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九年级Unit 3单词讲解

1.restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所

Can i ______________________________________? 我能去洗手间吗?

2.stamp n. 邮票;印章v. 跺脚

My husband is a ________________________. 我的丈夫是一个集邮者。

She _________________ on the ___________________ and killed it. 她踩死了一只虫子。

3.Bookstore n. 书店

4.Beside prep. 在旁边;在附近

He sitting __________________________. 他坐在我旁边。

_________________________, i have bought two maps.


___________________ a father she has a younger brother to support.


We have to play ______________________ because it is raining.


5.postcard n. 明信片

He _______________ me a _____________________ from the United Nations.


6.pardon interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起v. 原谅

1)v. 原谅,宽恕

Please ______________________________________. 请原谅我没有按时到达。My teacher ___________________ me . 我的老师原谅了我。

Please ___________________________ your letter. 没有给你回信,请原谅。2)N. 原谅;宽恕

7.washroom n. 洗手间;厕所

Can you tell me ________________ the _______________ is ,please?


8.bathroom n. 浴室;(美)洗手间

He ___________________ a cold bath every day. 他每天洗一个冷水澡。

9.Normally adv. 正常情况下

The doctor said that the child’s temperature was ___________.


I_____________ travel by _________________ transport.(相当于usually)我出门通常乘坐公共交通工具。

The _______________ began to breathe ____________________.


10.rush v. & n. 仓促;急促

Don’t ___________________, take your time. 别着急,慢慢慢来。

_________________ jam is common in the _______________________.


The man left _______________________. 男人们匆匆离开了。

11.suggest v. 建议;提议

I _________________ my father to stop smoking. 我建议我的爸爸停止抽烟。

I _________________ my father stopping smoking. 我建议我的爸爸停止抽烟。

I ___________ / __________ (that) my father(________)stop smoking.


His grades _______________ that he always studies ________________.


Do you have any ______________________ for our party?


12.Pass by 从旁经过;可用来指时间“流逝;过去”

A car _______________________. 一辆汽车驶过去。

He _______________________ me without noticing me.


Several years _______________ before they met again.


13.staff n. 管理人员;职工

The staff _____________________ very good. 职员都很出色。

The old man needs a __________________ to climb the hill. 老年人需要一根柺棍登山。

I can’t __________________ all my __________________ alone.


14.Grape n. 葡萄;葡萄树;深紫色

Sour _______________ can never make ____________ wine. 酸葡萄酿不出甜酒。

He says he did not want to marry her anyway,but that is ______________________________. 他说自己反正不想娶她,那不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸摆了。

15.central adj. 中心的;中央的。(无比较级)

This is the ________________ city of the whole area. 这是整个地区的市中心。

There is a table __________________ the room. 在房间中心有个桌子。

16.Nearby (adv. / adj.)附近的;附近

He roped his ____________ on a ____________ tree. 他把马栓到一棵附近的树上。

She lives _________________________. 她住在附近。

17.Pardon me 原谅;宽恕

I hope you will _______________ for doing so. 我希望你原谅我这样做。

___________________ ,sir.原谅我,先生。

18.mail v. 邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件;信件

Don’t forget to ______________ the letter ______________ your sister.


__________________ there another _____________ in the afternoon? 下午还另有一批邮件吗?

19.east adj. 东方的;东部的adv. 向东;朝东n. 东;东方

20.fascinating adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的

I am ___________________ at his answer. 我对他的回答感到吃惊。

Your success is __________________ . 你们的成功使人吃惊。

His progress __________________ me. 他们的进步使我感到惊讶。

The children ______________ by the toys in the shop window.


The actress’s beauty _____________ everyone. 女演员的美貌迷住了每一个人。The style of the book ___________________. 这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜。

21.Inexpensive (adj.) 不贵的

The ___________ of this watch is very ________________. 这只表的价格太高了。

___________________ this book is not ____________ for me.


This computer is ___________________. = the price of this computer is _______________. 这个电脑很贵。

The ___________________ table was bought from him. 这张便宜的桌子是他卖给我们的。

22.Uncrowded (adj.) 不拥挤的

We had to push our way through the ______________. 我们得从人群中挤过去。

They had managed to ________________ into a _____________. 他们勉强挤上了一列火车。There are _____________________ in the supermarket. 超市里有一大群人。

The street is ___________________ with people. 街上挤满了人。

23.convenient adj.便利的;方便的

He came at an _________________ time . 他在不方便的时候来了。

It’s a great ___________________ to live in town. 住在城市里有很大的方便。

Is it ________________ for you __________________ tonight? 今晚你方便出去吗?

