当前位置:文档之家› 语用学练习题




一、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1.The contextual view is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense. ( )

2.Pragmatics is related to and also different from semantics. ( )

3.The notion of context is not important to the pragmatic study of language. ( )

4.All utterances take the form of sentences. ( )

5.Speech act theory was proposed by the British philosopher John Austin in the late 1950s. ( )

6.Grice made a distinction between what he called “constatives” and “performatives”. ()

7.A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology. ( )

8.In their study of language communication, linguists are only interested in how a speaker expresses his intention and pay no attention to how his intention is recognized by the hearer. ( )

9.Directives are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. ( )

10.The Cooperative principle was proposed by John Searle. ( )

11.There are four maxims under the Cooperative principle. ( )

12.The violations of the maxims make our language indirect. ( )

13.All the utterances take the form of sentences. ( )

14.Austin thought that stating was also a kind of act, and that we can perform with language. ( )

15.According to the speech act theory, when we are speaking a language, we are doing something, or in other words performing acts; and the process of linguistic communication consists of a sequence of acts. ( )

16.All the acts that belong to the same category act share the same purpose or the same illocutionary act, and they are the same in their strength or force. ( )

17.All the utterances that can be made to serve the same purpose may vary in the syntactic form. ( )

18.Conversation participants nearly always observe the CP and the maxims of the CP. ( )

19.A sentence is grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication. ( )

20.Utterance is based on sentence meaning, it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context. ( )

21.As the process of communication is essentially a process of conveying meaning in a certain context, pragmatics can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study. ( )

22.Gradually linguists found that it would be impossible to give an adequate description of meaning if the context of language use was left considered.

23.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. ( )

24.Without the shared knowledge both by the speaker and the hearer, linguistic communication would not be possible, and without considering such knowledge, linguistic communication cannot be satisfactorily accounted for in a semantic sense. ( )

25.An perlocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention. ()

26.According to Paul Grice’s ide a, in making conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate, otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. ( )

27.An illocutionary act is the consequence of or the change brought about by the utterance.


1. T

2. T







9.T 10.F

11. T 12.T 13.F 14.T 15.T 16. F 17. T 18.F 19.T 20.T

21. T 22.F 23.T 24.F 25.F 26. T 27. F

二、Fill each of following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given.

1. The shared knowledge which constitutes context is of two types; the knowledge of the

l________ they use, and the knowledge about the w_______, including the general knowledge about the world and specific knowledge about the situation in which linguistic communication is taking place.

2. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an u________, and it should be considered in the situation in which it is actually used.

3. The idea of Paul Grice is that in making conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to c_______, otherwise, it would be impossible for them to carry on the talk. The general principle is called the c________ p_________, abbreviated as CP.

4. There are four maxims under the CP: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of q_________, the maxim of relation and the maxim of m____________.

5. The maxim of relation requires that what the conversation participants say must be


6. As the process of communication is essentially a process of conveying meaning in a certain context, p__________ can be regarded as a kind of meaning study.

7. If c___________ is not considered, the study of meaning is restricted to the area of traditional semantics.

8. The meaning of an u__________ is concrete and context-dependent.

9. An i___________ act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention.

10. According to Seale, s__________acts fall into five general categories.

11. C__________ are those speech acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action.

12. To ask someone to pass a book is obviously a d__________.

13. According to Paul Grice, in making c__________ the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate.

14. Most of the violations of the four maxims give rise to c___________ implicatures.

15. The significance of Grice’s c___________ principle lies in that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than is literally said.


1. language, word

2. utterance

3. cooperate, Cooperative Principle

4. quality,

mannar 5. relevant

6. pragmatics

7. context

8. utterance

9. illocutionary 10. speech 11. Commissive 12. dirextive 13.

conversation 14. conversational

15. Cooperative

三、There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.

1. __________ resulted mainly from the eapansion of the study of linguistics, especially that of semantics.

A. Pragmatics

B. Pragmatism

C. Phonology

D. Practicalism

2. Once the notion of _________ was taken into consideration, semantics spiiled into pragmatics.

A. meaning

B. context

C. form

D. content

3. If a sentence is regarded as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes _______.

A. a sentence

B. an act

C. a unit

D. an utterance

4. A ___________ analysis of an utterance will reveal what the speaker intends to do with it.

A. semantic

B. syntactic

C. pragmatic

D. grammatical

5. _______ act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.

