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两大源头:古希腊, 罗马的神话,中世纪的基督教

A General Survey of English Literary History:

1.O ld English literature (The Anglo – Saxon Period) 449 – 1066

2. Medieval Period (The Anglo – Norman Period) 1066 – 1350

3. The Renaissance Period 14th– mid 17th

4. The 17th(The Period of Revolution and Restoration)

5. The 18th(The Age of Enlightenment)

6. The Romantic Period (Age of poetry)1798 – 1832

7. The Victorian Period ( The Age of Critical Realism) 1836 – 1901

8. The 20th(The Modern Period)


Old and Medieval English Literature: 449 -- 1066

Germanic tribes: Angles, Saxons and Jutes

Old English Poetic tradition :

a. The pagan poetry (secular group)

b. The Christian poetry (religious group)

National epic poem –Beowulf

Middle English Literature:

1. Christian literature

2. Romance the popular literary forms in medieval period

Geoffrey Chaucer: “father of English poetry” “English Homer”

The Canterbury Tales

For the first time in English literature presented a comprehensive realistic picture。He employed the heroic couplet for the first time in the history of English literature.

3. the English ballads: Robin Hood ballads


Purpose of Renaissance:

1.Get rid of old feudalist ideas ,introduce new ideas of the rising


2.Recover the purity of the church

Literature of Renaissance

Poetry Essay Elizabethan Drama ( the mainstream)

Religious Reformation:

Martin Luther: a German Protestant, initiated the Reformation

In full Swing: Henry VIII

The major results: Bible in English

services were held in English Authorized Version

Renaissance 文艺复兴It refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It is an intellectual movement. It sprang first in Italy and gradually spread all over Europe. English Renaissance was England’s Golden Age, especially in literature.

Humanism:H. is the essence of the R. and reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. It e mphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.

Best humanists: Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare

William Caxton: The first person to introduce printing into England.

Wyatt: Introduce the Petrarchan sonnet into England

Surrey: Introduce blank verse into England,

Marlowe gave new vigor to the blank verse.

Poet: Edmund Spenser The Fgaerie Queene The Shepheardes Calender


Christopher Marlowe (pioneer of English drama)

Dr. Faustus, the Passionate Shepherd to His Love

William Shakespeare (the summit of Renaissance) 38 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems

Essayist: Francis Bacon

The Dramatic Career of William Shakespeare:

The Third Period:Four Great Tragedies

(Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth)

Shakespeare’s Historical Plays

Principle: Nation unity under a mighty and just authority is a necessity.

The first and second parts of Henry IV are the most widely read.

Features of Shakespeare’s Drama:

A. Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature;

B. Shakespeare is a great master of the English language.

C. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the

English Renaissance and one of the greatest writers the world over.

What is a tragedy:

A play having a serious mood and ending in death or disaster for the protagonist.

A tragedy is usually about a hero who is good, even noble, but who has some flaw or

makes some mistake that brings about the final disaster.

Hamlet --- Considered the summit of Shakespeare’s art. Comes from an old Danish legend. Regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage.


戏剧独白In drama, an extended speech delivered by a character alone onstage.

“To be or not to be”----- the most famous


A play that is humorous and usually has a happy ending. Most comedies use both humorous situations and amusing characters. The Merchant of Venice: The most important play among the comedies

S o n n e t: A fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter

two traditional types: Italian sonnet (Petrarchan) —Shakespearean Sonnet

Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Totally154 Sonnets;Sonnet 18 is one of the most beautiful sonnets written by Shakespeare. It is a typical British sonnet. “Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’s Day”

Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626)

A representative of the Renaissance in England. His Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature

Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness.

He lays the foundation for modern science

Of Studies is t he most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays.

It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character. Of studies reveals Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.


The English Revolution:The Restoration:

William “Glorious Revolution”,expelled James II, prince from Holland be the king of England.

John Donne (1572 - 1631): The founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry.

The Songs and Sonnets Love is the basic theme Form: argument conceits

John Milton(1608 – 1774) A great English poet

his 3 major poetical works: Paradise Lost 失乐园

Paradise regained 复乐园Samson Agonistes 力士参孙Paradise Lost is Milton’s masterp iece, the greatest English epic

Source of story: Old Testament Epic in 12 books, written in blank verse

Theme: Expose the reactionary forces, praise the fighting spirits and appeal for freedom

John Bunyan The Pilgrim’s Progress 《天路历程》 A Religious Allegory Allegory: A story with a second distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal or visual meaning. The principal technique of allegory is personification, whereby abstract qualities are given human shape.

四.18th Century

Historical background:

Economically, At home Industrial Revolution. Abroad, vast expansion of colonies.

free capital + free labor = the first powerful capitalist country

Socially, the middle class grew rapidly.

Ideologically, Enlightenment Movement

It was a progressive intellectual movement , flourished in France. The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world .The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. They advocated universal education.


neoclassicism (新古典主义)The 18th century is an age of prose rather than poetry.

Early Poetry

Mid – century modern English/realistic novel (the most significant phenomenon in the history of English literature)

Later years: Gothic Novels, Sentimental Poems, Romantic Poems

Literary Representatives:

Essayists : Joseph Addison Richard Steele

Poet :Alexander Pope

Novelists: Daniel Defoe Henry Fielding Jonathan Swift

Playwright : Richard B. Sheridan

Thomas Gray Sentimentalist

William Blake, Robert Burns Pre-romantic poet

Robinson Crusoe (By Daniel Defoe): It is an adventure story which represented the spirit of the time.

The character ---- Robinson Crusoe

A typical 18th English middle-class man at the earlier stage of bourgeoisie development

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745): A master satirist.