24.mall n. 商场;购物中心

The ____________________ kids hang out ________________. 当地的孩子常在商业街闲逛。

25.clerk n. 职员

_______________________________________. 他是一个银行职员。

26.corner n. 拐角;角落________________ n. 玉米

________________ the office stands a desk , and ______________ desk lies a bag.


There is a tree ______________ the corner of the street. 街角边有棵树。

27.politely adv. 礼貌地;客气地

It’s _____________ to peep at others. 偷看别人是不礼貌的。

This boy ___________________ everyone . 这个男孩对所有人都很有礼貌。We should speak to the old ____________. 我们应该有礼貌地对老人说话。

28.request n.&v. 要求;请求

May i _____________ a favour of you?请您帮一下忙好吗?

I request _________________ alone. 我要求她自己一个人去。

I request that _______________ (should ) go alone. 我要求她自己一个人去。

29.direction n. 方向;方位;用法说明;指导

Follow the _______________ before drinking. 喝之前请遵循用法说明。

He was a __________________. 他是个好导演。

Which _______________ does your room ___________? 你的房间面向哪个方向?

He ___________ us _____________ the burning building. 他指示我们撤离燃烧着的大楼。He took a direct ______________ to New York. 他直飞纽约。

30.correct adj. 正确的;恰当的v. 纠正

Do you have the __________________ time? 你的表走的准吗?

Tell me the __________________ reason. 告诉我真正的理由。

He reveals his ___________________ character to very few people.


I _________________________ don’t know. 我真的不知道。

He is _______________ the examination papers. 他正在批改试卷。

The papers are in need of ________________. 这个试卷需要批改。

31.polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的

She is a ________________. 她是个文雅的女孩。

32.direct adj. 直接的;直率的

This is the most _____________________ road. 这是最笔直的一条道路。

She is very _________________,please believe in her. 她很坦率的,请相信她。

33.speaker n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者

34.whom pron. 谁;什么人

_______________ told you the news?

Who / _______ are you waiting for?

For ________ are you waiting?

35.Impolite adj. 不礼貌的

I ___________________ and i do beg your pardon. 我失礼了,真对不起。

36.address n. 住址;地址;通讯处

____________________________________?你的家庭住址是什么?37.Underground (adj.&n. )地下的;地铁

My sister goes to work by __________________ / subway every day.


There is ___________________ underground car-park near here.


38.Parking lot = car-park 停车场

39.Course n. 课程,过程,航线

I take it as a pleasure to attend your __________________. 我很愿意听你的课。

The college _______________ was then cut to three years. 大学学制那时缩短到三年。The _______________ is too large,we shall have to divide it. 这个班太大了,我们得拆班。That accident ________________ them a ______________. 那次事故给了他们一个教训。Wars have influence the _____________ of _____________. 战争影响了历史进程。

40.faithfully adv. 忠实地;忠诚地

41.Italian adj. 意大利(人)的;n. 意大利人;意大利语

Kevin 凯文(男名)

Tim 蒂姆(男名)


人教版九年级英语unit2第二单元单词.短语和知识点Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! lantern /l?nt? (r)n/ n. 灯笼p.9 stranger /streind?? (r)/ n. 陌生人p.10 relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 put on 增加(体重);发胖 pound /paund/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑 folk /f?ul k/ adj. 民间的;民俗的 goddess /g?des/, /gA:d@s/ n. 女神p.11 steal /sti:l/ v. (stole /st?u l/, stolen /st?u l?n/) 偷;窃取p.11 lay /lei/ v. (laid /leid/, laid) 放置;产(卵) lay out 摆开;布置 dessert /di’z?:(r)t/ n (饭后)甜点;甜食p.11 garden /ga:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子p.11 admire /?dmai? (r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕p.11 tie /tai/ n. 领带v. 捆;束 haunted /h?:ntid/ a. 有鬼魂出没的 ghost /g?u st/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 trick /trik/ n. 花招;把戏 treat /tri:t/ n. 款待;招待;请客 spider /spaid?r)/ n. 蜘蛛p.13 Christmas /krism?s/n. 圣诞节 fool /fu:l/ n. 蠢人;傻瓜v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 lie /laI/ v. (lay /leI/, lain /leIn/) 平躺;处于 novel /n?vl/, /na:vl/ n. (长篇)小说 eve /i:v/ n (尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜bookstore /bukst?:(r)/ n. 书店p.17 dead /ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的p.14 business /bizn?s/ n. 生意;商业p.14 punish /p?nis/ v. 处罚;惩罚p.14 warn /w?:(r)n/ v. 警告;告诫p.14 present /preznt/ n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的p.14 nobody /n?u b?di/, /n?u ba:di/ pron. 没有人p.14 warmth /w?:(r)mθ/ n. 温暖;暖和p.14


