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Synecdoche(提喻)是英语中常用的一种修辞格,Synecdoche 来自希腊语,是“共同担起”(GK “taking

up together”)的意思。

Webster’s Third International Dictionary对Synecdoche的定义讲得很明确:

A figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole, the whole for the part, species for genus, the

genus for the species or the name of the material for the thing made.

这个定义的意思是:S ynecdoche是一种修辞格,它包括以部分代替整体,以整体代替部分,以某种事物代替某类事物,以某类事物代替某种事物,或者以原材料的名称代替由其制成的东西。

Webster’s New World Dictionary的解释是:Synecdoche还包括“以个体代替一类”。

A figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for thing, or

reverse of any of these.




As a Sac and Fox, Jim had the colorful Indian name Wa-Tho -Huck…


Sac and Fox本指一印第安人部落,这里是用一个部落来代这个部落中的某一个人,即用整体来代替部分,

The western wave was all a-flame;

The day was well nigh done!

Almost upon the western wave

Rested the broad bright Sun;

When that strange shape drove suddenly

Betwixt us and the Sun.

(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the ancient Mariner)








No eye saw him, but a second later every ear heard a gunshot.

(Samuel Lover: The Death of a Great President)


此例是以人的部分的器官eye 或ear来代替人本身。



They were short of hands at harvest time.


手是人体的一部分,因此人们常用它来代替各种各样的人。这里以Hand(手)代替worker, labourer(工


Still, if all hands had been got together, they would not have more than half filled the room.

(Charles Dickens: The Uncommercial Traveller)



This newspaper——and probably the country——will wait its time and see how the new faces perform

before judging them.




I will count three hundred——that’s five minutes——and not one of you is to move a muscle.

(Mona Gardner: The Dinner Party)



Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, I have sinned in that I have

betrayed the innocent blood.

(Old Testament: Matt. 27:3)



此例以innocent blood(无辜人的血)代替无辜的人Jesus(耶稣)。

The broken wall, the burning roof and tower

And Agamemnon dead.






England won the football game.


这里以England(英格兰)代替England Football Team(英格兰足球队)。

Then the surgeon cut me open and take out the appendix and stitched me up again.


这是以me(我)代my abdomen(我的腹部)。

He told the distance, “I am armed for war.”

The next machine that has the power to pass.

Will get this plasma in its goggle glass.”

(Robert Frost: The Egg and the Machine)






All the plants in this cold country become green in the smiling year.


Smiling year 代替spring (春天)。

Selma stuck her hea d out the car window and rolled her eyes. “Safe with US Army. Don’t do anything I

wouldn’t do.”

(Harry Mazer: Furlough —1944)


此例中的美国军队(US Army)实际指一个美国士兵杰克(Jack),以全体代替部分。


Oh, the spring should vanish with the rose!

That Youth’s sweet-scented manuscript should close!

(Edward Fitzgerald: The Bubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur)




He manages to earn his bread.



But the horse didn’t want it——they swerved apart; the earth didn’t want it, sending up rocks through which riders must pass single file; the temples, the tank, the jail, the palace, the birds, the carrion, the Guest House…: they didn’t want it, they said in their hundred voices, “No, not yet,” and the sky said,

“No, not there.”

(Edward Morgan Forster: A Passage to India)


这是A Passage to India的结尾出,自英国移居到印度的殖民地的主人们呼求停战和友谊,印度方面给予的回答。马,庙宇,水槽,监狱,宫殿代替的是印度的整个社会和文化背景;大地,苍穹代替的是印度人民心目中的大自然母亲。这则以一类事物代替一种事物的Synecdoche表达了印度人民对殖民主义的深仇大恨的强烈感情,读者会被这一修辞格所蕴涵的艺术力量所震撼。


转喻和提喻的区别 转喻(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这两种修辞手法混为一谈,使老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这两种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这两种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同做些比较。 1.转喻的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。 这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。转喻通常用下列几种方式指代。 (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeare’s works 用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。 (Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) (2)根据实物名称 Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 (a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在飞机场附近,日夜可听到过往的飞机声。(the noise made by passing planes用“过往的飞机”指代“噪音”) (3)根据动植物名称 The big apple(大苹果)——New York city(纽约市) Russian bear(俄国熊)——Russians or the Russian government(俄国/俄国政府) British lion(英国狮)——England or the English government(英国/英国政府) The flower of the nation was sent off to war.该国的壮小伙子都被送去打仗了。 The flower 通常用来指代“精英”“精华”等。在句中,它被用来指代“The strong young men”“壮小伙子”。 (4)根据工具名 When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen. Arms writing


