)把(衣服)改短;出现;来临;露面;把声音开大;把力量加大;发生(意想不到的事)

turn in睡觉;把…交给警方;归还

turn out关闭(煤气、自来水、电灯等);出席;到场;生产;出产;(常与to, that连用)结果turn on 打开(煤气、自来水、电灯等)袭击;攻击(= turn upon)(吸用麻醉品后)产生幻觉,开启使开始运作、活动或流动:开始展示,显露出,流露出

turn off 关闭,停止终止运转、行为或流动;关掉:使厌烦:

15. In relief he burst into laughter. 他如释重负,突然笑了起来。

16. Farmers hunted us without mercy. 农民总是惨无人道地捕杀我们。

17. a certain number of一定数量的

18. I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes.我这样做可以防止蚊虫叮咬。

19. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 它含有一种强效药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。

20. What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 如果要成功地保护野生动植物必须做些


21. … is very concerned about it 对此很关心

22. need to have a secure income需要有固定的收入

23. Can they be employed to work …? 他们可以被雇来干活么?

24. What should be done to punish people who do harm to the animals? 应该做些什么来惩罚那些伤害动物的人?

25. run after 追逐

26. as usual 像平常一样

27. hunt for寻找,搜寻

28. be related to 与……有关

29. What should you say if you are being punished by your parant for something you did wrong? 如果你正因为做错事而受到你父母的惩罚你该说些什么?

30. They lived on the earth tens of thousands of years ago, long before humans came into being. 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,必人类的出现要早得多。

31. Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. 有些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是发生在一件意外事故之后,当时宇宙间一块巨石击中地球因而在空气中扬起太多的尘土。

32. Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.没有人确切地知道恐龙是因为什么原因,又是怎样在这么短的时间里从地球上消失的。

33. according to a UN report 根据联合国的一份报告

34. in the last 500 years 在过去500年里

35. possible reasons for the disapperance of dinosaurs 恐龙消失的可能原因

36. …how it might have become extinct 它可能是怎样灭绝的

an extinct species已灭绝的物种

an extinct volcano死火山

All hope was extinct.一切希望都破灭了。

37. tell the truth说实话

tell a lie撒谎

all told总共;合计

tell the time看钟;报时tell a secret泄露秘密; tell fortunes.占卜

38. It’s a pity that …真遗憾……It's a pity that you have to go so soon. 真遗憾你这么快就得走了。feel pity for sb.

同情某人... have / take pity on sb.可怜某人

What a pity! 多么可惜[遗憾]!

out of pity 出于怜悯[同情]

39. I intend/mean/ plan to …我打算……

I intend to go home.我想回家。The book is intended for beginners.本书是为初学者编写的。

We intend this news report as teaching material for freshmen.

我们打算把这篇新闻报道作为新生教材。You intended that she go. 你计划让她去

I mean what I say.我说到做到。

I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.

我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。Missing the last bus means walking home 错过最后一班车就意味着步行回家。

40. I’d rather not…我不愿意

Which would you rather do, go to cinema or stay at home? 你是去看电影还是待在家里?

Would rather die than surrender.宁死不投降。

41. I feel like摸起来象;[口]想要, 愿意;有...的感觉

What do you feel like doing today? 你今天想做什么?

feel one's heart beat感觉到心跳feel one's way摸索前进

I feel it my duty to do so.我认为这样做是我的责任。

42. so that 所以, 因此,以便

I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations. 我用功,免得考不及格。

We turned on the light so that we might see (=so as to see) what it was. 我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。

43. to teach them a lesson教训某人

44. base on基于,以……为根据

45. a start and an ending开头和结尾

46. depend on依靠

47. write your draft 打草稿

48. swap your writing with …和某人交换作文

49. I suggest making a special park for them 我建议建一个特殊的公园。

50. I’m sure that they will survi ve with your help 我相信在你的帮助下他们会生存下去的。

51. formal start/ending to the letter书信的正式开头/结尾



1.Almost all the animals have their special ways to p_______ themselves from their e_________.

