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考神陈曲老师备考三部曲: 1. 四六级写作句式精华——天龙八部(最新版)——学会填句子 2. 四六级最强模板——学会写框架 3. 四六级考试终极押题——学会写素材 本文有以下三篇: 1. 描图类模板(阅读时间30min) 2. 引言类模板(阅读时间20min) 3. 说明类模板(附有书信体)(阅读时间10min) 1. 描图类模板 描图怎么描,大家根据我给的资料,整理出一个个性化的思路大纲应付此类题目。 编者按:以下列出了五个模块: 考试如果你打算写现象解释:请用①②③ 即第一段:描图;第二段:现象解释;第三段:提倡解决 考试如果你打算写正反观点:请用①④ 即第一段:描图;第二段:正反观点;第三段:自己观点 学霸版:到了考场自由组合,而⑤是例子和数据,见机在合适的地方插入即可。首先大家要学会审题,看清楚题干到底要大家干什么!

模块1:描图 第一部分:描述图片 (1) As is humorously/vividly/clearly/subtly depicted/described/portrayed/illustrated in the picture/drawing/cartoon, ______________. (句子) (2) The picture/cartoon displays/portrays a very special scene: __________________. (句子) (3) From the picture, a seemingly superficial phenomenon is presented:____________. (句子) (4) This photo captures a critical moment that ___________. (句子). (5) The drawing presents us with a thought-provoking scene: __________________. (句子) (6) In the picture we could see clearly that ______________________. (句子) (7) As we can see from the picture, ________. (句子) (8) As the picture given depicts, ________. (句子) 1. 用这些套句足矣,后面你自由发挥的句子更加精彩。 2. 表示图片的说法卡通 cartoon; 素描sketch; 照片photo; 图 片 picture; 手绘drawing。 第二部分:图片含义 (1) What the picture is trying to present is that _____(句). (2) The picture intends to inform us that ______(句).


2.12 Perceptions of Owners and Contractors Although owners and contractors may have different perceptions on project management for construction, they have a common interest in creating an environment leading to successful projects in which performance quality, completion time and final costs are within prescribed limits and tolerances. It is interesting therefore to note the opinions of some leading contractors and owners who were interviewed in 1984. From the responses of six contractors, the key factors cited for successful projects are: ?well defined scope ?extensive early planning ?good leadership, management and first line supervision ?positive client relationship with client involvement ?proper project team chemistry ?quick response to changes ?engineering managers concerned with the total project, not just the engineering elements. Conversely, the key factors cited for unsuccessful projects are: ?ill-defined scope ?poor management ?poor planning ?breakdown in communication between engineering and construction ?unrealistic scope, schedules and budgets ?many changes at various stages of progress ?lack of good project control The responses of eight owners indicated that they did not always understand the concerns of the contractors although they generally agreed with some of the key factors for successful and unsuccessful projects cited by the contractors. The significant findings of the interviews with owners are summarized as follows: ?All owners have the same perception of their own role, but they differ significantly in assuming that role in practice. ?The owners also differ dramatically in the amount of early planning and in providing information in bid packages. ?There is a trend toward breaking a project into several smaller projects as the projects become larger and more complex. ?Most owners recognize the importance of schedule, but they adopt different requirements in controlling the schedule. ?All agree that people are the key to project success. From the results of these interviews, it is obvious that owners must be more aware and involved in the process in order to generate favorable conditions for successful projects. Design professionals


2019年英语六级答案:12月六级听力原文及答案(有 道考神版) ※ 2016年英语六级答案:12月六级听力原文及答案(有道考神版) 听力稿原文 sectionA Conversation Conversation 1 气候变化和世界经济发展 W: Professor Henderson could you give us a brief overview of what you do, where you work and your main area of research? M: Well the Center for Climate Research where I work links the science of climate change to issues around economics and policy。 Some of our research is to do with the likely impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks。 W: And how strong is the evidence that climate change is happening that it‘s really something we need to be worried about。 M: Well most of the science of climate change particularly that to do with global warming is simply fact。 But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed。 And so we‘re really talking about risk what the economics tells us is that it’s probably cheaper to avoid climate change to avoid the risk than it has to deal with the likely consequences。


尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们, 今天,我国旗下讲话的题目是: 勤学尚行,厚德有为,用知识照亮人生 习总书记曾强调指出,一个民族、一个国家的精神追求,最持久的力量在于学生。广大青年要从现在做起,勤学、修德、明辨、笃实,为中华民族繁荣昌盛身体力行,努力在中国梦的伟大实践中创造自己精彩的人生。 总书记的“八字箴言”,语重心长,发人深醒。 勤学,就是要以知识奠定青春奉献的基础。 少小须勤学,读书可立身。 以勤治学学可懂,以深多思思能进,以恒力践践真行,以诚感悟悟真诚。 学以增智,学以立德,勤学尚行,至善至美。 初高中时期是学习的黄金期,我们尤其要勤奋学习,开拓创新,内化于心,外化于行,要关心国家、关心人民、关心世界,敢于担当,服务社会。 古诗云:学向勤中得,萤窗万卷书,三冬今足用,谁笑腹空虚。意乃勤学善思,方为立身之道,成功之根,报国之本。 大凡事有所成者,必学有所成,学有所得。成功是个诱人的字眼,人人渴望,但通向成功的路只有一条,那便是勤于学习。纵然前面千辛万苦,为明天依然全力以赴。必须把艰苦环境作为磨炼自己的机遇,把小事当作大事干,一步一个脚印往前走,这亦是人生。 我们要将所学的知识转化到工作中,做到学以致用;将工作、生活转化为学习,不断完善自己。当我们每个人都把学习作为一种生活态度、一种工作责任、一种精神追求,我们的民族就更加睿智灿然。 道不可坐论,德不可空谈,加厚品德以载物,积聚力量谋发展。 我们勤于学习,既要立意高远,又要立足平实,既要修好公德,又要修好私德,干事扎扎实实,做人踏踏实实,扬荣抑耻,知行合一,做一个勤学修德明辨笃实的好少年。 自古天道酬勤,再多困苦也不能停下脚步,为了心中的梦我们全力以赴,就算生活真的有些残酷,也要迎着风雨不认输,一点一点的走向成熟,为了心中梦想让我们全力以赴,走出一条属于自己的路,也许幸福就在不远处,不远处—— 来吧,同学们,让我们终身前进在学习的道路上,崇学尚行,厚德有为,用知识点亮人生。


America is the land of the free, home of the brave... the white picket fences, the 2.5 kids in every "modern family." Or so we've been led to believe. 美国,自由的沃土,勇者的家园...屋外环绕着白色尖桩篱笆,屋内奔跑着平均2-3个小孩——典型的“美国现代家庭”图景。而这些都只是我们印象中的美国。 Myth 1: America Is A Democracy 谣言1:美国是个民主国家 In the current age, America and democracy are synonymous. Little do most Americans know they don't actually live in a democracy. America was actually founded as a Constitutional Republic, as stated in the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance. In an Economist ranking of the world's democratic countries in 2006, America didn't even crack the top 10. 当前,“美国”和“民主”似乎已成了同义词。然而绝大部分美国人不知道的是,他们生活的这个国家,并不是个民主国家。美国最初是作为一个宪法共和国而建立的,这一点在《宪法》和《效忠宣誓》中都有体现。在06年《经济学人》进行的一项全球民主国家排名中,美国甚至没有挤进前十。 Myth 2: The Founding Fathers Were Christian 谣言2:美国是由一群基督徒建立的 This is both true and false. A large number of the Founding Fathers were associated with various sects of the Christian church, like Protestantism and Lutheranism. However, many still openly opposed organized religion. Thomas Jefferson practiced Deism, which contends that reason and observation of the natural world are enough to determine the universe has a creator without the need for organized religion. 这句话半对半错。美国的开国者之中有一大批从属于基督教会的不同分支,如新教、路德教。然而,也有很多人公然反对有组织的宗教。Thomas Jefferson就信奉自然神教,该教的主张是:自然世界的推理和观察足以说明世界存在着创始者,并不需要通过组织教会来证明这一点。