Gulliver’s Travels〈格利佛游记〉The book is a satire of all aspects in English and European life. This book is artistic masterpiece. Four parts make an organic whole, each remain independent yet complementing the others

A Modest Proposal 〈一个温和的建议〉It is generally taken as a perfect

model of Swift’s powerful satire.

Henry Fielding: Farther of English Novel,the first to write a “comic epic in prose”

The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

Tom Jones gives a comprehensive and realistic picture of the life of 18th century England, It bring author the name “Prose Homer”

Thomas Gray (1716 –1771)

A sentimentalist, leading figure of “Graveyard School”

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Gray’s best and most representative work

the best of the 18th century English poetry

Sheridan and 18th Century Drama

The only important English dramatist of the eighteenth century.

His plays are regarded as important links between the masterpieces of

Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw.

The School for Scandal:It is one of the great classics in English drama.

It is regarded as the best comedy since Shakespeare

It is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy of the high society in the 18th

century England

William Blake

Two groups of short lyrics

Songs of Innocence: depicting the happy and innocent world of a child

Songs of Experience: paints with a melancholy tone a world of misery, poverty, disease, war, suffering.

Robert Burns (1759 – 1796)

His poems were written in the Scottish dialect. They reflect the life of the common Scottish farmers.

Auld Lang Syne , A Red Red Rose

五.Romantic Period (1798 – 1832)

Publication of Lyrical Ballads (1798) to the death of Sir Walter Scott (1832)

Romanticists see man as an individual, emphasize the special qualities of each individual’s mind and inner world of the human spirit

William Wordsworth – the leading figure of the English romantic poetry; regarded as “worshipper of nature”

Lake poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey

His principles of poetry:“all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”; ordinary peasants, children all may be used as subjects in poetical creation; language be near to the real language of men.

His poetry: About nature: To a Skylark; To a Butterfly; To the Cuckoo; An Evening


About human life The sailor’s mother; Michael; The Affliction of

Margaret; “Lucy poems”….

I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud

George Gordon, Lord Byron: (1788 --- 1824)

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:

Don Juan: Byron’s masterpiece. It vividly depicts the lives and manners of many lands, and bitterly satire the hypocrisy of his time.

(famous excerpt The Isles of Greece)

Byron’s chief contribution ---”Byronic Hero”

A proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. This hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any tyrannical rules.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

One of the first critics to give attention to language.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner kubla Khan

Percy Bysshe Shelley:

Lyrics Ode to the West Wind (If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind) Poetic drama Prometheus Unbound, The Cenci

Prose The Defence of Poetry

John Keats:

Odes Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode To A Nightingale, To Autumn, To Psyche Jane Austen (1775 – 1817) one of the greatest women writers of the 19th century. Her major works ----- six novels

Sense and Sensibility

Pride and Prejudice (five Bennet sisters and their search for suitable husbands) Northanger Abby, Mansfield Park, Emma,Persuasion

Style: she is a neoclassicism

Setting: Within a narrow sphere --- “ three or four families in a country village”dancing parties, tea parties, picnics and gossips.

Walter Scott (1771 -1832)

realistic description of historical events.

His contribution to English literature, even to world literature, is his historical novels. Ivanhoe

六.The Victorian Period (1836 – 1901)

Historical Background:

Rapid economic development (industrial revolution + colonies)

Serious social problems (Chartist Movement)

Utilitarianism widely accepted and practised

Literature: Critical Realism expose + criticize

Victorian Literature:Novel: Most Vital

Charles Dickens(1812 – 1870) The greatest representative of English critical realism Gives a most vivid picture of the everyday life of the ordinary people of his time Major Works:

The Pickwick Papers ?匹克威克外传?Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》

Nichols Nickleby ?尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝?The Old Curiosity Shop ?老古玩店?American Notes?美国札记?Martin Chuzzlewit ?马丁·朱述尔维特?

Dombey and Son?董贝父子?

David Copperfield ?大卫·科波菲尔?his best book, most autobiographical

Bleak House?荒凉山庄?Hard Times?艰难时世?

Little Dorrit ?小杜丽? A Tale of Two Cities?双城记?

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)

Mainly describe people of the upper and middle classes

Was cynic and doubt the goodness of human nature,

Vanity Fair (Title is taken from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress<天路历程))

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre

Emily Bronte A poet + a novelist

Whuthering Heights Two families + a stranger

Thomas Hardy Novelist + Poet

The last important novelist and poet of the 19th century

Naturalistic View of life:

“Wessex Novels”:novels describing the vicissitudes of people who live in an agricultural setting menaced by the forces of invading capitalism.

“Novels of character and environment”

Under the Greenwood Tree 《格林树下》Far from the Madding Crowd《远离喧嚣》The Return of the native《还乡》The Major of Casterbridge 《卡斯德拉大桥》Tess of the D’Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》Jude the Obscure 《无名的裘得》Tess : Both a naturalistic and a critical realistic work

George Eliot

Adam Bede The Mill on the Floss Silas Marner Middle March

Seek to present the inner struggle of a soul

Victorian Poetry: pave the way for modern poetry

Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

Break, Break, Break Ulysses Crossing the Bar In Memoriam Robert Browning Dramatic monologue

My Last Duchess The Ring and the Book: (established his position as one

of the greatest English poets)七.The Modern Period (20th century)

Theoretical base: Irrational philosophy, Theory of psycho-analysis (Feud)

Irrational Philosophy: creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.

Modernism: T he French symbolism heralded modernism. After the First World War, all kinds of literary trends of modernism appeared. Towards the 1920s,these

trends converged into modernist movement.Modernism curbed in the 1930s. After the Second World War, post-modernism, like Existentialist literature, theater of the absurd, new novels and black humor, rose with the existentialist idea that “ the world was absurd, and the human life was an agony.