2.As is known to all, a cow has four s________(胃).

3.If you want to set up a company, first you must a_______ to the g________ for p__________.

4.What he said s________ that he wasn’t satisfied with what we had done.

5. The hotel bill c_________ every fee, i__________ the broken glass.

6. M___________ are the kind of i______ which can be easily found in summer.

7. He was a_______ by the story of the hero.

8. While reading, please pay much a__________ to your pronunciation.

9. Many rare animals are in d________, because they are being hunted for.

10. In a way, knowledge is a kind of p_________ arm.


1. 你知道宇宙如何形成的吗?Do you know how did the world _______ ______ __________ ? 2.在冬天你应该盖上东西保护那些植物不要冻坏。In winter, you should cover something to

_________ the plants ______ the cold.

3.他处于极度危险中。He is _____ great ______.

4.他没有努力学习,因此他就在考试中失败了。He didn’t work hard. ____ ___ ______, he failed in the exam.

5.当你驾驶的时候你应该注意标志。You should ____ _______ ________ the signs when you are driving.

6.我一家人相处融洽。My family lives _______ ________.

7. 恐龙在几万年前就灭绝了。Dinosaurs ______ ______ millions of years ago.

8.他写信申请那份工作。He wrote a letter to _____ _______ the job.

9. 那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响The storm _____ a bad _______ _____ the crops.。


1. It seemed that he was______ losing his life. Luckily, he was______ in the end.

A. in the danger of; out of danger

B. in danger of; out of danger;

C. in the danger; out of the danger;

D. in danger of ; out of the danger;

2. More attention should be ___ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production

A. paid to improving; B paid to improve; C taken to improve D. taken to improving;

3. He was at a ______ what to say to the teacher’s question----obviously he was _____ in thought just now.

A. loss; losing;

B. loss; ;lost; C losing; lost; D. lost; loss;

4. Have a good rest, and you need to _____ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.

A. leave;

B. reserve;

C. hold;

D. get;

5. Two thirds of the area______ with green grass or tall trees.

A. is covered;

B. are covered;

C. is covering;

D. are covering;

6. Has the doctor suggested _______ close attention to your own health?

A you paying;

B your pay; C. you paid; D. you to pay;

7. Lucy had to call a taxi because the box was _______ to carry all the way home.

A.. much too heavy;

B. too much heavy;

C. heavy too much;

D. too heavy much;

8. We can’t figure out the reason for more and more animals _____.

A are dying out; B. died out; C. are died out; D. dying out

9. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _______, most people say it was the worst winter of their lives.

A. At last;

B. In fact;

C. In a word;

D. As a result;

10. ----Why have you come to work on foot today?

-----Well, my bike ______ and I hate taking a crowded bus.

A.has been repaired; B is repairing; C, will be repaired; D. is being repaired;

11. ---Have you moved into the new house? ---Not yet. The rooms _______.

A. are being painting;

B. are painting;

C. are painted;

D. are being painted;

12. This is Ted’s photo. We miss him a lot. He ___when trying to save a chil d in an earthquake

A. killed; B is killed C, was killed; D, was killing

13. Mary’s pale face suggested that she ___ ill and her parents suggested she ___ a doctor.

A. should be; should see; B, was ; see; C,. be; seeing; D. was; would see

14. A new cinema ______ here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built;

B. is built; C, has been built; D. is being built

15 -----Is it ____ that the China will host the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing?

-----Yes, that’s for_____.

A. sure; certain; B, certain; sure; C, made sure; certain; D. made certain; sure

16. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ____ it got worse.

A. until

B. when;

C. before.

D. as;

17. -----Will you give this message to Mr. White please?------Sorry, I can’t. He ______.

