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Ancient Greece can be said that the cradle of Western civilization, is a miracle of world civilization, and its glorious history for future generations with great relish. The ancient Greeks of the advocates of freedom and democracy for future generations to create a cultural masterpiece, its great cultural heritage and establish the height of the civilization of ancient Greece, and a profound impact on the process of Western civilization and even the process of civilization of the world. Ancient Greek mythology, ancient Greek philosophy, ancient Greek democratic system, an art treasure was born in such a small peninsula of Greece, destined to rise and development of the civilization of ancient Greece is full of legendary, fabulous colors. Greek culture created by the Greeks with extraordinary penetration, she was able to transcend time and space constraints to the Apennines, with the sailing of the fleet and Romans Legion spread, spread to the Rhine, spread to Bactria, did she have unlimited vitality, from time to time after the civilization of absorption, transformation, thus becoming a common humanity and eternal treasure. Greece has a great king: Alexander the Great. Alexander can be disseminators of Greek culture in the course of his conquests, conquered numerous nations and tribes, and advanced Greek culture to their country, the rapid spread Greek culture in Alexandria. On the other hand, some Eastern thought, and especially religious ideas into the Greek world. Hellenistic era, large and small around the world by the Alexandria City of Alexandria can clearly see the status and influence of Greek culture in the Western and even the world.

Ancient Greek philosophy, the influence of classical Greek philosophy to modern science and modern philosophy in many ways, paving the road. In matters of religion, classical Greek philosophy, the development of different religions of the early Hellenistic have a profound impact. The early Greek philosophers on the later generations never stopped from early Christian theology, Muslim philosophy to the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and modern general science visible. Ancient Greece is the origin of the Olympic Games, is now the modern Olympic Games in the pursuit of higher, faster, stronger, under the slogan has become a big stage to unite the world, enhance the friendship of the world, seen left in ancient Greece is not only a simple legacy of the Olympic Games, more Olympic Games, which contains the human civilization and spiritual. This living heritage is the created by the advocate simpleness and freedom of the Greeks and passed down, and long-term impact on the world.

The Greeks showed strong interest in the mysteries of the universe and everything the law. Alexander's expedition almost the Greeks saw the world "at the end of" the face of the turmoil of the Indian River, crossing the inaccessible Caucasus, they can not help feeling that the former ignorance, and ignorance. We know that Pythagoras long ago discovered the universe Theorem; Euclid previous experience in the creation of the geometry of the system, until now his "geometric principles or popular textbooks in European universities; Archimedes good at thinking, the overflow of water from the bathtub to realize the existence of buoyancy. From the scientific strength and confidence, assert that if I give him a fulcrum will move the world This is the dauntless spirit and fortitude of a challenge to the natural quality. Greek scientists valuable here. That Roman soldiers killed begged the grace period to think about the problem of Archimedes, the unexpected will fall forever may not forgive the charges. Greek astronomy benefited from Babylon, Samos Ali Stark early as in the center of the Earth on the suspected before Copernicus, The Sheba Adamkus made a major astronomical instrument concept imager and quadrant, The invention of the indexing method to determine the location of the ground to the latitude and longitude lines, and very close to the exact value to calculate the solar year, the length of the lunar

year and the sidereal year. The romantic myth of the Greeks also given the bewildering sky, and they divided the constellation. In addition to the prominent astronomy, physics and mathematics, the Greeks in botany, zoology, medicine and other aspects have made the results of the exploratory and laid a solid foundation for the development of modern disciplines.

Greece is a dare to think, dare to challenge, dare to practice nation. Although some of the most laudable work has ceased to exist, but careful study of the remnants of the architecture, sculpture and vase painting, or insight into the glorious achievements of Greek art. The Parthenon is a masterpiece of Greek architecture, the people to conquer the natural symbol. Its various parts have a durable balance, does not rely on the support of the Doric column deliberately caused varying lengths while overturning it stretch, stretching, stand up, strong, harmonious and elegant. Greeks Advocating the human body, as the statue of the leader on the Almighty God and the Olympic Games. They appreciate a man's masculinity is strong, respected woman of graceful charm. "Discus Thrower" backward to reverse the trend picked up arms and my eyes will always make people feel an overwhelming strength, V enus of Milos beautiful the "s" standing and crippled arm is lost in the infinite . Produce a stable, elegant visual effect of red and black mix, burn Greek to them as a pottery glaze, tells the touching legend of years, can be passed on the bottles and jars with the ever-changing geometry and fill the gap lines, power can be turnover, but the civilization created by the Greeks, but as the eternal flame never dies.