“the red thirties”“The Angry Young Men”

George Bernard Shaw:realistic dramatist More than 50 plays “problem pla ys” ( indignation)

Widowers’ Houses Mrs. Warren’s Profession

Oscar Wilde:Spokesman for Aesthetic Movement,“Art for Art’s Sake”

Novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray 《道林。格雷的画像》

Drama: Salome, The Importance of Importance 《认真的重要性》

Yeats (Lady Gregory and John synge) Irish National dramatic Society one of the greatest poets in the English language

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Down by the Salley Gardens

T. S. Eliot The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (first important poem)

The Waste Land (the landmark and a model of 20th poetry) It presents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in modern Western world.

John Galsworthy

The Forsyte Saga (trilogy 三步曲)

The Man of Property In Chancery To Let

D. H. Lawrence one of the greatest novelists of the 20th century

strongly reacts against the mechanical civilization

Sons and Lovers autobiographical novel The Rainbow

Women in Love Lady Chatterley’s Lover

James Joyce

Dubliners (15 short stories) first important work (Araby)

Theory of epiphany in fiction

A portrait of the Aritist as a Young Man first novel, autobiographical

Ulysses masterpiece, prime example of modernism

Finnegans Wake

Most outstanding“Stream of consciousness” novelist

English Dramatic Revolution (1950s )

1.Working-class drama The first “angry young man” John osborne

2.Theater of Absurd Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot 《等待戈多》

The most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd

William Golding: Lord of the Flies 威廉。戈尔丁《蝇王》

Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway To the Lighthouse Ortlando

E. M. Foster: Howards End《霍华兹别墅》,A Passage to India《印度之行》Doris Lessing: The Golden Notebook

John Fowles (约翰。福尔斯): The French Lieutenant’s Woman《法国中尉的女人》


A brief survey of the American Literature:

1.The Romantic period (1800-1865)

The Sketch Book ----- Leaves of Grass

The American Renaissance Transcendentalism

2. The Realistic Period (1865 – 1914)

“The Gilded Age” Naturalism Local-colorism

3.The Modern Period(1914-- )

Jazz Age Lost generation

一.American Romanticism

Pioneering into the west Puritanism

Ralph Waldo Emerson :The chief spokesman of Transcendentalism

Nature the unofficial manifesto for the Club Emerson essay “The American Scholar” He declared the cultural independence of America.

Washington Irving:The real first American writer ,the first American writer to earn an international reputation,Father of the American short stories.

With the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon,Gent. Irving won

international fame on both sides of the Atlantic. The book contains tales like "Rip

V an Winkle",and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hawtho rne’s Black Vision of Life and Human Beings: Puritanism

Major Literary Works:

Mosses from an Old Manse (1846) 〈古屋青苔〉The Scarlet Letter (1850)〈红字〉

The House of the Seven Gables (1851)〈有七个尖角阁的房子〉

The Blithedale Romance (1852)〈福谷传奇〉The Marble Faun (1860) ] 〈玉石雕像〉Short stories: Young Goodman Brown, The Minister’s Black Veil

Herman Melville:

Moby-Dick First American prose Epic full of symbols

Walt Whitman:America’s Poet Father of Modern poetry

Free-Verse:Verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed lines having no fixed metrical

pattern。First used in the Bible

Leaves of Grass(America’s first epic poem) embodiment of American democratic ideals “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”“Drum Taps”“There was a Child Went Forth”

“Song of myself”“Song of America”

二.American Realism (1865 – 1914)

The representatives of American Realism:

Mark Twain/William Dean Howells: Pay more attention to the life of Americans

Henry James: Probe into the inner life of man (psychological and moral nature)

Types of Realism:

Psychological Realism(Henry James)

Local-color Realism/Regionalism (Mark Twain) (O. Henry)

Naturalism/the extreme form of Realism (Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser)

Mark Twain: The greatest of American humorists,The “Lincoln” of American Literature The uncrowned King of America, The true father of national literature

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(It portrays the ordinary Americans, their life, values, hopes, fears and sufferings;(the first truly modern American writer; It helps to develop the modern American style by using the American vernacular(the nonstandard, colloquial, simple, direct, slang, colloquialism, ungrammatical, dialects).

Life on the Mississippi, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The Gilded Age

Local Colorism/ Regionalism

A type of Realism. The local color writers portrayed in accurate detail the customs, attitudes, characters and dialects of particular regions.

Henry James: International theme,The forerunner of stream of consciousness The founder of psychological realism

Daisy Miller The American The Europeans

The Portrait of A Lady (masterpiece) The Turn of the Screw

The Wings of the Dove The Golden Bowl The Ambassadors

Theodore Dreiser America’s literary naturalist

Sister Carrie An American Tragedy

Naturalism is an extreme form of realism. This writing style portrays people and events precisely and objectively. The characters have little control over what happens to them and are generally helpless victims of their own emotions and the world around them.

Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets A Red Badge of Courage

Emily Dickinson: poetry is unique and unconventional: 1775 poems

(Mainly about religion, death, immortality, love, and nature)

This is My Letter to the World I heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died

I like to See it Lap the Miles Because I Could not Stop for Death

三.The Modern Period

Ezra Pound (20世纪20年代诗歌) A leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement”One of the most important poets in the modern time

In a Station of the Metro Famous one-image poem in the history of Imagism

Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


Francis Scott Fitzgerald: The literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. The Great Gatsby

Ernest Hemingway: Nobel Prize winner for literature The Lost generation The Sun Also Rises(first true novel) For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Old Man and the Sea A Farewell to Arms

In Our Time (Indian Camp) Men Without Women (The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Killers) “grace under pressure”Code heroes “Iceberg” analo gy

William Faulkner

Yoknapatawpha County imaginary place

The Sound and the Fury Light in August

Absalom, Absalom!Go Down, Moses

A Rose for Emily


John Steinbeck (representative of 1930s) Novel of social protest

The Grapes of Wrath


Allen Ginsberg “Howl” (1956) the manifesto of the Beat Movement

The Leading playwright of the modern period:

Eugene O’Neill Hairy Ape

Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman

Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Jewish-American writer: Saul Bellow Herzog

Black Fiction:

Richard Wright Native Son

Ralph Ellison Invisible Man

Tony Morrison The Bluest Eye Song of Solomon Beloved Other important writers after 1945:

J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

John Updike Rabbit novels

In the 1960s and 1970s: New Fiction

Joseph Heller: Catch-22

Kurt V onnegut (库尔特.冯纳古特) Slaughterhouse-Five


I. Each of the following below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bet complete the statement. 1. The long poem ______ in Anglo-Saxon period was termed England’s national epic. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Paradise Lost C. The Song of Beowulf D. The Fairy Queen 2. Romance, which uses verse or prose to describe the adventures and life of the knights, is the popular literary form in ______. A. Romanticism B. Renaissance C. medieval period D. Anglo-Saxon period 3. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of____. A. Piers Plowman B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. Confessio Amantis D. The Canterbury Tales 4. _______ is regarded as the father of English poetry. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Edmund Spenser C. John Milton D. W. Wordsworth 5. It is _____ alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Martin Luther C. William Shakespeare D. John Gower 6. One of Chaucer’s main contributions to English poetry is ______. A. he introduced the rhymed stanzas from France to English poetry B. he created striking brilliant panorama of his time and his country C. he wrote in blank verse D. he was the first to write sonnet 7. During the Renaissance, _______ was the first one to introduce the sonnet into English poetry. A. Chaucer B. John Donne C. Thomas Wyatt D. Earl of Surrey 8. During the Renaissance, _______ wrote the first English blank verse. A. Chaucer B. Edmund Spencer C. Thomas Wyatt D. Earl of Surrey 9. Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movement? A. The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture B. The new discoveries in geography and astrology C. The Glorious revolution D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion 10. The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events. Which one of the following is NOT such an event? A. The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B. England’s domestic rest C. New discovery in geography and astrology. D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion. 11. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between ______ and ______ centuries. A. 14th...mid-17th B. 14th...mid-18th C. 16th...mid-18th D. 16th...mid-17th 12. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is_______. A. science B. philosophy C. arts D. humanism 13. _______ frequently applied conceits in his poems. A. Edmund Spenser B. John Donne C. William Blake D. Thomas Gray 14. _______ is known as “the poet’s poet”. A. William Shakespeare B. Christopher Marlowe C. Edmund Spenser D. John Donne 15. Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of____ adventures or other heroic deeds,is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A. Christian B. knightly C. pilgrims D. primitive 16. ________ and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism. A. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe B. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe


一、术语解释(每个5分,共30分) 1、文学的主体性:文学并不是客观对象如实投影于人的大脑的产物,而是在主体的积极参与下,通过虚构方式才得以形成的,一种包含了主体成分在内并受主体的情感、意志所支配的意识现象。 2 、圆形人物:圆形人物的性格比较丰富、复杂、立体感强。这种人物往往有一个比较稳定的性格轴心,同时又呈现出不同的性格侧面和性格层次,这些不同的性格侧面和性格层次相互交错融合,构成一个独立自足、气象万千的:世界“。(阿Q、哈姆雷特)圆形人物是作者花大量笔墨着力描写的对象,其性格轴心及多侧面、多层次的性格特征,是在不断变化的环境和复杂的矛盾关系中显现出来,因而人物性格稳定而不凝固,给人一种流动感。这是一种动态型或发展型的人物塑造方式,它要求空间感和强调色彩。典型的圆形人物,其性格必然是一个闪烁着各种色彩的多面体,它容量大,具有说不尽的性格内涵、多方面的审美意义,显示出多质、多义、多向的特点。 3 、感物说:中国古代有着深远影响的一种文学观。这种文学观认为,文学表现了人对生生不息的大千世界的感受,例如刘勰在《文心雕龙·物色》中说,“春秋代序,阴阳惨舒,物色之动,心亦摇焉”,“是以诗人感物,联类不穷”。到了钟嵘撰写《诗品》的时候,“感物说”更突出了现实生活中的各种人生境况与社会矛盾对作家感受的影响,其正如钟嵘在《诗品·序》中所说的,“嘉会寄诗以亲,离群托诗以怨。至于楚臣去境,汉妾辞宫,或骨横朔野,魂逐飞蓬;或负戈外戍,杀气雄边;寒客衣单,孀闺泪尽;或士有解出朝,一去忘返;女有扬蛾入宠,再盼倾国;凡斯种种,感荡心灵,非陈诗何以展其义?非长歌何以骋其情?” 4 、意识流小说:所谓意识流小说,是指根据意识流、直觉、心理时间及精神分析等一系列观点,用内心独白、自由联想等方法描写人物心理活动的流动性、飘忽性、深刻性和层次性,以主观世界和直觉来代替对客观世界的反映,大胆突破自然时空顺序的小说作品。 5、期待视野:指由读者已有的各种经验、知识、趣味、能力等综合形成的一种对文学作品的鉴赏要求和鉴赏水平,在具体阅读时,表现为一种定向性的期待,这种期待有一个相对确定的范围,此范围圈定了接受的可能的限度。简言之,所谓的“期待视野”,是读者接受文学作品时所具有的主体条件和期待心理。或:在文学阅读之前及阅读过程中,作为接受主体的读者,基于个人和社会的复杂原因,心理上往往会有既成的指向与观念结构。读者的这种据阅读文本的既成心理图式,叫做阅读经验期待视野,简称期待视野。 6、文学流派:所谓文学流派是指一定历史时期内,由思想倾向、艺术倾向、文学见解、创作风格相近或相似的作家自觉或不自觉结合而成的文学派别。 二、请指出下列著作或言论的作者(每题1分共10分) 1、《薑斋诗话》——王夫之 2、《原诗》——叶燮 3、《论小说与群治之关系》——梁启超 4、《十九世纪文学主流》——勃兰兑斯 5、《艺术与现实的审美关系》——车尔尼雪夫斯基 6、《审美教育书简》——席勒 7、《戏为六绝句》——杜甫 8、“美是理念的感性显现。”——黑格尔