四六级最强模板(有道考神版)(下) 考神陈曲老师备考三部曲: 1. 四六级写作句式精华——天龙八部(最新版)——学会填句子 2. 四六级最强模板——学会写框架 3. 四六级考试终极押题——学会写素材 本文有以下三篇: 1. 描图类模板(阅读时间30min) 2. 引言类模板(阅读时间20min) 3. 说明类模板(附有书信体)(阅读时间10min) 3.说明类模板 说明类的题目举例: 2014年06月四级 Suppose a foreign friend of yours is going to visit your hometown/your campus/China, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 2014年12月四级

1. A campus activity that has benefited you most. 2. A course that has impressed you most in college. 3. A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college. 2016年06月四级 1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family member upon making a memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 3. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2016年06月六级 1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. 2. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the real world. 3. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead of attending school. 说明类题目相对好写一些,但是对于只会死记硬背模板的同学,反而愈加困难, 因为说明文的模板比较难套。


2020年12月英语四级答案(有道考神版) 2020年12月英语四级答案(有道考神版) 提示:考试采取"多题多卷"模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题实行核对。 以下内容均来自于有道考神团。 限于时间,疏漏难免,仅供参考。 范文提供:@老师王菲 @欧阳萍老师 写作第一版: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission." You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning“. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 破题思路: 第一段:解释引言内容. 提出文章的主旨:“学习的重要性” 第二段:分析原因此处能够结合例子. 第三段:得出结论 此文章写作时能够全面参照有道考神四级写作课程中“功能句”的讲解。 参考范文: Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. This is a proverb full of logic. In other words, learning is significant in our whole life. Indeed, we can learn many

things from it. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. There are many reasons which can explain this phenomenon and the following are the typical ones. The first reason is that learning can light our road in the coming future. There is no denying the fact that the society is developing increasingly fast and we are often easily surpassed by the people around. The only way to avoid this is to learn to improve ourselves. As an illustration, I’d like to take myself as an example. After graduation from college, my life has been full of working pressure, which contributes to my decision of pursuing further education. That’s why I can make my own way in such a competitive society. The effect of learning can be boiled down to two major ones. First, with the spirit of learning, we are more capable of overcoming the difficulties in the future. More importantly, we can enrich our spare time life by learning. No matter who you are, you must remember that learning is the basic skill in our life. 写作第二版: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Listening is more important than talking." You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of paying attention to others' opinions. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 破题思路: 第一段:解释引言内容. 提出文章的主旨:“倾听重要性”


动员大会发言稿集总 动员大会发言稿集总由***投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 动员会一般是指发动参会人员参与某项活动的会议,具有鼓舞人心的作用,让人干劲十足,动力满满!接下来我为大家整理了 5 篇动员大会发言稿,欢迎大家阅读! 动员大会发言稿 1 尊敬的军训团教官同志们、各位老师、亲爱的同学们 大家上午好! “宿雨朝来歇,空山秋气清”。此刻,我们在这里隆重举行 20__级新生开学典礼。首先,我代表学校近万名师生,向来自全国各地的同学们表示热烈欢迎!对你们顺利成为一名大学生表示衷心的祝贺! 因为欢迎你们,这个暑假我们是最拼的。我们建成了科技馆和最具现代气息的图书馆,在原本美丽的园林式校园里,又新建了好几座亭台楼阁、拱桥假山,新建了高端大气的南大门和学校南区的蓝楹花广场,改建了公寓旁的景观,学生公寓旧貌换新颜。 因为欢迎你们,我们一直在努力。学校已发展成为市级骨干高职院校,获得了市级教学成果奖,获得了__市很多个民办高校唯一唯一的市级骨干高职院校,唯一的高校章程建设示范学校,唯一的德育特色学校,唯一的信息化试点高校,唯一连续 9 年毕业生就业率名列前茅的学校。我们有 12 个市级重点专业,我们的装配式建筑实训中心是全国唯一的,我们的 vr 中心是西南地区一流的;我们有400 多名老师,其中 14 名博士、173 名硕士、48 名教授、154 名副教授、25 名海归。 我们为你们创造了良好的学习环境,也为大家铺就了成长的路径。除了全日制高职专科,同学们还可以报考自考本科和专升本考试。另外,学校和德国黑森州建筑协会合作,对建筑类专业人才提供免费的技能培训,学成后可获得德国的职业资格证书和在德国工作的机会,与德国人同工同酬;同时,我们还与匈牙利、 西班牙、澳大利亚的大学联合培养,实施“2+2”学历教育,同时可以拿到我们学校的专科毕业证和国外大学的本科毕业证。 我们每年拿出 1000 多万元用于对你们的学习激励和助学帮助,只要成绩优秀,只要能获奖,只要主动参与学校的各项活动,都有机会拿到奖学金。我们还为家庭困难的同学提供助学金和勤工俭学岗位,有需要的同学到辅导员那申请登记,按照相关要求提交材料。 为建设合格本科奠定基础,学校把今年定位“学风建设年”,要强化对同学们的行为养成教育,狠抓文明校风和优良学风,尤其要狠抓课堂纪律。因此,请同学们严格按照学校的规定,注重自我管理,“爱校尊师,勤学守纪,诚信朴实,全面发展”。


