当前位置:文档之家› 2018高三英语新课标一轮复习高三英语新课标一轮复习课时作业39






1.Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior to any other candidate.

2.Sometimes the couples should make compromises with each other in order to live harmoniously.

3.The television adaptation (adapt) of the stage play was very successful.

4.The girl felt uncomfortable (comfort) lying on that hard, cold floor and began to cry.

5.The newspapers condemned some officials for accepting bribery.

6.If you have any difficulties, please do not hesitate to_contact (contact) our Customer Service Department.

7.What they have done is good for the environment in the long term.

8.He was robbed last night, but fortunately (fortune) he didn’t have much on him then.

9.They knocked the driver down and robbed him of his car.

10.—Can you introduce me a high quality machine?

—My pleasure.Handled (handle) well even on wet roads, this kind of car is very popular.


1.In the post office,mail has classified according to the places where it is to go.has→is

2.He seems to have overlooked at one important fact.去掉at

3.Jack has gift for painting.gift前加上a

4.An accident is holding on the traffic.on→up

5.Can you explain the question to me once more again?去掉again

6.The doctor says I am in the need of a holiday by the seaside.去掉need前的the

7.An other day I went to the park and took many photos there.An→The

8.The novel adapted for a film.novel后加上was

9.Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I followed your advice.followed 前加上had

10.I come from a small town,over which flows a branch of the Min River.over→through


(2016·云南弥勒一模)The morning had been a disaster.My tooth was __1__,and I’d been in an argument with a friend.Her words still hurt,“The trouble with you is that you won’t __2__ yourself in my place.Can’t you see things from my p oint of view?”I shook my head __3__—and felt the ache in my tooth.I’d thought I could __4__ out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really __5__.I started calling the __6__ in the phone book, but no one could see me __7__.Finally, at about lunchtime, I got lucky.

“If you come by right now,”the receptionist said,“the dentist will __8__ you in.”

I took my purse and keys and __9__ to my car.But suddenly I began to doubt the dentist.What kind of dentist would be so __10__ to treat someone at such short notice?Why wasn’t he as busy as the others?

In the dentist’s office, I sat down and looked __11__.I saw nothing __12__ the bare walls and I became even more worried.The assistant __13__ my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice-cold one.

When I told her my __14__,she laughed and said,“Don’ t worry.The dentist is very good.”

“How long do I have to wait for him?”I asked __15__.

“Come on, he is coming.Just lie down and __16__.And enjoy the artwork,”the assistant said.

“The artwork?”I was __17__.

The chair went back, and suddenly I smiled.There was a beautiful picture, right where I could enjoy it: on the ceiling.How __18__ the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend __19__ by her words.

What a __20__!

C.aching D.flexible

C[shake意为“摇动;颤动;握手”;weak意为“虚弱的”;ache意为“疼痛”;flexible意为“灵活的”。根据下文...felt the ache in my tooth.可知此处表示牙痛,故C项正确。]

2.A.take B.put

C.have D.play

B[根据下句Ca n’t you see things from my point of view?(难道你不能从我的角度看待事情吗?)可知,此处表示“问题是你不会设身处地为我着想”,put oneself in sb.’s place意为“站在某人的角度;为某人着想”,为固定短语,故B项正确。] 3.A.violently B.merely

C.stubbornly D.consequently


4.A.hold B.break

C.cut D.put

A[句意为:我原以为自己能坚持到我的牙医度假回来,但是疼痛实在无法忍受。hold out意为“坚持,维持;伸出”;break out意为“爆发”cut out意为“切断;删除”;put out意为“熄灭,扑灭”。根据语境可知A项正确。]

5.A.absolute B.unbearable

C.unreliable D.formal

B[句意参见上题解析。absolute意为“绝对的,完全的”;unbearable意为“难以忍受的”;unreliable意为“不可靠的”;formal意为“正式的”。根据语境可知B 项正确。]

6.A.receptionists B.managers

C.nurses D.dentists


7.A.entirely B.slightly

C.absolutely D.immediately

D[entirely意为“完全地,彻底地”;slightly意为“些微地”;absolutely意为“绝对地,完全地”;immediately意为“立刻”。根据下文的at such short notice可知,此处表示“没有人能立刻来给我看病”,故D项正确。]

8.A.fit B.take

C.pull D.come

A[句意为:“如果你现在立刻过来,牙医会为你腾出时间。”fit sb.in意为“为某人腾出时间”,为固定短语,符合语境。]