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s



华中师范大学1998年文学理论试题 一、解释概念 1.文本: 2.题材: 3.意境: 4.艺术构思: 二、简答题 1、典型形象具有怎样的基本特征 2、作为文学创作原则的现实主义和浪漫主义有哪些不同 3、简述现代主义文学的主要特征。 4、阐释以下几段文字中所包含的文学理论思想 (略) 三、论述题 1、举例说明语言艺术的基本特征

2、文学语言的深层义是怎样生成的 华中师范大学1999年文学理论试题 一、术语解释 1.游戏说: 2.文学流派: 3.(诗歌的)扩展式结构: 4.叙述角度: 5.典型性: 二、阅读下面的文字,按要求回答问题 诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。迩之事父,远之事君,多识于鸟兽草木之名。 1、这段文字出自何处为何人所说 2、将其翻译为现代汉语, 3、解释“兴,观,群,怨” 4、这段文字表现了一种怎样的文学观,并给予评价。

三、回答问题 1、创作活动的艺术想象具有什么样的特点 2、情节结构的小说和性格结构的小说有什么区别 四、论述题 1、举例论述你对文学审美性的理解。 2、举例论述文学形象与造型艺术的形象有什么不同,并解释其原因是什么 华中师范大学2000年研究生入学文学理论考试试题 注意:1、本试卷的第一、二、三大题,为各专业所有考生必做题。 2、本试卷第四大题为非文艺学专业所有考生必做题。 3、第五大题为文艺学

专业各方向考生必做题。 一、解释各组中的术语并比较他们之间的异同。(每个6分,共30分) 1、情节和故事 2、文本和作品 3、圆形人物和典型人物 4、文学流派和文学思潮 5、文学鉴赏和文学批评 二、下面的话阐明了一种什么样的理论观点请予以分析和评价。(10分)


.. ;.. 一.中古英语时期 Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly a dventures or other heroic deeds. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance Renaissance r efers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth r eigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance i s the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance E ngland are Christopher Marlowe and W illiam Shakespeare. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe. Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Thomas More ——Utopia Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene C. Beowulf D. Hamlet 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare “All t he world 's a stage, a nd all the men and women merely p layers.”——William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


华中师范大学网络教育 《外国文学2》练习测试题库及答案 一、填空 1、英国第一部现实主义小说是。 2、诗人是英国感伤主义诗歌和浪漫主义诗歌的桥梁。 3、是法国第一个启蒙作家,他的小说是法国第一部获得广泛影响的启蒙文学作品。 4、《拉奥孔》是德国戏剧作家文学理论家的一部重要的美学著作。 5、被称为“美国文学之父”的作家是。 6、是济慈最著名的颂诗,体现了诗人对自然之美的追求。 7、新英格兰超验主义运动的基地是,是新英格兰超验主义运动的原动力,是美国文化独立的旗手。 8、伏尔泰的文艺观主要体现在他的理论著作中。 9、“星期五”是小说中的人物形象。 10、卢梭的小说是直接模仿英国作家的小说《克拉丽莎·哈洛》写成的。 11、使拜伦成为“诗坛的拿破仑”的作品是。 12、被称为“众心之心”的诗人是。 13、雨果世界观和创作的主导思想是。 14、普希金的小说取材于普加乔夫起义。 15、狄德罗的小说代表作是。 16、卢梭著名的自传体小说是。 17、歌德的诗剧代表了启蒙主义文学的最高成就。 18、“如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”是诗人的诗句。 19、《草叶集》是美国诗人的代表作。 20、写出下列作品的作者:《解放了的普罗米修斯》、《茶花女》、《西里西亚的纺织工人》、《三个火枪手》、《白鲸》。 21、菲尔丁的小说代表了18实际英国现实主义小说的最高成就。 22、哥特式小说的代表作家是,他的代表作是。 23、斯塔尔夫人的两部理论著作和为法国浪漫主义奠定了理论基础。 24、“我的心摧毁了,武器没有摧毁,我倒下了,并没有失败。”这是德国诗人的诗句,也可以被视为诗人一生的写照。 25、列出下列作品的作者:《四季》组诗、《威克菲尔德的牧师》、《天真汉》、《亲和力》、《教长的黑棉纱》。 26、18世纪法国文坛上享有“史诗诗人”的作家是,他的哲理小说的代表作是。 27、浮土德与古希腊美女的结合,象征着现代文化对古典“美”的追求。他们婚后生下的儿子是,歌德通过他悼念英国浪漫主义诗人。 28、抒情歌谣集是由英国诗人和合著的。