Ancient Greece as a country with an ancient civilization, has made in science and technology, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, literature, drama, sculpture, painting, architecture and other aspects in the huge contribution to the offspring of European civilization, the development of the source affect the process of Western and world civilization made a great contribution to human civilization, its glorious cultural heritage left by immense praise for the people of the world. The little Greek peninsula, actually carries how much culture and history, how much cultural thought waiting for us to dig and learn? The wheel of history is still slowly advancing, ancient Greece inherited because of years of civilization, the more light always guide the direction of human progress.


亚历山大与希腊化时代 “希腊化”(Hellenistic)一词意即“希腊似的”,主要是指希腊文明随着希腊统治的扩张而传播到东方各地,东方被希腊化了。开启希腊化时代的主角是马其顿人。马其顿地处希腊的东北边缍,这个偏辟落后的小国是怎样崛起、进而发展成为一个地域辽阔的大国的呢?亚历山大又是怎样在他的帝国内传播希腊文化的呢?亚历山大又对希腊化时代做出什么养的贡献呢? 公元前四世纪后半叶。正当希腊腹地发展了200年的城邦政治制度日趋衰微之时,腓力二世领导下的马其顿王国即蓬勃崛起、一技独秀。腓力选择借鉴了希腊城邦和波斯帝国的经验,对马其顿的政治制度和币制进行了改革。公元前338年,马其顿在克罗尼亚战役,进一步挫败了以雅典、底比斯为首的反马其顿盟军,迫使几乎全希腊都承认了他的霸权。此后,腓力又拟订了进一步开疆拓土的战略方针,他在希腊的拥护者号召把战争引向亚洲,把财富夺回希腊,并举行了向波斯宣战的集会。公元前336年,壮志未酬的腓力遇刺身亡。“亚力山大是马其顿国王腓力二世的儿子,也就是该国的王子,他实际上是杀死他父亲之后登上王位的,接着便开始了他惊人的征服之旅,很大程度上是受波斯人在公元前五世纪入侵希腊、洗劫雅典的启发,亚历山大生活在公元前四世纪中叶,大约是波斯战争一百多年后,他随后开始了惩罚波斯帝国的征程。”(澳大利亚悉尼大学博士丹·坡茨) 雄才大略的亚历山大是人类历史上第一位所向披靡、横扫欧亚非的军事天才。“公元前334年,以亚历山大为首的希腊东征军跨过了赫勒斯滂海峡,在格拉尼库斯河畔首战告捷,第二年又在叙利亚的伊苏斯平原,大败十万波斯军,俘

虏了波斯国大流士三世的母亲、妻子和两个女儿。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)然后亚历山大挥师南下,迅速攻占了腓尼基、巴勒斯坦,兵不血刃、占领了埃及。“厚颜无耻的埃及法老神庙祭司立刻尊奉亚历山大为阿蒙神之子,埃及法老的合法继承人。在平定了埃及以后,亚历山大又挥师北上,在公元前331年,在亚述古都尼尼微的附近高加美拉与号称百万的波斯大军展开了决战,开战不久,波斯国王大流士三世又一次弃阵逃跑、全军溃散。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)亚历山大相继攻陷巴比伦、苏撒和波塞波利斯三大古都,亚历山大的军队对古都进行了洗劫。“大肆洗劫王宫,仅仅在古都波塞波利斯一地就报抢劫了12万塔兰特的金银财宝,不久逃往大夏的波斯国王大流士三世被谋反的当地总督所杀,宫毁人亡,标志着以亚历山大为首的希腊入侵者取代了波斯帝国,在古代西亚的统治地位。”(中国人民大学历史系副教授米辰峰)公元前327年,亚历山大进一步向东扩张。“他越过了东伊朗的北部,到达索格底亚纳、大夏地区即现在的乌兹别克斯坦和阿富汗北部,随后进入印度北部、西印度的北部即现在的巴基斯坦,到达印度河谷后,他停止了前进,他不想再继续了,于是决定回师,他决定从陆地返回,他们穿过俾路支斯坦和伊朗东部的沙漠,旅途异常艰辛、损失惨重。”(澳大利亚悉尼大学博士丹·坡茨) 亚历山大于公元前324年初返回巴比伦,历时10年的东征方告结束。他认定未来世界的中心不在相对贫穷的西方,而在富庶的东方,故定都巴比伦。从此,古代世界前所未有的庞大的亚历山大帝国崛起。这个横跨欧亚非的帝国西起巴尔干半岛,南达利比亚、埃及,东至印度、中亚大夏一带,北达多瑙河和黑海北岸。在东征期间,亚历山大每占一地,都要留下驻军委任总督。据说,他在亚非大陆新建了七十多座军事要塞,都叫亚历山大里亚。“一个很普遍的现象就是古