9.A.closed B.rushed

C.pushed D.guided

B[close意为“关闭”rush意为“冲,奔”;push意为“推进;努力争取”;guide 意为“引导;带领”。句意为:我拿起钱包和钥匙,冲到车旁。根据语境可知B项正确。]

10.A.eager B.cautious

C.brave D.loyal


11.A.up B.over

C.around D.down

C[look up意为“查阅,向上看”;look over意为“检查;察看”;look around 意为“环顾四周”;look down意为“瞧不起;向下看”。句意为:在牙医的办公室,我坐下来,看了下四周。根据语境可知C项正确。]

12.A.therefore B.while

C.but D.however

C[therefore意为“因此,所以”;while意为“当……时候;然而”;but意为“但是”;however意为“无论如何,不管怎样”。句意为:我什么都没看见,只看到光秃秃的墙,所以更加担忧。nothing but意为“只有,只不过”,为固定用法,符合语境。]

13.A.translated B.resisted

C.admitted D.noticed


14.A.fears B.intention

C.consideration D.arrangement


15.A.terribly B.impatiently

C.extremely D.respectively


16.A.relax B.sleep

C.observe D.refer

A[relax意为“放松”;sleep意为“睡觉”;observe意为“观察;遵守”;refer 意为“参考;提到”。根据语境可知,此处表示“躺下来,放轻松”,故A项正确。] 17.A.affected B.frustrated

C.disappointed D.puzzled

D[affected意为“受到影响的”;frustrated意为“失意的,挫败的”;disappointed 意为“失望的;沮丧的”;puzzled意为“困惑的;茫然的”。根据上文可知,刚进牙医室时,作者看到的只是光秃秃的墙,因此助手提到“尽情欣赏艺术品”时,作者很困惑,故D项正确。]

18.A.foolish B.terrible

C.considerate D.considerable


19.A.attached B.meant

C.intended D.pretended


20.A.relief B.regret

C.success D.loss

A[relief意为“救济;减轻;安慰,宽慰”;regret意为“遗憾;抱歉”;success 意为“成功”;loss意为“失去;亏损”。句意为:多么令人欣慰啊!根据语境可知A项正确。]


(2016·广东深圳一模) One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites.Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds dashing and dancing in the exciting atmosphere above the earth.As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check.

Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights.They shook and pulled,but the controlling string and the clumsy tail kept them in tow (牵引),facing upward and against the wind.As the kites struggled and trembled against the string,they seemed to say,“Let me go!Let me go!I want to be free!”They flew beautifully even as they fought the forced restriction of the string.Finally,one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose.“Free at last,”it seemed to say,“Free to fly with the wind.”

Yet freedom from control simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic gentle wind.It flew ungracefully to the ground and landed in a twisted mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.“Free at last”.Free to lie powerless in the dirt,to be blown

helplessly along the ground,and to settle down lifeless against the first roadblock.

How much like kites we sometimes are.There always exist misfortunes and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength.Prohibition is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.Some of us pulled at the rules so hard that we never fly fast to reach the heights we might have obtained.If we keep all the commandment (戒律), we will never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the prohibitions are actually the steady force that helps us climb and achieve.

A.many young people enjoying the sunny day

B.many birds dashing and dancing in the sky

C.many young people flying multicolored kites

D.the strong winds blowing against the sky

C[细节理解题。由第一段第一句...I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites.Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies...可知,作者在看年轻人放风筝。故选C项。]

2.What didn’t happen to the freed kite?

A.It kept flying freely in the air.

B.It lay powerless in the dirt.

C.It was trapped in a dead bush.

D.It was blown helplessly around.

A[细节理解题。根据第三段第二句It flew ungracefully to the ground and landed in a twisted mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.可知,断线后的风筝没有继续飞行。故选A项]

3.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A.To give us tips on how to fly kites effectively.

B.To warn us that freedom is actually powerless.

C.To explain that restrictions are really unnecessary.

D.To teach us a lesson that rules are important in life.

D[推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的There always exist misfortunes and restrictions,rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength.Prohibition is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.以及最后一段中的...some of the prohibitions are actually the steady force that helps us climb and achieve.可知。作者在文章最后表达了自己的感悟:人生中尽管有许多限制,但这正是我们得以稳步前进的动力。故选D项。]

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Fly with Restrictions.B.Where to Fly.

C.Why to Fly Kites. D.Fly to Freedom.



(2016·兰州高三诊断)The Red Cross is an international organization whose task is to stop suffering.They don’t care about the people’s race, nationality, religion or political __1__ (believe).They help anyone who needs help.