Unit 1 1、n、教科书;课本 2、n、交谈;谈话 3、adv、大声地;出声地 4、n、发音;读音 5、n、句子 6、adj、有耐心的n、病人 7、n、表达(方式);表示 8、v、发现;发觉 9、n、秘密;秘诀adj、秘密的;保密的 10、(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头瞧 11、n、语法 12、v、重复;重做 13、n、笔记;记录v、注意;指出 14、n、朋友;伙伴 15、n、模式;方式 16、n、物理;物理学 17、n、化学 18、v、记忆;记住 19、n、模式;方式 20、v、发音 21、v、增加;增长 22、n、速度 23、n、搭档;同伴 24、v、出生adj、天生的 25、天生具有 26、n、能力;才能 27、v、创造;创建 28、n、大脑 29、adj、活跃的;积极的 30、n、注意;关注 31、注意;关注 32、v、(使)连接;与??有联系 33、把??与??连接或联系起来 34、adv、一夜之间;在夜间 35、v、& n、回顾;复习 36、n、知识;学问 37、adv、明智地;聪明地 Unit2 1、n、月饼 2、n、灯笼 3、n、陌生人 4、n、亲属;亲戚

7、adj、民间的;民俗的 8、n、女神 9、pron、无论谁;不管什么人 10、v、偷;窃取 11、v、放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) 12、摆开;布置 13、n(饭后)甜点;甜食 14、n、花园;园子 15、n、传统 16、v、欣赏;仰慕 17、n、领带v、捆;束 18、adj、有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 19、n、鬼;鬼魂 20、n、花招;把戏 21、n、款待;招待v、招待;请客 22、n、蜘蛛 23、圣诞节 24、v、存在;平躺;处于 25、n、(长篇)小说 26、n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜 27、adj、死的;失去生命的 28、n、生意;商业 29、v、处罚;惩罚 30、v、警告;告诫 31、n、现在;礼物adj、现在的 32、n、温暖;暖与 33、v、传播;展开n、蔓延;传播