此答案为作者手工收集,如有错误尽情谅解如需要其他答案请加群:271865091 支持作者QQ: 3023342901 一 1 【单选题】(5分) 以下哪部著作通过研究日本的国民性、服务于二战后美国对日政策,并成为将基础研究与决策研究紧密结合起来的典范? A. 《菊与刀》 B. 《文明的冲突》正确A 查看答案解析 5分 2 【多选题】(5分) 以下描述哪些符合国民性及国民性研究的特点? A. 国民性包含了文化表象、思维方式、价值观念、社会伦理、宗教传统等要素 B. 反映的是群体的、而非个别的认同和行为的方式 C. 通过国民性研究可以解剖一个国家的密码 D. 国民性研究是一种决策研究正确A,B,C,D 二 1 【单选题】(5分) 希腊举行的第一次全国性的奥林匹克运动会是在哪一点? A. 公元前746年B.公元前776年C. 公元前465年正确B 2 【多选题】(5分) 下列哪些描述符合希腊文化的意境?A. 理想与美B. 直觉、诗语和精神的形象化C. 玄同忘我之境在理想和现实的交汇点产生正确A,B,C 3 【多选题】(5分) 希腊文化具有如下哪些特点?A. 来自民间的自发的民族文化;B. 心灵性,每一件艺术都是用心灵雕刻出的精品;C. 向善性;D. 唯美主义; E. 神秘性和悬念正确A,B,C,D,E 三 1 【多选题】(5分) 《荷马史诗》中的隐喻是指哪两部著作在内容和主旨上存在的反差之谜? A. 《伊利亚特》B. 《奥德赛》C. 《工作与时日》正确A,B 查看答案解析 5分 2 【单选题】(5分) 破解《荷马史诗》的隐喻的关键点在于? A. 从英雄主义转变到浪漫主义B. 从唯美主义到现实主义 C. 从浪漫主义到理性主义正确答案是:A 四 1 【多选题】(5分) 罗马文明之所以会取代希腊,在于其文化中的哪些特点? A. 浪漫 B. 理性 C. 现实 D. 世俗正确答案是:B,C,D 查看答案解析 2 【多选题】(5分) 古代西方文明是由以下哪些要素共同塑造而成的? A. 希腊文明 B. 罗马文明 C. 日耳曼文化 D. 基督教要素正确A,B,C,D 查看答案解析 5分 3 【单选题】(5分) “希腊传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家 C. 强调家的原则 D. 罗马的反文化正确A 查看答案解析 5分 4 【单选题】(5分) “罗马传统”的特征是? A. 放大了的个人 B. 放大了的国家


读《西方文明史》有感 13通信1班张扬雪 西方文明何以从一片空白的蛮荒一跃,发展成为当今世界的高度文明,在社会生活的各个方面——经济、政治、文化、等高度繁荣?在如此短暂的时间各个部分是如何优化组合发挥出最大的潜力,铸就西方今天的辉煌?这段历史的峥嵘岁月是如何蹒跚走过?那些哲学思想、宗教趋向、艺术作品是怎样影响时局的?《西方文明史》逼真的再现了这一历程。 西方政治文明具有从分散到整体的特性,早在罗马法律文明,希腊政治文明之前已经产生过一些分散的文明,罗马和希腊的文明是西方文明真正意义上的开始——人成为政治动物和城邦的动物,公民对社会,集体事情普遍热心,特殊的地理环境与社会环境是公民有可能参加政治,法律使人们的行为有了准则,利于统一国家的形成,二战后快捷的通讯工具与交通工具使世界整体化趋势加强,政体也走向多元化,政治局势牵一发而动全身。 在新航路开辟以前,西方的经济还处于一种平庸的状态,新航路开辟后,资本主义经济迅速发展西方经济真正意义上开始了。此后在几个主要的国家里发展,这种先进的生产方式极大的推动了生产力的发展,此后的几次工业革命把西方文明推向了高潮。资本迅速积累,物质财富迅速增长,,直到今天的经济全球化的背景下,西方经济一直保持领先地位。 西方文艺区别于中国的最大特点是:极端性(中国的是保守的中庸思想指导下的单调主题)。西方的每一件成功的作品都是一次伟大的思想冲击和思想解放运动。,带有巨大的冲击力。这也是其能较早地冲破中世纪思想束缚的原因之一。每一件成功的文艺作品都是一次伟大的思想解放运动,直接反作用于经济政治,它们是互相影响的整体。战争是一切矛盾不可调和最激烈的爆发方式,带有浓厚的经济政治色彩,战争可以使谈判桌上的不可能变为可能,这也是其魅力所在。通过战争,先进的生存方式先进的阶级登上自己的舞台。 从希腊化文明看西方文明,希腊化文明不单是对希腊文明的继承,更是希腊文明与波斯文明、亚洲文明的有机结合,是一种过度和发展。 《西方文明史》在介绍希腊化文明时只是抽象地说:“它不是一种杂烩,而是有自己的特性”。但书中并没有说明其特性的具体内涵。可见西方文明史的庞大,本书并不能面面俱到。希腊化文明有其重要的两支:希腊文明和波斯文明。起初他们都是由军事起家,建立强大的军事帝国,实行强权政治,使得处于战乱分裂的欧洲大陆再次同意起来,顺应了民意。军事征服,强权政治带去了他们的思想观念,风俗文化促进了文化,思想的交流,并且服务于政权的巩固。 从《西方文明史》中我们窥探到文明进程的艰难我们更惊叹于其崛起速度。先进的生产方式,自由开放的思想,生产关系与生产力、上层建筑与经济基础相适应以及各个部分方面是如何优化整合,都是其文明崛起之所在。我们的社会主义各个方面文明建设,都值得对此选择性借鉴。 学生签名: 提交时间:2015年12月


