当前位置:文档之家› 2015年申请CFA奖学金填写信息流程





电话:400-600-8011网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d8249755.html, 微信公众号:gaoduncfa 1 2015年申请CFA 奖学金填写信息流程

第一步:进入官网,进入CFA 项目中的奖学金项目






Personal Statement

Please tell us why you would like to earn the CFA charter. How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals?

Note that you are limited to 2500 characters (approximately 400 words).

第七步:填写两个支持并了解你情况的联系人的信息,CFA 协会工作人员及CFA 协会会员不包括在内





各位考生,2015年CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,网校开通了全免费的高顿题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。


一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Indiv idual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项


学习优秀奖学金申请书 本人在xx-xx学年中,在思想方面,遵纪守法,积极进取,阳光向上;在学习方面,勤奋刻苦,积极配合老师的工作,认真按时完成作业,不旷课,不早退,成绩优异,学习成绩靠前;在班级工作方面,努力配合班委工作,真心实意为同学们服务;在社团工作方面,积极参加社团工作,奉献自我,锻炼自我;在文体活动方面,热心参与班级风采展示,积极展示自我风采;在社会实践方面,乐于参加志愿服务活动,主动承接兼职,提高自己书本外的能力。因此,申请学年奖学金,望批准。 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是学院专业级班的学生,在这一年里我始终要求自己保持着积极向上的心态,时时以一个合格甚至优秀的大学生的标准来要求自己, 努力使自己做到全面发展,成为一个全面发展的大学生。本人认为在各方面均符合学院三等奖学金的评选条件,故申请我优秀学业三等奖学金。现将本人基本情况介绍如下,作为各位领导的评审参考: 一、思想情况: 本人于xx年12月,我积极提交了入党申请书,现正接受着党的教育与监督,努力成一名有利于社会的合格的共产党员。在平时的学习的过程中,我时刻以一名正式党员的标准来严格要求自己,努力使自己在学习中做到最好. 在思想上我积极要求进步,树立了良好的人生观和道德观;保持与时俱进,认真学习党的工作路线,正确贯彻党

的方针政策,时刻电视、网络、报纸等关注着党和国家的发展形势,以及国内外的局势变化。我认真学习和贯彻“科学发展观”和“八荣八耻”,时时以一名合格的大学生标准来要求自己.。 三、学习情况: 我在过去的一年中取得的成绩对一些人来说应经很好的了,可是这距离我心中的目标还很远。因为一些原因我不能和他们比物资生活和精神生活,然而可以和他们比学习成绩,让自己成为一个知识方面富裕的人。在第一学期顺利通过学院四级,并且在日常生活中我积极参与学校的文体活 动,。这一学年我的学业课程成绩没有一门不及格,并且平均成绩符合优秀学业三等奖学金的评选要求,现在已经处于大三阶段,我争取在这学年得到更大的进步。 四、生活情况: 因为家庭生活境况的原因,为了能弥补自己的生活费在大二学年我开始利用课外时间在外面做兼职以解解决家里的负担。我严以律己,宽以待人严格的以身作则。平时我积极和同学交流沟通,和同学融洽和睦地相处,积极帮助同学,班里组织的各项活动积极参加,加深和同学的交流和理解。 在这一年中,我在各个方面都获得了巨大的进步,学习成绩和综合素质等各个方面都得到了很大的提高,。现将申请优秀学业三等奖学金,.在此我要特别感谢领导的大力培养和老师们在专业方面的深入指导以及同学们在工作和生活中给我的支持和帮助。在今后的日子


学生奖学金管理系统文档 目录 第一章学生奖学金管理系统(Struts 2.0+SQL Server2000实现)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 、系统分析-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.1需求分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.1.1概要说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.1.2系统描述-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.1.3系统功能列表-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 1.1.4系统功能说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1.1.5系统质量需求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2、系统设计--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.1 说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.2 总体设计结构图--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.3 总用例图-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.4 登录模块流程图--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3、用例图_流程图----------------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.1、学生模块-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 总流程图------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.1.1帐号管理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 ●功能意义------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 ●用例图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 ●流程图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 ●基本信息说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 3.1.2 申请书管理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 ●功能意义------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 ●用例图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 ●流程图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 ●基本信息说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.1.3 个人信息管理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 ●功能意义------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 ●用例图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 ●流程图---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 ●基本信息说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------12