互联网翻译市场及用户行为分析 【报告相关声明】 如非特殊说明,本报告统计区间为2011年9月-2012年9月; 本报告基于有道翻译对超过2亿名翻译用户的行为分析。

一、互联网翻译发展概况 近年来互联网翻译需求持续增长,已经成为网民继网购、搜索和社交之后的第四大需求1。2011年9月,有道翻译机器翻译的请求量比去年同期增长了31%;来自手机端的翻译请 求量增加更加猛烈,比去年同期增长了108%。 二、移动端与PC端的翻译行为呈现较大差异 (1)移动端翻译短句更多 在PC端,长度在50个字以内的翻译请求占所有翻译请求的74%,而移动端这一比例高达93%。移动端由于输入不便,翻译内容中短句更多。 1艾瑞网《2012互联网翻译服务行业报告》

(2)移动端翻译更重表达,PC端翻译更重阅读 移动端中译英的比例接近60%,PC端刚好相反,说明移动端翻译更多的是从中文到英文的表达需要,而PC端更多的是用英文到中文的阅读需求。 (3)移动端使用高峰集中在晚上,PC端使用高峰与工作时间重合 移动端的翻译高峰期在19:00-21:00,而PC端翻译高峰期分别在9:00-11:00,以及14:00-16:00,与工作时间比较吻合。 三、互联网翻译的地域差异 (1)互联网翻译需求集中在东南沿海地区,海外用户也用国内翻译 翻译需求多集中在东南沿海地区,与传统的外贸聚集地如广东、浙江和江苏相重合。10%的翻译需求来自海外用户,有道词典和有道翻译的用户已经遍布世界各地,成为中国人对外

沟通的重要工具。 (2)英语之外的其他语种翻译呈现地区差异 台湾与日韩地区的文化交流较多,那里的中日及中韩互译请求相对于其他地区要高,辽宁在地域上与日韩接近,所以关于日韩的翻译请求也较多。中日互译较高的地区还有重庆、贵州和湖北,中韩互译在山东、青海、吉林等地区需求较大。 四、互联网人工翻译崛起,抢占翻译利基市场 有道翻译在2011年底正式推出了人工翻译平台——有道专业翻译(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f1483343.html,),提供精准的翻译服务。有道专业翻译服务分为快速翻译和文档翻译两大类,自上线以来,已经为超过5万名用户提供了高质量的人工翻译结果。


2020年12月英语六级考试作文范文:网络在线阅读 (有道考神团队版) 2020年12月英语六级考试作文范文:网络在线阅读(有道考神团队版) 参考范文: Thepicture describes a conversation between two people,one of them said:“I readabout 3 hours a day。My favorite book is Facebook。”The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens。 The phenomenon involves many factors,which canbe listed as the follows。 To begin with,with the rapid development of scientific technology,The Internet has become indispensable in our daily life.Undoubtedly,it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient,including the way of reading。What’s more,it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people,and an efficient way to searchfor materials。“I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003。I have beenreading online in recent years。”said professor Wang from Peking University。“With the click of the mouse,any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place,is there。”she said。This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material。 Every coin hastwo sides,reading in social networking websites is no exception。 Admittedly,there is false and

