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The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could total $2.4 trillion through the next decade, or nearly $8,000 per man, woman and child in the country, according to a Congressional Budget Office estimate scheduled for release Wednesday.

A previous CBO estimate put the wars' costs at more than $1.6 trillion. This one adds $705 billion in interest, taking into account that the conflicts are being funded with borrowed money.

The new estimate also includes President Bush's request Monday for another $46 billion in war funding, said Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C., budget committee chairman, who provided the CBO's new numbers to USA TODAY.

Assuming that Iraq accounts for about 80% of that total, the Iraq war would cost $1.9 trillion, including $564 billion in interest, said Thomas Kahn, Spratt's staff director. The committee holds a hearing on war costs this morning.

"The number is so big, it boggles the mind," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill.

Sean Kevelighan, a spokesman for the White House budget office, said, "Congress should stop playing politics with our troops by trying to artificially inflate war funding levels." He declined to provide a White House estimate.

The CBO estimates assume that 75,000 troops will remain in both countries through 2017, including roughly 50,000 in Iraq. That is a "very speculative" projection, though it's not entirely unreasonable, said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst at the non-partisan Lexington Institute.

As of Sept. 30, the two wars have cost $604 billion, the CBO says. Adjusted for inflation, that is higher than the costs of the Korea and Vietnam conflicts, according to the Washington-based Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

Defense spending during those two wars accounted for a far larger share of the American economy.

In the months before the March 2003 Iraq invasion, the Bush administration estimated the Iraq war would cost no more than $50 billion.



新的估计周一还包括布什总统请求另一个460亿美元的战争拨款,众议员John Spratt D-S.C说。预算委员会主席,国会预算办公室提供的《今日美国》的新数据。



Sean Kevelighan白宫预算办公室的一位发言人说,“国会应该停止玩弄政治与我们的军队试图人为地夸大战争拨款水平。”他拒绝提供白宫估计。

国会预算办公室估计,假设两国的75000军队将继续到2017年,包括在伊拉克大约有50000。这是一个“非常投机”的投影,但并不是完全不合理,国防分析师Loren Thompson说无党派莱克星顿研究所。














Chinanews, Beijing, Nov. 12—Although China produces all kinds of delicious food in the world, it is known that Western food will become the main kind of food served during the 2008 Olympic Games.

The information was recently released by Li Qing, head of the Service Department for the Beijing Olympic Games. In attending a forum titled “WTO and China: Beijing International Forum (2007)” last Friday, Li said Beijing was fine-tuning the scheme and making some useful improvements for the Olympic menu. About 70% of the dishes served at the Olympic Games will be Western food, and Chinese food and other flavors will account for 30% of all dishes. Currently, some food companies that can provide excellent services with strict management have been chosen as the food providers for the Olympic Games.

So far, hotel accommodation, catering and medical service work for the Olympic Games has been proceeding smoothly. Beijing municipal government has done a lot of work in guaranteeing food safety and sufficient food supply.

“In ensuring food safety, we have made the Olympic Food Safety Action Plan and the Olympic Games Food Safety Criteria. We have applied strict requirements and supervision in choosing Olympic Games food providers,” Li said.

So far, the preparation work for the Olympic Games medical and accommodation services has been basically finished. In Beijing, about 21 hospitals and 122 hotels have been chosen to provide services for the Olympic Games.







Even infants can tell the difference between naughty and nice playmates, and know which to choose, a new study finds.

Babies as young as 6 to 10 months old showed crucial social judging skills before they could talk, according to a study by researchers at Yale University's Infant Cognition Center published in Thursday's journal Nature.

The infants watched a googly-eyed wooden toy trying to climb roller-coaster hills and then another googly-eyed toy come by and either help it over the mountain or push it backward. They then were presented with the toys to see which they would play with.

Nearly every baby picked the helpful toy over the bad one.

The babies also chose neutral toys -- ones that didn't help or hinder -- over the naughty ones. And the babies chose the helping toys over the neutral ones.

"It's incredibly impressive that babies can do this," said study lead author Kiley Hamlin, a Yale psychology researcher. "It shows that we have these essential social skills occurring without much explicit teaching."

There was no difference in reaction between the boys and girls, but when the researchers took away the large eyes that made the toys somewhat lifelike, the babies didn't show the same social judging skills, Hamlin said.

The choice of nice over naughty follows a school of thought that humans have some innate social abilities, not just those learned from their parents.

"We know that they're very, very social beings from very, very early on," Hamlin said.

A study last year out of Germany showed that babies as young as 18 months old overwhelmingly helped out when they could, such as by picking up toys that researchers dropped.

David Lewkowicz, a psychology professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton who wasn't part of the study, said the Yale research was intriguing. But he doesn't buy into the natural ability part. He said the behavior was learned, and that the new research doesn't prove otherwise.