全球最大的CFA(特许金融分析师)培训中心 总部地址:上海市虹口区花园路171号A3幢高顿教育 电话:400-600-8011网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d8249755.html, 微信公众号:gaoduncfa 1 2015年申请CFA 奖学金填写信息流程 第一步:进入官网,进入CFA 项目中的奖学金项目 第二步:点击进入申请页面 第三步:选择奖学金申请 第四步:选择申请的奖学金 第五步:填写个人基本信息,*部分为必填信息 第六步:完成一篇个人陈述 Personal Statement Please tell us why you would like to earn the CFA charter. How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals? Note that you are limited to 2500 characters (approximately 400 words). 第七步:填写两个支持并了解你情况的联系人的信息,CFA 协会工作人员及CFA 协会会员不包括在内 第八步:填写一位对你有经济依赖的家庭成员的信息 第九步:填写个人及家庭收入情况 第十步:家庭资产及投资情况 最后:最终确认所填写信息,并提交 各位考生,2015年CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,网校开通了全免费的高顿题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。


Personal Statement - Sample 1 One of my career objectives is to become a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great intellectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I come from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of competence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to complete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA access scholarship would help me achieve my goal of becoming a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees. Personal Statement - Sample 2 I believe I am an excellent candidate for the CFA designation scholarship. My plans for the rest of my year at UW-L is to complete my finance and accounting classes for my major and minor, and to take the FIN 400 course. I am very excited to be taking the Advanced Financial Analysis course because I feel the course will complete my major and combine all my finance classes into one review course, which will prepare me for the most important test of my career. I am fully prepared to study the recommend 250 hours for the first exam and for following two rigorous exams in the next 3 years to come. My ambitions after graduating from college are to go into the corporate world as a financial analyst. During the past summer, I had a financial analyst internship at Kohler Co., where I learned a lot about the financial world from a corporate level and realized I could have a very successful, rewarding career in this area of finance. Having the CFA will grant my employer the security and confidence in knowing I have knowledge, integrity and professionalism of someone you can trust with your financial information and most personal details. The CFA will provide me with a broad range of investment knowledge and high ethical standards of which will provide my future employer with a well-rounded individual. In working towards my CFA, I will not only learn and apply finance but economics, accounting and basic business management. I also plan to expand on my financial analyst real-life experiences and relate them to what have studied for the CFA (and vise-versa), so I can apply my education in a meaningful manner. I hope while I am studying for all three exams of the CFA I will gain knowledge that will lead me to promotions. In the near future I would like to be a manager or controller of business/financial analyst or capital planning. The CFA will provide me with wisdom, standards and ethics to be an even better manager and leader. I already have powerful leadership qualities, most of which I have learned through the many positions I have held in my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, but I would like to expand on those qualities to become more