The story of the Red Cross begins with Henry Dunaut, a Swiss businessman who __2__ (see) a battle in 1895 in Italy.After the battle, 40,000 soldiers were dead __3__ injured, but there was no one to take care of them.Dunant worked for three days helping them.

When he returned to Switzerland, he wrote a book about his experience.The leaders of many countries read his book and wanted to do something.As a result, the Red Cross __4__ (establish) in Geneva, Switzerland in 1863.It was an organization __5__ would help all the people affected.

In 1840, there was another Red Cross meeting in Geneva, an American woman __6__ (name) Clare Barton wanted the Red Cross to help people in peace time as well as in wartime.She wanted the Red Cross to get __7__ (involve) in disaster relief.Since then, the Red Cross has helped millions of victims of earthquakes and other disasters

all around the world.

The Red Cross not only works __8__ (worldwide) at big disasters, but also works in the community,__9__ (help) victims at small accidents or fires.The Red Cross is clearly fulfilling its task to stop __10__ (suffer) in this world.

答案 1.beliefs 2.saw 3.or 4.was established

5.that/which https://www.doczj.com/doc/439894287.html,d7.involved8.worldwide



郑州市2017—2018学年上学期期末考试九年级物理试卷 注意:本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。考试时间60分钟,满分100分。考生应首先阅读试题卷及答题卡上的相关信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。交卷时只交答题卡。 一、填空题(每空1分,共16分) 1.科学家有着强烈的好奇心和执着的探究精神,德国物理学家 最先通过大量实验归纳出一段导体中电流跟电压和电阻之间的定量关系,为 了纪念他做出的杰出贡献,人们将他命名为的单位。 2.2017年12月,由我国自主研发与铺设的全球首段光伏高速公路在山 东亮相,如图所示。高速路面下铺设了一层太阳能电池板且预留有金属线圈, 未来可实现对其上运动的电动汽车进行无线充电。太阳能电池板可以把光能 转换成;若将预留的金属线圈与太阳能电池相连,在线圈周围会产生;当电动汽车内的线圈随汽车运动时,线圈因做运动会在汽车的线圈上产生电流,从而实现运动中的无线充电,解决电动汽车充电难的问题。 3.LED灯发光的颜色与两端电压之间的关系如下表所示。小美用一个150Ω 的电阻R1与LED灯串联,接在电压为6V的电源上,成功的让LED灯发出了蓝光, 如图所示。则定值电阻R1两端的电压是V,LED灯的实际功率是 W。在电源电压不变的情况下,请你写出一个让LED灯发出不同色光的方法。你 的方法是。 灯两端电压V2 2.43 发光的颜色红绿蓝 4.在如图所示的电路中,电源电压恒为9.0V,电灯L标有“2.5V 0.75W”,不考虑温度对灯丝电阻的影响。变阻器R最大阻值为50Ω,电压表的量程为0~3V,电流表的 量程为0~0.6A。当试触开关S时发现灯L不发光,电压表指针有明显偏转。对于此电 路是否存在故障,你接下来的操作是。假设电路没有故障,当变阻器的 滑片向左滑动时,电压表示数将(选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”)。当小 灯泡正常发光时,滑动变阻器连入电路中的电阻为Ω。 5.小明家买了一台“220V 1600W”的热水器,由于安装的位置离固定插座太远, 便到商店买了标有“220V 6A”的插座、标有“220V 10A”的插头以及导线,组装了 一个多孔移动插座(如图所示)。从安全用电的角度指出这个移动插座应该改进的两 个地方。 ①; ②。 6.如图是小金研究电动机转动是否对小灯泡的亮度有影响 的电路图,开始小金先抓住转轴不让电动机转动,合上开关,观 察小灯泡的亮度;接着放开转轴让电动机转动,观察到小灯泡的 亮度变暗(已知:小灯泡的电阻为R且不变,电动机线圈电阻为 r,电源电压为U),则在电动机未转动时,t时间内电流在电路 中产生的热量为(填写表达式);在电动机转动时,电流对其所做的功(选填“大于”“等于”或“小于”)电流在其中产生的热量;小金认为电动机转动后电源供