A. doesn’t any more work here.

B.does’t work longer here;

C. doesn’t work any more here

D. doesn’t work here any longer;

18. I would love ____ to the party last night but I had an unexpected guest.

A. to go; B to have gone; C, going; D. having gone

(一)1. protect, enemies 2. stomachs 3. apply, government, permission 4. suggested

5. contains, including

6. Mosquitos, insect

7. affected

8. attention

9. danger 10. powerful

(二)1. come into being 2. protect, from 3. in, danger 4. As a result 5. pay attention to 6. in peace

7. died out 8. apply for 9. had, effect on

(三)1-5 BABBA 6-10 AADBD 11-15 DCBDB 16-18 CDB

Unit5 Music


1. match with 与……相匹配

2. Have you ever dreamt of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你是否梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌为你鼓掌么?

3. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看地很重。

To be honest, I can hardly wait.老实说,我已经等不及了。

attach attach a document to a letter将文件附在信中

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.


be attached to连在...上, 附属于;热爱, 依恋

I am attached to my family. 我对我的家依依不舍

The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。

4. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路人演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。

extra allowance特别津贴extra hand 临时雇工extra train 加(班火)车extra edition 特号, 临时增刊

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra $100 a year!


Unit 1 Cultural relics I. 单元教学目标 II. 目标语言

II. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以cultural relics为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述它们的起源,发展和保护等方面的情况,复习并掌握定语从句,能就如何保护和处理世界文化遗产给出自己的观点。 1.1 Warming up热身部分提供了四幅图片,设计了三个问题让学生交流对于cultural relic的了解,并就此进行讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题“文化遗产”。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身部分,提供了ambers的图片并就此此设计了两个问题。这两个问题极易引起学生对amber的兴趣,并能引导学生对课文进行prediction。 1.3 Reading是关于寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀房子的建立、转让、被毁、重建的整个历史。设计这篇文章的目的是让学生了解什么是文化遗产以及讨论保护和重建文化从文化遗产的重要性和必要性。 1.4 Comprehending既有知识性的问题,同时又跳出了课文,对文章进行整体评价,由易到难,有较好的梯度,全面考查学生对文章的理解。Exercise 1将人物及相关事件匹配,检验学生对文章细节的理解;Exercise 2 将所给的问题与段落匹配,是段落大意理解题;Exercise 3安排了对于重建lost cultural relics的意义进行讨论,使得学生能对本单元的主题进行较为深入的探讨。 1.5 Learning about language 分Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures两部分。其中第一部分的Exercise 1着重训练对英语单词解释的理解。Exercise 2 着重词汇在短文中的用法练习。要求学生按所给的语境填入所需的词汇。Exercise 3 专练belong to的词义和用法。在Discovering useful structures 中,分为四个练习,从课文中出现的定语从句入手,让学生自主学习限定性定语从句及非限定性定语从句的联系和区别。再通过连句练习和造句练习来巩固本次所学定语从句的内容。 1.6 Using language分Reading and Listening、Speaking 及Reading and writing 三部分。以不同的学习形式:听、说、读、写,从不同的角度围绕本单元的目标


语法填空专练 一 (2015·山西省曲沃中学高一期末) The club in my town is an __1__(organize) very popular __2__ young people. I have been __3__ member of it for four years now and I've taken part in a lot of interesting projects. These include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos. We have organized sports competitions and we have even made a video. __4__ it isn't all just enjoyment; we __5__(start) doing social work to help people in our neighborhood. We have organized activities for small children during the holidays. We have also formed a special support group to help young people stop __6__(smoke)! We are __7__(extreme) proud of the most recent group we have created. It organizes regular visits to the local old people's home. The old people, __8__ were very excited by our visit, told us their personal stories. We sang songs and played games with them and had tea together. Some of __9__ were in poor health and were very unhappy. After this visit, my friends and I decided to do whatever we can __10__(help) improve the quality of their lives. 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______ 答案: 1.orgnization考查词形转换。由空前的an可知,此处填名词形式。 2.with考查介词。be popular with...受……的欢迎。 3.a/one考查冠词。此处表示“我已经是这个俱乐部的一员四年了”。 4.But考查连词。前后句之间是转折关系,所以填but。句意:但是,我们不仅仅全是玩,我们也帮助我们社区的人们。 5.have started考查时态。此处动作与上一句话“We have organized sports competitions and we have even made a video.”的动作并列,所以时态应该相同。 6.smoking考查非谓语动词。stop doing停止做某事;stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。此处表示“帮助青少年戒烟”,所以填smoking。 7.extremely考查词形转变。该空修饰形容词proud,所以用副词形式。 8.who考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子发现,此处是一个定语从句,从句部分__8__ were very excited by our visit缺少主语,所以填关系代词;先行词是people,所以填who或that;此处是非限制性定语从句,所以不填that而填who。 9.them考查代词。此处表示the old people,而且用在介词of之后,所以填宾格形式的them。 10.to help考查非谓语动词。句意:这次拜访之后,我的朋友和我决定尽我们最大的努力改善老人的生活质量。由句意可知,此处表示目的,所以填不定式形式。