转喻(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同做些比较。 1.转喻的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。 这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。转喻通常用下列几种方式指代。 (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeare’s works 用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。 (Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。 (Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用品牌名指代实物) (2)根据实物名称 Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 (a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”)


换称、转喻、提喻三种修辞手法的对比换称(antonomasia)、转喻(Metonymy)、提喻(synecdoche)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,它们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称,故而常常容易使人混淆。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使得老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分它们。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同等作些比较: 一:换称(Antonomasia)的定义与用法:定义:用头衔、绰号和称呼等代替姓名或称谓或用专有名词代替普通名词的修辞手法叫做换称。(An antonomasia is a figure of speech that involves the use of an epithet or title in place of a name, and also the use of a proper name in place of a common noun.) 用法:①用头衔、绰号和称呼等代替姓名或称谓:

His Majesty(陛下)→a king or the name of the king(国王或国王的姓名) His Honor(阁下)→a judge or the name of the judge(法官或法官的姓名) Iron Chancellor(铁血宰相)→Bismarck (俾斯麦) ②用专有名词代替普通名词: a.源于宗教或神话: Solomon(所罗门)→a wise man(聪明人) Judas(犹大)→a traitor(叛徒) Helen(海伦)→a beautiful woman(美女) b.源于历史: Hitler(希特勒)→a tyrant(暴君) He is the Newton of this century. 他是本世纪的牛顿。 9 a great scientist


The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. synecdoche SYLLABICATION: syn·ec·do·che NOUN: A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (as hand for sailor), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket), or the material for the thing made from it (as steel for sword). ETYMOLOGY: Middle English synodoches, from Medieval Latin synodoche, alteration of Latin synecdoch, from Greek sunekdokh, from sunekdekhesthai, to take on a share of : sun-, syn- + ekdekhesthai, to understand ( ek-, out of; see eghs in Appendix I + dekhesthai, to take; see dek- in Appendix I). _______ The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. metonymy SYLLABICATION: me·ton·y·my PRONUNCIATION: m-tn-m NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. me·ton·y·mies A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. ETYMOLOGY: Late Latin metnymia, from Greek metnumi : meta-, meta- + onuma, name; see n-men- in Appendix I. OTHER FORMS: meto·nymic (mt-nmk) , meto·nymi·cal —ADJECTIVE meto·nymi·cal·ly —ADVERB ____________________ The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. metaphor SYLLABICATION: met·a·phor PRONUNCIATION: mt-f?r, -fr NOUN: 1. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare). 2. One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol: “Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated metaphor for the crass, the materialistic,


THE COMPARISON BETWEEN METONYMY, SYNECDOCHE AND ANTONOMASIA 转喻、提喻、换称三种修辞手法的对比 转喻(Metonymy)、提喻(synecdoche)、换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,它们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称,故而常常容易使人混淆。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使得老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分它们。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同等作些比较: 一.转喻(Metonymy)的定义与用法: 1.定义:用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。这 两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。(A metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.) 2.用法: 转喻通常用下列几种方式指代: ①根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)→Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)→the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人)He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品。 Shakespeare's works (用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses. 他为了与邻里攀比而负债。 neighbours (用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。 a car whose make is Ford(用品牌名指代实物) ②根据实物名称: Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 a rich man (用“钱”指代“有钱人”。) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. 我住在飞机场 附近,日夜可以听到过往的飞机声。 the noise made by passing planes (用“过往的飞机”指代“噪音”。) ③根据动植物名称: the big apple(大苹果)→New York city(纽约市) Russian bear(俄国熊)→Russians or the Russian government(俄国人/俄国政府)British lion(英国狮)→England or the English government(英国/英国政府) The flower of the nation was sent off to war. 该国的壮小伙子都被送去打仗了。 the strong young men (the flower通常用来指代“精英”、“精华”等。在句中,它被用来指代“壮小伙子”。) ④根据工具名: When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen. arms writing 战争结束后,他放下武器,从事写作。


