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微生物专业英语chater 1
微生物专业英语chater 1

微生物学教案Chapter 1 The Introduction of Microbiology Chapter1 The introduction of microbiology

第1 章绪论

Microbiology(微生物学):Microbiology is specialized area of biology that deals with living things ordinarily too small to be seen with the naked eyes.

Microorganisms(微生物,microbe):Microorganisms are defined as the organisms that are so small that ,normally,it cannot be seen without the use of a mocriscope.

The word is therefore used to describe virus,bacreria,fungi,protozoom and some algae.

Bacteria(细菌):Bacteria are some small,single celle organisms. Because they have no nucleus,the cells are described as prokaryotes.

Fungi(真菌):Fungi (mushrooms(蘑菇),molds(霉菌),and yeasts)have eukaryotic(真核的)cells (with a true nucleus)。Most fungi are multicellular.Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic material from their environment.

Protozoom(原生动物):Protozoans are unicellular eucaryotes and are classified according to their means of locomotion. Protozoans obtain nourishment by absorption or ingestion through specialized structures.

Algae(藻类):Alage are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nourishment by photosynthesis.Algae produce oxygen and carbohydrates that are used by other organisms.

Viruses(病毒):Viruses are noncellular entities that are parasites of cells. Viruses consist of a nucleic acid core (DNA or RNA)surrounded by a protein coat. An envelope may surround the coat.

A brief history of microbiology

The science of microbiology did not start until the invention of the microscope in the mid 16th century and it was not until the late 17th century that Antoine van Leeuwenhoek made their first records of fungi,bacteria and protozoa.

The late 19th century was the time when the first real breakthroughs on the role of microbes in the environment and medicine were made. Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation(自然发生)(that living organisms spontaneously arose from inorganic material)and Robert Koch's development of pure culture techniques allowed him to show unequivocally that a bacterium was responsible for a particular disease. Since then the science has grown dramatically as microbiology impinges on all aspects of life and the environment.

1. Anton van leeuwenhoek,using a simple microscope,was the frist to observe microorganisms(1676)

2. Louis Pasteur stated that microorganisms are in the air everywhere and offered proof of biogenesis

3. Louis Pasteurˊdiscoveries led to the developmemt of aseptic(无菌的)techniques used in laboratory and medical procedures to prevent contamination by microorangisms that are in the air.

4. Louis Pasteur found that yeast ferments(发酵)sugar to alchhol and that can oxidize alcohol to acetic acid.

5. A heating process called pasteurization(巴斯德消毒)is used to kill bacteria in some alcohol beverages and milks.

6. Joseph Lister introduced the use of a disinfectant(消毒)to clean surgical dressings in order to control infections in humans.

7. Robert Koch proved that microorganisms transmit diseases.He used a sequence of procedures called Koch's postulates(科赫法则),Which are used today to prove that a particular microorganism casues a particular disease.

Koch's postulates:

Koch's postulates are a number of criteria that have been used in the past to prove that a bacterium is responsible for a particular disease.

1. The bacteria should be found in all cases and at all sites of the disease.

2. The bacteria should be isolated from the infected person and maintained in pure culture.

3. The pure cultured microbe should cause symptoms of the disease on inoculation into a susceptible individual.

4. The bacteria should be reisolated from the intentionally infected host.

The importance of microbiology:

microbes in our body

1. Everyone has microorganisms in and on the body Some microorganisms live in humans and other animals and are needed to maintain the animals health. these make up the normal flora(正常菌群);

2. Some Microorganisms cause disease.

3. The disease-producing properties of a species of microbe and the host's resistance are important factors in determining whether a person will contract a disease.

2.Microbes and Human Welfare

1. Microorganisms degrade dead plants and animals and recycle chemical elements to be used by living plants and animals.

2. Bacteria are used to decompose organic matter in sewage. Bioremediation processes use bacteria to clean up toxic wastes.

3. Bacteria that cause diseases in insects are being used as biological controls of insect pests. Biological controls are specific for the pest and do not harm the environment.

4. Using recombinant DNA,bacteria can produce important human proteins,such as insulin,beta-endorphin,and hepatitis B

vaccine.Microorganisms can be used to help produce foods.They are also food sources (single-cell protein)themselves.