西城区高三统一测试英语 本试卷共9页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D。 1. —Is there a hospital nearby? I hurt my ankle, and cannot move now. —It’s about 3 blocks away. I _____ you there. A. took B. take C. will take D. have taken 2. Rosa _____ this washing machine for more than ten years. She is thinking about buying a new one. A. is using B. used C. had used D. has been using 3. This course is of great interest to students, _____ to improve their writing skills. A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped 4. —Vivien, you look blue. What’s wrong? —There are so many papers _____. I’m really busy recently. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished 5. _____ at the differences between her culture and theirs, Annie wanted to return home. A. Confusing B. Confused

河南省郑州市2018年高考物理一模试卷 含解析

2018年河南省郑州市高考物理一模试卷 一、选择题(4×12=48,1~8单选,9~12多选,全部选对得4分,选对但不全的得2分) 1.有一条小虫清晨6时起从地面沿树杆向上爬到树顶时是下午6时,第二天清晨6时起从树顶沿树杆向下爬回地面时是下午4时,若小虫爬行速度时快时慢,则两天中相同钟点(时、分、秒)爬过树杆上相同高度的机会,下面说法正确的是() A.一定有一次B.可能没有C.可能有两次D.一定没有 2.2016年底以来,共享单车风靡全国各大城市,如图所示,单车的车锁内集成了嵌入式芯片、GPS模块和SIM卡等,便于监控单车在路上的具体位置.用户仅需用手机上的客户端软件(APP)扫描二维码,即可自动开锁,骑行时手机APP 上能实时了解单车的位置;骑行结束关锁后APP就显示计时、计价、里程等信息.此外,单车能够在骑行过程中为车内电池充电,满足定位和自动开锁等过程中的用电.根据以上信息判断下列说法正确是() A.单车的位置信息是借助北斗卫星导航系统准确定位的 B.单车是利用电磁感应原理实现充电的 C.由手机APP上的显示信息,可求出骑行的平均速度 D.单车在被骑行过程中受到地面的摩擦力表现为阻力 3.美国物理学家劳伦斯于1932年发明的回旋加速器,应用带电粒子在磁场中做圆周运动的特点,能使粒子在较小的空间范围内经过电场的多次加速获得较大的能量,使人类在获得较高能量带电粒子方面前进了一步.下图为一种改进后的回旋加速器示意图,其中盒缝间的加速电场场强大小恒定,且被限制在A、C板间,如图所示.带电粒子从P0处以速度v0沿电场线方向射入加速电场,经加速后再进入D型盒中的匀强磁场做匀速圆周运动.对于这种改进后的回旋加速器,下列说法正确的是()


2018北京市朝阳区高三(一模) 英语 2018.3 (考试时间100分钟满分120分) 本试卷共10页。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D。 1. Peter has previous experience, ______ I think he’s the right person for the job. A. or B. but C. for D. so 2. ––What did the doctor say about your injury? ––She said I should avoid doing too much exercise ______ it feels better. A. until B. since C. if D. while 3. The meal itself was not so good—______ was boringly brown including vegetables. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something 4. Don’t worry. A num ber of efforts are being made ______ the whole system operating normally. A. being kept B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 5. Hawking believes the earth is unlikely to be the only planet _____ life has developed gradually. A. that B. why C. where D. whose 6. ––Cathy is not coming to your birthday party tonight. ––But she ______! A. promised B. promises C. will promise D. had promised 7. Don’t forget to send ______ attended the conference a follow-up email. A. however B. whatever C. whoever D. wherever 8. Your red coat looks so good. It stood out clearly ______ the snow. A. across B. against C. through D. over 9. Look! Here’s a photo ______ in my classroom at primary school. Can you recognize me in it? A. taken B. taking C. to take D. being taken 10. ––Are the repairs finished yet? ––Yes, they ______ when I came back home. A. would be completed B. would complete C. had completed D. had been completed 11. Sometimes it seems to bother the teacher ______ all the students are being too quiet. A. how B. what C. that D. where 12. ______ such a problem before, we handled the situation very well this time.