第一章总则 第一条为了培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,鼓励学生在校期间刻苦学习,奋发向上,促进德、智、体等全面发展,根据国家教育部、财政部等上级有关部门关于奖学金的文件精神,结合我校实际情况,特设立新生特别奖学金、综合奖学金、单项优秀奖学金、国防三线定向奖学金、贫困生专项奖学金,并制定本条例。 第二章新生特别奖学金 第二条凡高考成绩优异且高中阶段表现优秀,被我校录取的本专科新生,入学后均有资格获得新生特别奖学金。新生特别奖学金分为四等,具体情况如下: (一)凡第一志愿报考我校且高考成绩高出考生所在省市同批次录取分数50分以上的本科生,可获甲等奖1000元; (二)凡第一志愿报考我校且在高中阶段获省级以上科技发明创造奖或单学科竞赛一等奖的各类新生可获乙等奖800元; (三)凡第一志愿报考我校且在高中阶段获省级以上单学科竞赛二等奖、三好学生、优秀学生干部荣誉称号的各类新生可获丙等奖500元; (四)凡第一志愿报考我校且为省级招办认可的艺尖、体尖或在高中阶段获省级以上单学科竞赛三等奖的各类新生可获丁等奖300元; (五)凡高考成绩名列我校在该省市招生计划数的前5%名以内者可获丙等奖,在10%名以内者可获丁等奖。 第三条同一位学生满足多项条件时,领取最高额奖金。 第三章综合奖学金和单项优秀奖学金 第四条具有我校正式学籍的学生,均可参加综合奖学金和单项优秀奖学金的评定。 第五条综合奖学金的评定条件、评定比例及奖励标准 (-)综合奖学金评定的基本条件 1.热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,道德品质优良,模范遵守高等学校学生行为准则和学校有关规章制度,敢于向一切不良行为作斗争。积极参加社会工作,努力完成组织上交给的各项任务。 2.热爱所学专业,勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优良。 3.认真上好体育课,达到国家大学生体育锻炼合格标准,积极参加第二课堂活动。 (二)综合奖学金评定的具体条件、评定比例及奖励标准 l.甲等奖学金:德智体总积分居班级人数5%名以前,单科成绩合格,学校规定的考试课程平均成绩居班级人数的15%名以前,每人每学年奖励1200元。 2.乙等奖学金:德智体总积分居班级人数15%名以前,单科成绩合格,学校规定的考试课程平均成绩居班级人数的25%名以前,每人每学年奖励800元。 3.丙等奖学金:德智体总积分居班级人数30%名以前,单科成绩合格,每人每学年奖励400元。 第六条单项优秀奖学金评定条件、评定比例及奖励标准 (一)社会工作积极分子奖:积极参加第二课堂活动,社会工作成绩显著,按学生人数2%评定,每人每学年一次性奖励50元。 (二)社会主义精神文明建设积极分子奖:在社会主义精神文明建设中,事迹突出(由学校核定),一次性奖励50元以上。 (三)单学科成绩优秀奖:省级以上统考统测课成绩居学校前10名,每人每学年一次性奖励50元。 (四)文体活动优胜奖:凡参加市级以上文体竞赛活动并取得优异成绩(前六名或三等奖以上),个人一次性奖励20-50元,集体一次性奖励50-300元。 (五)特别优秀奖,由学校根据具体情况研究确定,一次性奖励100-3000元。 第七条凡被评为全国、部、市的优秀党员、优秀团干部、优秀团员、三好学生、优秀学生干部和校级三好学生、优秀学生干部可直接享受该学年第二学期的甲等奖学金,不再参加评定,但占学生所在系甲等奖学金的比例。 第八条综合奖学金每学期评定一次,按五个月的标准发给;单项优秀奖学金每学年评定一次,由学校一次性表彰奖励。 第九条单项优秀奖学金由学校审批,综合奖学金由各系评定,并报学生处审核通过后备案。 第四章国防三线定向奖学金 第十条定向奖学金用于奖励德、智、体全面发展,立志国防三线建设,品学兼优的定向生。 第十一条国防三线定向奖学金的评定条件和评定办法 (一)定向奖学金的评定条件: 1.思想政治素质好,模范遵守大学生守则,执行学校的有关规章制度。 2.热爱国防事业,立志为国防三线建设服务。 3.热爱所学专业,学习勤奋,成绩合格。 4.积极参加社会工作、体育锻炼及文艺活动。 5.定向生所在单位已向学校提供了定向奖学金。


cfa奖学金申请范文中英对照 One of my career objectives is to bee a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great in ___ectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I e from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of petence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to plete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA aess scholarship would help me achieve my goal of being a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees. 我的职业目标之一是成为一个领先的投资/财务顾问,具有伟大的智力资源和技能所需的交付一个增值的,及时和个性化的客户服务。


简历中各奖项的英文对照名称 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre

优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 三、证书 大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)


CFA奖学金申请个人陈述范文 申请CFA考试奖学金时,需要考生提供个人陈述confirmation,而考生在个人陈述中要表明自己对取得CFA 证书的向往,描述自己面临的经济困难以及克服的障碍,同时用自己的学业/职业成就证明自己有能力通过CFA考试,并最终拿到CFA证书。 下面有两篇个人陈述范文可供参考: Personal Statement - Sample 1 One of my career objectives is to become a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great intellectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I come from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of competence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to complete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA access scholarship would help me achieve my goal of becoming a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees. Personal Statement - Sample 2 I believe I am an excellent candidate for the CFA designation scholarship. My plans for the rest of my year at UW-L is to complete my finance and accounting classes for my major and minor, and to take the FIN 400 course. I am very excited to be taking the Advanced Financial Analysis course because I feel the course will complete my major and combine all my finance classes into one review course, which will prepare me for the most important test of my career. I am fully prepared to study the recommend 250 hours for the first exam and for following two rigorous exams in the next 3 years to come. My ambitions after graduating from college are to go into the corporate world as a financial analyst. During the past summer, I had a financial analyst internship at Kohler Co., where I learned a lot about the financial world from a corporate level and realized I could have a very successful, rewarding career in this area of finance. Having the CFA will grant my employer the security and confidence in knowing I have knowledge, integrity and professionalism of someone you can trust with your financial information and most personal details. The CFA will provide me with a broad range of investment knowledge and high ethical standards of which will provide my future employer with a well-rounded individual. In working towards my CFA, I will not only learn and apply finance but economics, accounting and basic business management. I also plan to expand on my financial analyst real-life experiences and relate them to what have studied for the CFA (and vise-versa), so I can apply my education in a meaningful manner.


