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What is pink? A rose is pink 什么是粉红色?

By the fountain s brink. 喷泉边的玫瑰就是粉红色。

What is red? A poppy s red 什么是艳红色?

In its barley bed. 在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。

What is blue? The sky is blue 什么是蔚蓝色?天空就是蔚蓝色,

Where the clouds float thro . 云朵飘过其间。

What is white? A swan is white 什么是白色?

Sailing in the light. 阳光下嬉水的天鹅就是白色。

What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什么是黄色?梨儿就是黄色,

Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。

What is green? The grass is green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色,With small flowers between. 小花掺杂其间。

What is violet? Clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕阳里的

In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。

What is orange? Why, an orange, 什么是橘色?当然啦! Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。

by C. G. Rossetti


best wishes for you!

we are best friends forever!

when we are old

the times files

all the things changes

but the friendship between i and you

the same ever








spring goeth all in white,

crowned with milk-white may;

in fleecy flocks of light,

over heaven the white clouds stray;

white butterflies in the air;

white daisies prank the ground;

the cherry and hoary pear,

scatter their snow around.











London bridge is falling down - Nursery Rhyme London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair Lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and clay, wood and clay,

Build it up with wood and clay,

My fair Lady.

Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away,

Wood and clay will wash away,

My fair Lady.

Build it up with bricks and mortar, Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar, Build it up with bricks and mortar, My fair Lady.

Bricks and mortar will not stay,

Will not stay, will not stay,

Bricks and mortar will not stay,

My fair Lady.

Build it up with iron and steel,

Iron and steel, iron and steel,

Build it up with iron and steel,

My fair Lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow,

Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair Lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

Silver and gold, silver and gold, Build it up with silver and gold,

My fair Lady.

Silver and gold will be stolen away, Stolen away, stolen away,

Silver and gold will be stolen away, My fair Lady.

Set a man to watch all nigh, Watch all night, watch all night, Set a man to watch all night,

My fair Lady.

Suppose the man should fall asleep, Fall asleep, fall asleep,

Suppose the man should fall asleep? My fair Lady.

Give him a pipe to smoke all night, Smoke all night, smoke all night, Give him a pipe to smoke all night, My fair Lady.

三年级简单的英语诗歌篇五Every day

Every day I need you Lord

But this day especially,

I need some extra strength

To face what ever is to be.

This day more than any day

I need to feel you near,

To fortify my courage

And to overcome my fear.

By myself, I cannot meet

The challenge of the hour,

There are times when humans help, But we need a higher power

To assist us bear what must be borne, and so dear Lord, I pray -

Hold on to my trembling hand

And be near me today.

小度写范文英语诗歌朗诵简单 英文诗歌短篇_英语诗歌短篇_英文诗歌_诗歌]模板

英语诗歌朗诵简单 [英文诗歌短篇_英语诗歌短篇_英文诗歌_ 诗歌] Anthem for Doomed Youth What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. 什麼样的丧钟,为那番惨死的人们响起? 只有毛骨悚然的短枪怒吼之声 只有喋喋不休的长枪结巴之声 可以仓促叨念出他们的死前祈祷 No mockeries for them;no prayers nor bells, Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, —— The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires. 没有虚伪的颂经,也没有祈祷和教堂钟声 没有哀悼的歌声,也省却丧礼的合唱诗班 嚎啕痛哭的炮弹,尖锐疯狂地齐声共鸣 悲哀的碉堡中,传出号令他们冲锋与撤退的军号 What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. 什麼样的烛光,可能拿来催促他们启程出征呢? 并不在男孩的手里,而在他们的眼睛里 闪耀著神圣光辉的道别 The pallor of girls brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. 女孩面容的苍白,将是他们洁白的棺布 家人温柔的忍耐,将是他们优美的丧花 (前线上日日送死,前仆后继)大后方日日垂暮,下帘吊丧 When I have fears 每当我害怕 When I have fears that I may cease to be 每当我害怕,生命也许等不及 Before my pen has gleand my teeming brain, 我的笔搜集完我蓬勃的思潮, Before high-piled books, in charactery, 等不及高高一堆书,在文字里, Hold like rich garners the full ripend grain; 象丰富的谷仓,把熟谷子收好; When I behold, upon the nights starrd face, 每当我在繁星的夜幕上看见


Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, I t allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. J ust have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You’ll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain. 永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷。 永存信念, 它会使你应付自如。 难捱的时光终将过去, 一如既往。 只要有耐心, 梦想就会成真。 露出微笑, 你会走出痛苦。 相信苦难定会过去, 你将重获力量。 Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li Bai Beside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home. 静夜思- 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 In the Rainy Season of Spring --- Du Mu It drizeles endlessly during the rainy season in spring, Travellers along the road look gloomy and miserable. When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern, He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.


优秀的简单英语诗歌带翻译 多读诗歌是可以提升我们的英语作文水平的。今天小编就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,要好好加油哦灿烂的星 B r i g h t s t a r!w o u l d I w e r e s t e a d f a s t a s t h o u a r t-- N o t i n l o n e s p l e n d o u r h u n g a l o f t t h e n i g h t, A n d w a t c h i n g,w i t h e t e r n a l l i d s a p a r t, L i k e N a t u r e s p a t i e n t s l e e p l e s s E r e m i t e, T h e m o v i n g w a t e r s a t t h e i r p r i e s t l i k e t a s k O f p u r e a b l u t i o n r o u n d e a r t h s h u m a n s h o r e s, O r g a z i n g o n t h e n e w s o f t f a l l e n m a s k O f s n o w u p o n t h e m o u n t a i n s a n d t h e m o o r s-- N o--y e t s t i l l s t e a d f a s t,s t i l l u n c h a n g e a b l e, P i l l o w d u p o n m y f a i r l o v e s r i p e n i n g b r e a s t, T o f e e l f o r e v e r i t s s o f t f a l l a n d s w e l l, A w a k e f o r e v e r i n a s w e e t u n r e s t, S t i l l,s t i l l t o h e a r h e r t e n d e r-t a k e n b r e a t h, A n d s o l i v e e v e r--o r e l s e s w o o n t o d e a t h. 灿烂的星!我祈求像你那样坚定


经典感恩老师英文诗歌欣赏|英文诗歌经典100篇 老师,人类灵魂的工程师,有谁不在将您赞扬!小编整理了经典感恩老师英文诗歌,欢迎阅读! 经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇一 For all the great things you say and do… The best teacher’s award goes to you. As another school term approaches… wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours. You are the best. Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently. Sending flowers to my teacher. Your lessons are still the one that helps me. Your words are still fresh and warm. You’ve swayed my life so deeply. You’re still my best teacher. A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher. You are a special person in our life. We all love you,Sir! To Sir,With Love! Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. I want to be like you,when I grow up. Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇二Happy Teacher’s Day. Wishing you a happy Teacher’s Day. Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. Hearty wishes on Teacher’s Day. You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Happy Teacher’s Day. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. I want to be like you,when I grow up. Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇三Send you a bouquet of flowers, To express our respect to you; Send you a nice song, Give you a trace of sweetness. Teacher - You have worked hard, You are with us through the trials and tribulations,


简单的诗歌 1. Good better best Never let it rest Till good is better And better best. 2. I try to do my best each day , In my work and in my play ; And if I always do my best , I needn't worry about the test . 3. Evening red and morning gray, Send the traveler on his way; Evening gray and morning red, Bring the rain upon his head. 4. The meadow dreams of shadows, And a young bird dreams of air; Where I am warmed by dreams of you, Spring snow holds my stare. 5. Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold.