A. Speaking

B. Speech

C. Sound

D. Spoken

6. ______ act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something.

A. A locutionary

B. An illocutionary

C. A perlocutionary

D. A speech

7. One of the contributions Searle has made is his classification of __________ acts.

A. locutionary

B. illocutionary

C. perlocutionary

D. speech


语言学选择题 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 3、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes先决条件 4、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics语用学 C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 5、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin 洋泾语 D、Standard language 6.The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.( ) A.gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.co-hyponyms D.synonyms 7.A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( ) A.unusual B.something to be feared C.abnormal D.natural 8.A word with several meanings is called __word.( ) A.a polysemous多义的 B.a synonymous C.an abnormal D.a multiple 9.The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?”is __.( ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/1618239351.html,rmative B.phatic社交语 C.directive D.performative 10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.( ) A.+animate,+male,+human,-adult


第一章 1、什么是语用学?P14它探索的主要现象有哪些?P16主要有哪些理论?(莫里斯研究符号理论/奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论/关联理论/格赖斯的会话含义理论/新格赖斯会话含义理论) 2、字面意义和语境意义有何区别?请举例说明?P17 3、语用学和语言学的其他分支学科是什么关系?P9 4、语用学有哪三类研究方法?P15 5、语用学的研究内容主要包括哪些方面?P15-16 第二章 1、什么是语境?P22 2、波兰籍人类语言学家马林诺夫斯把语境分为哪两类?P18 3、“伦敦学派”的创始人弗思提出了什么语境理论?P18-19 4、索振羽主张语境要研究哪些内容?P23 5、研究语境有何理论意义和实用意义?P37-38 第三章 1、英语“deixis“有哪些汉译?应该翻译成什么比较确切?P39 2、什么是指示语和指示信息?P39 3、指示语包括哪些主要类别?各类指示语在话语中传达什么样的指示信息?P42-53 ①人称指示语P43 ②时间指示语P45 ③地点指示语P47 ④话语指示语P48 ⑤社交指示语P51 4、举例说明是地点指示语的手势用法。P47 5、为什么说“我们”这一第一人称指示语也具有社交指示语的双重交际功能?举例以说明。 “我们”:人称指示语、社交指示语 语用移情的社交指示功能,缩短主持人和听众之间在现时语境中的社交距离,改善社交关系,有利于推进言语交际, 例:①我们是学生,我们的主要任务是学习。 语用功能:批评、劝诫,移情,从学生角度出发,提高该话语的可接受性与劝说力 ②我们认为,语用学与社会语言学之间存在很多交叉现象。 语用功能:仅指作者本人,不包括读者在内的其他人,与读者商榷的语气,表明谦虚,有助于提高其所指内容的可接受性、认同性。 6、举例说明“来”和“去”的内在指示意义。P48-49 7、照应和指别有何区别?P53 8、举例说明第三人称代词既有照应功能,又有指别功能。 如:①我和杨老师是好朋友,我们志趣相投.②你和汤姆是同屋,你们应该互相帮助。例①中的第一人称代词“我们”和例②中的第二人称代词“你们”都有照应功能。既起照应功能,又起指别功能。③她乖得很,是我们么儿。例③是一个给她邻居介绍自己的宠物狗的年轻女人说的话,这里的“她”起的是纯粹的指别功能。 第四章 1、什么叫会话含义?P54为什么要研究会话含义? 是由美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)首先提出来的,是语用学的核心内容,在言语交际中起着非常重要的作用。 交际中,很多信息不是直接传递的。说话人通过某一话语传递的语用信息并非等于该话语的字面意义或语义组合。听话人根据相关语境因素进行推理,获取字面意义以外的交际信息(隐含的语用信息,言外之意)。这种字面以外的信息就是一种隐含的语用信息,简称“含意”。它是一种言外之意、弦外之音。在言语交际中,类似的字面意义或语义意义以外的隐含信息就是我们要讨论的会话中的含义,即会话含义,也就是语用含义。本质上是一种关于人们如何运用语言的理论,不是从语言系统内部(语音、语法、语义等)去研究语言本身表达的意义,而是依据语境研究话语的真正含义,解释话语的言外之意。会话含义关注的不是说话人说了些什么,而是说话人说这句话可能意味着什么。