How did the USA expand its territory in its formation? In July 4, 1776, 13 colonies in North America declared their independence from Britain. In 1783, through Treaty of Paris (1783), Britain recognized the sovereignty of the United States,and offered to cede all the land between the east of the Mississippi River and the Atlantic coast. In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the nation’s area. In 1819 because of internal and external troubles, Spain entered into Adams–Onís Treaty of 1819 with the United States, which led Spain cede Florida and other Gulf Coast territory. Then, the United States successively obtained the Texas and Oregon areas from Mexico and Britain by means of countermeasures and threats. In 1848, the victory of America in the Mexican-American War resulted in the Mexican Cession of California through the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Then in 1853, James Gadsden, U.S. ambassador to Mexico at that time, bought nearly 100 thousand square kilometers of land along the US-Mexico border for $10 million. In 1867, the United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for 7.2 million dollars, which covers an area of 1.5 million square kilometers. In the late nineteenth Century, the United States also acquired some islands in the Pacific through war, such as Hawaii. Although this is twenty-first Century, the ambitions of American expansion never cease. 1776年7月4日,北美洲的13个殖民地宣布脱离英国独立。1783,通过《巴黎条约》(1783),英国承认了美国的主权,并提出放弃在密西西比河以东和大西洋海岸之间的所有土地。1803,路易斯安那购地案使美国领土几乎翻了一番。1819,由于内部和外部的麻烦,西班牙与美国签订了亚当斯欧尼斯条约(1819),导致西班牙放弃佛罗里达州和其他海湾沿岸领土。随后,美国通过策反和威胁先后从墨西哥和英国先后获得了德克萨斯和俄勒冈地区。1848,美国在美墨战争中的胜利,促成了墨西哥通过1848瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约的加利福尼亚割让。1853,美国驻墨西哥大使James Gadsden在美国墨西哥边境购买了近10万平方公里的土地,价值1000万美元。1867,美国从俄罗斯帝国用720万美元购买了阿拉斯加,占地面积150万平方公里。在十九世纪下旬,美国也通过战争获得了太平洋上的一些岛屿,比如夏威夷。尽管现在是二十一世纪,但是美国扩张的野心从未停止。