metonymy 1. 定义 Metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated. 所谓借代是用一事物的名称来代替另一事物(即借彼代此),而这一事物与另一事物紧密关联。 The pen is mightier than the sword. Pen substitutes the people who use pen and sword substitutes the people who use the sword. Gray hairs should be respected. (Gray hairs substitutes the old people) 借代的表现形式是,不直接说出所指对象的名称,而是借与该人或该物密切相关的事物的名称代替。所说事物与另一事物虽然毫无相似点,但却有着不可分割的逻辑关系 借代的作用是使听者或读者不仅知道所写的是什么,而且还能唤起所说事物的特征,给人留下深刻的印象。 借代的运用基础是联想,通过联想达到生动形象,幽默诙谐、言简意赅的语言效果。 He is too fond of the bottles. I have never read James Joyce. 借代具有以下几个特点: 1. 甲事物与乙事物不相类似; 2. 甲事物与乙事物有不可分离的关系; 3. 乙事物的名称来代替甲事物。 运用范围: 可用特征代人事;处所代人事,以作品代作者;以容器代内容;以地名代机构、组织;以商标名代物品,以具体代抽象或以抽象代具体;用专有名词代普通名词或普通名词代专用名词等 以容器代内容 After her husband left her, Wendy took to the bottle. 温迪丈夫抛弃后开始酗酒 The film star has a large wardrobe. 这位影星有许多衣服。 用人体器官/部位代作用 The lack of cohesion of the company accounted for the brain drain. 公司缺乏凝聚力是导致人才外流的原因。 If there is any bad blood in the fellow, he will be sure to show it. 如果这人心理阴暗,他一定会表现出来。 用资料、工具代替事物的名称 He chose a gun instead of a cap(帽子)and gown(礼服). 他选择了当兵,而没有继续求学深造。


转喻(借代)(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同做些比较。 1.转喻的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。 这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。转喻通常用下列几种方式指代。 (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeare’s works 用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。(Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。 (Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用品牌名指代实物) (2)根据实物名称 Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 (a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在飞机场附近,日夜可听到过往的飞机声。(the noise made by passing planes用“过往的飞机”指代“噪音”)(3)根据动植物名称 The big apple(大苹果)——New York city(纽约市) Russian bear(俄国熊)——Russians or the Russian government(俄国/俄国政府) British lion(英国狮)——England or the English government(英国/英国政府 The flower of the nation was sent off to war.该国的壮小伙子都被送去打仗了。 The strong young men The flower 通常用来指代“精英”“精华”等。在句中,它被用来指代“壮小伙子”。 (4)根据工具名 When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen. Arms writing 战争结束后,他放下武器,从事写作。 The pen is mightier than the sword. 文章胜武力。 Books and writing armed force (用“笔”指代“文章”,用“剑”指代“武力”) Only t he knife can save him.只有手术能够挽救他。 Operation 用手术刀指代手术 (5)根据职业名 I could not hear the actors. 我听不见演员的台词。 The words of the actors 用演员指代台词 Some students were talking loudly in class that I could not hear the teacher clearly.一些学生在课上大声说话我听不清老师讲课。 用老师指代老师的课


转喻法(metonymy)提喻法(synecdoche) 和换称(antonomasia)讲 解及举例对比分析 转喻(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同做些比较。 1.转喻的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。转喻通常用下列几种方式指 代。 (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英 国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeare’s works 用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比 而负债。

(Joneses :neighbors用“琼斯家”指代“邻 里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德 公园去。 (Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用品牌名指代实物) (2)根据实物名称 Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 (a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在飞机场附近,日夜可听到过往的飞机声。(the noise made by passing planes用“过往的飞机”指代“噪音”) (3)根据动植物名称 The big apple(大苹果)——New York city(纽约市) Russian bear(俄国熊)——Russians or the Russian government(俄国/ 俄国政府) British lion(英国狮)——England or the English government(英国/英 国政府) The flower of the nation was sent off to war.该国的壮小伙子都被送 去打仗了。 The strong young men The flower 通常用来指代“精英”“精华”等。在句中,它被用来 指代“壮小伙子”。