2017年10月现代汉语真题—、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 1.【题干】汉语没有丰富的形态变化,属于()。 【选项】 A.屈折语 B.黏着语 C.孤立语 D.混合语 【答案】C 【解析】C:孤立语:没有丰富的形态变化。 A:屈折语:句子中某些词本身有丰富的形态变化。如“德语” B:黏着语:句子中某些词的形态变化表现为在词的前后附有词缀。如“日语”。D:混合语:在一定社会条件下形成的两种或多种语言的混合体。 【考点】语法方面的主要特点 2.【题干】决定语音与其他声音之不同的属性是()。 【选项】 A.社会性质 B.生理性质 C.物理性质 D.个体性质

【解析】语音作为语言必不可少的要素之一,必须表达一定的意义,什么样的语音表达什么样的意义,是使用该语言的全体社会成员约定俗成的。因此语音具有物理、生理、社会三方面的性质,其中社会属性是语音的本质属性。 【考点】语音的性质 3.【题干】下列各词,两个音节声母不同的是()。 【选项】 A.意义 B.字纸 C.历来 D.扭捏 【答案】B 【解析】A:“意义”为零声母;C:“历来”声母均为“L”;D:“扭捏”声母均为“n”;B:“字”声母为“z”,“纸”声母为“zh” 【考点】声母的发音 4.【题干】下列各词,两个音节都属于撮口呼韵母的是()。 【选项】 A.需求 B.温度 C.学院 D.鱼嘴 【答案】C

【解析】撮口呼:有韵头ü的,或韵腹是ü的韵母。A:“需”为撮口呼,“求”为齐齿呼;B:“温”“度”均为合口呼,D:“鱼”为撮口呼,“嘴”合口呼。 【考点】韵母的分类 5.【题干】下列音节,调值为51的是()。 【选项】 A.前 B.春 C.比 D.去 【答案】D 【解析】调值51为“去声”,A调值为35;B调值为55,C调值为214 【考点】调值和调类 6.【题干】“不”的读法与其余三项不同的是()。 【选项】 A.不是 B.决不 C.不好 D.不多 【答案】A 【解析】“不”在词尾或非去声前,读本调“去声”,在去声前读阳平。 【考点】变调


I.Define the following terms: (15%) 5个 II.Indicate the following statement true or false, mark “T”for the true statements and “F” for the false. (10%) 10题 III.From A, B, C and D, choose the appropriate one to complete the following statements. (20%) 20题 IV.Fill in the blanks with the following word which completes the statements. (20%) 20题 V.Answer the following questions. (35%) 四题 1. Give the description of the following sound segments in English. (5%) Exampl e:[i] front mid-high unrounded short 2. Pick out ten minimal pairs from the following words. (10%) 3. Explain the ambiguity of the following sentences by providing two sentences that paraphrase the multiple meanings. (10%) 4. Answer the questions (10%) 复习题 1. Language is passed on from one generation to the next through , rather than by instinct. A. learning B. teaching C. learning and teaching D. acquisition 2.Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity? . A. Lend/Borrow B. Single/Married C. Hot/Cold D. Old/Young 3. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? . A. [p] B. [m] C. [b] D.[r] 4. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to使发生,引起.


一、《英语语言学概论》课程思考题 语言的性质 1人类语言和动物语言的主要差异是什么? 请举例说明。 2什么是语言的符号性? 为什么要强调语言的符号性? 3你是如何看待语言的任意性和象似性的? 4听不懂外国人说外国话这一事实说明了什么? 5什么是语言的生成性? 你认为动物语言有生成性吗? 6就创造性而言,艺术和语言的差别如何? 请发挥。 7学习语言到底学习什么东西? 要学习和记忆的对象是词语、语法规则、还是句子? 8动物有“用无意义的语言单位构成有意义的语言单位”的能力吗? 语音学和音系学 1 语音学涉及的范围主要是哪些方面? 为什么? 2 人类语言仅包括数量极其有限的语音,这一点说明了人类语言的什么特点? 3 语音学家是如何来描写语音的? 4元音和辅音有什么区别? 5语音学和音系学的主要差别在什么地方? 它们分别以什么为分析基础单位? 6变音是否有辨别意义的功能? 为什么? 7变音的“互补性”指的是哪些方面? 8最小对立体有什么实用功能? 9最小对立体中的语音区别,到底是语音的区别? 还是音位的区别? 或者说是区别特征的区别? 10你是怎样来看待汉语的声调的? 声调到底是语音? 还是音位? 或者说是区别特征?