Of all the boys I've ever met, You're the one I can't forget. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 适合初中生朗诵的英文诗歌 When I was a child,my homesickness was a small stamp Linking Mum at the other end and me this. When grown up,I remained homesick,but it became a ticket By which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end. Then homesickness took the shape of a grave, Mum inside of it and me outside. Now I’m still homesick,but it is a narrow strait Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other. 小时候乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 我在这头母亲在那头 长大后乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 我在这头新娘在那头 后来啊乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 我在外头母亲在里头 而现在乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡


三年级简单的英语诗歌 英语诗歌因其节奏、思想意义及艺术价值,在英语教学中占有一席之地。整理了三年级简单的英语诗歌,欢迎阅读! 三年级简单的英语诗歌篇一 COLORS颜色 What is pink? A rose is pink 什么是粉红色? By the fountain s brink. 喷泉边的玫瑰就是粉红色。 What is red? A poppy s red 什么是艳红色? In its barley bed. 在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。 What is blue? The sky is blue 什么是蔚蓝色?天空就是蔚蓝色, Where the clouds float thro . 云朵飘过其间。 What is white? A swan is white 什么是白色? Sailing in the light. 阳光下嬉水的天鹅就是白色。 What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什么是黄色?梨儿就是黄色, Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。 What is green? The grass is green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色,With small flowers between. 小花掺杂其间。 What is violet? Clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕阳里的 In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。

What is orange? Why, an orange, 什么是橘色?当然啦! Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。 by C. G. Rossetti 三年级简单的英语诗歌篇二 best wishes for you! we are best friends forever! when we are old the times files all the things changes but the friendship between i and you the same ever 把最好的祝福送给你 我们永远是最好的朋友时光荏苒 当我们都已经老去 所有事情都改变 但我们的友情 永远都在 三年级简单的英语诗歌篇三 spring goeth all in white, crowned with milk-white may; in fleecy flocks of light, over heaven the white clouds stray;


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷;伤痛苦,心里铭记;磨难苦,励志人心;感情苦,更显真心;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun

小学英语 英文诗歌素材精选十三首简易英文诗歌

精选十三首简易英文诗歌,全部来自英语诗歌大家之手,并配有中文翻译,希望能从这些诗歌的意境美和禅悦美中获取学习英语的乐趣,提高欣赏水平! 目录 【1】Rain雨 【2】What Does The Bee Do?蜜蜂做些什么呢? 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore 【4】THE WIND风 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 【6】COLORS颜色 【7】A House Of Cards纸牌堆成的房子 【8】What Does Little Birdie Say? 【9】The Star星星 【10】At The Seaside海边 【11】Boats Sail On The Rivers 【12】The Swing秋千 【13】The Blossom花儿 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。 by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do? What does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do? 父亲做些什么? Bring home money. 把钱带回家。 And what does Mother do? 母亲做些什么? Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么? Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。


一年级晨诵诗选传统童谣精选: 动物篇: 小老鼠上灯台 小老鼠, 上灯台, 偷油吃, 下不来。 吱吱吱, 叫奶奶, 抱下来。 一个蛤蟆一张嘴 一个蛤蟆一张嘴, 两只眼睛四条腿, 扑通一声跳下水。 两个蛤蟆两张嘴, 四只眼睛八条腿, 扑通,扑通,跳下水。十二生肖歌 老鼠前面走, 跟着老黄牛, 老虎—声吼, 兔子抖三抖, 天上龙在游, 草里蛇在扭, 马儿过山沟, 碰见羊老头, 猴子翻筋斗, 金鸡喊加油, 黄狗半夜守门口, 肥猪整天睡不够。

知识篇: 小孩小孩你别哭 小孩小孩你别哭, 过了腊八就杀猪, 小孩小孩你别馋, 过了腊八就是年。一盆玫瑰两朵花 一盆玫瑰两朵花, 三个姑娘都要掐, 四喜胡同五个小孩, 拿了六块七棱砖, 打了八仙庙里—— 九棵树上的 十只大老鸹。 正月梅花香又香 正月梅花香又香, 二月兰花盆里装, 三月桃花红十里, 四月蔷薇靠短墙, 五月石榴红似火, 六月荷花满池塘, 七月栀子头上戴, 八月丹桂满枝黄, 九月菊花初开放, 十月芙蓉正上妆, 十一月水仙供上案, 十二月腊梅雪里香。十二月水果 正月甘蔗节节长, 二月青果两头黄, 三月梅子酸汪汪, 四月枇杷满街黄, 五月杨梅红如火, 六月莲蓬水中央, 七月红菱人人爱,