1.diet ①n. 日常饮食 健康的饮食a healthy diet 均衡的饮食a balanced diet 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。 控制饮食,节食be/go on a diet eg. 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。People who are on a diet can’t eat chocolate. 使某人节食put sb. on a diet eg. 我的医生严格限制我的饮食。My doctor strictly put me on a diet. ②v. 节食,限制(他人或自己的)饮食 eg. 她正在节食减肥。She is dieting to lose weight. 我的医生严格限制我的饮食。My doctor strictly dieted me. diet 可数名词,指的是习惯的日常食物或因病或减肥而规定的食谱。 food一般的词语,凡是能吃喝的东西都可称作food 2. protective adj. 给予保护的,保护的protect v. 保护protection n. 保护protector n. 保护者 3. balance ①v. 使平衡,权衡eg为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国购货。In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States. ②n. 天平,平衡 4. roast adj. 烤制的roast duck /chicken v. 烤,烘烤stir-fry炒; stew炖/焖; boil煮; steam蒸;fry炸/煎 5. ought v. aux. 应该 ought to①应该,情态动词,只有一种形式,没有人称和数的变化 ②ought的否定形式由直接加not构成ought not to (oughtn't to ),疑问式将ought提到句首构成。 ③反意疑问句里He ought to be here, oughtn't he? ④ought to have done本应该做某事(实际没做)ought not to have done本不应该做(实际做了) 6. curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲→curious adj. 好奇的→curiously adv. 好奇地 Satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心show one’s curiosity about 对…表现出好奇 他的答复丝毫没有满足我的好奇心His reply didn’t satisfy my curiosity at all. be curious about/to do 7. get away with 被放过,(做坏事)不被惩罚 If students cheat in the exam, they’ll never get away with it. Two clerks robbed the bank and got away with a lot of cash. The driver was lucky to get away with only a fine. [链接] get along/on with 相处,进展get out of 从…中出来; 摆脱get over 克服get down to 开始着手 get behind with = fall behind with落后于…get through 完成(任务), (电话)接通 8. lie n. 谎言tell a lie/tell lies 说谎 lie v. : lie- lied –lied- lying______/ lay- laid- laid- laying_______/ lie- lay- lain- lying_______; The man lying there lied that he had laid the money on the table/He laid the carpet on the floor and then lay on it./ He is lying . The cat is not on the roof. It's lying under the table. 9. discount n. 折扣give/make/allow a discount (on)…打折buy/get/sell sth at a discount 以打折价买/卖… 如果我买一整箱酒你们能打折吗? Do you give me any discount if I buy a whole box of wine? 我以四折的价格买了这条裙子I bought this dress at a discount of 60%. v. 打折; 不理会,不重视(ignore) 对他说的话你不必当真You can discount what he said. 10. strength n. 强项;长处;(人的)力气,力量≠weakness n. 弱点 Maths is his strength. 数学是他的强项。We rely on the strength of the people. 我们依靠人民的力量。 strengthen vt.加强 11. consult vt. 查阅;请教consult sb. 请教某人; consult sth. 查阅… consult with sb. 和某人商量查字典: consult the dictionary/look up a word in the dictionary/refer to a dictionary consultation n. 商讨,咨询 12. digest: bite---chew----swallow---digest----absorb-----pee/fart/poop; Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. digestion n. 13. earn one’s living (by doing sth.)= make one’s living (by doing sth.)= do sth for a living 通过…谋生 我的一个朋友靠卖保险为生One of my friends earns his living by selling insurance.


人教版九年级Unit12单词、课文/知识梳理/词汇句式精讲 Unit12 单词

Unit12 知识梳理 【重点短语】 1. take a shower洗浴 2. leave my backpack at home 把背包忘在家里 3. get back to school 返回学校 4. start teaching 开始教学

5. go off 响铃 6. rush out the door 冲出房门 7. give sb a lift 捎某人一程 8. miss both events 错过两个事件 9. full of unexpected 充满着不可预知性 10. be about to do sth 正要做某事 11. stare in disbelief at 难以置信地盯着。 12. raise above the burning building 从正在燃烧的楼上升起 13. jump out of bed 跳下床 14. collect the math homework 收数学作业 15. complete the work for my boss 完成老板的工作 16. make the apple pie 制作苹果馅饼 17. show up 赶到,出现 18. add the green beans 加绿豆荚 【重点句型】 1.By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. 当我起床时,我哥哥已经进了浴室了。 2.By the time I got outside, the bus had already gone.


九年级unit12单词讲解 1. I ______________________ a snowstorm. 我预计会有一场暴风雪。 I _____________________ a birthday present from my dad. 我期待着收到一份来自父亲的礼物。 Do you ________________________ your English? 你希望他教你英语吗? _________________ should be ___________________ by the ____________. 老年人应该被政府好好照顾。 2. 在我到达车站之前火车已经开走了。 By the time I got home, they __________________________. 在我到家之前,他们已经离开了。 3. Let me _____________ my camera ______________ of my __________________. 让我把相机从我的背包里拿出来。 4. 5.