“海洋文明”是吃多了撑出来的伪概念——扯淡出来的西方文明(十三) 1、辉煌的中华航海史 天下的人都一样,靠山吃山靠水吃水。海边的人们会很自然地在海上讨生活。正如中国广东籍、福建籍的海外侨胞最多,英国想不产生“海洋文明”也不行。内陆的人们主要从土地里刨食。正如奥地利、瑞士、捷克、波兰等等内陆国家只会产生“农耕文明”,要求中国的贵州、四川、湖南、湖北、河南、陕西等省份产生“海洋文明”,必然是头脑发昏。 欧洲有地中海、波罗的海、黑海等内海,中国有漫长的海岸线,有洞庭湖、鄱阳湖等星罗棋布的湖泊,还有长江黄河等巨龙般的河流。著名的多瑙河,放在中国也得屈居中下游。我们祖先爱水并在水上都留下了光辉的足迹,并不奇怪。 早在春秋时期,也就是希腊古典文明早期,中国南方的吴国、越国、楚国之间,就没完没了地展开水上大战。各国有自己的船厂:“舟室者,勾践船宫也,去县五十里。”也建有自己军港:“防坞者,越所以遏吴兵也,去县四十里。”舟师是国家的主力军种之一,“大翼一艘,广一丈五尺三寸,长十丈。容战士二十六人,棹五十人,舳舻三人,操长钩矛斧者四人,吏仆射长各一人,凡九十一人。当用长钩矛斧者各四,弩各三十二,矢之千三百,甲兜鍪各三十二。中翼一艘,广一丈三尺五寸,长九丈六尺。小翼一艘,广一丈二尺,长九丈。”据《国语》,吴、越两国之间,水战频繁而惨烈。据《左传》,吴国水师远征齐国,结果战败。 姑且不谈徐福海上取仙药、秦皇弯弓射大鱼的故事,我们祖先广泛使用船舶最直接的证据,便是至今仍在发挥作用的两条运河:吴国为称霸中原,修建了连通南北的邗沟;秦军取两广建造灵渠,打通了长江和珠江两大水系。古代中国,有河流的地方自不必说,没河的地方便挖出人工河,船运是最主要交通手段,乘船几乎可以驶达内地每个角落。 汉朝船舶载重量一般在二、三十吨,活跃于国内,往返于日本、朝鲜和东南亚地区,开辟出了海上丝绸之路。汉承秦制,保有“楼船士”这一专业兵种,多次承担海上远征任务。赤壁之战正是楼船士们的杰作。 及至唐朝,沿海地区呈现“云帆转辽海,粳稻来东吴”、“吴门持粟帛,汛海凌蓬莱”的繁忙景象。 唐朝与朝鲜、日本、东南亚、印度洋沿岸各国保持着密切的贸易关系,广州、明州(今宁波)、泉州已发展成为国际性商贸港口。唐朝不仅强盛,而且拥有包容四海的豪气。政府任由外国人自由行走于中国各地,接纳外国人侨居、定居,选拔不少“胡人”为官,确有才华者还当上了大官。首都长安是地道的国际化都市,胡人摩肩接踵,游览长安无异于参观一场世界食品和服装博览会。 仅仅引进来,不算开放。唐人的商船,远航至印度洋沿岸。进出中国的洋人,多是搭乘中国商船。汤普逊说:“进入远东的真正大门不是在陆地上,而是在海上。……波斯和中国间商业关系早已存在。在巴士拉港口,常见从中国经过马六甲海峡、锡兰和印度的马拉巴沿海而来的帆船。但是,如果中国帆船能冒险航行这么长距离的海路,阿拉伯帆船当然也能这样航行的。”法国学者安田朴证实了汤普逊的话:“在玄奘西游之后过了不长时间,阿拉伯人即将通过海路与中国建立经常性和持续的关系。因此,在黄海与地中海之间的陆路和海路交通从未长时间的完全断绝过。从公元7世纪起,一批穆斯林探险家便进入中国。……我们甚至应当承认,中国人为使阿拉伯人学会向远东航行而做出了贡献,波斯湾的商人是乘他们的帆船而在南海从事最早的几次远航。……唐代仅在广州市就生活着10万名阿拉伯人。……《中国印度见闻录》(生民无疆注:这时期一名阿拉伯商人撰写的游记)向我们提供了唐代中国的一种无疑是简单而又是忠实的形象。环地中海民族首次听到讲述瓷器和茶叶。……他们接着再次证明最高的文雅、文明、智慧和最后是真正的哲学都在中国人一方。” 唐朝军事实力的强大,也反映在海上。《剑桥中国隋唐史》说:“三个朝鲜王国之间的关系越来越紧张,高丽对中国的态度越来越敌对。……645年春(唐)太宗到达前线,进攻开