同心筑梦,大爱启航 (1)

坪山同心外国语学校—— 胸怀寰宇,对话世界,建设友爱自信的国际化校园 一、学校简介:创意构思,大爱筑基规划未来蓝图 坪山同心外国语学校是一所九年一贯制公办学校,2014年9月1日正式开办。 学校位于坪山高新园区,比邻聚龙山公园,占地4.2万平米,建筑面积4.3万平米,办学规模为54个教学班。 学校现有教职工186人,其中全国优秀教师、全国优秀班主任1人,特级教师2人,省级以上优秀教师、骨干教师10人。这支人均年龄不到30岁的教师队伍充满了生机和活力。 这是一所最初以“PPP”模式为办学构想的学校,极富想象与创意。深圳“同心俱乐部”慈善企业家的参与,让这所学校从诞生的那一刻起,DNA里就写满了爱的基因。“为深圳教育做出坪山贡献”,是这所学校最基本的定位。 沐浴着党和政府的关怀,学校开办三年以来,一路前行。尤其是成立坪山行政区以来,校园建设投入大,推进快。聚龙山公园下占地2.5万平米的足球场、篮球场、网球场、停车场等全部划归学校管理和使用;学校将新增30多个教学班,二期工程的整体规划为学校未来发展绘制了美丽的蓝图。 二、办学理念:返璞归真,高瞻务实定位办学思想 学校办学思想的确定,首先要准确把握教育的功能。学校教育,应该有两个基本功能,一是教育人(包括学生和教工);二是教化社区。 坪山同心外国语学校(以下均简称“坪外”)贯彻落实党的教育方针,以“立德树人”为轴心,返璞归真,高瞻务实定位学校的办学理念、办学目标、培养目标、课程理念和“一训三风”。 办学理念:同心筑梦,大爱启航 办学目标:胸怀寰宇,对话世界,建设友爱自信的国际化校园 培养目标:培养“三有”学生,即“有型”(强健的体魄和健康的心理)、“有料” (广博的知识和扎实的技能)、“有魂”(高尚的情操和美好的创造) 课程理念: 向下扎根,以大爱筑基,弘扬孝善文化,滋养民族情怀,培育中华栋梁。 朝上茂盛,与世界接轨,打造特色课程,建设幸福校园,绽放国际英才。


2019 年 6 月英语四级翻译答案及解析(有道考 神版) (1) 2018.6.16 四级翻译第1 篇原文: ①公交车曾是中国人出行的主要交通工具。 ②近年来,因为私家车数量持续增多,城市的交通问题越来越严重。 ③很多城市为了鼓励更多人乘坐公交车出行,一直在努力改善公交车的服务质量。 ④车辆的设施持续更新,车速也有了显著提升。 ⑤不过,公交车的票价却依然相当低廉。 ⑥现在,在绝大部分城市,很多当地老年市民都能够免费乘坐公交车。 精简结构: ① 公交车是……交通工具。 ②近年来,因为……数 量……增多……,……问题……严重。 ③ …城市为了鼓励 ??…人……乘……出行,……改善……质量 ④ ……设施……更 新,车速……提升。 ⑤ 不过,……票 价…… 低廉。 ⑥现在,在……城 市, ……市民……能够……乘坐公交车。 参考译文:

①Buses were the main means of transportation for Chinese people 。 ②In recent years ,due to the continuous increase in the number of private cars ,the traffic problems in cities have become more and more serious 。 ③In order to encourage more people to travel by bus many cities have been trying to improve bus service quality ④The facilities of the vehicle are constantly updated and the speed of the vehicle has also been significantly improved 。 ⑤However ,the bus fare is still quite low 。 ⑥Now,in most cities ,many local elderly citizens can take buses for free 。 (2) 2018.6.16 四级翻译第2 篇原文: ①过去,乘飞机出行对绝大部分中国人来说是难以想象的。 ②如今,随着经济的发展和生活水平的提升,越来越多的中国人包括很多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行。 ③他们能够乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有很多城市也在筹建机 ④航空服务持续改进,而且经常会有廉价机票 ⑤近年来,节假日期间选择乘飞机外出旅游的人数在持续增加。 精简结构:


2016年12月英语六级作文真题及答案范文(有 道考神版) ※点击查看2016年12月英语六级真题及答案专题 2016年12月英语六级作文真题及答案范文(有道考神版) 写作(创新/创造/发明) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation/creation/invention。 Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation/creation/invention。You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words。 范文1(@丁晓钟版本 innovation) In today‘s highly competitive world, innovation matters enormously to an organization or a country。 It is the driving force behind increased competitiveness。 Take growing a successful business as an example。In this day and age, social media are gaining

popularity among the general public。 A company that only relies on traditional media doing its marketing is more likely to get eliminated in the digital era。Put in another way, a company with its focus on social media to boost its brand recognition stands a better chance of standing out from the crowd。 Clearly,innovation is a vital contributing factor to business success。 What can be done to encourage innovation? To name only a few: Above all, a business or a country should strive to build a corporate culture or a social climate that values innovation。 Second, anyone who participates in the innovation process should be rewarded。 Third, we are in urgent need of an education system that stresses innovation over mechanical learning。 Simply put, innovation is an important force that pushes our society forward。 范文2(王菲老师版本 creation) Nowadays it is common to encounter a scene when people want to see things happen but can‘t make things happen for various reasons。 The most important reason is that they just refuse to create and innovate。With the accelerated pace of our society, more and


对象关系映射(ORM)的基本原理和运动:得到一个三角修理 ORM的运动和基本面海军和海军陆战队航空侧重于: ?ORM的培训 ?社区的ORM审查委员会 ?ORM的评估每种类型的模型系列(TMS)社区 ?社区的ORM和safetygrams ?文化研讨会和安全调查 ?命令安全气候评估 作者Cdr。Buc欧文斯,Cdr。Darryl Barrickman,斯科特·哈维舰队中队似乎误解了这个两个项目提供的区别安全中心的航空理事之职。我们每周收到电话从ASOs新培训要求进行“其中一个aviationsafety -cultural-survey-workshop thingamajigs。“那么,果你是一个工作区,你还是有点糊涂了程序,继续读下去。 开始,航空董事会在安全中心为你提供两个项目:aviation-safety 命令调查和文化厂房(CWs)。当这些两个项目被使用,随着学校的航空市场安全评价的命令safety-climate调查过程中,(CSCA指挥官即可获得“三角”价值主要human-factor修理问题可能出现在他们的中队。这“工作区域",将重点放在安全调查和文化工作坊,并会提供联系信息上了CSCA过程

安全调查,在第二章中提出的OPNAV指导3750(系列),应要求每两年举办一次。命令位于弗吉尼亚州诺福克的区域每两年接受调查,而中队在外面诺福克地区调查目前平均每一个三年了。最近,文化也没有。工作坊在一个every-other-year依据委托所有运营naval-aviation中队。 Here’s how the two programs work Aviation-Safety调查 aviation-survey的球队的安排每年出版一次(七月)是通过信息接下来的储备。消息公布日期和地点为球队踢球,讲述了如何得到的一项调查预定。优先发展的人中队最古老的调查日期文件。 关于调查的常见问题: ?的目的是什么安全调查吗? ? ? ?它帮助命令识别危险,从而大大减轻了未来可能的灾难。我们必须 ?一个人什么时候安全研究中心城里吗?最简单的回答是否定的。这安全中心开展的调查过程进行了研究邀请一个命令公司。有时,这种中队不能因为球队容纳一个调查其他操作的承诺。我们了解部署计划,但要记住,另一个访问你的基地可能不来发生在未来一年或两个。一项调查?是检查,,如果是,那么谁获得的结果?安全中心,重复,一个检验机构,尽管项目调查的内容。很相似一个检查。结果对公司飞越敌境之后,他们仍然保密只有能用于公司自行决定。然而,海军安全中心的潮流资讯股份和普通备受关注的地区与所有中队和领导能力。

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