八月苹果装满筐, 九月栗子张开口, 十月金橘满园香, 十一月橙子红彤彤, 十二月里黄菱肉儿脆松松。一年里的蔬菜 一月菠菜才发青。 二月栽的羊角葱。 三月芹菜出了地。 四月竹笋出圪莛。 五月黄瓜大街卖。 六月葫芦弯似弓。 七月茄子头向下。 八月蓁椒满树红。 九月柿子红似火。 十月萝卜上秤称。 十一月白菜家家有。 十二月蒜苗人人称。 生活篇: 墙头草 墙头草, 风儿一来两边倒, 扶得东来西又倒, 扶得西来东又倒。 狗不吃, 猫不咬, 枯了不能当柴烧。 柳树柳槐树槐 柳树柳, 槐树槐, 槐树底下搭戏台, 人家的闺女都来啦, 俺家的闺女咋不来? 说着说着就来啦,


诗歌 1、Good betterbest Never letit rest Till good is better Andbetterbest、 2、Itry todo my best each day , Inmy workandin myplay ; And if Ialways domybest , I needn't worry aboutthe test、 3、Eveningred andmorning gray, Send the traveler on his way; Eveninggray and morning red, Bringthe rain upon his head、 4、The meadow dreams of shadows, And ayoungbirddreams of air; Where Iam warmed bydreams ofyou, Springsnow holds my stare、 5、Love is like a lump of gold, Hardto get, and hard to hold、 Ofalltheboys I've ever met, You're the oneIcan'tforget、 one two three four five sixseven eight nine ten 适合初中生朗诵得英文诗歌 WhenI was a child, my homesickness was asmall stamp Linking Mumattheother end and methis、 Whengrown up, Iremained homesick,but it became a ticke t By which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end、 Then homesickness took the shape ofagrave, Mum insideof itand me outside、 NowI’m still homesick,but it is a narrow strait Separating meon this side and themainland on theother、小时候乡愁就是一枚小小得邮票 我在这头母亲在那头 长大后乡愁就是一张窄窄得船票 我在这头新娘在那头 后来啊乡愁就是一方矮矮得坟墓 我在外头母亲在里头 而现在乡愁就是一湾浅浅得海峡 我在这头大陆在那头 配乐英文诗歌朗诵 Think I Can 我想我能行


小学三年级英语诗歌朗诵三篇Run through the cold of the night As passion burns in your heart Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side Like a proud wolf alone in the dark With eyes that watch the world And my name like a shadow On the face of the moon Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world Cold fire clenched to my heart In the blue of night Torn by this pain, I paint your name in sound And the girl of the dawn with eyes of blue, and angel wings The songs of the season are her only crown Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away

But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world We met in the mist of morning And parted deep in the night Broken sword and shield, and tears that never fall But run through the heart Washed away by the darkest water The world is peaceful and still Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world 两颗破碎的心 在寒夜中漫无边际的奔跑 热情在心中熊熊的燃烧 身旁携一把战刀,时刻准备向前冲 就像黑夜里形单影只的一匹骄傲的狼


英语小诗10首 1.Life By Langston Hughes Life can be good, Life can be bad, Life is mostly cheerful, But sometimes sad. Life can be dreams, Life can be great thoughts; Life can mean a person, Sitting in court. Life can be dirty, Life can even be painful; But life is what you make it, So try to make it beautiful. 生活 作者:兰斯顿·休斯 生活可能美满, 生活可能悲伤, 生活常常充满欢乐, 但有时令人沮丧。 生活可能是梦幻一场, 生活可能是智慧结晶; 生活也可能将一个人 送上被告法庭。 生活可能丑陋, 生活甚至可能痛苦; 但生活是你自己创造, 所以努力创造幸福。 2.A Question Some people live in the country Where the houses are very small

Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall But in the country where the houses are small The gardens are very big And in the city where the houses are tall There are no gardens at all Where do you live? 3.Bell little bell, very warm, guests come, Dingling Dingling, Smile to them and say "Welcome !Welcome!" 门玲 小门玲, 真热情, 客人来了, 丁零,丁零, 笑对客人说: 欢迎,欢迎 4.英语小诗 William Blake/威廉.布莱克 To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 从一粒沙子看到一个世界, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂, 把握在你手里的就是无限, 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。 5. Rain


1.A Grain of Sand ——by William Blake To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour 2.Seize the day Gather the rose-buds while you may Old time is still a-flying And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. 3.Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow 4.The furthest distance in the world

The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you The furthest distance in the world Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you can't see my love But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together The furthest distance in the world Is not being apart while being in love But when painly can not resist the yearning Yet prending you have never been in my heart The furthest distance in world Is not but using one's different heart To dig an uncrossable river For the one who loves you


小学三年级英语诗歌朗诵三篇 Small Two Of Pieces 两颗破碎的心 Run through the cold of the night As passion burns in your heart Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side Like a proud wolf alone in the dark With eyes that watch the world And my name like a shadow On the face of the moon Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world Cold fire clenched to my heart In the blue of night Torn by this pain, I paint your name in sound And the girl of the dawn with eyes of blue, and angel wings The songs of the season are her only crown

Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world We met in the mist of morning And parted deep in the night Broken sword and shield, and tears that never fall But run through the heart Washed away by the darkest water The world is peaceful and still Broken mirror, a million shades of light The old echo fades away But just you and I Can find the answer And then, we can run to the end of the world We can run to the end of the world 两颗破碎的心 在寒夜中漫无边际的奔跑 热情在心中熊熊的燃烧


[三年级晨诵]儿童诗 1.《梦》 【中国】张金美 梦像一条小鱼, 在水里游来游去, 想捉他, 他已经跑了。 梦像一滴雨, 从天上掉下来, 想去揍他, 他已经着地了。 梦像一阵风, 从远方吹过来, 想捉住他, 他已经离开了。 2.《春天》 【中国】金波 晨光叫醒了风, 风叫醒了树, 树叫醒了鸟, 鸟叫醒了云。 云变成了雨滴, 滴落在大海上, 海水变蓝了,

洗亮了升起的太阳。 太阳睁着亮眼睛, 望着树,望着花,望着鸟, 到处花花绿绿, 到处热热闹闹。 3.《放假了》 【中国】舒兰 放假了 小花朵们都跑出来了 有的喜欢爬山 有的喜欢玩水 她们到哪里 哪里就漂亮起来了 放假了 小星星们也都跑出来了 有的在黑森林里捉迷藏 有的去银河游泳 他们到哪里 哪里便热闹起来了 4.《放风筝的孩子》 【中国】何鲤 放风筝的孩子, 手里牵着一根长长的线, 一直伸向蓝天。 线的那一端,

系着孩子的欢乐, 系着孩子的梦幻。 孩子牵着它, 飞跑在碧绿的草地。 忽然一阵风吹来,风筝断了线。 孩子却笑着说: “我把它送给了蓝天。” 5.《荡秋千》 【中国】孟古 我最喜欢荡秋千 我站在秋千板上, 荡来荡去, 花裙子飘呀飘的, 好像一只飞翔的彩蝶。 我紧紧地握住绳子, 越荡越高, 差点儿就和天边的青山握手。 我快乐地从高处朝下看, 脚下摇晃着的绿野 就好像是 一堆一堆拍打着海岸的波浪。 我最喜欢荡秋千, 虽然汗流满面, 但清风总像在鼓励我说: 荡高一点,再高一点!