Bill offered to _____________________ to work. 比尔表示愿意让我搭车去上班。 6. Hold on to _____________________,then ___________________ left. 一直往前走,到第三个街区后左拐。 7. 他试图插队,但是警察制止了他。 Do you like _____________________? 你喜欢排队吗? That isn’t __________________ my ideas at all. 那跟我的想法完全不一致。 Please sit _____________________ other. 请与别人坐成一排。8. 9. Don’t ______________________ me like that. 别那样盯着我看。 He ____________ me ____________. 他满腹疑惑地盯着我。11.above adv. 在上面;向上面prep. 在……上面


. 教科书;课本 . 交谈;谈话 . 大声地;出声地 . 发音;读音 . 句子 . 有耐心的 n. 病人 . 表达(方式);表示 . 发现;发觉 . 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 10. (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看. 语法 . 重复;重做 . 笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出 . 朋友;伙伴 . 模式;方式 . 物理;物理学 . 化学 18. v. 记忆;记住 . 模式;方式 . 发音 . 增加;增长 . 速度 . 搭档;同伴 .出生 adj.天生的 25.天生具有 . 能力;才能 .创造;创建 . 大脑 . 活跃的;积极的 . 注意;关注 31.注意;关注 .(使)连接;与??有联系 33.把??和??连接或联系起来 . 一夜之间;在夜间 . & n. 回顾;复习 . 知识;学问 . 明智地;聪明地

. 月饼 . 灯笼 . 陌生人 . 亲属;亲戚 54.增加(体重);发胖 . 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)7. adj. 民间的;民俗的 . 女神 .无论谁;不管什么人 . 偷;窃取 . 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) 12.摆开;布置 (饭后)甜点;甜食 . 花园;园子 . 传统 . 欣赏;仰慕 . 领带 v. 捆;束 . 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 . 鬼;鬼魂 . 花招;把戏 . 款待;招待v. 招待;请客 . 蜘蛛 23.圣诞节 . 存在;平躺;处于 .(长篇)小说 (尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜 . 死的;失去生命的 . 生意;商业 . 处罚;惩罚 . 警告;告诫 . 现在;礼物adj. 现在的 . 温暖;暖和 . 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播


Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. put on put on在本课中意为“增加(体重);发胖”。例如: I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. 我想吃什么就吃什么,但是从来不发胖。 【拓展】put on的其他用法: (1) 意为“穿上;戴上”。例如: It’s much too cold outside. You should put on your coat. 外面太冷了,你应该穿上外套。 She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上大衣出去了。 (2) 意为“上演;举办”。例如: The band is hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year. 那个乐队希望年底之前在英国举办一场演出。 2. wish/hope (1)相同点:表示“想;希望”,宾语可为to do,不能用doing。例如: I hope/wish to visit Guilin. 我希望去桂林观光。 (2) 不同点:wish后可以跟复合宾语,即wish sb. to do sth.,而hope不能。例如: I wish you to go. (正) 我希望你去。 I hope you to go. (误) 我希望你去。 (3) 两者都可接that从句,但是“hope + that从句”表示希望,“wish + that从句”表示愿望,且从句的谓语 动词要用虚拟语气。例如: I hope you’ll be better soon. 我希望你很快好起来。 I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。 (4) wish后可接双宾语。例如: We wish you a happy New Year! 我们祝你新年快乐! 3. miss miss为动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如: I’ll miss you when you go to Canada. 你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。 【拓展】 (1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如: I tried to hit the ball but I missed. 我努力地想击中球,但却未成功。 (2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如: I missed the football match on TV last night. 我错过了昨天晚上电视中的足球赛。 (3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; can’t help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如: I don’t want to miss seeing that film on tel evision tonight. 我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。 4. however however是副词,意为“不过;然而”,有转折的含义,相当于but,可位于句首、句中和句末。位于句首时,其后用逗号隔开;位于句中时,其前用分号或逗号,其后用逗号隔开;位于句末时,其前用逗号隔开。但but只能置于句首或句中。例如: She’s very intelligent. However, she’s quite lazy. 她非常聪明,但是她很懒惰。 【拓展】however与but