河南省郑州市2018届高三第一次模拟考试理综 生物试题 一、选择题:在下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.细胞自噬是依赖溶酶体对细胞内受损异常的蛋白质和衰老细胞器进行降解的过程。如果抑制肝癌发展期大鼠的细胞自噬,其肿瘤的体积和数量都比没有抑制细胞自噬的对照组小。下列有关此内容说法错误的是 A.自噬过程依赖于溶酶体内的水解酶 B.细胞自噬有利于维持细胞的稳态平衡 C.肝癌发展期细胞自噬会抑制肿瘤的发生 D.细胞自噬贯穿于正常细胞生长、分化、衰老、凋亡的全过程 2.H+的跨膜运输有的与质子泵(H+的载体蛋白)有关。质子泵分为三种,一种为生成ATP的F—型质子泵,两种为消耗ATP的P—型质子泵和V—型质子泵。下列说法正确的是 A.F-型质子泵为H+逆浓度梯度运输 B.P—型质子泵为H+顺浓度梯度运输 C.类囊体薄膜上的质子泵为V-型 D.线粒体内膜上的质子泵为F-型 3.将叶绿体悬浮液置于适宜光照下,一段时间后发现有氧气放出。下列相关说法正确的是 A.可测定叶绿体悬浮液的净光合速率 B.向悬浮液中滴入少量NaHCO3溶液[H]含量下降 C.突然改用等强度红光照射C3含量上升 D.改变悬浮液中pH对氧气释放无影响 4.一只杂合长翅雄果蝇与一只残翅雎果蝇杂交,产生一只三体长翅雄果蝇,其基因可能为AAa或Aaa,为确定该三体果蝇的基因组成(不考虑基因突变),让其与残翅雌果蝇测交,下列说法正确的是 A.AAa产生的原因只能为父本减数第二次分裂时姐妹染色中单体没有分开 B.Aaa产生的原因只能为母本减数第一次分裂时姐妹染色单体没有分开 C.如果后代表现型比例为长翅:残翅=5: 1则该三体果蝇的基因组成为Aaa D.如果后代表现型比例为长翅:残翅=1:1则该三体果蝇的基因组成为AAa 5.下列关于RNA的叙述错误的是 A.核糖体上可同时出现mRNA、tRNA和rRNA B.化学本质为RNA的酶主要形成于细胞核


北京市东城区2017—2018学年度第二学期高三综合练习(一) 2018.4 英语 本试卷共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago. A.What’s more B.That’s to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not 答案是D。 1. Scientists are building a powerful instrument, which ______ them see deep into space. A. has helped B. will help C. helped D. would helped 2. Large groups that want to visit the museum have to get permission ______ they visit. A. unless B. where C. as D. before 3.Since 18th January, 2018, some airlines in China ______mobile phone use on their aircrafts. A. allow B. allowed C. have allowed D. had allowed 4. The dictionary has 100 new words _________ into its latest edition. A. add B. adding C. added D. being added 5. Moving abroad means entering a culture ______ the customs and the language are different. A. where B. when C. which D. whose 6. —Could you tell me ______ the train from New York will be arriving on time? —Yes, sir. It should be arriving in 10 minutes. A. when B. how C. why D. if 7. The snowstorm______several days before it hit the northern areas. A. would predict B. had predicted C. would be predicted D. had been predicted 8. I ______ not have her new telephone number; let me check. A. may B. must C. shall D. need 9. Once Jason becomes interested in some topic, he can’t help thinking about it ______ he goes. A. however B. wherever C. whenever D. whomever 10. The book ______ next year is supposed to be a best-seller. A. publishing B. being published C. to be published D. to have published 11. The trouble is______we can reach the conference centerwithin twenty minutes in the rush hour. A. what B. how C. when D. why 12. Mike hasn’t appeared for two weeks, ______his friends are wondering what has happened to him. A. so B. but C. or D. for 13. Electric cars produce about 80 percent less pollution than cars ______ gas-powered motors. A. from B. by C. for D. with 14. ______that he had fallen behind,Peter started to quicken his pace. A. Realized B. To realize C. Having realized D. Having been realized 15. Can you imagine what the modern world ______ like without smartphones? A. were B. would be C. had been D. would have been