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)state 指“国家”时,常表示“政权,国体”等政治性概念,首字母常常大写。 表示“状态,情况”时,为可数名词,常作单数;in a state表示“处于混乱或者是不整洁的状态”;get into a state变得十分紧张。 in state 庄严堂皇的,隆重的 state也可以作动词,表示“陈述,阐明,声明”,多用于正式场合或者是公文,商务信函,日常用语中应该避免。 表示“据说,据称”常用于it或者sb/sth作主语的被动句中。 2)rare 作形容词,表示“罕见的,稀少的,稀有的,难得的”,可形容人或者是物。 rare也可以指肉,表示“未熟的,半熟的”。 rare也是作副词,相当于rarely,意思是“很,非常”。 rare和and连用,相当于一个副词,意思是“很,极,非常”。 3)belong 不能用于被动语态和进行时。 belong in 适宜于,用利于,应该用在……。 4)gift 表示“礼物”。 表示“天赋,才能”后接for或者是of。 表示“捐赠”常与of连用。 5)melt 表示“融化,溶解”。 melt into逐渐融入,逐渐变成。 melt还可以表示“心变软,生怜悯之情”。 melt sth down 重新融化,回炉。 6)heat 作不可数名词,表示“热,炎热,热度,发热”,前面常用定冠词。 表示“供暖(费)”。 作动词,表示“变热,变暖”,常与up连用;也可以表示“使激发愤怒”。 7)design 作动词,表示具体,确切地“计划,设计”。 也可以表示“打算,预定”,指为一目的而作安排,常用于被动语态。 表示“设计样式,设计图案”为可数名词;表示“设计工艺,设计布局,意图”为不可数名词。 by design 故意地have designs upon/on sb(sth)图谋(生命,财产)。 8)fancy 作动词,多用作及物动词,后接名词,从句或者是动名词。 fancy接从句时,意为“认为,猜想”。 fancy接名词,代词,动名词(不能接不定式),意思为“想想,设想,想要”。 用于感叹句,意为“真想不到,谁能想到……竟然”。