人教版九年级英语unit 2 单词讲义leo

人教版九年级单词 Unit2 1.mooncake / 'mu:nke?k / n.月饼Chinese people eat mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival. https://www.doczj.com/doc/432273586.html,ntern /?l?nt?n/ n. 灯笼There is an ice lantern show in Harbin every year in winter. 3.stranger / 'stre?nd??(r)/ n. 陌生人How can a stranger know who I am? 4.relative /?rel?t?v/ n. 亲属;亲戚He has neither friends nor relatives. 5.put on 增加(体重);发胖He is put on pounds in winter holiday. 6.pound / pa?nd/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位) 7.folk / f??k/ adj. 民间的;民俗的Do you like folk music? 8.goddess /?g?d?s/ n. 女神He adored her as a goddess. 9.whoever /hu:?ev?(r) / pron.无论谁;不管什么人 10.steal / sti:l/ v. \偷;窃取He stole a loaf of bread from the kitchen. https://www.doczj.com/doc/432273586.html,y / le?/ v. 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)Dinosaurs laid eggs like birds do. https://www.doczj.com/doc/432273586.html,y out 摆开;布置Here we lay out all the best ideas. 13.dessert / d?'z?:t/ n(饭后)甜点;甜食I’d like to share my dessert with my friends. 14.garden / 'ɡɑ:dn/ n. 花园;园子They have a big house with a garden. 15.tradition / tr??d??n / n.传统This tradition dates back over 200 years. 这一传统可追溯到200多年以前。 16.admire /?d'ma??(r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕I admire her for her bravery. 17.tie /ta?/ n. 领带v. 捆;束He tied his shoes by himself. 18.haunted / 'h?:nt?d/ adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 19.ghost /ɡ??st/ n. 鬼;鬼魂What is the scariest ghost story you know? 20.trick / tr?k/ n. 花招;把戏 21.treat / tri:t / n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请(客)trick or treat___ I treat them with respect. 22.spider / 'spa?d?(r)/ n. 蜘蛛I’m afraid of the spiders. 23.Christmas /?krism?s / n. 圣诞节What do you usually have for Christmas dinner? 24.lie / la?/ v.(lay/ le? /,lain/ le?n/) 存在;平躺;处于I like to lie on the sunny beach 25.novel / 'n?vl/ n.(长篇)小说Of all his novels I like this one best. 26.eve / i:v/ n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜With all the family together, we had a nice New Year Eve. 27.dead / ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的His cat has been dead for a week. His cat’s death makes him sad. His cat died a week ago. 28.business /?b?zn?s/ n. 生意;商业His parents wanted him to go into business. 29.punish / 'p?n??/ v. 处罚;惩罚The teacher may punish you for what you did. 30.warn / w?:n/ v. 警告;告诫I warned him not to climb the tree. warn sb. not to do sth. 32.end up 最终成为;最后处于at the end of 32.present / 'preznt/ n.现在;礼物adj.现在的He gave her a beautiful present. He was worried about the present trouble. 33.warmth / w?:mθ/ n. 温暖;暖和They went out to enjoy the warmth of the sun. 34.spread / spred/ v. 传播;展开n. 蔓延;传播The disease was spread in the small town. 第 1 页共1 页


人教版九年级英语Unit2 单词、知识梳理/ 词汇句式精讲 Unit2 单词 Mooncake ['mu:nke ?k] n. 月饼lantern [ ?l?nt ? (r)n] n. 灯笼stranger [ ?streind ?? (r)] n. 陌生人relative [ ?rel ?tiv] n. 亲属;亲戚put on 增加(体重);发胖pound [paund] n. 磅(重量单位);英镑folk [f ?uk] adj. 民间的;民俗的goddess [ ?g ?des][ ?ɡɑd ?s] n. 女神whoever [hu: ?ev? pron. 无论是谁;不管谁;任何人steal [sti:l] v. (stole [st ?ul], stolen [st ?ul ?n]) 偷;窃取lay [lei] v. (laid [leid], laid) 放置;产(卵) lay out 摆开;布置dessert [di ?z?:(r)t] n. ( 饭后)甜点;甜食garden [ga:(r)dn] n. 花园;园子tradition [tr ??d??n] n. 传统admire [ ?d ?mai ? (r)] v. 欣赏;仰慕 tie [tai] n. 领带v. 捆;束haunted [ ?h ?:ntid] adj. 有鬼魂出没的ghost [g ?ust] n. 鬼;鬼魂trick [trik] n. 花招;把戏treat [tri:t] n. 款待;招待;请客spider [ ?spaid ?r)] n. 蜘蛛Christmas [ ?krism ?s] n. 圣诞节lie [laI] v. (lay [leI], lain [leIn])存在;平躺;处于


Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 一、单词讲解: 1、up adv. 向上 → get up v. 穿衣服 n. 连衣裙 → a red dress 3、brush v. 刷 → brush (one’s) teeth n. 刷子 → (pl.) brushes 4、tooth → (pl.)teeth brush (one ’s) teeth 刷牙 toothbrush 牙刷 v. 淋浴 → shower 5、shower n. 淋浴 → take a shower n. 淋浴器(间) 6、usual adj. 通常的,寻常的,平凡的,普通的 → I have a usual day. usually adv. 通常,平常 → I usually take a shower at 6. unusual adj. 不寻常的,罕有的,独特的 unusually adv. 不寻常地;非常 7、forty → fortieth 8、never (否定词。常位于be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前) 练习:I always play soccer after school.(改为否定句) I ________________ play soccer after school. 9、early adv. 早 → get up early / go to bed early adj. 早的 → early morning / early bus 10、fifty → fiftieth 11、job 工作,职业 → I have a job. / Scott has an interesting job. 12、work 工作 → go to work / I’m never late for work. get dressed 穿上衣服 be dressed in … 穿着… dress sb. 给某人穿上衣服 dress up 穿上盛装,装扮 2、dress shower = take a shower look = take a look walk = take a walk


九年级Unit 3单词讲解 1.restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 Can i ______________________________________? 我能去洗手间吗? 2.stamp n. 邮票;印章v. 跺脚 My husband is a ________________________. 我的丈夫是一个集邮者。 She _________________ on the ___________________ and killed it. 她踩死了一只虫子。 3.Bookstore n. 书店 4.Beside prep. 在旁边;在附近 He sitting __________________________. 他坐在我旁边。 _________________________, i have bought two maps. 我买了两本小说,另外还买了两本地图册。 ___________________ a father she has a younger brother to support. 除了父亲外,她还有一个弟弟要供养。 We have to play ______________________ because it is raining.

因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。 5.postcard n. 明信片 He _______________ me a _____________________ from the United Nations. 他从联合国给我寄来一张明信片。 6.pardon interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起v. 原谅 1)v. 原谅,宽恕 Please ______________________________________. 请原谅我没有按时到达。My teacher ___________________ me . 我的老师原谅了我。 Please ___________________________ your letter. 没有给你回信,请原谅。2)N. 原谅;宽恕


Unit5 What are the shirts made of? 1.be made of 由……制成(看出原材料) be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料) be made in 在……制造 E.g. Is it made of silver? Paper is made from the trees.纸张是由木材做成的。 The china is made in China.这件瓷器产于中国。 2.be famous for以……著名=be known for China is famous for the Great Wall. Be famous as作为……而出名=be known as Liu Huan is famous as a singer.刘欢作为一名歌唱家而出名 Be famous to 为……所熟知 He is famous to the people all over the world.他为全世界的人所熟知。 3.Produce v.生产,制造,出产 E.g. Where is tea produced in China?在中国什么地方产茶? The green plants produce oxygen.绿色植物制造氧气。 They tried to produce more cars.他们努力生产更多的汽车。 n.产品 The shop sells fresh local produce.这家商店出售当地新鲜的农产品。 4.widely adv. 广泛地,普遍地 E.g. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.例如,安溪和杭州以它们的茶而远近闻名。 English is widely used in the world.英语在世界上被广泛应用。 We were widely different on many questions.我们在很多问题上分歧很大。Wide adj.宽广的,宽的 adv. 广大的,广阔的 5.as far as I know 据我所知。引导状语从句,强调程度或范围。 E.g. As far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.据我所知,茶树是在山腰种植的。 As far as I know,he has been abroad.据我所知,他已经出国了。 6.process v.加工,处理 E.g. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.当树叶长好时,人们用手采摘它们,然后它们被送去加工。 The factory processed the leather last year.去年这家工厂加工皮革。 n.工序,过程 Making a car is a long process.制造一辆汽车是一个很长的过程。 7.it seems that+从句“看起来,似乎,好像” E.g. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.世界各地许多人好像都喝中国茶。 It seemed that he would never be able to work out the question.看起来他永远不能解决这个问题。 拓展:seem用法 (1)it seems like...似乎……好像……,后接名词。