西方文明史 古希腊神话论文

西方近代文化精神的重要源头古希腊神话 摘要:神话是一种文化积淀,也是一种民族意识的积淀,直至今天,它仍以无穷的魅 力影响着现代人的生活。在漫长的西方文明发展史中,希腊文明曾放出璀璨的光芒。 古希腊的戏剧、建筑、绘画、雕塑等都从古希腊神话中汲取养料。所以可以说,古希 腊神话是西方文化的重要源头。古希腊神话是西方文化百用而不厌其烦的素材,这已 是人所共知的。本文重在试图探索西方文化从古希腊神话中汲取的两钟重要的精神血 液即人本和理性,这两种精神恰是整个西方近代文化的两个主要精神。 关键词:西方近代文化精神源头古希腊神话 古希腊神话故事的形成时期很早,是远古一代代人集体创作的结晶。神话起初口传,后来见之于书面文字。它的最早的传世书面文献当推荷马史诗。史诗中除了主体 故事外,还提及了许多其他的神话故事,那些故事显然在当时已是广为流传、普遍知 晓的。在荷马之后不久有古希腊诗人赫西奥德的长诗《神谱》,扼要地记述了许多神 话故事,并立力图把那些故事谱系化。古希腊悲剧的题材基本都是取材于神话,是作 家对那些神话故事的现实理解的戏剧体现。希腊神话在人类思想文化艺术史上始终光 彩夺目,经久不衰。 希腊文化源于古老的爱琴文明,和中国商周文明略有相像之处。他们是西洋文明 的始祖,具有卓越的天性和不凡的想像力。在那原始时代,他们对自然现象,对人的 生死,都感到神秘和难解,于是他们不断地幻想、不断地沉思。在他们想像中,宇宙 万物都拥有生命。然而在多利亚人入侵爱琴文明后,因为所生活的希腊半岛人口过剩,他们不得不向外寻拓生活空间。这时候他们崇拜英雄豪杰,因而产生了许多人神交织 的民族英雄故事。这些众人所创造的人、神、物的故事,经由时间的淬链,就被史家 统称为「希腊神话」,西元前十一二世纪到七、八世纪间则被称为「神话时代」。神 话故事最初都是口耳相传,直至西元前七世纪才由大诗人荷马统整记录于「史诗」中。 我们现在所知的所有古希腊神话的故事都来自《荷马史诗》和赫西俄德的《神谱》和《工作与时日》。《荷马史诗》包括《伊利亚特》和两部。《伊利亚特》记述的是 古代希腊人与特洛伊人交战攻打伊利亚特的经过。《奥塞德》描写了希腊军返航途中 的种种遭遇,荷马之后的赫西俄德写了《神谱》和《工作与时日》希腊诸神的渊源, 历史的发端。公元前六世纪到公元前三世纪间,希腊三为悲剧大师埃斯库罗斯、索福 克勒斯、欧里匹得斯的经典著作也极大的丰富了希腊神话的内容。古希腊神话主要包 括神的故事、英雄传说。前者包括关于天地的开辟、神的产生、神的谱系、人的起源 和神的活动等故事。古希腊神话里希腊有十二主神,他们住在希腊北部的奥斯匹斯山上。他们是管雷电的天神宙斯、天后家空之神赫拉、海神波塞东、太阳神阿波罗、月 亮神阿尔忒弥斯、智慧女神雅典娜、爱与美女神阿弗洛狄特、战神阿瑞斯、火与工匠 神赫尔斯托斯、众神使者赫尔墨斯、农神得墨忒耳、灶神赫斯提亚。此外还有小神仙 爱神厄洛斯、学问和艺术女神缪斯、大力神赫拉克勒斯。古希腊神话除诸神外还有英 雄传说,主要反映的是遥远的古代社会生活及人类心智、物质发展之后与自然的斗争,还有许多是反映人们生产斗争知识的。对与中国神话零散、片段化、孤立、情节简单 不同,希腊神话自成体系、完整、情节丰富曲折,具有非常大的魅力。 古希腊神话中也有人兽同体的遗迹,他们是诸神的祖先。希腊神话包括神的故事 和英雄传说两个部分。神的故事涉及宇宙和人类的起源、神的产生及其谱系等内容。 相传古希腊有奥林匹斯十二大神。但古希腊神话的主要人物希腊十二主神都是与人同形、与人同性的,既有人的体态美,也有人的七情六欲,懂得喜怒哀乐,参与人的活


西方文明史心得体会 篇一:我眼中的西方文明史(西方文明史论文) 西 方 文 明 史 期 末 作 业 Written by XHN Western civilization in my eyes After learning this lesson for one term,I know a lot about western in many fields such as mythology、philosophy、festival and communication. How can I describe the western civilization? I think it’s one part full of amazing、wisdom、freedom and convert during the synchronous development of the western world. We have learnt several mythologies and I find that the “god” in western mythology is not a serious image, opposite, ZeuS, gods’leader, always does many

self-willed things which sounds uncomfortable. Just because of it, the “god” makes people feel real and vivid. Not as our country, western people may prefer to believe gods is more similar to normal people, I think, at the least in emotion part. How about philosophy? We also know many philosopher from our country like Lao Tz and Chuang Tse, they usually spread their idea by teach others and write some book. But in ancient Greece, there are three famous philosopher called Socrates、Plato and Aristotle. They prefer to communicate with others than teach others what they think about. I think if we defined that Chinese philosophy likes teaching, then, western philosophy may likes debating. I should admit that the academic atmosphere in that time in western was good, I still remember there are a paint named “the school of Athens”, painted by Raphael, describe how crowd during the school, it reflect that at that time there are many people have huge thirst of knowledge, they have some topic such as “what made the world”、“what’s the resource of the world”……In a word, the philosophy in western civilization usually make me