3.As a basic biological science:microorganisms are the best model systems for understanding basic life processes. P All cells have much in common,what is true for E. coli is also true for elephant,only more so P Simple yet representative P Easiness and quickness to grow large quantity Common characterizes of microorganism?Big surface/volume

?High absorption and transformation

?Rapid growth and reproduction

?Easiness to variation

??high adaptation to environment


Review question

1.Match the following people to their contribution toward the advancement of microbiology.

__ Ehrlich (a)First to observe bacteria

__ Fleming (b)First to observe cells in

__ Hooke plant material and name

_ Koch them

__ Lister (c)Disproved spontaneous

__ Pasteur generation

__ Van Leeuwenhoek (d)Proved that microorganisms can cause disease (e)Discovered penicillin

(f)Used the first syntheticchemotheraputic agent First to employ disinfectants in surgical procedures

2. Match the following microorganisms to their descriptions.

__ Algae (a)Not composed of cells

__ Bacteria (b)Cell wall made of chitin

__ Fungi (c)Cell wall made of

__ Protozoom peptidoglycan

__ Viruses (d)Cell wall made of cellulose;photosynthetic

(e)Complex cell structure lacking a cell wall

3.Briefly state the role played by microorganisms in each of the following.

(a)Biological control of pests

(b)Recycling of elements

(c)Normal flora

(d)Sewage treatment

(e)Human insulin production

4 The microbes were first formally observed in the mid-1600's,but the cell theory wasn't enunciated until 1839. Write a brief essay explaining why microbiology did not become a formally recognized science until Pasteur's time.

5. Compare and contrast the works of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch,in terms of both applied and basic science.

6. Microorganisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. Although we tend to emphasize the harmful microorganisms (infectious disease agents),many more are beneficial than harmful.

●In what ways are microorganisms important in the food ,agriculture,and industries?

7. Louis Pasteur′s work on spontaneous generation l ed to the development of methods for control of the growth of microorganisms. Robert Koch developed criteria for the study of infectious microorganisms,and developed the first methods for the growth of pure cultures of microorganisms. Beijerinck and Winogradsky studied bacteria in soil and water,and developed the enrichment culture technique. In the twentieth century,basic and applied microbiology

have worked hand in hand to yield a number of important practical advances and a revolution in molecular biology.

●How did Pasteur′s famous experiment defeat the theory of spontaneous generation?

●How can Koch′s postulates prove cause and effect in a disease?

●Who was the first person to use solid culture media in microbiology?

●What advantages do solid media offer for the culture of microorganisms?

●What is the enrichment culture technique and why was it a useful new method in microbiology?


A/O法活性污泥中氨氧化菌群落的动态与分布 摘要: 我们研究了在厌氧—好氧序批式反应器(SBR)中氨氧化菌群落(AOB)和亚硝酸盐氧化菌群落(NOB)的结构活性和分布。在研究过程中,分子生物技术和微型技术被用于识别和鉴定这些微生物。污泥微粒中的氨氧化菌群落结构大体上与初始的接种污泥中的结构不同。与颗粒形成一起,由于过程条件中生物选择的压力,AOB的多样性下降了。DGGE测序表明,亚硝化菌依然存在,这是因为它们能迅速的适应固定以对抗洗涤行为。DGGE更进一步的分析揭露了较大的微粒对更多的AOB种类在反应器中的生存有好处。在SBR反应器中有很多大小不一的微粒共存,颗粒的直径影响这AOB和NOB的分布。中小微粒(直径<0.6mm)不能限制氧在所有污泥空间的传输。大颗粒(直径>0.9mm)可以使含氧量降低从而限制NOB的生长。所有这些研究提供了未来对AOB微粒系统机制可能性研究的支持。 关键词:氨氧化菌(AOB),污泥微粒,菌落发展,微粒大小,硝化菌分布,发育多样性 ?简介 在浓度足够高的条件下,氨在水环境中对水生生物有毒,并且对富营养化有贡献。因此,废水中氨的生物降解和去除是废水处理工程的基本功能。硝化反应,将氨通过硝化转化为硝酸盐,是去除氨的一个重要途径。这是分两步组成的,由氨氧化和亚硝酸盐氧化细菌完成。好氧氨氧化一般是第一步,硝化反应的限制步骤:然而,这是废水中氨去除的本质。对16S rRNA的对比分析显示,大多数活性污泥里的氨氧化菌系统的跟?-变形菌有关联。然而,一系列的研究表明,在氨氧化菌的不同代和不同系有生理和生态区别,而且环境因素例如处理常量,溶解氧,盐度,pH,自由氨例子浓度会影响氨氧化菌的种类。因此,废水处理中氨氧化菌的生理活动和平衡对废水处理系统的设计和运行是至关重要的。由于这个原因,对氨氧化菌生态和微生物学更深一层的了解对加强处理效果是必须的。当今,有几个进阶技术在废水生物处理系统中被用作鉴别、刻画微生物种类的有价值的工具。目前,分子生物技术的应用能提供氨氧化菌群落的详细分类说明。