1 什么是形位? 形位有什么特点? 2 自由形位和依附形位的差别何在? 3 派生形位和屈拆形位的差别何在? 4 前缀和后缀应该属于哪种形位? 两者之间有什么细微差异? 5形位变体和音位变体有什么共同点和不同点? 6形位的鉴别标准是什么? 你对这种标准持什么态度? 7为什么说汉语最小的语言单位是“字”而不是“形位”? 你是如何来看待这个问题的? 语义学 (I) 1 什么是意义? 什么是语义? 它们之间有什么区别? 2语义学在语言学中占有什么地位? 3语言符号的形式和内容两面有哪几种关系? 4什么是语义或词语的系统价值? 5什么是语义组构? 6语言的字面意义和比喻意义有什么差别? 你是如何来看待这个问题的? 7什么叫语义蕴含? 8什么是冗余语义特征? 语义学 (II) 1 什么是语义蕴含? 2 什么是先设? 蕴含和先设的差别何在? 3 语义和句法的接面,反映在哪些方面? 你对此持何观点? 4英汉被动表达有什么主要差别?



语用学理论在翻译中的应用 作者:王燕 作者单位:山西财经大学,山西太原,030006 刊名: 大众商务(下半月) 英文刊名:POPULAR BUSINESS 年,卷(期):2010(7) 参考文献(4条) 1.Sarcevic,S New Approaches to Leagal Translation 1997 2.何自然语用学与英语学习 1997 3.何自然语用学讲稿 2003 4.何自然Pragmatics and CE/EC translation 1992(01) 本文读者也读过(10条) 1.刘俊冰从语用学的视角研究翻译[期刊论文]-剑南文学2010(6) 2.秦毅.QIN Yi语用学理论之于翻译等值[期刊论文]-内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)2011,37(1) 3.容曙翻译中语用学理论的应用[期刊论文]-广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)2002(z1) 4.郭光霞浅谈语用学在翻译中的应用[期刊论文]-青年与社会·中外教育研究2010(9) 5.马骁骁.庞亚飞.MA Xiao-xiao.PANG Ya-fei从语用学理论探讨翻译的本质[期刊论文]-山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2006,29(5) 6.曹宏伟.CAO Hong-wei翻译中应遵循的语用学原理[期刊论文]-河南城建学院学报2009,18(3) 7.薛雁.戴炜华语用视野下的翻译[期刊论文]-外语与外语教学2003(11) 8.任丽丽浅谈语用学理论在翻译中的应用[期刊论文]-科技信息2011(12) 9.赵艳丽语用学框架下的语境分析对翻译准确性的影响[期刊论文]-河南职工医学院学报2010,22(3) 10.盛婧从语用学角度看等效翻译[期刊论文]-科教文汇2008(27) 本文链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1618239351.html,/Periodical_dzsw-tzb201007174.aspx


英语语言学复习资料 一:名词解释 1. Language (语言) is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 2. Linguistics(语言学) is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 3. General linguistics(普通/一般语言学) The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. 4. Phonetics(语音学) the study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of phonetics. 5. Phonology(语音体系) how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. 6. Morphology(形态学) these symbols are arranged and combined to form words has constituted the branch of study called morphology. 7. Syntax(句法学) then the combination of words to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages is governed by rules. The study of these rules constitutes a major branch of linguistic studies called syntax. 8. Semantics(语意学) the study of meaning is known as semantics. 9. Pragmatics(语用学) when the study of meaning is conducted, not in isolation, but in the context of language use, it becomes another branch of linguistic study called pragmatics.