Ancient Greece can be said that the cradle of Western civilization, is a miracle of world civilization, and its glorious history for future generations with great relish. The ancient Greeks of the advocates of freedom and democracy for future generations to create a cultural masterpiece, its great cultural heritage and establish the height of the civilization of ancient Greece, and a profound impact on the process of Western civilization and even the process of civilization of the world. Ancient Greek mythology, ancient Greek philosophy, ancient Greek democratic system, an art treasure was born in such a small peninsula of Greece, destined to rise and development of the civilization of ancient Greece is full of legendary, fabulous colors. Greek culture created by the Greeks with extraordinary penetration, she was able to transcend time and space constraints to the Apennines, with the sailing of the fleet and Romans Legion spread, spread to the Rhine, spread to Bactria, did she have unlimited vitality, from time to time after the civilization of absorption, transformation, thus becoming a common humanity and eternal treasure. Greece has a great king: Alexander the Great. Alexander can be disseminators of Greek culture in the course of his conquests, conquered numerous nations and tribes, and advanced Greek culture to their country, the rapid spread Greek culture in Alexandria. On the other hand, some Eastern thought, and especially religious ideas into the Greek world. Hellenistic era, large and small around the world by the Alexandria City of Alexandria can clearly see the status and influence of Greek culture in the Western and even the world. Ancient Greek philosophy, the influence of classical Greek philosophy to modern science and modern philosophy in many ways, paving the road. In matters of religion, classical Greek philosophy, the development of different religions of the early Hellenistic have a profound impact. The early Greek philosophers on the later generations never stopped from early Christian theology, Muslim philosophy to the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and modern general science visible. Ancient Greece is the origin of the Olympic Games, is now the modern Olympic Games in the pursuit of higher, faster, stronger, under the slogan has become a big stage to unite the world, enhance the friendship of the world, seen left in ancient Greece is not only a simple legacy of the Olympic Games, more Olympic Games, which contains the human civilization and spiritual. This living heritage is the created by the advocate simpleness and freedom of the Greeks and passed down, and long-term impact on the world. The Greeks showed strong interest in the mysteries of the universe and everything the law. Alexander's expedition almost the Greeks saw the world "at the end of" the face of the turmoil of the Indian River, crossing the inaccessible Caucasus, they can not help feeling that the former ignorance, and ignorance. We know that Pythagoras long ago discovered the universe Theorem; Euclid previous experience in the creation of the geometry of the system, until now his "geometric principles or popular textbooks in European universities; Archimedes good at thinking, the overflow of water from the bathtub to realize the existence of buoyancy. From the scientific strength and confidence, assert that if I give him a fulcrum will move the world This is the dauntless spirit and fortitude of a challenge to the natural quality. Greek scientists valuable here. That Roman soldiers killed begged the grace period to think about the problem of Archimedes, the unexpected will fall forever may not forgive the charges. Greek astronomy benefited from Babylon, Samos Ali Stark early as in the center of the Earth on the suspected before Copernicus, The Sheba Adamkus made a major astronomical instrument concept imager and quadrant, The invention of the indexing method to determine the location of the ground to the latitude and longitude lines, and very close to the exact value to calculate the solar year, the length of the lunar


、子虚乌有地“古希腊文明”(上) 村庄联合体 毫无疑问,古希腊文明是客观存在地,因为有那么多遗存摆在那里.不过,古希腊不像有些人说地那么了不得. 古希腊文明,主要是指在西元前世纪前年间,被称为希腊人地人们“创造”地文明.此前地几个世纪,称为荷马时期,又称“英雄时期”;此后数百年,甚至整个古罗马,据说是希腊文明传遍世界、影响世界地时期,故称之为“希腊化”时期.专家们说到古希腊文明,往往包含“希腊化”时期.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 希腊人主要生活在爱琴海两岸地诸“半岛”或者岛屿上,分成大大小小若干个独立地“城邦”,从来不是一个统一地国家.他们没有国家概念,更谈不上国家意识.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 这些“城邦”也不知道为什么称之为“城邦”,是一个村庄或几个村庄地联合体,人口一般万儿八千地.大家或农耕或渔猎或商贸,多以农业为主.为了利益,相互间地战争,从来没有间断过.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 希腊有两个“超级大国”,谈到古希腊,是拿这两个“超级大国”说事. 斯巴达,是四个或五个村庄、两大家族地联合体.称霸希腊时有户人家,衰落时仅户,根据“国际惯例”,按平均每户人计算,巅峰时人口万人左右.因土地相对肥沃,故以农业为生.斯巴达是名国王加上长老会议地政治模式.两个国王分别由两个家族推选产生,权利相等.国王只负责处理日常事务,除非领兵在外,大权始终在长老们手中.斯巴达人“以军事立国”,男孩长到、岁,便被城邦收养到军营接受训练,每天给极少地食物,鼓励他们偷盗提高生存能力.“如果偷盗被抓,他们会受到惩罚,不是因为偷盗,而是因为失手”.斯巴达人文化水平低下,公民基本上是文盲.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 雅典是个部落(后改组为个部落)地联合体.综合西方专家地数据,巅峰时期人口在万人之间,取中间值则是万左右.因土地相对贫瘠,故手工业和贸易较为发达.雅典是名执政官(起初是名,后来是名,最终为名)、贵族会议地政治模式.名执政官由公民会议选举产生,轮流执政处理日常事务.军事上选出名司令官,每个部落推举人.大事由人议事会或者后来地人议事会议决.雅典人文化程度最高,人口最多,古希腊名人多与它有关联,有关古希腊地文字依据基本来源于雅典.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 愚昧、野蛮而封闭 来到古希腊,你会看到,人们光着脚板满街跑,斯巴达人更是光着屁股到处晃悠.文明一点地雅典人,也就是将一块布裹在或披在身上.部落内部,大事小事商量着办,共同祭祖,共同对敌,夺得战利品人人有份.虽有贫富之分,但总体来看,一幅原始共产主义风貌.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 说它原始,最典型地,反映在婚姻问题上. 有人以雅典一夫一妻制作为文明地象征,殊不知,这源于雅典禁止它地成员与外界通婚.在小小地雅典,男男女女只能内部消化,要想确保阴阳平衡,惟有强制推行一个萝卜一个坑,认可亲兄弟姐妹结婚.个人收集整理勿做商业用途 希腊人地婚姻,自然是父母之命媒妁之言地结果.雅典地女人,青春期过后,岁左右必须嫁人,一般是嫁给岁左右地男人.同父异母地男女结合、堂兄弟娶堂姐妹、亲侄女嫁给亲叔伯,统统被社会广泛认可.在斯巴达,同父同母地兄弟姐妹,一样可以结婚成家.因为畸形儿太多了,斯巴达有了一个规矩:消灭畸形儿合情合理合法.个人收集整理勿做商业用途这种婚姻制度广泛存在于希腊人地王室.以最为人所炫耀地“希腊化”国家托勒密王室为例: 托勒密一世地女儿阿尔西诺埃二世,先是嫁给她地在马其顿地同父异母兄弟“雷电”