Practice makes perfect! 高一英语 Book 2Unit 1 Cultural relics 1.survive 幸免;幸存;生还(survival 幸存 , survivor 幸存者) 2.in search of 寻找 (介词短语 ) search for sth 寻找 (动词短语 ) search sb/ sp 搜身 /搜某地 3.to one's amazement 令人惊讶的是(amazed 感到惊讶的 , amazing 令人惊讶的 ) 4.select 精选 ,choose 普通选择 ,elect 选举 5.be designed for sb/sth 计划或打算给某人 /某物用 be designed to do sth 设计目的是做某事 by design=on purpose 有意地 (by chance/ accident 偶然 /意外地 ) 6.fancy 奇特的;异样的;想象/喜欢( +doing ) 7. decorate sth with sth用...装饰... be decorated with被装饰; 8.belong to 属于不用于被动结构、完成时和进行时态 9.worth 值得的;相当于的价值;值钱的 be +worth +doing ( 主动形式表被动含义) It is really/well/very much worth doing. be worthy of being done= be worthy of to be done It is worthwhile doing/to do 10.doubt 怀疑;疑惑There is no doubt that.... 毫无疑问 .... doubt 作动词时,用在肯定句中通常后面接whether 或 if 引导的名词性从句,在否定或疑 问句中通常后接that 引导的名词性从句 She doubted whether/if the story was true.; Do you doubt that he can do the work well? 11.in return 作为报答;回报(in turn 依次 / 反过来 , in return for sth作为对的回报 12.remain 保存,保留 ,任然 ; remain a mystery任然是个迷; remain at home ; remain to be done 有待于被 ...remain beautiful 13.at war 处于交战状态“ at+n.”处于某种状态 14. think highly/ well / much of看重;器重;对评价高( think poorly / ill / badly of对评价不高) ---被动 : be highly thought of 15 否定词 / 否定介词短语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装( 参见优化P16) Unit 2 The Olympic Games https://www.doczj.com/doc/444874307.html,pete with/against sb(for sth) 与某人(为某事物)竞争 compete in参加..比赛/竞争(competitor 竞赛者 ; competition 竞赛 ) 2.take part in sth 参与,参加 (较大型活动 ), take part 不接宾语take an active part in 积极参加( join 参加组织机构并成为其中一员,join in 参加游戏或小型活动, attend 出席会议 ,讲座 ,上课 ,婚礼 ; ) join sb( in doing)加入某人(一起做) 3.stand for( 字母或符合 )代表,象征,表示; stand by 袖手旁观 ; stand out 突出,显眼 https://www.doczj.com/doc/444874307.html,ed to do sth 过去常常做 ; be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做; 5.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 6.be admitted to /into 被 ....接受 /录取admit (to)doing sth承认做了某事 7.as well 也,又,还 (句末 ); as well as 和 (谓语形式取决前面名词),与 ...一样好 8.replace by/with用...替换/取代=take the place of, be in place of , 9.take one's place 10.in charge of 主管 / 负责 ; in the charge of 被 /由主管 / 负责 charge sb some money for sth 因某事(物)收某人钱 charge sb with (doing) sth控诉某人做某事; free of charge 免费


必修二Unit1 限定性和非限定性定语从句 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Tom won the first prize, _______ everybody knows. 2.Yesterday I met Ling Ping, _______ seemed to be very busy. 3.Our teacher, ________ wife is a nurse, is very strict with us. 4._______ is known to us all, Taiwan is part of China. 5.He lost my bike, ______ made me unhappy. 6.I don’t know the reason ______ he was late for the class. 7.The house ______ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 8.The reason, ______ he looks unhappy today, is unknown to us. 9.He left his hometown in 1992, _____ he was only 12 years old. 10.Is this factory the one _______ a lot of students visited yesterday? 11.W atch out! Don’t get close to the building _____ walls are being painted. 12.T he famous actor became successful, _______ began to appear on the stage to make a living at the age of 8. 13.I s this the magazine _______ she often writes articles? ---- Yes, it is. 14.U ntil now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, _______ is quite unexpected. 15.H e was educated at a famous university, after _______ he went abroad and settled there. 16.______is known to us all, April 14, 2010 was the day _____ Yushu earthquake happened. 17.S oon children in the camp had many friends, _______ they shared food, stories and projects. 高考真题: 1.(2017北京)The little problems ______ we meet in our daily lives may be


新课标高中英语必修二教案合集Unit 1 Cultural relics Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for Reading (IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM) Aims: To read about cultural relics To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause I. Warming up Warming up by defining Good morning, class. This period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, I’d like to know: A.What kind of old things are cultural relics? Are all the old things cultural relics? B.What is the definition and classification of cultural relics? C.To whom do cultural relics belong? Keys for reference: A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past. B. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics. C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions. D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual. Warming up by presenting Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present yo u some pictures. They all