英语语言学练习----语用学 一、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1.The contextual view is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense. ( ) 2.Pragmatics is related to and also different from semantics. ( ) 3.The notion of context is not important to the pragmatic study of language. ( ) 4.All utterances take the form of sentences. ( ) 5.Speech act theory was proposed by the British philosopher John Austin in the late 1950s. ( ) 6.Grice made a distinction between what he called “constatives” and “performatives”. () 7.A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology. ( ) 8.In their study of language communication, linguists are only interested in how a speaker expresses his intention and pay no attention to how his intention is recognized by the hearer. ( ) 9.Directives are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. ( ) 10.The Cooperative principle was proposed by John Searle. ( ) 11.There are four maxims under the Cooperative principle. ( ) 12.The violations of the maxims make our language indirect. ( ) 13.All the utterances take the form of sentences. ( ) 14.Austin thought that stating was also a kind of act, and that we can perform with language. ( )


本次考试共四种题型:填空题、名词解释、简答题、应用题 填空题:(举例如:)(每空1分,共10分) 1.语用学源于哲学家对语言的探索。“语用学”这一术语是由美国哲学家(莫里斯)于1938年首先提出的。 2. 1977年,(《语用学杂志》)在荷兰正式出版发行,“语用学成为语言学的一门独立新兴学科”最终得到认可。 名词解释:(每个4分,共20分) ?语用学:研究在不同语境中话语意义的恰当地表达和准确地理解,寻找并确立使话语意义得以恰当地表达和准确地理解的基本原则和准则。 ?语境:语境是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境。语境是人们在语言交际中理解和运用语言所依赖的各种表现为言辞的上下文或不表现为言辞的主观因素。 ?指示词语:指示词语就是表示指示信息的词语。? ?隐性施为句:人们在言语交际中实际上更经常使用一些不那么明确、不那么特定的语言手段来实施某种行为。 ?优选结构:相邻对中所有可能跟始发语配对的应答语并不具有同等地位,有一组优选结构在起作用,即各种可能的应答语中至少有一类是“合意的”(即听话人的应答能满足说话人发话的期待),有一类是“不合意的”(即听话人的应答不是说话人所期待的)。 ?预示序列:说话人在以言行事之前用以探听虚实的一类话语。说话人使用这类话语的主要动机是考察有无向听话人实施某一言语行为的可能性,即说话人实施某一言语行为能否从听话人那里得到“期待的”反应。 ?会话含义:格赖斯将会话含义分为两类:一般性会话含义和特殊性会话含义。一般性会话含义:不需要特殊语境就能推导出来的含义。特殊性会话含义:需要依赖特殊语境才能推导出来的含义。? ?直接言语行为:字面意义和说话意图相吻合,也就是句子的结构和功能之间存在着直接的关系。 ?间接言语行为:人们是通过间接的表达方式实现说话的意图,也可以说句子的结构和功能之间存在着间接的关系