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


华中师范大学2004 –2005学年第 2学期 期末考试试卷(A 卷) 课程名称 外国文学(2)课程编号41111500 任课教师 苏晖 一、填空题:(共10题,每题1分) 1、古典主义的哲学基础是 。 2、第一部标准的古典主义悲剧是 。 3、《力士参孙》是英国作家 创作的著名诗剧。 4、莱辛在 这部著作中阐明了自己的现实主义戏剧理论。 5、狄德罗的 被恩格斯称为“辩证法的杰作”。 6、1798年施莱格尔兄弟在耶拿城创办浪漫主义杂志 。 7、英国作家 被称为欧洲历史小说之父。 8、雨果的戏剧 的成功上演,是法国浪漫主义最终战 胜古典主义的标志。 9、法国浪漫主义文学的先驱是 。 10、19世纪美国影响最大的浪漫主义小说家 的代表作 是《红字》。 (共10题,每题1分) 《可笑的女才子》 《造谣学校》 《帕梅拉》 《魔沼》 《希腊古瓮颂》 《小查克斯》 《波斯人信札》 《查第格》 《爱弥尔》 《叶甫盖尼?奥涅金》 三、名词解释:(共4题,每题5分) 1、古典主义 专业 年级 学生姓名 学号 --------------------------- 密 ---------------------------------- 封 ----------------------------- 线 ---------------------------------------------------------

2、启蒙戏剧 3、湖畔派诗人 4、拜伦式英雄 四、简述题:(共2题,每题15分) 1、比较浪漫主义文学与古典主义文学的基本特征。 2、《浮士德》如何体现了歌德的辩证思想? 五、评论题:(共1题,30分) 阅读雪莱的《西风颂》,写一篇评论 西风颂 雪莱 一 呵,狂野的西风,你把秋气猛吹,你唱着挽歌送别残年, 不露脸便将落叶一扫而空,今夜这天空宛如圆形的大墓, 犹如法师赶走了群鬼,罩住了混沌的云雾一片, 赶走那黄绿红黑紫的一群,却挡不住电火和冰雹的突破, 那些染上了瘟疫的魔怪——更有暴雨倾盆而下!呵,听我的歌! 呵,你让种子长翅腾空, 又落在冰冷的土壤里深埋,三 像尸体躺在坟墓,但一朝你惊扰了地中海的夏日梦, 你那青色的东风妹妹回来,它在清澈的碧水里静躺, 听着波浪的催眠曲,睡意正浓,为沉睡的大地吹响银号, 驱使羊群般的蓓蕾把大气猛喝,朦胧里它看见南国港外石岛旁, 就吹出遍野嫩色,处处香飘。烈日下古老的宫殿和楼台 把影子投在海水里晃荡,狂野的精灵!你吹遍大地山河, 破坏者,保护者,听吧——听我的歌!它们的墙上长满花朵和藓苔, 那香气光想想也叫人醉倒! 二你的来临叫大西洋也惊骇,你激荡长空,乱云飞坠 如落叶;你摇撼天和海,它忙把海水劈成两半,为你开道,


1、“三个崛起”支持“______”并进而阐发其思想和美学内涵。(2 分) D.朦胧诗 2、1949年第一次______上确立了毛泽东文艺思想的绝对领导地位。(2 分)C.文代会 3、1954年______写了《关于解放以来的文艺实践情况的报告》上书中共中央,全面阐述自己的观点。(2 分) B.胡风 4、______在《世纪末回顾:汉语语言变革与中国新诗创作》中认为“五四”时期废文言、倡白话犯了“语言学本质上的错误”。(2 分) B.郑敏 5、在情节结构上,《关汉卿》采取了______的手法。(2 分) C.戏中戏 6、《______》取材于当时广为宣传的“南京路上好八连”的事迹。(2 分)B.霓虹灯下的哨兵 7、朱帘秀是历史剧《______》中的人物。(2 分) D.关汉卿 8、粉碎“四人帮”后,老诗人______写下了《哥德巴赫猜想》《生命之树常绿》等科学领域的报告文学。(2 分) A.徐迟 9、散文《花城》写于1961年,______以诗意的笔触,绚丽的色彩,描绘了花光灯影、溢彩流芳的南国花城盛况。(2 分) B.秦牧

10、刘白羽的文集《______》描写了“大跃进”中人民群众的冲天干劲。(2 分)C.早晨的太阳 11、杨朔写于1956年的《______》,可看作其散文由写事件向写意境转化的标志。B.香山红叶 12、张灵甫是小说《______》中的主要反面人物。(2 分) A.红日 13、 王汶石的《______》是截取横断面的写法,作家追求的是在日常生活的画面中揭示农村基层干部严克勤、刘明远的宽广内心世界和追赶生活的精神状态。 C.风雪之夜 14、《红旗谱》的突出成就之一,是塑造了______这一农民英雄的形象。(2 分)C.朱老忠 15、周立波以土地改革运动为题材的长篇小说《______》获得斯大林文学资金。(2 分) A.暴风骤雨 16、______是《保卫延安》的思想基调。(2 分) B.革命英雄主义 17、茹志鹃的《______》描写一个羞涩腼腆却又坚毅的新媳妇。(2 分) D.百合花 18、______1957年发表《台湾姑娘》,受到注意。(2 分) B.林斤澜 19、刘世吾是小说《______》中的人物。(2 分)