必修二unit1-unit4 单词测试 Unit1 Cultural relics Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. While all his classmates left, he still r ______ in the dark room. 2. Tom s ______ his friend by 10 years after the war. 3. You can see the edition is well d ______ and all the articles are well written. 4. I think he would come but it’s only a f ______ of mine. 5. We’d better r ____the box out of the room; it takes too much room. 6. I don’t like talking about people s ______.Why not point out their shortcomings in public? 7. There was no ______(证据) that they had stolen the car. 8. The ______(财宝) dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins. 9. There are three other children entering the cave ______ (除了) Lin Tao and his brother. 10. I have always been ____(考虑) building another house in the yard. 二.完成句子 1.The old couple ______ ______ ______ (从战争中幸存下来). 2.Do you think he did it accidenally or ______ ______ ? 3.The houses are specially ______ ______ the old people. 4.这本书值得读。 ①The book is worth ___________ =The book is ______ ______ ______ read. =It is ______ ______ the book. 5.你吃的那么多,难怪你睡不着。 ______ ______ ______ you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 6我很想知道他是谁,来自哪里,为什么来。 I ______ who he was, where he were from and why he came. 7.警察到处搜捕他。最终他被抓住了,现在警察正在对他进行搜身。 The police ______ ______ him everywhere. He was caught at last and now the police are ______ him. 三.用所给短语的适当形式填空 in return/take apart/think highly of/no doubt/in search of 1. After leaving the army, Mr Brown came to China ______ a job. 2. She mentioned the names of a few judges whom she did not ______. 3. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing______ . 4. There is ______ that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 5. ______the sentence______ and you’ll make its structure clear. Unit 2 Olympic games Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. Do you know how many athletes will c______ in the game? 2. Our book starts with a______ history of China. 3. Meanwhile, a number of university students have v______ to drive buses while the strike lasts. 4. My brother has graduated from our school and soon he will be a______ to college. 5. My father p______ to buy a new bicycle on my 18th birthday. 6. My English teacher has a m______ way to make his classes lively and interesting. 7. In the morning,he often does some exercise to build up his p______ strength. 8. We will buy some flowers to ______ (代替) the old furniture in the room. 9. They have decided to ______ (做广告) for their products. 10. What a waste of time to ______ (讲价) for everything! 二.完成句子 1.他认为没有人能和他竞争。 He believed that nobody could ______ ______ him. 2.1,000多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。 More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to ______ ______ the first prize. 3.他参加过两届奥运会了。He has now ______ ______ two Olympics. 4.他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。 He ______ ______ ______ a member of the basketball team 5.那时每年只有200名儿童获准入学。 Only 200 children ______ ______ ______ the school every year. 6你承认是你打破了窗户吗? Will you ______ ______ ______ the window? 7他被控犯谋杀罪。He ______ ______ ______ murder. 8你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗? Do you think museums should ______ ______ admissions? 9他父亲死后他一直负责这个农场。 He ______ ______ ______ the farm after his father’s death. 10如果你跟他们讲价,他们可能会降低价格。 If you ______ ______ them they might reduce the price 11你也来吗?Are you coming ______ ______ ? 12他每三天来看他的父母一次。He comes to see his parents ______ ______ ______ . 13我仍然不习惯早起。I’m s till not used ______ ______ ______ early. 三用所给短语的适当形式填空 in charge of/as well as/stand for/bargain with/compete for 1. Young children usually ______ their mother’s attention. 2. Who will be ______ the company when the manager resigns? 3. He,______ his classmates hopes to go camping on Sunday. 4. What do the letters PRC ______? 5. The woman was ______ the shopkeeper over the price of the coat. Unit3 Computers Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. I ______(实在) can’t do such stupid behaviour. 2. Now students are in need of good ______(科技的) books badly. 3. Use your ______ (聪明才智), and you’re sure to achieve something.