河南省郑州市2018年高考物理一模试题 一、选择题(4×12=48,1~8单选,9~12多选,全部选对得4分,选对但不全的得2分) 1. 有一条小虫清晨6时起从地面沿树杆向上爬到树顶时是下午6时,第二天清晨6时起从树顶沿树杆向下爬回地面时是下午4时,若小虫爬行速度时快时慢,则两天中相同钟点(时、分、秒)爬过树杆上相同高度的机会,下面说法正确的是() A. 一定有一次 B. 可能没有 C. 可能有两次 D. 一定没有 【答案】A 【解析】本题可以看成2条小虫,都从清晨6点,一个从地面出发,一个从树顶出发,同时运动,则两条小虫肯定会相遇,且只相遇一次,故A正确. 2. 2016年底以来,共享单车风靡全国各大城市,如图所示,单车的车锁内集成了嵌入式芯片、GPS模块和SIM卡等,便于监控单车在路上的具体位置.用户仅需用手机上的客户端软件(APP)扫描二维码,即可自动开锁,骑行时手机APP上能实时了解单车的位置;骑行结束关锁后APP 就显示计时、计价、里程等信息.此外,单车能够在骑行过程中为车内电池充电,满足定位和自动开锁等过程中的用电.根据以上信息判断下列说法正确是() A. 单车的位置信息是借助北斗卫星导航系统准确定位的 B. 单车是利用电磁感应原理实现充电的 C. 由手机APP上的显示信息,可求出骑行的平均速度 D. 单车在被骑行过程中受到地面的摩擦力表现为阻力 【答案】B 【解析】单车某个时刻的准确位置信息是借助通讯卫星定位确定的,故A错误;单车在运动过程通过电磁感应将机械能转化为电能从而实现充电,故B正确;由手机APP上的显示信息包括路程和时间,没有说明具体的位移,故不可以求出骑行的平均速度,故C错误.单车在被骑行过程中前轮受摩擦力向后,表现为阻力,后轮受摩擦力向前,表现为动力,选项D错误;故选B. 3. 美国物理学家劳伦斯于1932年发明的回旋加速器,应用带电粒子在磁场中做圆周运动


北京市海淀区2018届高三年级第二学期英语试题 本试卷共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题卡和答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷、答题卡、答题纸一并交回。 注意事项: 1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑包字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为 准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目 的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?[ A.Actor and actress. B.Customer and salesgirl.C.Husband and wife.2.Who will make a presentation this afternoon? A.Lily.B.Michael.C.Sophia.3.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a department store.B.In a post office. C.At an airport.4.What does the woman mean? A.She's seeing a doctor. B.She wants to sell her ticket. C.She'll wa tch the game on TV. 5.What is the conversation mainly about? A.The woman's study.B.The woman's friend.C.The woman's health. 第二节(共10小题;每题 1.5分,满分15分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。


专业 K12 教研共享平台 北京市东城区 2017—2018 学年度第二学期高三综合练习(一) 2018.4 语 100 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束 后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节, 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,共 15 分) 从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例: It ' s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago. A .What's more B . That 's to say C . In other words D . Believe it or not 答案是 D 。 1. Scientists are building a powerful instrument, which them see deep into space. A. has helped B. will help C. helped D. would helped 2. Large groups that want to visit the museum have to get permission they visit. A. unless B. where C. as D. before 3. Since 18th January, 2018, some airlines in China mobile phone use on their aircrafts. A. allow B. allowed C. have allowed D. had allowed 4. The dictionary has 100 new words ____ into its latest edition. A. add B. adding C. added D. being added 5. Moving abroad means entering a culture the customs and the language are different. A. where B. when C. which D. whose 6. — Could you tell me the train from New York will be arriving on time? — Yes, sir. It should be arriving in 10 minutes. A. when B. how C. why D. if 7. The snowstorm __ several days before it hit the northern areas. 8. I ___ not have her new telephone number; let me check. 9. Once Jason becomes interested in some topic, he can't help thinking about it he goes. A. however B. wherever C. whenever D. whomever 10. The book ____ next year is supposed to be a best-seller. A. publishing B. being published C. to be published D. to have published 11. The trouble is _ we can reach the conference center within twenty minutes in the rush hour. 本试卷共 120 分。考试时长 A. would predict B. had predicted C. would be predicted D. had been predicted A. may B. must C. shall D. need A. what B. how C. when D. why