----------------------- Page 1----------------------- a 前缀无 ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼 acouo 词根听觉 acro 词根顶,肢 acromio 词根肩峰 ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺 adipo 词根脂肪的 adreno 词根肾上腺 aero 词根气 agglutino 词根凝集 agra 后缀严重的疼痛 albo 前缀白 algesi 词根痛觉的感受 algia 后缀痛 alveolo 词根肺泡 alveolo 词根牙槽 amnio 词根羊膜 amphi 前缀两侧

ampullo 词根壶腹 amylo 词根淀粉 an 前缀无 ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞 ankylo 词根弯曲 ano 词根肛门 ante 前缀在前 anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉 apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾 aquo 词根水 arterio 词根动脉 arteriolo 词根小动脉 arthro 词根关节 articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶

----------------------- Page 2----------------------- astro 词根星 atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积 atrio 词根腔 audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳 auro 词根金 auto 前缀自 axio 词根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary 前缀重、压 baso 词根碱 bi 前缀双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞 blenno 词根粘液 blepharo 词根睑 brachy 词根短 bronchio 词根支气管 bronchiolo 词根细支气管 broncho 词根支气管


微生物学教案Chapter 2 Prokayotic Microorganism Chapter 2 prokayotic microorganism(原核微生物) 第二章原核微生物 prokaryotic cells The chief distinguishing characteristics of procaryotic cells are: 1. genetic material (DNA)is not enclosed within a membrane. 2. They lack other membrane bounded organelles. 3. Their DNA is not associated with histone proteins (special chromosomal proteins found in eucaryotes)。 4. Their cell walls almost always contain the complex polysaccharide peptidoglycan(肽聚糖)。 Bacteria(细菌)and archaeobacteria(古细菌) Bacteria are small,single-celled,microorganisms that belong to a group called prokaryotes . Bacteria are ubiquitous. They are a highly successful and diverse group of organisms that can obtain energy and carbon from a wide range of sources and therefore can colonize every niche on our planet from deep ocean trenches to volcanic craters. In the 1970s,using DNA sequencing information,it was found that the group we know as the bacteria could be split into two,the eubacteria and the archaeobacteria and it appears that these two groups evolved away from each other very early in the history of living things at about the same time that the first group of eukaryotic cells evolved. Members of the eubacteria include some of the more familiar bacteria such as Escherichia colt(大肠埃希氏菌)and Staphylococcus aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)and are the prokaryotes that are best studied and understood. The archaebacteria are a very diverse group of organisms,which differ from the eubacteria(真细菌0 in a number of features having,in


老师给的医学英语词根,对不起老师了~~ 2010-07-22 21:54:44来自: spect(士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远!) 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium/carditis/cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum/encephalitis/encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis/pulmonectomy/pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis/hepatobiliary/hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis/gastrointestinal/gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis/cholinergic/cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis/enterectomy/enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis/splenectomy/splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis/pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis/nephropathy/nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional


Lesson Two Photosynthesis 内容: Photosynthesis occurs only in the chlorophyllchlorophyll叶绿素-containing cells of green plants, algae藻, and certain protists 原生生物and bacteria. Overall, it is a process that converts light energy into chemical energy that is stored in the molecular bonds. From the point of view of chemistry and energetics, it is the opposite of cellular respiration. Whereas 然而 cellular细胞的 respiration 呼吸is highly exergonic吸收能量的and releases energy, photosynthesis光合作用requires energy and is highly endergonic. 光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞,海藻,某些原生动物和细菌之中。总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能,并将能量贮存在分子键中,从化学和动能学角度来看,它是细胞呼吸作用的对立面。细胞呼吸作用是高度放能的,光合作用是需要能量并高吸能的过程。Photosynthesis starts with CO2 and H2O as raw materials and proceeds through two sets of partial reactions. In the first set, called the light-dependent reactions, water molecules are split裂开 (oxidized), 02 is released, and ATP and NADPH are formed. These reactions must take place in the presence of 在面前 light energy. In the second set, called light-independent reactions, CO2 is reduced (via the addition of H atoms) to carbohydrate. These chemical events rely on the electron carrier NADPH and ATP generated by the first set of reactions. 光合作用以二氧化碳和水为原材料并经历两步化学反应。第一步,称光反应,水分子分解,氧分子释放,ATP和NADPH形成。此反应需要光能的存在。第二步,称暗反应,二氧化碳被还原成碳水化合物,这步反应依赖电子载体NADPH以及第一步反应产生的ATP。 Both sets of reactions take place in chloroplasts. Most of the enzymes and pigments 色素for the lightdependent reactions are embedded 深入的内含的in the thylakoid 类囊体 membrane膜隔膜 of chloroplasts 叶绿体. The dark reactions take place in the stroma.基质 两步反应都发生在叶绿体中。光反应需要的大部分酶和色素包埋在叶绿体的类囊体膜上。暗反应发生在基质中。 How Light Energy Reaches Photosynthetic Cells(光合细胞如何吸收光能的) The energy in light photons in the visible part of the spectrum can be captured by biological molecules to do constructive work. The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrums statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths. When light is absorbed it alters the arrangement of electrons in the absorbing molecule. The added energy of the photon boosts the energy condition of the molecule from a stable state to a less-stable excited state. During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, as the absorbing molecule returns to the ground state, the "excess" excitation energy is transmitted to other molecules and stored as chemical energy. 生物分子能捕获可见光谱中的光能。植物细胞中叶绿素在不同光波下吸收部分吸收光谱。在吸收分子中,光的作用使分子中的电子发生重排。光子的能量激活了分子的能量状态,使其