高一英语必修二知识点归纳 Unit1 Cultural relics 1.in search of 寻找,寻求 2.survive vi. 幸存,生还n. 幸存者survivor 3. be decorated with 被用······来装饰 decorate sth with sth 用某物装饰某物 4. belong to属于,是…的成员, 是…的组成部分,属性, 职能等 5. serve as 担任,充当 6.in return 作为回报, 作为回馈 in return of 作为…的回报 7. 定语从句修饰the way的关系代词可用that / in which / 不填 8.light 照亮,点亮light-lit-lit 或light-lighted-lighted 9. there is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…… 10. be worth sth. 值得… be (well) worth doing sth.很值得做… 11. be at war 处于战争状态,交战 12.remain vi. 留下,剩下,残留+doing link-v. 保持,仍然,继续+adj. Unit 2 The Olympic Games 1. ancient: 古代的--- 反义词present-day 当今的 2. compete with/ against sb.和…竞争 compete in 在……中竞争 compete for sth. 为……而竞争 competition n. 比赛 3. take part (in) 参加,参与(活动)=join in take an active part in…积极参与…… 4. used to do 过去常常做... be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 5. every four years = every fourth year 每四年或每隔四年 6. admit+ doing承认做某事 be admitted as “被接受……成为” 7. for the honor of为了…的荣誉 in the honor of为庆祝…/为纪念 8. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事 9. not only… but also… 不但……而且 10. “也”as well用在肯定句中,放在句末 too肯定句中用,放在句末,常用逗号隔开 either否定句中用,放句末,常用逗号隔开 also放在特殊动词之后,实义动词之前 Unit 3 Computers 1. common adj. 普通的,常见的n. 普通;平民


高一英语材料Unit1 Cultural relics) (必修二一、词性转换 vt. __________ adj. 2. amaze 1. rare adj. __________ adv. vt. ___________n. _______(反义词)4. survive 3. value n. _______ adj. n. _________ adj. 5. decorate v. __________n. 6. wood 反)8. evidence n. ________ adj. 7. doubt n. vt. ________ adj. _______( __________ adj. 反)10. culture n.9. formal adj. __________( 二.完成句子) for your help? 1. Can I buy lunch for you ________________ (作为报答) 40 dollars. 2. This vase is valued ________________(少于) for a long time. two countries have been _________________(交战3. Those ). 4. The machine has already been __________________(拆开) them. 评价高names, but he didn 5. John mentioned several judges''t __________________( 6. There is no d_____________ that he will get the first prize. 7. Pandas are a kind of r_____________ animals. t mine; it b_____________ to the library. '8. That dictionary isn9. She is an able girl and she d_______________ all her dresses. s pretty happy. '10. I f______________ (想象)he) the painting to another wall. 搬走11. She r______________(12. He bought me a v_______________ diamond ring as a birthday present. 13. The great hall was d_______________ with flowers. reading. 14. That novel isn't w______________(值得)ffice. ) post o15. Catherine works at the l______________(当地的 三.选择词组填空 at war belong to less than take apart in return for to one's surprise in search of think highly of look into there is no doubt that rather than in other words 1.A team of 350 experts were sent to the desert _____________ the buried ancient city. 2.The police have received the letter and they are _____________it. 3.I gave him some apples _____________ his help. 4.The headmaster ______________me because of my good performance. 5.Recently I've found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I don't know whether it should ______________me.