5、蕴涵新意的Synecdoche(提喻) Synecdoche(提喻)是英语中常用的一种修辞格,Synecdoche 来自希腊语,是“共同担起”(GK “taking up together”)的意思。 Webster’s Third International Dictionary对Synecdoche的定义讲得很明确: A figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole, the whole for the part, species for genus, the genus for the species or the name of the material for the thing made. 这个定义的意思是:S ynecdoche是一种修辞格,它包括以部分代替整体,以整体代替部分,以某种事物代替某类事物,以某类事物代替某种事物,或者以原材料的名称代替由其制成的东西。 Webster’s New World Dictionary的解释是:Synecdoche还包括“以个体代替一类”。 A figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for thing, or reverse of any of these. 两者相比较,后者增加了一项,即Synecdoche还包括“以个体代替一类”。 使用Synecdoche可以使语言富于新鲜感,变换一个说法,也可以使语言生动活泼。例如:《大学英语· 精读》第四册四单元课文中有这样一个句子: As a Sac and Fox, Jim had the colorful Indian name Wa-Tho -Huck… 作为袋与狐的成员,吉姆有一个生动的印第安名字…… Sac and Fox本指一印第安人部落,这里是用一个部落来代这个部落中的某一个人,即用整体来代替部分, The western wave was all a-flame; The day was well nigh done! Almost upon the western wave Rested the broad bright Sun; When that strange shape drove suddenly Betwixt us and the Sun. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the ancient Mariner) 白天即将过去,在西方 波浪燃起红光。 就像在西方的波浪之上, 坐落着光辉的太阳。

提喻 转喻 隐喻

转喻、提喻、换称三种修辞手法的对比 三种关系类英语修辞手法———转喻、提喻和换称的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称,常常容易使人混淆。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的用法加以对比分析,就不难区分了。 转喻(Metonymy)、提喻(synecdoche)、换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,它们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使得老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同作些比较: 1.转喻(Metonymy)的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。(A metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.)转喻通常用下列几种方式指代: (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)→Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)→the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare.他在读莎士比亚作品。 └→(Shakespeare’s works (用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了与邻里攀比而负债。 └→neighbours(用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park.我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。 └→a car whose make is Ford(用品牌名指代实物) (2)根据实物名称: Finally she married money.她最终嫁给了有钱人。 └→a rich man (用“钱”指代“有钱人”。) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在飞机场附近,日夜可 以听到过往的飞机声。└→the noise made by passing planes (用“过往的飞机”指代“噪音”。) (3)根据动植物名称: the big apple(大苹果)→New York city(纽约市) Russian bear(俄国熊)→Russians or the Russian government(俄国人/俄国政府) British lion(英国狮)→England or the English government(英国/英国政府) The flower of the nation was sent off to war.该国的壮小伙子都被送去打仗了。 └→the strong young men the flower通常用来指代“精英”、“精华”等。在句中,它被用来指代“壮小伙子”。 (4)根据工具名: When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen. └→arms└→(writing 战争结束后,他放下武器,从事写作。 The pen is mightier than the sword.文章胜武力。