语言学研究 语用学理论在翻译中的运用 王 宏 军 (嘉兴学院 外国语学院,浙江嘉兴 314001) 摘 要:语用学介入翻译,为翻译提供了一种具有深层意义的理论依据。本文就语用学的几个主要理论在翻译中的运用加以论述。语用等效理论是一种避免翻译尴尬且力求等效的新理论模式。合作原则及礼貌原则是在翻译语用意义时牵涉到的两种语言的语用原则,因为不同的社会文化中,其语用原则不尽相同,它们有助于推导语用意义。而关联理论认为,译事是一种三元关系的语用等效翻译。无论在翻译中使用哪种理论,其语用含义是由语境决定的。可见,意义的决定在于使用,而使用的重要因素是语境。从这个意义上来说,我们对语用翻译的探索将是无止境的。 关键词:语用学;语用翻译;语用等效;合作原则;礼貌原则;语境中图分类号:H030 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2007)01-0063-04 引 言 Nida 曾提出过一个著名的命题,他说“翻译就 是交际”。Newmark 也曾指出“交际是翻译的职 能”。这种交际是原文作者与译者之间的一种行为的相互作用,是一种双向的心理过程。按语用学原理,这是作者与译者之间的编码与解码的过程,译者的解码过程实际上就是翻译的过程。语言学家把语用学看作是研究语言问题的一种新方法,这就为翻译研究开辟了新的领域和诠释。 一、语义与翻译 人们对意义的研究有着不同视角和出发点,意 义不仅属于语言学的范畴,而且还属于逻辑的、哲学的、认知心理学的以及社会文化学的范畴。这就将意义切分为纯语言意义观和语用学意义观。对翻译理论而言,这两者都有着重要的价值。Newmark 曾说,语义学的所有问题都与翻译理论有关。语义学研究的是语言体系中的符号意义,或称规约的意 义,也就是语言结构本身的意义。语义翻译只是将 目的语的语义直接译成母语,力求在句义上的等价。人们一般认为语义翻译似乎忠实原文,它能将目的语的词义准确地译成母语。由于文化背景不同,人们使用语言的规约也各不相同,由此会产生理解和翻译上的失误。我们说“失误”而不说“错误”是因为某个词或句译出的含义与目的语的含义不同,因而只能说是母语表达不符合原作者的用意而已。 二、语用与翻译 Levins on 说:“语用学是非语义学的语义研究”。 语用翻译是译者将原作与译作在语用用意上的等价翻译,能用母语恰如其分地表达原作的用意。语用学的意义观着重语言成分的用义,即词语在实际运用时所含的意义。语用含义是用义的表现,指一种依赖于语境才能推导出来的意义,这种推导出来的语句的含义是一种话语意义。而语用学则研究语言使用时的说话意义,也就是语言结构在语境中所表达的实际含义或非规约意义,即语用含义。如:Shall 收稿日期:2006-12-25 作者简介:王宏军(1962-  ),男,嘉兴学院外国语学院副教授,研究方向为英语语用学。第3卷第1期西安外事学院学报 N o 11,20072007年3月 Journal of X i πan International University Serial N o 16


南京大学 2018 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 ( A 卷)(三小时) 考目代码:935 科目名称:文学满分:150 分 适用专业:文学各专业 (一)古代汉语部分(40分) 一、请将下面这段古文翻译成现代汉语(40分) 魏其侯竇嬰者,孝文後從兄子也。父世觀津人。喜賓客。孝文時,嬰為吳相,病免。孝景初即位,為詹事。 梁孝王者,孝景弟也,其母竇太后愛之。梁孝王朝。因昆弟燕飲。是時,上未立太子。酒酣,從容言曰:?千秋之後傳梁王。?太后歡。竇嬰引卮酒敬上,曰:?天下者,高祖天下。父子相傳,此漢之約也。上何以得擅傳梁王??太后由此憎竇嬰。竇嬰亦薄其官,因病免。太后除竇嬰門籍,不得入朝請。 孝景三年,吳、楚反。上察宗室諸竇毋如竇嬰賢,乃召嬰。嬰入見,固辭謝病不足任。太后亦慚。於是上曰:?天下方有急,王孫寧可讓邪??乃拜嬰為大將軍,賜金千斤。竇嬰乃言袁盎、欒布諸名將賢士在家者進之。所賜金,陳之廊廡下,軍吏過,輒令財取為用,金無入家者。竇嬰守滎陽,監齊、趙兵。七國兵已盡破,封嬰為魏其侯。諸游士賓客爭歸魏其侯。孝景時,每朝議大事,條侯、魏其侯,諸列侯莫敢與亢禮。 孝景四年,立栗太子。使魏其侯為太子傅。孝景七年,栗太子廢,魏其數爭不能得。魏其謝病屏居藍田南山之下數月,諸賓客辯士說之,莫能來。梁人高遂乃說魏其曰:?能富貴將軍者,上也;能親將軍者,太后也。今將軍傅太子,太子廢而不能爭,爭不能得,又弗能死;自引謝病,擁趙女,屏閑處而不朝。相提而論,是自明揚主上之過。有如兩宮螫將軍,則妻子毋類矣。?魏其侯然之,乃遂起,朝請如故。 (二)现代汉语部分(40分) 二、请以下列汉字的普通话读音为例,结合方言中的情况,说明其中蕴含的古今声母演变规律:(15分) 趣精结经修节主秋 丘旋齐旗休权去全 三、分类解释下列词或短语中的“笔”的含义,并以此为依据,尝试为词典编写“笔”这一条目。(10分) 毛笔笔架笔顺代笔笔名笔法工笔 伏笔笔挺随笔一笔钱写得一笔好字 第1页