高一英语必修一必修二知识点总结 【篇一:高一英语必修一必修二知识点总结】 人教版高一英语必修2全册知识点总结,高一必修二知识点总结,人教版高一数学知识点,人教版高一英语知识点,人教版高一数学必修一,人教版高一英语必修一,人教版高一化学必修一,人教版高一语文必修一,人教版高一物理必修一,高一数学必修1人教版 【篇二:高一英语必修一必修二知识点总结】 高一英语必修二知识点归纳 unit1 cultural relics 1. in search of 寻找,寻求 2. survive vi. 幸存,生还 n. 幸存者 survivor 3. be decorated with 被用来装饰 decorate sth with sth 用某物装饰某物 4. belong to 属于,是的成员, 是的组成部分,属性, 职能等 5. serve as 担任,充当 6. in return 作为回报, 作为回馈 in return of 作为的回报 7. 定语从句修饰 the way 的关系代词可用 that / in which / 不填 8. light 照亮,点亮 light-lit-lit 或 light-lighted-lighted 9. there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 10. be worth sth. 值得be (well) worth doing sth.很值得做 11. be at war 处于战争状态,交战 12. remain vi. 留下,剩下,残留+doing link-v. 保持,仍然,继续+adj. unit 2 the olympic games 1. ancient: 古代的---??反义词 present-day 当今的 2. compete with/ against sb. 和竞争compete in 在中竞争 compete for sth. 为而竞争 competition n. 比赛 3. take part (in) 参加,参与(活动) =join in take an active part in 积极参与 4. used to do 过去常常做... be/get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 5. every four years = every fourth year 每四年或每隔四年 6. admit+ doing 承认做某事be admitted as 被接受成为 7. for the honor of 为了的荣誉 in the honor of为庆祝 /为纪念 8. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事allow doing sth. 允许做某事 9. not only but also 不但而且 10. 也as well 用在肯定句中,放在句末 too 肯定句中用,放在句末,常用逗号隔开 either 否定句中用,放句末,常用逗号隔开 also 放在特殊动词之后,实义动词之前 unit 3 computers 1. common adj. 普通的,常见的 n. 普通;平民 have nothing/ little/ something/ a lot in common 有共同之处 2. compare with 把与相比较compare to 把比作 3. 多久才 it took/was+一段时间+before it


高中英语必修二知识归纳 Unit 1 1.survive sth 幸免于……(灾难,故事等) survive sb by……比…..多活….. survive on sth 靠….生存 survive from 从……幸存或流传下来 2. be valuable to…. =be of value to ……对…..有价值 3.search sb/sth 搜查…. search sb for sth 为….搜…..的身 search for寻找….. 4. in search of 寻找…. in need of 需要….. in place of 代替….. in fear of 担心,害怕in charge of 掌握,负责in favor of 支持,赞同in memory of /in honor of 为了纪念…… 5.be amazed at/by/that….对…….感到惊讶 6.select sb to do sth 选择……做….. select….from…..从….中挑选 7. be designed for为…而设计 be designed as 设计成….. choose from/between 从…..选择 by design=on purpose 故意地in design在设计上 8.take a fancy to do sth 喜欢……. fancy doing sth 喜欢做……(归纳只接doing做宾语的相关动词) mind/miss, enjoy/escape/excuse, prevent/practice, suggest, consider keep on, avoid/admit/appreciate, risk/resist, finish/forbid/fancy, imagine/can’t help(忍不住,禁不住做某事) 9. out of style 过时in style ;流行,盛行 10. decorate sth with...... 用……装饰… 11. in return作为回报in time 及时in ruins 在废墟中in silence 沉默地 in short 简而言之in danger 处于危险中in trouble处于困境中in need 需要in case 以防万一in surprise 惊讶地in fact 事实上in evidence 显而易见地 12.remove sth from…把…从…移开/去掉 13.worth:prep 相当于….价值的,值得的。 be worth +n 值…. Sth be worth doing ……值得被做……


Unit 5 Music Ⅰ. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案 听第1~4段对话,分别完成第1~4题 1. When can the book be borrowed from the library? A. In June. B. In July. C. In September. 2.Who made the sweater? A. The lady. B. The lady’s sister. C. We don’t know. 3.Wh at’s the major of Brenda? A. Music. B. Business. C. Law. 4. What is the woman most interested in? A. B. C. . 听第5段对话,完成第5 题和第6题 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. What they’re going to do. B. What they did. C. Restaurant. 6. What was NOT mentioned in the conversation? A. Food. B. Price. C. Service. Ⅱ. 听录音,根据听到的内容完成句子 1. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an ________ $100 a year! 2. He saw a lot of ________ done to the painful prisoners in the prison camp. 3. An educator must first ________ himself. 4. I’ve received a gift from him, but I’m not goi ng to ________ it. 5. Don’t ________ ________ your test score because you have done your best.

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