华中师范大学中文系考研复习经验分享 这几天有好几个网友问考华师中文系的经验,如果有同学要考华中师范大学现当代文学、古代文学、古典文献学、外国文学与比较文学,民间文学以及文艺学这6个专业中之一的,看看这帖子也许会有帮助,尤其是那些外校想考华师中文系研究生的同学。 1、坚定考华师中文研究生的决心 很多外校的考生都认为本校的考生考本校应该很好考,而且可以考很高的分。但事实并非如此,05,06年中文系的最高分并不是本校的应届毕业生。总体上来说华师中文系的研究生还是比较好考的,每年招120多个,本校保送的有14个左右,(基本上是每个方向2,3个),本校考上本校研究生的有十几个。 华师的应届生考研也有很大的压力,暑假在武汉复习时天气太热,复习效果不好;9月到10月底要到中学进行教育实习(而这段时间是考研复习的黄金时间),考生不能全身心的投入到复习中;考试前,老师们也不会透露专业课考试的任何信息。真正留给应届生复习的时间不是很多,3个多月吧。(某些比较强的应届生可能会很早就着手准备复习,他们不在我所讨论的范畴之内,我所说的是大多数本校的应届生考研的复习时间安排。)本校的学生考本校的优势就在于有专业课笔记,有尽可能多的专业课真题(现在在研究生处只能买到近三年的真题),知道出题老师的研究方向,研究热点。如果外校的考生也有这些东东,加之认真复习,想不考高分都难。 2 、专业选择 华师现当代文学、古代文学、古典文献学、外国文学与比较文学,民间文学以及文艺学这6个专业初试时考的试卷是一样的,即文学理论和中外文学史这两门专业课,淡化专业背景。历年来,华师现当代文学,外国文学,古代文学专业很热,另外三个专业报考的人数相对较少。初试完了以后,某同学的分数可能在现当代文学专业排第8名,在文艺学专业就排在第5名,如果他报考的是现当代文学专业,那他争取公费就很困难了,如果他报考的是文艺学专业,争取公费就比较容易了。除非你特别想做某一领域的研究,不要太在意热门专业。华师文艺学是个很好的专业,博导,硕导都很多,每年报考的人数都不是很多,06年上线人数不够,从外国文学,古代文学方向调剂了几个。民间文学,古典文献每年的上线人数也不够。 3、专业课初试 华师中文系的6个专业方向课初试时考两门专业课,文学理论和中外文学史。下面谈谈该怎样复习专业课。 A 文学理论分值150分 华师指定的参考书是: 《文学理论》刘安海、孙文宪主编,华中师范大学出版社 《中国历代文论选》(一卷本),郭绍虞主编,上海古籍出版社 我个人认为重点是复习孙文宪的书,此书考点密布,每个地方都可能会出题,连注释都不要放过,教材中引用的资料最好能把它们都抄下来,不管是外国的还是中国的。因为每年都会出两个材料题,谈其中包含的文学理论的思想。而这些材料往往一个是外国的,选自教


华师《外国文学(1)在线作业 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) 1. 乔特鲁德是莎士比亚()作品中的人物。 . 《哈姆莱特》 . 《威尼斯商人》 . 《李尔王》 . 《麦克白》 正确答案: 2. 不属于弥尔顿的诗作的是()。 . 《天路历程》 . 《失乐园》 . 《复乐园》 . 《力士参孙》 正确答案: 3. 中世纪中期著名的英雄史诗有()的《熙德之歌》、()的《罗兰之歌》、()的《尼伯龙根之歌》和()的《伊戈尔远征记》 . 法国、西班牙、德国、俄罗斯 . 西班牙、法国、德国、美国 . 西班牙、法国、德国、俄罗斯 . 葡萄牙、法国、德国、俄罗斯 正确答案: 4. ()是世界悲剧艺术的开拓者,古希腊悲剧创始人,恩格斯称他为"悲剧之父",马克思也把他与莎士比亚相提并论,称他们是为人类"最伟大的戏剧天才"。 . 埃斯库罗斯 . 索福克勒斯 . 欧里庇得斯 . 阿里斯托芬 正确答案: 5. 三连剧《俄瑞斯忒斯》不包括()。 . 《阿伽门农》 . 《奠酒人》 . 《报仇神》 . 《祈援人》 正确答案: 6. 骑士抒情诗种类很多,其中以()最为有名。 . 《郎斯洛或小车骑士》 . 《破晓歌》

. 《特利斯坦和绮瑟》 . 《培斯华勒或圣杯传奇》 正确答案: 7. 下列不属于中世纪中期的英雄史诗有()。 . 《熙德之歌》 . 《罗兰之歌》 . 《尼伯龙根之歌》 . 《贝奥武甫》 正确答案: 8. 欧洲文艺复兴的发源地是()。 . 意大利 . 法国 . 西班牙 . 英国 正确答案: 9. 骑士文学是中世纪欧洲特有的一种文学现象。 . 教会文学 . 骑士文学 . 城市文学 . 英雄史诗 正确答案: 10. 在欧洲中世纪文学中,占有突出地位的文学是()。 . 教会文学 . 骑士文学 . 城市文学 . 英雄史诗 正确答案: 华师《外国文学(1)在线作业 二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。) 1. 对莫里哀的作品描述正确的是() . 莫里哀运用夸张讽刺手法,成功地塑造了阿巴公这个资产阶级守财奴贪婪吝啬的形象,阿巴公在法语中成了“守财奴”和“吝啬鬼”的代名词。 . 《悭吝人》情节结构比较复杂,对古典主义陈规有所打破。 . 《无病呻吟》是莫里哀最后一部剧作,在讽刺资产阶级的利己主义之余,再次嘲笑了骗子医生。