--文库出品-必属精品--文库出品-必属精品-- 高三语文考试 考生注意: 1.本试卷共150分。考试时间150分钟。 2.请将各题答案填在答题卡上。 3.本试卷主要考试内容:高考全部范围。 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成l~3题。 作者是文本的初始创造者,作者按文字规则和审美要求书写的能被公众阅读、欣赏、评论的语符系统便是文学作品。在语符系统中作者对外在世界的理解、自我生活的经验皆被对象化在文学作品之中并被作品显现,这就是作者的文本意图。文学作品是文学文本的基础和载体,它在文学阅读、欣赏、评论中成为文学文本。而作为文学本文基础和载体的文学作品也就独立于作者,它在对象化作家的主观世界的同时,成为客观独立的文本,不再为作者所控制和改变。。 阅读是极为复杂的精神意识和语言使用活动。而在阅读中,作品与读者则是一与多的关系,所以一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特。阅读具有个体心灵选择与心灵赋予的主观自由性。读者的这种主观自由性也使对一个文学作品的每一次阅读都具有独一无二性和不可重复性。文学阅读之所以是一种文本阐释活动而不是一般的认知活动,就在于读者在阅读文本时,作者的生活经历可以被理醉为读者当下的生活意义。读者通过对文本的阅读,与作者和作者创作的生活之间不仅达成一种认知的交往,而且实现了一种意义的确认。对文本的阅读也就成为对读者自己的意义的发现,对文本的阐释也就变为对读者所居生活的评说。 评者是一种特殊的读者。发现文本中的作者意图,判明读者意图的合理性,进而昭示评者的意图,从而释出文学文本意义,使一个具体的文学作品成为包括过去、现在和将来全部生活意义与人生价值的文化显现,实现文学文本对现实生活的超越,这些都是评者阅读文本、阐释文本的根本目的所在。 在马克思的文学评论中,人不是西方启蒙思想中观念的人,而是现实的人。在马克思所处的十九世纪的资本主义时代,现实的人是被物化奴役的个体人,也是推动社会发展的具体人,这正是马克思高度评价十九世纪英法现实主义小说成就的根本原因。同时,一些批评与理论实践在一定程度上受到了黑格尔逻辑主义批评观的影响。评论者认为每个文学文本中的意义都潜藏着支配一切文本意义的普遍规律,而且这种普遍规律贯穿在历史过程中。二十世纪五六十年代,阶级性、人民性等也因之成为文学评论的基本观念和普遍标准,在古代文学评论中就出现了“扬杜抑李”的现象。而二十世纪与二十一世纪之交,我国评论界又盛行以审美意义取代意识形态的批评观念,认为审美才是文学艺术的本质,出现了“贬鲁迅、赞周作人”的怪现象。 综上所述,文学文本的意义是作者创作、读者阅读、评者评论三者共同建构的。曾经作为历史的作品在当下的阐释中成为现在的文本。由此,民族文学的传承、外国文文学的借鉴不仅是发现、描述、说明,而且是当下文化的增值,现代意义义的深化,这样,文学活动将真正引导着人们自主地从现在走向未来。 (《摘编自张政文《文学文本的意义之源》)1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分)() A.文学作品中作者的文本意图是作者对外在世界的理解被对象化在文学作品之中并被作品显现。


西城区高三统一测试 英语2018、4 本试卷共9页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷与答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给得A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It’s so nice to hear from her again、_____, we last met more than thirty years ago、 A、What’s more B、That’s to say C、In other words D、Believe it or not 答案就是D。 1、—Is there a hospital nearby? I hurt my ankle, and cannot move now、 —It’s about 3 blocks away、I _____ you there、 A、took B、take C、will take D、have taken 2、Rosa _____ this washing machine for more than ten years、She is thinking about buying a new one、 A、is using B、used C、had used D、has been using 3、This course is of great interest to students, _____ to improve their writing skills、 A、hope B、to hope C、hoping D、hoped 4、—Vivien, you look blue、What’s wrong? —There are so many papers _____、I’m really busy recently、 A、finish B、to finish C、finishing D、finished 5、_____ at the differences between her culture and theirs, Annie wanted to return home、 A、Confusing B、Confused C、Having confused D、To confuse 6、The old bank, _____ appearance is not a pretty sight, is extremely beautiful on the inside、 A、whose B、where C、when D、which 7、The famous player tried again and again after each failure、T hat’s _____ he succeeded at last、 A、what B、when C、whether D、why 8、Usually Beijing Roast Duck _____ together with special pancakes, green onions and sweet sauce、 A、was served B、will serve C、is served D、served 9、_____ gas prices are rising, people are looking for less expensive ways to get around、 A、Now that B、Even if C、Although D、Unless 10、_____ annoys the teacher most is that all the students are too quiet in class、 A、What B、That C、When D、Who 11、Passengers _____ talk to the driver while the bus is moving, because it will take his focus off the road、 A、would not B、must not C、may not D、need not 12、_____ to manage time wisely, and you can make the most out of each day、 A、Learning B、To learn C、Learned D、