摘要:转喻(metonymy)和提喻(synecdoche)是英语修辞中很难被学生掌握和区分的两种修辞形式。它们看似相似,实质不同。本文先分别阐明转喻和提喻的特点,然后通过比较指出两者的不同之处,以期对英语学习者提供一些可资借鉴的指导。转喻(metonymy)和提喻(synecdoche)是英语修辞中很常见的两种修辞方式。它们的使用使得语言变得更加简洁而有趣。可两者的区分对于英语语言欣赏的初学者来说则是满头雾水。其实两者的区分并不难,他们有部分相似但更多的是不同。以下本文从什么是转喻和提喻,以及它们的表现方式讲起,最后再对比区分它们的不同之处。一、转喻转喻是在提及事物时不用其本身的名字称呼而是用与它密切相连的概念来替代它的一种英语修辞格。它着重的是事物本身的特点或它与其他事物之间的特殊关系。转喻主要有以下表现方式: 1.身体部位来替代它的相关功能。(1)Hehasagoodearformusic.(ear指代欣赏音乐的能力)(2)Hehasasharptongue.(tongue指代所说的话) 2.某人的名字来指代他的作品或风格。(1)HaveyoueverreadJackLondon?(JackLondon指代他的作品)(2)DoyoulikeDickens?(Dickens指代他的典型风格) 3.地名指代它的地方产品或在此处所发生的事件。(1)Hewasbehindthearras.arras.(指代这个法国小镇的产品)(2)HemethisWaterloo.(Waterloo指代重大失败) 4.用所在地指代政府、单位或企业。Kremlin(克里姆林)——俄罗斯政府,FleetStreet(舰队街)——英国的新闻界,Hollywood (好莱坞)——美国的电影制造业。对于用容器来指代容器内物体的修辞,学者们存在着争议,本人认为它更接近于转喻修辞格,因为它正是利用了两者之间的一种联想关系,它们之间并不存在构成上的部分与整体的关系。二、提喻提喻,根据牛津词典的解释,是一种用局部代替整体或整体代替局部,种类代替个体或以个体替代种类,以材料代替所制成的物品的修辞格。它有以下表现几种形式: 1.部分代替整体。(1)Itishardtoearnadollarthesedays.(美元指代钱)(2)Hisparentsboughthimanewsetofwheels.(轮子指代汽车)(3)Thepriceofthemealissetattwentypoundsperhead.(头指代顾客)(4)Hehasmanymonthstofeed.(嘴指代家庭成员)另外,值得一提的是,过去人们用某一地区或国家来代替所指地区所属的国家或国家所主导的联盟。如用England,Britain或GreatBritain来指代英国,用Russia来指代苏联。在1992至2003期间,因为塞尔维亚在南斯拉夫联盟共和国中政治和文化上的统治地位,人们常用其来指代整个南斯拉夫联盟共和国。现在这种现象因地区个体意识的增强和政治变革因素,已经不再使用。当我们在使用这一修辞用法时,我们应注意所采用指代整体的部分应具有典型性,对比以下两个例句:(1)Hispetpurrwashomealoneandasleep. (2)Hispetpawswashomealoneandasleep. purr 仅仅可以用来指猫,但paws却是其他很多动物所具有的部分,如狗、狮子等。所以第二个例句就是提喻的失败运用。 2.用整体替代部分。(1)AustraliabeatCanadaatCricket.(用国家替代球队)(2)Thecarconkedout.(车辆替代引擎)(3)Thenhecutmeopenandtookouttheappendixandstitchedmeagain.(人整体替代身体某部位)以下是经常见到的这方面的典型实例:Useyourhead(替代大脑)tofigureitoutAlbany(替代纽约州)justpassedalawaddressingthisproblemWestPoint指代美国的军事院校 3.种类替代类属或类属替代种类。(1)Springshouldvanishwiththerose!(rose替代花朵)(2)Whatadespicablecreatureheis!(creature替代单个人)以下是这种方式的一些典型实例:Thecutthroats(杀手)therewillassoonshootamanaslookathim.CouldyoupassmeaKleenex(面巾纸)? I’vejustfinishedwiththehoover(吸尘器)。meat或bread替代食品Judas 替代叛徒 4.材料替代制成品。(1)Shewasdressedinsilksandsatins.(silks和satins指代衣服)还有copper指代penny;paper指代money;boards指代stage;ivories指代pianokey;steel指代sword等。提喻这种修辞格在生活中很常见。如果有人让你描述一下你朋友的外貌,你只需向他描述你朋友的脸部特征就可以了。还有一些提喻性的标志出现在电


英语中的借代 借代是英语中除明喻和隐喻以外最常用的修辞格。它是用一种事物的名称使人联想起与之密切联系的另一种事物的修辞方式.这种修辞手段能使语言生动活泼,给人留下深刻印象。恰当地使用借代还能起到幽默、含蓄和讽刺作用。 英语的借代可分为转喻、提喻和换称三类。 一、转喻(Metonymy) 英语转喻是用一种事物的名称代替另一种事物的名称的方式。包括以下几种情况: 1.以容器代替内容: 1)The kettle is boiling. Shall I snake tea? (壶烧开了,彻茶吗?) 句中用壶来代替壶中的水。 2 ) The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket (他那点儿少得可怜的钱买不起那件大衣)句中用衣袋来代替衣袋中的钱。 2.以工具代替行为者: 1) They are said to be the best pens of the day. (据说他们是当代最优秀的作家)句中用笔代替作家。 2)"We1l, Mr. Weller,"says the gentleman, "You are a very good whip, and can do what you like with your horses, we know. "(Charles Dickens) (“是啊,韦勒先生”,那位绅士说,“你是个出色的鞭杆子,能够任意指挥你的马,我们是知道的。)句中用鞭杆子代替车把式. 3.以作者名称代替其作品名称: ①The captain had fallen in possession of a complete Shakespeare.(Jack London)(船长得到一套莎士比亚全集)句中用莎士比亚代替莎士比亚作品。 ② But you have not seen my Corots. They are in the music room. (Oscar wilde )可是你还没有看见我收藏的科罗特的风景画,它们挂在我的音乐室里。Corot (科罗特)是法国著名画家,以擅长风景画闻名。句中用科罗特代替他的风景画。 4.以一事物名称代替与之有密切关系的另一事物: ① Only a knife could save him.(只有手术能救他的命)句中用手术刀来代替手术。 ② He chose the dun instead of the cap and gown.(他放弃了上大学的机会而参军了)句中用枪来代替军队,用学士服和学士帽来代替大学。 5.以人或物的显著特征来代替人或物本身: ① The messenger was not long in returning; followed by a pair of heavy boots that came bumping along the passage. (C. Dickens) (送信人不久就回来T,后面跟着一个穿着笨重靴子的人,在过道里走得乓乓直响。) 句中用笨重靴子这一