我的考研经历 没想到今年考华师英语系能够进复试,真是没有想到。之前我已数次考研,均以失败告终。此次考研之前我知告知一密友及我的女友,其他人都不知道,由此可见我是相当的low profile。现在拟录取名单已定,我的名字赫然列在其中,感叹良久,下面回忆我的复试经历,以利后继者(现在喜用一二三点枚举,考研综合症,大家勿怪): 首先,坚定信心。俗话说,三军未定,粮草先行。好多友友们喜欢混迹于各大论坛和QQ群,向前辈虚心讨教,获取各种信息。这是好的。我个人觉得需要获取的信息主要包括:历年真题,尤其是近两年的真题(相当重要);复试题目(据说可以买到,反正我是没有买过);往年考上的朋友们的经验之谈;考研参考书目;如何准备考试的经验之谈(尤其重要);考研学校、院系和师资的信息等。然而,考研最重要的是信心(confidence)二字,对于应届的学生来说,不要在找工作和考研之间徘徊不定,一定要坚定信心!据我所知,每年的12月份和次年的3、4月份都是找工作的好时候。考研初试虽然错过12月份,但是可以考完之后来年3、4月份再找工作。考研过程贵在坚持,因为考研是个很枯燥的事情,如果半途而废或三天打渔两天晒网,最终导致功亏一篑,实在可惜。 其次,确定大方向。俗话说,“战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视敌人”。明确自己的意愿,华师英语系研究生考试现在招生主要分两大方向:050211外国语言学及应用语言学;050201 英语语言文学。语言学下面分四个专业:理论语言学、应用语言学、外语教育学和翻译学。文学下面分三个专业:英语文学、语言学与应用语言学、翻译理论与实践。其实语言学和文学两大方向的区分不是那么清晰,是交叉的,而且导师也是交叉的,我感觉唯一的区别就是复试的理论考试和面试有区别(我的个人之见)。至于如何抉择,选哪个方向,纯粹看个人喜好,“仁者见仁智者见智”吧。 选定方向之后,不管是文学还是语言学,初试的题目都是一样的,准备过程相同,只是复试有差别,所以在准备初试的时候暂时忘却自己报名时所选的方向,认真备考。 接下来,初试的准备。这一阶段非常重要,今年进复试的要求是初试总分345分以上(参照国家线),两门专业课合起来200分以上,单门专业课90分以上,政治二外每门必须在58分以上(参照国家线)。可以这样说,过了初试,相当于你的一只脚踏入了华师的大门。初试的准备分成专业课和政治二外的准备。 先从次要的说起,政治虽然去年大纲变动很大,我觉得实质性的东西还是没有变。七八月份的政治红宝书(考研大纲)还是要看的,关键的知识点需要总结出来,特别重要的知识点必须理解并记住。去年我在武大正门对面的千里马考研书店订了一百多块钱的一套千里马政治考研系列(Attention: 不是替千里马做广告,实在是因为我这个人懒,不想常常去书店看看新的几套题几套题出来没有,千里马的书一到货就给你打电话,这样我稍微省点事。童鞋们有空还是多去学校门口的书店看看,别学我)。我政治复习就是看看红宝书,做做选择题660题、15套题和最后8套题(都没有做完),看看历年真题解析,结果还考了70分。政治其实不是问题,只要系统了解基本知识和答题技巧就可以了。至于需不需要上政治辅导班,看你个人喜好了,这个问题我不给任何建议。 至于二外,华师英语系主要是三门:日语(标准日本语,貌似旧版);法语(简明法语教程);以及德语(新概念德语上下册)。二外具体考试内容请自己参考历年真题,尤其是近两年的真题。日语的真题好像有时候下年考试还会出一些原题。法语的题目据说最简单,容易得高分。我的二外是德语,考试的第一题是选择题,都很简单,新概念德语各章的简单语法和词汇题。第二题是填空题,主要考介词的搭配问题。第三题好像是直接引语改间接引语以及改写复合句,主要是从句和连接词(如sobald, obwohl等)方面的知识。第四题是阅读题,文章有点难,但是下面出的选择题和判断对错题很简单。第五题是德译汉,就是前面阅


2015年华中师范大学文学考研真题 专业一:中国语言文学基础 一、名词解释(5’×6) 调值、会意字、反切法、花间词派、南戏、“生活审美化” 二、简答题 1.什么是方言?方言有哪些类型?(15分) 2.举例说明普通名词作状语的作用。(15分) 3.汉赋产生的渊源以及兴盛的原因。(10分) 4.以“三红一创”为例,谈谈你对“红色经典”的认识。(10分) 5.歌德的古典主义与十七世纪法国古典主义的异同。(10分) 三、论述题(20’×3) 1.结合具体作品,谈谈《聊斋志异》中小说形式、类型多样化的特征。 2.以《呐喊》、《彷徨》为例,谈谈鲁迅“国民性批判”的思想。 3.结合萨特的作品,论述荒诞派戏剧的特征。 (专业二见下页)

专业二:语言理论与文学理论 一、名词解释(5’×6) 副语言、语言混合、情景语境、文学形象的间接性、风格、以禅喻诗 二、简答题 1.举例说明语素的功能类型。(10分) 2.举例说明音位与非音质音位。(10分) 3.简述上下义关系的性质。(10分) 4.什么是灵感?触发灵感需要哪些条件与契机。(15分) 5.说说文学创作与生活经验的关系。(15分) 三、辨析题(判断对错并说明理由) 1.有学者说:“所谓的‘女性共同体’并不存在”。(10分) 2.艺术真实就是指文学对现实生活的客观反映。(10分) 四、论述题(20’×2) 近年来,网络上流行的“乌青体”引起了很大的反响,最近几天,微博上关于“乌青体”讨论的帖子超过了4千万。有人认为这是诗,是大胆创新的勇气;反对者认为不是诗。 乌青《对白云的赞美》:“天上的白云真白啊/真的,很白很白/非常白/非常非常十分白/极其白/贼白/简直白死了/啊” 1.你认为《对白云的赞美》是不是诗?阐明你是依据什么标准来判断的。 2.根据“乌青体”事件,归纳分析大众文化(网络文化)的特点,并谈谈 你对大众文化的认识。

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