2017-2018学年上学期期末考试 九年级数学试题卷 一、选择题(共10题,每题3分,共30分) 1、下列各数中,最小的数是( ) A .2018- B .2018 C .20181- D . 2018 1 答案:A 2、下列计算正确的是( ) A.2222a a a =? B. 428a a a =÷ C ()22 42a a =- D () 5 2 3 a a = 答案:C 3、将一副三角板直角顶点重合按如图所示分式放置,其中∥,则ACD ∠的度数为( A .o 20 B .o 25 C .o 30 D . o 35 答案:C 4、第十一届中国(郑州)国际园林博览会于2017年9月29日在郑州航空港经济综合实验区开幕,共有园博园,双鹤湖中央公园,苑陵故城遗址公园三个园区,“三园”作为我市新的热门旅游胜地,吸引了众多游客的目光,据统计,开园后的首个“十一”黄金周期间,园博园入园人数累计约280000人次,把280000用科学计数法表示为( ) A .4 108.2? B .5 108.2? C .8 1028.0? D .41028? 答案:B

5.如图,已知△(<),用尺规在上确定一点P,使,则下列四种不同 方法的作图中,作法正确的是() A. B C. D. 答案:D 6.若干盒奶粉摆放在桌子上,如图是其中一盒奶粉的实物以及这若干盒奶粉所组成的几何体从正面、左面、上面所看到的图形,则这些奶粉共有()盒。 A.3 B.4 C.5 D.不能确定 从正面看从左面看从上面看 答案:B 7.班级元旦晚会上,主持人给大家带来了一个有奖竞猜题,他在一个不透明的袋子中放了若干个形状大小完全相同的白球,请


2018届高三毕业班第一次模拟考试 数学文科 一、选择题 1. 在复平面内i i 2121-+所对应的点位于 ( ) A. 第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 2. 设集合A={}{}R x y y B x x x ∈-==≤≤-,13/,22/,则=?B A ( ) A. ()+∞-,1 B.()+∞-,2 C.[]2,1- D.(]2,1- 3. 已知函数()x f 满足:①对任意()()();0,,0,21212121>--≠+∞∈x x x f x f x x x x 都有 且②对定义域内任意x ,都有()()x f x f -=。则符合上述条件的函数是 ( ) A. ()12++=x x x f B.()x x x f -=1 C.()1ln +=x x f D.()x x f cos = 4. 若 3sin cos 1=+x x ,则=-x x s i n 2c o s ( ) A. -1 B.1 C.52- D.-1或52- 5. 已知等比数列{}n a 中,653=+a a ,则=+75a a ( ) A.12 B.10 C.212 D.26 6. 执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入p=0.8,则输出的n= ( ) A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 7. 如图所示是一个几何体的三视图,则该几何体的体积是 ( ) A. π24+ B.π234+ C.π+4 D.2 4π+ 8. 在边长为a 的正三角形内任取一点p ,则点p 到三个顶点的距离均大于 2a 的概率是( ) A. π631211- B.π6 31- C.31 D.41 9. 已知{}n a 是等差数列,n S 是其前n 项和,若5327a a =+,则13S = ( ) A.49 B. 91 C.98 D.182 10. 已知函数()?? ? ?? -=3sin πx x f ,要得到()x x g cos =的图像,则只需将函数()x f y =的图像 ( ) A. 向右平移65π个单位 B.向右平移3 π个单位

2018届北京市各区高三英语一模二模试卷题型分类专题汇编--七选五 -学生版(已校对)

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Where did your family eat dinner last night? In the car on the way to sport? At McDonald’s? Or at the dinner table? A survey taken a few years ago found that 28% families ate dinner together at home seven nights a week. Another quarter said they ate together three or fewer nights a week. Once upon a time the situation was different. 51 Plates, forks and spoons would be laid out. As dinner time approached, an increasing number of hungry mouths would begin to appear with the question, “What’s for dinner”? 52The data seems to point to two main issues: overworked parents and overscheduled children. When mum or dad do get home in the evening, they are soon in the car again to send the children to soccer, music, tutoring, and a host of other events. This nightly ceremony around the dinner table is both vital and fruitful; it is what keeps a family together. Sure, the conversation is not always significant and children argue. And sometimes the deepest and most meaningful times in a family are not at the table at all. ___53___The dinner table is the place where a family builds an identity. Stories are passed down, jokes are exchanged and the wider world is examined through the lens(镜头)of a family’s values. Children pick up vocabulary and a sense of how conversation is structured. 54 Dinner time is “family time”. Coming back daily to the same place helps gain familiarity. The significance of dinner time is more than above. Studies show that the more families eat together, the less likely the children are to smoke, drink, get depressed, and develop eating disorders, and the more likely they are to do well in school and learn how to socialize. One professor a t Rutgers University in New Jersey stated, “A meal is about civilizing children.___55___” So start by planning some stay at home family dinners together. Just family talk. A. It’s a time to teach them to be a member of their culture. B. Each night the dining table would be set with a simple cloth.

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