西方文明史 (2)

英文学院研究生学期课程论文 课程名称西方文明史 任课教师王晓红 论文标题The Fall and Decline of Roman Empire 姓名郝旭姣 班级英语语言文学2班 学号2010493 日期2011.3.28

INTRODUCTION The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind. In fact, it may even be considered the most powerful empire to have ever existed. However, the mighty empire of Rome has fallen. The Roman Empire emerged from the Roman Republic when Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar transformed it from a republic into a monarchy. Rome reached its zenith in the 2nd century, and then fortunes slowly declined with many revivals and restorations along the way. This was a period in which the state structure, undermined by the barbarian invasions which provoked famine and destruction, was in deep economic and political crisis, and the population in Rome and in the countryside lived in precarious conditions. The decline of the Roman Empire is one of the events traditionally marking the end of Classical Antiquity and the beginning of the European Middle Ages. Throughout the 5th century, the Empire?s territories in Western Europe and northwestern Africa, including Italy, fell to various invading or indigenous peoples in what is sometimes called the Migration period. Although the eastern half still survived with borders essentially intact for several centuries until the Arab expansion, the Empire as a whole had initiated major cultural and political transformations since the Crisis of the Third Century, with the shift towards a more openly autocratic and ritualized form of government, the adoption of Christianity as the state religion, and a general rejection of the traditions and values of Classical Antiquity. “The decline of the Roman Empire was not a single event but a gradual process that lasted several centuries.”(奥托.基弗,174) This process was characterized by increasing economic inequality, incompetent political and military leadership, foreign invasions and political instability resulting in repeated usurpations and all-out civil war. On the other hand, under some strong emperors, the Empire enjoyed stretches of respite from its woes.


Since its first appearance in the 15th century in the courts of European royalty, ballet has become one of the most loved forms of dance. One of the most beloved ballets is “Swan Lake.” 芭蕾自15世纪在欧洲皇室宫廷首次出现,已成为最受喜爱的一种舞蹈形式。最为人们喜爱的芭蕾舞剧是“天鹅湖”。 The word “ballet” itself is French, and comes from the Italian word “ballo”,meaning “a dance.” Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influences from many countries. “ballet”一词是法语,源自意大利语“ballo”,意即“一种舞蹈”。今天我们所知道的芭蕾舞,是许多国家影响下的产物。Highly technical ballet is always performed to music,the results on stage are magical. The graceful moves display the body in the most elegant and beautiful manner possible. 高超的芭蕾舞,它总是配合音乐演出,舞台上演出的效果魅力十足。优美的动作竭尽其优雅绝妙的姿态把体态之美展示出来。 俄罗斯“肥胖芭蕾舞团”英国行 2.The 16 performers weigh an average of 20 stone and have one goal - not to lose a single pound 该芭蕾舞团中16名演员的平均体重达到20英石(1英石约为14磅),这些舞蹈演员们有一个共同目标就是——绝对不掉1磅体重。

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