6.《我给小鸡起名字》 【中国】任溶溶 一、二、三、四、五、六、七, 妈妈买了七只鸡。 我给小鸡起名字: 小一 小二 小三 小四 小五 小六 小七。 它们一下都走散, 一只东来一只西。 于是再也认不出, 谁是小七, 小六, 小五, 小四, 小三, 小二, 小一。 7.《雨后》 【中国】冰心 嫩绿的树梢闪着金光,


经典英文诗歌赏析(全) 一 nothing gold can stay 1简介:《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特弗罗斯特 的代表作之一。此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收录到弗罗斯特的一本名为 《新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)》的诗集中。 2诗歌翻译: Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金 Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金, Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最无力保留的颜色.。 Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,; But only so an hour. 不过只能持续若此一刹那。 Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。 So Eden sank to grief. 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切, So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。 Nothing gold can stay. 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。 3诗歌赏析:这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了 小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的仅仅转丸般的 繁华。 二 the road not taken 1诗歌简介:这首名诗《The Road NotTaken》形式是传统的抑扬 格四音步,但音步可变(含有很多抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式为abaab 。


优美简短的英语诗带翻译 优美英文诗歌30首 The Rainy Day The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary; It rains and the wind is never weary; My thought still cling to the moldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still,sad heart! And cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the mon fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. THE NEW YEARRing out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow:


,. 一年级晨诵诗选 传统童谣精选: 动物篇: 小老鼠上灯台 小老鼠, 上灯台, 偷油吃, 下不来。 吱吱吱, 叫奶奶, 抱下来。 一个蛤蟆一张嘴 一个蛤蟆一张嘴, 两只眼睛四条腿, 扑通一声跳下水。 两个蛤蟆两张嘴, 四只眼睛八条腿, 扑通,扑通,跳下水。 十二生肖歌 老鼠前面走, 跟着老黄牛, 老虎—声吼, 兔子抖三抖, 天上龙在游, 草里蛇在扭, 马儿过山沟, 碰见羊老头, 猴子翻筋斗, 金鸡喊加油, 黄狗半夜守门口, 肥猪整天睡不够。

,. 知识篇: 小孩小孩你别哭 小孩小孩你别哭, 过了腊八就杀猪, 小孩小孩你别馋, 过了腊八就是年。 一盆玫瑰两朵花 一盆玫瑰两朵花, 三个姑娘都要掐, 四喜胡同五个小孩, 拿了六块七棱砖, 打了八仙庙里—— 九棵树上的 十只大老鸹。 正月梅花香又香 正月梅花香又香, 二月兰花盆里装, 三月桃花红十里, 四月蔷薇靠短墙, 五月石榴红似火, 六月荷花满池塘, 七月栀子头上戴, 八月丹桂满枝黄, 九月菊花初开放, 十月芙蓉正上妆, 十一月水仙供上案, 十二月腊梅雪里香。 十二月水果 正月甘蔗节节长, 二月青果两头黄, 三月梅子酸汪汪, 四月枇杷满街黄, 五月杨梅红如火, 六月莲蓬水中央, 七月红菱人人爱,

八月苹果装满筐, 九月栗子张开口, 十月金橘满园香, 十一月橙子红彤彤, 十二月里黄菱肉儿脆松松。 一年里的蔬菜 一月菠菜才发青。 二月栽的羊角葱。 三月芹菜出了地。 四月竹笋出圪莛。 五月黄瓜大街卖。 六月葫芦弯似弓。 七月茄子头向下。 八月蓁椒满树红。 九月柿子红似火。 十月萝卜上秤称。 十一月白菜家家有。 十二月蒜苗人人称。 生活篇: 墙头草 墙头草, 风儿一来两边倒, 扶得东来西又倒, 扶得西来东又倒。 狗不吃, 猫不咬, 枯了不能当柴烧。 柳树柳槐树槐 柳树柳, 槐树槐, 槐树底下搭戏台, 人家的闺女都来啦, 俺家的闺女咋不来 ? 说着说着就来啦,

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