?a-[无,缺] ▲anemia[贫血] ▲ atonia[无张力] ▲ asymptomatic[无症状的] ▲ amenorrhea[闭经] ?ab-[分离] ▲ abduct [外展] ▲ abscision[切除] ?acou (acu)-[听觉] ▲ acumeter [听力计] ▲ acouophone[助听器] ?acro-[肢端] ▲ acromegaly[肢端肥大症] ▲ acromastitis[乳头炎] ?ad (af, an)-[邻近,向上] ▲ adrenal [肾上腺] ▲ adaxial[近轴的] ▲ annexa[附件] ?-ad[……侧] ▲ ventrad[向腹侧] ▲ cephalad[向头侧] ?adeno-[腺] ▲ adenocyte[腺细胞] ▲ adenoidism[腺体病] ?adipo-[脂肪] ▲ adiposis[肥胖症] ▲ adiponecrosis[脂肪坏死] ?adreno-[肾上腺] ▲adrenocorticoid[肾上腺皮质激素] ▲ adrenalin[肾上腺素] ▲ adrenal[肾上腺] ?-aemia(emia)[血症] ▲ bacteremia[菌血症] ▲ leukemia[白血病] ?-albi (albino)-[白色] ▲ albumin[白蛋白] ▲ albinism[白化病] ?-algesia[痛觉] ▲hypoalgesia[痛觉减退] ?-algia[痛] ▲arthralgia[关节痛] ▲cephalgia[头痛] ▲neuralgia[神经痛] ?alkali-[碱] ▲alkalosis[碱中毒] ?alveo-[牙槽,小沟] ▲alveolitis[牙槽炎] ▲alveobronchiolitis[支气管肺泡 炎] ?ambi-[复,双] ▲ ambiopia[复视] ▲ ambivert[双重性格] ?ambly-[弱] ▲amblyopia[弱视] ▲amblyaphia[触觉迟钝] ?amylo-[淀粉] ▲amyloidosis[淀粉酶] ▲amylase[淀粉酶] ?angio-[血管] ▲angiography[血管造影术] ▲angioedema[血管性水肿] ▲angeitis[脉管炎] ▲angiofibroma[血管纤维瘤] ?ante-[前] ▲antenatal[出生前的] ▲anteflexion[前屈] ?antero-[前] ▲anterolateral[前侧壁] ▲anteroventral[前腹侧] ?anti-[抗,反] ▲antibiotics[抗生素] ▲antihypertensives[降压药] ▲anticoagulant[抗凝剂] ?rarchno-[蛛网膜] ▲arachnoiditis[蛛网膜炎] ?archo-[肛门,直肠] ▲archorrhagia[肛门出血] ▲archosyrinx[直肠灌注器] ?arterio-[动脉] ▲arteriospasm[动脉痉挛] ▲arteriosclerosis[动脉硬化] ?arthro-[关节] ▲arthrocentesis[关节穿刺] ▲arthrotomy[关节切开术] ▲arthritis[关节炎] ?-ase[酶] ▲oxidase[氧化酶] ▲proteinase[蛋白酶] ?-asthenia[无力] ▲myasthenia[肌无力] ▲neurasthenia[神经衰弱] ?audio(audito)-[听力] ▲audiology[听觉学] ▲audiometer[听力计] ?auto-[自己] ▲autoimmune[自身免疫] ▲auto hemotherapy[自体血疗法] ?bacilli-[杆菌] ▲bacillosis[杆菌病] ▲bacilluria[杆菌尿]医学全 在.线提供 ?bacterio-[细菌] ▲bacteriology[细菌学] ▲bactericide[杀菌剂] ?baro-[压力] ▲barometer [压力计] ▲baroreceptor[压力感受器] ?bary-[迟钝] ▲barylalia[言语不清] ▲baryacusia[听觉迟钝] ?bi-[双] ▲bicuspid[二尖瓣]] ▲bilateral[两侧的] ?bili-[胆汁] ▲bilirubin[胆红素] ?bio-[生命] ▲biology[生物学] ▲biopsy[活检] ?-blast[母细胞] ▲spermatoblast[精子细胞] ▲melanoblast[成黑色素细胞] ▲osteoblast[成骨细胞] ?brachy-[短] ▲brachypnea[气短] ▲brachydactylia[短指畸形] ?brady-[迟缓] ▲bradycardia[心动过缓] ▲bradypsychia[精神不振] ?broncho-[支气管] ▲bronchoscopy[支气管镜检查] ▲bronchiostenosis[支气管痉挛]


生物工程专业英语[整理版] Specialized English in Biotechnology This material is dedicated to students majoring in Biotechnology at Hefei University. All rights reserved Contents Lesson 1 What is Biotechnology? ......................................................... ....................... 3 Lesson 2 Where Did Biotechnology Begin? ................................................................ 4 Lesson 3 Brief History of Biotechnology .......................................................... .......... 7 Lesson 4 Dogma, DNA, and Enzymes ................................................................

...... 10 Lesson 5 Polymerase Chain Reaction - Xeroxing DNA ............................................ 12 Lesson 6 Monoclonal Antibody Technology ............................................................. 14 Lesson 7 The Human Genome Project ................................................................ ...... 16 Lesson 8 Whose Genome is It, Anyway?................................................................. .. 19 Lesson 9 Agriculture - An Overview ............................................................... .......... 21 Lesson 10 Gene Gun Speeds Search for New Orchid Colors .................................... 24 Lesson 11 Transforming Plants ................................................................. ................. 26 Lesson 12 Animals and Animal Health ................................................................. ..... 29 Lesson 13 Biomining .............................................................. ................................... 31 Lesson 14 Biofuel ................................................................ ...................................... 32 Lesson 15 New Foods and Food Producers ............................................................... 34 Lesson 16 Blazing a Genetic Trail in Medicine (37) Reading