编号:QJ-HT-0869 大学生国防奖学金协议书专业版(格式文本) Both parties to the contract shall perform their obligations in accordance with the contract or the law within the contract period. 甲方:_____________________ 乙方:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ --- 专业协议范本系列下载即可用---

大学生国防奖学金协议书专业版(格 式文本) 说明:该协议书适用于甲乙双方为明确各自的权利和义务,经友好协商双方同意签署协议,在协议期限内按照协议约定或者依照法律规定履行义务,可下载收藏或打印使用(使用时请先阅读条款是否适用)。 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________大学学生工作部 为使在_________大学开展的后备军官选拔培训工作顺利进行,根据《_________大学为军队培养干部意向书》的有关规定,中国人民解放军在_________大学设立国防奖学金。双方签订如下协议: 第一条根据军队和国家教育部有关政策和规定,为了更好地对国防奖学金进行管理,结合_________大学的实际,双方共同制定《_________大学国防奖学金管理暂行办法》。 第二条甲方承担以下义务: 1.甲方根据《_________大学国防奖学金管理暂行办法》的有关规定,按时足额向国防奖学金获得者(以下简称“获奖者”)提供奖学金;

2.甲方在乙方的配合下,对获奖者进行必要的政治教育和军事训练; 3.甲方定期向乙方了解获奖者的思想、学习和生活情况,与乙方一同督促获奖者更好地完成学业; 4.甲方按照与获奖者的协议为其安排工作。 第三条乙方承担以下义务: 1.乙方依据《_________大学国防奖学金管理暂行办法》做好奖学金管理工作,并对获奖者进行管理和教育; 2.乙方关心获奖者的学习和生活情况,并向甲方真实反映获奖者的思想、学习和生活情况; 3.乙方配合并协助甲方完成好对获奖者的军政训练; 4.乙方协助甲方处理违约者国防奖学金经济赔偿的有关事宜。 第四条本协议书未尽事宜由甲乙双方协商解决。 第五条以上协议未经双方同意,任何一方不得单独修改协议内容。 第六条本协议自签字之日起生效。 第七条本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份。 甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________大学学生工


CFA:申请奖学金范文两篇 很多想考CFA的考生,都想申请奖学金。考生必须详细描述自己对取得CFA证书的向往,自己经济的困难情况,这时候就需要考生提供个人陈述confirmation。下面有两篇个人陈述范文可供参考: Personal Statement - Sample 1 One of my career objectives is to become a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great intellectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I come from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of competence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to complete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA access scholarship would help me achieve my goal of becoming a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees. Personal Statement - Sample 2 I believe I am an excellent candidate for the CFA designation scholarship. My plans for the rest of my year at UW-L is to complete my finance and accounting classes for my major and minor, and to take the FIN 400 course. I am very excited to be taking the Advanced Financial Analysis course because I feel the course will complete my major and combine all my finance classes into one review course, which will prepare me for the most important test of my career. I am fully prepared to study the recommend 250 hours for the first exam and for following two rigorous exams in the next 3 years to come. My ambitions after graduating from college are to go into the corporate world as a financial analyst. During the past summer, I had a financial analyst internship at Kohler Co., where I learned a lot about the financial world from a corporate level and realized I could have a very successful, rewarding career in this area of finance. Having the CFA will grant my employer the security and confidence in knowing I have knowledge, integrity and professionalism of someone you can trust with your financial information and most personal details. The CFA will provide me with a broad range of investment knowledge and high ethical standards of which will provide my future employer with a well-rounded individual. In working towards my CFA, I will not only learn and apply finance but economics, accounting and basic business management. I also plan to expand on my financial analyst real-life experiences and relate them to what have studied for the CFA (and vise-versa), so I can apply my education in a meaningful manner. I hope while I am studying for all three exams of the CFA I will gain knowledge that will lead me

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