当前位置:文档之家› 经会阴超声引导下前列腺定位穿刺的初步应用



摘要 (1)

Abstract (3)

主要符号和缩略词表 (7)

1 绪论 (8)

1.1本文的研究背景 (9)

1.2经会阴超声的原理和发展 (10)

1.3本研究的目的和主要内容 (12)

2 第一部分:不同类型超声探头经会阴途径显像前列腺的初步研究 (13)

2.1引言 (13)

2.2材料与方法 (13)

2.3结果 (15)

2.4讨论 (17)

3 第二部分:经会阴超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检方案的初步研究 (21)

3.1引言 (21)

3.2材料与方法 (21)

3.3结果 (23)

3.4讨论 (24)

4 第三部分:经会阴超声引导下前列腺穿刺在肛门封闭或狭窄患者中的应用28

4.1引言 (28)

4.2材料与方法 (28)

4.3结果 (32)

4.4讨论 (36)

5 总结与展望 (42)

参考文献 (43)

致谢 (46)

攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 (48)

正文全文翻译及附录 (49)


Abstract (3)

Abbreviation (7)

1 Introduction (49)

1.1 Background (50)

1.2 Principle and development of transperineal ultrasound (52)

1.3 Main purpose and content of this research (53)

2 Part I: Preliminary study on different transperineal ultrasound probes imaging of normal prostate (55)

2.1Introduction (55)

2.2 Materials and methods (55)

2.3 Results (57)

2.4Discussion (58)

3 Part II: Preliminary study on the planning of transperineal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy (62)

3.1 Introduction (62)

3.2 Materials and methods (62)

3.3Results (64)

3.4 Discussion (66)

4 Part III: Application of transperineal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy (70)

4.1 Introduction (70)

4.2 Materials and methods (70)

4.3Results (74)

4.4 Discussion (80)

5 Summary (87)

References (88)

Acknowledgement (91)

Published articales (93)

Appendix (94)

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