【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 2 I used to be afraid of dark. [语言目标] Language goal: Talk about what you used to be like. 谈论你过去的外表。 [学习目标]Functions: 1. 学会陈述自己过去常做的事情 2. 学会陈述自己过去的爱好等 3. 能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化 4. 能够表达朋友、家人等现在和过去的变化 二. 教学重点难点: 短语used to 的用法 三. 重点词和短语: 1. used to 过去常常 2. be afraid of=be terrified of 害怕 3. a couple of days 两天 4. look different 看起来不同 look the same 看起来一样 5. wear glasses/contact lenses 戴眼镜/隐型眼镜 6. have a great memory 记性很好 7. have long/straight/curly hair 留着……发型 8. be interested in =take an interest in 对……感兴趣 9. on the swim team 在游泳队 10. People sure change. 人是会变的。 11. be/live alone 独处/单独居住 feel lonely 觉得孤独 12. speak in front of a group 在众人面前讲话 13. go to sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉 14. worry about sth./ sb.=be worried about sth./sb. 担心 15. study all the time 一直学习 16. go right home 直接回家 17. spend time (in)doing sth. 花时间做某事 18. no longer=not. . . any longer 不再(延续性) no more=not…any more 不再(短暂性) 19. chat with sb. 与……聊天 20. take sb. to a concert 带某人去音乐会 21. hardly ever 几乎不 22. miss the old days 怀念/想念过去的那些日子 23. in the last few years 近几年 24. daily life 日常生活


人教版九年级上册英语Unit3重点知识详解 一、【重点词汇】 1.重点单词 (1)形容词 central中心的;中央的 The Central Park is not far from the railway station.中央公园离火车站不远。 fascinating迷人的;极有吸引力的 Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.马达加斯加是我去过的最迷人的地方。 convenient便利的,方便的 Venice has convenient water transportation. 威尼斯水上交通便利 correct正确的;恰当的 Only one of the answers is correct.

只有一个答案是正确的。 polite有礼貌的;客气的 Mary is a very polite child. 玛丽是一个很有礼貌的孩子。 direct直接的;直率的 We pay all our bills by direct debit. 我们用直接借记的方式支付所有账单。 indirect间接的 He took an indirect route back home. 他选择了一条迂回的路线回家。 impolite 不礼貌的;粗鲁的 It's impolite to speak up to the old. 对老年人大声说话是不礼貌的。 underground地下的 Underground resources are particularly rich地下资源尤其丰富。

冀教版英语九年级上册《Unit 3 Safety》单元知识点归纳

Unit 3重点单词、短语回顾 单词 1. careful 作形容词,意为“小心的、仔细的”,在句中作定语或表语。它的副词形式是carefully。如: Please be careful when you cross the street. 当您横过街道时要当心。 2. hang 作及物动词,意为“悬挂”,后加名词或代词作宾语。过去式和过去分词都是hung。如: Our teacher hung a map of China on the wall. 我们老师在墙上挂了一张中国地图。 作及物动词,意为“绞死、绞刑”过去式和过去分词都是hanged。如: he murderer was hanged last week. 上周那个凶手被执行绞刑。 构成短语hang up, hang out,意思分别是“悬挂”,“闲逛”。如:Would you like to hang out in the store with me? 你想要和我一起逛一逛市场吗? 3. wound 作可数名词,意为“伤口、伤害”,后加名词或代词作宾语。如:Your wound is slightly infected. 你的伤口有点儿感染了。 wounded 表示“受伤的”,the wounded 表示“伤员”,是集体名词。

如: The doctor is trying to save the wounded soldiers. 医生正在抢救受伤的战士。 4. blood 作不可数名词,意为“血、血液、血统”。如: There is 83% of water in the blood. 血液中83%的成分是水。 5. stick 作可数名词,意为“棍棒、枝条”。如: You can tie the young tree to the stick. 你可以把小树绑在木棍上。 作及物动词,意为“粘贴、穿入、坚持”,后加名词、代词、不定式作宾语。如: Mr. Zhang stuck a map on the wall. 张先生在墙上粘了一张地图。 6. heat 作不可数名词,意为“热、热度”。如: The sun gives us light and heat. 太阳给了我们光和热。 作及物动词,意为“使……温暖、加热”。如: Danny heated the water just now and it is hot now. 丹尼刚才把水加热了,现在水热了。 7. rule 作可数名词,意为“规则、原则、规定”,复数形式是rules。如:At school we should obey the rules. 在学校我们应该遵守规则。 作及物动词,意为“管理、管辖”,后加名词或代词作宾语。如:

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