"Infants acquire a great deal of social experience between birth and 6 months of age and thus the assumption that this kind of capacity does not require experience is simply unwarranted," Lewkowicz told The Associated Press in an e-mail.

But the Yale team has other preliminary research that shows similar responses even in 3-month-olds, Hamlin said.

Researchers also want to know if the behavior is limited to human infants. The Yale team is starting tests with monkeys, but has no results yet, Hamlin said.








Doctors say obesity, also known as severe overweight, is a complex condition. A doctor may advise medical interventions in addition to changes in behavior. But experts say the most successful weight-loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise.

People who want to avoid weight gain have to balance the number of calories they eat with the number of calories they use. To lose weight, you can reduce the number of calories you take in, or increase the number you use, or both.

Experts at the National Institutes of Health say to lose weight, a person should do an hour of moderate to intensive physical activity most days of the week. This could include fast walking, sports or strength training.

You should also follow a nutritious eating plan and take in fewer calories than your body uses each day.

A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the United States. Researchers at Stanford University in California studied more than three hundred overweight women, mostly in their thirties and forties.

Each woman went on one of the four plans: Atkins, The Zone, Ornish or LEARN. The women attended diet classes and received written information about the food plans.

At the end of a year, the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most, more than four and

one-half kilograms on average. They also did better on tests including cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Christopher Gardner led the study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He says the Atkins diet may be more successful because of its simple message to lower intake of sugars. Also, he says the advice to increase protein in the diet leads to more satisfying meals.

He says there was not enough money to also study men, but that men would probably have similar results.

But last week, another report suggested that only a small minority of people have long-term success with dieting. The report in the journal American Psychologist was based on thirty-one studies.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, medical school found that most dieters regained their lost weight within five years. And often they gained back even more. But those who kept the weight off generally were the ones who exercised.












Modesty is one of the traditional virtues the great sage Confucius (551-479B.C) advocated. Although a great scholar, Confucius admonished his students, "When walking in the company of three, there must be one I can learn from"(三人行,必有我师焉San renxing, bi youwoshiyan). To Confucius modesty and humility are required qualities for a society to sustain itself while pride will lead to destruction.

The typical example of the modesty is demonstrated by the host to his visitors. He will apologize the ill-preparation and small quantity of his food, which turns out to be sumptuous banquet. And the modesty is also shown when the Chinese accept compliments. They always respond to compliments with "Nalinali. (literally where?Where?)"-figuratively meaning, "I have done nothing to deserve your compliment."

Another common way to show the Chinese modesty is that the Chinese often politely refuse offers of drinks, refreshments, gifts and other favors two or three times before graciously accepting them. Their modesty requires them not to open the gifts before the sender.

Their modesty requires them not to challenge but to respect, which results in a low profile of Chinese. This is sometimes misunderstood as no ambition or competitive spirit. Their modesty leads them more to group-consciousness rather than to individual-consciousness.

谦虚是一种传统美德的大圣人孔子(公元前551 - 479)主张。尽管伟大的学者,孔子告诫他的学生,“三人行,必有我师焉”。孔子谦逊,谦逊品质需要社会来维持本身而骄傲会导致毁灭。




ASSE is the American Scandinavian Student Exchange. This program was established in Sweden in nineteen seventy-six to organize exchanges with the United States. It expanded to include students in Norway, Denmark and Finland.

Today ASSE organizes international exchanges for high school students in thirty-one countries. The students live with a family and attend school for a year.

Other programs also offer high school students a chance to come to the United States. These include AFS, Youth for Understanding and the Program of Academic Exchange, or PAX.

For college students, there are programs like the International Student Exchange Program, or ISEP. This is a group of almost three hundred colleges in thirty-nine countries. ISEP is an independent organization that was supported by the United States government until nineteen ninety-six.

ISEP is a true exchange program. That means two students from different countries trade places for a semester or a year.

Work and Travel USA is also for college students. But this program is not for those who want to study in the United States. It provides international students with the chance to work for up to

four months while exploring American life.

The State Department says they generally work in hotels, restaurants and amusement parks but may also work for other employers. An organization called CIEE administers this program. It says students must understand that the money they earn from their work may not be enough to pay all of their costs.



其他程序也提供高中学生来美国的机会。其中包括AFS,理解和青年学术交流的计划,或者PAX。大学生们,有国际学生交流计划等项目,或ISEP。这是一群近300所高校在39个国家。ISEP 是一个独立的组织,直到1996年被美国政府支持。

ISEP是一个真正的交流项目。这意味着两个学生来自不同国家的贸易的地方一个学期或一年。WORK AND TRAVEL USA也是大学生。但是这个项目不是为那些想要在美国学习。它为国际学生提供的机会工作长达四个月,探索美国生活。


in any system of reasoning, the evidence leads from some initial information

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