Test 1: Development of Microbiology 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1.The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the Membrane cell nucleus cell wall https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d7212367.html,anisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as fungi eukaryotic prokaryotic nankaryotic 3.The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed by Pasteur Bacon Winogradsky Woese 4.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan Chitin phospholipids protein glucosamine 5.The first microscopes were developed by Ehrlich Metchnikoff Leewenhoek Lister 6.Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to: Lister Fleming Ehrlich Koch 7The term "antibiotic" means a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells 8 The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician Lister .Florey Fleming Jenner 9 Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires: development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigens Flemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own body development of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies 10The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts ammonia to nitrate ions nitrate ions to ammonia N2 to ammonia ammonia to urea 11The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to as Electroporation conjugation transformation transduction 12The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule: RNA DNA protein lipid 2 Fill in the Blank https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d7212367.html,anisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______ 2.Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______ 3.. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the ______ 4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen. 5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called _______.


第二章生长与代谢的生物化学 2.1 前言 一个微生物以生产另一个微生物为目的。在某些情况下,利用微生物的生物学家们希望这样的情况能够快速频繁的发生。在另外一些产物不是生物体自身的情况下,生物学家必须对它进行操纵使微生物的目标发生变化,这样以来,微生物就要努力的挣脱对它们繁殖能力的限制,生产出生物学家希望得到的产物。生物体的生长过程及其生产出的各种产物与微生物代谢的本质特点是密不可分的。 代谢过程是两种互相紧密联系又以相反方向进行的活动过程。合成代谢过程主要是细胞物质的生成,不仅包括构成细胞的主要组成物质(蛋白质、核酸、脂质、碳水化合物等等),同时也包括它们的前提物质——氨基酸、嘌呤与嘧啶、脂肪酸、各种糖与糖苷。合成代谢不是自发进行的,必须由能量所推动,对大多数微生物来说,是通过一系列的产能分解代谢过程来供给能量。碳水化合物分解为CO2和水的过程是最为常见的分解代谢反应,然而微生物以这样的方式还能够利用更大范围的还原性含碳化合物。分解代谢与合成代谢所有微生物生物化学的基础,可以从两者的平衡关系或者分别对它们进行讨论。 实际中,我们要有效的区分那些需要空气中的氧进行需氧代谢的生物与那些进行厌氧代谢的生物。还原性含碳化合物与O2反应生成水和CO2,这是一个高效的放热反应过程。因此,一个进行需氧代谢的生物要使用一小部分底物进行分解代谢以维持某一水平的合成代谢,即成长过程。对于厌氧型生物,其底物的转化的过程基本上是一个不匀称的反应(氧化还原反应),产生很少的能量,因此,大部分底物都要被分解从而

维持一定水平的合成代谢。 在生物体中这种差别能够明显的体现出来,比如酵母,它属于兼性厌氧生物,即它可在有氧条件下生长也可在无氧环境下生存。需氧酵母使糖以同样的速度转化为CO 2和水,相对产生高产量的新酵母。而厌氧条件下,酵母菌生长缓慢,此时酵母被有效的转化为酒精和CO 2。 2.2 代谢与能量 分解代谢与合成代谢间的有效联系在于,各种分解代谢过程促进少量反应物的合成,而后又被用来促进全面的合成代谢反应。在这种重要的中间产物中,其中最为重要的是ATP ,其含有生物学家所说的“高能键”。在ATP 分子中,酐与焦磷酸残基相联。高能键在水解过程中所产生的热量就被用来克服在其形成过程中需要摄入的能量。像ATP 这类分子,为细胞提供了流通能量,当将ATP 用于生物合成反应时,其水解产物为ADP (腺苷二磷酸)或者某些时候为AMP (腺苷一磷酸):(反应式) 仍含有一个高能键的ADP 通过腺苷酸激酶反应也可生成ATP :(反应式)。 磷酸化作用是生物体中普遍的反应,通常由ATP 作用而发生。 经过磷酸化生成的物质通常比最初的化合物更具有反应活性,用无机磷酸进行磷酸化反应是无法进行的,因为,平衡反应式的相反方向生成大量的水(55M )。 细胞的“能量状态”认为是由占有优势的组分:ATP 、ADP 、AMP 作用形成的。为了给出一个量值,Daniel Atksirson 提出了“能荷”这个概念,定义一个细胞的能荷为: 在“满荷”细胞中,仅含有ATP 一种腺嘌呤核苷酸,它的能荷值定义为 1.0。如果三种核苷酸的量相等,即ATP=ADP=AMP ,则细胞的能荷为ATP+0.5 ADP ATP+ ADP+AMP