I. Put the following English terms into Chinese. (1'×10=10') 所指对象referent 所指论Referential theory 专有名词proper name 普通名词common nouns 固定的指称记号rigid designators 指称词语deixical items 确定性描述语definite descriptions 编码时间coding-time 变异性variability 表示反复的词语iterative 表述句constative 补救策略redressive strategies 不可分离性non-detachability 不确定性indeterminacy 不使用补救策略,赤裸裸地公开施行面子威胁行bald on record without redressive actions 阐述类言语行为representatives 承诺类言语行为commissives 指令类言语行为directives 表达类言语行为expressives, 宣告类言语行为declarations 诚意条件sincerity condition

次要言外行为secondary illocutionary act 等级含义scalar implicature 等级划分法rating scales 副语言特征paralinguistic features 非公开施行面子威胁行为off record 非规约性non-conventionality 非规约性意义non-conventional implicature 非论证性的non-demonstrative 非自然意义non-natural meaning (meaning-nn) 否定测试法negation test 符号学semiotics 构成性规则constitutive rules 古典格莱斯会话含义理论Classical Gricean theory of conversational implicature 关联论Relevance Theory 关联原则Principle of Relevance 归属性用法attributive use 规约性含义conventional implicature 人际修辞interpersonal rhetoric 篇章修辞textual rhetoric 含蓄动词implicative verbs 合适条件felicity conditions 呼语vocatives


20 1 7年4月全国高等教育自学考试试题 语言学概论试卷 第工部分选择题(30分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。) 1 汉语属于【】 A 孤立语 B 屈折语 C 黏着语 D 复综语 2 “种花”的“花”和“花钱”的“花”是【】 A 同义词 B 多义词 C 同音词 D 近义词 3 苏美尔人发明了【】 A 楔形文字 B 甲骨文 C 腓尼基字母 D 阿拉伯字母 4 第二语言学习者在使用外语时常常借助于母语的发音、词义、结构规则或习惯来表达思想的现象叫【】 A 语言相关 B 语言辅助 C 语言影响 D 语言迁移 5 “郭明义是当代的雷锋”中,“雷锋”属于借代中的【】 A 以部分代整体 B 以特征代本体 C 以具体代抽象 D 以专称代通称 6 “成立”和“建立”这两个词的词义区别主要是【】 A 理性意义不同 B 感情色彩不同 C 语体色彩不同 D 形象色彩不同 7 根据乔姆斯基提出的假设,人的大脑中储存的全人类语言所共有的语言知识叫【】 A 人类语法 B 普遍语法 C 个人语法

D 个别语法 8 从同一种语言中分化出来的各个语言叫【】 A 地育话 B 隐语 C 亲属语言 D 原始基础语 9 “活儿我不做了!三颗粮食,收不收有什么关系?”使用的修辞手法是【】 A 拟人 B 拟物 C 夸张 D 降格 10 语言符号的能指是【】 A 词汇 B 语音 C 语义 D 语法 11 汉语普通话以北方方言为基础方言主要出于【】 A 人们的喜好 B 经济上的原因 C 文化上的原因 D 政治上的原因 12 诗歌属于【】 A 谈话语体 B 应用语体 C 文学语体 D 宣传语体 13 纳西族语言称“大树”为“树母”、“小树”为“树男”,反映出古代纳西族曾经历过【】 A 群婚制阶段 B 族外婚制阶段 C 母系氏族社会阶段 D 家族制阶段 14 希腊字母属于【】 A 辅音文字 B 全音素文字 C 表意文字 D 象形文字 15 古代关于马的词很多,如“驹”两岁马、“珧”三岁马、“驯l”八岁马,这些词被称为【】 A 同源词 B 类义词 C 同义词 D 同形词 16 语言符号的结构必须是按照时间先后顺序依次出现,这是语言符号的【】 A 系统特征 B 约定特征