转喻(借代)(metonymy)提喻(synecdoche) 换称(antonomasia)这三种修辞手法都属于关系类修辞,他们的共同之处都是用某一事物的名称指代另一事物的名称。目前国内有关英语修辞的教科书中就常将这三种修辞手法混为一谈,使老师和学生对此模糊不清。其实,如果将这三种修辞手法的定义和用法弄清,就不难区分了。下面就这三种修辞手法的定义、用法以及它们之间的异同做些比较。 1.转喻的定义与用法 用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。 这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。转喻通常用下列几种方式指代。 (1)根据人名或商品品牌名: Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)——Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府) John Bull(约翰牛)——the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国人) He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeare’s wo rks 用作者指代作品) He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。(Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。 (Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用品牌名指代实物) (2)根据实物名称 Finally she married money. 她最终嫁给了有钱人。 (a rich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”)


提喻(Synecdoche),并不是中文词汇。但相当于就是借代,指代。 提喻是不直接说某一事物的名称,而是借事物的本身所呈现的各种对应的现象来表现该事物的这样一种修辞手段。提喻又称举偶法。提喻与换喻(借代)不同,换喻主要借助于密切的关系与联想,而提喻则是借助于部分相似。 提喻(借代,指代)大致归纳为四种情况:a.部分和全体互代;b.以材料代替事物;c.抽象和具体互代;d.以个体代替整个类。 例如: 1.Outside,(there is) a sea of faces.外面街上,是人的海洋。(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces 表示people) 2.Have you any coppers?你有钱吗?(以材料代事物,即以copper铜喻指coin money铜币) 3.They share the same roof.他们住在一起。(以部分代全体,即用roof屋顶,表示house屋子、住宅) 4.He is the Newton of this century.他是本世纪的牛顿。(以个体代整个类,用Newton表示scientist科学家) 5. Ye see/ The steel ye tempered glance on ye.看,你们铸的剑在把你们看管!(以材料代事物,用steel钢,喻指sword剑) 6. It was reported that China won the volleyball match.椐报载:在这次排球赛中,中国队赢了。(以国家名称China代该国球队the Chinese Volleyball Team) 7.Life was a wearing to him.生活令他感到厌倦。(以抽象代具体,即用wearing喻指a wearing thing令人厌倦的事情)


提喻 提喻(Synecdoche),并不是中文词汇。但相当于就是借代,指代。 提喻是不直接说某一事物的名称,而是借事物的本身所呈现的各种对应的现象来表现该事物的这样一种修辞手段。提喻又称举偶法。提喻与换喻(借代)不同,换喻主要借助于密切的关系与联想,而提喻则是借助于部分相似。 提喻(借代,指代)大致归纳为四种情况:a.部分和全体互代;b.以材料代替事物;c.抽象和具体互代;d.以个体代替整个类。 例如: 1.Outside,(there is) a sea of faces.外面街上,是人的海洋。(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces 表示people) 2.Have you any coppers?你有钱吗?(以材料代事物,即以copper铜喻指coin money铜币)

3.They share the same roof.他们住在一起。(以部分代全体,即用roof屋顶,表示house屋子、住宅) 4.He is the Newton of this century.他是本世纪的牛顿。(以个体代整个类,用Newton表示scientist科学家) 5.Ye see/ The steel ye tempered glance on ye.看,你们铸的剑在把你们看管!(以材料代事物,用steel钢,喻指sword剑) 6.It was reported that China won the volleyball match.椐报载:在这次排球赛中,中国队赢了。(以国家名称China 代该国球队the Chinese Volleyball Team) 7.Life was a wearing to him.生活令 (以抽象代具体,即用wearing 他感到厌倦。 喻指a wearing thing令人厌倦的事情) 转喻

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