常用医学英语词根词缀 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional 二bi-/di- bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide 三tri- trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve 四tetra- tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia 五penta- pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride 六hexa- hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund 七hepta- heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent 八octa- octahedral/octal system 九nona- nonapeptide/nonagon 十deca- decade/decagram/decaliter 注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀+deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)


probe 探针atrium 中庭,心房(atria )heart values 心脏瓣膜ventricle 室,心室Doppler shift 多普勒频移 artery 动脉blood flow 血流,血流量 trace 踪迹carotid 颈动脉 physiological 生理的misdiagnosis 误诊 echo sounding 回声探测 gallstones 胆结石breast masses 乳房包块 tumors 肿瘤gray scale 灰度,灰阶spectral 光谱的hand-held 手提式,便携式scanner 扫描仪 clinical 临床的,诊断的Sonography 超声波扫描术platform 平台 chemotherapy 化学疗法Ultrasonic waves 超声波disruptive 破坏的malignant 恶性的,有害的transducer 传感器pulse 脉冲 Disk Storage 磁盘储存器Piezoelectric Effect 压电效应 electric currents 电流crystals 晶体 propagate 传播,传送Receipt 接 extensively 广阔地non-invasive 非侵入性的,非侵入的 congenital 先天性的malformations 畸形

Down syndrome 唐氏症 polydactyl 多指畸形dysmorphia 畸形 cleft lipn. [口腔] 唇裂;[胚][口腔] 兔唇 amplitude 振幅duration 持续Amplification 放大Scan Converter 扫描变换器Vibrate 振动anatomical 解剖的,结构上的 conventional 常见的vibrations 振动共鸣amplifier 放大器compensation 补偿sequence 序列,顺序format 格式,版式 matrix 矩阵matrix 格式修改 storage 存储therapeutic 治疗的blood clots 血栓 kidney stones 肾结石Portability 可移植的 Joint 关节rotating anode旋转阳极fluoroscopic 荧光的 image intensifier图像增强器fluoroscopy 荧光镜检查radiography 放射线照相术electromagnetic [i,lektr?um?ɡ‘netik] adj. 电磁的 radiation [reidi'ei??n] n. 辐射;发光;放射物 Emitted v. 排放(emit的过去分词);发散 charged particles带电粒子


微生物专业词汇01 微生物学 microbiology 病毒学 virology 噬菌体学 bacteriophagology 细菌学 bacteriology 鉴定细菌学 determinative bacteriology 系统细菌学 systematic bacteriology 真菌学 mycology 原生生物学 protistology 原生动物学 protozoology 普通微生物学 general microbilogy 微生物分类学 microbial taxonomy 微生物生理学 microbial physiology 微生物生物化学 microbial biochemistry 微生物遗传学 microbial genetics 微生物生态学 microbial ecology 古微生物学 paleomicrobiology 土壤微生物学 soil microbiology 水生微生物学 aquatic microbiology 海洋微生物学 marine microbiology 悉生生物学 gnotobiology 医学微生物学 medical microbiology 兽医微生物学 veterinary microbiology 农业微生物学 agricultural microbiology 工业微生物学 industrial microbiology 石油微生物学 petroleum microbiology 食品微生物学 food microbiology 乳品微生物学 diary microbiology 瘤胃微生物学 rumen microbiology 诊断微生物学 diagnostic microbiology 病原学 etiology 国际微生物学会联合会 International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS 中国微生物学会 Chinese Society for Microbiology, CSM 世界培养物保藏协会 World Federation for Culture Collection, WFCC 中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会 China Committee for Culture Collection of Microorganisms, CCCCM 美国模式培养物保藏所 American Type Culture Collection, ATCC 微生物专业词汇02 自然发生说,无生源说 spontaneous generation, abiogenesis 原界 urkingdom 始祖生物 progenote 古始生物界 archetista 古细菌 archaebacteria 原生生物 protista 原生动物 protozoan 原生植物 protophyte 真核生物 eukaryote 原核生物 prokaryote 裂殖植物 schizophyte 微生物 microorganism

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