英语语言学练习题 Supplementary exercises Chapter 1 Introduction Ⅰ. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2. Linguistics studies particular language, not languages in general. 3. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks. 4. In the study of linguistics, hypotheses formed should be based on language facts and checked against the observed facts. 5. General linguistics is generally the study of language as a whole. 6. General linguistics, which relates itself to the research of other areas, studies the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study. 7. Phonetics is different from phonology in that the latter studies the combinations of the sounds to convey meaning in communication. 8. Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences. 9. The study of the ways in which morphemes can be combined to form words is called morphology. 10. Syntax is different from morphology in that the former not only studies the morphemes, but also the combination of morphemes into words and words into sentences. 11. The study of meaning in language is known as semantics. 12. Both semantics and pragmatics study meanings. 13. Pragmatics is different from semantics in that pragmatics studies meaning not in isolation, but in context. 14. Social changes can often bring about language changes. 15. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society. 16. Modern linguistics is mostly prescriptive, but sometimes descriptive. 17. Modern linguistics is different from traditional grammar. 18. A diachronic study of language is the description of language at some point in time. 19. Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the written language. 20. The distinction between competence and performance was proposed by F. de Saussure. Ⅱ. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given: 21. Chomsky defines “competence” as the ideal user’s k__________ of the rules of his language. 22. Langue refers to the a__________ linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules. 23. D_________ is one of the design features of human language which refers to the phenomenon that language consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless individual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units. 24. Language is a system of a_________ vocal symbols used for human communication. 25. The discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words into permissible sentences in languages is called s________. 26. Human capacity for language has a g_______ basis, but the details of language have to be taught and learned. 27. P _______ refers to the realization of langue in actual use. 28. Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of some practical problems. The study of such applications is generally known as a________ linguistics.


《语用学》复习范围 一、绪论 1.语用学的由来和发展(“语用学”这个术语的提出;语用学成为新 学科的标志); “语用学”(pragmatics拉丁词“行动、做”)这个术语是由美国哲学家莫里斯于1938年在《符号理论基础》一书中首先提出,而哲学家和逻辑学家卡纳普也在其后提出。莫里斯的符号学包括句法学(符号之间的形式关系),语义学(符号及其所指对象的关系)和语用学(符号和使用者的关系)。而《语用学杂志》于1977年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹正式出版发行则是语用学成为一门独立的新学科的标志。1986年,国际语用学学会成立。 2.语用学产生和发展的语言学背景; (索绪尔的语言和语言学理论开创了20世纪的语言学。受其影响的结构主义语言学派,主张研究语言系统、结构,并尽力追求语言描写形式化。50年代末,乔母斯基提出转换生成语法理论,使语言分析高度形式化。从结构主义语言学到转换生成语法,存在两大明显的缺陷,即忽视语言运用研究;语义研究薄弱。而20C5/60年代,语言系统、结构的研究已经取得了杰出成就,完全具备了重点地研究语言运用的条件和可能性。而语义研究遇到了难于解决的新问题,为语用学的产生和发展提供了良好的机遇。)

3.语用学的研究内容; 语境、指示词语、会话含义、预设、言语行为、会话结构 4.语用学和修辞学的区别与联系; ●联系:两者的中心问题都是语言运用。 ●研究目的不同:修辞学要对语言运用的形式,判别好与不好的界 限,注意力是修辞技巧。而语用学则是解释性的,它的目的是分析语言运用活动,建立意义解释理论,寻找语言运用的规律。 ●理论基础不同:修辞学基础薄弱,基本上是一门纯经验的学科, 而语用学理论基础雄厚。 ●研究方法不同:修辞学主要采纳归纳的方法,而语用学不排斥归 纳,但主要方法是理论解释和推理分析。 ●研究兴趣和学科传统不同:修辞学以辞格、句子、词语的交际特 色、语体风格为具体研究对象;而语用学以语境、指示词语、会话含义等为研究的具体对象。 5.语用学研究的理论意义和实用价值。 从交际功能来看,语用学研究促进了语言研究的新发展; 为言语交际的恰当表达和准确理解提供了原则和准则,有利于提高了人们的语用能力和语用修养,对精神文明建设有着重要作用。 缩小了与其他学科之间的距离,并对文学和修辞学研究等有着明显的实用价值。 二、语境

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